08-22-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MEFTING MINUTES AUGUST L2. Tht, ycf Uvie PLIrk and Reg_fe,Dtion Boasd met in regul3r WedneE-d,..../, August 2:, 1990 at 7:00 p. m. in the ...""ouncil Chambers bf the Municipal Complex . A quorum woo r. roi- ei orb not ice oz the meeting. had been posted in the f.:lanner- ThcEe pre,t;ent were mxo Bryan Cain, ono Sohn Porno. Hi -off icia elff.,befgcr . F3U : Lion White. i3a pod me,et. ing ELF.:/1-2.PNTEP MEMEER the -:Jath ct2" I -c MIN 77 : N . , Zeeb rI- Lu ,.)%-3-02 metinf;.. minuts as U6-6a meeting minutei,-, to incTL1zrle the eoue- te :: rngeo . John Eui-nb -.... ec„..orded the motion, Mcition I n favc,F . FRE3EliTA11 .11N EY J . T. DUNV. iN REGARDING EAST FGR.1...". PARK: Lihi to ex Loinod Lhsat Dunin woo there to ilt,NS : DER RE'170MENDATOi'il. fr;;;;___ T77 CiDUNC !,L 7l7! ACCEPT THE PRCPSED REVIEll2iN'2. TO THE 1,,.lYl.., ! E !ilF-ORTi77: ASIECiAT, ON. ANP CITY OF WYLIE ANNUAL. AGRETEMENT : Several W. S . A. r-opreentatives wel.. e preient 3nd voiced their onncern and dizag!ref,m.ent with different are:i.,n:: etl ii,E,. dccument s.,, ch :...i..s pi-ccity li3tility ini.J,...u. nc.e bfair-a,.; .-,,xtr .:.,.meiy ene,iiy, cuntributien Pal:iment Illeinl;l due by the 10th of thii mont - ',,,,l. S. A. said fretims they dn' t even e'+-... el. ,3tatement until after_ that date, and theY :iuestioned by the city was even getting a .iawyer involYed in this. at, all . W. S. A. representatives also expressed their- concern over why they had not been officially invited to this meeting. Afte .f .ome lengthy discussion Board MEmberf, oigreed to table this item until such time as city attorney Rob Diilard could be predent at a meeting to further explain and clarify the document. PARK FEST 90' STATUE REPORT : b. J .. ... pshaw reported that Dale Story agreed to operate the concession stand, with a 7O/30 zplit during the softball tournament. ...,.. .or en Cain reported that she was suppose to meet with Debbie -Johnson at Sanden Int.' i to discuss donations. and that she did find out that the schol wi I - not allow anyone td, use the gym for fund raisers at al ! , so the kickboxing tournament is out. Bryan Glenn said. Dr . Pepper called me and said they would be happy to sponsor us in anyway they con, ex.tept ,.t...:.- ii“.; ..7:tate Fait- Of Te .,. ,.i. .neni. ..i. 7l..ni:--,,' ..i....id if wl,::- ie ,....-.:-hduled it i..,e hpf..,-y. to help us . : ubnib .,.±. ..:.:fZ ..ii :ztf- i :,:....ute a . s.?.,- tt,, vc-,.- Ears F-ei.0.. 9l.... ' 1.:!udget , the nerd. static?: that Wylie ho agr. :?ed to-- print the donation envelopes for nee. : Id Roseanne ett the Librr hEi.h..! ..,:,!T!r, 4:.(.-; c7H9c...•.-'. donation and df:1-„ rtfl '--, ---.-1..' rl--7 of fi, l. Yfr:g a hie il.'F :.. gran T.:,ri :71T., .2 .. . h .:.-- thz. n truhie -v,.11 pesibly ift crtificate.s . in that ... t f2,7y ..ipar. f. 1J...:01e interen.,..i.t . ii.r., th.,7! Women Lea,„!ue not .,,,n6 do,--,ided --,:of fC' son :.40 ,,, carnivs . They will run D radar. scar: far. .soccer or fLft. , ll ':iiic.._:rnDh:ert , nr t ,iy c7::n r,....n. Elin .-, in the ...— tht-.:. c:. uvent they ,,,.. : ' 1--.... -.::' ..'., : '. ,-.:-!, ) ..-2v . 'Th.:: Ei: i. '.il il - .:.!.:. 71.:. .., -:,. .•...,.;:-:;.'. 1. -1 .'.:rn , ,• _______• ,. __ -___. __ . , • __ , T -ort-H: dsr . of 1."-....cr.,indirpt imPr .tvmnt lord to inta '.. ! a ivottem tho it.nccr! fcctball area of C...nmmunitv qPestiened inch : ling a permanent sprini: le • am in an area that was only approved as a temporary arrangement by the City Council . B. J . Upshaw said that t was -...:enoidering approaching Council for their approval of the plans permanently. Bryan Glenn asked David Urf , do you want, it solely to be cut if ui ! funds. David Orr said, no not really, several peopie are willing to heip. but it. will no even co.lie to the --10 thdwzand coilartt it rake. can Burns suggestd that W. S. A. or the pro:posa . , in writinc4 „ to the hoard. Mr. Burns said , : want: to see something written up with cost and specific information that you are privy to, such as a list of who wants to donate time, and how much time they are wi I I irt to donate. etc. Bryan (..,:.. ; enn said, ya * I1 come up with a realistic plan and submit it to us in writing, then we wili consider the proposal . Dave Memm, addressed the board stating that the city does hot a . ways have the equipment needed to dr- the rhinrs that need to be done et the park. Bight 'how: thev are '. easing equipment , The equiFment itt", needed to f -.. nish out area , we are tressed for time. don 1,....hite said, • spend another good week in the park, but school and :r.o.t-cer 411 be going by then. There tha .tf ccnrtr,..scl. ing tt tan th=.7t -- otd mreed p! icrt to tclocc , as needed. fi.hn Pprrr said, reailsticily, we can s:nit, conEider e until Council is approached and approves it Peraitient .j. y. David Clams said that 'A). B. A. will not be utiliLing the 'acttam area for soccers fall season, making it the perfect ime to undoro the construction, process. David 0/ 17 addreszec the board regarding another : ecaest to allow thea to inot.-E, 11 fencing at the two remaining The board agreed to consider the request at the nes: t. meeting . Paul Peaver said. the city manager wanted me to convey to iou that Cit.% 1cunci and hiltielf recemf.t:ends that the Park and Recreation Btiard lef--;c)nuid,t-r it ' .7 meeting night . Humerl their - nop: r is th7,t nL;41,,4- when tInt i $ an 4- nPIT flTrvrrrc'n't fcr. '71 !-Ifon,-Jht uo ir D nrevetn.,-; mce+ 4, h.7. : prfeirnal stand neint it ' s not lot coo to meet on Wedne,;,lav the- to ,aflel2te at the n*tv is sbmewhere else. Aft ,,rdisoassion John Burns recommended obtaining a of Counci ! Chamber availability nights, di scuss consider end vote on the issue once again at the next meeting . joe Helmberger said. 1 think someone from tie Park Board should attend ad i of the Council meetings . Bryan Glenn said he had already made plans to do that himself . John burns said . Joanie Zeeb and I net. with F. E. C. regarding their interest in writing grants for us . it does appear that knows what she is talking aoout and will put scout hint togethel and present it to the Fri< Board. ADJOURN : 6. j . Upshaw motioned to ad -!ourn. Seconded hy John burns , the board adj.ourned with ? HI in tavcr . //- B a 1 ell n M Respectful ! ,/ Subsitttr,d. jl gOk bait Secretary