08-30-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes P!--IARD MFETiNG MINUTE, A'!GUST JO, 19t730 J itofLvi ic Far-k and Recreation Poari met Thursday. Augu-.Lt D:). : 990 at 'a :OC, p. m. in the Council 7hambers ef fhe Cc,mplex. A ,-...!uoi-um ;:is- preont and notice. of tho in the -' 1:t:o and reoltirei p.rt1.- -.2nt , ere :::hti. r !f :,n Vieo chairmo': carle271 For,7mnPhiiir Member Thanio .,.5.r -'! drr :n en1.--;a1 : edthe meeinz. FEET FC FANN ] NG: Eryan Eeeb had _ eft a cnn '117 7P: + . Int,?rn:,,tional in the amount oC 121H0. ()C t -,3hirt !..1 for- the walk to the park . jre Helmbergor said he was in favor df the we to the :-.)ark, as the enve '.. ope.s7 wi ! I be donated. The golf tournament is planned . iiniy three or-aft houth app . icatIonl,7 have been received so far , at least 30 entries are needed to so ahead with it . John P;urnE recommended postponin;„! the ma :ior Park Pest celebration for this. year 3110 to so ahead with the walk to the park, goit tournament , and softbaLi tournament . John Burns motioned to cancel Park. Feat and proceed with all of the tournaments. - No second was made. John bIllor motioned to cancel the softball and golf tournaments and to tabie the decision on the walk. Seconded Upshaw, this motion carried with ai in favor . APPROVA.s :DP RECOMMENDATION TO CiTY COUNCiL IN ALLOWING TO FENCE THE REMAINING T141::' PALLFIELT)F AT cTINMu7'.: ITY PAR , AT 'Ar_ ......, ...... H . .' . '. ....h..- ' 4c-7 that thc city it their 1.:poificstions to . S. A. sr7. that it wold be buit accordinc! to city spec' s. and have the city inspect the consttuction. jce Heimberger said he would prepare the speo.' s and submit them to Eaul Beaver . Motion was made by John Burns to al low W. S. A. to build fences with the approval of the city, according to city approved spec' s and city inspections. Motion seconded and carried with all in favor . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO ALLOCATE PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND MONIES TO THE PARK & RECREATION BOARD FOR PARK FEST 90' EXPENDITURES, 7-SHIRTS & DONATION ENVELOPES : E. J . Upshaw motioned to table this item until the next meeting. Seconded by John Burns. Motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL TO CHANGE THE PARK BOARD MEETING NIGHT : Aftet some discussion B. J . Upflaw motioned to meet on the second and —. toutth Mondays of each month at 7:00 p. m. Seconded by John Burns. The motion carried with all in raven . EVIEW, DISCUSS, AND 'ay.INSIDER ANY RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY CUUNCIL REGARDING THE PROPOSED W. S. A. /CITY OF WYLIE ANNUAL AGREEMENT, WHICH WILL LATER BE PRESENTED TO W. S. A. : Chairman Bryan Glenn called for discussion of the proposed contract between the city and W. S. A. E . J . Upshaw said that he does rot feeI that W. S. A. should have to pay the city 1;3, 000. 00. and that W. S. A. is not controlled by the city, it is a private organization. B. J . Upshaw further stated that he does not think that W. S. A. needs to have an agreement with the city. W. S. A. is waiting en an interpretation of the attorney' s opinion on the agreement . Joe Heimberger asked if W. S. A. has liability insurance. B. J . Upshaw said that W. S. A. does not have Habiiity, they. have medicaI to cuver Injuries on the field. After some ,.iioussion ail Board Members agreed to submit their personai written comments tp Paul Beaver , who wiii then submit them to the City Manager . E . : . Jpshaw motioned to tabe this buiness . Motion run 0:3rri - d wit.h :. 1H in favo.1- .:. .... be i 7-: ', no nther business 3r discussion, H. J . )1..-. -;haw mo.tioned to adjourn. MUt ion seconded and carr led with a i 1 in f aver . / ' . . ci7 -//" ' ..-- .2)-----v---Le Fr 5n'G ! enn. Cha i rman ies peu.t tu i i y Submi tted, \c , ok ettk., Lisa Kei Secretary .-,. ,..-