09-10-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING M1NUTFS SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 The Park and Recreation Board net in regular sessibn on Monday, September 10. 1990 at 7:00 p. m. . in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those Present were Chairman Bryan Glenn.- Chairman F . : . Upshaw, Board Members Charles Stetler , and John Furns, Director of Finance James Johnson, Parks & Recreation Foreman Philip Bounds, and Secretary Lisa Keith. :Fton1:-,d Members Joanie Zeelil, Karen Cain. and George Fournier ware absent . Chairman Bryan Glenn called. he meeting to order . PARK PEST 90' STATUS REPORT.: There was some discussion of what events should be delayed until Spring, and what events _ should li,e followed through with in October . James Johnson. the staff representative of the meeting, informed toe hoafd that the chairman could call for a vote , adcordIng to Rdherts Laws , even though 3r- item was not -an tho Aenda.. Chairman Bryan Glenn then called for a vote to delay the walk until Spring 91 ' . B. J . Upshaw motioned to delay the walk until, Spring 91 ' . Motion seconded by John Burns . Motion carried with all in favor . REVIEW, DISCUSS, AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATAON TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE WYLIE SPORTS ASSOCIATION AND CITY OFWYLIE ANNUAL AGREEMENT. TO BE PRESENTED TO W. S. A. AT A LATER DATE : Bryan Glenn said hat the City Manager is concerned over the time frame involved in approving this agreement . He would ice approval before October. Bryan Glenn asked the Board Members if they had any objections to the agreement. B . : . llpshaw said that he fc: It th:-7., S3. 000. 0,3 annual titi,c,n should be removed due to the added expense of liability insurance . There was same disagreement among the E.. ..r,a1.-d : 'ding ti :-.-: is.z.',..w . -Sohn aufns !1-ride :..,, .rotiun t.,:-.., .E.ippl-71v t.,!- ,:.,, a7,:.f. 0,.-cen?, 3 --. ,,,2rttn. Me0:. '11:2 se,:: n, ,.:.:. by Ch.7_,IHe S-1:.1:eT1 ,,:.--f ,. i. :- vaT- 6 ,::-:-,i-, - ir: faa:-..:!r . Thhn Fr.n,z - in favor- . - ir: favo: , :and S. : . U .s7hw - against . Mcitic,n falied t,! th , 1,--1!.-ee ( r.3 ) in favor and one ,f.. .1 ) atlainst . _.. GEiRAU FqS(:1JESION : There was some disdussion ot missin thiee oansedutive meetins resulting in automatic dismissal fram a board . Ervan GLenn said that due to the change in hihts. he felt that Karen Cain and Joanie Zeeb would probabiy net show up at the next tneeting and automatically be dismissed, they have aiready missed two consecutive meetings . Bryan Glenn aslted James Johnson if the GO/91 bu,7l2et had been fI nalized as df yet and if so would he plehse provide the Board with a no '/ at the ne>rt meeting. James Johnson said that it had been finalized and that he would have a copy to them. P. . Upshaw asked Philip Bounds if there was a prtHtlle with the swings by the monkey bars. Philip Bounds said that he had received some of the hardware needed to repair them , but cof ail df it . Philip Bounds indicated that he may have to aLrihate some of too hardware. John Burns asked Phiiip Bounds what plans he had to border the voleyball pit. Fri Bounds said that he may lust .—.. lan.dscape the border temporarily far now, and be done with l)..lilillRri : john Burns motioned to adiourn. Motion seconded by Charles Stetier . Motion carried with all in favor . /2 ,,,,, Bryan Glenn. Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Xcak --If.,eba Lisa Keith, Secretary i,.. _...•• __. _, _ ..... . . __ _