08-23-2010 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Monday, August 23, 2010 - 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex- Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board Members present: Brandi Lafleur, Cristine Price, Gary Robas, Matt Rose, Dan Chesnut and Jim Ward. Staff members present: Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Park Board Secretary, Sara Kisely. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition, Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No citizens addressed the Board. BUSINESS ITEMS Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz requested Agenda Item 3 be addressed ahead of all other business items. Tabled Item from June 28, 2010 3. (Motion to Remove From Table): Consider,and act upon, approving a request for the Wylie Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association to sell items at Olde City Park on Tuesday,October 5,2010 during National Night Out. Board Action Board Member Price made a motion to remove this item from the table. Board Member Lafleur seconded and the motion carried by a 4-0 vote. Board Discussion Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz announced that the vendor registration form had been revised to accommodate multiple dates and events. Board Member Hiney asked if there would be other organizations selling items at National Night Out. Wylie Police Sergeant, Donna Valdepena clarified that only the WCPAAA would be selling items, e.g. glow necklaces. Board Member Robas asked if the profits would be used by the WCPAAA. Mrs. Valdepena stated that money raised will be used to purchase materials for a citizen's on patrol group. The group will need safety vests to assist with traffic control and possibly a vehicle. *Board Member Dan Chesnut arrived at 6:33 p.m. Board Action Board Member Robas made a motion and seconded by Board Member Rose to approve the Wylie Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association to sell items at Olde City Park on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 during National Night Out. The motion carried with a 5-0 vote. 1. Consider,and act upon,approval of the Minutes of the July 26,2010 meeting. Board Action Board Member Chesnut made a motion and seconded by Board Member Price to approve the minutes from the July 26, 2010 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 5-0. 2. Consider,and act upon,approving a request for the Wylie Women's League to hold a craft fair and sell items at Olde City Park on Saturday,November 13,2010. Board Discussion Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz presented this item to the Board. Board Member Robas asked if participating vendors must donate back to the Wylie Women's League. Mr. Diaz explained that typically organizations will charge vendors a registration fee allowing them to retain all profits from the event. Board Action Board Member Lafleur motioned to approve the Wylie Women's Leagues request to hold a craft fair and sell items at Olde City Park on Saturday, November 13, 2010. Board Member Chesnut seconded and the motion carried with a 5-0 vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discuss design and engineering aspects of a pedestrian trail beneath the F.M. 1378 bridge located between Brown Street and F.M. 544. *Board Member Jim Ward arrived at 6:39 p.m. Board Discussion City Engineer, Chris Hoisted presented this item to the Board. Mr. Hoisted proposed two potential design options for a new trail approximately ten feet wide. The first option follows AASHTO guidelines for bike and pedestrian traffic by providing ten feet of clearance, which positions the trails path in the creek bed requiring additional maintenance. Another option maintains ADA guidelines with eighty inches of clearance and significant cost increase to build a retaining wall and hand rail. Board Member Robas questioned why the trail had not been incorporated into the original design to avoid adding it later on. Mr. Hoisted explained that the design plans were completed two years ago, initially as box culverts and not a bridge structure, and that a trail could be incorporated now with additional funds. Mr. Hoisted also stated that in a rain event both trails would likely be underwater because of the proximity to a soil conservation lake. An estimate to complete the distance beneath the bridge may have concrete costs around $7,500 - $8,000 with option one. Option two requires additional engineering, increasing the costs about $4,000 - $5,000. Staff will refine the project numbers and gather additional project information for further review at the September 27th meeting. 5. Discuss the Community Park 60% plans designed by Teague Nall and Perkins. Board Discussion Chris Seely, P.E. with Teague Nall and Perkins, 12160 North Abrams Road Suite 508, Dallas, Texas 75243, answered questions from the Board. The conceptual design focuses on major elements of the park and incorporates the necessary foresight for future construction and improvement projects. Grading, field layout, parking, and trail design were all modified to maximize available space. The football concessions stand was not included in this set of design plans because placement is still being considered. The plans presented were purposefully designed to integrate future construction needs but currently exceed available funding to complete wholly. TNP will have a contractor review and price the design plans prior to their final presentation. The concrete parking lot grading has been designed to match the existing asphalt parking lot, an 8'speed table will be used as an alternative to speed bumps, and there are 287 proposed 10'X 20' parking spaces. Improvements to the baseball fields include full grading, drainage, and irrigation of Eldridge, Rowell, Tibbals, and grading only on Cooper. Football field 2 will also receive full grading, drainage, and irrigation. Minutes August 23,2010 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 6. Discuss the preliminary drawings for Community Park concession stands and restrooms. Board Discussion Board Member Price requested a second service window be added to the concessions area to provide cross ventilation and extra serving space. Board Member Hiney requested an interior door for access to the janitor's closet from the concessions area. Staff will provide the Board with additional options and price points at the September 27th meeting. 7. Review orientation materials for Parks and Recreation Board rules and procedures. Board Discussion Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz presented this item to the Board. The orientation packet included copies of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order, Chapter 78 (Parks and Recreation), and the National Recreation and Park Association Advisory Board Member Resource Guide. Mr. Diaz led a presentation highlighting themes from pages 4-5 and 7-9 of the NRPA Advisory Board Member Resource Guide. The documents reviewed will be accessible from the Parks and Recreation Board webpage. ADJOURNMENT A motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Price and seconded by Board Member Robas. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. by unanimous consent. ATTEST: I /(.�. 'Jim ' vL�2���(///� �_-' /r�,, -, �%%� Sara Risel , Park d Secretary Anne Hiney,Gh Minutes August 23,2010 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3