02-08-2011 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council
Regular Meeting Agenda
February 8, 2011 — 6:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex- Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building #100
Eric Hogue _ Mayor
M. G. "Red" Byboth Mayor Pro Tern
David Goss Place 1
Kathy Spillyards Place 3
Bennie Jones Place 4
Rick White Place 5
Carter Porter Place 6
Mindy Manson City Manager
Richard Abernathy City Attorney
Carole Ehrlich City Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie
Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website:
IniaLwviletexas.kxry within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted
on the City of Wylie webs ite
The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the
audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972-516-6020.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
• Presentation of an award to the Mayor from National Environmental Hall of Fame.
• Recognition of Emilio Ames for participation in the People to People Ambassador
February 8, 2011 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3
Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their
name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not
allowed to converse, deliberate or takes action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by
one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed
from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the January 25, 2011 Regular
Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary)
B. Review, and place on file, the 2010 Wylie Police Department Annual Traffic Contact
Report. (J. Duscio, Chief of Police)
C. Consider, and act upon, acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
(CAFR) for FY 2009-2010 after presentation by the audit firm of Weaver, L.L.P on
January 25, 2011. (L. Bantz, Finance Director)
D. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2011-02(R) ordering a General Election to
be held jointly with the Wylie Independent School District on May 14, 2011 for the
purpose of electing the Mayor and two (2) City Council members, Places 5 and 6, to
the Wylie City Council to fill expired terms. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary)
E. Consider, and act upon, a Joint Election Contract between the City of Wylie and
Wylie Independent School District (WISD) to be administered by the Collin County
Elections Administrator for the May 14, 2011 Wylie General Election. (C. Ehrlich,
City Secretary)
F. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat for Zlan Corner Addition, Block A,
Lot 2R, combining two commercial lots into one on 1.814 acres and dedicating fire
lane and access easements. The property is generally located on the northeast
corner of Country Club Road (FM 1378) and W. Brown Street (FM 3412). (R. 011ie,
Planning Director)
G. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance 2011-04 amending Exhibit "A" of Ordinance
No. 2009-12 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance), Section I, Subsection B (Water Rates).
(L. Bantz, Finance Director)
General Business
1. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2011-03(R) suspending the February 14,
2011, effective date of Oncor Electric Delivery Company's requested rate change to
permit the city time to study the request and to establish reasonable rates;
approving cooperation with the steering committee of cities served by Oncor to hire
legal and consulting services and to negotiate with the company and direct any
February 8,2011 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3
necessary litigation and appeals; finding that the meeting at which this resolution is
passed is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of this resolution to
the company and legal counsel for the steering committee. (M. Manson, City
Executive Summary
Oncor Electric Delivery Company ("Oncor" or"the Company")filed an application on or about January 7,
2011 with cities retaining original jurisdiction seeking to increase system-wide transmission and
distribution rates by $353 million. The Company asks the City to approve a 14.6% increase in residential
rates, a 15.5% increase in commercial rates, and a 25.9% increase in street lighting rates. According to
Oncor, annual rates would increase by approximately $60 for an average residential customer.
2. Consider, and act upon, Resolution 2011-04(R) requesting that the State of Texas
Department of Transportation release ownership and control of FM 2514 (Ballard
Avenue) from Brown Street to SH 78. (C. Holstead, City Engineer & L. Bantz,
Finance Director)
Executive Summary
The Texas Department of Transportation has indicated that they would be receptive to releasing ownership
of FM 2514 (Ballard Avenue)from Brown Street to SH 78 to the City. Ownership of the roadway would
allow for greater flexibility for future improvements, however, the City would assume all future
maintenance and reconstruction cost. The projected 20 year maintenance cost is$407,000.
3. Consider, and act upon, approving amendments to the Parks and Recreation Board
Bylaws. (R. Diaz, Parks &Recreation Superintendant)
Executive Summary
To establish a procedure for Board members to place items on the agenda, staff has reviewed City Council
and Planning and Zoning Commission agenda item submission procedures and has provided a revision to
the Bylaws reflecting proposed changes.
Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 4th day of February, 2011 at 5:00p.m. as required by law in
accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was
contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
_71 Wylie City Council
Wylie City Council Meeting
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 — 6:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
Wylie, TX 75098
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Wylie City Council
members present: Mayor Pro Tern Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman
Carter Porter, Councilman Rick White, Councilman Bennie Jones and Councilman David Goss.
Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters;
Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; Finance Director, Linda Bantz; Police
Chief, John Duscio; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; WEDC Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite;
City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly, and various support staff.
Mayor Pro Tem Byboth gave the invocation. Boy Scout Troop #78, approaching their 1st
Anniversary as a troop, presented the colors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Scouts present
included Dan Barnhart, Austin Byboth, Daniel Fox, Samuel Gagnon-Hartman, Nathan Palmer,
Gavin Pugh and Cailin Stewart. Troop leaders present included: Pack Leader Brenda Byboth,
Assistant Leader Scott Stewart, and Assistant Leader Jason Palmer.
• Presentation of 3rd 6 Weeks Star Students- Caring (E. Hogue, Mayor)
Mayor Hogue and Mayor Pro Tern Byboth presented medallions to students demonstrating the
character trait of "Caring." Each six weeks one student from each WISD campus is chosen as
the"star student."
• Presentation honoring Ruby Rodriguez for knowing when to call 911, how to
call 911, and what to say when calling 911 in an emergency. (Allyson Frederick,
Operations Supervisor, & Tristian Whittle, Public Safety Dispatcher)
Members of Wylie Fire Rescue and Wylie Public Safety Dispatch presented an award to Rudy
Rodriguez, 9 years old, for knowing to call 911 when her grandmother was ill. Rudy remained
calm, level headed, and answered the dispatcher's questions appropriately, going so far as to
Minutes January 25, 2011
Wylie City Council
Page 1
give physician instructions that the dispatcher was able to help with. Red E. Fox is proud to
honor Ruby with this award for knowing how, when and what to say when calling 911.
• Presentation of the 2010 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Annual
Report. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director)
WEDC Director, Sam Satterwhite, presented to the Council a required annual report outlining
the prior year financial activities, direct and indirect economic develop initiatives, as well as
goals and objectives for 2011. Satterwhite reported that sales tax receipts have increased over
2009 by 3.5% resulting in total collections of $1,343,749. The WEDC also had $1,974 in
interest earnings and $63,747 in income from the lease of WEDC facilities. Further, the WEDC
ended the FY 2009 -2010 year with a $748,334 fund balance.
A summary of activity within the Target-anchored Woodbridge Crossing was provided with sales
taxes generated in FY 2009 — 2010 to the WEDC in the amount of $130,489. Satterwhite
commented that while $110,916 was reimbursed to Direct Development from the WEDC via an
existing Performance Agreement, the 4B Corporation and property taxes are unencumbered by
the incentive agreement with Direct.
Satterwhite summarized WEDC expenditures as follows: $533,574 on grants and engineering
services directly attributed to incentive packages, $26,171 on the purchase of real property,
$234,015 on personnel services, $76,548 on marketing and promotion, $43,316 on special
services (property maintenance), and debt service of$414,786.
It was reported that the WEDC currently owns 30.12 acres of property with a cost basis of
$2,836,595. WEDC debt service associated primarily with the purchase of the above property
has a principal balance of$830,972 as of November 30, 2010.
While reporting on retail activity within 2010, Satterwhite indicated that construction began on
Kohl's (64,000 sq. ft.), PetSmart (18,003 sq. ft.), and Dollar Tree (10,000 sq. ft.). It was
indicated that upon completion of the three projects, Direct Development will be in compliance
with the Performance Agreement through September 1, 2012. There currently exists 314,652
square feet (including Kohl's, etc.). Satterwhite also indicated that the WEDC and City
representatives will continue to make attendance at the International Council of Shopping
Centers Conference a priority in an effort to attract retailers to Wylie.
In what was reported as `High-Impact Initiatives', Satterwhite summarized agreements with
Sanden International and Ascend Custom Extrusion which total up to $730,000 in performance
based incentives. Also as part of the Ascend project, Satterwhite reported that the WEDC is
currently constructing a 96,000 square foot industrial facility which will be leased to Ascend.
2011 Goals & Objectives were identified as the following: manage and oversee the construction
of the Ascend facility which is to be completed by May 31, 2011, enter into a public/private
partnership to provide additional parking in downtown Wylie, market 3.2 acres of WEDC owned
industrial property for development, finalize negotiations with the City Council for the acquisition
and development of 19 acres of commercial property owned by the City of Wylie, prepare for the
development of property owned by the Kansas City Southern Railway Company on State
Highway 78, and finally to complete an inventory of industrial property with the City of Wylie and
its ETJ.
• Presentation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FY 2009-2010.
(L. Bantz, Finance Director)
Minutes January 25, 2011
Wylie City Council
Page 2
John DeBurro representing the audit firm of Weaver L.L.P. presented the FY 2009-2010
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Mr. DeBurro stated that he was pleased to report a
"clean unqualified opinion" for the reporting period. He explained that this opinion means that
the financial statements were presented fairly, in all material respects, the financial activities of
the government's activities. This is the highest opinion obtainable.
Mr. DeBurro reported that there were no problems dealing with management in performing and
completing the audit. He explained that staff had done a great job in both reporting and
assisting the firm with the audit.
Some of the highlights presented included the general fund, utility fund, and special fund
balances for the reporting period. He reported the net assets for the city had increased by
$7,389,071 due to tax revenue and County funding for road construction projects. Actual
revenues for the year were in excess of expenditures by $838,418 due to savings in
department's budgets.
The mayor thanked Mr. DeBurro for his work and commended the finance staff for their
outstanding work.
Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their
name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not
allowed to converse, deliberate or takes action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
Pastor Rick Wood, representing the Pursuit Christian Fellowship, 9601 Terence Dr., Rowlett,
Texas, addressed council stating the Christian organization was sponsoring five passes for
children to the Wylie Recreation Center.
Myrna Whitworth, residing at 1404 Summerdale Lane, Wylie, Texas, addressed council stating
that the new Wylie Recreation Facility fees were too high for larger family memberships.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by
one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed
from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the January 11, 2011 Regular
Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary)
B. Consider, and place on file the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure
Reports as of December 31,2010. (L. Bantz, Finance Director)
C. Consider, and place on file the City of Wylie Quarterly Investment Report for
December 31,2010. (L. Bantz, Finance Director)
D. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie
Economic Development Corporation as of December 31, 2010. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC
Executive Director)
Minutes January 25, 2011
Wylie City Council
Page 3
E. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Birmingham Elementary
School, Block A, Lot 1 on 14.749 gross acres, generally located north of W. Brown
Street and approximately 704 feet east of Westgate Way (700 W. Brown Street). (R.
011ie, Planning Director)
F. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Hartman Elementary School,
Block A, Lot 1 on 8.201 gross acres, generally located north of W. Kirby Street and
east of S. Birmingham Street (501 S. Birmingham Street). (R. 011ie, Planning
G. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Waterbrook Bible Fellowship, a
Worship Facility located on 4.613 acres at 507 Thomas Street. (R. 011ie, Planning
H. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2011-02, amending Zoning Ordinance 2006-
04, Article 5, Section 5.1.J (Accessory Uses); allowing for and providing certain
safeguards relating to Home Occupations. ZC2010-04 (R. 011ie, Planning Director)
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve the
consent agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.
General Business
1. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2011-03 establishing speed zones for FM
2514 (Ballard Ave) from Brown Street to SH 78. (C. Holsted, City Engineer)
Staff/Council Comments
City Engineer Hoisted addressed council stating that business owners in the downtown area have
expressed a concern over the speed of the vehicles traveling on Ballard Ave. from Brown Street to SH 78.
On June 1, 2010 the City submitted a speed zone study to TxDOT for this portion of roadway. The study
recommended the speed be reduced to 25 miles per hour.
He explained there had been conversations with TxDOT regarding the city taking over ownership of that
roadway to which TxDOT had no objections should the city decide to do so. Mayor Hogue asked Police
Chief if the meter showing the speed of vehicles could be installed downtown, once the speed limit was
lowered. Chief Duscio replied that the department could do so. Mayor Pro Tern Byboth and Councilman
Porter commended staff for their efforts in providing this lower speed limit which had been a large
concern to the downtown merchants.
Councilman Porter stated he would like to see staff bring back additional information regarding city
ownership of Ballard Street from Brown Street to SH 78.
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilwoman Spillyards, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth to adopt
Ordinance No. 2011-03 establishing speed zones for FM 2514 (Ballard Ave.) from Brown Street
to SH 78. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.
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Wylie City Council
Page 4
2. Consider and act upon approval of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement
with Birkhoff, Hendricks, and Carter, L.L.P. for the design of FM 1378 from South
Parker Road to North Parker Road in the amount of $231,600; and authorize the
City Manager to execute the agreement. (C. Holsted, City Engineer)
Staff/Council Comments
City Engineer Hoisted addressed council stating the current construction of FM 1378 terminates at the
southern Parker Road intersection. The Texas Department of Transportation and Collin County are
working on the Parker Road improvements from FM 2551 to FM 1378. The TxDOT project includes the
realignment of the Parker Road intersection to the north but does not include improvements to FM 1378.
On October 26, 2010 Council approved an Inter-Local Agreement with Collin County for engineering
services for FM 1378.
Hoisted explained that the agreement specifies that the County will participate in the engineering of the
project in the amount of $100,000 and it was approved by the Collin County Commissioners' Court on
December 13, 2010. Staff recommends using some remaining 1999 bond funds for the remaining
Mr. Hoisted commended Councilman Goss for his diligent work with Collin County to secure additional
county funds for this engineering project.
Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman Goss to approve a
Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Birkhoff, Hendricks, and Carter, L.L.P. for
the design of FM 1378 from South Parker Road to North Parker Road in the amount of
$231,600; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. A vote was taken and the
motion passed 7-0.
Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article 111, Section I3-D.
City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinances 2011-02 and 2011-03 into the official
Mayor Hogue convened into Executive Session, reading the caption below at 7:25 p.m.
Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit:
§§ 551.074 Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting
• To deliberate the Evaluation of the City Manager
Mayor Hogue reconvened into Regular Session at 11:35 p.m.
Take any action as a result from Executive Session.
No Action was taken as a result of Executive Session.
Minutes January 25, 2011
Wylie City Council
Page 5
With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Councilman
Jones, seconded by Councilman Goss to adjourn the meeting at 11:38 p.m. A vote was taken
and the motion passed unanimously.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Minutes January 25, 2011
Wylie City Council
Page 6
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 Item Number: Presentation
Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code:
Date Prepared: January 27, 2011 Budgeted Amount:
Presentation of an award to the Mayor from National Environmental Hall of Fame.
The Environmental Hall of Fame is devoted to curtailing climate change and restoring the Earth's ecosystem by
promoting green and eco-conscious living. The Environmental Hall of Fame recognizes environmentalists
(corporations, companies, individuals, and organizations) who are committed to taking a stand for a green
sustainable planet.
The Environmental Hall of Fame believes that in each community there are groups and individuals who deserve
to be recognized for their contribution to helping the environment. Their goal is to encourage these groups and
individuals through such recognition. They feel it is most appropriate to first honor the mayor or sustainability
director in each community on behalf of the city's sustainability initiatives. Over the past two years the National
Environmental Hall of Fame has honored top environmentalists including Harrison Ford, Pierce Brosnan, Ed
Begley, Jr., and Art Linkletter.
The City of Wylie has been selected to receive the Award for its sustainability initiatives, most notably at the
new Civic Center.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director MS 1-27-11
City Managers
Page 1 of 1
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 Item Number: Presentation/Recognition
Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code:
Date Prepared: January 27, 2011 Budgeted Amount:
Recognition of Emilio Ames for participation in the People to People Ambassador Program.
The People to People Ambassador is a program for a student to experience life styles, politics and education in
different countries. Emilio Ames was invited to apply to the program, get recommendations, and have an
interview. Emilio Ames was accepted into the program and will be representing the City of Wylie.
This year's program participants will be going to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales for 19 days in the
summer. Participants will spend 6 months prior to going, learning about the individual countries they will visit.
Emilio would like the City to know that he will be representing Wylie during his trip to Europe and promises to
represent it well.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director CE,�/� 2`2`11
City Manager 3
Page 1 of 1
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 22, 2011 Item Number: B.
Department: Police Department (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Chief John Duscio Account Code:
Date Prepared: January 21, 2011 Budgeted Amount:
Exhibits: Report
Review, and place on file, the 2010 Wylie Police Deportment Annual Traffic Contact Report.
A motion to place on file, the 2010 Wylie Police Deportment Annual Traffic Contact Report.
The 2010 Wylie Police Department Annual Traffic Contact Report meets all requirements of SB 1074. Texas
Senate Bill (SB 1074) requires police departments to collect traffic-related contact data and to report the contact
data to their governing body every year, no later then March of the following year.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director JD1�n 01/21/11
City Manager „►'I L. a,/3 I
Page 1 of 1
The Wylie Police Department
Annual Traffic Contact Report
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(I) Introduction
Opening Statement
January 21, 2011
Wylie City Council
Wylie, Texas 76180
Dear Distinguished Members of the City Council,
In 2001, the Texas legislature, in an attempt to address the issue of racial profiling
in policing, enacted the Texas Racial Profiling Law. Since 2001, the Wylie Police
Department, in accordance with the law, has collected and reported traffic-related contact
data for the purpose of identifying and addressing (if necessary) areas of concern
regarding racial profiling practices. During the past legislative session, the Racial
Profiling Law was modified and new requirements are now in place. These new
requirements have been met and are being addressed in this report.
In this particular report, you will find three sections that contain information on
traffic related and more recently, motor vehicle-related contact data. In addition, when
appropriate, documentation is also a component of this report, aiming at demonstrating
the manner in which the Wylie Police Department has complied with the Texas Racial
Profiling Law. In section 1, you will find the table of contents in addition to the Texas
Senate Bill (SB 1074) which later became the Texas Racial Profiling Law. In addition,
you will find the Texas HB 3389 which recently introduced new requirements relevant to
racial profiling. Also, in this section, a list of requirements relevant to the Racial
Profiling Law as established by TCLEOSE (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Officer Standards and Education) is included. In addition, you will find, in sections 2 and
3, documentation which demonstrates compliance by the Wylie Police Department
relevant to the requirements as established in the Texas Racial Profiling Law. That is,
documents relevant to the implementation of an institutional policy banning racial
profiling, the incorporation of a racial profiling complaint process and the training
administered to all law enforcement personnel, are included.
The last section of this report provides statistical data relevant to contacts, made
during the course of motor vehicle stops, between 1/1/10 and 12/31/10. This information
has been analyzed and compared to data derived from the U.S. Census Bureau's Fair
Roads Standard and to traffic-based contact data collected between 2002 and 2009. The
final analysis and recommendations are also included in this report.
The findings in this report serve as evidence of the Wylie Police Department's
commitment to comply with the Texas Racial Profiling Law.
Alex del Carmen, Ph.D.
Del Carmen Consulting, LLC
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
(I) Introduction
a) Opening Statement
b) Table of Contents
c) TCLEOSE Guidelines
d) The Texas Law on Racial Profiling(S.B. 1074)
e) The New Legal Requirements (H.B. 3389)
(II) Responding to the Texas Racial Profiling Law
a) Institutional Policy on Racial Profiling
b) Educational Campaign Relevant to the Complaint Process................
AddressingAllegations of Racial Profiling Practices
c) Racial Profiling Training of Law Enforcement Personnel
d) Report on Complaints Filed Against Officers for Violating the Racial
Profiling Law (includes outcome of investigation)
e) Police (Traffic and Motor Vehicle-Related) Contact
Information Table(2010)/Known Ethnicity and Race of Detained
f) Table Depicting Baseline Comparison (2010)
g) Eight-Year Data Assessment (02-09)
h) Analysis and Interpretation of Data (2010)
(III) Summary
a) Checklist
b) Contact Information
Guidelines for Compiling and Reporting Data under Senate Bill 1074
Senate Bill 1074 of the 77th Legislature established requirements in the Texas Code of
Criminal Procedure(TCCP) for law enforcement agencies. The Commission developed
this document to assist agencies in complying with the statutory requirements.
The guidelines are written in the form of standards using a style developed from
accreditation organizations including the Commission on Accreditation for Law
Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). The standards provide a description of what must be
accomplished by an agency but allows wide latitude in determining how the agency will
achieve compliance with each applicable standard.
Each standard is composed of two parts: the standard statement and the commentary.
The standard statement is a declarative sentence that places a clear-cut requirement, or
multiple requirements, on an agency. The commentary supports the standard statement
but is not binding. The commentary can serve as a prompt, as guidance to clarify the
intent of the standard, or as an example of one possible way to comply with the standard.
Standard 1
Each law enforcement agency has a detailed written directive that:
• clearly defines acts that constitute racial profiling;
• strictly prohibits peace officers employed by the agency from engaging in racial
• implements a process by which an individual may file a complaint with the
agency if the individual believes a peace officer employed by the agency has
engaged in racial profiling with respect to the individual filing the complaint;
• provides for public education relating to the complaint process;
• requires appropriate corrective action to be taken against a peace officer
employed by the agency who, after investigation, is shown to have engaged in
racial profiling in violation of the agency's written racial profiling policy; and
• requires the collection of certain types of data for subsequent reporting.
Article 2.131 ofthe TCCP prohibits officers from engaging in racial profiling, and article 2.132 of the
TCCP now requires a written policy that contains the elements listed in this standard. The article also
specifically defines a law enforcement agency as it applies to this statute as an"agency of the state,or ofa
county,municipality,or other political subdivision of the state,that employs peace officers who make
traffic stops in the routine performance of the officers' official duties."
The article further defines race or ethnicity as being of "a particular descent, including Caucasian,
African, Hispanic,Asian,or Native American." The statute does not limit the required policies to just
these ethnic groups.
This written policy is to be adopted and implemented no later than January 1,2002.
Standard 2
Each peace officer who stops a motor vehicle for an alleged violation of a law or
ordinance regulating traffic, or who stops a pedestrian for any suspected offense reports
to the employing law enforcement agency information relating to the stop, to include:
• a physical description of each person detained, including gender and the person's
race or ethnicity, as stated by the person, or, if the person does not state a race or
ethnicity, as determined by the officer's best judgment;
• the traffic law or ordinance alleged to have been violated or the suspected offense;
• whether the officer conducted a search as a result of the stop and, if so, whether
the person stopped consented to the search;
• whether any contraband was discovered in the course of the search, and the type
of contraband discovered;
• whether probable cause to search existed, and the facts supporting the existence of
that probable cause;
• whether the officer made an arrest as a result of the stop or the search, including a
statement of the offense charged;
• the street address or approximate location of the stop; and
• whether the officer issued a warning or citation as a result of the stop, including a
description of the warning or a statement of the violation charged.
The information required by 2.133 TCCP is used to complete the agency reporting requirements found in
Article 2.134. A peace officer and an agency may be exempted from this requirement under Article 2.135
TCCP Exemption for Agencies Using Video and Audio Equipment. An agency may be exempt from this
reporting requirement by applying for the funds from the Department of Public Safety for video and audio
equipment and the State does not supply those funds. Section 2.135(a)(2)states,"the governing body of
the county or municipality served by the law enforcement agency, in conjunction with the law enforcement
agency,certifies to the Department of Public Safety,not later than the date specified by rule by the
department, that the law enforcement agency needs funds or video and audio equipment for the purpose of
installing video and audio equipment as described by Subsection(a)(1)(A)and the agency does not
receive from the state funds for video and audio equipment sufficient,as determined by the department, for
the agency to accomplish that purpose."
Standard 3
The agency compiles the information collected under 2.132 and 2.133 and analyzes the
information identified in 2.133.
Senate Bill 1074 from the 7711'Session of the Texas Legislature created requirements for law enforcement
agencies to gather specific information and to report it to each county or municipality served. New sections
of law were added to the Code of Criminal Procedure regarding the reporting of traffic and pedestrian
stops. Detained is defined as when a person stopped is not free to leave.
Article 2.134 TCCP requires the agency to compile and provide and analysis of the information collected
by peace officer employed by the agency. The report is provided to the governing body of the municipality
or county no later than March 1 of each year and covers the previous calendar year.
There is data collectionand reporting required based on Article 2.132 CCP(tier one)and Article 2.133
CCP(tier two).
The minimum requirements for"tier one"data for traffic stops in which a citation results are:
I) the race or ethnicity of individual detained(race and ethnicity as defined by the bill means of"a
particular descent, including Caucasian,African, Hispanic,Asian,or Native American");
2) whether a search was conducted, and if there was a search,whether it was a consent search or a
probable cause search;and
3) whether there was a custody arrest.
The minimum requirements for reporting on"tier two"reports include traffic and pedestrian stops. Tier
two data include:
1) the detained person's gender and race or ethnicity;
2) the type of law violation suspected,e.g., hazardous traffic,non-hazardous traffic,or other criminal
investigation(the Texas Department of Public Safety publishes a categorization of traffic offenses
into hazardous or non-hazardous);
3) whether a search was conducted,and if so whether it was based on consent or probable cause;
4) facts supporting probable cause;
5) the type,if any,of contraband that was collected;
6) disposition of the stop,e.g., arrest,ticket,warning,or release;
7) location of stop; and
8) statement of the charge,e.g., felony,misdemeanor,or traffic.
Tier one reports are made to the governing body of each county or municipality served by the agency an
annual report of information if the agency is an agency of a county,municipality,or other political
subdivision of the state. Tier one and two reports are reported to the county or municipality not later than
March 1 for the previous calendar year beginning March 1,2003. Tier two reports include a comparative
analysis between the race and ethnicity of persons detained to see if a differential pattern of treatment can
be discerned based on the disposition of stops including searches resulting from the stops. The reports also
include information relating to each complaint filed with the agency alleging that a peace officer employed
by the agency has engaged in racial profiling. An agency may be exempt from the tier two reporting
requirement by applying for the funds from the Department of Public Safety for video and audio equipment
and the State does not supply those funds[See 2.135 (a)(2)TCCP].
Reports should include both raw numbers and percentages for each group. Caution should be exercised in
interpreting the data involving percentages because of statistical distortions caused by very small numbers
in any particular category, for example, if only one American Indian is stopped and searched, that stop
would not provide an accurate comparison with 200 stops among Caucasians with 100 searches. In the first
case,a 100%search rate would be skewed data when compared to a 50%rate for Caucasians.
Standard 4
If a law enforcement agency has video and audio capabilities in motor vehicles regularly
used for traffic stops, or audio capabilities on motorcycles regularly used to make traffic
stops, the agency:
• adopts standards for reviewing and retaining audio and video documentation; and
• promptly provides a copy of the recording to a peace officer who is the subject of
a complaint on written request by the officer.
The agency should have a specific review and retention policy. Article 2.132 TCCP specifically requires
that the peace officer be promptly provided with a copy of the audio or video recordings if the officer is the
subject of a complaint and the officer makes a written request.
Standard 5
Agencies that do not currently have video or audio equipment must examine the
feasibility of installing such equipment.
Standard 6
Agencies that have video and audio recording capabilities are exempt from the reporting
requirements of Article 2.134 TCCP and officers are exempt from the reporting
requirements of Article 2.133 TCCP provided that:
• the equipment was in place and used during the proceeding calendar year; and
• video and audio documentation is retained for at least 90 days.
The audio and video equipment and policy must have been in place during the previous calendar year.
Audio and video documentation must be kept for at least 90 days or longer if a complaint has been filed.
The documentation must be retained until the complaint is resolved. Peace officers are not exempt from
the requirements under Article 2.132 TCCP.
Standard 7
Agencies have citation forms or other electronic media that comply with Section 543.202
of the Transportation Code.
Senate Bill 1074 changed Section 543.202 of the Transportation Code requiring citations to include:
g P q g
• race or ethnicity,and
• whether a search of the vehicle was conducted and whether consent for the search was obtained.
The Texas Law on Racial Profiling
S.B. No. 1074
relating to the prevention of racial profiling by certain peace officers.
SECTION 1. Chapter 2, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
amended by adding Articles 2.131 through 2.138 to read as follows:
officer may not engage in racial profiling.
PROFILING. (a) In this article:
(1) "Law enforcement agency" means an agency of
the state, or of a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state, that
employs peace officers who make traffic stops in the routine performance of the officers'
official duties.
(2) "Race or ethnicity" means of a particular descent,
including Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American descent.
fb) Each law enforcement agency in this state shall adopt a
detailed written policy on racial profiling. The policy must:
(1) clearly define acts constituting racial profiling;
(2) strictly prohibit peace officers employed by the
agency from engaging in racial profiling;
(3) implement a process by which an individual may
file a complaint with the agency if the individual believes that a peace officer employed
by the agency has engaged in racial profiling with respect to the individual;
(4) provide public education relating to the agency's
complaint process;
(5) require appropriate corrective action to be taken
against a peace officer employed by the agency who, after an investigation, is shown to
have engaged in racial profiling in violation of the agency's policy adopted under this
(6) require collection of information relating to
traffic stops in which a citation is issued and to arrests resulting from those traffic stops,
including information relating to:
(A) the race or ethnicity of the individual
detained; and
(B) whether a search was conducted and, if
so, whether the person detained consented to the search; and
(7) require the agency to submit to the governing
body of each county or municipality served by the agency an annual report of the
information collected under Subdivision (6) if the agency is an agency of a county,
municipality, or other political subdivision of the state.
(c) The data collected as a result of the reporting requirements
of this article shall not constitute prima facie evidence of racial profiling.
(d) On adoption of a policy under Subsection (b), a law
enforcement agency shall examine the feasibility of installing video camera and
transmitter-activated equipment in each agency law enforcement motor vehicle regularly
used to make traffic stops and transmitter-activated equipment in each agency law
enforcement motorcycle regularly used to make traffic stops. If a law enforcement
agency installs video or audio equipment as provided by this subsection, the policy
adopted by the agency under Subsection (b) must include standards for reviewing video
and audio documentation.
(e) A report required under Subsection (b)(7) may not include
identifying information about a peace officer who makes a traffic stop or about an
individual who is stopped or arrested by a peace officer. This subsection does not affect
the collection of information as required by a policy under Subsection (b)(6).
(I) On the commencement of an investigation by a law
enforcement agency of a complaint described by Subsection (b)(3) in which a video or
audio recording of the occurrence on which the complaint is based was made, the agency
shall promptly provide a copy of the recording to the peace officer who is the subject of
the complaint on written request by the officer.
PEDESTRIAN STOPS. (a) In this article:
(1) "Race or ethnicity" has the meaning assigned by
Article 2.132(a).
(2) "Pedestrian stop" means an interaction between a
peace officer and an individual who is being detained for the purpose of a criminal
investigation in which the individual is not under arrest.
(b) A peace officer who stops a motor vehicle for an alleged
violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic or who stops a pedestrian for any
suspected offense shall report to the law enforcement agency that employs the officer
information relating to the stop, including:
(1) a physical description of each person detained as
a result of the stop, including:
(A) the person's gender; and
(B) the person's race or ethnicity, as stated
by the person or, if the person does not state the person's race or ethnicity, as determined
by the officer to the best of the officer's ability;
(2) the traffic law or ordinance alleged to have been
violated or the suspected offense;
(3) whether the officer conducted a search as a result
of the stop and, if so, whether the person detained consented to the search;
(4) whether any contraband was discovered in the
course of the search and the type of contraband discovered;
(5) whether probable cause to search existed and the
facts supporting the existence of that probable cause;
(6) whether the officer made an arrest as a result of
the stop or the search, including a statement of the offense charged;
(7) the street address or approximate location of the
stop; and
(8) whether the officer issued a warning or a citation
as a result of the stop, including a description of the warning or a statement of the
violation charged.
INFORMATION COLLECTED. (a) In this article, "pedestrian stop" means an
interaction between a peace officer and an individual who is being detained for the
purpose of a criminal investigation in which the individual is not under arrest.
(b) A law enforcement agency shall compile and analyze the
information contained in each report received by the agency under Article 2.133. Not
later than March 1 of each year, each local law enforcement agency shall submit a report
containing the information compiled during the previous calendar year to the governing
body of each county or municipality served by the agency in a manner approved by the
(c) A report required under Subsection (b) must include:
(1) a comparative analysis of the information
compiled under Article 2.133 to:
(A) determine the prevalence of racial
profiling by peace officers employed by the agency; and
(B) examine the disposition of traffic and
pedestrian stops made by officers employed by the agency, including searches resulting
from the stops; and
(2) information relating to each complaint filed with
the agency alleging that a peace officer employed by the agency has engaged in racial
(d) A report required under Subsection (b) may not include
identifying information about a peace officer who makes a traffic or pedestrian stop or
about an individual who is stopped or arrested by a peace officer. This subsection does
not affect the reporting of information required under Article 2.133(b)(1).
(e) The Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards
and Education shall develop guidelines for compiling and reporting information as
required by this article.
(fl The data collected as a result of the reporting requirements
of this article shall not constitute prima facie evidence of racial profiling.
AND AUDIO EQUIPMENT. (a) A peace officer is exempt from the reporting
requirement under Article 2.133 and a law enforcement agency is exempt from the
compilation, analysis, and reporting requirements under Article 2.134 if:
(1) during the calendar year preceding the date that a
report under Article 2.134 is required to be submitted:
(A) each law enforcement motor vehicle
regularly used by an officer employed by the agency to make traffic and pedestrian stops
is equipped with video camera and transmitter-activated equipment and each law
enforcement motorcycle regularly used to make traffic and pedestrian stops is equipped
with transmitter-activated equipment; and
O each traffic and pedestrian stop made by
an officer employed by the agency that is capable of being recorded by video and audio
or audio equipment, as appropriate, is recorded by using the equipment; or
(2) the governing body of the county or municipality
served by the law enforcement agency, in conjunction with the law enforcement agency,
certifies to the Department of Public Safety, not later than the date specified by rule by
the department, that the law enforcement agency needs funds or video and audio
equipment for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as described by
Subsection (a)(1)(A) and the agency does not receive from the state funds or video and
audio equipment sufficient, as determined by the department, for the agency to
accomplish that purpose.
(b) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, a law
enforcement agency that is exempt from the requirements under Article 2.134 shall retain
the video and audio or audio documentation of each traffic and pedestrian stop for at least
90 days after the date of the stop. If a complaint is filed with the law enforcement agency
alleging that a peace officer employed by the agency has engaged in racial profiling with
respect to a traffic or pedestrian stop, the agency shall retain the video and audio or audio
record of the stop until final disposition of the complaint.
(c) This article does not affect the collection or reporting
requirements under Article 2.132.
Art. 2.136. LIABILITY. A peace officer is not liable for
damages arising from an act relating to the collection or reporting of information as
required by Article 2.133 or under a policy adopted under Article 2.132.
(a) The Department of Public Safety shall adopt rules for providing funds or video and
audio equipment to law enforcement agencies for the purpose of installing video and
audio equipment as described by Article 2.135(a)(1)(A), including specifying criteria to
prioritize funding or equipment provided to law enforcement agencies. The criteria may
include consideration of tax effort, financial hardship, available revenue, and budget
surpluses. The criteria must give priority to:
(1) law enforcement agencies that employ peace
officers whose primary duty is traffic enforcement;
(2) smaller jurisdictions; and
(3) municipal and county law enforcement agencies.
(b) The Department of Public Safety shall collaborate with an
institution of higher education to identify law enforcement agencies that need funds or
video and audio equipment for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as
described by Article 2.135(a)(1)(A). The collaboration may include the use of a survey
to assist in developing criteria to prioritize funding or equipment provided to law
enforcement agencies.
(c) To receive funds or video and audio equipment from the
state for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as described by Article
2.135(a)(1)(A), the governing body of a county or municipality, in conjunction with the
law enforcement agency serving the county or municipality, shall certify to the
Department of Public Safety that the law enforcement agency needs funds or video and
audio equipment for that purpose.
Id) On receipt of funds or video and audio equipment from the
state for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as described by Article
2.135(a)(1)(A), the governing body of a county or municipality, in conjunction with the
law enforcement agency serving the county or municipality, shall certify to the
Department of Public Safety that the law enforcement agency has installed video and
audio equipment as described by Article 2.135(a)(1)(A) and is using the equipment as
required by Article 2.135(a)(1).
Art. 2.138. RULES. The Department of Public Safety may
adopt rules to implement Articles 2.131-2.137.
SECTION 2. Chapter 3, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
amended by adding Article 3.05 to read as follows:
Art. 3.05. RACIAL PROFILING. In this code, "racial
profiling" means a law enforcement-initiated action based on an individual's race1
ethnicity, or national origin rather than on the individual's behavior or on information
identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity.
SECTION 3. Section 96.641, Education Code, is amended by
adding Subsection (j) to read as follows:
(i) As part of the initial training and continuing education for
police chiefs required under this section, the institute shall establish a program on racial
profiling. The program must include an examination of the best practices for:
(1) monitoring peace officers' compliance with laws
and internal agency policies relating to racial profiling;
(2) implementing laws and internal agency policies
relating to preventing racial profiling: and
(3) analyzing and reporting collected information.
SECTION 4. Section 1701.253, Occupations Code, is
amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
(e) As part of the minimum curriculum requirements, the
commission shall establish a statewide comprehensive education and training program on
racial profiling for officers licensed under this chapter. An officer shall complete a
program established under this subsection not later than the second anniversary of the
date the officer is licensed under this chapter or the date the officer applies for an
intermediate proficiency certificate, whichever date is earlier.
SECTION 5. Section 1701.402, Occupations Code, is
amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
(d) As a requirement for an intermediate proficiency
certificate, an officer must complete an education and training program on racial profiling
established by the commission under Section 1701.253(e).
SECTION 6. Section 543.202, Transportation Code, is
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 543.202. FORM OF RECORD. (a) In this section, "race
or ethnicity" means of a particular descent, including Caucasian, African, Hispanic,
Asian, or Native American descent.
The record must be made on a form or by a data
processing method acceptable to the department and must include:
(1) the name, address, physical description, including
race or ethnicity, date of birth, and driver's license number of the person charged;
(2) the registration number of the vehicle involved;
(3) whether the vehicle was a commercial motor
1,'ehicle as defined by Chapter 522 or was involved in transporting hazardous materials;
(4) the person's social security number, if the person
was operating a commercial motor vehicle or was the holder of a commercial driver's
license or commercial driver learner's permit;
(5) the date and nature of the offense, including
whether the offense was a serious traffic violation as defined by Chapter 522;
(6) whether a search of the vehicle was conducted
and whether consent for the search was obtained;
(7) the plea, the judgment, and whether bail was
(8) [(-7)] the date of conviction; and
(9) [(S}] the amount of the fine or forfeiture.
SECTION 7. Not later than January 1, 2002, a law
enforcement agency shall adopt and implement a policy and begin collecting information
under the policy as required by Article 2.132, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by
this Act. A local law enforcement agency shall first submit information to the governing
body of each county or municipality served by the agency as required by Article 2.132,
Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this Act, on March 1, 2003. The first
submission of information shall consist of information compiled by the agency during the
period beginning January 1, 2002, and ending December 31, 2002.
SECTION 8. A local law enforcement agency shall first
submit information to the governing body of each county or municipality served by the
agency as required by Article 2.134, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this Act,
on March 1, 2004. The first submission of information shall consist of information
compiled by the agency during the period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending
December 31, 2003.
SECTION 9. Not later than January 1, 2002:
(1) the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer
Standards and Education shall establish an education and training program on racial
profiling as required by Subsection (e), Section 1701.253, Occupations Code, as added by
this Act; and
' t
(2) the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement
Management Institute of Texas shall establish a program on racial profiling as required
by Subsection (j), Section 96.641, Education Code, as added by this Act.
SECTION 10. A person who on the effective date of this Act
holds an intermediate proficiency certificate issued by the Commission on Law
Enforcement Officer Standards and Education or has held a peace officer license issued
by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education for at least
two years shall complete an education and training program on racial profiling
established under Subsection (e), Section 1701.253, Occupations Code, as added by this
Act, not later than September 1, 2003.
SECTION 11. An individual appointed or elected as a police
chief before the effective date of this Act shall complete a program on racial profiling
established under Subsection (j), Section 96.641, Education Code, as added by this Act,
not later than September 1, 2003.
SECTION 12. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
President of the Senate Speaker of the House
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1074 passed the Senate on
April 4, 2001, by the following vote: Yeas 28, Nays 2; May 21, 2001, Senate refused to
concur in House amendments and requested appointment of Conference Committee;
May 22, 2001, House granted request of the Senate; May 24, 2001, Senate adopted
Conference Committee Report by a viva-voce vote.
Secretary of the Senate
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1074 passed the House, with
amendments, on May 15, 2001, by a non-record vote; May 22, 2001, House granted
request of the Senate for appointment of Conference Committee; May 24, 2001, House
adopted Conference Committee Report by a non-record vote.
Chief Clerk of the House
New Legal Requirements H.B. 3389)
Amend CSR'S 3389 (Senate committee, report) as follows:
(1) Strike the following SECTIONS of the bill:
(Pij SECTION 8, adding Section 1701,164, Occupations
Cede (page 4, Lines 61-66) ;
(S) SECTION 24, amending Article 2. 132 (b) , Code of
Criminal Procedure (page 8, lines 19-53) ;
00), SECTION 25, amending Article 2. 134 (b) , Code of
Criminal Procedure (page 8, lines 54-64) ;
M.)) SECTION 28, providing transition. language for the
amendments to Articles 2. 132 (b) and 2. 134 (b) , Code of Criminal
Prok....: hu:e (page 9,, lines 40-47) .
(2) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to
the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION . Article 2. 132, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
amended by amending Subsections (a) , (b) , (d) , and. (e) and. adding
Subsection (g) to read as follows:
(a) In this article:
(1) "Law enforcement agency" means an agency of the
state, or of a coahtl,k, municipality, or other political subdivision
of the state, that employs peace officers who make motor vehicle
PareAPEet:,i] stops in the routine performance of the of
official duties.
(2) "Motor vehicle stop" means an occasion. in which a
peace officer staps: a mptor vehicle for an alleced violation. of a
lee or. omdinance.
J...3).... "Race or ethnicity" means of a particular descent,
including Caucasian, African, Hispan.'..k.:„ Asian, Leer] Native
kmenicamm or Middle Eastern descent.
(b) Each law enforcement agency in this state shall adept a
detailed written. policy on racial profiling. The policy must:
(1..) clearly define acts constituting racial
(2) strictly prohibit peace officers employed by the
agency from engaging in racial profiling;
(3) implement a process by which an individual may
file a complaint with the agency if the individual believes that a
peace officer employed by the agency has engaged. in racial
profiling with respect to the individual;
(4) provide public education relating. to the agency's
complaint process;
(5) require appropriate corrective action to be taken.
against a peace officer employed by the agency who, after an.
investigation, is shown to have engaged in racial prcliling in
violation of the agency's policy adopted under this article;
(6) require collection of information. relating to
motor vehicle kHm..„9,4f..)Mel stops in which. a citation. is issued and to
arrests TadeeareeilltpT [ktctlii: . )1 those 11:4,,i,i5.,,i54.4S-4,e] stops,
including information relating to:
(A), the race or ethnicity of the individual
detained.; and.
(B) whether a search. was conducted ant), if so,
whether the individual [...ot :H...] detained consented to the search;
(C) whether the peace officer knew the race or
ethnicity of the individual detained before detainina. that
individual; and
(7) require the chief administrator of the agency,.
regardless dle ss of whether r the administrator is elected, employed, or
aoao.:i..n.tec.l, to submit [ ::...._ : /ess4sq be ;....eh ee•.: r:.,e...:
cr¢_... p...l,..........&.e.rvcd—#a.y:......... ,,r ogcnry( an annua..l.. report of the
ar,f.'o.rmnatl..o•ri collected under Subdivision. (6) to:
(,A.) the Co]:rmiss:.i..on. on Law Enforcement Officer
Standards and Education.; and
(a) the ..overn:i.h bode of each county or:
municipality seLLtd .b thQ........_a.ge!ncy.,. if the agency .is an agency of a
county, municipality, Or other pu..1 .:i..ti.cal subdivision of the ,state.
(d) On adoption of a policy under Subsection (b) , a .:1..aw
enforrcement agency shall examine the feasibility' of installing
video camera and transmitter-activated equipmentt ;.i..n each agency .:l..aw
enfo.r.cemert motor vehicle regularly' used to make motor vehicle
1 [t•:-: a,r,f::GeJ stops and transmitter—activated equipment. .:i..n each agency
law enforceanent::. motorcycle regularly used to make moto.r.:. vehicle
[t...:r.-a-ti:...:f"-.i:e] stops„ If a .:Law enforcement agency i.nst.a]....:.l..s v.:Ldeo or
aud.:Lo equ::i..p:ment as provided by thi..s subsection, the policy adopted
by the agency under: Subsection (b) must include standards for
reviewing v.:Ldeo and audio documentation.
(Si) A. report required under Subsection (b) (7) may not
. include identifying information about a. peace. officer who makes a
motor vehicle I.. f..f...s.a:::^;II stop or: about. an. individual who is stopped
or arrested by a peace officer. This subsection does not affect the
collection of information as required by' a policy under Subsection.
(h) (6) .
{:.!:......................._On....................firndi::.ng L:.a the ammission can Law 1:;rti.:fo.rcement.
Officer Standards and Education that the chief administrator' of a
law enforcement. agency :a..ntent:l,2.9a.:l..].y failed to, submit a report
required under Subsec:;t:i..on (b) ( 7) , : ..P._ commission shall begin
d::a..sr"::a.....,.:L•::i:..:r•kar y p.r ocedures against. the chief administrator. 1
SECTION N . Article 2, 133, Code of Criminal Procedure, is '
amended to read as follows:
Fart. 2. :1..33, REPORTS. REQUIRED FOR, MOTOR. VEHICLE [a,i^..p:,zark;::.:.1F1 -1N ::
n:�n . .-:AN r s' r c S, ( a) In this article, "x tir cr;;;,[..:;...
(,Fl...) "Raee] or ethnicity" has the meaning assigned by
Article. 2, ::I..32 (a) .,
.... t uw n,,:",::,.:::r-c:-r l!,.o n---i•,t-C�-l��•v" kF�,�:e•• e—a�..a .. _
[ ,( c R-K"A t C'.Y�C;'i�f-(3�, lwJ(:-4..:�E:!,,:Ll ra
.k ,. 4 .t....:�..e... ... .. ..., n.^^r--.rrc--.-.--rx=e1n. do"'3'ii:::... .......... . :�:...._: .^.,. ...,
raw'' ..,,... r_ ,, .. [1
.,'ra-�-.:,,:a a::::...........y-t a e.r....i.:rCa i--a-a.:1.. isvestigotioin in.......w1h--a-+.a: . ..-- A-a::-wa i dt.:-:ai---ram- I
(b) A. peace officer who stops a motor vehicle for an. alleged
violation of a law orordinance f.. . . ka .:. w .r _ ' .7
or tr,d ,a...f ..J..e shall report to the law
enforcement agency' that employs the officer information relating to
the stop, including:
(1) a physical description of any [eas,hd, person
operating..........the.........motor vehicle who .:i...s detained as a result of the stop,
(.A) the pi•:s..r,son"s gender; and.
. .
(,[3) t I a e li�r::.r-s on°,:;9 race r._a:� orethnicity, c�.s by
person. or, if theperson's race or
the L" �:. x• person does not state the
ethn.:i..c.i.ty, as determined by the officer to the best of the officer's
ability;o I
(2) the; init;.i..a;.l.. reason for the ,stop (' ,.. :!:__ -aw_a.:::. ,
(3) whether the clficer conducted. a search as a. result
of the, stop and, if so, whether the person detained consented, to the
(4) whether any contraband or other evidence was
discovered. in the ccurse of the search and a description. I,4.(..A‹..
of tne contraband dr evidence rdie.(,zenmseme..-50 ,;
(5) the reason. for the search, including whether...:...
(Al any. contraband or othed. evidence was ln,
CB) any probable cause or reabonable suspicion.
existed. to perform the search; or
(C) the search. was performed as a result of the
towinc• of the motor vehicle or. the arrest of any. person in. the motor.
vehicle reed„,:0;eed, fif C ....C.C ''ia,ets seibk.:(H. -.rw4;.„,
prelaal.A8e eausci ;
(6) whether the officer. made an arrest as a result of
the stop or the search, including a statement of whether the arrest
was based on a violation of the Penal Code, a violation. of a. traffic
law or. ordinance, or. an outstanding warrant and. a statement of the
offense charged;
(7) the street address or approximate location of the
stop; and.
(8) whether. the officer is sued a written warning or a.
citation as a. result of the stoph. encludidat - ,eeeriptien o47ad4ae
il.-,...5,..: ,...: ;Ls : cti,,,,,, etteeet'eeehe vielka-tl 'r p. , .;,ed] .
SECTION . Article 2. 134, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
amended by amending Subsections (ar) through (e) and adding
Subsection. (g) to read as follows:
(a) In this article:„
(1) Motor vehicie[T-IspeAe8striand stop" has the
meaninv assicned b) Article 2. 112 (a) rrainaacira" iyets.....5..Zie , _t cp.
e is- 51 -....iici - 5e5, 5 :. 1... . ' i.. ...i.(1,1-who is be liar lo5.- ' ...5-. 15s-44ee,
p*Hepeet _8 : a,.eiffe(,.(Eha4.,-(ie . is ...:' ,;t f...,....,E :.: • : LC re-AI:eK; '''w''..' ,..t8 8e,8-hea4a
(2) Race or ethnicit " hab the meanihl assigned by.
Article 2. 132 (a) .
(b) A law enlorcement agency shall compile and analyze the
in cord:ehLhed. in each report received by the agency under
Article 2. 133. Not later. than March. 1 of each year, each (local)
law enforcement agency shall submit a report containing the
incident-based. data. Pie,14.8e(Hmetio,,F11 complied during the previous
calendar. year to the Commission on Law EnTorcement Officer.
Standards and Education. and, if the law enfeTcemeht atenc is a.
local law enforcement agenc 8, to. the governing body of each. county
or municipality served by the agency [':le. 5 i8t..d... .8...... ......s(e- 5; ... Lee
alencyl .
Jo'I A re]pert required. under Subsection (b) must be_submit:led.
by the chief administrator of 'tine law enforcement agency,
retardiess of whether the administrator is elected, emclo-ed, or
appointed, and must inCluds cc
(I) a comparative analysis of the infc,rmation compiled
under Article 2. 113 to:
(Al evaluate and compare the number of motor.
vehicle stops, within the applicable jurisdiction, of cersons who
are recognized as racial or. ethnic minorities and pereons who are
not iecocnized as racial dr ethnic minorities [ek..:41iorTmEppeeet4ae
p4sedi :),-1,endoe4.-4es(h.:1:(-4,a4,epr.pfiAA.t?hey-foca>zeas,f-fedr-seeNViti:X4.oyed by the
ateney] ; and
(El examine the disposition of moto4r vehicle
[ endeftededtd'A.WFO at made by officers employed. by the,
agency, categorized accordinc to the race or ethnicit) of the
affected persons, as approp.riate, including an searches resulting
from [t.,-ke) stops within. the applicable ...'urisdiction; and
(2.) information. relating to each complaint filed with.
the agency all that a. peace officer employed by the agency. has
engaged in racial profiling
(d) A. report required under Subsection (b) may not include
identifying information about a peace officer who makes a mot.o..,r.
vehicle [dd,-„ehtelfie,--;:ise.. iii: ...din il stop, or about an individual who is
stopped or arrested t)y a peace officer. This subsection does not
affect the reporting of information required under Article
2. 133 (t)) (1) .
(e) The Commission, on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and
du sit accordance with Section. 1701. 162, Occupations Code,
shall develop guidelines for compiling and reporting information as
required try this articled
(..g.) On a finding. by the, Clmmmission. on Law Enforcement
Officer ,Standards and Education. that, the chief administrator of a
law enforcement -Itnec intention.all.y failed to submit a report.
ILtsaninred under Subsection (b) , the commission shall begin.
discip.linar Procedures ag.ainst the chief administrator.
SEDO7.17ION . Article 2. 4:35, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
amended to read as follows:
AUDIO EQUIPMENT. (a) A. peace officer is exempt from the reporting
requirement under Article 2. 133 and the Ir.:thief administrat.or of a
law enforcement agency„ regardless ot whether the administrator is
elected, emolo 'ech or. aipointed, is exempt from the compilation,
analysis, and reporting requirements under Article 2. 134 if:
(1) during the calendar year preceding the dater that a
report, under Article 2. 134 is required to be, „s.Womitted:
_ (Al each law enforcement rector vehicle regularly
used by an Liof employed by the agency to make motor .vnatii rile
[ ..i.„..:D:la ..,-ip. pcdcsil' . . ) stops is equipped with video camera and
tran,smitter-activated equipme,nt and each law enforcement
motorcycle regularly used to make motor vehicle r.,,,, ,a.... .-. ... an-d
.:::: c...- ,....i'saffli) stops is equipped with transmitter-activated
equipment; and.
(13) each motor vehicle [4,,f,-.6uf.DEiic ars. piie4s14-i-.1.4.,-Een)
stop made by an officer employed. by the agency that is. capable of
being recorded by video and audio or audio equipment, as
appropriate, is recorded by using the equipment; or
(2) the governing body of the county or municipality
served by the law enforcement agency, in conjunction with the Law
enforcement agency„ certifies to the Department of Public Safety,
not later than the date, specified by rule by the department, that
the law enforcement agency needs funds or video and audio equipment
for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as
described by Subsection (a) (1) (Al and the agency does not receive
from the state funds or video and audio equipment sufficient, as
determined by the department for She ,agEiticy to accomplish that
(b) Except as otherwise provided by. this subsection, a law
enforcement agency that is exempt from the requirements under
Article 2. 134 shall retain the video and audio or audio
documentation of each motor vehicle Pe(25e4.44e.--aetd-f-ede-se-114,e4(d stop
for at least 90 days after the date of the stop. If a complaint is
filed with the law enforcement agency alleging that a peace officer.
employed by the agency has engaged in racial profiling with. respect.
to a. motorvehidl..e (.4E- (444,e.^.-e(f-podestrian] stop, the agency shall
retain the, video and audio or audio record of the stop until final
disposition of the complaint.
(c) This article does not at the collection or. reporting
requirements under Article. 2. 132.
...(d) In this article, "motor vehicle stop" has the meaning
assigned by Article 2 , 132 (a) .
SECTION . Chapter 2, Code of. Criminal Procedure, is
amended by adding. Article 2. 1385 to read as follows(
Art, 2,1385. CIVIL PENALTY. (a) If the chief
administrator of a local law enforcement agency intentionally. fails
1 to submit the incident-based data as required by Article 2 . 134, the
agency is liable to the state for a civil penalty in the amount of
$1, 000 for each violation. The attorneygeneral my. sue to collect,
a. civilpenalty under. this subsection.
(b) From money appropriated to the a.gency. for. the.
administration. of the agency, the executive director. of a state law
enforcement agency that intentionally fails to submit the
incident-based data as reguired by Article 2. 134 shall remit to the
comptroller the amount of $1, 000 for each. violation.
I:............ Money collected under this article. shall be deposited. in
the state treasuiiy to the credit. of the general revenue fund,
SECTION . Subchapter. A, Chapter. 102, Code of Criminal
Procedure, is amended by adding Article 102.022 to read as follows(
article, "moving. violation4 means an offense that:
(1) involves the operation of a mtor vehicle; and.
(2) is classified as a moving. violation by the
Department of Public Safety under Section 708.0.52, Transportation
(b) A. defendant convicted of a moving violation in. a dustice
court, county. court, county court at law, or. municipal court shall
payda fee of 10 cents as a cost of court.
(c1 In. this article, a ...person is considered convicted if:
(1) a sentence is imposed on the person;
(2) the...person receives community supervision,
includi.,,,,ag deferred addudicatioru. or.
(3) the court defers final disposition. of the personJs
(d) The clerks of the respective courts shall collect the
costs described by this article. The clerk shall keep separate
records of the funds collected as costs under this article and shall
deposit the funds in the county or municipal treasury!. as
(e) The custodian of a county. or munic4a1 treasury shall:
(1) keep records of the amcunt of funds on deposit
collected,. under this article; and
(2) send to the comztroller befbre the last da • of the
first month. following each calendar quarter the funds collected
under this article durinc the crecedin. : uarter.
(f4 A county or municipality may retain 10 percent of the.
..f.upds collected under this article bl. an. officer of the countv or
municipality ae a collection fee if the custodian. of the. county or.
municipal treasury complies with Subsection (e) .
(..s0 If no funds due as costs under this article are
de. °sited in. a oount - or municival treasury in a calendar quarter,
the custodian of the treasurl' shall file the reJort re . uired for. the
..s........................ :ti the regular. manner and must state that no funds were
(In) The comptroller shall deposit the funds received under.
this article to the credit of the Civil Justice Data Reuositorl. fund
the general revenue fund, to be used only. by. the Commission on
Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education to im lement duties
under Section 1701. 162, Occupations Code.
(i) Funds collected under this article are subject to audit
by. the comptroller.
SECTION , (a) Section 102.061, Government Code, as:
reenacted and amended by Chapter 921. (H.E. 1167) , Acts of the. 80th.
Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is amended to conform to the.
amendments made to Sect ion 102.061, Government Code, by. Chapter
1053 (HE, 2151) , Acts of the 80th. Legislature, Regular Session,
2007, and is further amended to read as follows:
St atutory county court shall collect fees and costs under the. Code
of Criminal Procedure on conviction of a defendant es follows:
(1) a jury. fee (Art. 102.004, Code of Criminal
Procedure) . . . $20;
(21 a fee for services of the clerk of the court (Art.
102.005, Code of if Procedure) . . . $40;
(3) a records management and preservation services fee
(Art. 102.005, Code of Criminal Procedure) . , . $25;
(4) a security fee on a misdemeanor. of (Art.
102.017, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . Si];
(5) a juvenile delinquency prevention and. graffiti
eradication. fee (Art. 102.0171, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . .
j$50 f.'1'4i ; [a(fteil
(6) a juvenile case manager fee (Art. 102.0174, Code
of. Criminal. Procedure) . . . not to exceed $5,: and
(7) a civil justice ...or. (Art . 102.022, Code of
Criminal Procedure) . . . $0. 10.
(b) Section 102.061, Government. Code, as amended by Chapter
1053 (H.B. 2151) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session,
2007, is repealed. Section 102,061, Government Code, as reenacted
and amended by Chapter 921 (H.B. 3167) , Acts of the 80th
Legislature, Regular. Session, 2007, to reorganize and renumber that
section, continues in effect as further amended by. this section.
SECTION . . (a) Section. 102.081, Government Code, as
amended by Chapter. 921 (H.B. 3167) , Acts of the. 80th Legislature,
Regular Session, 2007, is amended to conform to the amendments made.
to Section 102.011, Government Code, by Chapter 1053 (H.B. 2151) ,
Acts: ofthe 80th. Legislature, Regular. Session, 2007, and is further
amended to read as follows:
court. shall collect fees and costs under the Code of Criminal
Procedure on conviction of a defendant as follows:
(1) a jury fee (Axtm 102.004, Code of Criminal.
Procedure) . . . $20;
(2) a fee for clerk of the couxt services (Art.
102.005, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $40;
(3) a records management and preservation. services fee
ext. 102.005, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $25;
(4) a. security. fee on a misdemeanor offense (Art.
102.017, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $3;
(5) a juvenile delinduencv ...reventianand: graffiti
eradication fee UUMm., 102.0171, Cods. of Criminal Procedure) . . .
.:.'.,.;:l.f.:,...2. [ 5,
(6) a juvenile case manager fee (Att. 102.0174, Code
of Criminal Procedure) . . . not to exceed $5; and.
(7) a civil just.ice fee (Art. 102.022, Code. of.
Criminal. Procedure) . . . $0. 10.
(b) Section 102.081, Government CCAR, as: amended by Chapter.
1053 (H.B. 2151) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session,
2007, is repealed. Section 102.081, Government Code, as amended .by
Chapter 921 (11.5. 3167) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular
Session, 2007U to reorganize and renumber that section, continues
in effect as further amended by this section
SECTION . Section 102. 101, Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
court shall collect fees and costs uneer the Coda of Criminal
Procedure on. conviction of as defendant as follows:
(1) a jury fee (Art. 102.004, Code of Criminal
Procedure) . . . $3;
(2) a fee for withdrawing :request for jury less than. 24
hours before time of trial (Art . 102.004, Code of Criminal
Procedure) . . . $3;
(3) a jury fee for two or more dafendanrs tried. jointly
(Art. 102.004, Code of Criminal. Procedure) . . . one jury fee of $3;
(4) a security fee on a misdemeanor' offense (Axt.
102.017, Code of Criminal Procedurel . . . $4;
(5) a. fee for technology fund on a misdemeanor offense
(Art. 102.0173, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $4;
(6) a juvenile case manager fee (Art. 102.0174, Code
of. Criminal. Procedure) . . . not to: exceed $5;
(7) a fee on conviction c:f certain offenses involving
is or. passing a. subsequently dishonored check (Art. 102.0071,
Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . not to exceed. $30; haa.d]
(8) a court cost on. conviction of a Class C misdemeanor.
in. a. county with a population. of 3.3 million. or more, if authorized
by the county commissioners court (Art. 102.009s Code of Criminal
Procedure) . . . not to exceed $7; and.
(9) a civil justice fee (Art. 102.022, Code of
Criminal Procedure) . . . $0. 10.
SECTION . Section 102. 121, Government Codem is ama nded.
to read as follows:
municipal court shall collect fees and costs on conviction of a
defendant as foil owe
(1) a jury fee (Art. 102.004, Code of Criminal
Procedure) . . „ $3;
(2) a fee for withdrawing is for jury less than. 24
hours before time of trial (Art. 102.004, Code of Criminal
Procedure) . . . $3;
(3) a jury fee for two or more defendants tried jointly
(Art . 102. ( 01, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . one jury fee of 63;
(4) a. security fee on a misdemeanor offense (Art.
102.017, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $3;
(5) a fee for technology fund on a misdemeanor offense
(Art. 102.0172, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . not to exceed. $4;
I (6) a juvenile case manager. fee (Ai:0m 102.0174, Code
of Criminal Procedure) . . . not to exceed $50 and..
(7) a civil iustice fee (Art. 102.022, ocd of
Criminal Procedure) . . . $0.10.
SECTION . Subchapter' D, Chapter 1701, Occupations Code,
is amended by adding Section 1701. 164 to read as follows:
collect and maintain incident-based data submitted. to the.
ecmmitTganunder Paticie 2. 134, Code of Criminal Procedure,
including incident-based. data com iled bY a. law enforcement a(mencm
from rejports received bN the law. enforcement agency. under Article
2. 133 of that code. The cormAssion in. consultation. with. the,
DepeTtment_pT.gyublic Safetv, the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement
Management Institute of Texas, the W. W. Caruth, (Jr. , Police
Institute at Dallas, and the Texas Police Chiefs Association shall
develop guidelines for submitting_ in a. standard. format the rebort
containinc incident-based data as required by Article 2. 134, Code
of Criminal Procedure.
SECTION . Subsection (a) , Section 1701 .501,
Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a) Except as provided. by Subsection. (d) , the commission
shall revoke or suspend a license, place on probation a person. whose
license has been suspended, or reprimand a license holder for a
violation of:(..
(1) this chapter(
(2) the ..,:gfpgrting requirements provided by. Articles
2. 132 and 2. 134, Code of Criminal Procedure; or
(3) a commission. rule.
SEMON . (a) The requirements of Articles 2.132,
2. 133, and 2 . 134, Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended by this
Act, relating. to the compilation, analysis, and submission of
rncident-based data apply only to in based. on a motor
vehicle stop occurring on or after (January 1, 2010.
(b) The imposition of a cost of court under Article 102.022,
Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this Act, applies only to an
offense cbmmitted on or after the effective date of this Act . An.
offense. committed before the effective date of this Act is covered
by the law in. effect when the offense was committed, and. the for mer
law is continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of this
section, an offense was comitted before the effective date of this
Act if any element of the offense occurred before that date.
(II) Responding to the Law
Institutional Policy on Racial
SUBJECT: Racial Profiling NUMBER: 614
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1,2010 RELATED STANDARDS: Current policy
remains in effect until January 1,2010
REVIEW DATE: November 24,2011 APPROVED:
Chief John Duscio
DATED: 11/30/2009
The purpose of this policy is to reaffirm the Wylie Police Department's
I commitment to unbiased policing in all its encounters between officers and any
person; to reinforce procedures that serve to ensure public confidence and mutual
trust through the provision of services in a fair and equitable fashion; and to
protect our officers from unwarranted accusations of misconduct when they act
within the dictates of department policy and the law.
It is the policy of this department to police in a proactive manner and, to
aggressively investigate suspected violations of Iaw. Officers shall actively
enforce state and federal laws in a responsible and professional manner, without
regard to race, ethnicity or national origin. Officers are strictly prohibited from
engaging in a racial profiling as defined in this policy. This policy shall be
applicable to all persons, whether drivers, passengers or pedestrians.
Officers shall conduct themselves in a dignified and respectful manner at all times
when dealing with the public. Two of the fundamental rights guaranteed by both
the United States and Texas constitutions are equal protection under the law and
freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures by government agents. The
right of all persons to be treated equally and to be free from unreasonable searches
and seizures must be respected. Racial profiling is an unacceptable patrol tactic
and will not be condoned.
This policy shall not preclude officers from offering assistance, such as upon
observing a substance leaking from a vehicle, a flat tire, or someone who appears
to be ill, lost or confused. Nor does this policy prohibit stopping someone
suspected of a crime based upon observed actions and/or information received
about the person.
Racial Profiling: A law enforcement-initiated action based on an individual's
race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on the individual's behavior or on
information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity.
Racial profiling pertains to persons who are viewed as suspects or potential
suspects of criminal behavior. The term is not relevant as it pertains to witnesses,
complainants or other citizen contacts.
The prohibition against racial profiling does not preclude the use of race, ethnicity
or national origin as factors in a detention decision when used as part of an actual
description of a specific suspect for whom an officer is searching. Detaining an
individual and conducting an inquiry into that person's activities simply because
of that individual's race, ethnicity or national origin is racial profiling. Examples
of racial profiling include but are not limited to the following.
• Citing a driver who is speeding in a stream of traffic where most other drivers
are speeding because of the cited driver's race, ethnicity or national origin.
• Detaining the driver of a vehicle based on the determination that a person of
that race, ethnicity or national origin is unlikely to own or possess that specific
make or model of vehicle.
• Detaining an individual based upon the determination that a person of that
race, ethnicity or national origin does not belong in a specific part of town or a
specific place.
A law enforcement agency can derive two principles from the adoption of this
definition of racial profiling
• Police may not use racial or ethnic stereotypes as factors in selecting whom to
stop and search, while police may use race in conjunction with other known
factors of the suspect.
• Law enforcement officers may not use racial or ethnic stereotypes as factors in
selecting whom to stop and search. Racial profiling is not relevant as it
pertains to witnesses, etc.
Race or Ethnicity: Of a particular decent, including Caucasian, African,
Hispanic, Asian, Native American or Middle Eastern Descent.
"Motor vehicle stop"means an occasion in which a peace officer stops a motor
vehicle for an alleged violation of a law or ordinance
A. Officers are responsible to adhere to all Texas Commission of Law
Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) training and
the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT)
requirements as mandated by law.
B. All officers shall complete a TCLEOSE training and education program
on racial profiling not later than the second anniversary of the date the
officer is Iicensed under Chapter 1701 of the Texas Occupations Code or
the date the officer applies for an intermediate proficiency certificate,
whichever date is earlier. A person who on September 1, 2001, held a
TCLEOSE intermediate proficiency certificate, or who had held a peace
officer license issued by TCLEOSE for at least two years, shall complete a
TCLEOSE training and education program on racial profiling not later
than September 1, 2003.
C. The Chief of Police, as part of the initial training and continued education
for such appointment, will be required to attend the LEMIT program on
racial profiling.
D. An individual appointed as a police chief before the effective date of this
Act shall complete the program on racial profiling established under
Subsection (j), Section 96.641, Education Code, as added by this Act, not
later than September 1, 2003.
* .
A. The department shall accept complaints from any person who believes he
or she has been stopped or searched based on racial, ethnic or national
origin profiling.
B. No person shall be discouraged, intimidated or coerced from filing a
complaint, nor discriminated against because he or she filed such a
C. Any person who receives an allegation of racial profiling, including the
officer who initiated the stop, shall record the person's name, address and
telephone number, and forward the complaint through the appropriate
channels or direct the individual(s). Any employee contacted shall
provide to that person instructions on the complaint process and will
report any allegation of racial profiling to their superior before the end of
D. Investigation of a complaint shall be conducted in a thorough and timely
manner. All complaints will be acknowledged in writing to the initiator
who will receive disposition regarding said complaint within a reasonable
time period. The investigation shall be reduced to writing and any
reviewer's comments or conclusions shall be filed with the Chief. When
applicable, findings and/or suggestions for disciplinary action, retaining or
changes in policy shall be filed with the Chief.
E. If a racial profiling complaint is sustained against an officer, it will result
in appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action, up to and including
F. If there is a departmental video or audio recording the events upon which
a complaint of racial profiling is based, upon commencement of an
investigation by this department into the complaint and written request of
the officer made the subject of the complaint, this department shall
promptly provide a copy of the recording to that officer.
This department will inform the public of its policy against racial profiling and
the complaintprocess. Methods that maybe utilized to inform the public are the
news media, radio, service, or civic presentations, the internet, as well as
governing board meetings. Additionally, information will be made available as
appropriate in languages other than English.
A. An officer is required to collect information relating to motor vehicle stops
in which a citation is issued or an arrest is made as a result of those stops.
On the citation officers must include:
1. The race or ethnicity of the individual detained; as stated by the
person or, if the person does not state the person's race or
ethnicity, as determined by the officer to the best of the officer's
2. The initial reason for the stop;
3. Whether a search was conducted;
4. The reason for the search, including any probable cause or
reasonable suspicion that existed to perform the search;
5. If a search was conducted, whether the person detained consented
to the search;
6. Whether contraband or other evidence was found in plain view;
7. Whether the search was a result of the towing of the motor vehicle
or the arrest of any person in the motor vehicle;
8. If an arrest occurred, was the arrest based on a violation of the
Penal Code, traffic law, ordinance, or outstanding warrant;
9. Whether the person contacted is a resident or non-resident of the
City of Wylie.
10. Whether the peace officer knew the race or ethnicity of the
individual detained before detaining the individual; and,
11. Whether the peace officer issued a written warning or a citation as
a result of the stop.
B. The information collected shall be compiled in an annual report covering
the period of January 1 through December 31 of each year, and shall be
submitted to the governing body of the City of Wylie no later than March
1, of the following year. The report will include
1. A breakdown of motor vehicle stops by race or ethnicity;
2. Number of citations that resulted in a search;
3. Number of searches that were consensual; and
4. Number of citations that resulted in custodial arrest for this cited
violation or any other violation.
5. The number of complaints by the department that officers were
racially profiling.
C. The annual report shall not include identifying information about any
individual stopped or arrested, and shall not include indentifying
information about any peace officer involved in a stop or arrest.
A. Each motor vehicle regularly used by this department to make motor
vehicle stops shall be equipped with a video camera and transmitter-
activated equipment, and
B. Each motor vehicle stop made by an officer of this department that is
capable of being recorded by video and audio, or audio as appropriate,
shall be recorded.
C. This department shall retain the video and audio tapes, or digital video and
audio recording of each motor vehicle stop for at least ninety (90) days
after the date of the stop. If a complaint is filed with this department
alleging that one of our officers has engaged in racial profiling with
respect to a motor vehicle stop, this department shall retain the video and
audio tapes or digital video and audio recordings of the stop until final
disposition of the complaint.
D. Supervisors will ensure officers of this department are recording their
motor vehicle stops. A recording of each officer will be reviewed at least
once every ninety(90) days.
1. If the equipment used to record audio and video of a motor vehicle
stop is malfunctioning or otherwise not operable, officers will
drive a vehicle with operable video equipment. Police units with
malfunctioning or inoperable mobile video camera equipment shall
not be utilized, under normal circumstances.
2. Supervisors shall have the authority to assign units with
malfunctioning or inoperable mobile video equipment when
situations dictate.
Complaint Process: Informing the
Public and Addressing Allegations
of Racial Profiling Practices
Informing the Public on the Process of Filing a Racial Profiling Complaint
with the Wylie Police Department
The Texas Racial Profiling Law requires that police agencies provide information
to the public regarding the manner in which to file a racial profiling complaint. In an
effort to comply with this particular component, the Wylie Police Department launched
an educational campaign aimed at informing the public on issues relevant to the racial
profiling complaint process.
The police department made available, in the lobby area, information relevant to
filing a complaint on a racial profiling violation by a Wylie Police officer. It is believed
that through these efforts, the community has been properly informed of the new policies
and the complaint processes relevant to racial profiling.
Racial Profiling Training
Racial Profiling Training
Since 2002, all Wylie Police officers have been instructed, as specified in the
Texas Racial Profiling Law, to adhere to all Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) training and the Law Enforcement
Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT) requirements. To date, all sworn officers of the
Wylie Police Department have completed the TCLEOSE basic training on racial
profiling. The main outline used to train the officers of Wylie has been included in this
JI report.
It is important to recognize that the Chief of the Wylie Police Department has also
met the training requirements, as specified by the Texas Racial Profiling Law, in the
completion of the LEMIT program on racial profiling. The satisfactory completion of the
racial profiling training by the sworn personnel of the Wylie Police Department fulfills
the training requirement as specified in the Education Code (96.641) of the Texas Racial
Profiling Law.
Racial Profiling
Course Number 3256
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
September 2001
Racial Profiling 3256
Instructor's Note:
You may wish to teach this course in conjunction with
Asset Forfeiture 3255 because of the related subject matter
and applicability of the courses. If this course is taught in
conjunction with Asset Forfeiture, you may report it under
Combined Profiling and Forfeiture 3257 to reduce data entry.
This instructor guide is designed to meet the educational requirement for racial
profiling established by
legislative mandate: 77R-SB1074.
Target Population: Licensed law enforcement personnel in Texas
Prerequisites: Experience as a law enforcement officer
Length of Course:A suggested instructional time of 4 hours
Material Requirements: Overhead projector, chalkboard and/or flip charts, video
tape player,
handouts, practical exercises, and demonstrations
Instructor Qualifications: Instructors should be very knowledgeable about
traffic stop procedures and law enforcement issues
Evaluation Process and Procedures
An examination should be given. The instructor may decide upon the nature and
content of the
examination. It must, however, sufficiently demonstrate the mastery of the
subject content by the
Reference Materials
Reference materials are located at the end of the course. An electronic copy of
this instructor guide
may be downloaded from our web site at http://www.tcleose.state.tx.us.
Racial Profiling 3256
1.1 UNIT GOAL: The student will be able to identify the legal aspects of
racial profiling.
1.1.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify the
legislative requirements placed upon peace officers and law enforcement
agencies regarding racial profiling.
Racial Profiling Requirements:
Racial profiling CCP 3.05
Racial profiling prohibited CCP 2.131
Law enforcement policy on racial profiling CCP 2.132
Reports required for traffic and pedestrian stops CCP 2.133
Liability CCP 2.136
Racial profiling education for police chiefs Education Code 96.641
Training program Occupations Code 1701.253
Training required for intermediate certificate Occupations Code 1701.402
Definition of"race or ethnicity"for form Transportation Code 543.202
A. Written departmental policies
1. Definition of what constitutes racial profiling
2. Prohibition of racial profiling
3. Complaint process
4. Public education
5. Corrective action
6. Collection of traffic-stop statistics
7. Annual reports
B. Not prima facie evidence
C. Feasibility of use of video equipment
D. Data does not identify officer
E. Copy of complaint-related video evidence to officer in question
F. Vehicle stop report
1. Physical description of detainees: gender, race or ethnicity
2. Alleged violation
3. Consent to search
4. Contraband
5. Facts supporting probable cause
6. Arrest
7. Warning or citation issued
G. Compilation and analysis of data
H. Exemption from reporting — audio/video equipment
I. Officer non-liability
J. Funding
K. Required training in racial profiling
1. Police chiefs
2. All holders of intermediate certificates and/or two-year-old licenses as of
09/01/2001 (training to be completed no later than 09/01/2003) — see legislation
1.1.2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will become familiar with
Supreme Court decisions and other court decisions involving appropriate
actions in traffic stops.
A. Whren v. United States, 517 U.S. 806, 116 S.Ct. 1769 (1996)
1. Motor vehicle search exemption
2. Traffic violation acceptable as pretext for further investigation
3. Selective enforcement can be challenged
B. Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 88 S.Ct. 1868 (1968)
1. Stop & Frisk doctrine
2. Stopping and briefly detaining a person
3. Frisk and pat down
C. Other cases
1. Pennsylvania v. Mimms, 434 U.S. 106, 98 S.Ct. 330 (1977)
2. Maryland v. Wilson, 117 S.Ct. 882 (1997)
3. Graham v. State, 119 MdApp 444, 705 A.2d 82 (1998)
4. Pryor v. State, 122 Md.App. 671 (1997) cert. denied 352 Md. 312, 721 A.2d
990 (1998)
5. Ferris v. State, 355 Md. 356, 735 A.2d 491 (1999)
6. New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454 (1981)
2.1 UNIT GOAL: The student will be able to identify logical and social
arguments against racial profiling.
2.1.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify logical
and social arguments against racial profiling.
A. There are appropriate reasons for unusual traffic stops (suspicious behavior,
the officer's intuition, MOs, etc.), but police work must stop short of cultural
stereotyping and racism
B. Racial profiling would result in criminal arrests, but only because it would
target all members of a race randomly—the minor benefits would be far
outweighed by the distrust and anger towards law enforcement by minorities and
the public as a whole
C. Racial profiling is self-fulfilling bad logic: if you believed that minorities
committed more crimes, then you might look for more minority criminals, and find
them in disproportionate numbers
D. Inappropriate traffic stops generate suspicion and antagonism towards officers
and make future stops more volatile — a racially-based stop today can throw
suspicion on tomorrow's legitimate stop
E. By focusing on race, you would not only be harassing innocent citizens, but
overlooking criminals of all races and backgrounds— it is a waste of law
enforcement resources
3.1 UNIT GOAL: The student will be able to identify the elements of both
inappropriate and appropriate traffic stops.
3.1.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify elements
of a racially motivated traffic stop.
A. Most race-based complaints come from vehicle stops, often since race is used
as an inappropriate substitute for drug courier profile elements
B. "DWB" — "Driving While Black" — a nickname for the public perception that a
Black person may be stopped solely because of their race (especially with the
suspicion that they are a drug
courier), often extended to other minority groups or activities as well ("Driving
While Brown," "Flying While Black," etc.)
C. A typical traffic stop resulting from racial profiling
1. The vehicle is stopped on the basis of a minor or contrived traffic violation
which is used as a pretext for closer inspection of the vehicle, driver, and
2. The driver and passengers are questioned about things that do not relate to
the traffic violation
3. The driver and passengers are ordered out of the vehicle
4. The officers visually check all observable parts of the vehicle
5. The officers proceed on the assumption that drug courier work is involved by
detaining the driver and passengers by the roadside
6. The driver is asked to consent to a vehicle search — if the driver refuses, the
officers use other procedures (waiting on a canine unit, criminal record checks,
license-plate checks, etc.), and intimidate the driver(with the threat of detaining
him/her, obtaining a warrant, etc.)
3.1.2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify elements
of a traffic stop which would constitute reasonable suspicion of drug
courier activity.
A. Drug courier profile (adapted from a profile developed by the DEA)
1. Driver is nervous or anxious beyond the ordinary anxiety and cultural
communication styles
2. Signs of long-term driving (driver is unshaven, has empty food containers, etc.)
3. Vehicle is rented
4. Driver is a young male, 20-35
5. No visible luggage, even though driver is traveling
6. Driver was over-reckless or over-cautious in driving and responding to signals
7. Use of air fresheners
B. Drug courier activity indicators by themselves are usually not sufficient to
justify a stop
3.1.3 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify elements
of a traffic stop which could constitute reasonable suspicion of criminal
A. Thinking about the totality of circumstances in a vehicle stop
B. Vehicle exterior
1. Non-standard repainting (esp. on a new vehicle)
2. Signs of hidden cargo (heavy weight in trunk, windows do not roll down, etc.)
3. Unusual license plate suggesting a switch (dirty plate, bugs on back plate,
4. Unusual circumstances (pulling a camper at night, kids' bikes with no kids,
C. Pre-stop indicators
1. Not consistent with traffic flow
2. Driver is overly cautious, or driver/passengers repeatedly look at police car
3. Driver begins using a car- or cell-phone when signaled to stop
4. Unusual pull-over behavior (ignores signals, hesitates, pulls onto new street,
moves objects in car, etc.)
D. Vehicle interior
1. Rear seat or interior panels have been opened, there are tools or spare tire,
2. Inconsistent items (anti-theft club with a rental, unexpected luggage, etc.)
Proactive Field Stops Training Unit Instructor's Guide, Maryland Police and
Correctional Training Commissions, 2001. (See Appendix A.)
Web address for legislation 77R-SB1074:
[ i
Report on Complaints
Report on Complaints
The following table contains data regarding officers that have been the subject of a
complaint, during the time period of 1 "1/10---12/31/10, based on allegations outlining
possible violations related to the Texas Racial Profiling Law. The final disposition of the
case is also included.
A check above indicates that the Wylie Police Department has not received any
complaints, on any members of its police force, for having violated the Texas Racial
Profiling Law during the time period of 111/10 ---- 12/31010.
Complaints Filed for Possible Violations of The Texas Racial Profiling Law
Complaint Alleged Violation Disposition of the Case
� ,,rvr
� r
r � / //
Additional Comments:
Tables Illustrating Traffic and
Motor Vehicle-Related Contacts
Tier 1 Data
(I) Tier 1 Data
Motor Vehicle Related Contact Information (1/1/10-12/31/10)
Race/Ethnicity* Contacts Searches Consensual PC Searches j Custody
Searches Arrests
/ / ei r r /
_�////��///////l ,///r ,,� // ,//ice///// ,�///� �////%l/�7777777/%// %/// %i/�///�,
%%/////,// N % N I % N % N % N %
Caucasian 6,903 72 185 68 58 73 127 65 186 67
African 1,082 11 37 14 9 11 28 14 32 12
._. _
Hispanic 1,225 13 46 17 11 I 14 35 18 53 19
Asian 219 I 2 4 1 1 1 3 2 2 .7
Native 1 .01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
American j
Middle Eastern 151 2 12 1 .7 0 1 0 2 1 = 2 .7
Other 44 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .4
II i airiallii
... / ,i a u� I1 rl <<
Total 9,625 100 1 274 100 79 100** j 195 100 276 100**
"N"represents"number"of traffic-related contacts
*Race/Ethnicity is defined by Senate Bill 1074 as being of a"particular descent, including Caucasian,
African,Hispanic,Asian,Native American or Middle Eastern".
**Figure has been rounded
Tier 1 Data (Motor Vehicle Contacts)
(Percent) 40-
0 [ 1 I #'
sk vr co 0
m • Motor Vehicle
Tier 1 Data (Searches)
160- - -
120 i i '
(Freq.) 100 i
80 , 1
fit` fit` •v ir.fit` ��` <t` e<
may` � z 0 c y ABC`
Cif Q' Q'
0 It
.A .b ■ Searches
Zia% 4 ❑ Consent
(Origin) I PC
�-�► �I
N W C]'1 O�
aUcasia 4 I_ k _ . -4
oa ljaniC
• Natw As►aeA
n0• ►nerjca0 Mia ae E n
Total Number of Individuals Whose Race or Ethnicity was Known/Not Known Prior to
Being Detained (1 I 1/10--12/31/10)
Total Number of Total Number of
individuals Whose Race individuals Whose Race
or Ethnicity was Known or Ethnicity was Not
Prior to Being Detained Known Prior to Being
Elf 01111111111 IV
50 6,875
Known/Not Known Race/Ethnicity (Frequencies)
3000- '
1000 ❑ Known
❑ Not Known
0 - 7 I I
Tier 1 Baseline Comparison
(Fair Roads Standard)
(II) Motor Vehicle-Contacts and Fair Roads Standard
Comparison of motor vehicle-related contacts with households in Wylie that have vehicle
access (in percentages). (1/1/I 0-12/31/10)
Race/Ethnicity* Contacts Households with vehicle
(in percentages) access in percentages)
/ /////% /// ///%////////1%,//ice//////////%/////,;„
_Caucasian 72 89
African 11 2
Hispanic 13 7
Asian 2 .39
Native American .01 .96
Middle Eastern 2 N/A
Other .5 N/A
1 0I U111 1�����11 111 1l1( Y 11111I111N 1 111�� rifil1g
Total 100** 100**
*Race/Ethnicity are defined by Senate Bill 1074 as being of a"particular descent, including Caucasian,
African,Hispanic,Asian,Native American and Middle Eastern".
**Represents rounded figure
Tier 1 (Motor Vehicle-Contacts and
60 N
(Percent) 40 --
10 - I
0 � � f � T _.T 1 --r
�L` fit` .�0 fit` �.0 Z• �i
ter 4zZ Nr x%& LA? . °
qy %e
0 0 a Vehicle-
i Households
Tier 1 Data
(Eight-Year Comparative Analysis)
and 2010 Analysis
(III) Nine-Year Tier 1 Data Comparison
Comparison of Nine-Year Traffic and Motor Vehicle-Related Contact
Race/Ethnicity* Traffic-Related Contacts (in percentages)
111 10 11
O IIIn ul'�» 0II p� (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09)
loyl° , ail �II I 'ypil� �till, �i f
IllllRdld��h ;tr
l !(� ,;il.1111111,. .I Yl V III 11
„; 00
�l °I �"NpH Iy� `I� 1Ii, 1 10
HI 0a�0 �II o .11 �I I� I' I, L qi� 1 ' 00VVUIIOl 1.
IP1III111 I1 1614 1IpuIl1111 II
Caucasian 80 74 75 76 79 71 71 73
_....... .... nm:�,
African 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 11
Hispanic 16 21 18 15 11 16 14 13
Asian .47 1 1 1 2 2 2
Native .06 0 0 0 .01 ! .05 m„„,„„,,0
Other .30 0 .24 .06 0 .8 1 2
' wli� �ii 1,,., 1 �ryry.1 1^151 15 1 1 '. I 11 7� I � �11
I 1 1 I ! syl� 0. y 'lu rl m
1 01111 �I y I I I I lu II 141 11 � IVO
IIIIIIWIIIIIIN .. li LIIV II'... ".,�?., ��.. ,., V lfd I 1111,:.. �.. III Im� }N.110 III.�..' 61�IVII � ,, ,..��I LIVVI161�11hilly�lllo,...t. 11111
Total 100** 100 100 10
** 100 100 100** 100 100**
* Race/Ethnicity Ethnicity is defined by Texas Senate Bill 1074 as being of a"particular descent, including
Caucasian,African,Hispanic,Asian,or Native American".
** Figure has been rounded.
Comparison of Nine-Year Traffic and Motor Vehicle-Related Contact
(111102 12131110)
Race/Ethnicity* Motor Vehicle-Related Contacts (in percentages)
Caucasian 72
African 11
Hispanic 13
Asian 2
Native .01
r l
le Eastern 2
Other .5
g ilirif(tri,,),;f i"rt)1/11fii)(i,iffiAl)))))0)1jhliiill yo oill(,#((iiiiv,;,10(,(1j1(//,,),11,11,)41 ,,ifiii,,p11/11,,,,i,114,(i,,,i,,,ii,11,i4,1;,,iiiitiollii,j,11)111,1,1,;)iis,,,,i),/,,,,,fir(tril,,,"
irl?,g))//iis/1//))/0 'iLii)ifP 4'11/0/',111 (,),Pk,11/g)11,"1/g"1 II/g i,l'/t\,,,ilg//1/1 ////1/01ilfri,rgifRoo„,,,,,,,,(101,111,(„t\,11„i,, ,,,/e/ii,)/gt ,/,))/,g,i,,,,,„/0111„,(/(,)1)Iiiig)fi iii
Total 100**
*Race/Ethnicity is defined by Texas Senate Bill 1074 as being of a"particular descent, including
Caucasian,African, Hispanic,Asian,Native American and Middle Eastern".
**Figure has been rounded.
Tier 1 Data (Traffic-Contacts 02-09)
(Percent) 40
10 ,
Q E ■ Contacts 02
C.) Q ID Contacts 03
w ❑ Contacts 04
•- ❑ Contacts 05
z ■ Contacts 06
❑ Contacts 07
(Origin) -i' Contacts 08
❑ Contacts 09
Tier 1 Data (Motor Vehicle-Contacts
70 _
(Percent) 40
0 I I I mil - T ir
8 ;. y ■ �/ia *�i1
v Q cio
CD a
■ Contacts
(Origin) 10
Comparison of Nine-Year Traffic and Motor-Vehicle Related Search
Race/Ethnicity* Search-Related Contacts (in percentages)
,l y 1`ul Its (02) (03) 1 (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09)
1 1 ilo IIIII61001101 vii �� I
iglPll .,.^ A I I� � il` N l�lu II I� III
I VOID' ill�i� �iVl ` "I �� III ��1 \ I 0 11 oil
Imm Ud n e S I�� I ��ll �
00000� �I � �
Caucasian 79 59 ! 81 .: 71
African 3 1 8 5 11 14 12
Hispanic 18 34 31 14 15 16 15
m..,.,.,rv,N.......,,, _........ ...... _. .....
Asian 0 6 0 0 0 1 2 2
Native 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 .3
Other 0 0 2 0 .3 .2 3
II IIIllu 11111110 op ,iv
ill 11,4I;II00000011111
1 �II pplpIp a 01 iiii ull
1yy�m mlhi S�, ll�l I�u0;0�' d l i' I �. ,�1
Total 100 100** 100 100 100** 100** 100 100
Race1F,thnicity is defined by Texas Senate Bill 1074 as being of a particu
„.... _.
* lar descent, including
Caucasian,African,Hispanic,Asian,or Native American".
**Figure has been rounded.
Comparison of Nine-Year Traffic and Motor Vehicle-Related Search
Race/Ethnicity* Motor Vehicle-Related Searches (in percentages)
1 1,1119p1111 prollil t PIIIIIIIII VI 41111111111
Opal 1
001 olio,.
Caucasian 68
African 14
Hispanic 17
Asian 1
Native 0 �
Middle Eastern 7
Other 0
fli!, i R I 1,1(11 ir IH lic`IN riiiii!'i '11 li1fruffilit..If!11§11111/7/1114Ti(1$7f11(t,lifiVkfilllIffffrfil7f1 '""71,7(7,`-'''"? ,'i'f,'''i i
1)71ff'IIII III IN I' 1111)1 / 1 1071 illp#',Illi 11444 /pi I ly J ift,i 171; 1'14 opfi'llii rool"lorilo o/voMolNed,fil,t ,p110)1 Ite 1
Llonifi i.i. 11,?il) „», op d"1 1 1 1 pfilq(ibi),!,11,10joiff, o,o 0,oi/A1?jojilloillo odogoti,,),1,1„jitlilpil'itiglip roi),„,0 4 oit)gt,11110,40#111,1,,,lit 0)1 p AA,
'11'Ii) 11' ' , ,)iii, 1 ui 1.101 Jfilluuul, , „111,iip.1110110) II i;..up()0, 011t A)y,,i,11,4,e4 potroP )(,,,,,,,,,„,I),,0 oji)
Total 100**
,0„,,,,,„. ..............................................................m ,...1
* Race/Ethnicity is defined by Texas Senate Bill 1074 as being of a"particular descent, including
Caucasian,African,Hispanic, Asian,Native American and Middle Eastern".
** Figure has been rounded.
Tier 1 Data (Searches 02-09)
80 -
70 H
60 -
(Percent) 40
, " 7
CCOCC RI sc Cr al;
•En a Cr g
ape CI)
t r I
' ■ Searches 02
Z ❑ Searches 03
El Searches 04
(Origin) ❑ Searches 05
• Searches 06
❑ Searches 07
ID Searches 08
❑ Searches 09
Tier 1 Data (Searches 2010)
20 '
0— a , a _ , _ ,
iv) co .i ,,r+ y".r
QCD 7:1
z ■ Searches
(Origin) 10
Comparison of Nine-Year Traffic and Motor Vehicle-Related Arrest
Race/Ethnicity* Arrest-Related Contacts (in percentages)
(02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09)'IG01 00000 1, II,
1 ti , lls
%I1I l 0� �1VIUL1� �I ti %% 1IU
Caucasian 77 43 57 50 67 66 67 66
African 3 f 1 4 7 12 12 13 15
Hispanic 19 I 54 38 42 21 20 18 16
Asian 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 2
Native 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .3
Other 0 0 1 1 0 .7 0 0
� II —� ;,I' �i„II I� iVHI I� INiL
a4 ,,11111111
uV �,
Total 1 100** 100 100 100 100** . 100** 100 100
*RaceJEthnicity is defined by Texas Senate Bill 1074 as being of a"particular descent, including
Caucasian,African,Hispanic,Asian, or Native American".
** Figure has been rounded.
Comparison of Nine-Year Traffic and Motor Vehicle-Related Arrest
Race/Ethnicity* I Motor Vehicle-Related Arrests (in percentages)
S Ji���9111
� o ' (10)
Wt o91
IU mOh �N lVR5 i6
Caucasian 67
African 12
Hispanic 19
.gym „�,w,w,w,
Asian .7
Native 0
Middle Eastern 7
Other A4
li)!fyrip)Iwi!,,Iritiff((ettO,r,r11,0,t ,,,1,,i 1„k g,,g„, J0,f0L0 00,'01 0 f/0,, y 000 ii,hi', 0 0)000 010 ii II r ,.Ailjlii ill), u,4 /iii/, ..11 .,
('i i''' ' ' $r fir7firtirrfi)r, ri ( rIllitivil!lifgeorefi?,„401004,,,,,,7,,,prls,A(its(lov),),Istii,,Ir,
IIJJ,,,,II1J1J„1,i611s ,,,,,,sif#slost 07,1,1 0 flitgaiiVi,0h1.11(0))11 '110(11(f 11,(i!ii I( 1111,01)/4,'J)Q111 `11.'lil?)J1g illii(iiii ('I) ly c
I i
Total 100**
Race"Ethnici is defined byTexas Senate Bill 10�*Race/Ethnicity4 as being of a"particular descent, including
Caucasian,African,Hispanic,Asian,Native American and Middle Eastern'.
** Figure has been rounded.
Tier I Data (Arrests 02-09)
70 r
60 Jt
(Percent) —
20 —
fi `�� (Or
ftr 44) ❑ Arrests 02
V I Arrests 03
._44# Arrests 04
❑ Arrests 05
• Arrests 06
❑ Arrests 07
(Origin) In Arrests 08
❑ Arrests 09
Tier 1 Data (Arrests 2010)
70-{----- .
50� __
20 -
0 - 1 1 1 "11 -immB I 311..P F AM" Tr
•0 CD R E W
Cl) •v `° i .v a' 6
Q g R O
Z ■ Arrests
(Origin) 10
Analysis and Interpretation of Data
In 2001, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 1074 which later became the
Texas Racial Profiling Law. The law came into effect on January 1, 2002 and required
that all police departments in Texas collect traffic-related data and report this information
to their local governing authority by March 1st of each year. Recently, this was changed
to all motor vehicle related contacts where a citation was issued or arrest made. In
addition, the law requires that all police officers indicate whether or not they knew the
race or ethnicity of the individual before detaining them. Further, the new law requires
that agencies report motor vehicle related data to their local governing authority and the
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE)
by March 1st of each year. The purpose in collecting and presenting this information is
to determine if police officers in a particular municipality are engaging in the practice of
profiling minority motorists.
In addition, the Texas Racial Profiling Law requires police departments to
interpret motor vehicle-related data. Even though most researchers would probably agree
with the fact that it is within the confines of good practice for police departments to be
accountable to the citizenry while carrying a transparent image before the community, it
is very difficult to determine if police departments are engaging in racial profiling, from a
review or analysis of aggregate data. In other words, it is challenging for a reputable
researcher to identify specific"individual" racist behavior from aggregate-level
"institutional" data on traffic or motor vehicle-related contacts.
During the past legislative session, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 3389
which modified the existing Racial Profiling Law by adding new requirements; this took
effect on January 1st, 2010. These new changes include, but are not exclusive of, the re-
definition of a contact to include motor vehicles where a citation was issued or an arrest
made. In addition, it requires police officers to indicate if they knew the race or ethnicity
of the individual before detaining them. Also, the new law requires adding "middle
eastern" to the racial and ethnic category and submitting the annual traffic data report to
TCLEOSE before March 1st of each year, starting this year. I am pleased to inform you
that these new requirements have been addressed by the Wylie Police Department as it is
demonstrated throughout this report.
The Wylie Police Department, in an effort to comply with The Texas Racial
Profiling Law, commissioned the analysis of its 2010 traffic contact data. Thus, three
different types of data analyses were performed. The first of these involved a careful
evaluation of the 2010 motor vehicle-related data. This particular analysis measured, as
required bythe law, the number and percentage of Caucasians,q
cas ans African Americans
Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, Middle Easterners and individuals belonging to the
"other" category, that came in contact with the police in the course of a motor vehicle
related stop, and were either issued a citation or arrested. Further, the analysis included
information relevant to the number and percentage of searches (table 1) while indicating
the type of search performed (i.e., consensual or probable cause). Also, the data analysis
included the number and percentage of individuals who, after they came in contact with
the police for a traffic-related reason, were arrested.
The additional data analysis performed was based on a comparison of the 2010
traffic-contact data with a specific baseline. When reviewing this particular analysis, it
should be noted that there is disagreement, in the literature, regarding the appropriate
baseline to be used when analyzing traffic-related contact information. Of the baseline
measures available, the Wylie Police Department opted to adopt, as a baseline measure,
the Fair Roads Standard. This particular baseline is based on data obtained through the
L.I.S. Census Bureau (2000) relevant to the number of households that have access to
vehicles while controlling for the race and ethnicity of the heads of households.
It is clear that census data presents challenges to any effort made at establishing a
fair and accurate racial profiling analysis. That is, census data contains information on all
residents of a particular community, regardless of the fact they may or may not be among
the driving population. Further, census data, when used as a baseline of comparison,
presents the challenge that it captures information related to city residents only. Thus,
excluding individuals who may have come in contact with the Wylie Police Department
in 2010 but live outside city limits. In some cases, the percentage of the population that
comes in contact with the police but lives outside city limits represents a substantial
volume of all motor vehicle-related contacts made in a given year.
Throughout the years, several civil rights groups in Texas have expressed their
desire and made recommendations to the effect that all police departments should rely, in
their data analysis, on the Fair Roads Standard. This source contains census data specific
to the number of"households" that have access to vehicles. Thus, proposing to compare
"households" (which may have multiple residents and only a few vehicles) with
"contacts" (an individual-based count). This, in essence, constitutes a comparison that
may result in ecological fallacy. Despite this, the Wylie Police Department made a
decision that it would use this form of comparison (i.e., census data relevant to
households with vehicles) in an attempt to demonstrate its "good will" and
"transparency" before the community. Thus, the Fair Roads Standard data obtained and
used in this study is specifically relevant to Wylie. Unfortunately, the data being used for
comparative purposes in from the previous census as the most recent census data was not
available. It is expected that the new and more recent census data will be used in future
The final analysis was conducted while using the 2002--2009 traffic contact data
and the 2010 motor-vehicle related data. Specifically, all traffic-related contacts made in
2009 were compared to similar figures reported in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
and 2008. However, these were not compared to the 2010 motor vehicle contacts as
these differ in nature, from those collected in previous years. Although some researchers
may not support the notion that in eight years, a "significant" and "permanent"trend can
take effect, when considering this analysis, it was determined that comparing eight years
of traffic contact data may highlight possible areas of consistency with regards to traffic-
related contacts. That is, the eight-year comparison has the potential of revealing
I '
indicators that a possible trend of traffic-based contacts with regards to members of a
specific minority group, may in fact, develop.
Tier 1 (2010) Motor Vehicle-Related Contact Analysis
When analyzing the Tier 1 data collected in 2010, it was evident that most motor
vehicle-related contacts were made with Caucasian drivers. This was followed by
Hispanic and African American drivers. With respect to searches, most of them were
performed on Caucasian drivers. This was also followed by Hispanics and African
Americans. It is important to note that the arrest data revealed that Caucasian drivers
were arrested the most in motor vehicle-related contacts; this was followed by Hispanics
and African Americans. In addition, no arrests were made, in motor vehicle related
incidents, of Native American drivers.
Fair Roads Standard Analysis
The data analysis of motor vehicle contacts to the census data relevant to the
number of"households" in Wylie who indicated, in the 2000 census, that they had access
to vehicles, produced interesting findings. Specifically, the percentage of individuals of
African American, Hispanic and Asian descent that came in contact with the police was
higher than the percentage of African American, Hispanic and Asian households in Wylie
that claimed, in the 2000 census, to have access to vehicles. With respect to Caucasians
and Native Americans, a lower percentage of contacts were detected. That is, the
percentage of Caucasian and Native Americans drivers that came in contact with the
police in 2010 was lower than the percentage of Caucasian and Native American
households in Wylie with access to vehicles.
Eight-Year Comparison
The eight-year comparison (02-09) of traffic-contact data showed some
similarities. As illustrated in table 3, the percentage of drivers (from different
racial/ethnic groups) that came in contact with the Wylie Police in 2009 was similar to
the percentage of drivers, from the same racial/ethnic groups that came in contact with
the Wylie Police Department in 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 and 2002.
However, a few differences were noted. When comparing 2009 to the previous years,
there was an increase in percentage of contacts among Caucasian drivers. A decrease in
percentage was detected among Hispanics.
It is clear that commonalities in the data existed, when analyzing the search-
related contacts for all eight years. An increase in percentage was detected among
Caucasians while a percentage decrease was noted among African Americans and
Hispanics. When considering the arrests made, the data revealed that the percentage of
arrests increased among African Americans while a decrease in percentage was evident
among Caucasians and Hispanics. It is expected that the 2010 contact data collected will
be compared to the motor vehicle related data collected in the near future. The rationale
here is that comparing traffic related data collected in previous years with motor vehicle
related data collected in 2010, would not be statistically sound as these originate from
different circumstances.
Summary of Findings
The comparison of motor vehicle contacts showed that the Wylie Police
Department came in contact (in motor vehicle-related incidents) with a smaller
percentage of Caucasian and Native American drivers than the percentage that resided in
Wylie and had access to vehicles. Further, the data suggested that the percentage of
African American, Hispanic and Asian drivers that came in contact with the police in
2010 was higher than the percentage of African American, Hispanic and Asian
households in Wylie with access to vehicles. In addition, the data showed that the race or
ethnicity of a large number of individuals who were detained was not known to the police
prior to their detention; when compared to those whose race or ethnicity was known
before being detained.
A careful examination of the eight-year traffic-related contact data suggested that
the Wylie Police Department has been, for the most part, consistent in the racial/ethnic
composition of motorists it comes in contact with during a given year. The consistency of
contacts for the past 8 years is in place despite the fact the city demographics may have
changed, thus, increasing the number of subjects likely to come in contact with the
While considering the findings made in this analysis, it is recommended that the
Wylie Police Department should continue to collect and evaluate additional information
on motor vehicle contact data(i.e., reason for probable cause searches, contraband
detected) which may prove to be useful when determining the nature of the contacts
police officers are making with all individuals; particularly with African Americans and
Hispanics. Although this additional data may not be required by state law, it is likely to
provide insights regarding the nature and outcome of all motor vehicle contacts made
with the public. As part of this effort, the Wylie Police Department is also encouraged to:
1) Perform an independent search analysis on the search data collected in the
first quarter of 2011.
2) Commission at least one data audit in 2011 in order to assess data
integrity; that is, to ensure that the data collected is consistent with the
data being reported.
It should be noted that the Wylie Police Department complied with the
recommendations made in last year's report. The information and analysis provided in
this report serves as evidence that the Wylie Police Department has, once again, complied
with the Texas Racial Profiling Law.
(III) Summary
1 _ _
The following requirements were met by the Wylie Police Department in accordance
with The Texas Racial Profiling Law:
Clearly defined act or actions that constitute racial profiling
11 Statement indicating prohibition of any peace officer employed by the
Wylie Police Department from engaging in racial profiling
El Implement a process by which an individual may file a complaint regarding racial
profiling violations
Provide public education related to the complaint process
/1 Implement disciplinary guidelines for officer found in violation of the Texas Racial
Profiling Law
/1 Collect data(Tier 1) that includes information on
a) Race and ethnicity of individual detained
b) Whether a search was conducted
c) If there was a search, whether it was a consent search or a probable cause search
d) Whether a custody arrest took place
�t Indicate total number of individuals whose race or ethnicity was known/not known
before being detained.
Produce an annual report on police contacts (Tier 1) and present this to local
governing body and TCLEOSE by March 1, 2011.
Adopt a policy, if video/audio equipment is installed, on standards for reviewing
video and audio documentation
Contact Information
Contact Information
For additional questions regarding the information presented in this report, please
Del Carmen Consulting, LLC
www.texasracial. roilin ... . ............
Disclaimer: The author of this report, Alejandro del Carmen/del Carmen Consulting,
LLC, is not liable for any omissions or errors committed in the acquisition, analysis, or
creation of this report. Further, Dr. del Carmen/del Carmen Consulting is not responsible
for the inappropriate use and distribution of information contained in this report. Further,
no liability shall be incurred as a result of any harm that may be caused to individuals
andlor organizations as a result of the information contained in this report.
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 Item Number: C.
Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Linda Bantz Account Code:
Date Prepared: January 26, 2011 Budgeted Amount:
Consider, and act upon, acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for FY 2009-2010
after presentation by the audit firm of Weaver, L.L.P on January 25, 2011.
Motion to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for FY 2009-2010 as presented by the
audit firm of Weaver, L.L.P on January 25, 2011.
The City Charter in Article VII, Municipal Finance, Section 13: Independent Audit requires that at the end of
the fiscal year an independent audit be made of all accounts of the City by a certified public accountant. In
compliance with the City Charter, our outside auditor, Weaver, L.L.P. has performed an audit as of September
30, 2010. This is the third year for the audit to be performed by Weaver, L.L.P. Mr. John DeBurro, Senior
Audit Manager with Weaver presented the CAFR on January 25, 2011, including the Independent Auditors'
Report and answered questions that the City Council had regarding the report.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director LB 1/26:"11
City Manager fig' 4jii
, 11
Page 1 of 1
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 Item Number: D
Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Account Code:
Date Prepared: January 25, 2011 Budgeted Amount:
Exhibits: Resolution, Election Calendar
Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2011-02(R) ordering a General Election to be held jointly with the
Wylie Independent School District on May 14, 2011 for the purpose of electing the Mayor and two (2) City
Council members, Places 5 and 6, to the Wylie City Council to fill expired terms.
A motion to approve Resolution No. 2011-02(R) ordering a General Election to be held jointly with the Wylie
Independent School District on May 14, 2011 for the purpose of electing the Mayor and two (2) City Council
members, Places 5 and 6, to the Wylie City Council to fill expired terms.
The offices of the Mayor and City Council Places 5 and 6 will expire in May of 2011. By the proposed Resolution,
the City Council will order a General Election to be held jointly with the Wylie Independent School District on May
14, 2011. There will be one election for the Mayor and Council Place 5 and Place 6 for the Wylie City Council
positions appearing on one ballot.
This Resolution stipulates the polling places where qualified voters can cast ballots for the election. It also outlines
the early voting by personal appearance locations.
Early voting by personal appearance shall be available at the Collin County Elections Office, 2010 Redbud Blvd.
Suite 102, McKinney, Texas, and the new Wylie Municipal Complex (Library), 300 Country Club Road, Building
300, Wylie, Texas beginning on Monday, May 2, 2011 through Tuesday, May 10, 2011 during the normal working
hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday, May 5, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.,
Saturday, May 7, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and May 9, 2011 and May 10, 2011 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Applications for a ballot by mail shall be requested from and mailed to the Collin County Elections Administration
Office, Attn: Elections Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Applications for
ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 30, 2011.
County wide early voting polling places for the May 14, 2011 General Election will not be available from the Collin
County Elections Administrator until mid March; therefore staff will present, publish and post notice of the election
in March 2011 when those polling places can be designated within the notice.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director CE 1/25/2011
City Manager fflrin
Page 1 of 1
SECTION 1: An election is hereby ordered to be held jointly with the Wylie Independent
School District on Saturday, May 14, 2011, for the purpose of electing the Mayor and two (2) City
Council members to fill the following expiring terms on the Wylie City Council; Place 5 and Place 6.
SECCION 1: Una eleccion es por el presente ordenada que se Ilevara acabo colectivamente
con el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Wylie el sabado, 14 de Mayo, 2011, con el proposito de elejir
al Alcalde y dos (2) miembros del Concilio para el Lugar 5 y el Lugar 6 del Concilio de la Ciudad de
Wylie; cual su termino ha expirado.
Resolution No.201 1-02(R)
Order of May 14,2011 General Election Page 1
SECTION 2: The Election Day polling places where qualified voters shall cast ballots at such
locations in the City of Wylie, 2011 General Municipal Election are as follows:
SECCION 2: Los locales de los centros electorales donde los votantes calificados votaran el
dia de la eleccion de la Election Municipal General del 2011 de la Ciudad de Wylie, son los
County Election Precincts- Polling Place
Precinct 153 & 159 (Collin Co.) Southfork Mobile Home Park
216 Southfork Blvd.
Wylie, Texas
Precincts 27, 33,41, 56, 83,133, 170 & 174 Wylie Bible Church
(Collin Co.) 109 W. Jefferson
Precincts IA (Rockwall Co.) Wylie, Texas
Precinct 2601 (Dallas Co.)
Election polls shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on the date of the election.
Los Centros electorales estaran abiertos de las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. el dia de la eleccion.
SECTION 3: Early voting by personal appearance shall be available at the Collin County
Elections Office, 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102, McKinney, Texas, and Wylie Municipal Complex
(Library),300 Country Club Road,Building 300,Wylie,Texas,voters may vote at any of the additional
Early Voting locations open under full contract services with the Collin County Elections
Administration. Early voting will begin on Monday, May 2, 2011 through Tuesday, May 10, 2011
during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday,
May 5,2011 from 8:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m., Saturday,May 7,2011 from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.and May
9, 2011 and May 10, 2011 from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Applications for ballot by mail shall be
requested from and mailed to the Collin County Elections Administration Office, Attn: Elections
Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Applications for ballots by
mail must be received no later than the close of business on May 6, 2011.
SECCION 3: Votacion temprana por apariencia personal sera disponible en la Oficina de
Elecciones del Condado de Collin, 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102, McKinney, Texas; el Centro
Municipal de la Ciudad de Wylie (Biblioteca), 300 Country Club Road, Edificio 300, Wylie, Texas.
Votantes de Wylie pueden votar en cualquiera de los locales adicionales de Votacion Temprana que
estan abiertos bajo servicios de contrato completo con la Administracion de Elecciones del Condado de
Collin. Votacion temprana empieza el lunes, 2 de mayo, 2011 hasta el martes, 10 de mayo, 2011,
durante las horas de trabajo normales de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. con horas prolongadas el jueves, 5 de
mayo, 2011, de 8:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m., el sabado,7 de mayo, 2011 de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.y el 9 y 10
de mayo, 2011 de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. Las solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser
pedidas y enviadas por correo a Collin County Elections Administration Office, Attn: Elections
Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Solicitudes para boletos de
votacion por correo deben ser recibidas a no mas tardar para el cierre del dia de negocio el 6 de mayo,
Resolution No.201 1-02(R)
Order of May 14,2011 General Election Page
SECTION 4: Candidates must file for a specific place and adhere to the filing deadlines
accordingly.Candidate Packets are available in the City Secretary's Office.The candidate filing periods
for the General Election for the Mayor and Council Seats, Place 5 and Place 6 are as follows:
SECCION 4: Candidatos deben registrarse para un lugar especifico y adherir
consiguientemente a la fecha final de registracion. Paquetes para candidato estan disponibles en la
Oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad. Los periodos para registracion del candidato para la Eleccion
General para el Alcalde y los Lugares del Concilio 5 y 6 son los siguientes:
General Election Filing for Mayor and Council Seats Places 5 and 6
Registracion para la Eleccion General de los Lugares de Concilios 5 y 6
Beginning: February 12, 2011 at 8:00 a.m.
Ending: March 14, 2011 at 5:00 p.m.
Empezando: 12 de febrero, 2011 at las 8:00 a.m.
Terminando: 14 de marzo, 2011 a las 5:00 p.m.
Candidates must file in the City Secretary's Office located at 300 Country Club
Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas 75098.
Candidatos deben archivar sus paquetes en la Oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad
localizada en 300 Country Club Road, Edifacio 100, Wylie, Texas 75098.
SECTION 5: Direct Record Electronic (DRE)voting machines shall be used in this election
for early voting by personal appearance and Election Day voting. Optical-scan ballots shall be used for
early voting by mail.
SECTIONS:Maquinas electronicas de registracion directa para votacion seran utilizadas en
esta eleccion para votacion temprana en persona y para votacion el dia de la eleccion. Boletos de
escaner optico seran utilizados para votacion temprana por correo.
SECTION 6: The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to publish and/or post,in the
time and manner prescribed by law,all notices required to be so published and/or posted in connection
with the conduct of this election. The Collin County Election contract shall designate the election
judges for the joint election. The election,including providing notice of the election,shall be conducted
in accordance with the Texas Election Code and other applicable law, and all resident qualified and
registered voters of the City shall be eligible to vote at the election.
SECTION 6: La Secretaria de la Ciudad esta por el presente autorizada y dirigida a publ icar
y`'o anunciar la Nora y manera Como prescrito por la ley, todas las notificaciones requeridas que sean
publicadas y'o anunciadas en conexion con la conducta de esta eleccion. El contrato de la Eleccion del
Condado de Collin debe designar los jueces para la eleccion colectiva. La eleccion, incluyendo dar
aviso de la eleccion, deben ser conducidas de acuerdo con el Codigo de Eleccion de Texas y otras leyes
aplicables,y todo residente calificado y registrado votante de la Ciudad debe ser elegible para votar en
la eleccion.
Resolution No.2011-02(R)
Order of May 14,2011 General Election Page
SECTION 7: The Mayor and the City Secretary of the City, in consultation with the City
Attorney, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions necessary to comply with the
provisions of the Texas Election Code and any other state or federal law in carrying out and conducting
the election, whether or not expressly authorized herein.
SECTION 7: El Alcalde y la Secretaria de la Ciudad, en consulta con el abogado de la
Ciudad,por el presence estan autorizados y dirigidos de tomar cualquier y toda accion necesarra para
estar en conformidad con las provisiones del Codigo de Eleccion de Texas y cualquier otra ley del
estado o federal para llevar acabo y conducir la eleccion, aunque sea o no sea expresamente
autorizado en esto.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Collin, Dallas
and Rockwall Counties,Texas, on this the 8th day of February, 2011.
DEBIDAMENTE PASADO YAPROBADO por el Concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie, Condados
de Collin, Dallas y Rockwall, Texas, este dia 8 de Febrero, 2011.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Resolution No.2011-02(R)
Order of May 14,2011 General Election P g a1
•U .
.fir►\ 1 Y::
Election Calendar
For a City's General Election on May 14, 2011
This calendar indicates the dates for actions necessary in a general election of city officers to be
held on May 14, 2011. It includes all major actions for which the Election Code prescribes a
specific date or deadline for performance, but it does not include all actions (e.g., preparation of
ballot boxes and other election equipment and of sets of precinct election forms) for which the
beginning date for performance can vary from one city to another depending on local factors. Each
city secretary should use the chart in M §9.02 of the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual in
conjunction with this calendar to fill in those dates on the city secretary's personal election calendar
created in accordance with local conditions [see M §9.03]. The city secretary's personal calendar
should also reflect dates that the city secretary prefers in place of the discretionary dates
recommended in this calendar.
Column 5 indicates the time interval between the date of the action and election day. For
example, the notation "53rd" in the entry for March 22 means that the last day for a candidate to
withdraw is the 53ra day before election day; the notation "+5" in the entry for May 19 means that
the last day for receiving a ballot from outside the United States is the 5`'day after election day.
When there is a statutory provision prescribing the last day for the performance of an act.the
number in Column 5 reflects that day. If the statutory day must be moved because of a Saturday,
Sunday,or state or national holiday,the resulting date is designated in Columns 1 and 2 and Column
5 indicates, in parentheses and italics,the actual number of days measured from election day.
In preparing a personal calendar,the city secretary should remember the rule in EC §1.006 that
if the last day for performance of an action falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a state or national
holiday, the deadline date is usually extended to the next regular business day whether the day is a
city holiday or not[see M §2.16(a)]. When a deadline is extended for this reason,the extended date
is used for determining other dates that are calculated in relation to the event of the extended date.
Exceptions are noted in this calendar.
Major stens are in ALL CAPS. Steps for early voting are in ITALICS.
By or With Manual Column 5
Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § _
Jan 10 Obtain a supply of the following forms: City Secretary 7.11 *1 24th
candidate's application for place on ballot; et seq.
appointment of campaign treasurer (candi- 18.10
date and specific-purpose committee);
report of contributions and expenditures
(candidate-officeholder and specific-
purpose committee); application for mail
ballot, and a set of administrative forms if
ordered from a supply house. (Set up
schedule for ordering precinct sets and
other forms if they are to be ordered later.)
*An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute.
By or With Manual Column 51
Date Action Whom Taken Ref. §
Feb 14 LAST DAY for small city in small county to City Secretary 7.07(d).(e ), 901h
provide secretary of state notice of intent If) (89')
to use exception to accessibility require-
ments or show undue burden, if required.
90'day is on Sun. This action is extended
to Mon, Feb 14 (89'h day).
Feb 15 Recommended LAST DAY FOR ORDER City Council 3.07 *88th
POLLING PLACES. (Preclearance may be
Feb 28 Recommended beginning date for City Secretary 4.08 *75th
preliminary work on appointment of
election judges.
Mar 5 LAST DAY to order a SPECIAL ELECTION City Council 13.06 70"
to fill a vacancy so that the filing deadline City Secretary
will coincide with the filing deadline for the
general election (61 st day before election
day). This date remains on Sat because it
is not the last day to order a special
Mar 11 Recommended last day to POST 72 HOUR City Secretary 8.06 *64"
NOTICE OF DRAWING for order of names
on ballot.
Mar 12 Remove candidate's name from ballot if City Secretary 11.25 64'
the candidate dies on or before Mar 12 (2"d (63rd)
day before filing deadline). This date
occurs on the 63'd day rather than the 64th
day because the deadline for filing is
extended to the 615' day.
ELECTION.12' 62nd day is on Sunday, Mar (61$r)
13. This action is extended to Mar 14
(61" day).
Mar 14 LAST DAY FOR FILING APPLICATION FOR City Secretary 11.05 62'd
PLACE ON BALLOT (must be received by 11.06 (67')
5 p.m.). City Secretary's office should
stay open until 5 p.m. 62nd day is on
Sunday, Mar 13. This action is extended
to Mar 14 (61st day). [In a city office
having a 4-year term, if no candidate files,
this deadline is extended to 5:00 p.m., Mar
18 (57t" day).]
*An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute.
By or With Manual Column 5
Date Action Whom Taken Ref. §
Mar 21- Recommended period for APPOINTING City Council"' 4.03 *54'h
Apr 1 ELECTION JUDGES.f21 (Schedule for first 4.04 thru
council meeting after period if no meeting 4.05 *43`tl
during period.) See M §10.15 on giving
notice to election judges.
Mar 22 LAST DAY for candidate to withdraw City Secretary 8.05 53'"
(withdrawal request must be received by 11.22
5 p.m.). LAST DAY that a declaration of 11.23
ineligibility causes omission of candidate's 11.24
name from ballot. City secretary's office
should stay open until 5 p.m.
Mar 24 RECOMMENDED DATE TO PRINT City Secretary 8.16 *51s'
BALLOTS which have been prepared
Mar 25 Beginning date of period for mandatory City Secretary 2.15 50`h
office hours.
Mar 30 FIRST DAY TO MAIL EARLY BALLOTS, IF City Secretary 16.57 45'''
AVAILABLE. Note the roster of persons
mailed ballots is not available to the public
until the first business day after election
day ISee M §16.56(g)].
Apr 6 Last day to mail balloting materials for City Secretary 16.57 38th
early voting by mail, to persons who
applied 8 days or more before the 45'h day.
Apr 8 Last day to order a special election to fill a City Council 13.06(a) 36'h
vacancy so that the filing deadline is Apr
Apr 13 If a SPECIAL ELECTION to fill a vacancy is City Secretary 13.06 3151
held in conjunction with the general
election, under most circumstances
(election ordered after 70th day and not
later than 36`h day), this is the LAST DAY
on the ballot in the SPECIAL ELECTION.
Apr 14 Due date for filing first report of campaign City Secretary 18.06 30`h
contributions and expenditures by opposed
candidates and specific-purpose commit-
tees supporting or opposing opposed
candidates by 5 p.m. or midnight if filed
electronically. City secretary's office
should stay open until 5 p.m.
*An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute.
By or With Manual Column 5
Date Action Whom Taken Ref. §
Apr 24 First day a signature verification committee City Secretary 16.72 20"
may begin work.
Apr 24 First day jail authority can deliver ballots City Secretary 16.51(a) 20"
in person.
Apr 25 Last day for unregistered applicant to City Secretary 17.02(a) 20"
submit a federal postcard application. (The & (d) (l9rro)
20''day before the election is Sun,Apr 24.
The deadline is extended so that if the
application is placed in the mail by Mon,
Apr 25, it is timely.)
Apr 26 Last day for publication of notice of the City Secretary 7.40 18'
test of automatic tabulating equipment to
be used in early voting if the test is on Apr
29. (48 hours before date of test.)
Apr 27 Last day to begin posting continuous City Secretary 16.22(k) 17u
notice of schedule for branch early voting
polling places.
Apr 29 Last day to receive application from voter City Secretary 16.51(c) 15th
in person for a ballot to be voted by mail
(by close of business). This is the last
business day before the beginning of early
voting by personal appearance.
Apr 29 Last day for conducting first test of City Secretary 7.40(c) & 15"
automatic tabulating equipment to be used (d)
for early voting (at least 48 hours before it
is used).
Apr 29 Last day to challenge write-in candidate for City Secretary 1 1.10(i) 15th
Apr 30 Last day candidate may withdraw and have City Secretary 11 .22 14'
name removed from ballot if the filing
deadline was later than the 61'day before
election day. This deadline applies to
SPECIAL ELECTIONS and remains on Sat.
*An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute.
By or With Manual Column g
Date Action Whom Taken Ref. §
May 10 LAST DAY OF REGULAR EARLY VOTING City Secretary 16.21(c) 4th
May As soon as early voting is over, and until City Secretary 16.74(a) & 4th thru
10-14 7:00 p.m. May 14, early voting materials Cc) close of
may be delivered to the early voting ballot polls
board if notice requirements have been
followed. The board may process the
materials but may not count the ballots
until polls open on election day, unless the
election is held jointly with a county with
population of 100,000 or more, in which
case, ballots may be counted.
May 11 Last day to receive an application to cancel City Secretary 16.59(a) 3rd
mail ballot.
May 11 Last day for conducting first test of City Secretary 7.40(c) & 3rd
automatic tabulating equipment to be used (d)
at a polling place (at least 48 hours before
used for counting on election day). To
assure 48 hours before 7 a.m. of election
day, test must be by 3rd day. Notice must
be published at least 48 hours before date
of test.
May Period to apply for late (emergency) early City Secretary 17.33 3,d
11-13 voting because of death in family May 9 or thru 1st
May Prepare list of registered voters for early City Secretary 16.76 *3rd
11-13 voting ballot board if more than one early thru 1"
voting polling place.
May Period to apply for late (emergency) early City Secretary 17.17 3rd thru
11-14 voting because of illness or disability Election
originating on or after May 5. Day,
5 p.m.
May 12 Last day for first test of automatic Presiding 7.40(b) 2nd
tabulating equipment to be used at a Judge
central counting station. Notice must be
published at least 48 hours before date of
May 13 Last day to deliver precinct early voting City Secretary 7.47 1st
lists to presiding judges and recommended 16.83(j)
date for delivery of supplies to presiding
*An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute.
By or With Manual Column 5
Date Action Whom Taken Ref. §
May 16 Last day to deliver provisional ballots to City Secretary 9.41 +2
Voter Registrar of each county in which
city is located.
May 17 Provide Official STATEMENT OF ELECTED City Secretary 12.32(d) *+3
candidates who appear to have won, or
may win. These are now Secretary of
State Forms 2201 and 2204.
May Period during which early voting ballot Early Voting 16.74(e) +3 thru
17-19 board may meet to count ballots received Ballot Board +5
from outside the United States if the early
voting clerk certifies that all ballots mailed
from outside the United States have been
May PERIOD FOR OFFICIAL CANVASS. Mayor City Council/ 9.42(b) +3 thru
17-25 sets exact day and hour. City secretary City Secretary 9.44 + 11
records results in election register as soon
as practicable after canvass. [Canvass may
occur before 11' day only if all FPCA
ballots have been received and the ballot
board has completed the count of
provisional ballots.]
May Completion before canvass of report of City Secretary 16.87 +3 thru
17-25 early votes cast for each candidate or + 11
measure, by election precinct.
17-25 OF ELECTION. +11
May 17- Partial manual count of electronically counted City Secretary 9.45 +3 thru
Jun 6 ballots if waiver not obtained from secretary +21
of state, must begin not later than 72 hours (+23)
after polls close and be completed by the 21 St
day. +215`day is Sat. Move the date to Mon,
Jun 6 (+23rd day).
May 18 Last day for voter registrar to complete City Secretary 9.41(c) +4
review of provisional ballots and for early (3`d Busi-
voting clerk to retrieve provisional ballots. ness day
May 19 Last day for receiving a ballot from outside City Secretary 16.58(b) +5
the United States.
*An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute.
By or With Manual Column 5
Date Action Whom Taken Ref. §
Jun 13 Last day to transmit election results by city Mayor 9.44 +30
precinct in electronic form to secretary of (Presiding Offi-
state. cer of the
Jun 23 LAST DAY OF MANDATORY OFFICE City Secretary 2.15 +40
July 14 First day for transfer of voted ballots from the City Secretary 9.50 +61
locked ballot box to another secure container.
July 15 Last day for timely filing of semiannual report City Secretary 18.05 July 15
of contributions and expenditures. ,
Mar Last day of preservation period for ballots City Secretary 9.50(g) +22
14, and other precinct election records of main months
2013 election.
Ill Follow home-rule city's charter provision, if any.
(2] The city's governing body may choose to conduct a mock student election under EC
§276.007. The major steps taken for a general election should be taken for a student
election. The student election may be held on the first day before the election, but results
must not be published until after the polls close on election day.
To prepare a calendar for a special election to fill a vacancy in office, see M §13.02; for
a special election on a measure, see M §15.02; for a runoff election, see M §14.03.
When reading a section of the Election Code, remember to read the chapter and subchapter
titles to determine if the section you are reading applies to cities.
*An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute.
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 Item Number: E
Department: CitSecretary (City Secretary Use Only
Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code: 100-5113-56070
Date Prepared: January 25, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $9,200.00
CCEA Contract/Cost
Exhibits: Estimates
Consider, and act upon, a Joint Election Contract between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School
District (WISD) to be administered by the Collin County Elections Administrator for the May 14, 2011 Wylie
General Election.
Motion to approve a Joint Election Contract between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District
(WISD); to be administered by the Collin County Elections Administrator for the May 14, 2011 Wylie General
By the terms of this agreement, the City of Wylie, and WISD do hereby agree, pursuant to the provisions of the
Texas Election Code, to hold a joint election for the General Election to be held on Saturday May 14, 2011. The
entities will contract with the Collin County Elections Administrator to perform various duties and
responsibilities on behalf of the entities. The contract presented has specified duties and costs to administer the
election. This agreement, once executed will formalize the joint election for May 14, 2011 between the parties
and approve the equally shared cost for the General Election. Under the terms of the contract, it is noted that if
one entity cancels their election a charge of$75.00 will be accessed and the other entity will assume the full
cost for the election.
Article 2, Section 1 (c) of the Home Rule Charter allows the Council to cooperate with the government of any
County for any lawful purpose for the advancement of the interests of its inhabitants.
Collin County Elections Administrator will hold the election for residents residing in the City of Wylie in
Collin, Rockwall and Dallas counties.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director CE 01-25-1 I
City Manager
Page 1 of 1
May 14, 2011
Joint General Election
Contract for Election Services
City of Wylie/Wylie ISD
May 14, 2011
Joint General Election
Table of Contents
I Duties and Services of Contracting Officer
II Duties and Services of City and School District
III Cost of Election
IV .General Provisions
Exhibit A Early Voting Schedule and Locations
Exhibit B Election Day Polling Locations
Exhibit C .Cost of Services
May 14,2011 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&W1SD
01/I 1/11 Page 2
BY THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT made and entered into by and
between the CITY OF WYLIE, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY," and the BOARD
referred to as the "SCHOOL DISTRICT," and SHARON ROWE, Elections
Administrator of Collin County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Contracting Officer,"
pursuant to the authority in Subchapter D, Section 31.092, of Chapter 31, of the Texas
Election Code, agree to the following particulars in regard to coordination, supervision
and running of the City and School District's May 14, 2011 Joint General Election and a
City Runoff Election, if necessary, on June 18, 2011. An additional cost estimate, early
voting calendar, and Election Day polling place schedule will be prepared should a
Runoff Election be necessary.
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into in consideration of the mutual covenants
and promises hereinafter set out. IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS:
Officer shall be responsible for performing the following duties and shall furnish the
following services and equipment:
A. The Contracting Officer shall arrange for appointment, notification
(including writ of election), training and compensation of all presiding judges, alternate
judges, the judge of the Central Counting Station and judge of the Early Voting Ballot
a. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for notification of
each Election Day and Early Voting presiding judge and alternate judge of
his or her appointment. The recommendations of the City and the School
District will be the accepted guidelines for the number of clerks secured to
work in each polling place. The presiding election judge of each polling
place, however, will use his/her discretion to determine when additional
manpower is needed during peak voting hours. The Contracting Officer
May 14,2011 Joint General Election City of Wylie&WISD
0111/1 1 Page 3
will determine the number of clerks to work in the Central Counting
Station and the number of clerks to work on the ballot board.
Election judges shall be secured by the Contracting Officer with the
approval of the City and the School District.
b. Election judges shall attend the Contracting Officer's school of
instruction (Elections Seminar)to be held Wednesday, May 11, 2011, at
the Collin County 380 Courts Bldg., Central Jury Room, 1800 N. Graves
St., McKinney, TX at 2:00 PM.
c. Election judges shall be responsible for picking up from and
returning election supplies to the county election warehouse located at
2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney. Compensation for this pickup
and delivery of supplies will be $25.00.
d. The Contracting Officer shall compensate each election judge and
worker. Each judge shall receive $12.00 per hour for services rendered.
Each alternate judge and clerk shall receive $10.00 per hour for services
rendered. Overtime will be paid to each person working over 40 hours per
B. The Contracting Officer shall procure, prepare, and distribute voting
machines, election kits and election supplies.
a. The Contracting Officer shall secure election kits which
include the legal documentation required to hold an election and all
supplies including locks, pens, magic markers, etc.
b. The Contracting Officer shall secure all tables, chairs, and legal
documentation required to run the Central Counting Station.
c. The Contracting Officer shall provide all lists of registered voters
required for use on Election Day and for the early voting period required
by law. The Election Day list of registered voters shall be arranged in
May 14,2011 Joint General Election City of Wylie&WISD
01111 1 1 Page 4
alphabetical order by polling place, in lieu of alphabetic by each precinct
in each polling place.
d. The Contracting Officer shall procure and arrange for the
distribution of all election equipment and supplies required to hold an
1. Equipment includes the rental of voting machines, ADA
compliance headphones and keypads (1 per site), transfer cases,
voting signs and tote boxes.
2. Supplies include smart cards, sample ballots, early
voting mail ballots, pens, tape, markers, etc.
C. The Contracting Officer, Sharon Rowe, shall be appointed the Early
Voting Clerk by the City and the School District.
a. The Contracting Officer shall supervise and conduct Early Voting
by mail and in person and shall secure personnel to serve as Early Voting
b. Early Voting by personal appearance for the City and School
District's May 14, 2011, Joint General Election shall be conducted during
the time period and at the locations listed in Exhibit"A", attached and
incorporated by reference into this contract.
c. All applications for an Early Voting mail ballot shall be received
and processed by the Collin County Elections Administration Office,
2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069.
1. Application for mail ballots erroneously mailed to the City
or School District shall immediately be faxed to the Contracting
Officer for timely processing. The original application shall then
be forwarded to the Contracting Officer for proper retention.
May 14,2011 Joint General Election City of Wylie&WISI7
01s"11 11 Page 5
2. All Federal Post Card Applicants (FPCA) will be sent a
mail ballot. No postage is required.
d. All Early Voting ballots (those cast by mail and those cast by
personal appearance) shall be prepared for count by the Early Voting
Ballot Board in accordance with Section 87.000 of the Texas Election
Code. The presiding judge of this Board shall be appointed by the
Contracting Officer.
D. The Contracting Officer shall arrange for the use of all Election Day
polling places. The City and School District shall assume the responsibility of remitting
the cost of all employee services required to provide access, provide security or provide
custodial services for the polling locations. The Election Day polling locations are listed
in Exhibit "B", attached and incorporated by reference into this contract.
E. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for establishing and operating
the Central Counting Station to receive and tabulate the voted ballots in accordance with
Section 127.001 of the Election Code and of this agreement. Counting Station Manager
and Central Count Judge shall be Sharon Rowe. The Tabulation Supervisor shall be Patty
a. The tabulation supervisor shall prepare, test and run the county's
tabulation system in accordance with statutory requirements and county
policies, under the auspices of the Contracting Officer.
b. The Public Logic and Accuracy Test of the electronic voting
system shall be conducted.
c. Election night reports will be available to the City and School
District at the Central Counting Station on election night. Provisional
ballots will be tabulated after election night in accordance with law.
d. The Contracting Officer shall prepare the unofficial canvass report
after all precincts have been counted, and will provide a copy of the
unofficial canvass to the City and School District as soon as possible after
all returns have been tallied.
May 14,2011 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&WISD
01/11/11 Page 6
e. The Contracting Officer shall be appointed the custodian of the
voted ballots and shall retain all election material for a period of 22
1. Pending no litigation and as prescribed by law, the voted
ballots shall be shredded 22 months after the election.
2. The City and School District can obtain the list of
registered voters from the Elections Administration Office after
this retention period. Pending no litigation and if the City or
School District does not request the lists, the Contracting Officer
shall destroy them.
f The Contracting Officer shall conduct a manual count as
prescribed by Section 127.201 of the Texas Election Code and
submit a written report to the City and School District in a timely
manner. The Secretary of State may waive this requirement. If
applicable, a written report shall be submitted to the Secretary of
State as required by Section 127.201(E) of the aforementioned
F. The Contracting Officer is in compliance with HB 2524.
City and School District shall assume the following responsibilities:
A. The City and School District shall prepare the election orders, resolutions,
notices,justice department submissions, official canvass and other pertinent documents
for adoption by the appropriate office or body. The City and School District assumes the
responsibility of posting all notices and likewise promoting the schedules for Early
Voting and Election Day.
B. The City and School District shall provide the Contracting Officer with an
updated map and street index of their jurisdiction in an electronic or printed format as
soon as possible but no later than Friday, March 25, 2011.
May 14,2011 Joint General Election City of Wylie&WISD
01/11/11 —Page 7
C. The City and School District shall procure and provide the Contracting
Officer with the ballot layout and Spanish interpretation in an electronic format.
a. The City and School District shall deliver to the Contracting
Officer as soon as possible, but no later than 9:00 AM Wednesday, March
16, 2011, the official wording for the City and School District's May 14,
2011, Joint General Election. Confirmation of declared write-in
candidates shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer no later than
Monday, March 21, 2011.
b. The City and School District shall approve the "blue line" ballot
format prior to the final printing.
D. The City and School District shall post the publication of election notice
by the proper methods with the proper media.
E. The City and School District shall prepare and submit to the U. S.
Department of Justice under the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, any required
submissions on voting changes.
F. The City and School District shall compensate the Contracting Officer for
any additional verified cost incurred in the process of running this election or for a
manual count this election may require, consistent with charges and hourly rates shown
on Exhibit"C" for required services.
G. The City and School District shall pay the Contracting Officer 90% of the
estimated cost to run the said election prior to Friday, April 8, 2011. The Contracting
Officer shall place the funds in a "contract fund" as prescribed by Section 31.100 of the
Texas Election Code. The Deposit should be delivered within the mandatory time frame
Collin County Treasury
Attn: Pam Dugger
2300 Bloomdale Rd. #3138
McKinney,Texas 75071
Made payable to: "Collin County Treasury" with the note"for election services"
included with check documentation.
May 14,2011 Joint General Election City of Wylie&WISD
01/1l/11 Page8
H. The City and School District shall pay the cost of conducting said election,
less partial payment, including the 10%administrative fee, pursuant to the Texas Election
Code, Section 31.100, within 30 days from the date of final billing.
A. Nothing contained in this contract shall authorize or permit a change in the
officer with whom or the place at which any document or record relating to the City and
School District's May 14, 2011, Joint General Election is to be filed or the place at which
any function is to be carried out, or any nontransferable functions specified under Section
31.096 of the Texas Election Code.
B. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will provide copies of all invoices
and other charges received in the process of running said election for the City and School
C. If the City and/or School District cancel their election pursuant to Section
2.053 of the Texas Election Code, the Contracting Officer shall be paid a contract
preparation fee of$75. An entity canceling an election will not be liable for any further
costs incurred by the Contracting Officer in conducting the May 14, 2011, Joint General
Election. All actual shared cost incurred in the conduct of the election will be divided by
the actual number of entities contracting with the Contracting Officer and holding a May
14, 2011, Joint General Election.
D. The Contracting Officer shall file copies of this contract with the County
Judge and the County Auditor of Collin County, Texas.
May 14,2011 Joint General Election City of Wylie&WISD
01/11,lI Page9
Sharon Rowe
Elections Administrator
Collin County, Texas
By: Attest:
Eric Hogue, Mayor Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
City of Wylie City of Wylie
By: Attest:
Brian Miller, Assistant Superintendent Kathy Lipe, Administrative Assistant
Wylie Independent School District Wylie Independent School District
May 14,2011 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&WISD
01 11'11 --..Page 10
City of Wylie & Wylie ISD*
Early Voting Locations and Hours
Polling Place Address City
Collin County Election Office 2010 Redbud Blvd., #102 McKinney
(Main Early Voting Location)
Wylie Municipal Complex (Library) 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 300 Wylie
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7
Sam—5pm 8am—5pm Sam—5pm 8am - 7pm 8am -5pm 8am -5pm
May 8 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14
7am—7pm 7am—7pm Election Day
* City and School District voters may vote at any of the additional Early Voting locations
open under full contract services with the Collin County Elections Administration.
May 14,2011 Joint General Election City of Wylie&W1SD
01;11111 -Page 11
MAY 14, 2011
Election Day Polling Locations — City of Wylie & WISD
Precincts Location Address City
153, 159 Southfork Mobile Home 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie
Community Clubhouse
27, 33,41, 56, 83, 133, 170, 174 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson St. Wylie
1 A (Rockwall County)
2601 (Dallas County)
May 14,2011 Joint General Election City of Wylie&WISD
01/1 I 11 Page 12
May 14,2011
Number of Early Voting Locations 1
Number of Election Day Locations 2
Units Cost Wylie City Units Cost Wylie/WISD
Sample Ballots $0.0690 each 1250 $86.25 2000 $138.00
Early Voting Mail Ballots $1.20 each 10 $12.00 75 $90.00
Precinct Ballot Setup $10.00 each 1 $10.00 1 $10.00
Precinct Ballots $0.1670 each 150 $25.05 300 $50.10
Early voting and election day kits $25.00 each 0 $0.00 3 $75.00
Central Counting kit and supplies $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00
County Precinct Maps $12.00 each 0 $0.00 3 $36.00
Printer Labels $15.13 each 0 $0.00! 5 $75.65
Total $133.30 $524.75
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $133 30 $262 38
Grand Total $395.68
Number of Early Voting Locations 1
Number of Election Day Locations 2
Units Cost Wylie City Units Cost WylieIWISD
Voting Machines $150.00 each 0 $0.00 14 $2,100.00
Machine Drayage/L&AIGas $40.74 each 0 $0.00 15 $611.10
Transfer Cases $5.00 each 0 $0.00 3 $15.00
Metal Signs $1.00 each 0 $0.00 6 $6.00
Wood Signs $2.00 each 0 $0.00 3 $6.00
Large Early Voting Signs $5.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $5.00
Early Voting Cabinet $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00
Tote Box $1.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $2.00
Early Voting Computer $300 00 each 0 $0.00 1 $300.00
Total $0.00 $3,095.10
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $0.00 $1,547.55
Grand Total $1,547.55
Number of Early Voting Locations 1
Workers each location 4
Units Cost Wylie City Units Cost Wylie!WISD
Mailed Ballot Kits $1.00 each 10 $10.00 75 $75.00
Postage for Ballots $0.88 each 2 $1 76 10 $8.80
Assemble EV Location $50.00 each 0 $0 00 1
Total Judge Hours $12.00 hour 0 $0.00 70 $840.00
Overtime Judge Hours $18.00 hour 0 $0.00 20 $360.00
Total Alt.Judge&Clerk Hours $10.00 hour 0 $0.00 200 $2,000.00
Overtime Alt.Judge&Clerk Hours $15.00 hour 0 $0.00 60 $900.00
Pickup&Delivery of Supplies $25.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $25.00
Total $11.76 $4,258.80
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $11.76 $2,129.40
Grand Total $2,141.16
Number of Election Day Locations 2
Workers each location 4
Units Cost Wylie City Units Cost Wylie!WISD
Total Judge Hours $12.00 each 0 $0.00 28 $336.00
Total Alt.Judge&Clerk Hours $10.00 each 0 $0.00 84 $840.00
Pickup&Delivery of Supplies $25.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $50.00
Total $0.00 $1,226.00
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $0.00 $613.00
Grand Total $613.00
Number of Early Voting Locations 1
Number of Election Day Locations 2
Units Cost Wylie City Units Cost Wylie/WISD '
Manual Recount Deposit $60.00 each 1 $60.00 0 $0.00
Process Pollworker Checks $1.50 each 0 $0.00 8 $12.00
Process Election Judge Notices $1.50 each 0 $0.00 6 $9.00
Total $60.00 $21.00
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $60.00 $10.50
Grand Total $70.50
Tabulation Network $4,000.00
Programming $2,050.00
Spanish Interpreter f/Audio Ballot $350.00
Notice of Inspection/Tabulation Test $1,750.00
Total $8,150.00
Number of Entities 30
Total Per Entity $271.67
Early Voting Ballot Board $1,000.00
Cost for Central Count Workers $1,500.00
FICA on Election Workers $2,000.00
Assemble EV Location $50.00
Early Voting Machines in McKinney(8) $1,200.00
Early Voting Computer in McKinney $300.00
Early Voting Personnel in McKinney $4,100.00
Printer Labels for Early Voting in McKinney $75.00
Ballot Style Setup Fee& Delivery $400.00
County Overtime and Temporaries $20,000.00
FICA & Retirement for County Employees $2,500.00
Total $33,125.00
Number of Entities 22
Total Per Entity $1,505.68
Total for Tabulation &Centralized Costs $1,777.36
EARLY VOTING $2,141.16
Total $6,545.24
10%Administrative Fee $654.52
Total $7,199.76
90% Deposit Due 4/8/11 $6,479.79
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 _ Item Number: F.
Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code:
Date Prepared: January 21, 2011 Budgeted Amount:
Exhibits: 1
Consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat for Zlan Corner Addition, Block A, Lot 2R, combining two
commercial lots into one on 1.814 acres and dedicating fire lane and access easements. The property is
generally located on the northeast corner of Country Club Road (FM 1378) and W. Brown Street(FM 3412).
Motion to approve a Replat for Zlan Corner Addition, Block A, Lot 2R, combining two commercial lots into
one on 1.814 acres and dedicating fire lane and access easements. The property is generally located on the
northeast corner of Country Club Road (FM 1378) and W. Brown Street (FM 3412).
Platted in July 2005, Zlan Corner Addition consisted of four (4) commercial lots on nine (9) acres located at the
northeast corner of Country Club Boulevard and West Brown Street.
This replat proposes to combine Lots 2 & 3 into one lot to accommodate development of retail and other
commercial uses on the property. Therefore, Lot 2R will consist of 1.814 acres and provide for cross access
easements on the property. A corresponding site plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission
on January 18, 2011 as the previous site plan expired May 2009.
The Replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie.
Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend conditional approval of the replat.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RO 01/21/11
City Manager m j
Page 1 of 1
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itVWylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 Item Number: G.
Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: N/A
Date Prepared: 01/28/11 Budgeted Amount: $N/A
Exhibits: Rate Study, Ordinance
Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2011-04 amending Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 2009-12
(Consolidated Fee Ordinance), Section I, Subsection B (Water Rates) and Subsection C (Sewage Collection and
Treatment Rates).
Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2011-04 amending Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 2009-12 (Consolidated Fee
Ordinance), Section I, Subsection B (Water Rates) and Subsection C (Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates).
On December 14, 2010 Council held a work session to discuss the water and sewer rate study prepared by
McLain Decision Support Systems. The study incorporated the water and sewer capital improvements plan
(CIP), outstanding debt service, the proposed wholesale water rate increases from the North Texas Municipal
Water District, the transfer to the general fund, and the expansion of the Public Works Service Center.
An approximately 5.3% increase per year over the next five years was proposed in the rate study (Financing
Scenario 2). The attached ordinance incorporates these recommendations into the water and sewer rates for FY
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director CH 1/28/2011
City Manager MnA a
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WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has adopted
Ordinance No. 2009-12 establishing a consolidated fee ordinance ("Consolidated Fee Ordinance")
for the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"); and
WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be
advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of Wylie to amend the Consolidated Fee Ordinance
Section I B (Water Rates), and Section i C (Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates).
SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body
of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2: Amending Ordinance No. 2009-12 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance). Ordinance No.
2009-12 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance) is hereby amended as identified in Exhibit"A".
SECTION 3: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or entity that violates this
Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a
sum not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) if the violation relates to the public health and
sanitation, otherwise the fine shall be a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each
continuing day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under
this Ordinance shall not preclude the Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all
legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law.
SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this
Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any
pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a
prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the
ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 5: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this
Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is
Ordinance 2011-04—Comprehensive Fee Ordinance Amendment Page 1
expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force
and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section,
subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections,
subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage
and publication as required by the City Charter and by law.
TEXAS, on this 8th day of February, 2011.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Date to be published in The Wylie News Wednesday, February 16th,2011
Ordinance 2011-04—Comprehensive Fee Ordinance Amendment Page 2
B. Water Rates.
(1) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic residential customers
within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas. ALL PRICES ARE FOR
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered
water consumption: $9.86
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons:
1,001 to 10,000 gallons: $3.31
Over 10,000 gallons: $4.31
(2) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic commercial
customers, (other than apartments, mobile home parks and other multi-unit
dwellings not individually metered) within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of
metered water consumption: $13.46
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding
1,000 gallons: $3.77
(3) The following water rates shall apply to all domestic apartments, mobile home
parks, and other multi-unit dwellings, not individually metered, within the corporate
limits of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding
1,000 gallons $3.77
(4) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all irrigation meters within the
corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) .... Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water:
(1) Residential irrigation $9.86
(2) Commercial & Multifamily $13.46
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons:
(1) Residential irrigation $4.76
(2) Commercial irrigation $4.76
Ordinance 2011-04—Comprehensive Fee Ordinance Amendment Page 3
(5) The monthly water charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment,
mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered) located
outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one
hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate
limits of the City.
(6) Any bulk water customer who desires to withdraw water from a hydrant or other
source not metered and charged directly to them, shall fill out a water application
form and sign the form in the same manner as a regular metered customer. Bulk
water rate charges are to be charged in twenty-five (25) gallon increments at the
same rates as the commercial customers.
C. Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates.
(1) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all
residential customers of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Customers who are 65 years of age or older and have a homestead
exemption on the service address which appears in the tax
records $21.94
(b) Customers who are disabled and have a homestead exemption on the
service address which appears in the tax records $21.94
(c) All other customers $29.69
(2) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all
commercial customers of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge first 1,000 gallons of metered water...... $23.82
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons ..$ 2.02
(3) A sewer fee of twenty-nine dollars and sixty-nine cents ($29.69) shall be charged for
each apartment unit, multiple-family unit, or mobile home space and special areas
such as washateria, swimming pools, etc., where the apartment, multiple-family
development or mobile home park is on a master meter for water consumption with
the City of Wylie, Texas.
(4) The monthly sewer charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment,
mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered) located
outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one
hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate
limits of the City.
(5) The monthly water and sewer rate charge for residential and commercial customers
located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of
one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the
corporate limits of the City.
Ordinance 2011-04—Comprehensive Fee Ordinance Amendment Page 4
City of Wylie, Texas IL, MeLa N:.
Update of Water & Wastewater Rates
Table 3.1 1
Financing Scenarios-Water
With$3.5 Million Drawdown in FY 2012
Existing Proposed Planned Planned Planned Planned
2011 2011 2012 2013 2014
(1) (2) - (3) (4) . ._.(5) _
Outside to Inside Ratio 115 1.1S 1.15 115 115 115
Monthly Minimum Bills
• Residential E. 6 5;i S a 37 $ 9 i}ri S 10.38 $ 10=2 5 11.49
. Non-Residential 1215 12.79 13.46 14.17 14 51 1569
- 1,001-10,000 5 2.g 4 S 1.15 5 3 31 $ 3.49 S 3.67 $ 3.86
. Over 10,000 3.69 4.09 4.31 4.54 4.i! 5.02
Over 1,000 S 3.40 S 1.1? 5 3.77 5 3.96 $ 4.1! $ 4.39
Sprinkler Meters;
Over 1,000 5 4 30 $ 4 53 5 4.76 $ 5.01 $ 5.28 $ 5.55
:rom Monthly Minimum Bill $ 1,191,758 $ 1,254,325 $ 1,339,107 $ 1,429,333 $ 1,525,342 $ 1,627,492
9 =rom Volume Rates 3,766.117 3.963,838 4,218,197 4.488,335 4,775.215 5,079,846
10 Total Revenues Generated $ 4,957,875 $ 5,218,163 $ 5,557.304 S 5,917,668 S 6,300,557 5 6,707,338
11 Avg.Res Mon.Bill @ 8,000 Gallons S 29.83 $ 31.40 $ 33.04 S 34 78 $ 36.61 $ 38.53
12 Monthly Difference-$ N/A 1.57 1.65 1.73 1.83 1.92
13 Monthly Difference-% N/A 5.3% 5.3% 5.3% 5.2% 5.2%
14 Avg.Commercia 1 Inch Mon.Bill @ 27,000 Gallons $ 100.55 $ 105.83 $ 111.38 $ 117.23 $ 123.39 $ 129.87
15 Monthly Difference-S N/A 5.28 5.56 5.85 6.15 6.48
16 Monthly Difference-% N/A 5.2% 5.3% 5.3% 5.2% 5.2%
17 Avg Sprinkler 2 Inch Mon.Bill @ 60,000 Gallons $ 265.85 $ 279.81 $ 294.50 $ 309.96 $ 326.23 $ 343.36
18 Monthly Difference-$ N/A 13.96 14.69 15.46 16.27 17.13
19 Monthly Difference-% N/A 5.2% 5.3% 5.3% 5.2% 5.3%
20 Avg.Industrial 3/4 Inch Mon Bill @ 300,000 Gallon $ 1,02875 $ 1,08276 $ 1,139.60 $ 1,199.43 $ 1,262.40 $ 1,328.68
21 Monthly Difference-$ N/A 54.01 56.84 59.83 62.97 66.28
22 Monthly Difference-% N/A 5.3% 5.2% 5.3% 5.2% 5.2%
City of Wylie, Texas IL- McLAIN
Update of Water & Wastewater Rates
Table 3.2
Financing Scenarios-Wastewater
With$3.5 Million Drawdown in FY2012
Existing Proposed Planned Planned Planned Planned
2011 2011 2012 2013 2014
#11 (2) [3) I41 S$1.
Outside to Inside Ratio - - - - • -
Monthly Minimum Dills;
2 Residential&Multi-Family Includes $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 5 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00
3 Residential $ 27.00 $ 28.31 S 29 69 $ 31.15 5 32 68 $ 34.29
4 Multi Family 27.00 28.31 29.69 31.15 32.68 34.29
5 Commerc'.11 21.50 22 63 23 82 25.07 26.38 27.77
6 East Fork Residential 27.00 28.31 29.69 31.15 32.68 34.29
7 East Fork Seniors 20.00 20 9$ 21 94 22.5l9 24 49 25.25
8 East Fork Commercial 21.50 22.63 23.82 25.07 26 38 27.77
9 Northeast Residential 27.00 28.31 29.69 31.15 32.68 34.29
10 Northeast Seniors 20.00 20.95 21.94 22 99 24.09 25 25
11 Northeast Commercial 21.50 22.63 23.82 25.02 26.38 27 77
Volumetric Rates;
12 Resident at $ • $ - 5 - $ . S - $ •
13 Multi-Family . - - - - -
14 Commerc al 1.82 1.92 2.02 2.12 2.23 2.35
15 East Fork SUD Residential - - - • -
16 East Fork SUD Seniors - - - - - -
17 East Fork SUD Commerc a 1 57 1.65 1,74 1.83 1.93 2.03
18 Northeast SUD Residential - - - -
19 Northeast SLID Seniors - - - - - -
20 Northeast SUD Commerc al 1.57 1.65 1.74 1.83 1.93 2.03
21 From Month y Minimum Bill S 4,128,722 $ 4,345,480 $ 4,640,083 S 4,953,642 $ 5,287,336 $ 5,642,414
22 From Volume Rates 248,068 261.091 274.799 289,225 304,410 320,391
23 Total Revenues Generated $ 4,376,790 $ 4,606,571 $ 4,914,881 $ 5,242,868 $ 5,591,746 5 5,962,805
24 Change in Revenues> 5.2% 5.3% 5.2% 5.3% 5.2%
25 Avg.Res.Mon.Bi @ 8,000 Gallons $ 27.00 5 28.31 $ 29.69 $ 31.15 $ 32 68 $ 34.29
26 Monthly Difference-$ N/A 1.31 1.38 1.45 1 53 1.61
27 Monthly Difference-% N/A 4.9% 4.9% 4.9% 4.9% 4.9%
28 Avg Commerc a 1 Inch Mon.Bill @ 27,000 Gallons $ 68.82 5 72.43 $ 76.24 5 80.24 5 84.45 5 88.88
29 Monthly Difference-$ N/A 3.61 3.80 4.00 4.21 4.43
30 Monthly Difference-% N/A 5.3% 5.3% 5.3% 5.3% 5.2%
31 Avg.Industrial 3/4 Inch Mon Bill @ 300,000 Gallon $ 565.68 $ 595.38 $ 626.64 $ 65953 $ 694 16 $ 730.60
32 Monthly Difference-$ N/A 29.70 31.26 32.90 34.63 36.44
33 Monthly Difference-% N/A 5.3% 5.2% 5 3% 5.3% 5.2%
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 Item Number: 1.
Department: City Manager (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: N/A
Date Prepared: February 2, 2011 Budgeted Amount: N/A
Exhibits: 3
Consider and act upon Resolution No. 2011-03(R) suspending the February 14, 2011, effective date of Oncor
Electric Delivery Company's requested rate change to permit the city time to study the request and to establish
reasonable rates; approving cooperation with the steering committee of cities served by Oncor to hire legal and
consulting services and to negotiate with the company and direct any necessary litigation and appeals; finding
that the meeting at which this resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of
this resolution to the company and legal counsel for the steering committee.
Motion to approve Resolution No. 2011-03(R) suspending the February 14, 2011, effective date of Oncor
Electric Delivery Company's requested rate change to permit the city time to study the request and to establish
reasonable rates; approving cooperation with the steering committee of cities served by Oncor to hire legal and
consulting services and to negotiate with the company and direct any necessary litigation and appeals; finding
that the meeting at which this resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of
this resolution to the company and legal counsel for the steering committee.
Oncor Electric Delivery Company ("Oncor" or "the Company") filed an application on or about January 7, 2011
with cities retaining original jurisdiction seeking to increase system-wide transmission and distribution rates by
$353 million. The Company asks the City to approve a 14.6% increase in residential rates, a 15.5% increase in
commercial rates, and a 25.9% increase in street lighting rates. According to Oncor, annual rates would
increase by approximately $60 for an average residential customer.
The resolution suspends the February 14, 2011 effective date of the Company's rate increase for the maximum
period permitted by law to allow the City, working in conjunction with the Steering Committee of Cities Served
by Oncor, to evaluate the filing, determine whether the filing complies with law, and if lawful, to determine
what further strategy, including settlement, to pursue.
The law provides that a rate request made by an electric utility cannot become effective until at least 35 days
following the filing of the application to change rates. The law permits the City to suspend the rate change for
90 days after the date the rate change would otherwise be effective. If the City fails to take some action
regarding the filing before the effective date, Oncor's rate request is deemed administratively approved.
The City of Wylie is a member of a 146-city coalition known as the Steering Committee of Cities Served by
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Oncor("Steering Committee"). The Steering Committee has been in existence since the late 1980s. It took on a
formal structure in the early 1990s when cities served by the former TXU gave up their statutory right to rate
case expense reimbursement in exchange for higher franchise fee payments. Empowered by city resolutions
and funded by per capita assessments, the Steering Committee has been the primary public interest advocate
before the Public Utility Commission, the Courts, and the Legislature on electric utility regulation matters for
the last 20 years.
The current filing comes 15 months following the implementation of Oncor's last rate increase. That case is
currently on appeal.
Explanation of"Be It Resolved" Paragraphs:
Section 1. The City is authorized to suspend the rate change for 90 days after the date that the rate
change would otherwise be effective for any legitimate purpose. Time to study and investigate the application
is always a legitimate purpose. Please note that the resolution refers to the suspension period as "the maximum
period allowed by law" rather than ending by a specific date. This is because the Company controls the
effective date and can extend the deadline for final city action to increase the time that the City retains
jurisdiction if necessary to reach settlement on the case. If the suspension period is not otherwise extended by
the Company, the City must take final action on Oncor's request to raise rates by February 14, 2011.
Section 2. This provision authorizes the Steering Committee, consistent with the City's resolution
approving membership in the Steering Committee, to act on behalf of the City at the local level in settlement
discussions, in preparation of a rate ordinance, on appeal of the rate ordinance to the PUC, and on appeal to the
Courts. Negotiating clout and efficiency are enhanced by the City cooperating with the Steering Committee in a
common review and common purpose. Additionally, rate case expenses are minimized when the Steering
Committee hires one set of attorneys and experts who work under the guidance and control of the Executive
Committee of the Steering Committee.
Section 3. The Company will reimburse the Steering Committee for its reasonable rate case expenses.
Legal counsel and consultants approved by the Executive Committee of the Steering Committee will submit
monthly invoices that will be forwarded to Oncor for reimbursement. No individual city incurs liability for
payment of rate case expenses by adopting a suspension resolution.
Section 4. This section merely recites that the resolution was passed at a meeting that was open to the
public and that the consideration of the Resolution was properly noticed.
Section 5. This section provides that both Oncor and Steering Committee counsel will be notified of the
City's action by sending a copy of the approved and signed resolution to certain designated individuals.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director
City Manager it
WHEREAS, on or about January 7, 2011, Oncor Electric Delivery Company (Oncor),
pursuant to PURA §§ 33.001 and 36.001 filed with the City of Wylie a Statement of Intent to
increase electric transmission and distribution rates in all municipalities exercising original
jurisdiction within its service area effective February 14, 2011; and
WHEREAS, the City of Wylie is a member of the Steering Committee of Cities Served
by Oncor ("Steering Committee") and will cooperate with the 146 similarly situated city
members and other city participants in conducting a review of the Company's application and to
hire and direct legal counsel and consultants and to prepare a common response and to negotiate
with the Company prior to getting reasonable rates and direct any necessary litigation; and
WHEREAS, PURA § 36.108 grants local regulatory authorities the right to suspend the
effective date of proposed rate changes for ninety (90) days after the date the rate change would
otherwise be effective; and
WHEREAS, PURA § 33.023 provides that costs incurred by Cities in ratemaking
activities are to be reimbursed by the regulated utility.
1. That the February 14, 2011 effective date of the rate request submitted by Oncor
on or about January 7, 2011, be suspended for the maximum period allowed by law to permit
adequate time to review the proposed changes and to establish reasonable rates.
Resolution 2011-03(R) 1
Oncor Rate Increase Suspension
2. As indicated in the City's resolution approving membership in the Steering
Committee, the Executive Committee of Steering Committee is authorized to hire and direct
legal counsel and consultants, negotiate with the Company, make recommendations regarding
reasonable rates, and to intervene and direct any necessary administrative proceedings or court
litigation associated with an appeal of a rate ordinance and the rate case filed with the City or
Public Utility Commission.
3. That the City's reasonable rate case expenses shall be reimbursed by Oncor.
4. That it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this
Resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law and the public notice of the time,
place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required.
5. A copy of this Resolution shall be sent to Oncor, care of Autry Warren, Oncor
Electric Delivery Company, LLC, 1601 Bryan St., 23rd Floor, Dallas, Texas 75201 and to
Geoffrey Gay, General Counsel to the Steering Committee, at Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle &
Townsend, P.C., P.O. Box 1725, Austin, Texas 78767-1725.
PASSED AND APPROVED this the 8th day of February, 2011.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Resolution 2011-03(R) 2
Oncor Rate Increase Suspension
Addison Fate Oak Leaf
Allen Flower Mound Oak Point
Alvarado Forest Hill Odessa
Andrews Fort Worth O'Donnell
Anna Frisco Ovilla
Archer City Frost Palestine
Argyle Gainesville Pantego
Arlington Garland Paris
Bedford Glenn Heights Plano
Bellmead Grand Prairie Pottsboro
Belton Granger Prosper
Benbrook Grapevine Ranger
Beverly Hills Gunter Rhome
Big Spring Haltom City Richardson
Breckenridge Harker Heights Richland Hills
Bridgeport Henrietta River Oaks
Brownwood Hewitt Roanoke
Buffalo Highland Park Robinson
Burkbumett Honey Grove Rockwall
Burleson Howe Rosser
Caddo Mills Hurst Rowlett
Cameron Hutto Sachse
Canton Iowa Park Saginaw
Carrollton Irving Seagoville
Cedar Hill Jolly Sherman
Celina Josephine Snyder
Centerville Justin Southlake
Cleburne Kaufman Springtown
Coahoma Keller Stephenville
Colleyville Kerens Sulphur Springs
Collinsville Krum Sunnyvale
Comanche Lake Worth Sweetwater
Commerce Lakeside Temple
Coppell Lamesa Terrell
Copperas Cove Lancaster The Colony
Corinth Lewisville Tyler
Crowley Lindale University Park
Dallas Little Elm Venus
Dalworthington Gardens Little River Academy Waco
DeLeon Malakoff Watauga
De Soto Mansfield Waxahachie
Denison McKinney White Settlement
Duncanville Mesquite Wichita Falls
Early Midland Willow Park
Eastland Midlothian Woodway
Edgecliff Village Murchison Wylie
Euless Murphy
Everman Nacogdoches 567089 ]
Fairview New Chapel Hill
Farmers Branch North Richland Hills
€. 0R
2011 Rate Review
Highlighting Significant Investment Plus Solid Cost Management
January 2011
Oncor At A Glance
Texas' largest regulated transmission and
distribution utility - 6th largest in the U.S.
r .
Delivers electricity - no generation; no
retail service
Serves 7.5M 401 cities and 91
people, C }
counties, which represent about one ref- � # I
/ „r -'fir r '�
third of Texas ,lr f4 ' 4
Employs 3,800 Texans
Manages more than $8 billion in
capital investment, which is subject to
review by the Public Utility
Commission of Texas to ensure
incurred costs are prudent and
Competitive Regulated Competitive
-^SAZP,7is, FT:
*Jr -'''
Generators Tr arm?' & Retail Electnnc
D'tribubon Praviders(REP)
••based on amounts paid in 2005-2008
2011 Rate Review Overview
Oncor's electric delivery rates are the lowest in the state among
investor-owned utilities, because we work hard to avoid or mitigate the
need for an increase. We continue to be forward-thinking, innovative
and diligent in managing our costs. in 2010, we efficiently controlled
base operating costs at or below 2004 levels.
This rate review includes a request for an annual increase of
approximately $350 million due to:
$2 billion in additional investments in the transmission and
distribution system since the beginning of 2008, both to make
system improvements to aging infrastructure and to serve new
customers in our service area and
Increased costs related to storm restoration, pension and health
If approved, the typical residential customer who uses 1 ,300 kilowatt-
hours (kWh) of electricity per month and has a retail electric plan
charging 10 cents per kWh would pay 10.4 cents per kWh, or about $5
more per month with the same rate plan. 2
Providing Reliable Service at Low Rates
Even at the requested rate, customers in our service area will still pay
among the lowest electric delivery rates in the state.
Utility Residential Monthly Residential Monthly
Wires Charges* Wires Charges if Rate
Proposals Approved*
Oncor $41 .01 $46. 12
Utility A $46.09 $48.28
Utility B $47.42 $47.42
Utility C $47.69 $54.49
Utility D $54.10. $54,10
* Residential monthly wires charges for 1,300 kWh (including non-bypassable charges)
Major Components Supporting Rate Increase
Ma-or Component . Increased Costs
Return on Investments f $124 million
Taxes $78 million
Depreciation Expense $28 million
Storm Costs/Self Insurance $41 million
Pension and Health Care $47 million
Vegetation Management $35 million
Total 3 3. milli n
We anticipate that the new rates would take effect in late summer or early fall.
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 item Number: 2.
Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: N/A
Date Prepared: 01/31/11 Budgeted Amount: N/A
Exhibits: Resolution
Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2011-04(R) requesting that the State of Texas Department of
Transportation release ownership and control of FM 2514 (Ballard Avenue) from Brown Street to SH 78.
Motion to approve Resolution No. 2011-04(R) requesting that the State of Texas Department of Transportation
release ownership and control of FM 2514 (Ballard Avenue) from Brown Street to SH 78.
The Texas Department of Transportation has indicated that they would be receptive to releasing ownership of
FM 2514 (Ballard Avenue) from Brown Street to SH 78 to the City. Ownership of the roadway would allow for
greater flexibility for future improvements, however, the City would assume all future maintenance and
reconstruction cost. The projected 20 year maintenance cost is $407,000.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director CH 01/31/2011
City Manager `II(/Y\ 4'3/0
Page 1 of 1
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie acknowledges the ownership of FM
2514 by the State of Texas Department of Transportation; and
WHEREAS, that ownership and the requisite maintenance effort has been an appreciated
benefit to the citizens of Wylie; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas recognizes the importance of
FM 2514 to its citizens; and
WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion and finds that the terms and conditions of
owning, maintaining and improving that roadway may be better served through the City of
Wylie, Texas.
SECTION 1. That the State of Texas Department of Transportation removes from the
State Transportation System that section of FM 2514 from Brown Street to SH 78, as shown on
Exhibit 'A' attached, and transfer all ownership and maintenance responsibilities to the City of
SECTION 2. That the ownership of FM 2514 from Brown Street to SH 78 is in the best
interest of the City and its citizens, and the request is hereby, in all things approved, and the City
Manager is hereby authorized to execute the necessary formal documents on behalf of the City of
Wylie Texas.
SECTION 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Resolution No. 2011-04(R)
TXDOT Release of Ownership(Brown Street)
Sikorsky Court .�..,�I _ µ
. . _ J L [µ i I I
._I ‘.II)
'.__.____. ____. I I I I I i
West Brown street ' '
East Brown Street
I III �____ _ }
______ " _„ µ a
�.. _.__Jefferson Street
_/ .
,° i 1 ] 1.9 _
____ ,
Marble Street 1 Marble Street '
:ill i
Q aw-:: 1
)_ I
- L ._' _ _. _. _/�.
Oak Street ,
_ . / _ }
__ .,1 , .
____ , D
_ a
Isz) A
„oK 1E
!. _. _0 --- •_ �� Masters Avenue
/ - () Z ___•
% �� L. _. _c �� "'
E . Col ---------
Court a, _
a J c Butler Street
________ a, -�, _______ _______.
Calloway Street --------- -LEX a-
__.______I- __
Roadway: FM 2514 County: Collin
Control-Section: Priority:
Limits: From: SH 78
To: Brown Street
D-GR HMA(METH)TY-C 1126 $70.00 $78,820.00
SOLID YELLOW(4 IN) DOUBLE NO PASSING (LF X 2) 60,000 $0.50 $30,000.00
BROKEN YELLOW(4 IN) (LF) $0.30 $0.00
SOLID WHITE(4 IN) (LF) 72,000 $0.35 $25,200.00
BROKEN WHITE(4 IN) (LF) $0.30 $0.00
SOLID WHITE(8 IN) (LF) $1.75 $0.00
STOP BARS(24 IN) (LF) $4.25 $0.00
CROSSWALKS(12 IN) (LF) $2.00 $0.00
WORDS (EA) $50.00 $0.00
ARROWS (EA) $100.00 $0.00
RR CROSSINGS (EA) $325.00 $0.00
TYPE I-C (EA) $3.25 $0.00
TYPE II-C-R (EA) $3.50 $0.00
TYPE II-A-A (EA) $3.00 $0.00
ASPH TYPE&GRADE(ADT<3000) AC-5/AC-10 (2%LATEX) $2.25 $0.00
ASPH TYPE&GRADE(ADT>=3000) AC-20-5TR $3.80 $51,300.00
AGGR TYPE&GRADE TY PB GR 4 $60.00 $48,960.00
MOWING(AC)*** $38.00 $0.00
SIGN REPLACEMENT(EVERY 6 YEARS)(EA) $800.00 $20,000.00
$254,280.00 0.03 $406,848.00
** Bid prices do not account for future inflation. Use inflation table.
***2 cycles per year
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 Item Number: 3.
Division: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code:
Date Prepared: January 3, 2011 Budgeted Amount: N/A
Exhibits: I
Consider, and act upon, approving amendments to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws.
Motion to approve the proposed amendments to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws.
To establish a procedure for Board members to place items on the agenda, staff has reviewed City Council and
Planning and Zoning Commission agenda item submission procedures and has provided a revision to the
Bylaws reflecting proposed changes.
In addition, while reviewing our current Board Bylaws we found an inconsistency in the Board's name and
propose the following correction to Section 4.
The following sections are the current Bylaws:
Section 4. Ali questions presented for a vote of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall
be decided by a simple majority of the quorum, including the vote of the Chair.
Article III Officers, Section 4 Duties of Officers, Paragraph (a)Chair, Item(iv)
Assist Parks and Recreation staff in establishing the agenda for each meeting. Agenda
items requested by any Board Member will be included.
Article III Officers, Section 4 Duties of Officers, Paragraph (c)Secretary, Item (ii)
The Staff Liaison will be responsible for producing the agenda and distributing the agenda
and minutes to the Parks and Recreation Board and City Manager. An official record of
attendance will be kept in the minutes.
The following sections are the proposed revised Bylaws:
Section 4. All questions presented for a vote of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall
be decided by a simple majority of the quorum, including the vote of the Chair.
Article III Officers, Section 4 Duties of Officers, Paragraph (a)Chair, Item (iv)
Assist Parks and Recreation staff in establishing the agenda for each meeting.
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Agenda items can be requested by the Chair at least one week prior to the
scheduled meeting. Agenda items requested by any single Board Member will need
to be submitted and approved by the Chair first prior to being submitted to the staff
liaison. Any two Board Members (not including the Chair) can submit an item to the
staff liaison to be placed on the Board Agenda at least one week prior to the
scheduled meeting. Agenda items submitted must be made in writing to the staff
(Keep in mind that staff will need sufficient time to properly research agenda items before they
are placed on an agenda.)
Article Ill Officers, Section 4 Duties of Officers, Paragraph (c)Secretary, Item (ii)
The Staff Liaison will be responsible for producing the agenda and distributing the agenda
and minutes to the Parks and Recreation Board and City Manager. An official record of
attendance will be kept in the minutes. A yearly calendar of monthly meetings will be
approved by the Board at the regular December meeting prior to the next calendar
year on an annual basis.
At the Parks and Recreation Regular Board meeting held on December 20, 2010 the Board approved the
changes to the Bylaws proposed by staff. The changes will now need to be reviewed and considered by the City
Approves! By
Initial Date
Department Director RD 2-3-2011
[City Manager
As authorized by the City Charter, City of Wylie and City Ordinance No. 78-18. This
body shall be known as the Parks and Recreation Board.
Section 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be held
monthly at the Municipal Complex council conference room unless the Board
determines otherwise.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or at the call of any two
members of the Board, provided that notice thereof be given to all Board members.
Section 3. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the
Section 4. All questions presented for a vote of the Parks and Recreation Advisory
Board shall be decided by a simple majority of the quorum, including the vote of the
Section 5. Any member of the Board who misses three consecutive meetings
without good cause shall be deemed to have resigned, and the Board will
recommend to City Council that a replacement be appointed for the balance of the
unexpired term.
Section 6. Robert's Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the parliamentary
procedure of the Board, in cases to which they are applicable and in which they are
not inconsistent with these by-laws.
Item#3-Attachment Park and Recreation Board Bylaws 12-20-2010 revisedl0
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Section 1. The officers of the Board shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and
a Secretary (City Staff member will be serving as Secretary).
Section 2. Officers shall be elected and take office at the first regular meeting after
new Board members have been appointed and sworn in.
Section 3. Vacancies in office shall be handled as follows:
(a) In the event of resignation or incapacity of the Chair, the
Vice-Chair shall become the Chair for the unexpired
portion of the term.
(b) Vacancies in officers other than the Chair shall be filled for the
unexpired term by election from the remaining Parks and
Recreation Board Members.
Section 4. Duties of the officers shall be as follows:
(a) Chair:
(i) Preside at all meetings
(ii) Represent the Parks and Recreation Board at public
(iii) Appoint special committees.
(iv) Assist Parks and Recreation staff in establishing the
agenda for each meeting. Agenda items can be requested
by the Chair at least one week prior to the scheduled
meeting. Agenda items requested by any single Board
Member_will be included need to be submitted and
approved by the Chair first prior to being submitted to the
staff liaison. Any two Board Members (not including the
Chair) can submit an item to the staff liaison to be placed on
the Board Agenda at least one week prior to the scheduled
meeting. Agenda items submitted must be made in writing
to the staff liaison.
(b) Vice-Chair:
(i) Assist the Chair in directing the affairs of the Board and act in
the Chair's absence.
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(c) Secretary:
(i) The City Secretary's office will be responsible for recording
and maintaining the minutes. This "Secretary position" will
be occupied by a City Staff member and not be an official
Board position.
(ii) The Staff Liaison will be responsible for producing the
agenda and distributing the agenda and minutes to the
Parks and Recreation Board and City Manager. An official
record of attendance will be kept in the minutes. . A yearly
calendar of monthly meetings will be approved by the Board
at the regular December meeting prior to the next calendar
year on an annual basis.
Section 1. Committees may be appointed for special purposes by the Chair and with the
consent of the majority of the Board. All committees will have at least one Parks and
Recreation Board member serving on them. These committees are automatically dissolved
upon completion of assignment.
Section 2. Progress reports will be given at each Board Meeting and a final report on
completion of assignments.
Powers and Duties of Board Members
Section 1. Board Members shall:
(a) Be appointed by the City Council.
(b) Abide by applicable ordinances of the City of Wylie.
(c) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council, City Manager and
Parks and Recreation Staff.
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(d) Recommend policies to govern the operation and program of the
Parks and Recreation Department.
(e) Assist in planning and give guidance for expansion of parks and
recreation facilities.
(f) Assist in interpreting the policies and functions of the Parks and
Recreation Department to the public. Encourage in every possible
way the development and advancement of the Parks and
Recreation Department.
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting, provided
all members have been notified of the proposed amendments at least three days prior to such
meeting. Such amendment would then be subject to approval by City Council.
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