10-25-2010 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, October 25, 2010-6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Board Members present: Brandi Lafleur, Dan Chesnut*, Cristine Price**, Gary Robas and Matt Rose. Absent: Jim
Staff members present: Public Services Director, Mike Sferra, Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz
and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams.
Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that
comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition,Board is not allowed to converse,deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen
4„,;,, participation.
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider,and act upon,approval of the Minutes of the September 27,2010 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Robas made a motion, seconded by Board Member Rose to approve the minutes from the
September 27, 2010 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 5-0.
2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the October 16,2010 Park Tour.
Board Action
Board Member Rose made a motion, seconded by Board Member Lafleur to approve the minutes from the
October 16, 2010, Park Tour. A vote was taken and passed at 5-0.*
*Board Member Dan Chesnut arrived at 6:47 p.m
3. Consider and act upon Wylie East High School Baseball Program vendor registration to sell
concessions and spirit wear.
Board Action
Board Member Price made a motion, seconded by Board Member Robas to approve the vendor application
for Wylie East High School Baseball Program and present to Council at the first November meeting. A vote
was taken and passed at 6-0.
4. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Estates at Creekside
Development. Presentation made by Gary DeFrain, Campbell/Wylie Partners, 8235 Douglas Ave.,
Board Discussion
Presenter Gary DeFrain explained the piece of property under discussion is zoned for Park Dedication with
the preliminary plat approval expired. He requests Park Board's input prior to presenting to Planning and
Zoning and City Council for approval. Since original approval some changes have been made to the
subdivision as well as zoning regulations in regards to flood plain.
To make a continuous trail from Creekside Estates to Estates at Creekside there is one piece of property
surrounding a corner of Muddy Creek that has unclear boundaries and ownership. The feasibility of moving
the parking lot to the trailhead was also discussed. It was the consensus that more time is needed to obtain
answers. Staff recommends that Campbell/Wylie Partners guarantee connectivity of the trail. Mr. DeFrain is
unable to do so until the questions surrounding the turn at Muddy Creek are answered. Plan is to meet with
staff and stake corners in the questionable Muddy Creek area prior to the next meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Robas made a motion, seconded by Board Member Rose to table consideration until the next
Park Board Meeting, November 15, 2010, after more information is gathered. A vote was taken and passed at
**Board Member Cristine Price departed at 7:30 p.m.
5. Discuss update from Chris Hoisted,City Engineer on the remaining bond projects status
Board inquiry from September 27,2010 meeting.
Board Discussion
The Board reviewed the response email from Chris Hoisted listing the remaining bond projects and the
possibility of incorporating trails or crossings. The only project that the Board foresees this possibility is
McMillen Rd-McCreary to FM 1378, however, the only trailhead starter position is currently on private
6. Discuss response from Shane Colley to Board's inquiry from September 27,2010 meeting as to
whether the old asphalt road from FM 1378 is going to be removed or not and why.
Board Discussion
The Board reviewed Shane Colley's response that the plan is to remove the entire old asphalt road from FM
1378 once construction is completed due to end of necessity for this road at that time; it will be returned to its
original state. The Board was pleased with that information. The question came up as to whether the old
bridge on 1378 would stay or not. Staff will talk to Chris Hoisted to find out the plans for that bridge and
7. Discuss Community Park renovation inquiries from September 27,2010 meeting:
a. Discuss response regarding the exterior finish of the Community Park football
restroom/concession stand.
Board Discussion
The Board discussed the exterior finish of the restroom/concession stand; it will meet code specs(as
explained by City Planning Director Renee 011ie)with the block/plaster exterior. The packet photos
were reviewed.
b. Discuss response regarding the ventilation system and awning for the Community Park
football restroom/concession stand.
Public Services Director Sferra explained as per the packet insertion that the ventilation system is a
motorized ventilation system; there will be separate systems for the concession stand and the
bathrooms. Director Sferra will verify location of vents with the vendor.
Director Sferra related to the Board restroom vendor's response that they can do any kind of awing
that the Board wants and as the project gets closer to completion monies remaining in the budget can
be reviewed to determine feasibility or type of awning to install. Chairwoman Hiney pointed out that
the drawings for the concession stand appeared to have an overhang; if the drawings are correct a
shade would not be necessary. Director Sferra indicated he would get clarification from the vendor.
Minutes October 25,2010
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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c. Discuss response regarding potential options for relocation of transformer box at
Community Park.
Board Discussion
It was determined the transformer lines enter from the north to the box and turn east between fields 2
and 3. Three separate options were offered (per packet). The least expensive being option#1. No
pricing from Oncor to date. Expect numbers by next Park Board meeting.
8. Discuss October 16,2010 Park Tour Board questions and response comments by Chris Seely.
Board Discussion
The Board reviewed email response from Chris Seely regarding Board's questions during the Park Tour.
Director Sferra confirmed Member Rose's request the Rowell field's dimensions have been revised to 50 feet
with 250 foot fencing. They are looking toward stubbing out the plumbing lines toward the T-Ball fields or
running the lines if it doesn't add a great deal of cost to the project. Chris Seely will be attending the next Park
Board Meeting to answer any further questions.
9. Discuss presented photos of completed historical panels for Founders Park.
Board Discussion
The Board reviewed photos of the panels presented by staff. Staff went to the manufacturer's site to see the
samples. Lettering is 2 inches tall and each slab is 2 '/2 inches thick, each weighs about 500 pounds. They are
white with black lettering. They will be sealed to protect against weather and graffiti. The panels should be
resealed every five years.
10. Discuss renaming Forrest Ross to Angel Park.
Board Discussion
Director Sferra reviewed the regulations for naming parks with the Board. He mentioned the Master Plan
recommended with the theme of"Embrace the Lakes"and suggested that the Board revisit this issue during
the design phase of the park.A design project is budgeted for this fiscal year. Once the consultant has
returned with his recommendations it was suggested there could be a feature within the park or on the
adjacent Army Corps of Engineer property referring to the name"Angel"with a plaque. The Board will revisit
this topic once recommendations have been returned.
A motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Rose and seconded by Board Member Lafleur. The meeting
was adjourned at 8:29 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Nancy Witt' , Park Board Secretary Hine , hat!
Minutes October 25,2010
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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