01-24-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet . ..CITY OF YLIE Parks cr Board
Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 24, 2011 —6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie, Texas 75098
Anne Hiney Chair
Brandi Lafleur Vice-Chair
Dan Chesnut Board Member
Cristine Price Board Member
Gary Robas Board Member
Matt Rose Board Member
Jim Ward Board Member
Robert Diaz Board Liaison
Nancy Williams Board Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to
the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gav within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda
Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gay.
The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step
outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48
hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6022 or TD 972.516.6023.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Residents must provide their name and address.Board requests
that comments be limited to three(3)minutes.
1. Overview and Training for the City Council Chambers Technology
2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the December 20, 2010 meeting.
3. Consider and act upon ranking and selecting the top two architectural firms to make a
presentation to the City Council for the Trails Master Plan and Neighborhood Parks Master Plan
projects after presentations by second and third ranked candidates:
a. Land Design Partners
b. Lochner BWR Division.
4. Discuss progress of Community Park project. Presentation will be made by Chris Seely, Project
Manager with Teague, Nall and Perkins, Inc.
January 24,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et. seq. Texas Government Code to wit:
Section 5551.072 (Real Property) of the Local Government Code Vernon's Texas Code Annotated
(Open Meetings Act).
• Discuss vacant property on corner of Westgate and Fleming
In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during
the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require
that a meeting be open Should Board elect to convene into Executive Session those exceptions will be specifically identified
and announced Any subsequent action, as a result of this Executive Session will be taken and recorded in open session
Take any action as a result from Executive Session.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 21st day of January 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in
accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a
courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Date: January 24, 2011 Item Number: 1
Department: (Park Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Nancy Williams Account Code:
Date Prepared: January 20, 2011 Budgeted Amount:
Overview and Training for the City Council Chambers Technology
• A/V Controls
o Chair/Secretary have duplicate controls
o Tap medium monitor to initialize
o Projector screen drops
o Agenda Screen/Logo default meeting
o Presentations can be done from any screened location &podium—pdf best 16:9 resolution (1024x768)
o Select Record to record meeting
• Agenda System
o CUA-Execution
• Select English
• Conference
• Start
• Select Agenda
• Set subject as you highlight items
• To start vote,"majority vote"Yes/No
• Stop when completed
• Results will show on screen
• Members must touch screens at assigned stations to register attendance and to vote
• Chair/Secretary can IM individual stations
• Mics push to talk/push to end—will light up red when on
• Can be turned off by Chair or Secretary
• Don't move mics around
Mute if on and want to make an unrecorded comment
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director
Page 1 of 1
. .. y Parks r Board
Meeting Minutes
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, December 20, 2010 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 Hwy. 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
Announcing the presence of a Quorum, Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.
Board Members present: Brandi Lafleur, Cristine Price, Gary Robas, Matt Rose and Jim Ward. Absent: Dan
Staff members present: Public Services Director, Mike Sferra and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams.
Absent: Robert Diaz, Board Liaison
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the November 15, 2010 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Robas made a motion, seconded by Board Member Price to approve the minutes from
the October 25, 2010 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0.
2. Consider and act upon approving the proposed calendar for the 2011 Parks and
Recreation Board Meeting Dates.
Board Discussion
Board Member Robas expressed a conflict with the April 2011 proposed date of the 18th and suggested
that meeting be moved to its regular date of the fourth Monday, April 25th
Board Action
Board Member Rose made a motion, seconded by Board Member Lafleur to approve the calendar with
the April meeting changed to the 25th. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0.
3. Consider and act upon approving the proposed amendments to the Parks and Recreation
Board Bylaws.
Board Discussion
Public Services Director Sferra reviewed the Agenda Report by Board Liaison Diaz that staff
recommended revision of the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws to more closely reflect procedures
currently adopted by the Wylie City Council. Board Member Price inquired whether changes needed to be
reviewed by an attorney. Director Sferra informed her that the changes only need be approved by the City
Board Action
Board Member Ward made a motion, seconded by Board Member Lafleur to approve the proposed
amendments to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0.
4. Consider and act upon the selection of two Board members to serve on the committee that
will review the Request for Qualifications due December 17, 2010 for the Trails Master
Plan and Pheasant Creek/Forrest Ross Neighborhood Park conceptual plans.
Board Discussion
Public Services Director Sferra explained the process of RFQ review for recommendations to the City
Council and requested two volunteers from the Board to serve on the committee with staff. The
committee would review the submitted RFQs and select the top two or three for the Trails Master Plan
and the Neighborhood Parks Master Plan. The top two recommended candidates would then give their
proposals to the City Council. The Council will select the firms that will be offered the project through
mutual negotiation. Board Members Ward and Robas volunteered. The proposed schedule is to meet
and select prior to the next scheduled Park Board Meeting, where the recommendations will be put to the
Board. The staff contacts for the committee will be Director Sferra and Board Liaison Diaz.
Board Action
Board Member Lafleur made a motion, seconded by Board Member Rose to approve Members Ward and
Robas to review the proposed RFQs and make their recommendations to the Park Board. A vote was
taken and passed at 6-0.
A motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Robas and seconded by Board Member Ward. The meeting
was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Nancy Williams, Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chair
Minutes December 20,2010
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Page 2
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Date: January 24, 2011 Item Number: 3
Department: (Park Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code:
Date Prepared: January 20, 2011 Budgeted Amount:
Presentation by the firms of Land Design Partners-DFW, Inc. and Lochner-BWR Division for professional
services related to the Neighborhood Parks Master Plan and Trails Master Plan.
The process used to identify possible finalist firms for the Neighborhood Parks Master Plan and Trails Master
Plan was as follows:
• Requests for Proposals were developed and solicited.
• A Committee of two staff and two Park Board members was formed.
• Proposals by seven interested firms for each project were received and evaluated.
• All firms were ranked by the Committee.
The top three firms for each project are Teague Nall and Perkins, Land Design Partners-DFW, Inc., and
Lochner-BWR Division. The committee is somewhat unfamiliar with the latter two firms and has requested
each to make a short presentation to the Board, totaling 15 minutes or less, that will cover both projects.
As stated in the RFQ, the City maintains the right to interview firms prior to contract negotiations.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director
Page 1 of 1
Trail Master Plan
Firm I M.Sferra I R. Diaz J.Ward I G. Rokas TOTAL era e I Ranking
!Lochner 96 88 I 98 65 347 I 86.75 3
Teag_e Na__ &Firkins i 85 i 95 I 88 80 I 348 I 87 I 2
Land iDesian 89 I 93 I 85 85 352 I 88 i 1
Huff-Zo ars 80 82 I 60 I 68 I 290 I 72.5 5
65 75 1 60 65 265 I 66.25 6
HS 65 75 95 83 318 79I- 1 .5 4
_a Terra60 70 63 65 258 64.5 i 7
Neighborhood Parks Master Plan
Firm ° . terra R. Diaz J.Ward G. o as TOTAL AverageRanking1
!Lochner 86 90 I 85 88 349 I 87.25 2
eague Na &Perkins 88 95 90 83 356 89 1
Land iDesian 88 I 95 I 75 i82 i 340 I 85 13
H._u tt1Zo ars 75 95 70 82 322 80.5 4
!Raiff65 90 I 60 65 I 280 I 70 I 6
HS 75 80 90 65 310 77.5 5
La Terra66 80 75 54 275 68.75 7
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