02-15-2011 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission Aft I February 15, 2011 Regular Business Meeting 7/1/1 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 15, 2011 - 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Ruthie Wright Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Jeremy Jordan Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Gilbert Tamez Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from January 18, 2011 Regular Meeting. February 15,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat creating four (4) lots on 260.08 acres, generally located north of FM 544, south of FM 3412 (Brown Street), and east and west of FM 1378 (Country Club Drive). RESCHEDULED FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2011 MEETING Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, to amend Sections 2.09 & 2.10 of Ordinance 98-15 & Concept Plan of the Woodbridge Subdivision to increase the minimum dwelling size from 1,600 s.f. to 1,800 s.f. and to allow a minimum lot size of 5,500 s.f. ZC 2011-01 RESCHEDULED FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2011 MEETING 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending PD 2000-22B & Concept Plan of the Estates of Creekside to decrease the front yard setback with the purpose of increasing the width of the main collector road into the subdivision and to delete 0.9 acres of ETJ land included in current PD, generally located south of Parker Road and approximately 1/2 mile west of Country Club Road. ZC 2011-02 RESCHEDULED FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2011 MEETING ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 11h Day of February, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, January 18, 2011 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:37PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice Chairman Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Jeremy Jordan, Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner David Dahl, and Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko. Commissioner Ron Smith was absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jason Haskins, Assistant Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Dahl gave the invocation and Vice-Chairman Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the December 7, 2010, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Vice Chairman Wright, to approve the minutes from December 7, 2010 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 6 —0. REGULAR AGENDA Minutes January 18,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 4 ActionAgenda 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Birmingham Elementary School, Block A, Lot 1 on 14.749 gross acres, generally located north of W. Brown Street and approximately 704 feet east of Westgate Way (700 W. Brown Street). Mr. Lee stated that the property was never platted, when the elementary school was initially constructed. Recently a building permit was submitted for minor expansion and the Wylie Independent School District agreed to make the property a legal lot of record. The plat will dedicate the necessary right-of-way for Brown Street improvements and reflect and dedicate utility, fire lane and access easements. With no questions for the applicant, Ronny Klingbeil, or Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Jordan, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Birmingham Elementary School, Block A, Lot 1 on 14.749 gross acres, generally located north of W. Brown Street and approximately 704 feet east of Westgate Way (700 W. Brown Street). Motion carried 6— 0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Hartman Elementary School, Block A, Lot 1 on 8.201 gross acres, generally located north of W. Kirby Street and east of S. Birmingham Street(501 S. Birmingham Street). Mr. Lee stated that the property was never platted, when the elementary school was initially constructed. Recently a building permit was submitted for minor expansion and the Wylie Independent School District agreed to make the property a legal lot of record. The plat will dedicate the fire lane and access easements. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Vice-Chairman Wright, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Hartman Elementary School, Block A, Lot 1 on 8.201 gross acres, generally located north of W. Kirby Street and east of S. Birmingham Street (501 S. Birmingham Street). Motion carried 6— 0. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Waterbrook Bible Fellowship, a Worship Facility located on 4.613 acres at 507 Thomas Street. Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is developing a single story commercial style building of 7,533 square feet on the 4.62 acre lot for use as a House of Worship in a Single-Family 10/24 Residential zoning district. Minutes January 18,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 4 The Preliminary Plat was approved by City Council in August 2010. However, the Final Plat differs slightly from the Preliminary Plat due to a change in the right-of-way easement. The Final Plat proposes to extend the easement to the east and move the southern access point to the southeastern edge of the property. This will accommodate Phase II when they get ready to begin construction. The City Engineer and Fire Marshal have reviewed this change and provided no comments or objections. Commissioner Dahl questioned if there will be access off Lanny Earl Hale Street. Mr. Bryan Rogers, Better Design Resources, P.O. Box 1454, Wylie, applicant for the subject property, stated that the plat proposes forty additional parking spaces, and the hammer- head design at the southeastern edge of the property allows the fire trucks room to turn around within the parking lot. The access for the property will be off Thomas Street only. There is a ditch between Lanny Earl Hale Street and the edge of the property, that is owned by TxDot. There are no plans in the future to have an access off Lanny Earl Hale Street. A motion was made by Commissioner Jordan, and seconded by Commissioner Kopchenko, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Waterbrook Bible Fellowship, a Worship Facility located on 4.613 acres at 507 Thomas Street. Motion carried 6 —0. 4. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Zlan Corner Addition, Block A, Lot 2R. Subject property being generally located on the northeast corner of Country Club Road(FM 1378) and W. Brown Street(FM 3412). Mr. Lee stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a single story, 13,000 square foot retail building on the property. The property is zoned Neighborhood Services (NS) District and consists of two lots totaling 1.814 acres in size. In 2005, Zlan Corner Addition was platted on nine acres with four commercial lots. A Replat combining lots 2 & 3 into one single lot is on the current agenda. The proposed building will be constructed with a combination of stone and split face concrete block with at least 20% stone on the front façade. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Vice-Chairman Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to approve the Site Plan for Zlan Corner Addition, Block A, Lot 2R generally located on the northeast corner of Country Club Road (FM 1378) and W. Brown Street (FM 3412) subject to approval of a replat combining the two separate lots into one and dedicating fire lane and access easement to accommodate the development of the property. Motion carried 6—0. 5. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Zlan Corner Addition, Block A, Lot 2R, combining two commercial lots into one on 1.814 acres and dedicating fire lane and access easements. The property is generally located on the northeast corner of Country Club Road (FM 1378) and W. Brown Street(FM 3412). Minutes January 18,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 4 Mr. Lee stated that the proposed Replat will combine Lots 2 and 3 into one lot to accommodate development of retail and other commercial uses on the property. A corresponding site plan is on the current agenda for consideration. The Replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Kopchenko, and seconded by Vice Chairman Wright, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Zlan Addition, Block A, Lot 2R, combining two commercial lots into one on 1.814 acres and dedicating fire lane, and access easements. The property is generally located on the northeast corner of Country Club Road (FM 1378) and W. Brown Street(FM 3412). Motion carried 6— 0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice Chairman Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to adjourn the meeting at 7:02PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes January 18,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 4 Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 15, 2011 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: Wylie Civic Center Date Prepared: January 10, 2011 Zoning District: BG Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat creating four(4)lots on 260.08 acres, generally located north of FM 544, south of FM 3412 (Brown Street), and east and west of FM 1378 (Country Club Drive). Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to City Council for a Final Plat establishing four(4)lots on 260.08 acres, generally located north of FM 544, south of FM 3412 (Brown Street), and east and west of FM 1378 (Country Club Drive . Discussion Rescheduled from February 1,2011 meeting The property totals 260.08 acres and creates and establishes (4) four lots for the development of City Hall, Recreation Center and Library on Lot 1. Designated access points will be located off FM 1378 to include a divided entrance with one lane ingress to the subject property and two lanes of egress. The plat establishes easements for water and sewer lines, fire lanes and hydrants. A 60' right-of-way for a temporary detour road easement will be removed upon the completion of improvements to FM 1378. The plat also dedicates the necessary rights-of-way to accommodate realignment and improvements to FM 1378. A section of old FM 1378 is abandoned by this plat. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 01/25/11 Page 1 of 1 R 29' --- T�_ CB=B]81080PW °0 'V °° G�S�o ra,,,e»z T 64]8 Jµl z 1° wa. N9w'°°• .cn\ L 12]29' P6' ,Ip-1pP CL 12618' R._ p .�c4 /_ Des B,49Ba° N �. °A� 'S repel a L_L 7 .D"'r\ x 99 ACRES FM 3412/BROWN STREET cO's S89°41'S5'E 127348 IeBwIDE Row.l \, /,." ,p, 1242.75' 502°1915"E I ✓< 7 DAD' w+x S88°34'S1"E 2580.90' h rx 1 /� • 22.85' I (, 1 ,v.Nx N89°05'10, 712.26' 1615.80' 900°54'50"E ,¢rw� p =3]°52'19" yam iI �'� / / 223.66 'i-- NO2°OS'3]E I]i m ° 95 48 01a31 ACRES °°�° / rouxA � - E No1E CI L 18362 /l _- -� O CL 180 62 I I,, 26101 GB-N46°05'39'E N I / 0 100 440 300 400 600 ' 967 W N13°32'1]^E -yyy� -� • LOT 167.98' 1 117.98' A =16°2fi'00" // A =21 (43.683 AC. . /w�i:xo R =761.16' // `�' 1=2n3 1,902,834 SQ.FT.) R =210 3.89'9' I/ ' L =2R16.31' // m LOCATION MAP T =447.90' / j CL=217.57' TRACT ONE // CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS L =447.90' / (DOC.NO.2005-0017065) CL=447.05' / I�� CB=N17°3083°E (240.983 AC.) /% ...G"av ,�z, TRACT I CB=S20.22'54"W / w,cna 1 ,zaa // J / c S90°00'00"E 740.00' �"'"A' 7/ [formerly FRANCES S28°55'S1"W DOJO / i5 BATES WELL tract] 168.40' Foup6 µM FOu _A =2°16'29" %i/ uxTx 1( ce v / N27°3940 E R =761 16' l 8a 534°09'40'W ,o5�y t Ill 71 21' T 15.11' ADS j/ LOT 3 / is w atass Ih N30'2639E L =3022' VOLAODA _RAD Dx.-�� (164.218 AC. /' p CURVE L5 L CB CL sB N29°39'06"E II CL 30 22' o x j l� 7,153,354 SQ.FT.) op�tY 302.56' x/ I( 10349' CB-N26°51'17'E� /' / cat 4 0 3211 1c 00 l4 zw cola / �, I4I m 13 WATERi/ @ ] g. 1P8 ". /Da,:xo 1'I .N32°32�'E o- (BY THIS PLAT) /' / " /: `°�7do ` i - 16t60 " \ 3 /ll \\\�w°ate xT µ .@�/BEM x LOT 1 \\�ao %/ Ui e.('/ ', r(t1�1 857,018 SQ.FT.) 1,1 o -/ ! av 0004 , 4404 N30 1825"E ti _ 11 �� n \An216.46' / \\ //, _ -11 ��/ 7/ CITY OF WVLI E,TEXAS �,u J1 '-- N30°0703 E---/4 / V/ I �_-FF -® // (DOC.NO.2005-0017065) - :51237' i '- z4FIRE,ANEE EASEMENT/ Z /yam .ER>I'renr--7 I. - -- (BY THIS PLAT)As T / TRACT II ..,/ 2.SEE SHEET 3/4 POR LOT'EASEMENT TABLES 1.SEE SHEET 2/4 FOR LOT 1DETAIL FILE:���/y. ""° ,,,,ts n\ !-1` \ SFOREE DETAILS�wrcOD m // [formerly PRANCES 532°24'32"WO Z O gDO S90°00'09" 1( ig43,03' psEE SHEET // BATES WELL trac/]z/ /� STATE LAW AND IS SUBJECT To FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AN \... 231.66' e / \ 1 E EASEMENT 3 SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF CITY Br ELECTRIC % TEXAS DEPARTMENT F Os:uaata+ /// ______ TRANSPORRIGHT-OF-WAY AATION R CS1N o hr" ESTABLISHED FOR 200 1' W O / ¢- "J xw / II /� `. (REVISED DATED APRIL LOCATION 4,PER THE ANUNRECORDED S GNEDEBY SURVEY A =15°09'21" .,,>£a v nM1y / J / IID.MAIER CONSULTING R =1528,27' 30°0783"E / 5 FM1378 RIGHT-OF-WAY BASED ON LOCATION ESTABLISHED FOR THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF T =203.32' z/ 44• / 'Ova' /j/ II cOn. /� _-- FOR PARCEL NO 4,PART 1,DATED APRIL 23,2003(REVISED AUGUST 0,2004)AND SIGNED BY JOHN L NSULTING.ENGINEERS,INC. CL =403.08' Da xo/ O N31°24'43"E e / �%i i' TEXAS RPLS NO.4206.WITH NATHAN D. CB=520°28'21"W /D'" 246.2' i (VARIABLE wlD3TN R.o.w.) aw:s P,,, �v� n OJT /% \ (DOC.NO.20090130000063030) a \, /„-/- //��5 NO.0061 066---00E11 Ga ESTABLISHED UNRECORDED SURVEYFOR PARCEL NO ��, PART DATED MAY 2003 )AND SIGNED BY HNOR THE TEXAS RL.MELTON, ioRiHS Finilcn / \\�os ABANDONED BY �_ � _-_ _ ` 0z4T2 ACRES ON �/ j 4 _2939.81'/ _our OO / i y__ - / :One.asJPDaee17 THE BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1963,TE.S COORDINATE R -1239.81tWr �, %) ,� uco., SYSTEM NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 0202 ALL BEARINGS ARE SURFACE BEARINGS AND ALL RE SURFACE DISTANCES.COMBINED SCALE FACTOR 0999NT313 S® •� / T =327.93 Tnau 0 II �� EASEMENT(BY /;-'� wLocs.Da,o -- S ae _ / CL=634 06 / I�\\1 ��""" Ma, i- / m / 805°4826"W ] / CB=N22°39'47'E / /_... � �'( � a III / \ N155.56' = x / / / \�va.Tsss,a"e �I'l,/ usum^i vnnrnx. E LEGEND O / / ce_/ J ��\ _// Il zh J7'JH o S11°31'21W // NO2✓°44129 >/_-- D \\\ �i / �/ J,O°yWu3s `.OD°"1 ---- • ABSTRAPROPERCT 102.10' 126.69 / oD i / 6,10_ - ABSTRACT LINE 801133'24"E ` rz / x NTED / / / / 9000 EASEMENT LINE K\ 103.08' 2jj84rOr 94._ 1Va / PO ,a•DIN 12 FOUND IRON Roo 715.26' Wa, I�� PIPE gur388°08o„:,roc"A w,cv, PART \ __// II rds„ax Pas aaNccnRON aoDwm POINT OF 0000/ ic00 1 N49°48'15"E -_- N8 ------ _ I „4,:°c,00 ve Dix 513 FOUND IRON ROD BEGINNING c ,,c N13°10'32"E I 13.28' i 1'�67r -- (TRACT ONE) .A o.4,, 38.85 .c A /.cw 3 _ Gr 4. HALFF05800 Nc. 390B,B2» o =1z°50'o0" TRACT TWO 3a „TDED -N w=sT TRANSPORTATION RAN PO DISK R =12'50'0 EXAS _ , -e e, D J.4, TRANS orsDI K T =327.82' ' Nib°48'35T" \ LOT 4 (Doc.No.2005-CITY OF 0T]065) L =sszs°' 3aas3' ,� 04SQ. . TRACT III i, o =01'02'28" FINAL PLATCL=651.54' 823,004 SQ.FT.) R =3769.83' CB=N87°26'06"W - o =O'44'18" li T =34.25' /„z4,�D r" m„NA0 y o merly PRANCES WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION ewo q4p '_7, ' BATES WELL tract] R =3869.83' L =68.50' T =24.93' r. CL=68.50' / BLOCK A,LOTS 1-4 -4'./ n L =49.86' C CB=N81°32'20" /. CL=49.86' 260.083 ACRES wcxJnnDxT' CB=S81°23'15"E _ m="_,,:w�a SITUATED IN THE x/ J W CURT S SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.196 583°28'43"W nno"cnnD"T in (POINT OF MICHAEL MILLIRON SURVEY,ABSTRACT Na 563 55.00' 'I BEGINNING N71°34'02"W J (TRACT TWO) CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS F n 80.00' caeI 44 xi --_�/ FOR _ 9 Nos°4s'02"W I CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS 55.00' �y 4 =3°49'32" V.-,,1m PREPARED BY 8`m °'1. 9 T =189.35' 00 a NALFFASENGINEERS 8 80804YORS ES T =189.35' ill RIc 5381 L =378.56' ,1Ig� PRELIMINARY CL=378.49' i0 w� FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY SCALE,1=200 AN0.254„ JANUARY,2011 CB=N74°22'S5"W fal ?At Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: February 15, 2011 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2011-01 Location Map,Legal Description, PD Conditions, Zoning Exhibit, Conceptual Plan, Comparison of Existing & Proposed,Notification List/Map Date Prepared: January 17, 2011 Exhibits: and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, to amend Sections 2.09 & 2.10 of Ordinance 98-15 & Concept Plan of the Woodbridge Subdivision to increase the minimum dwelling size from 1,600 s.f. to 1,800 s.f. and to allow a minimum lot size of 5,500 s.f. ZC 2011-01 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council, amending Sections 2.09 & 2.10 of Ordinance 98-15 & Concept Plan of the Woodbridge Subdivision to increase the minimum dwelling size from 1,600 s.f. to 1,800 s.f. and to allow a minimum lot size of 5,500 s.f. ZC 2011-01 Discussion Rescheduled from February 1,2011 meeting Owner: Woodbridge Properties, LLC Applicant: Herzog Development Corporation The subject property is part of the larger mixed use Woodbridge Planned Development (PD 98-15), which consists of Single-Family Residential of varying densities, Multifamily Residential, a Golf Course, Parks, Commercial, a School Site, and Common Open Spaces. The entire Planned Development is 921 acres in size, of which approximately 409 acres and 1,650 single-family lots of the PD are located within the Sachse city limits. The portion of the PD located within the Wylie city limits is approximately 512 acres in size and includes a golf course, a school site, common and public open spaces, and approximately 980 single-family residential lots (SF-5.5, SF-7.2 and SF-8.4). The Concept Plan was approved by the City Council as part of the original Planned Development (PD 1998-15) on June 9, 1998, but did not serve as an approved Preliminary Plat and each subsequent phase must have a Development Plan/Preliminary Plat approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The intent of the subject amendment is to allow for a minimum lot size of 5,500 sq. ft. in order to provide for an increase in the minimum dwelling size from 1,600 s.f. to 1,800 s.f. on the remaining 24.381 acres. The subject tract is south of Woodbridge Phases 10D & 9, and located both within Dallas & Collin Counties. The main entrance is from Creek Crossing Lane, which intersects Sachse Road. This amendment affects only those lots platted after the approval date of this Amendment. As proposed, the development would yield 111 single family residential lots and three lots owned and maintained by the HOA designated as open space. A 60'wide R.O.W. has been added to allow for additional ingress/egress into this phase. The currently approved PD Conditions set forth the development design standards of the subdivision. The original conditions for the subject tract allow for a minimum lot size of 8,400 s.f,whereas the proposed amendment would allow lot sizes of 5,500 s.f. Lots to the north (Phase 10D) are comprised of a minimum of 8,400 s.f. lots with a minimum dwelling size of 1,600 s.f. while Phase 9 ranges in size from a minimum of 5,500 s.f. to over 7,500 s.f. with a minimum square footage of the main building being 1,200,exclusive of garages,breezeways&porticos. The attached Exhibit"C"indicates a comparison of the original PD and the proposed PD Conditions. The density for this phase increases from 3.56 dwelling units per acre (du/ac)to 5.53 du/ac,while the overall density decreases slightly from 2.16 du/ac to 2.12 du/ac. Section 2.10.c states that a minimum ratio of 7 interior lots shall be developed for each golf course lot. This line item is not applicable to this amendment, as no lots are adjacent to the golf course. Section 2.10.d in regards to readjustment of city limit boundaries is not applicable to this amendment as there are no 9,000 s.f. lots within the subject tract. The proposed amendments separate the dwelling sizes on a percent of all lots. However it is not known at this time whether the lots will be Patio Homes or Single Family detached or a combination of the two. The PD Conditions set forth the minimum allowed for each dwelling type. An existing water feature separates the proposed lots west of Creek Crossing from those lots within Phase 10 along Parke Lake Drive. Thirty-Six (36) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. As of January 27, 2011 two responses were received opposing the request and three responses in favor of the requested zoning amendment. Approved By Initial Date RO 02/10/11 Department Director , i 1 .. .:.!.,,i, • 4fine <>\,,,, 1/4 . iv .4,..... „1/4 0 - no iiimaiii, ‘ [ • ..0 11111111111117•Iulu[illu i dmi- • " .xau ugh a i[Il1nlli I/I:.— -l• il. l ,40A. /k ," AI llaMtl ;_Imk ►•III mum'durum f nn!�H11nIlIlIII1Iuh1I1l1Nn ....----. .11 I.h--2 €f' ' M11111 1111111 :jlulluilllllllrl[11 ■ -w w i- -:I w +Zl` 12Vi11 [7[21I: �., ■ uurtnu 11 Eljt2.0.1_ �rc -. 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LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2011 -01 Exhibit"A" Legal Description Zone Case#2011-01 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 20.788 ACRES BEING a tract of land situated in the Richard D. Newman Survey, Abstract No. 660, Collin County, and the Richard D. Newman Survey, Abstract No. 1072, Dallas County, City of Wylie, Texas and being part of a tract described in deed to Woodbridge Properties. LLC recorded in Clerk's File No. 2001 »0127082, Land Records of Coffin County, Texas and in Volume 2001195, Page 4662, Deed Records of Dallas County, "ems and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northwest right-of-way line of Sachse/Ballard Road (a variable width right-of-way) and the southwest right-of-way line of Creek Crossing Lane (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE with said northwest right-of-way line, the following courses and distances: South 45° 02'46" West, a distance of 226.90 feet to a point for corner; North 87° 55' 14"West, a distance of 27.68 feet to a point for corner; South 45° 31' 03" West, a distance of 338.72 feet to a point for corner: South 46° 13' 42" West, a distance of 1152.84 feet to a point for comer, THENCE departing said northwest right-of-way line,,; the following courses and distances: North 43° 46' 18"West, a distance of 467.66 feet to a point for corner; North 40° 07' 22" East, a distance of 333.04 feet to a point for corner; North 23° 55' 28" Fast, a distance of 180.02 feet to a point for comer, North 16° 47' 37" Cast, a distance of 292.11 feet to a point for comer, North 05° 23' 18" East, a distance of 13.21 feet to a point for comer, South 87° 50' 21" East, a distance of 123.52 feet to a point for corner; North 83° 10' 34" East, a distance of 139.67 feet to a point for corner,; North 74° 35' 48" East, a distance of 90.78 feet to a point for corner, North 72° 50' 28" East, a distance of 191 ,16 feet to a point for corner; North 38° 23' 26" East, a distance of 137.61 feet to a point for corner; North 54" 45' 28" East, a distance of 133.34 feet to a point for corner; North 56° 26' 46" East, a distance of 171.40 feet to a point for corner; North 29° 33' 16"West, a distance of 110.13 feet to a point for comer;. North 56° 45' 27"West„, a distance of 89.77 feet to a point for corner; North 87° 36' 36"West, a distance of 58.38 feet to a point for corner in the south line of Block Q, Woodbridge Phase 10D. an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Cabinet 2006, Page 590, Map Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE with said south line, North 69° 27' 51" East, a distance of 13.46 feet to a point for corner in said southwest right-of-way line of Creek Crossing Lane; THENCE with said southwest right-of-way line, the following courses and distances: North 61° 43' 38" East, a distance of 115.09 feet to a point for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 03° 44'03", a radius of 830.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 43° 05' 12" East, 54.08 feet; In a southeasterly direction, with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 54.09 feet to a point at the end of said curve; South 44° 57' 14" East, a distance of 247.52 feet to a point for corner: South 38° 05'43" East, a distance of 83,74 feet to a point for comer; South 44° 57' 14" East, a distance of 217.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 20.788 acres or 905,520 square feet of "nand. his document was prepared under 22 TAC §663.21, does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared, .8 1181HX3 E E n_T� . s S g C_ < TVNII € £ 1 3 ®`- tom SI - i 3 - :I i 3s i €srIM4eue : f ,> �. 1 -T48�1 'ili - � - _:-'.. f ; _ a J ` Ian€' # / \ ' a - - q _ , 3 Y` q :.` _.�� _ - - _' '� _ .rear _,r z ,.4 r-' _ =` n' .. , tee. ▪• 44 x4. ma� �x4rn,,,,,,,xx. _- a x s _ - _- n ,erg 3 ,,r1 ,- - ,.. , „..,____ _, ___ , ___-, It ' - ' 44,,,,,,I P.,44,,,-.44,4L,41.43, 4,4_,4444-,41,4,,,,,,,w x gm,41,,,,,, taw,44,x 4,4,:=4,,,:z7144,:,1 ,.. tea.. 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I f \ / sm+tr.s rrt ,c r -_reSrAga ��.L , n 41 I L J- I- 7LL:F et,•a6u nliH� ^ 4 I 1 fA _- :rlu . f r �(I `--z. ! - u. . F .Y?"'a...„.n,-JI .�. im wf]F' s,.L I ...• _ A �` \ ,f F • r r f -�i _ —T- {}j --''-' 4'..._....-�'i •k�--`--`� +!I I 7,2'Pr7 (AT 7w1 ffp t '�y III or ' Et II\ IIIF/ I� ylx�e14. Tn _` �'SS ¢�I€ f Y.Ye rd X 4 ....▪ I a / - , ''+rN Itm I 1II 4 ,.•I k . a I— - ;F i • I rY 1SR '.'9j i / - I rl ▪ r. J i yF Y I� '�'"`� x II... .,. ....,.: I 9 � d Y r' ro. 1 1'' e- a 4 1 �3 �'�' ` A jI•t /J f'/' • III YID i I I I .,Min �aln.e }q•L k a rcuxi+t.. ' I - .. {. 'aA,r s.5. -.. _ _ ■ Jff F4 iX. ''_- rC 1 r Pli t.,"�4 } 1l I{, L II a�C�kL: _r \ f r uliG. I F It 1 ---..;y J . 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I 11-NS'17 ' c r-.s .ae d- a,-.o.r .ur LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3.593 ACRES BEING a tract of land situated in the Richard D. Newman Survey. Abstract No. 660, Collin County, City of Wylie, Texas and being part of a tract described in deed to Woodbridge Properties, LLC recorded in Clerk's File No. 2001-0127082, Land Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northwest nght-of-way line of Sachs&Ballard Road (a variable width right-of-way) and the northeast right-of-way line of Creek Crossing Lane (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE with said northeast right-of-way line, the following courses and distances: North 44° 57' 14"West, a distance of 140.00 feet to a point for corner; North 45° 02'46" East, a distance of 15.50 feet to a point for corner; North 44° 57' 14"West, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point for corner; South 45° 02' 46"West, a distance of 15.50 feet to a point for comer; North 44° 57' 14"West, a distance of 25.90 feet to a point for corner; North 51°46'400" West, a distance of 84.16 feet to a point for corner; North 44° 57' 14"West, a distance of 132,53 feet to a paint for corner; said point being the southernmost corner of Lot 16, block A, Woodbridge Phase 9, an addition to the City of Wylie. Texas according to the plat recorded in Cabinet Q, Page 372, Map Records of Colin County, Texas; THENCE departing said northeast right-of-way line and with the south line of said Lot 16, Block A. the following courses and distances: North 63° 15' 03" East, a distance of 28.88 feet to a point for comer, North 74° 31' 05" East, a distance of 33.34 feet to a point for corner; North 64° 54' 35" East, a distance of 85.13 feet to a point for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 47° 01' 38". a radius of 100.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 41° 23'45" East, 79.79 feet; In a northeasterly direction, with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 82.08 feet to a point at the end of said curve; North 17° 52' 56" East, a distance of 13,54 feet to a point for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 54° 35' 13", a radius of 100.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 45° 10' 33" East, 91.71 feet to a northeasterly direction. with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 95,.27 feet to a point at the end of said curve; North 72° 28' 09" East, a distance of 108.48 feet to a point for corner at the beginning of a curve to the °-ght having a central angle of 47° 11' 49", a radius of 100.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 83° 55' 56" East, 80.07 feet; In a southeasterly direction, with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 82.37 feet to a point at the end of said curve; South 601' 20' 02" East, a distance of 75.49 feet to a point for corner in the said northwest right-of-way line of said Sachse!Ballard Road; THENCE with said northwest rightmof way line the following courses and distances; South Ole 33'40"West, a distance of 296.01 feet to a point for comer, South 45' 02' 46"West, a distance of 261,82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3.593 acres or 156,530 square feet of land. This document was prepared under 22 TAC §663.21, does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared. Amendment To Exhibit "C" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (Zoning Case 201 -0i ) 2.09 R-5.5 Single Family: The homes constructed on R-5.5 lots platted after the approval date of this Amendment to Exhibit"C"of Ordinance 98-15 are subject to the following: a. Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum area of the main building, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porticos is as follows: 15% of the dwellings 1,800 square feet 40% of the dwellings 2,000 square feet 25% of the dwellings 2,400 square feet 20% of the dwellings 2,800 square feet Building and area requirements for patio homes are as follows: a. Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum area of the main building, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porticos is as follows: 40% of the dwellings 1,800 square feet 30% of the dwellings 2,000 square feet 20% of the dwellings 2,200 square feet 10% of the dwellings 2,400 square feet 2.10 General Requirements: The homes constructed on R-5.5 lots platted after the approval date of this amendment to Ordinance 98-15 are not subject to paragraphs c. and d. of this Section. The attachment "Number of Lots by Lot Type" is revised as follows: R-9.0 23 2.4% R-8.4 71 7.4% R-7.2 207 21.6% R5.5 659 68.6% Total 960 100.0% G:IPROJECTS`Wylie\WB_IGLtd\Zoning Submittal'Proposed Amended Development Standards To Zoning Ordinance 98-I5.doc Comparison of PD 98-15 Original Proposed Land Use R-8.4 R-5.5 Min. Dwelling 1,600 1,800 # of lots by type R-9.0 23 23 # of lots by type R-8.4 137 71 # of lots by type R-7.2 279 207 # of lots by type R-5.5 541 659 # of lots in subject tract 74 111 Density this phase (du/ac) 3.56 5.53 Overall Denisty (du/ac) 2.16 2.12 'N.,, . Ors' 011100 aitir 41P0Ap'• • . * 1.1. 6; "iiiimm ti N am Oka mwAiiiirk,iik winan 1 b 4A•444 N. i ' liat*®11),Ligie 000 W Ab Mitkrfilir Wan Ile : .' in,rId a® � �® �. b1•6161‘6 -x. "....:.**11101,„„Ire4 • 40.4.----, d _ 1 -. V'PA164,00 710104111,1 ' \gie 1I. F, . C:\ .-b• '"'-' '.121105f. 6.60 Tr 41 0 q0 .1 641 flialh N*'' 71PF 01111 j n LI \ __ - Motock ; \ 'LI"' :11/ f , ALL . / Ab4i Az+ ,D12 r . Val Irl. Colo* I T'r1 / ''. 0 ..) paid Co. .',,.}���` i11,brid J4 F . / Gold C tub <:\ .'` ,. #. L.._ - e-,.. • i '4' / - \ \ \ -'\ \ . • 0 For OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP X Against ZONING CASE #2011 -01 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-01. ►// 1 am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-01. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,February 1,2011,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 22,2011,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: (1 ►5 4 LE - 4A✓ARJ) (please print) Address: 307 19PrR LA‘GE bk. E ,,TX 75O/8 Signature: — *i-eptdqt.PUCA-4A Date: COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please Owe or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-01. X' I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-01. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,February 1,2011,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 22,2011,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: Ja5 >\ 1 "E the 1) (please print) Address: t� /9I>/ O/ W)Il ie)TX 17 e>g Signature: Date: 11///// COMMENTS: a .re L✓e �7�/CAa Oi-, r Livrhe f.✓e ";',A5 e:., ,^ a M Id I e dew✓ /r 4/ !�[/ "u, a' „r/ r a•,frl . i'1 f .,7 :4,/ fjr & � C 4 5' 1 J /�-1 �y 7 !/ y ���.,., �" U .GfY7 ! 1N9�+7� J O �f_� ?'� 'n:it YJ ..w 4 01"-- 4,67 a ).5 °�v.. .,, .,.. . At' 1/014'9 /tn /O/ Z 7 7 , +) re 97 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 1 am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-01. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-01. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,February 1,2011,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 22,2011,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ® 1, Ole se print) Address: Signature: Date: �ll //91/ COMMENTS: �,. e 2 , PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-01. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-01. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,February 1,2011,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 22,2011,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: l7.41( ` /i� 4 ) GL C% (please print)r' Address: I7t) ha//'4 Stir 130 2, sv, 7sab/ V Signature: 1; ��� 0,„46-"" Date: 00 COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 V I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-01. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#20I 1-01. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,February 1,2011,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 22,2011,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: fiJnxI h e(Litt.'-?,-- 25' L_L G (please print) ff / 1 / Address: ,& )6.6`G r�i�e/i Qi cr,4 t' /30 'chi a�+�roo. /A Co Signature: —7—)ht.giST Date: y/3/// COMMENTS: 0 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: February 15, 2011 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2011-02 Location Map,Legal Description, Previous Concept Plan, Proposed Concept Plan, PD Conditions,Zoning Summary,Notification List/Map Date Prepared: January 18, 2011 Exhibits: and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending PD 2000-22B & Concept Plan of the Estates of Creekside to decrease the front yard setback with the purpose of increasing the width of the main collector road into the subdivision and to delete 0.9 acres of ETJ land included in current PD, generally located south of Parker Road and approximately 1/2 mile west of Country Club Road. ZC 2011-02 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council, amending PD 2000-22B & Concept Plan of the Estates of Creekside to decrease the front yard setback with the purpose of increasing the width of the main collector road into the subdivision and to delete 0.9 acres of ETJ land included in current PD, generally located south of Parker Road and approximately 1/2 mile west of Country Club Road. ZC 2011-02 Discussion Rescheduled from February 1, 2011 meeting Owner: Gary DeFrain, Campbell Wylie Partners Applicant: Campbell Wylie Partners The subject tract was part of a Planned Development approved on March 27, 2001 in order to develop a master planned residential community. A Preliminary Plat has since expired and will be resubmitted in the near future pending approval of the subject PD Amendment. The intent of the amendment is to increase the main north/south route to a collector street and to add alleys to prevent any direct driveway access onto the collector. With these proposed additions,the applicant cannot meet the language of PD 2000-22B that requires all garages to be side-loaded and a minimum front yard setback of 30 feet for Tract A lots and 35 feet for Tract B lots. The owner/applicant is requesting that the front yard minimum setback be reduced to 25' for Tract A lots, and 30' for Tract B lots. The requested reduction is in conformance with the current SF-10/24 zoning district front building line of 25'. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The currently approved PD Conditions set forth the development design standards of the subdivision. The original conditions allow for a roof pitch of 6:12 with no like house elevation within 5 lots to each other on both sides of the street. The amended conditions call for a roof pitch of 8:12 with no like elevation within 7 lots of each other on both sides of the street,both which would be in conformance with the current zoning ordinance. In addition, the applicant has removed the clause that All garage doors shall be side loaded except if minimum 25 feet behind front building line. Front load garage allowed on side street corner lot. However, no dwelling will have a garage door that faces the main collector street(Street A). The minimum dwelling size for Tract"A"remains as 2,000 s.f., exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches. The minimum dwelling size for Tract`B"remains as 2,400 s.f.,exclusive of garages,breezeways and porches. The minimum dwelling size for single-family residential in the current ordinance is 2,400 s.f. In addition, the typical lot size for Tract"A"lots increases from 10,000 s.f. to 10,200 s.£, and the typical lot size for all Tract "B"lots has a minimal decrease from 12,690 s.f. to 12,502 s.f. The owner/applicant is dedicating 17 acres of parkland to the City and 2.5 acres to be owned and maintained by the HOA. This item was submitted to the Park Board and was subsequently approved with the understanding that the developer will install improvements in the proposed parkland, and dedicate additional parkland located south of the development to Wylie, and will work in good faith with the cities of Parker and Wylie to establish a connection through Parker to connect two trail segments located in Wylie. Nine (9) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. As of October January 27, 2011 no responses were received regarding the requested zoning amendment. Approved By Initial Date RO 02/10/11 Department Director --4‘e./4, AO '•W**7 Oil. '.101•' : in Ina In In,nli' llillip.,iii. -.-fisk.--1, 1010 t..._...__............ i I� II ,..S ii.ii!- P_it7 r._.._.. _.._.._.._. t a��4J_I _. - �s■� -■ �.. t . .... r-, i€- Ali �� �;�w i - !,' F _. .� �.` �,,,,,G��.� _ fill!■ !■■RR ■in L_. i I ,_ 4 �:� ,���..r - t'l!!!i R1■R_■l■,If l . . L °•, - is�'� . ''� '-: M1 1111. 111111 .... ��1 1 'L£ 'r �_ - pooa Qno *moo 1 I I . i i t i 1111111,:r, / 11111/411, 11K1 L._ 1._� .i.. ..1._ _1_. _.L._. ` MOP -v,• �,NE allll� - Wig} t. _ V� �� j■ 1ll■�T :wi-' - . .._.w.... ` ..., _.._..:_..._ _ ' ial ._.._..... _ "� ■tNll1� boos :d I; aj[m.�In� G'� in, { o i.— Fini 0 -A. § 1 iiIpo ,Alsolom‘ . .J. 13... r•-•-• , i........ •, ' Iiiiii--4.0"%\r.torso lei It 11 ■Mw Mil MI II } 1pp --- � - --ram 1.: Ati _.�-I.,r __J._....._..___ A------------ 1---- r IIi' 1IIII1I11I1 - -� Q U ,- U 0 (f) * \I (,)• r 0 Z • .. ... _ _ .1 .,I I Z .-.... I— .1 fil. 0 r Isar N4 Nies _ .. r BOG. { , itairJ on in` Ms 1 1 1 1 cc - al I a Y i IS fir'. miailitior�� �� lli :%� . i /- ) I - VIM i I .... ui ; • ' .wine i.� E - In ids e Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Case#2011-02 Being a 45.193 acre tract of land situated in the Lewis M. Marshall Survey, Abstract No. 594, Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of that called 47.8265 acre tract of land described in deed to Campbell/Wylie Partners recorded in Volume 4571, Page 1058, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and a portion of that called 209.3886 acre tract of land in deed to Campbell/Wylie Partners recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 98-0032454, DRCCT, said 45.192 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said 47.8265 acre tract, same being the northwest corner of that called 0.908 acre tract of land described in deed to Mark Strange recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 93-0064862, DRCCT, and being in the southerly right-of-way line of Farm to Market Road No. 2514 (Parker Road), a 100 foot right-of-way; THENCE South 01°17'01"East along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 0.908 acre tract of land, a distance of 294.36 feet(South 01°23'55" East, 294.30 feet, deed)to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the southwest corner of said 0.908 acre tract of land; THENCE South 89°04'04" East continuing along said common line, a distance of 133.18 feet (South 88°42'01"East, 132.52 feet, deed)to a 3/8-inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of said 0.908 acre tract of land, same being the southwest corner of that called 1.364 acre tract of land described in deed to Peggy Howe and Jim Lee Howe recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 96-0036052, DRCCT; THENCE South 88°54'50" East along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 1.364 acre tract of land, at a calculated distance of 195.48 feet passing the southeast corner of said 1.364 acre tract of land same being the southwest corner of that called 2.0758 acre tract of land described in deed to Berkley Wm. Hotchkiss recorded in Volume 3012, Page 12, DRCCT continuing along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 2.0758 acre tract of land in all for a total distance of 493.09 feet(South 88°54'31" East, 492.79 feet, deed)to a 3/8-inch iron rod found for corner in the West line of DOVE CREEK MONROE ADDITION, 1st Installment, and unrecorded subdivision in Collin County, Texas; THENCE along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said MONROE ADDITION the following: South 00°22'44" West, a distance of 98.0 feet crossing the approximate center line of Muddy Creek, continuing a total distance of 388.58 feet(South 00°16'37" West, 388.10 feet, deed)to a point for corner; South 00°51'44" West, a distance of 82.88 feet (South 00°45'37" West, 82.78 feet, deed)to a point for corner; South 11°16'16" East a distance of 47.32 feet(South 11°22'23" East, 47.26 feet, deed)to a point for corner; South 00°58'16" East, a distance of 263.22 feet (South 01°04'23"East, 262.88 feet, deed)to a'/- inch iron rod found for corner; South 00°53'28" East, a distance of 239.82 feet(South 00°51'23" East, 240.00 feet, deed)to a'/z- inch iron rod found for corner; South 00°32'48" East, a distance of 600.59 feet(South 00°30'04" East, deed)to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said 209.3886 acre tract of land; THENCE South 00°20'57" East along an east line of said 209.3886 acre tract of land, a distance of 292.95 feet to a point for corner in the approximate centerline of Muddy Creek; THENCE generally along the centerline meanders of Muddy Creek the following: North 83°09'34"West, a distance of 47.23 feet to the point for corner; North 20°51'22" West, a distance of 164.22 feet to the point for corner; North 71°06'58" West, a distance of 129.88 feet to the point for corner; North 43°56'00" West, at a distance of 119.40 feet passing the common line of said 209.3886 acre tract of land and said 47.8265 acre tract of land continuing in all for a total distance of 270.74 feet to a point for corner; North 10°05'08" West, a distance of 120.72 feet to the point for corner; North 15°19'47" East, a distance of 67.73 feet to the point for corner in the approximate centerline of Turner Branch; THENCE generally along the centerline meanders of said Turner Branch the following: South 85°37'20"West, a distance of 137.58 feet to a point for corner; North 10°42'21" East, a distance of 50.29 feet to a point for corner; North 30°05'11" West, a distance of 52.79 feet to a point for corner; North 85°53'16"West, a distance of 52.53 feet to a point for corner; South 42°01'37" West, a distance of 105.33 feet to a point for corner; South 45°30'08" West, a distance of 143.31 feet to a point for corner; South 56°50'48" West, a distance of 207.02 feet to a point for corner; North 70°29'50"West, a distance of 20.42 feet to a point for corner in the west line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land same being the east line of that called 49.092 acre tract of land described in deed to Hugh L. Lewis recorded in Volume 706, Page 455,DRCCT; THENCE along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 49.092 acre tract of land the following: North 00°20'10" East, a distance of 1077.71 feet (North 00°06'40" East, 1095.95 feet deed)to a '/2-inch iron rod found for corner; North 82°49'54"West, a distance of 266.71 feet(North 82°53'36" West, 266.71 feet, deed)to a point for corner; North 89°51'51" West, a distance of 252.35 feet (North 89°55'33" West, 252.35 feet, deed)to a point for corner in the east line of that called 3.00 acre tract of land described in deed to Gerald Lewis recorded in Volume 961, Page 597, DRCCT; THENCE North 00°49'51" West, along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 3.00 acre tract of land at a calculated distance of 281.29 feet passing the most easterly northeast corner of said 3.00 acre tract of land same being the southeast corner of that called 2.00 acre tract of land described in deed to Alvin D. Duncan recorded in Volume 1359, Page 556, DRCCT, continuing along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 2.00 acre tract of land in all for a total distance of 721.83 feet (North 00°32'05" West, 721.29 feet, deed)to a'/a-inch iron rod found for corner in the aforementioned southerly right-of-way line of Farm to Market Road No. 2514 (Parker Road); THENCE North 89°46'53" East along said southerly right-of-way line, a distance of 858.57 feet(North 89°41'37" East, 859.26 feet, deed)to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING a computed area of 1,968.544 square feet or 45.192 acres of land. Save and Except that called 0.88 Tract of land which lies east of the centerline of Muddy Creek and which lies within the 209.3886 acre tract of land described above and as described in Exhibit "B: in City of Wylie Ordinance No. 97-15 which disannexed certain property but retained said 0.88 acres in the City of Wylie's ET7, leaving a net area of 44.31 acres of land, more or less. 1 —IO,)D.1 cr.p ,..:4 1 POINT OF BEGINNING F.M.12514 PARKER ROAD(II1.wd11°w) ... Wux..Awly( '— Icq'`M'x'� r ,. tac' �a:?cor-<, - _+�; mil..., -�, ,�NAF -•s0,6. E. esasr °..1,,».°..° . L„.e.=_- .°4_. .....t. s . 6f�fY-..`I/l�i153 Pt51/-..-..�L�>.i R]}1) \g11 1,11 I ' ° .? pr.N D,• ...Tr GLxn-At "xl,yl Zi' yNTPAOT D I `- .w...va°�-.s�..ems=�.m1��'.,' v s n "ys""in:1E ,2'7 L. 5 4 ' a 2 :If r wM I �i TABU.UNE BEARING LENCIII G -- _Sirs__ — — J (� ,,rota*.AQ6a GIM2 E�E '— .m.v.e,>m. .m..°,_°n°m°..,,.,.w,. w, °<»„°e,e .m 9 Acc I LEE AC 0 s t=IBO' 1<rC N 2u3t•Ix'W Iy g �fb'o Y I,., i°J INCE, >.°,. .°.,s»,»N...:-.11 ..°»..C,=',D..,,..wee,-wsws-:°cc. Lsl � 1. °ir� - ''''` �t L Ai,lbl, blx59' o�" $ r esn°r�w M �I OL Li vaTzt' w�9 xt+DLe $ I� a� Mom_ nC1 Ltc •a.E t , •:.!2 —e LEGENDLW N sx _ I vI .� �. ^1- W 1 'IT) E_woos'__ �P° ow, �.°..«.00,A.....�..,.....0,......,..<. �.,..,..,..<,. MST e". V. ...''F' I , !b 7• ,4 .m .id Mr Mal ROO rawly? Lei s 4c3":e -I 4 T ��0 1 x I}-1I � ,ry i L 1s ' seis.',.` ,"°_ m,..,...�=.M.�w,..G<.,. -w.- OVERK.fl£c tw[ xis N>"�°Ba w x�Y .3 .� ^.-�- I 3 I •� I ... 7' Qi �. I=3 i ,ee.�o»�.a»Y m°p 11a' ax 1 I..-r gt-- fi•TR CT A $I$ 1° A. I... (l,1 -ri 5 a `' I J f' �m It u) �$I 5 Y I ? -1A , 1 a; �, Ra c •I, • , &, I T I I ' I A„,0 Lx. C L.�c / <I, �n- I • I • �m Id TlIACT G I :I - I I la e 'L 4_;wL-----i'S\ .• b�` I� r m -I -1- :(, rn.., fi,.u.-1 `I - ,..t..�..,,...,>Mm ,�..,° >., SITE �� -k' I. e1.'' 1 L I=� ,1 flT.o.lal I - ».t,°...,c --- -°,,..° .... n A \ a 16 19 $ , /1 ( L 14 °e � 9 p /LIE PA.TN 5 I- `\ • l w c n 4"6 15• W.. °J/ OL J�j 1,kG. 1 °8 313 I •� �x n°en.�..n°°yea.ws z.,,•,m1 a..°»•,,e•.°..�,<w. w Iy° VOL �•r s .° • 1 i- °R - l/ CY 1 N z De es3,•sr z_3s % 15`' 1 /° 2Lnp,t v •?it .� o? 3y .,Ik 1., x� T/ I -r 5 0�1�1 1 / ..--Y _J n2 Lq.=_�6-, ) so / 5m R.I..=f_I , i W :'../ - L� a°,.Lc>ao»'°,v._.m.m.an,.,..,p...w-+,o iw - T)° ) • 7 . % Ie• $ s n4e Ic E W CALLED: az<cvcs ��?°�,-/ =v' 3 I wwwe W,D.N,: /� Id IH! ' p �w•a�.3-}'4-_ d •I:m d „_,, ..� m�eb�W.,�.>,.<., I / �I— I. g"Y� ); ne:t,2,53 `n.e "nt:o„2,3Witw sew;;<<» .o..Hsi. w De. —, l� 1 !- s'�I TRA CD' B I \,� tJ s®�„., m...�.,e.eu..�.u.��......Vim, weq»,°..�.,°.�Umo,° .. r.., r <.v<:.�W,.,° - ( { .T 2 48 A' t m�lea I f IL r n RE NA.. a a<nmt ti ,. �w...a .°am,'„"°ard.E.a of a ' > I _' x.3. ,,„ .,„„,„ ., „,„,e....,.«.,�,�.e. m7 Mu madam » m» :,,I .t � �+ g �' '7 Y gD°..l �I ,,L" ( .,c..° » �;�,r _w� N,�tMa�wd�W .� eN„ »�D.r �` (, 1I 1. : + - Is 11 1p • 9 q' :.°..�.,,.N. �° ...�,.,...,. ».,....e� .. oars -- -I-- I , q» ,b 7. D�D� . ,rN w, - o .,m .w.,° °N«°r,.t =°_.,,.�e»,.,.,.,r.., el l-7 i —o .._ Palma , • ,. .m wn,°�,e.,.,°r�..ar. „""nwr,,,.e,o. ,°,emm...®° ,_. » �1 , I'i'III(,.oa �� ) °'w, ':.,a'°,a., ',. :.,: T. `e,<.,m,>,..Is... °�w :,�a.:«�:.:..,D�G'.�".`�. a u" a."rwe. ,° 'a : \ `.' 4..x R,,,Lrh 45.192 ACRES All $�i ( 1 \ �,' (1,968.544 SO.FT.) I3 am . x .c ,\ l I \ . moo•,�r, ...WOW � . .,� , °. ra.»,K„°.,awt�>Un • s. i ' 1 Exhibit "B" RECEIVED .. .s.._ „m.,Nmule u.e><wnkwwn,+ -- �\ �" :81 E Nnahmles s w.°°a •vw eyvx.r,mm�t rid�110,3w ,�o°tWohow• ti. ��,����yyy� ] w ? MONROE s, ,^,..11 `' m<n,..rmtlIm H /•�\�. ,/! ml CIS°ACRES !� ' �Y {w e.w.nm.• 4. ,• • s c�cam. \\ r I 1.1 IC.pqEil.%Pi 4f,- b. ET itsal"3 plum melmwe .,.° W.. w. r..- a �.... .f flosn-�`\ \,\ , ..•,. 1 .14 f7ree'''''-' s '1d1` e w. ° `®.� • �,.v uses, we._ sr,.� sr wr W . a - J 1 \. PREVIOUSLY APIPR�IOVED 11. • Hr� ,ox,... m°r°.w.m°srm. ....c w _/ uLLEE 2 A '1 I •\ EI � I ,T2LAGJ _ nwwwwd' :'wse men a°r .tmr°s..iam.I� °.�.....a, .,... 1� a \ '� � EI ►,t 11' (/� x e,.t.Tn<wn°.,em,.,gmxdww..xsr..W m VOLUME'"cxce37, aee 1103 ' l . C i±���25.}IJ d"L- Fd�-%J41. ry .m.Hxv ro>•••eb•. AMC .W ,� ry zoAe-Ka•rtarlRaco tiAea/ \ , "1 atr�.m �v .®. NT. ; nla AOa,v 13 - cvraFT+r .k5\a�M-1s1n"srz`W-,+r Anf dG•014 1 .a... nirc - \ SN 6A99]4 W 441001- ,a.'Orrhtl eanalr wit UnbeaG. QQgta \•,•• i GIM"° ..1y/aa_'aY Sni,i'Lt Cif\'+9 e.t.. O I I v rtN a��u+�a ' 'ca�RO9 Vb5.ay •?/4'4q i : �li*�\,, I ,...�s�EbrnY�b�.��-''''' 4,w��n,a�".oa—�..' 'c1MMsi'e iyole'af 3NL.��Gk1 - �e .,,.�mm�— .Y=®,. r -. 1 --R,p.-.��.a�,�„,...,w,�.,m, ... ,., mw MOZ66 a30 aESOdOHd + ♦ .- ,n,� ,.• �w . .� -, - _.-�� , -.. ; -.,,....../\ - ,,,--' .,I...1,A1 *.........,..... ......•..c...m mu (..'".L9 I • . Q...4.12 v___ _,,, 1 .....,. , ,,,.,,,,„......,,, ..,. ,,,,...........,. ..-.:\ ..\-- --..., .....r...===.1=7.--4 ----- „ gis..tee: .....44. gi �x• =_., =— Ittr • �., j . . / � I I vm . .__-® e11 � ,.o w' : 14 n _ i : i471 \ ,44 _77.-1, \ I •° - �...�`.m,>.vm. Carl a$ �I s x e _ .I .,.. „, n w�q0.'.M... ,=== mm....��.m„�.w, • ....•—�...,...,—.w.,.. •;�W��' . ,a'C�b IL!i- ' I • II mrvmvu mam,. amwm. ,....-.. —._— �.'I' ` 7 mai* 'o_L- 4.e'97'` H w -...- ( /� ,ai I rmt II ern uerau'� • • I, / / 1 —11 if i 1 p -s - — -- .\ off y•% g ,45 1-1 I � i le •I IT 1 I =r—i• yo. - ' Est a'^r"a�7 i.� � r r' -ti �� `� � 1:19-7 1 I-L: pis p® o m --- • ��nv ro I'i �b I. I�'a-I,1 Tr 4 '��' �• I I 14 --- 5� T r £2 1 3E E •'I 1 - .I I I------J-- !— -- _ -- -- — � A Exhibit "D" AMENDED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS ESTATES AT CREEKSIDE City of Wylie October 17. 2090December 29. 2010 TRACT A -Single Family Residential Regulations I (Block A, Lots 1-22: Block B, Lots 1-8) Area regulations. (1) Size of yards 1. Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 30 25 feet as measured from the front property line. 2. Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less than 10 feet in width. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 20 feet. 3. Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard, a depth of not less than 25 feet. (2) Size of lot. 1. Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 10,000 square feet. 2. Lot width. The minimum width as measured as the front building line of the lot shall not be Iess than 75 feet. 3. Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be not less than 100 feet. (3) Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be 2,000 square feet exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches. (4) Additional Guidelines 1. Exterior Wall Materials - 100% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick or stone. 2. Roofs - Roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 240 lb weight shingle and have a minimum pitch of€4-28:12. 3. Fences and Walls - Fences may not exceed 7 feet in height. Fences must be made of masonry, wood or architectural metal. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. Railroad ties may not be used for a retaining wall visible from the street. 4. Screening- The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot: Gd\CreeksidelRevised Creekside Planned Devetopment.wpd -1- Exhibit "D" A. Clotheslines B. Drying racks C. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind D. Yard maintenance equipment E. Wood piles and compost piles F. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and greenhouses G. Garbage can and refuse containers H. Roof mounted antenna Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening. 5. House Elevation - All plans shall be submitted and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No like house elevation shall be constructed within 5-7 lots to each other on both sides of street. All garage doors shall be side loaded except- if a minimum 25 feet behind front building line. Front load garage allowed on side street for corner lot. All chimneys shall be enclosed. 6. Landscaping- The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the initial occupancy: A. Trees - a minimum of 6 inches in total diameter shall be installed in the front yard. This may be accomplished by one 6 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least 6 inches. B. Street Trees Minimum of 1 3" caliper• -ree sha't_bn planted between-the- sidewaIk and the curb at all individual street frontages. Shrubs - eighteen (18) 3 gallon shrubs across the front of the house. 1C. Grass - solid sod from the front of home to the front curb. TRACT B Single Family Residential Rer ulations (Block A, Lots 23-3435: Block C. Lots 1-3: Block E. Lots 1-8: Block F. Lots 1-3) Area regulations. (1) Size of yards 1. Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 35 30 feet as measured from the front property line. 2. Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less than 12 feet in width. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 20 feet. 3. Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard, a depth of not less than 25 feet. (2) Size of lot. 1. Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 12,500 square Gd\CreeksidelRevised Creekside Planned Dcvelopment.wpd -2- Exhibit "D" feet. 2. Lot width. The minimum width as measured as the front building line of the lot shall not be less than 90 feet. 3. Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be not less than 100 feet. (3) Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be 2,400 square feet exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches. 4) Additional Guidelines 1. Exterior Wall Materials - 100% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick or stone. 2. Roofs - Roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 240 lb weight shingle and have a minimum pitch of€r•.1=?8:12. 3. Fences and Walls - Fences may not exceed 7 feet in height. Fences must be made of masonry, wood or architectural metal. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. Railroad ties may not be used for a retaining wall visible from the street. Architectural metal fencing required along the 100 year flood plain. 4. Screening- The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot: A. Clotheslines B. Drying racks D. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind E. Yard maintenance equipment F. Wood piles and compost piles G. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and greenhouses H. Garbage can and refuse containers I. Roof mounted antenna Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening. 5. House Elevation - All plans shall be submitted and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No Iike house elevation shall be constructed within 5-7 lots to each other on both sides of street. All garage doors shall be--si oaded except if minimum 25 feet behind front building line. Front load garage allowed on side street force cr lot n�T hi ,, steal _be enclosed- 6. Landscaping- The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the initial occupancy: Gd1CreeksidelRevised Creekside Planned Development.wpd -3- Exhibit "D" A. Trees - a minimum of 6 inches in total diameter shall be installed in the front yard. This may be accomplished by one 6 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least 6 inches. B. Street Trees Minimum of 1 3" caliperr«ec:hall be planted between the sidewalk and the curb at all individual street frontages. Shrubs - eighteen (18) 3 gallon shrubs across the front of the house > C. Grass - solid sod from the front of home to the front curb. Gd\Creekside\Revised Creekside Planned Developrnem.wpd -4- I Zoning Summary Exhibit "E" Estates At Creekside Wylie, Texas 1 94 4A4012129110 1 Minimum Minimum No. Lot Width Minimum Lot Side S.L. Minimum Tract Area Lot Area Lots at B.L. Depth Front B.L. Side B.L. at Corner Rear B.L. House Area ROIN Dedication 0-2.3 AC Single Family Tra t A 10,28_2 10,000 SF 3230 75' 100' 3025' 10' 20' 25' 2,000 SF AC Tract B 17-216.3 12,500 SF 3233 90' 100' 35-'30' 12' 20' 25' 2,400 SF AC Single Family Total 2-7:424.5 6463 AC Open Space Tract C(City Park) 17.0 AC Ta D, D1, D2, D3 0225 AC (H A) Opin Space Total: =17:619.5 AC TONAL AREA: 4544.3 AC Density: Gross: 1.4 DU/AC Net: 2-32_6 DU/AC Tract A: Typical Lot Size =80x4-2585'x120'; Tract B:Typical Lot Size =O4x-1.3594'x133' General Notes: Su nmar : I 1) 25ndseape-area-along-P-tarle ad-with cu vilinear 1.' sidewal 20' landscape area along Parker Road To al Tract Area: 45 44.3 AC with curvilinear 4' sidewalk (D-1), D-2, D-3 and Street A medians to be maintained by HOA. RCA/ Dedication 0-2.3 AC Sir gle Family 2-7,424.5 AC 2) Minimum 6' masonry wall along Parker Road to be maintained by HOA. HCAIPark 1-7.619.5 AC 3) Park area to include 8' trail, trail lighting, and park benches and parking lot. -5- I ,7'---" /' l C: _. (,.irihi - i E . Parker Road F. M .w - _ T - 1 . I 1 i i.,c . AlCielt if ID IV it i i A, 6 i 1 fir. �- SubjectN ' sz,___ Cla f .... ? Prope - 1 -31-- ‘N , E—i t K: - '(ic- C1 A. 7144 � J /-i7 S =- -\ , .,} i Exhibit "G" i E OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2011 -02