10-19-2010 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission I October 19, 2010 Regular Business Meeting 7/1/1 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Phillip Johnston Chair Ruthie Wright Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Jeremy Jordan Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Gilbert Tamez Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from September 7, 2010 Regular Meeting. October 19,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 B. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from October 12, 2010 Special Meeting. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Woodbridge Crossing, Block A, Lot 5R developing a single story building for Commercial/Retail purposes on one lot consisting of 1.1053 acres, generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and the extension of McCreary Road. 2. Consider and act upon a Site Plan for Lots 20 and 21 of Wyndham Estates Phase III, located at 204 and 206 Windco Circle. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Wyndham Estates Phase III. Subject property being currently being located at 204 and 206 Windco Circle. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council amending Zoning Ordinance 2001-48, Article 8, Section 8.5 (Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance); to provide procedural regulations for certificate of occupancy requirements. ZC2010-06 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending PD 2000-22B & Concept Plan of the Estates of Creekside to decrease the front yard setback with the purpose of increasing the width of the main collector road into the subdivision, generally located south of Parker Road and approximately 1/2 mile west of Country Club Road. ZC 2010-05. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 15th Day of October, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, September 7, 2010— 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice Chairman Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Jeremy Jordan, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, and Commissioner Ron Smith. Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko was absent. Staff present was Jasen Haskins, Assistant Planner. INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. Ms. Sandra Braswell, 207 Douglas Drive, Wylie, expressed concern for home value due to the approval of zoning for the construction of RaceTrac, located on the corner of Highway 78 and Brown. She expressed concern for the existing traffic and access to Brown from her street due to the Wylie East High School and the Fire Trucks. This doesn't just affect the home values of those living within 200 feet of the proposed property for the Racetrac, but others that this effects in a negative way. Ms. Mary Price, 209 Spence, Wylie, expressed concerned for additional traffic when RaceTrac will be opened. She strongly recommended the Commission to deny the Site Plan when presented, asking them to go to the other side of Highway 78 further down, and not allow them at the corner of Highway 78 and Brown. She stated that she realizes that the zoning was considered and approved already. Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS Minutes August 17, 2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 2 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 17, 2010, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Jordan, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the minutes from August 17, 2010 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 6 —0 and Commissioner Kopchenko being absent. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie Christian Care Center Addition. Subject property located (700 S. Ballard Avenue) on the west side of S. Ballard Avenue and approximately 430 feet south of College Street. Mr. Haskins stated that the proposed Site Plan will be an addition to the existing facility for the Wylie Christian Care Center. The property is located within the South Ballard Overlay District, which was recently approved. The proposed addition will generally meet the requirements of the South Ballard Overlay, even though they are not required. Mr. Haskins stated that the existing facility is 4,000 square feet and the proposed addition is for 4,000 square feet. The required parking spaces for the South Ballard Overlay are six and the applicant is proposing seven. A motion was made by Vice Chair Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to approve the Site Plan for Wylie Christian Care Center Addition. Subject property located at 700 South Ballard Avenue, on the west side of S Ballard Avenue and approximately 430 feet south of College Street. Motion passed 6-0 and Commissioner Kopchenko being absent. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Vice-Chairman Wright, to adjourn the meeting at 6:43PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Jaskin Haskins,Assistant Planner Minutes August 17, 2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 2 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, October 12, 2010—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:11PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice Chairman Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Jeremy Jordan, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko and Commissioner Ron Smith. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director. All council members were present for the Joint Work Session. WORK SESSION • Hold a Joint Work Session with the City Council to discuss amendments to Zoning Ordinance 2006-04, Article 5, Section 5.1.J (Accessory Uses); allowing for and providing certain safeguards relating to Home Occupations. Mayor Hogue addressed members of the joint work session stating that according to sales tax reports, there were over 800 businesses in Wylie reporting and paying sales tax. He noted that many of these businesses were home based businesses. He stated that since 1962 home businesses have been regulated by ordinance. Mayor Hogue explained that when this item was brought to the council from the Planning Department, it was intended to loosen some the restrictions provided in the current ordinance; noting the section that did not allow customers to pick up merchandise at the home. Commission Chair Johnston explained that the commission, in reviewing the current ordinance wanted to allow customers to pick up merchandise at the home business, which is not currently allowed. Additionally the commission considered additional employees outside the home to allow day care businesses to have ample workers for their business. Minutes October 12,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 2 Several citizens were present and spoke in favor of less restrictions with regard to home businesses, noting that in this economic climate, these businesses were needed to keep families afloat. Direction from council was to bring the tabled item back to the October 26, 2010 city council meeting to determine the next course of action. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to adjourn the meeting at 8:47PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes October 12,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 2 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 19, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Woodbridge Crossing Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Addition, Block A, Lot 5R Date Prepared: 10/04/10 Zoning District: PD2006-01 Site Plan, Landscape Plans & Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Woodbridge Crossing, Block A, Lot 5R developing a single story building for Commercial/Retail purposes on one lot consisting of 1.1053 acres, generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and the extension of McCreary Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Woodbridge Crossing,Block A, Lot 5R developing a single story building for Commercial/Retail purposes on one lot consisting of 1.1053 acres, generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and the extension of McCreary Road. Discussion Owner: Direct Development Applicant: Lawrence A. Cates &Associates The property owner/applicant is proposing to develop a single story building for Commercial/Retail purposes consisting of two lease spaces, 3,500 s.f. and 4,900 s.£, respectively. The proposed building is located on 1.1053 acres located at the southeast corner of F.M. 544 and McCreary Road. The property is zoned PD 2006-01. This portion of the overall planned development is designated for Commercial Corridor zoning, being a component of the Woodbridge Crossing commercial shopping center currently under construction. Primary access to the proposed facility will be provided via a 30' fire lane and access drive from FM 544 to the west and 30' fire lane and shared access easements from the south. The site complies with the Zoning Ordinance's Site, Landscape & Architectural Design requirements and conforms to architectural design, themes, materials and colors of the Woodbridge Crossing commercial center. In summary, this site plan as presented is consistent with PD 2006-01 planned development's concept with respect to use and design theme. The subject lot was replatted as Block A, Lot 5R on July 28, 2009 in order to dedicate the necessary utility easements to accommodate the development of seven (7) commercial lots and filed with Collin County on September 29, 2009. Recommended for approval subject to additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 10/04/10 Page 1 of 1 -•i VICINITY MAP g LA NOT-TO-ArA1 F 7 moo c o�un wa;og w. il F . M . 544 N §E'2,:w �1 i1 e'' (-0 ' R GHT OF WAY) T" __ SITE 1 3 ' o /0 10' 20' 40' . ;,_ cave -PROPERTY- -LINE TABLE A. r t „ -T k, �JL1%IG,TI 11/y"Z!.TG7Ll( %If,/j Z,2,00'/l/L(�u�L.'7VI,2&2 l,M.,2llL04'Z�T/TCO1 �n7l7,Z.Z.7!T/J1,,,/JTl/l,T�/i,,,_ _ J1j/llTI7LlO Z/T!!i'lIlGIIz,,,z,,2; NO. BEARING DISTANCE IX.W l -r, L1 9 Otl15'3tl'E 5550' >✓ N 44'08"E- 973.5� E y B . __ • L2 ry es'aa'oe"E 24.00' DBE Biwa)12•43.Dn B1 , 41 1 _ �w� -_- L3 5 29'OB'5tl'W 39.83' I _ ,mx ., _.. __.. LL N 844406 E 15.00' oCr N 00.15'30"W 40.00' i - IIIIlill ®® S 111111. I' / ' r a ® - , a0 ec �` NO. RAMUS DELTA AR-cuRBE C C TABLE., L H.BEARING CHORD 14 ! C1 215.00' 2612'22' 98.34' N rT09.19"W 97.48' Lys 1 1 r Bx .._--- = --- f' ;--a . -- / - SITE E TABULATIONS . •, _ _7 LOT 5R � .T IXE2�e _ s:_aw =h 394 v � aE i � L L •W/j / �� =oxF mama IXDD°LnT s.r REWIRED rannnTnRATIO COVERAGE s.r�; ,R 1.1053 PO 3,00 S.r. 3. °a a19 I,,., 2.335 GENERAL NOTES ,I I SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. TES w - g,n �w t w D NG E2. W�EALLCL R n aH LBFSATFAFDFGDRDDNLE9a WD ON s ..1 D G 3.EUNDNGTxxENSIONE.THECONTRADTDR9HALLREEERTOTHE D NR``r 3, s RETAIL m 3Ree,, VOL 200,PG ARCHTECTPLANSTOVERIFYTHEEXACTBULDNGDIMEN TER,THE FINAL o RETAIL 4,900 S.F. 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OAw,e.TTE%Ae0WL ENO/WM PROJECT ARCHITECT: is,s 44 THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS ROSS AVENUE.sum moo / L Lawrence A Cates&Associates,LLP ' g 2001DAL�UI TEXAS 70201 Aeon L Re OALLArs1E9e62zr26a5e Tam x C XZTM eaz TEXAS Oe rE zoz `+•�� sT s CA CoasuI mgEn&neera rDallas °tlo- B A:T:M(HAEL A. CONTACT.LAWRENCE A.CATES,P.E..R.P.L.e. CONTACT,CART JOHNSON G / 'N- •- :.._f a 061GN DRAWN DATE SCALE NOTES FILE NO. CONTACT:rn¢xpEt CORE �j'�ly}.�""'ld'-"^ .. COO t na Nre i„E a C-2 l-1 am .os=.1 more u,3 m eAo-.ea ON 3113 531011 330403 31-, NMVMO N01330 / 0 .4"..ii31°imsawa'wwo v.1-..amv.1.3 ! .���` mam°.v�w`ro°amry all`sMEoos3tl rB�1EJ NW....I 'I +T.�i SVX31 '3111M 3O J.11G 3H1 i II NOI1100V ONISSO?J0 300R78000M "A �ii V I r �__. —fix v—. ,0i V N3018—HS 101 11111174111 � '6� L — _r1 to 0 , Ntlld 3dYOSONYI 11,R aION � �E �E�oOy 1 �.N..,a 7, r I / TL__ _ JW,MJawmeaasawuel � . ,,, -. —_-- f(,�fS 910Z fi[130 _y 0�1, a 111) I'- -_ - - a, INIIIIIIIIIIIIN. 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BUPEABXB BlaaENW61fi2 MEU1L COPNG se4r AEF FINISH 2TP_AFF --- IDRURED FWISN CON OUNER INNSW6151 WS BAND r RDAKE A PR ODES AV -----1 PRODEM EIFS BOND.sIPER;OR 'GYF- 3=.G1T' ---,- BRONZE Browcosmoses-missile 1- _ x ITc- --- , STONE.mum H'F_.._ __:._ N__- ._ ABIWE�AGlF � 0I South Llevation --- -- - - --_----��-DXRREO FINDHGOAT- — RELAXED MAD sous MEIN COPING Dom BIMNZE { 24'-01 AFF STOREFRONT SYSrM TEEMED FINISH CON QUEER 1.AANEW61 SE— ENE en..BUPEIPOR BNOERESW6152 c. - ------- —, PIODEMA mom _.. �! `I I DARK BROWN—r 1-I., -1-1 CORONADO MIIHETIC .Ij a -. NOTE: STONE.cWIN _! = — fA RUBLE ASPEN w.'_.:a fir'] i1 - Ix TEXTURED FINISH COAT OCCURS I, �• =+5 a-- s- .4.S.E•_ ; OVER CONCRETE PANEL - 02 La5t nIevation . _I METAL COPNG __ _ 2T0 AFF_ - r= ° .�..1E%IUREOmull CON C. 7 at&t TERMEDFINISH CO AL REI/ DKNAD.SW6149.A - BUYER TAN-V.151 ,. - MODEM PROM ' r r - IFS BALD CNNED 102-51/6149 BROWN RoN7E �__b+ a6� _ = O '„ --I ;' iF%RRED1FItBROFNZESWd15] I/�. _—S E Fmix IAR�ON�r ns1EM _� �... _7i- r- suPEROR CI\✓-I��1\`�� l..l�. EIFS BOND SUPERIOR d - '= V L.' BROlacswe162 OCT � COROINDO SYMEIEIIC S r. ?i OCT 0" 2010 STONE COUNTRY .�5 �7:.411 _ �` �. RUBBLE-AASPEN 7 _ f� Key J'Ian Bs,' — 03 West Elevation —______________-- 04 ® 1EXT-IRSID FPBM COAL _ RTd AFF MEIN COPNG 2-0'AFF RELAXED MAXI-SEEM 49 (I p p r 02MONIED MENCOAT-' d�_��O03� Y CHEW/UNSYeIfiI—i _-. /at&t DES BAND.INPERIOR �J 0 BRONLE dW6162�— v 01 PROUD.%PRODIX -- .� ':_j III I J DAMBROWN-► II I�r. _I__.I. I__' 4-- -e_C 6^,1 I �I '-J '-' DARK BRONZE -� r I � - �� � �� APPROVED SfOREFROM MIEM STONE.COWRY L �Aq i 10+ 1!! [F 1 ` 1 •• ___, U ca ASPEN �- ,_ = '�` v ,,;1. _... OCT y s zoo 0+Nolth Elevation — Lot 5 I�Y: DIRECT V,) Ohnson ARCHITECTS DEVELOPMENT — C R. S, E N3 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 19, 2010 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Wyndham Estates Phase III Date Prepared: October 12, 2009 Zoning District: Light Industrial (LI) Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider and act upon a Site Plan for Lots 20 and 21 of Wyndham Estates Phase III, located at 204 and 206 Windco Circle. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Lots 20 and 21 of Wyndham Estates Phase III, located at 204 and 206 Windco Circle, with conditions. Discussion The properties currently total 0.184 acres each are zoned Light Industrial (LI). The applicant is proposing to develop one single storey Light Industrial building of 1,440 square feet on the combined lots of 0.3675 acres lot for a Contractor's Maintenance Yard use. The subject property is currently platted as two lots, but a replat to combine those lots is on the agenda for the Commissions consideration. The property is currently zoned Light Industrial (LI) District. Contractor's Maintenance Yard is a permitted use within the LI District. The proposed building does not have a permanent offset as required by the Ordinance. The Ordinance requires a 4' offset of at least 20% of the length of the facade. The proposed site plan shows no offset, however the elevation shows a fixed canopy. The Site Plan is recommended for approval with the condition that the façade be redesigned with an offset as required by the Ordinance. Subject to any additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 10/13/10 Page 1 of 1 I Site Design Requirements Element Required Provided -- _- Parking lAreaBuilCing tot 20-0 sf LOT19 I Outside Storage I'll/2000st 4 4 ZONING:LI Ii WYNDHAM ESTATES PHASE III I (CABINET F,PAGE 579,M.R.C.C.T. I - 111440 Lot 21- --- 52.74' 98.26' I _... _ ~ W,V1= 1/1000 sf 2 2 8. N 1 F/C I I _ 160.00 N89°53'021 _---' - - -- -- - ----_ - I. -1 Building Placement REMOVE LOT 25 Building Height <50ft 16 ft O EXISTING -.. BOLLARDS- Lot Coverage Lof21 8 gro1g 1440 sf 8 Y o R G m U scREEN N Lot Area 8050 sf n F o LL crwSOna - _.._ <50% 18%. _, aw U 0 10.50' 40.00' _ "' fwcE Building Setback Front 25 ff ce `� UI m -~ 4-10 FT PARKING SPACES r LOT 2UR \° Rear 25 ft ''.. O AREA:IIE010 SF ——- I _ Lot otal Area 7985f 25 �JayO SIGN `v' - ----6'CHAIN LINK q P ided- o Landscaping iotpl Area L d cap La d cape z¢�O Lu SECURITY FENCE Aea a Nea i .,....f5 w _ 84 sf a i'O �--� o� T�TT241 o }O 11 -Lot 21 8035 sf 804 sf 1943 sf 3 ¢ ��U 8 - SECURI/g iOz 0b. 4'FIRE LANE GATE =U 3 a� _ _ U TRASH SERVICE WILL BE BY WAY OF CURB ' 0 - - //,III - -1 1m ^n N.cE SIDE PICKUP. OU �Fd i yaw ¢LL �✓ I- D ,Till laaru jP NG HnN�CAP HgNOCAP SPACE PARKING COBS 2� 24X60 WAREHOUSE y>3 8. o l 4v : _oa _R20.00' 10.00, 8.00' n a `.' 6'CHAIN LINK STRUCTURE TO BE 2 HR 10'SIDE SETBACK - FIRE RATED WITHIN 40 FT SECURITY FENCE o o OF PROPERTY LINE. I cs 160.00' S89°50'28'1N 3050 41- 60.90' 60-10' 8.60'q LOT23 I LOT 22 1 1C I'I'I ZONING:L WYNDHAM ESTATES PHASE III . I( (CABINET F.PAGE 579.M.R.C.C.T. 9 -OCT l N 111D'-v' APFHf 11 375EEIl761 1 P3 6 1 OCT 1 9 tam t 0 10 20 Reyelm I uac 0r •,_ Scale By LSwSHOWN `"" SITE PLAN y''a Benchmark: TopographicConsultants Inc. Breaded By: — -- -- -- ° Lorand S Wolfe,PE cnxa Elevators-530.29 CIy otW Ie Benchmark CMal Brass dsk lomtedon North s de of ell SurveyVCm Park15 _ . - ------ °io m aewg SH78 near East entrance drve forCty of Wyle AuncpaI Complex. ell Belem Partway Sunern Artex ElectricInc -__ 3508 AveJ Jab to 100201 Plano,Tx 75D71 -- i - -� 1d12Leeward l 1972142a,7000 W ua T 5/YR Lubbock,Texas 79412 Elevation=531.69 Boxcut onto of COYten floeafedon the Wesfsde ofwnco - -- I97r s2a3s Tony Bourns(214)417-4011 °'81 10 cycle 78 tforrh of me centerrne of squ re Dove I - -- - SWelteBO ea,.ner Wylie,sexes sheen: c-1 ISSUE FOR APPROVAL I60710 LSW- "-- IOT19 ZONING:LI WVNDHAM FSTATES PHASE III ;CABINET F,PAGE 579.M.R.G.C.t. I 46.0 105.5• I I 160.00' 689°53'02T I� �_YY�111 — I �--- Y• 80RMUDH GRASS _ I LOT 24 C CY�000N DAC"YLON) N N III � �— , -TEXAS RED OAK -- E:f ER Aft T'A) \ GAREA I ABOVE GROUND LS AREA 4 HEIGHT MIN ABOVE i.Ctt 1 R OT BF LL LOT 20R m I A� {`�! 3.,FT SPACING ZONING:LI 1Y TOTAL 0AREA=16 50SF :.:;,:,,, r,�'YTOTAL LS AREA=452]SF I TOTAL REO=16005E 14, SIGNr- �Jm LSAREA0 I r C..)of 6'MASONRY 4, Ureu SCREENING .z- v°j4� ! c� 24•HRE LANE p yF� 3 oQw4 it to zoo 0 i'0 )) o1fk� LSAREA I^ Et II gl III NFU +T+EXAS RED OAK I c 4QCA PER ATI2•Al Y. I 'I ABOVEGROUND l t 1 HBGH MIN ABOVE / 1 ROOT BALL JQ '10 I mY BURM RA5S I II YNO IN CTVL LS AREA 1 oI _ LS AREA _ BURMUDA GRASS L.L_„!\ y r ,n I 160.00' N89°50'28W 60.1' a.s' LOT23 26.5' 4.0' 60.9' I N LOT22 ZONING:LI II _ WVNDHAM ESTATES PHASE III N6a ;� ,i� CASINO f,PAGE 579,M R.C.C.T. II E OCTJ 992016 0 10 %FPF ={ 8�,92015 1 THIS PLAN USES NATIVE GRASSES AND TREES THEREFORE IT QUALIFI ==__ AS XERSCAPE.MANUAL IRRIGATION IS ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR XERSCAPE LANDSCAPING. SHOWN SCAPE Drawn By-.LAW ee�gren s3oz9 c cnmakcMal B ror..rrws°«°.1, _ L { as Lorand S W LAND548AveLAN SAHA.As Benchmark: S.Wolfe,PE F c p g p s Y P aetl 8y - Adex Electric Inc of Wyle Ben 1 Tgss ask locafedo N rth side of 3 `V IW201 slJII Bear Ee:t entrence anus forcpot wyle Moncpol cornPlex. c w r 7w9a ubbock Texas 79412 Elevgtlan=531.69 Box cUt on to at curn'nlet locofed on the West sa 'wl"o I>-2142,002 -- _ t 59 s 10 OJ 10 Crcle 78 north of roe centers ne of squ re Drve -- 17 2'h2 very Tony Bourns 12"14;.d17-d011 woreeaon.ne� Wyle,Texas sneer C-5 A IFA-ISSUE FOR APPROVAL !10-7-101 LSW 24'11" 3-11i.. 17'-0' 3-11f.. 60'-11" 3 AWNING _ Artex Electric Inc.-- __ ___ fardr �Fp.�� 2�Q io G _=C_= ___ ---"TS __ - ___= ____________________ i�=mil �jjjjj1 ===M Emmm.1 ...nuomm• nu _____ - A/C _ __y__- __ ________E I===..EN��====1 EMI '^ FINISH GRADE a=. ____. J-J-_ _ ----- - Jr vv------v-v--s-s— FINISH GRADE® �M=..0=��=1 b 4 12'-0"OPENING 5'{Y' 12'-0"OPENING 3'-6" 4'-Itl S'-" IIIME ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION LOOKING SOUTH LOOKING EAST 60'-11" 24•_I1,• �3 AWNING-- - __________ _ _ r_ IMMINGI NG VICEIO 7NMNN GQY®Yn:®aJ001MNY101KOMMIGO 07000YHP M. 9C � ] FSS:_______________________________-__ _____ ,„i, , , ,, ,J ]' - _____ _ _____________ __ __ BEIONEIMEIEINNI FINISH GRADE I ..1'' , ' �' FINISH GRADE FMOM s all4t, - A/C 64_6'• -/OT o ::; P 3 2010 ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION LOOKING NORTH LOOKING WEST r.P (7.),7/07(ii _2 Et 192010 BY:_ Revs,-lr Descearan 09. sy awn G ar EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Scale y --- - -- Lorand S.Wolfe,PE Ha`0020 s.moo - Artex[Jed tic Inc -- -- ..:. 4,,2L a1 PO Box 1956,Wylie N 100201 4 /mss" Colin County,(exas -- 1007-70 Tony Bourns(214)417-401' �'o A--11FA-ISSUED FOR APPROVAL 10-0]10.LSW sw<(f 8erve,u_rt.el Wylie,Texas Snneel: A-1 IPA( Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 19, 2010 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Wyndham Estates Phase III Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Addition Date Prepared: October 12, 2010 Zoning District: Light Industrial (LI) Exhibits: Replat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Wyndham Estates Phase III. Subject property being currently located at 204 and 206 Windco Circle. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat creating one light industrial lot for the Wyndham Estates Phase III Addition. Discussion The property is currently two light industrial lots (20 and 21) of approximately 0.184 acres each. The replat would create one light industrial lot (20R) using the totality of lots 20 and 21. The property is zoned Light Industrial (LI) District and was originally platted in February 1986. Since that time several other lots in the Addition have been replatted, resulting in combining and reconfiguring of the original 30+lots. This plat would allow for the building of a light industrial development as proposed on the site plan that is also up for consideration on this same agenda. This replat meets all the requirements of the City of Wylie and staff recommends. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 10-13-10 Page 1 of 1 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION A COUNTY OF COLIIN STATE OF TEXAS s 1 or do hereby declare �j that the undo x Douglas r ,._ WHEREAS, personal Amex Electric,Inc is the owner of a t accordance with the platting rules and shown thereon were proper., ea ender the y 1 e,texas. Itof of of am ase supervision (� E tw CabinetOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY.THIS Map Records, Texas and being T ED SHALLzp NOT T10 FBE RECORDED FORPURPOSE.ion to the City of o do ay partie"arlyIII,an tdescribed'by metesandpounds as follows o°c9IIELE Douglas Looms 3/e'i ap¢st ampetling ei„e Registered P eSC f cs % am" "1 wi. nor corner BEGINNING at a Wyndham r southwest Es rot Professional Land Su eyo No 5199 .e.x c,.e ,o. - Phase III being i the east rig a(50 R 0 Wt)e STATE F F%pa f Aa KF, PAGE 579.muck') IT "OC mN. Said trot 20 COUNTY OFTCOuxx 5 we THENCE, along the east line Of Windoo Circle and the west SITE °CN North e o _._ and Lot ha a tli sxznc rod faun for t LEGEND i•"� a —— northwest e Phase said sot a sonmwes corner of lot le said Wyndham appeared Douglas S. Loomis,me, ° tog foregoing instrument a,e,.a.r.c. s o tMae. ong ne ot e south line of said Lot 19, Ch..erationaaadkunderd'h.au y herein e p esaetl ged to nw that he executed the a forte purposes ,,.a..c.,. ", LOCpAEIONMOMOAP iron a utheast corneto a r of GIVEN under my hand and Seal of office to y f is wcassei vxoeeriv _ said Lon found beings= the west line of a Is wide alley rM1gboof- y, THENCE,a,ng the west line of said Alley and the t line of Said Lot 21 ant ron rod with cap stamped N as 000.0 BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS r the southeast corner of said Loot s21 and the northeast corner Notary Oblic for and in me state or Texas ,no�ar EASEMENT DIMENSIONS of said Lot zz,THENCE, along the North line of said LOt 22 and the south line of said Lot 21, RECOMMENDED FOE APPROVAL APPROVAL more o.less. RING and contaBining°n5,OtvOssquareifeek°or 0.36]5 acres OT ONTO,i POINT OF OWNERS DEDICATION ca<y oinNyi,a7 eras "ing commi ssi on pate I 1 I I NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. THAT X ELECTRIC,INC. ening herein ha threugh it, du..oth.FizeF .,re oe ,.or.P propWY.erty officer ESTATES, evthe City of APPROVAL FOR CONSTR as shown are Mayor,City of UCTION Texas pate fr- Fist e.erl�tPu cmT.)aic use as the Wee.xs°BbveseiiThe dedicated for street areas, xed o TIIi — r p treeS,Shrubs Or Other at �— Jrov Easements may be used tor rrwtual The// f their respective systems in said W ° construction. maintenance,or Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of sewer lines as / = Oshown and set fOrth in and upon said plat and said I note the acceptance thereof (cea r e,ESTATES ise.in m xEc�'r.( LOT.s Q the full right of ingress d1Egg Yes subsc Tithed. P ce t e eof by signing foils name as hereinabeve all or parts of the, E=e,.,e, ,,k •Gip$ anyo e. systems without the necessary at any timenutocu g permission from Witnessy hand this y of .D.2010 \ �S 89"69'OL� 1 — ,r n L v sc��n ONE __ __ rcR resolutions of me y t to aTexas. q einan0e0,rules,regulations and / of°Wylie 1 O qapprovedit ..mot F,cP«E sm G. platting v : 51 1 __ s r, WITNESS my hand a v Texas,this t r of 2010 c.iv oigwri,ey T ,557.m �s,om ` Texas (G a.cm m.re.c.o.T) ¢ F1 I, parex ELECTRIC,INC. � t Wylie,T a V3 `m / APPROVED pxD ACCEPTED 1 O y ___ LOT 20R _ I WYNDHAM..E,F. I S This a Subdivision t is 1 u i"accord zth c n l a(B)of the City of ODD eI & as s she esE� __..3 .1 COUNTY OF eoux STATE OF TEXAS s pate N s O 9. P9'So'2>eI6D�D u oae Texas Ia,—_— Before e,toa undersigned On this — / r g hr 4d non. to `�i T11 $ P.O.B. . ' \ purposes and consideration under the hereinexpressed. Ed(rs4IOIP: 141 ` GIVEN undery and and seat°f office this y bflqgnUgPAVE 1 to 22 I . /\ NOTE Oe1gaPoroi Lav an i ec fofro ewitnot g of ulGs•bO,,ST) cemEx ena m.re.ccmT) G LOT zs Notary Public,state of Texas and ouiitlingPermits.`— I\ _ — /\ 1 I II COORDINATE NOTE \—, // EDITh0ates: a(Isipo8al.lane ,Texas North Centre"z , \`` LOT.s / I or marican oat am of,BS OCT 13230 \, \ I FINAL PLAT \ LOT 20R pas /a.,,eE l�eo WYNDHAM ESTATES PHASE III orl v JD BEING A REPLAY OF LOT 20 & 21 WYNDHAM ESTATES, PHASE III BY.- (CABINET F, PAGE 579, M.R.C.C.T.) out of FRANCISCO DE IA PINA SLRIEY, ABSTRACT No. ODD CITY OF WYI.IE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER: PROJECT INFORMATION pup,uy es/v/ze -5 SCI Kano,Texas 15070 <T Oo.T„.., SHEET 1 OF 1 A'N C Gg£9nG wwl2)i s„r.eyca,....2,1"m 7/VI' Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: October 19, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2010-06 Draft Ordinance;New CO Date Prepared: September 22, 2010 Exhibits: Application Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council amending Zoning Ordinance 2001-48, Article 8, Section 8.5 (Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance);to provide procedural regulations for certificate of occupancy requirements.ZC2010-06 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48,Article 8, Section 8.5 (Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance);to provide procedural regulations for certificate of occupancy requirements. ZC2010-06 Discussion Under Section 8.5.A Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance, the requirements for a certificate of occupancy does not clearly state or imply that a CO is required for a change of ownership. In working with several departments (Fire, Building, & Planning) it was determined that there is no firm legal standing to require new commercial occupants to apply for Certificates of Occupancy when occupying an existing facility. The language in the current ordinance addresses new construction or change of use. Through a course of meetings and dialogue, it has been determined that the best way to address these issues is to draft a text amendment to implement the necessary changes. The implementation process also includes making revisions to the existing CO application and Issuance Procedures handled by the Building Department. A major focus of the change is to add the statement that Any change in ownership of an existing use requires a new certificate of occupancy. Additionally, a new subsection has been included that addresses the procedure for an existing building or space, by stating that it shall be unlawful to make any change in use, occupancy or ownership of any existing structure and/or space for commercial purposes without first obtaining a CO from the City of Wylie's Inspections Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 10/04/10 Page 1 of 1 CirroFv [ii Zoning Ordinance SECTION 8.5 CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE A. Certificate of Occupancy Required No use, or change of use, shall take place until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Official. Certificates of Occupancy shall be required for any of the following: 1. Occupancy and use or occupant of a building erected or structurally altered. 2. Change in use or occupant of an existing building to a use of a different classification. 3. Occupancy and use of vacant land, except for an agricultural use. 4. Change in the use of land to a use of a different classification. 5. Any change in the use or occupant of a nonconforming use. 6. Any change in ownership of an existing use. B. Procedure for New or Altered Buildings Written application for a Certificate of Occupancy for a new building or for an existing building which is to be altered shall be made at the same time as the application for the building permit for the building. The certificate shall be issued within 10 days after a written request for the certificate has been made to the Building Official or his or her agent after the approved and accepted erection or alteration of the building that has been completed in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. C. Procedure for an existing building or space. It shall be unlawful to make any change in the use, occupancy or ownership of any existing structure and/or space to be used for a commercial purpose without obtaining a certificate of occupancy from the City of Wylie Inspections Department, prior to any release of utilities (electrical, gas or water) being approved by the City of Wylie Building Official or the Inspections Department. If there is no change within the use group classification by the new OCCUPANT of any existing structure to be used for a commercial purpose, the existing off-street parking requirements shall be deemed to be adequate in accordance with Article 9 Nonconforming Uses and Structures. A certificate of occupancy shall be approved only after application is made and all codes deemed in compliance after inspection by the building official, the fire marshal, and the planning department or designated representatives thereof Certain business establishments may require health department approvals or separate permits prior to operation. Such certifications shall be indicative that the structure or space meets the intent of the provisions of law governing building regulations for the purposed new OCCUPANT or occupancy classification and that such change does not result in any greater hazard to the public safety or welfare. CD. Procedure for Vacant Land or a Change in Use Written application for a Certificate of Occupancy for the use of vacant land, or for a change in the use of land or a building, or for a change in a nonconforming use, as provided in this ordinance, shall be made to the Building Official. If the proposed use is in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, the Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued within 10 days after the application for the certificate was made if the applicant satisfies the provisions of the building code, fire laws and other pertinent ordinances of the City and identified code compliance requirements as determined by the City of Wylie Planning, Building, Code, and Fire Marshal representatives. DE. Contents Page 1 CiTY oFL Zoning Ordinance Every Certificate of Occupancy shall state that the building or the proposed use of the building or land complies with the all provisions of the building code, fire laws and other pertinent ordinances of the City. A record of all certificates of occupancy shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Official or his or her agent and copies shall be furnished on request by any person having proprietary or tenancy interest in the building or land affected. EF.Temporary Certificate Pending the issuance of a regular certificate, a temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued by the Building Official for a period not exceeding six months, during the completion of alterations or during partial occupancy of a building pending its completion. The temporary certificates shall not be construed as in any way altering the respective rights, duties, or obligations of the owners or of the City relating to the use or occupancy of the premises or any other matter covered by this ordinance. G. Certificates for Nonconforming Uses A Certificate of Occupancy for all nonconforming uses is required by Article 9, Section 9.3. ARTICLE 8: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCEDURES Page 2 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICATION CITY OF WYLIE sif Back Flow devices are required(See Back) As Builts are required in PDF format for approval of Certificate of Occupancy Certificate of Occupancy application must be applied for prior to occupancy of the building and all inspections must be completed within 60 days.If preparations for occupancy require 2 or more trades then a building permit will be required and the Certificate of Occupancy application is void,property can't be occupied prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY SHALL BE PROMINENTLY POSTED AT THE POINT OF ENTRY. Fire Marshall Phone#972-442-8110 Building Inspections Phone#972-442-8150 Permit# Date Applied: ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00AM&4:00PM THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY AFTER REQUEST. BUILDING MUST BE ACCESSIBLE FOR INSPECTIONS AT THIS TIME AND THE APPLICANT AND/OR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY-COMPLETE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION/NO REFUNDS APPLICANT NAME: TX DL: PHONE: NEW BUSINESS NAME: ADDRESS: PROPERTY OWNER: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: PREVIOUS USE: PROPOSED USE(BE SPECIFIC): EXISTING COMPANY: YES NO NEW STARTUP COMPANY: YES NO RELOCATING: YES NO TOTAL OCCUPIED SQ FOOTAGE: FIRE ALARM: YES NO SPRINKLERED: YES NO NUMBER OF EXISTING PARKING SPACES: NUMBER OF REQUIRED PARKING SPACES: TYPE OF PERMIT REQUIRED:CLEAN&SHOW: CHANGE OF TENANT: CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP: CHANGE OF NAME: OCCUPANCY OF A BUILDING: TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY: COURTESY INSPECTION: PROJECTED DATE TO OPEN BUSINESS: .................................................................................................................................. DOES YOUR OCCUPANCY INVOLVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? PLEASE MARK THE APPOPRIATE USE: Please provide copy of your Texas State Business License.License number: Expiration Date: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES COIN OPERATED GAMES,8 LINER,ETC.HOW MANY? ADULT OR CHILD CARE(5 OR MORE) COMPRESSED GASES(LPG ETC,) EXPLOSIVES/AMMUNITION/FIREWORKS SEMI-CONDUCTOR WELDING OR OPEN FLAME RECLAMING WASTE MATERIALS WOODWORKING/DUST PRODUCING EQUIPMENT SPRAY PAINTING FOOD AND/OR BEVERAGE PROCESSING,STORAGE OR SALES 12 FT.IN HEIGHT(INSIDE BUILDING) GARAGE VEHICLE SERVICE/VEHICLE REPAIR NUMBER OF SQ FT STORAGE OVER 15 FT TALL(INSIDE BLDG) EXISTING GREASE TRAP? YES NO EXISTING SIZE OF GREASE TRAP: SIZE REQUIRED: SIGN APPLICATION COMPLETED AND/OR APPROVED?: YES NO HAVE ALL BUILDING REMODEL OR MODIFICATIONS BEEN COMPLETED?: YES NO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: ARE FLAMMABLE,COMBUSTIBLE OR OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TO BE STORED OR USED IN PROCESSING AT THIS FACILITY?YES NO . IF YES,SUPPLY CHEMICAL LIST BY NAME AND QUANTITIES (MSDS). ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssss ssssssssss ss sssss 1 APPROVALS WILL BE REQUIRED BY THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS FIRE MARSHAL NOTIFICATION: INSPECTION WILL BE MADE BY THE FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE WITHIN 72 HOURS BEFORE THE OPENING OF BUSINESS! FIRE MARSHAL: DATE OF APPROVAL/INSPECTION: PASS FAIL PLANNING: DATE OF APPROVAL: ENGINEERING: DATE OF APPROVAL: BUILDING: DATE OF APPROVAL/INSPECTION: PASS FAIL HEALTH: DATE OF APPROVAL/INSPECTION: PASS FAIL AS BUILTS SUBMITTED IN PDF FORMAT? YES NO .................................................................................................................................. THE GRANTING OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A DETERMINATION THAT THE PROPOSED OCCUPANCY WILL OR WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY DEED RESTRICTIONS OR COVENANTS APPLICABLE TO THE PROPERTY UPON WHICH THE OCCUPANCY TAKES PLACE,NOR DOES IT AUTHORIZE ANY SUCH VIOLATION. I, (PRINT NAME), AS OWNER OR AS AGENT FOR THE OWNER,HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REVIEWED ALL THE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE ABOVE PROPERTY. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE PROVISIONS OF THIS NOTICE Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent: Date: Print Name of Owner/Authorized Agent: Title: Person to Contact: Phone: (Please Print Name) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZONING: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: OCCUPANCY GROUP: THIS APPLICATION IS: APPROVED DENIED BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Back Flow devices are required per adopted amendment to section 608.1 of 2006 International Plumbing Code.Minimum double check assembly required. Brand: Type: Size: Last Test Date: Physical Location(s): Backflow Tester Name: License# Exp Date: If a new Back Flow test is required it must be submitted to the Building Inspections Department on the approved City of Wylie Back Flow Test Report Form by a Licensed Backflow Tester registered with the City of Wylie. Inspection by the City of Wylie Public Works Department will be required. PUBLIC WORKS: DATE OF APPROVAL/INSPECTION: PASS FAIL Wylie Texas—2000 Hwy 78 N Wylie,Texas 75098 www.ci.wylie.tx.gov 972-442-8150 2 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: October 19, 2010 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2010-05 Location Map,Legal Description, PD Conditions, Zoning Summary, Previous Concept Plan, Proposed Concept Plan,Notification List/Map and Date Prepared: October 12, 2010 Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending PD 2000-22B & Concept Plan of the Estates of Creekside to decrease the front yard setback with the purpose of increasing the width of the main collector road into the subdivision, generally located south of Parker Road and approximately 1/2 mile west of Country Club Road. ZC 2010-05 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council, amending PD 2000-22B & Concept Plan of the Estates of Creekside to decrease the front yard setback with the purpose of increasing the width of the main collector road into the subdivision, generally located south of Parker Road and approximately 1/2 mile west of Country Club Road. ZC 2010-05 Discussion Owner: Gary DeFrain, Campbell Wylie Partners Applicant: Campbell Wylie Partners The subject tract was part of a Planned Development approved on March 27, 2001 in order to develop a master planned residential community. A Preliminary Plat has since expired and will be resubmitted in the near future pending approval of the subject PD Amendment. The intent of the amendment is to increase the main north/south route to a collector street and to add alleys to prevent any direct driveway access onto the collector. With these proposed additions,the applicant cannot meet the language of PD 2000-22B that requires all garages to be side-loaded and a minimum front yard setback of 30 feet for Tract A lots and 35 feet for Tract B lots. The owner/applicant is requesting that the front yard minimum setback be reduced to 25' for Tract A lots, and 30' for Tract B lots. The requested reduction is in conformance with the current SF-10/24 zoning district front building line of 25'. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The currently approved PD Conditions set forth the development design standards of the subdivision. The original conditions allow for a roof pitch of 6:12 with no like house elevation within 5 lots to each other on both sides of the street. The amended conditions call for a roof pitch of 8:12 with no like elevation within 7 lots of each other on both sides of the street,both which would be in conformance with the current zoning ordinance. In addition, the applicant has removed the clause that All garage doors shall be side loaded except if minimum 25 feet behind front building line. Front load garage allowed on side street corner lot. However, no dwelling will have a garage door that faces the main collector street(Street A). The minimum dwelling size for Tract"A"remains as 2,000 s.f, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches. The minimum dwelling size for Tract`B"remains as 2,400 s.f.,exclusive of garages,breezeways and porches. The minimum dwelling size for single-family residential in the current ordinance is 2,400 s.f. In addition, the typical lot size for Tract"A"lots increases from 10,000 s.f. to 10,200 s.f, and the typical lot size for all Tract "B"lots has a minimal decrease from 12,690 s.f. to 12,502 s.f. The owner/applicant is indicating parkland dedication of 19.7 acres dedicated to the City of Wylie. However, approval of this zoning amendment does not approve the dedication. The owner/applicant will meet with the Parks Board to discuss parkland dedication on October 25, 2010. If approved as city park, the dedication will be reflected on the final platting and will be filed with Collin County. Nine (9) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. As of October 14, 2010 no responses were received regarding the requested zoning amendment. Approved By Initial Date RO 10/14/10 Department Director `� I LUCAS CITY LIMITS F.M. 2514 E. Porker Roo. E. Park LIMITS —..___..— P. _._�._._.._ r L._. v s -- , 04-404,104,-A.P.,,faVill. 111 ; L--- 1 , :.,., 1 1 E, e:nrr^.. / L. r. i Subject Propertyx� t 1 1;1 -. ._ vi. liiiiiii,Ul ,„,..: L_I �111111imin��> �11111111l111111#� �gy. ou CI voll6. • �,� Lai "- S Iii gmL Wen 1111■ ..�S iv� � ^� �� �1�. i ' Kai _, ,., - Vi «mia `wV , tifil* -- �� t LI 111111 4 111111 s� I 1i! 11 ;Iati .• . 111111 '`L�/1111111111111 11111111110 1 1 ppw5r� ' 111111111 ! num �I 1 ) 1 'swimming 111///1/11 .r� .--- � a� . _�-� 11 iiii*Liiiii: t ! 111�� s■ .. ��.a�j P`N. °.■ 'C1/111�/\� t11i H/11� taw E�� I _1 fV � J I ■�; rrtmva nwc �. ■ �� nauxnala. 6 c ��II IIV i/11/111/11a$11� TIT" I F, �" �� <$I1111II111I� is - 1i//h///11`�/�//11/1111111/111' L. 1 --, ." 11�/11i11tt► ��� _ . . �: 111/11111t1►� r r i i� �1 i,�':11/111111 � =_ 1 �¢ mum itil o Ii4iI11fliiri , R. MO LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #201 0_05 Exhibit"A" Legal Description Zone Case#2010-05 Being a 45.193 acre tract of land situated in the Lewis M. Marshall Survey, Abstract No. 594, Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of that called 47.8265 acre tract of land described in deed to Campbell/Wylie Partners recorded in Volume 4571, Page 1058, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and a portion of that called 209.3886 acre tract of land in deed to Campbell/Wylie Partners recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 98-0032454, DRCCT, said 45.192 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said 47.8265 acre tract, same being the northwest corner of that called 0.908 acre tract of land described in deed to Mark Strange recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 93-0064862, DRCCT, and being in the southerly right-of-way line of Farm to Market Road No. 2514 (Parker Road), a 100 foot right-of-way; THENCE South 01°17'01" East along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 0.908 acre tract of land, a distance of 294.36 feet (South 01°23'55" East, 294.30 feet, deed)to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the southwest corner of said 0.908 acre tract of land; THENCE South 89°04'04" East continuing along said common line, a distance of 133.18 feet (South 88°42'01" East, 132.52 feet, deed)to a 3/8-inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of said 0.908 acre tract of land, same being the southwest corner of that called 1.364 acre tract of land described in deed to Peggy Howe and Jim Lee Howe recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 96-0036052, DRCCT; THENCE South 88°54'S0" East along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 1.364 acre tract of land, at a calculated distance of 195.48 feet passing the southeast corner of said 1.364 acre tract of land same being the southwest corner of that called 2.0758 acre tract of land described in deed to Berkley Wm. Hotchkiss recorded in Volume 3012, Page 12,DRCCT continuing along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 2.0758 acre tract of land in all for a total distance of 493.09 feet (South 88°54'31" East, 492.79 feet, deed)to a 3/8-inch iron rod found for corner in the West line of DOVE CREEK MONROE ADDITION, 1s1 Installment, and unrecorded subdivision in Collin County, Texas; THENCE along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said MONROE ADDITION the following: South 00°22'44" West, a distance of 98.0 feet crossing the approximate center line of Muddy Creek, continuing a total distance of 388.58 feet (South 00°16'37" West, 388.10 feet, deed)to a point for corner; South 00'51'44" West, a distance of 82.88 feet (South 00'45'37" West, 82.78 feet, deed)to a point for corner; South 1.1°16'16" East a distance of 47.32 feet (South 11°22'23" East, 47.26 feet, deed) to a point for corner; South 00°58'16" East, a distance of 263.22 feet (South 01°04'23" East, 262.88 feet, deed)to a'/z- inch iron rod found for corner; South 00°53'28" East, a distance of 239.82 feet (South 00°51'23"East, 240.00 feet, deed)to a'/z- inch iron rod found for corner; South 00°32'48" East, a distance of 600.59 feet (South 00°30'04 East, deed)to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said 209.3886 acre tract of land;. THENCE South 00°20'57"East along an east line of said 209.3886 acre tract of land, a distance of 292.95 feet to a point for corner in the approximate centerline of Muddy Creek; THENCE generally along the centerline meanders of Muddy Creek the following: North 83°09'34"West, a distance of 47.23 feet to the point for corner; North 20°51'22" West, a distance of 164.22 feet to the point for corner; North 71'06'58"West, a distance of 129.88 feet to the point for corner; North 43°56'00" West, at a distance of 119.40 feet passing the common line of said 209.3886 acre tract of land and said 47.8265 acre tract of land continuing in all for a total distance of 270.74 feet to a point for corner; North 10'05'08" West, a distance of 120.72 feet to the point for corner; North 15°19'47" East, a distance of 67.73 feet to the point for corner in the approximate centerline of Turner Branch; THENCE generally along the centerline meanders of said Turner Branch the following: South 85°37'20" West, a distance of 137.58 feet to a point for corner; North 10°42'21"East, a distance of 50.29 feet to a point for corner; North 30°05'11" West, a distance of 52.79 feet to a point for corner; North 85°53'16" West, a distance of 52.53 feet to a point for corner; South 42°01'37" West, a distance of 105.33 feet to a point for corner; South 45'30'08" West, a distance of 143.31 feet to a point for corner; South 56°50'48" West, a distance of 207.02 feet to a point for corner; North 70°29'50" West, a distance of 20.42 feet to a point for corner in the west line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land same being the east line of that called 49.092 acre tract of land described in deed to Hugh L. Lewis recorded in Volume 706, Page 455, DRCCT; THENCE along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 49.092 acre tract of land the following: North 00°20'10 East, a distance of 1077.71 feet (North 00°06'40"East, 1095.95 feet deed)to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; North 82°49'54" West, a distance of 266.71 feet (North 82°53'36"West, 266.71 feet, deed)to a point for corner; North 89°51'51" West, a distance of 252.35 feet (North 89°55'33" West, 252.35 feet, deed)to a point for corner in the east line of that called 3.00 acre tract of land described in deed to Gerald Lewis recorded in Volume 961, Page 597, DRCCT; THENCE North 00°49'51" West, along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 3.00 acre tract of land at a calculated distance of 281.29 feet passing the most easterly northeast corner of said 3.00 acre tract of land same being the southeast corner of that called 2.00 acre tract of land described in deed to Alvin D. Duncan recorded in Volume 1359, Page 556, DRCCT, continuing along the common line of said 47.8265 acre tract of land and said 2.00 acre tract of land in all for a total distance of 721.83 feet (North 00'32'05" West, 721.29 feet, deed)to a '/z-inch iron rod found for corner in the aforementioned southerly right-of-way line of Farm to Market Road No. 2514 (Parker Road); THENCE North 89°46'53" East along said southerly right-of-way line, a distance of 858.57 feet (North 89'41'37" East, 859.26 feet, deed)to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING a computed area of 1,968.544 square feet or 45.192 acres of land. AMENDED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS ESTATES AT CREEKSIDE City of Wylie Octob -- 17, 2000October 5, 2010 TRACT A -Sur,gle Family Residential Regulations I (Block A. Lots 1-22: Block B. Lots 1-8) Area regulations. (1) Size of yards 1. Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 30 25 feet as measured from the front property line. ?. Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the Iot having a width of not less than 10 feet in width. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 20 feet. 3. Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard, a depth of not less than 25 feet. (2) Size of lot. 1. Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 10,000 square feet. 2. Lot width. The minimum width as measured as the front building line of the lot shall not be less than 75 feet. 3. Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be not less than 100 feet. (3) Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be 2,000 square feet exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches. (4) Additional Guidelines 1. Exterior Wall Materials - 100% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick or stone. 2. Roofs - Roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 240 lb weight shingle and have a minimum pitch of 6 1='8:12. 3. Fences and Walls - Fences may not exceed 7 feet in height. Fences must be made of masonry, wood or architectural metal. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. Railroad ties may not be used for a retaining wall visible from the street. 4. Screening-The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot: Gd`,Creekside\Revised Creekstdc Planned Development.wpd ) " � OCT 0 ► 2010 A. Clotheslines B. Drying racks C. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind D. Yard maintenance equipment E. Wood piles and compost piles F. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and greenhouses G. Garbage can and refuse containers H. Roof mounted antenna Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening. 5. House Elevation - All plans shall be submitted and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No like house elevation shall be constructed within 5-7 lots to each other on both sides of street. All garage doors shall be side loaded-e eept-i- minimum 25 feet behind front building line. Front load garage all ,re,7 o a stre for corner lot. All chimneys shall be enclosed. 6. Landscaping- The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the initial occupancy: A. Trees- a minimum of 6 inches in total diameter shall be installed in the front yard. This may be accomplished by one 6 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least 6 inches. B. Street Trees Minimum of 1 3" caliper tree shall be planted between the sidewalk and th , ,rk at a„ ; dividual street frontages. GB. Shrubs - eighteen (18) 3 gallon shrubs across the front of the house. D C. Grass - solid sod from the front of home to the front curb. TRACT B Single Family Residential Regulations (BIock A, Lots 23-34: Block C, Lots 1-3: Block E, Lots 1-8: Block F, Lots 1-3) Area regulations. (1) Size o f yards I. Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 35 30 feet as measured from the front property line. 2. Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less than I2 feet in width. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 20 feet. 3. Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard, a depth of not less than 25 feet. (2) Size of lot. 1. Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 12,500 square feet. Gd,Creeksideaevised Creekside Planned Development.wpd -2- 2. Lot width. The minimum width as measured as the front building line of the lot shall not be less than 90 feet. 3. Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be not less than 100 feet. (3) Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be 2,400 square feet exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches. 4) Additional Guidelines 1. Exterior Wall Materials - 100% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick or stone. 2. Roofs - Roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 240 lb weight shingle and have a minimum pitch of8:12. 3. Fences and Walls - Fences may not exceed 7 feet in height. Fences must be made of masonry, wood or architectural metal. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. Railroad ties may not be used for a retaining wall visible from the street. Architectural metal fencing required along the 100 year flood plain. 4. Screening-The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot: A. Clotheslines B. Drying racks D. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind E. Yard maintenance equipment F. Wood piles and compost piles G. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and greenhouses H. Garbage can and refuse containers I. Roof mounted antenna Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening. 5. House Elevation - All plans shall be submitted and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No like house elevation shall be constructed within 5-7 lots to each other on both sides of street. All prage doors shall be side Ioaded except if minimum 25 feet behind front building line. Front load garage allowed on side street er-eemer le arch mneys-sh e enclosed. 6. Landscaping- The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the initial occupancy: A. Trees-a minimum of 6 inches in total diameter shall be installed in the front yard. This may be accomplished by one 6 inch tree or multiple trees whose Gd\Creekside\Revised Creekside Planned Developinent,wpd -3- diameters add up to at least 6 inches. B. Strect'Fees Minimum of 1 3" caliper tree shall-be planted between the Vet-fn rt-rtagcs. �B. Shrubs - eighteen (18) 3 gallon shrubs across the front of the house JC. Grass - solid sod from the front of home to the front curb. Gd\Creekside\Revised Creekside Planned Development.wpd -4- Zoning Summary Estates At Creekside Wylie, Texas golsit<c 9/-1-TQ4)()3f1+FO Minimum Minimum No. Lot Width Minimum Lot Side B.L. Minimum Tract Area Lot Area Lots at B.L. Depth Front B.L. Side B.L. at Corner Rear B.L. House Area ROIN Dedication 0.2-3 AC Single Family Traft A 10:28`2 10,000 SF 3.230 75' 100' 3025' 10' 20' 25' 2,000 SF AC Trap B 17 216.0 12,500 SF 32 90' 100' 35'30' 12' 20' 25' 2,400 SF AC Single Family Total 27,424.2 6462 AC Open Space Tr*C(City Park) 17 019.7 AC Tacit D(HOA) 0,6110 AC Op4n Space Total: 1-520.7 AC TOTAL AREA: 45.2 AC Density: Gross: 1.4 DU/AC Net:2,32_4 DU/AC Tract A: Typical Lot Size =8042-5855d20'; Tract B: Typical Lot Size = 94 1-3594'x133' Summary: Total Tract Area: 45.2 AC ROV\ Dedication 0.2-3 AC tGeneral Notes: Single Family 2-7,424.2 AC l) 2-5-2O' landscape area along Parker Road with curvilinear 4' sidewalk, maintained by110A. FIOA'Park 7 620.7 AC 2) Minimum 6' masonry wall along Parker Road to be maintained by I-1OA. 3) Park area to include 8' trail, trail lighting and park benches. -5- i t tati...1 cEvie*-thp.c• • i PONT or BEGIAPXYG. P.M.12514 PARKER ROAD(4...i,'‘.0 (. -- ".71 or ..... ,.. ...'V33gSsSss .' ., 1-- e:27..er1.:In;.:1''".''''..'."'•"4."."'.''e'. ''''c'''."'.....' .., • \ ..,i.,131?f..SESSIIII- .5.111L11130/1113513/..-WE20.ZIPTCC_EiZ01 . •r.,,,,,, . .. i . "te•=13::,1=1311321;Z TreOe'2•131•3n7t.1=•••r••7:411FP:•57 SV4:1111417411. ' .0034•4',g1:11,,t,441,, ...,, :.1-i 4 3. 3 •.‘;‘'1'1:1„..'1V!!!i.:-• ti ...0: ',.TR eT 0 I . .... .. •.. _...1 E., t v.___Iff,.........,(..11.1c.f....) 6.1......11., LL.,o,,,,r „,,vEFFR - ...... ......,-., 134 ME HOWE ' N, '.;'. :-.i:j...-7- - :-. -7-r--. „ iet 1 r '!IIPLI -I 364 AL. DfiCa 0 50 100 150 200 ,„; ,.,,,,,,,.n -.0.1... 1..2 i; . ___=.,y;„.sEl,t i'u. '4. ""7.,%?,...'.r.y..:1.:47.:7.14-7:::...?;7.:,,:7.7:',1'4•=1°413`:37•3'4:15:?•!:1 3.2 x 71.05.65.VI 129.3W , LINGCT li 2?:;4'.:`., W.L. ..,..',°°:`.•%.r i- - - -.1--• .tt ....„-1, -1- -,„. t„, ,,ka,, r'!,'t xr....1.1c1 1.7 I.10•43.21, 50-29. Ma . 2 ; : s- I I r !I '7---I it; V's 6.4' .C ... LEGO° 1 ' ' . 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