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11-16-2010 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission Aft I November 16 , 2010 Regular Business Meeting 7/1/1 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Phillip Johnston Chair Ruthie Wright Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Jeremy Jordan Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Gilbert Tamez Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from November 2, 2010 Regular Meeting. November 16,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA General Agenda 1. Consider, and act upon, amending PD 2000-22B & Concept Plan of the Estates of Creekside to decrease the front yard setback with the purpose of increasing the width of the main collector road into the subdivision, generally located south of Parker Road and approximately 1/2 mile west of Country Club Road. ZC 2010-05. ActionAgenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Holland Hitch Addition, Lot 2R-1 creating a single industrial lot generally located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and Martinez Lane. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Residential Replat for Bozman Farm Estates, Phase IA Addition. Subject property being Lots 15 and 16, Block F. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request to rezone a tract from Agricultural/30 to Light Industrial (LI) on 2.971 acres (L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, Tract 3) generally located east of Hooper Road and south of Steel Road, more specifically 331 Hooper Road. ZC 2010-07 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 12th Day of November, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, November 2, 2010— 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:32PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Commissioner Jeremy Jordan, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Gilbert Tamez and Commissioner Ron Smith. Vice Chairman Ruthie Wright and Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko were absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 19, 2010, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the minutes from October 19, 2010 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 5 —0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Minutes November 2,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 3 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for SH 78 RaceTrac Addition, on one lot, generally located on the northeast corner of S.H. 78 and E. Brown Street. Ms. 011ie stated that the subject property consists of 2.772 acres and is zoned Corridor Commercial and was the subject of a zoning case approved in September 2010. The applicant is proposing a single story 4,997 square foot building on the site with two separate canopies to house eighteen (18) gasoline pumps in lieu of twenty (20) as called out in the report. Access to the site will be from two drives off Brown Street and a single 41' wide access drive from S.H. 78. Two existing metal storage buildings will be removed prior to construction of the new facilities. The proposed development of the property meets or exceeds the current nonresidential design standards for exterior building material, site and building articulation as well as landscaping. The primary exterior material consists of wall. Each facade consists of at least 20% stone as a secondary material. Ms. 011ie also mentioned that the required landscaping is exceeded by nearly 20% including, but not limited to street trees and plantings along Brown Street to aid as a buffer to the neighboring residential community across Brown Street. Commissioner Jordan questioned the lighting and noise levels on the rear of the property. Ms. 011ie cited the requirements as outlined in the Ordinance that specifies the allowed decibels as well as the required foot candles for lighting in parking areas. Commissioner Dahl asked what was the timing for development and the widening of Brown Street. Mr. Kevin Wier of Spiars Engineering stated that there will be possible overlap for construction of the site and widening of Brown Street. A motion was made by Commissioner Jordan, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to approve the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Elevations for SH 78 RaceTrac Addition, on one lot, generally located on the northeast corner of S.H. 78 and E. Brown Street. Motion carried 5 —0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for SH 78 RaceTrac Addition, on one lot, generally located on the northeast corner of S.H. 78 and E. Brown Street. Ms. 011ie stated that the Final Plat totals 2.772 acres and will establish property boundaries and shall dedicate a 24' fire lane and access easement as well as water easements throughout the property, in addition to right-of-way dedication for Brown Street. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Final Plat for SH 78 RaceTrac Addition, on one lot, generally located on the northeast corner of S.H. 78 and E. Brown Street. Motion carried 5 —0. Minutes November 2,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 3 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Holland Hitch Addition, Lots 1-R and 2R-1 creating two industrial lots generally located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and Martinez Lane. Ms. 011ie stated that the Replat will incorporate 1.33 acres from Lot 1 of Holland Hitch Addition into Lot 2R of the existing Premier Plaza Addition in order to develop an industrial use on Lot 2R-1. Lot 2R-1 consists of 22.42 acres while Lot 1-R will be 8.56 acres. A Site Plan is forthcoming. The Replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat for Holland Hitch Addition, Lots 1-R and 2R-1 creating two industrial lots generally located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and Martinez Lane. Motion carried 5 —0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Jordan, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to adjourn the meeting at 6:57PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Renae' 011ie,Planning Director Minutes November 2,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 3 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: November 16, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2010-05 Date Prepared: November 11, 2010 Exhibits: Subject Consider, and act upon, amending PD 2000-22B & Concept Plan of the Estates of Creekside to decrease the front yard setback with the purpose of increasing the width of the main collector road into the subdivision, generally located south of Parker Road and approximately 1/2 mile west of Country Club Road. ZC 2010-05 Recommendation No Action required Discussion Owner: Gary DeFrain, Campbell Wylie Partners Applicant: Campbell Wylie Partners This item was tabled from the October 19th meeting. However, since that time, the applicant has withdrawn the item to allow additional time to work on Parkland related issues. The Public Hearing was opened and closed at the November 9th City Council meeting and the request to withdraw was approved. The Public Hearing was also opened and closed at the October 19th Commission meeting. Therefore this item is on the Regular Agenda merely to inform the Commissioners of its withdrawal. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 11/11/10 Page 1 of 1 This page is intentionally blank I Pie: : Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: November 16, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Holland Hitch Addition, Lots Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: 1-R and 2R-1 Date Prepared: 11/10/10 Zoning District: Light Industrial (LI) Site Plan, Landscape Plan& Exhibits: Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Holland Hitch Addition, Lot 2R-1 creating a single industrial lot generally located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and Martinez Lane. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Holland Hitch Addition, Lot 2R-1 creating a single industrial lot generally located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and Martinez Lane. Discussion The property totals 22.42 acres of which 9.54 acres are in an unbuildable area due to significant floodplain and drainage easements. The flood plain area is heavily wooded with a natural stream running north and south.The property is zoned Light Industrial (LI) District. The property was the subject of a recently approved Replat to incorporate 1.33 acres from Lot 1 of Holland Hitch Addition into Lot 2R of the previous Premier Plaza Addition. The Wylie Mobile Home Park abuts the property to the north and is being used for residential manufactured housing purposes. The Creek Bend Industrial Park abuts the subject property to the south, these properties are zoned LI, and partially developed for light industrial uses. The Westwind Meadows No. 3 residential subdivision abuts to the subject lot to the east. The exterior facade meets and/or exceeds the required design standards set forth for non-residential/industrial developments. The exterior is constructed of tilt-wall concrete panels with stone accents on the front facade. The proposed dumpster will be screened with a 7' high masonry wall with gates in addition to added landscaping as a measure to further screen the dumpster from Hooper Road. The required site landscaping is based on buildable area (342,509 s.£). The applicant more than doubles the required landscaping. Various species of Hollies and large trees are proposed. Recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 11/10/10 Page 1 of 1 t' r 6 a- � X q SPED 5/BC, I i \ -- I I ';U I.5ET I . 7 6 i H SALUR b tW AOU PPAP A : i � wlfn OP L°M 5AN50R ANP i .I A M N RWLAA54 , 1 YD�' f-euAto+ - ... -- SST 7, .if R GAT Ox LS _ ZeR T A a �� yPI r�.F i'ri ; F LS t LS L %, [9➢LYL 6Y�IN6 wAL4 vaw 5 d 4` Myav[ r J I S 1 AnN / ALAPA "y,�h 'W M€ AfLi _ _._._r_ _ 10. .__._ ____ NJ: TO SCFaLE L 2 I ✓"i'"6 5'"S ASUP@ ,�x _.. � '" ,. �' o'M sD cL s�w:cL, 4 _ -� v>.e a�� _ —..�i Y 1t-�' A p � LOCATION MAP ` oo' I II 6T� i II I 100.0 , 0 ' `R " A HAN0I GAP RAyPA,. SfALL5.:PAR%I N6 , • 1 ^ �" 1 x''d� .,,,, 50.0' NO.AGLA55 fP fN eUILP N6 10 u{Wi ,�6 +�I S / 1 • ® !f - API, A5 ANP,'/:LL APPL GAOLS 5lP5 } ® "�-® °+P, sr RsSfRObM" I,}1Y I /, • 1 1 \ 3'"L^'e. `, L , �rAPRPPp5RP,51N6LA SrPRM ,°Off 5/ F 1 1 ' -i ? 1 5,000 5€A 0€%5AI0€€VLit'�0 W�IR6MOU5€ � I 1 ° f 96,000,54P fOfAl.Myt U01 H6 H I / ro» ourLF x FEET I 1 13 9fl° I i 1 SCALES 1'.10' INL ALGp555`f0A eU11.PAN6 r0 1,.. eA R°VI P"OY,fnW RLNIfALi ' 7:Isii,l"iafWB srA:N°ANP ,1 i o 7\ 7 p uuxsiP•A La,?' '" SPRINwRR PAINT Do°fN= ' LNtRALreR C' $ '_'4 Y ` � � €IRL 4NK 15,G� Y Afl,,yIIe O wP ze'R llkli% f 2e'R - IioM G[x5 R f IPI O 11tI%11 O°fAL'�PW N{{'5AU S I LI I • /�%•� 1 . t S ,R / 2 e•• e...w..,m oeI.ew n„`' � Y_ 4,x ' 1 J `y\ q I l':, - f - 1'—'—_� 2. PR0NPONLOCTD2ULflS-IE.L BLCLHOIGCNKTNApMAU-NHAOICALLTLUARND ITACHREADOI TI ON 3 PROPERTY AREA: 976.615 Sf 22.S °•'•,n • BUILDABLE AREA: 342.509 SF - 7.86 ACRES 4. BUILDING AREA: 96.000 SF NOV G9 u10 ' LOf IR, DLOGR A PRLNIAR PEA A I 5. BUILDING HE IGHi: I STORY-25' MA% Ir 0.07 ALRAS �'r I 1. LOT COGEREGE:E0: 9 REOUSE.090/00/ __._e... A...-.. a 2ON00 LI P RKR OUIfl k` A W 0 f0001= 9f SPACES.. TOTAL 108 SPACES WATER METER SCHEDULE - _ HARKILAP ROV IDED: 1 ACCESSIBLE/25 SPACE suWrwr " -'' PARKING PROVIDER: 103 SPACES+5 ACCESSIBLE»f08 SPACES "^^"^'^' 9• LANDSCAPE PROVIDED?''Z GROSS AREAI: 34.251 SF A- '., ^. d LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: GREATER THAN 85.000 SF IroLWsrlc r I N+awED 1 A r RWLAr N PWLP°s 5 ,u s', , eo L h .i OWNER: w•'^' M WYLIE EDC p a ;, wE T ReLE DEVELOPMENT PLAN .WVLI .iE%AS 098 LINE LEGEND: �_ i - -" �'•: I SAAMEL O.R.SATTERWHI TE LOT 2R-i- HOLLAND HITCH ADDITION ' PROPERLY LINE ' *,-.ere. p -- i °Mi (91211921901 --_--DRAINAGE SLOW PROPOSED WATER LINE _ `� ARCH ITeci: WYLIE EDC WAREHOUSE BUILDING - ROAR CENTER LINE - - - AIL LANCE ARCHITECTS -" Isoo rv.cpulxcs eLVD..swTE loo0 7405 MARTINEZ LANE,WYLIE,TEXAS ��PROPOSED STORM SEWER - + PROPOSED STREET "; �^ �{ RICHARDSOx.iE%AS i50B0 [o- EXISTING CONTOUR LINE P 1°" I OVEN B.CAVAS•ARIA ra,[ HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES,INC. Wo ant-PRDPOSEO CONTOUR LINE i J7 ° I (9i21 2JJ 0100 H BU ILDINC SE iBACX LINE Ii "" ve F --DRAINAGE EASEUENi » ,e.,..,p,w,e.",„,..- _ ."''-''w � '` "`.: ENGI'NEER: N0 0, ,,,,»„», • ER5 aEw[rRAr,M 5sCIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINE ��•DRAINAGE 01VIOE LINE ""Lontl e' R»' r EL ERGER ASSOCIATES. INC. ROW/LOT LINE ^ ,r wlw�ww 1"�5Y'BRIMxn RO50� D[sru wAwx oAr[ u.WF xo vwx r[s [[[ L_ a _T,VWI asn ttrsnDrD t2:oi as PM =T. ��+»'rnr-n mu,-. _.. -. ✓ .�•_,._._�._..�•••R972At9 -1159A6ERGER.PE r.w �LSW ose C�._ ... xFW. C,NO low NOt'I R 2010 I I 1 --, -._ . - _- - P 418 _ra► y�r� / I.R. 67 20-1'A�L4Nf�. $,p' -- - 1 46 - .e_Ft VIIL�7�3 PG 177 ..� IC d4044 PROJECT 'A're - i C 9 . „ , ' ' ,\ - ' ''.'444t4.444144' b`-,'1 1 1 S ' 2 / / ,,/ ,,/ „/:,-",--A'' -'14‘:_.-- -"---.:;;ANNV,Ifik441tAW L,' ( xpa�Tia t I c a ®coca 1 - !- !" C LOCAT ION MAP __ Y T � 49 N2TOC To N M `If i ,Of IR, DLOOK A 10Nt,To NIfon A,%tIfION SU N I[i f Ufa , � 1 � n �- i 3.55 A - .I 111 49 ^ I C �� I • ✓ i� � PPED 5/8-Ire GM ] �� I ,�/ r.I 1 I '}I' • , ,, \ r „C "' el 1 " it SET G . 1 I , , '''1 ;I 2 SCALE,[t•[.60 n iiiItJH H ''',1i144V4:4,U113',,IN ,' 'V sir , ; ' . r i - it '" e R 1 ' - .,gyp r�, ; 1 1 ,�IN �1 , O _ LINE LEROPE: q 5; i8 8 • . z�' i I �11 �� W _.-DRAINAGE FLOOIEI 1 €" I�+i 2R,a1, 0y0GK A-'NOLLANO NIYGNA y��[[JJLL �+ �' :d 6 --PROPOSED WATER LINE r Q�� ,10NG0 VI ■ ,• y, ...; yy 1 ; 1 f�; I PROP[ENTER LINE A l<CP 3 ,.� 1- I Ii 1 \Aht — -- ©PROPOSED STORM SEVER —PROPOSED STREET J G [ AN _ o- EXIST ING CONTOUR LINE f F 3. ygA 1 � 1 �,0-PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE }j - BUILDING SETBACK LINE I' l"' Mb B7♦ ,. y �', �i 7 --DRAINAGE EASEMENT f 1 •DRAINAGE DIVIDE LINE - I —ROY/LOT LINE e ul _J I I' N , - ,. _ [ _ _ 1I ,tV Off gmKl,u 1",:i14.'::::2-10E,01:11.:01,1r:::::::::SITE Eoe��J1 _ _ 1 .EST wflBLE 1 1 TE%AS 15098 C�F a L D.R.SATTERWHITE i -! .. - : , : 1 1 1 ', uov o -T ofII I @32 AAI 9I 1f .�' T.1-1 5 ETARtxITECTS CWLINGS BLED..SUITE,000 �J 1 9W.iE%AA 9080�'Ji;"ml"i Y- t a i ` , , � CAVAS. AIA 4 _ ; PA00I ° A 3 - •'� 9 E% NU4 fCt] NGER ASSOCIATES. IXC.e" _ ,I1,.., I ''' ; c i 1 002wN ROAD� H } iI '' N LIE.TE%AS i5098 4, E S I , P� RAXOAL,i.HELYBERGER.PE N __ t .-._ 19I31A2-1A99 e'l r � •_ ,I P o" OVERALL SITE PLAN ll ° ,I '' :i.:74:,..::1 LOT 2R-1- HOLLAND HITCH ADDITION 11 WYLIEEDCWAREHOUSEBU4DI;Es Cj I t r -1I 1 I 1405 MARTINEZ LANE,WYIIE, EXASF ! , S�PJ t HELHBBRCBR A9.90CIAINC.-Y 4 , 'R "— I1 6 Z � I`R`RT OVIL PNDENVRONMENIPLEGEERS �I il...: 1 A„oNpawx W,[ Scu ES rA[ . ! �m � N .I__.. E ,W ; KLY w0 RN o,ERN.L NY< C2 '� IIn X Ili II ARP PET ' I ; E.. — .x. _�. I I 1 1 PROJECT „e a nIi �- s� y Ihi �Y 1 a i SfLUR f 6 fPUIPP P - - I \a 4- I I - Mlfn P LO 56N5PR P I 1,+ A N L R fA5f (f/y i' , ,. ,„\,1 i T . b N*tM s Ay A PIP , aLarvrs— " F �. °`' I PRCPgSSP ouxrSrsR L e r e7 , LOCATION MAP ' V,,EE f i'Nb RP,,,, 6 V C 1rt NOT TO SCALE h j P`\II � �w ANP�iY R M%fAti. f6-- � - �P� nA2 1x d. + 1IN AL{p„,,,. R I _,; 0 G/te•lkLeR _ I 2dR �s-A"" L .hnAS} • 'may 1 c. N e r- .JV 0°0 �' ierC. pp�'�'' + APB �� ` u��[ �_•: - % 1t tppl fi00. r R i11,w. - 4° -�� L P A 'I /_ .evF ...- cIII I ENO.IU55 r0 iN{541 LP N6 f0 Masi 1� •\ ' -�' I � AO/I, fA5 ANP ALL APPLIApL{bfP5 I • --y li,l. ' >;; ORP/P5{P,61N6L{SiPRr '1. e ''''.1 U 1 . a a m,o.owµ eo E A FEET no ({' pAR{XOUSi/Pif L6 0U YP N6 _ I(` .r t^ : 1 s,o90 5i oiiucs gl,000 RARsxpuS{ r 1 IE ,� t- 96,000,5i f0fA1.p41 L01 N6 ply p00M I—^ •;I "@ LANDSCAPL NO'ES. SCALE) AO a �„P N t 1 F u mn<n<,md o�<e,xmw<e x,.fa.aJa ii �� ' A ` f 1 A&wn,1 onraromn<nwmanxu<e D<m,oaa aw ry ea" )- d 4� ' �� I' 4i'C+i l GG{55 f0 fN{pF( PI Nb fP 4 1 Grmnerd/evnual 1 bedb be' trP (Md 8 B(G J me,e eJKPag. i 1' - � of agpvl PSP er,vx{AaLN r,Ef II'rS.0 1 ' coPa.uorN. h 1 f y r bel f CFY) I R{L Ns tP DS 51 ZfP ANP .y ; PlanxnRbN m n 11 l 1 I'a ( -'I Uendl iolo I IgrALLfq er A srpr{ oAlxr 6pprx ' �� N � I � LIL{N560.f Rd 5PR L{R 11 4 N J LPNiRAL,iOR Y W '.E ��� 21 I T rf ere be 1 eJ n 6 '1 df P Bha e. 1' i,P.w-' di y Rpm ry`�' , i �:*n.. 1 . Th ex M5- h pe J24- h d n h Iball ,� �' -A ' ,' / A � TSt orrlcox eeE to ne Planletl. _ n a �m , , q5 6�uy -i 11 P II ,'A U wg.,,Pp+FSAi, _2e, __ .•W_ 1 ANiuL Pap `U�� racer rr a a ehbw mare. Zb'R 1 II N ee11W1 �A dM f 'el dl � �� Tu tln �r_iii , / S ;- f bal h b II[ f ch t f h non . �� CQ !� CE P `�,-1 T —._— lud'Bs4Ccd1 M d nM' 1 I h 'h. f Jyl z �of s l b bl oc b l d b u as a ''. 1 - -'''''..v. 4- `r e F e i PLO%%rv205%%L65.}P (pi__ A 1 (q)Ind es 9veaoly ofp n ma , r f -... I .' YI ss A'+1 i v1 —peNIED 1 . .(P - r.i--. TebWm,o,u es,rnDle,wnsP me,n6uldhal ty/) �,l r �3� � � � � .R � 1 s �'� NF . U .A� 12 1 NOV 16 Z00 , i., 1 � R 6 ul a o f 6 1 I. % \ at. -T a.rn [teD D nI c/ A rr { Y JL,J pr JW -..1 r,Dv ��61 0 LOT 2R-1, BLOCK A -HOLL AND HITCH ADDITION :it II- 1 il. 9a k d 1. k, ^ i ::: ZONING: LI. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL J i A (Tii_'� a € P,W kL I PROPOSED USE: LIGHT.MANUF AC i 22.42 R J:(50 Lp 10. f) I I fl 0o Jsre%rA^^ PROPERTY AREA: 9T6.6 SF -22•A ACRES1 ! '� P M p g e esu sj ` %,; , BUILDING ARA:•96OGSFF - 7.86 ACRESI1N p b p l d d dd. j' BILDING HEHT: 1 - STORY-25' MA%ece,,,sc ble � 9.0%„ £ d d d YI k E jLOT COVERAGE: _ �: {. Allp .,�vcrr 2.pecev. FA.R. - 10:1 / T. PARKING REQUIRED: 0101 CE 15.000/3001 tT S1 PACES 1 I. V IS LP d i % iOTAL USE(91.000/t0001 = IDA SPACES j:. „� I ,, HANDICAP REQUIRED 1 PCCESSIBLE/25 SPACE d fS <F ft Olt) R. PARKING PROVIDED: 103 SPACES+5 ACCESSIBLE=10R SPACES :?,'J I + .- Arrvtt L.(l 4t 9d ) 9. LANDSCAPE REOUI RED(COX GROSS AREA 1: 3A.2%: SF -0 - 1 - LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: GREATER THAN p5.000 SF e el - �..1 a. P n w yam --_ Tf«3 pr..;J<d mnos« ir°ni ie`Epc LANDSCAPE PLAN ., COB-[MEST IMRBLE -I ', :xVL IE TEXAS 5098 LINE LEGEND: Pux*, vwarxN,x s¢E F cm Jaox i I SAMIIEL .R.SARRK8NRITE .a„, omx.,s,„a,l„<,,,,, z ''„ t9Tz1 4 2 T901 - - HO LAND HITCH ADDITION ---PROPES uxE a - LOW E iEDC WAREHOUSE BUILDING pRA WAGE fLOW w' ARCx ITECT: PROPOSED SHORU LINE s wi A IANCE 000TIOSCTS 'WA' CENTER LINE 1G00:' COLLINGS BLVD..SUITE 1000 1405 MART NEZ LANE,WYLIE,TEXAS PROPOSED STORM SEMER ps cM;wa. I RIORAROSOX.TEXAS 15080 l u PROPOSED STREET -' ^ OVEN B.CAVAS.ARIA JNARP L,AN06GA/ 5 s o E%1 Si DC CONTOUR LINE c, a. ENGIN ER:OA00 129 rM1Nf INbfPN PRIVf R LXAR050N,16%A5 T5000 �Io-PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE co. - -- 'f, e1LL 5NARP 9T2 9tD 6]2 a HNGII@EECE BUIL0I INC SETBACK LINE _ -- p R AR..ATES ING -- DRAINAGE EASEMENT _a I rJ J11W ITZS B020AN 1 PLOW DRANK OAT( SCKE WATtS N.E NP. •DRAINAGE DIVIDE LINE -I ..-x LIE.TE%A5 T5U9d arR x� —a0R/LOT LINE wwn.mw,r.um w„m a o {\ - , -ri RANDALL T.HELNBERGER.PE xiLM CAW L� 4A2 i159 I-.w LMnsCAP( Wylie Economic Development Corporation ____-------__ 1 ' To of Panel 30'4" i W 1..771. 1P: -lMll-_----DIM7--___IWTE_--=, Nil Li ii..-_- AMEL-H-- e 1 1 -HILL&WILKINSON . GENERAL CONTAACTORS .--- 09/1111116''L"111111111 ; A 41 •I , -: -1_M— , ::;1•5 'via ' • ALLIANCEARCHITECTS - a-r.;:;,;-,__ ._ ---- - = - 4 ------Lrialrfir r.:-'• por ir -1 Top of Panel 30%0" r 1 :. _ ____ _____ li. . W., •.. •. ,. . . • •. . VpiElli7D6 71 . _ .. . , . . .. . , . . .,. , . . , I _i I Top of Panel 30.-0" III -- . _ ImiumulE111111 ' M I - l— ,i'. 11. 11111.1 _____. _ _ ._ ----- - AL.: :: ,i :: , . . . ... . . . :: ... .. ., , • , ,, Top of Panel 30.-0" 11 =11111•111M11111111111111111M=1•111111•11 I 1 =MllIl I I l IM1111.2 IMIIIMMIIMIMIIIIIMMIEMEM=111111111 l___1—il-1 I I I , I I 1111111=11NOMI I I 2710NIEM: 1171 4 miminmoomminommi 1 ,--z-- um • .....,___,.... ...,._. NOV 0 9 2010 '' Ey: NOV ___ _ ____ ____I This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: November 16, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Bozman Farm Estates, Phase Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: lA Addition Date Prepared: November 4, 2010 Zoning District: PD 2002-52 Location Map, Legal Description,Residential Replat, Notification Map and Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Residential Replat for Bozman Farm Estates, Phase lA Addition. Subject property being Lots 15 and 16, Block F. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Residential Replat for Bozman Farm Estates, Phase lA Addition. Subject property being Lots 15 and 16, Block F. Discussion Applicant/Owner: Justin &Kyla Terry Surveyor: Roome Land Surveying,Inc. The two lots total .405 acres and will create one residential lot. The property is zoned Planned Development (PD-2002- 52) and was originally platted as Lots 15 and 16 of the Bozman Farm Estates,Phase IA Addition in April 2004. The lot was deemed unbuildable by Ryland Homes due to the underground spring that was discovered on the property while trying to build a home in 2009. The lot had been unkempt for the past four years. Ryland Homes approached the applicant with an offer to purchase the property and incorporate it into his adjacent lot. A residential dwelling occupies Lot 15 and would remain as the only inhabitable structure on the property. Although no structure would be placed on the vacant lot the applicant's desire was to fence in lot 16. However, as a single lot,the lot would have to meet the regulations of the approved PD,thereby a 6 foot fence beyond the front yard line would not be allowed. Staff discussions with the applicant led to the need for the Replat in order that the lot(s) as a whole would meet all required regulations. In summary,by combining the two lots into a single-family lot,the lot would meet or exceed the requirements of Planned Development 2002-52 District. In accordance with State Law, forty (40)notifications were mailed out to all property owners within 200 feet of the subject property. Two responses in favor of the Residential Replat have been received and none opposing. Staff sus sorts a recommendation for approval to City Council. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 11/04/10 Page 1 of 1 q! Ar .. " LAP,.-", titio,- t I 1— ilipis te, --,,,. I) 1 , , . CI..._ inghlr "..s,„ wt,i ii; , I , / , 11111101%&;%,4114 ''.T m i , , i , . . i , . „I' i . . , 11011J_Illpir#Ne401 c ,_,__./.. ..._ ,_, _ , r, ,, ,vow—w 456; — mill! 44, i ' Subject i II ! i g ! i ! i NI 1 1, ; i Properly i 1 i - ,. r . i 11111r 1,,. illV Xaft414... 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I c 1 , .,' LOCATION MAP R E p LAT CASE #20 i 0_01 Exhibit "A" Legal Description Case#RP2010.OI Being a Final Plat for Bozman Farm Estates, Phase lA Addition and also being a Replat of Lots 15 and 16, Block F in the Bozman Farm Estates, Phase IA Addition, being 0.405 acres, situated in the Aaron West Survey, Abstract No. 979, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. ,� \ I OWNER'S DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS 5 mATE OF UN oFEXAS g CowN 4 CDt NTY CF COLIN ¢ P m s,r) of land THAT Bemende Jr, c \ 1 _ I ( ` - N' 5.an&%Yb Te*N q u sur, n.and and that the hence nor on ments shown be codes Jntl or ee properlyWylie v ✓ or actual d City of Wylie,being port of the Aaron West Survey, \ [� N F d' G svAervsen nn ( H mr rc l rg 3r dF I� — P 1 the Co..Coun.Moy Records with said premises being more trcom ,n F \— — 5 P 9emenderter,Jr \ \ C — THLNCE wit,Inc Kest Inc of Lot 16,',Le west line of said premise.and 1.east Foe R C \ A=11632'53' 2 z w ti. s_ s or R=789.04' \ 2 I 9 t 16,the northwest zemises.north.,corner of Lot 17, being in the s'ou,lire of 4 Sock F or sd me Gh N79.03' w tt 'said a being beginningrightT, 15876'26'OBE t E the north line I said premises.the south line of Lots �t ond n Ac oWLEDc_v�ui \Se south line of Lot 15.ono 158.76' Or'' r n I corner of Lot 6 and the nortii,cornet of Lot arc - 5 51 the rorth line of lot'5 through a cental angle of 11'32 53.for an arc distance of St N co T (chord3 5 feet) feet COUNTY OF. STATE or ECOLLN 6 r�„ \ Ncs� W o0 ' nut-these:corner of 1 ct 15,the vortheost noroor of so',oremises.rind the northwest corner of Lot 1 P F F. ' P b appeared£S BmrrnulerM,Jr known nrmn. - 2 c a tTHENCL with the east t I' BEFORE whose to he Me person subscribedforegoing krow eacea to ✓n s �Cn J 2H 2 P. 9 9M1 d me that t - o n expresses z line of Valley Streom Drive mark the sortheast corne'of but 5,the southeast corner of curve.the \ ®1 9.ac M) e _ 9 l UNDER —. Y m C 9 y 9/ Stream,.the beginning of a Ro copped'r rod found GIVEN NN My NANO'A>SEAL OF OFFICE,M1 \ P of 67 42 feet mark,the sc.,.comer of Lot 15 o n M1ea of the south line of Lot e of'1.32535 for/ d t alongst IS and continuing p ( 73 09'West 134.02 fee) o ory Public n a or / LOT 16R to lbe D N_ Tne state of T s z 17,632 SLI.Ft. 1 0.405 Acre N t r/ N o r 0-p�LE CAIF owmmen ec o Approval. /\ N o - - U FLas 4 ft d f of 0 0 C LLIN fl rA rw NOn T RF..RE KNOW ALL PEN BY i 6E PRESENTS. \ i s Fair __ A=11'32'53" _ __ __ zon 9 mm i � 1 xa+ aa..y P f Wylie,T does m exas ss on Dete s. R=669.084'4' 'r not PM Block P e Farm thereon The streets u g f y er wv.e Arc=134.84' ° easementsonoris if any,are dedicated r purposes �Ch S73°2B'09 W t IIconstructed r censlr�m en -way,aucl other ouhlic i 134.62' nr u c "Approved fo N n fur the puzposes indicated on o P Te4oz C P ty Cour.of the tr y easements rnay a so he us.for m,Loal use nd accommodation ot all public utilities desiring.use or \ / _ v F subordinate the public's and City Y use thereof utilities,solid use Y P f,Tes eing Mhyor,City Wylie,TexasDate whG/ +_/� N�,� cicentitiesd keep removed all or rive e. a name r uv Qi — - Cy Y entities shall nt all times lave the fyll right.,,v r BEG of e Yr- .�a — r r adding its of thenrespective yst s n p — Date NNING Valle,/J ee:nm+ -- t,inspect, I° BEG procuringo. anyone / Vo ] � Moto Rg" ieoTe / F (eM -- — hard,t e / - ¢01d undersigned - Secretor o!the Cityof Wylie,Tex - Ca. 0 h - -—-- ofeLot ME Bb k£ B P Estates,Phan lk Could un the n and there / y -- ,— cu cue orzed the of e e thereof mime as M1e bo e subscribed sitholivision or addition to the City of Wylie / / Owner lnt 1fiH' ie'ry to submitted City Council, _ watt' d forth ' pia,one soid Courcil Farther ` Mot' cap. signing / / -\ Owner Lot�e O Nunes my hand this day of A4 2010 - \ N kJFN_i STATE OF t 1h e y eretery ex. ) t of fe T C rP.VF� some wbs execut,tor the surooses old consideration therein expressed. Ne9WY cF OF CE ay 2010. =.', y nr 5 t s - ! N04 H 2C1G /// // iw AGNuOWtEPGEMJJi _- _ / \ COUNTY of w § NOV Or 2n10 /i// tit - e rcMv Not 7 FOR '9 authority KV T k o m ornate-.the b person whose norm,subscribed to the foregoing inshument,who "° Final Plat of exo withholding d N P ,s I I GNEN NNDE ✓ G F G S. F Lot 16R, Block F N i Tex Bozman Farm Estates, Phase IA Le ��a being a Replat of Lots 15&16,Block F Bozman Farm Estates,Phase IA Lot Tp 3e&s Aaron West SurvegAbstract No.979 City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas me,RJR ea Es Gre iroO s. September 2010 EsEEEE zott el, ���ASITE .a p,eccI Futod Hazard Arco stands,si..10,5-zear Flood pet Flood R �� t 1( i n ) r T G' G o sG 4[oome Land Survetane,Inc. A Ob Mn om Scale:Z"=20' 1 2n mr vF 7 30]v&o a C,5 sn \ N.o to I T G.51. VICINITY MAP Lewis,F,e.Fe o e�n9e° T s ` N.T.S. /� .mom gU Yard A ,� ere City R. �'_ 13 12 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 34 A. 35 ; ' Z �,R " �J a`"-" X"� ' r�'�w ,•,� a 3,-.4 • , � 1 0 „„ --� � - ! , s ,v r:' ems' em s"- -z;a,. '4- ,`a �,� ., r �,. t.-,,,. s moo' NT, ,-a ����� , ,, : °�+ ,�� t- ,,a ��. �.v�' 1' �ya ate-,r � ...._,\ '.- .rla 7 t a $ 12 e EN .eli �,_,.{ $f n , .mot � 1 .„.„. ,.v �4, a ". •ors : , ' � 41 ,-kW m lye f ., '� :. 2 '' . -�" ,, �� . a ., k- _, -- ,..z `,n sue" 'le . :� a �l ry p ~ice '' %$' ✓ �/ ''a `H `^ j �W`- 10........_64. o �c`i�`.e4'� .ice '�`.3r r�Z' �i', ''...or ,� - ` ` 48 49 50 51 52 z 6 O i'vi C I rci -- 6 1\ia -------------) Collins Boulevard t7 1\(7) 0 : Fo r x -: ns f OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP R E P LAT CASE #2010-01 PUBLIC C MMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 1/ " 1 am FIR the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case IIRP2010-01. I am AGAINST the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case 4RP20 1 0-0 1 Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,November 16, 2010,6:30 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas Date.Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,December 14,2010,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: CO / ) hic- k (please print) Address: 3 0 a n, 0 94e Signature: Cg-,6 Date: / — ° COMMENTS: PU LIC COMMENT Fl (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 1 am Ft '' the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice For Case 4R132010-01. I am AGAINST the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case IIRP2010-01, Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,November 16, 2010,6:30 pin Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie. Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday. December 14,2010,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 16 0 r 0 la' (please print) Address: /302. Vail er 5--11-resm tit)y/ic, 7,;e: 75-0 9, 6 07 Signature: Date: 100:1: c7,/c7 COMMENTS: This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: November 16, 2010 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Date Prepared: 10/29/10 Zoning Case Number 2010-07 Location Map, Exhibit, Notification List/Map Exhibits: and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request to rezone a tract from Agricultural/30 to Light Industrial (LI) on 2.971 acres (L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, Tract 3) generally located east of Hooper Road and south of Steel Road, more specifically 331 Hooper Road. ZC 2010-07 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural/30(A/30) District to Light Industrial (LI) on a 2.971 acre tract(L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, Tract 3)generally located east of Hooper Road and south of Steel Road, more specifically 331 Hooper Road, subject to termination of nonconforming uses, structures and noncompliant activities on the property. ZC 2010-07 Discussion Owner: Mr. George Allen Ross Applicant: Mr. George Allen Ross The subject property is located at 331 Hooper Road and is adjacent to the Regency Industrial district east of Hooper Road and approximately 560 feet south of Steel Road and totals 2.97 acres. The property is currently zoned Agricultural/30 and has been used for single-family homesteading and miscellaneous commercial uses. A natural drainage channel (creek)bisects the rear one-third of the property running in a northwesterly direction. Light Industrial districts are intended to provide for less-intensive assembly, warehousing and distribution of products from previously prepared materials and parts. The primary focus should be industrial and commercial uses that serve regional, state and national markets. The City's Land Use Plan designates this area for commercial uses. Abutting properties to the north, south, east and west are zoned Light Industrial, immediate to the north is a recently rezoned property under construction for light industrial uses, to the south is vacant property and across Hooper Road to the west is the recently completed New Height Baptist Church. Water and sanitary sewer services are available for redevelopment of the property but may have to be extended. The front half of the property is generally flat and gradually sloping away from Hooper and towards the natural channel. Significant vegetation is located along the front of the house and near creek area. According to City Engineer, no right-of-way dedication is necessary for Hooper Road at this time. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Consideration: Normally rezoning requests are accompanied with a concept plan reflecting the applicant's intent regarding development of subject property. In this case, the applicant has no immediate plans to develop the property. Therefore a concept plan was not submitted in conjunction with the request. However, prior to any development or new use of the subject tract, a plat must be submitted and filed along with a concept or site plan. Staff is aware of long-standing mixed uses, nonconforming structures and noncompliant open storage activities on the property. The applicant has provided a letter of intent that specifically references non-conforming structures and uses that will be discontinued and removed from the property by December 31, 2010. In conjunction with this request and if approved by City Council, staff recommends stipulations be added to require the termination of nonconforming uses, structures and other activities not in compliance with city regulations. In summary, the request for Light Industrial is generally consistent with surrounding zoning and recent development activity in the immediate area as well as consistency with the City's Land Use Plan. Therefore, the applicant's request for Light Industrial is acceptable subject to the following stipulations: 1. Current owner is allowed to continue residential uses in the main house ONLY until the property is sold. 2. When the applicant(current owner)vacates the property,ALL residential uses cease. 3. Any storage units or open storage uses that exist on the property after December 31, 2010 must conform to current codes or must be removed from the property. Notification/Responses: Eleven (11) notifications were mailed, with no written responses returned opposing the request, and no written responses returned in favor of the request at the time of packet distribution. Approved By Initial Date RO 11/11/10 Department Director ..._........,.. . J. i i ... _........... .._..._,.._......_„_...____________. f 1 1 : ..-.... .e.,. i i \,.\ — ' ..r• ,r teel i i .i1.— ..........- R oa . , Rood ...../- ,.'., .,., /. •,''.... ./.'.... / ,. , ..• ...- ....'. a) ., . , , or 1111i . ! Subject ! ! ! j ! i i i 0 P()petty i i ! 0 cc i I . '''' L f,:!if. 1,701 ii i ! 1 i ,..Th! • • t i aitsai -Street ; 1 ...,...„.4.-.A.Yei• i. i _ ;,. .•• o , , i o "k• , i honge Skreqt i 69_,..• \ 11 .11_ 1 .2 ' 0, '' '`,, i ... -.. i i• 1i if •,..,, ! i( ! .. 4...... .---.\ i - I i. I :-1 I e IN.. 1. "5...., .---, i • - ..,,..... ., i '! ...... ''''',--------------------------- i I I I SW;InI57 .7 L " I I; I • IF I- a ne —9 r I i 1 i .. • ! i. ! i i i ... i ! i , • ; ; ; I. ; ; ; ; i• i . I •'.; ; ; ; I I " I i. ; "IY,..V.%•,•:"..",17:"I:i.:7."..4,,,,,,,,,••••."-'t,,,,,,,,,i,-",,,,r"- -Mqr""-`.• •X‘4,,,..0•...„.„ 5.,..,. , • •„-• .. .•....••• ..•..••.. • • • • LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2010-07 Jo a la ud exas <on.Y e,.0 l„ge 8-4 Deed Records,Coll r County re partioLlar,described as M!own s II :I� 11 11 1 I 39b slid pee,teuorls be ng the southwest comer,said yarnellc Li' 1 I I I coureyeo'Ys Coll n County'exc. Is re,orded in Volume 15 7 Eage 1 o1 a3.a e II 1 eezz sz s asa. s ° eer � a S 2 for corner I I e p: - =<n ror roc rod IY f, yorner, k LJ EY EE 465 52 W y. a clH E nLOCA a.ugad.y6,8i ecm ' 8 OF POLLEE COPP, AM , PP 110 P80190 OHS r MEP DA,ro</2/9I(zone r) r n ICIEMMF w 1CT 1=421R�61 c4 N,= surveyly represents the facts found at the tare of and that all comers are marked as shown and '= are no visible contacts or encroachments other than shown and that the current Texas Surveyors BOUNDARY SURVEY /l �af/f9'' I°�r= /.? . 2.971 ACRES ✓/2 ' 50 25 0 sp 'LO LK.PEQUES SURVEY ABSTRACT Np.]p3 COLLIN COUNTY, TNEXA5 d RaLs SCALE FEET Page 1 of 2 From: George Ross Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 8:28 PM To: Renae' 011ie; Mary Bradley Subject: Intent for rezoning to Light Industry... 331 Hooper Road To: City of Wylie, Planning and Zoning Re: Intent for rezoning to Light Industry Renae' 011ie, To follow up on our meeting with the city team, our intent to rezone is based on our strategy to maximize the value of our property. We have been active with keeping up the appearance from the curb. There is no business with inventory on this property. I have a Texas LLC listed here, just so I have a name to use as a contractor for database work. My wife, Beth Ann Betts, has had her job relocated to Kansas City, MO and has moved to an apartment there. She started that new position on approx. 11/1/2010. The timing of the rezoning request, is just how things have come together in regard to my wife's job move. We are from Kansas City, and she had been looking for a transfer there for the last 2 years. Now that her move has happened, our research with realtors has brought us to the conclusion that rezoning would help boost the property's value, and help the city tie-in the loose lots into continuous zoned areas. Structures: -- House, 25' x 50', pier and beam. -- Modular building on footers, 14' x 48', used for craft work and son's band practice. -- Small metal shed, 10' x 20', was used for storage. Goal to remove by 12/31/10. Empty and ready to dis-assemble. -- Garage, 14' x 32', on gravel base, skids and blocks. -- Pole shed for tractor, 12' x 24', gravel base. -- Delivery truck box, 8' x 18', is being sold. Goal to sell before 12/31/10. -- 2 Cargo containers, 8' x 48', personal storage. Goal to finish cribbing by 12/31/10. It is our intent that when we sell, it will not be for use as a residence, but to a file://K:APlanning Current Projects\Zoning Cases\ZC 2010-07 George Ross\Intent for rezo... 11/12/2010 Page 2 of 2 business, for the purpose of business. I have received a quote to clear the property, and plan to sell or take the cargo containers, garage and modular building. It is my understanding that none of the non-conforming structures (all) are to be used for a business. Regards, George Ross / Beth Ann Betts file://K:APlanning Current Projects\Zoning Cases\ZC 2010-07 George Ross\Intent for rezo... 11/12/2010 uI 14 9 0 fly 44--oa pe k iu s'i vc s5 Park 1 - , ur mac , l2- } ?!e fie; Vf * ; �S` �,Y.n % � �JY Y l s f f "' f' q'° l 4Y� i 5.� T � d` Z SY�✓✓-. � 4., 11111 � ,, � � . .. L . ocis... ,. �, I 0 0 ,/. ,, 1 \ / " r 200' i• 1 1 \, OWNER NoTIFHcATIoN MAP ZONING CASE #2010-07