03-25-1986 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA SUMMARY TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1986 ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - No additions or corrections . ITEM NO. 2 - RE-APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO CONSTRUCTION BOARD At the time this board was created by ordinance , membership was set to terminate for three members on January 1 , 1985 and for the other four members on January 1 , 1986 . We neglected to make these reappointments at the time they were designated ; therefore , we are placing this item on the agenda for your consideration at this time . In order to get this board back on the track, we would suggest appointing three members whose terms would end January 1 , 1987 and four members whose terms would end January 1 , 1988 . ITEM NO. 3 - BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT WITH MURPHY - On Thursday afternoon , I discussed with Mayor Poindexter the city limits agreement that I had sent to him last week . He reported that the Council in Murphy had considered the document and he said were a bit surprised to see that it went on north up McCreary Road . Thus , they had not acted upon it because in their opinion we were only going to go from the Sachse water tank north to the mobile home park . I informed him that it really seemed to make little sense for the two cities to not settle the issue with one document rather than having to come back and face the question again later . He agreed , but felt that now was not the time . I informed him, because I wanted him to understand clearly our position , that in the absence of any agreement , it was my opinion that because of ordinary ETJ rights that the City of Wylie would be perfectly free to annex that land north of McMillan Road anyway and that if I was to receive a request for annexation , I would certainly recomment to the council of Wylie that we process it without any fear of any legal repercussions . He said understood that but just didn ' t feel that his Council would pass the existing document right now. I asked him what he wanted to do about the current situation and he said that they would amend the document , sign it and send it back with the line ending at the corner of I°1cCreary and McMillan Roads . I don' t have the document yet , so I can' t confirm that , but I might have it by Tuesday night . If so , the Council can act upon it , if not , we can table this item and move on . ITEM NO. 4 - APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 320 ACRES ON E . SH78 - This property is described and 320 . 907 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Collin County Abstract 688 , located on the north side of E. SH78 across from Steaks Over Texas . The public hearings , required by state law have been held and all criteria for annexation into the City have been met . We can now make this property an official part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie . ITEM NO. 5 - APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 148 ACRES ON E . SH78 - This property is described as 148 . 5696 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Collin County Abstract 688 , located on the south side of E . SH78 adjacent to Wylie Ranch East . The public hearing requirements of the state have been satisfied and the 20 day waiting period has been met . We are now ready to make this property a part of the corporate limits of the City . ITEM NO. 6 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 148 ACRES ON E. SH78 - This property , described above , is being presented for H1 , MF, SF2 and SF3 zoning by the developer . The original petition included some duplex , but was removed for this presentation because of suggestions made to the developer by the P&Z . There are some 37 acres designated 1 for 81 fronting on SH78 and 15 acres for multifamily immediately adjacent to and south of the Bl area . There are some 11 . 89 acres designated for SF2 (44 lots) . This area is immedaately adjacent to Wylie Ranch East , in which it was discovered at the P&Z meeting has some houses within it that are 1500 square foot ; thus SF2 would be our appropriate comparable zoning . The remainder of the tract , 84 . 59 acres has been designated for SF3 . You may expect a large contingent of homeowners from the Wylie Ranch East Estates to make a case for denying this zoning . They are adamantly opposed to this development . They seem to be from the same school as Mr . Welch and company ; they want ranchette zoning in order to protect "their fine homes" . We also need to remember these people are not citizens of the City of Wylie . They have been in to City Hall and picked up petitions for annexation . We expect them to make a gesture of presenting these at the same time they are voicing their opposition to the development "next door" . The P&Z heard this petition and recommend SF2 on the entire tract with the exception of the Bl along the highway . This recommendation of SF2 on the entire tract is inconsistent with the land use plan and with good planning practices . Our SF1 area in this region of the City is south and west of this point . There is also SF2 just south of this point with the designation of this tract , the Centennial homes tract and another tract north of the road being SF3 . This puts the smaller homes on the least desireable flat land next to a major highway . That ' s a pretty standard principal . To elevate this property to SF2 would go contrary to those principals . We must remember that the ranchettes created themselves without regard to anyone else nor to whether or not they fit into any kind of overall plan . We cannot allow this City to evolve by giving unquestioned credability to the image that each landowner has of his own property . If we do , everyone will build and buy SF3 homes and demand they be surrounded by SF1 homes , so that they can buy as cheaply as possible and get the benefit their property from what they force on the other individuals . It won ' t work and we need to stop this trend as early as possible . You will recall that the Lake Ranch Estates property was surrounded by other SF1 land use and actual zoning and that lent credability to your decision . In this case , we are dealing with a designated SF3 area in which a pocket of admittedly medium sized homes , with no improvements , is trying to influence the development around them when for years they have been content and proud to say that they are not a part of the City of Wylie . ITEM NO. 7 - APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 148 ACRES ON E SH78 - No additional comments . ITEM NO. 8 - APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 31 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - This property is described as 15 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas County Abstract 1384 and Collin County Abstract 1100 ; and 16 acres out of the km . Sutton Survey , Abstract 1275 located on Pleasant Valley Road . The public hearing requirements have been satisfied as well as the 20 day waiting period . We are now ready to make this property a part of the corporate limits of the City . ITEM NO. 9 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 31 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - This property , described above , is presented for agricultural zoning loy the vetitioner , Larry Morgan . This is consistent with existing use and , at this time , the staff has n.o problem with g` antint this zoning . The P&Z heard this petition and recommend approval . ITEM NO. 10 - APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 31 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - No additional comments . 2 ITEM NO. 11 - APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 80 ACRES ON OLD SACHSE ROAD - This property is described as 3N . 13 acres ; 18 . 13 acres and 3 . 89 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Collin County Abstract 1100 and 20 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas County Abstract 1384 and is located on Old Sachse Road . The public hearing requirements have been satisfied as well as the 20 day waiting period ; thus we are ready to make this a part of the corporate limits of Wylie . ITEM NO. 12 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 80 ACRES ON OLD SACHSE ROAD - This property , described above , has been presented by the owner , Mr . Fred Bruner , for a mix of agricultural , B2 and 2F zoning . Mr . Bruner is requesting i agricultural zoning on approximately _�0 acres �,h__�r. i s where his farm is located . The remainder he has divided into B2 and 2F zoning . The staff has reviewed this petition and have no problem with the zoning as requested . The P&Z heard this petition and recommend B2 zonin`, on. 16 acres and _ l zoning on 12 acres . ITEM NO. 13 - APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 80 ACRES ON OLD SACHSE ROAD - No additional comments . -!-- ITEM NO. 14 - APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 135 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - This property is described as 21 acres and 1 acre out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Collin County Abstract 1100 and 113 . 89 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas County Abstract 13`. . and is located on Pleasant Valley Road . The public hearin< requirements have been satisfied as well as the O 'a' waiting period . We are now ready to include this property in the corporate limits of the City . ITEM NO. 15 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 135 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - This property , described above was presented for agricultural zoning by the owner , ' r . Rodd ;, Groves . Mr . Groves has no plans to develop this property and after review the staff sees no problem with gra.;hri_n this zoning request . The P&Z heard this petition and recommend approval . ITEM NO. 16 - APPROVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 135 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - No additional comments . ITEM NO. 17 - APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 84 ACRES BETWEEN OLD SACHSE ROAD AND PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - This property is described as 84 . 98 acres out of the GuaNalne Oe los Santos Survey , Dallas County Abstract 1384 and it lies between Pleasant Valley Road and Old Sac._se Moat . e public hearing requirements have been satisfied along with the 20 day v;aitin- period . e are now ready to ab , this property a part of he corporate limits of Wylie . ITEM NO . 18 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 84 ACRES BETWEEN OLD SACHSE ROAD AND PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - This property, described above , is presented ;or a.gri ,nl _e ___. eonine Lne owner , .'' r . H . A . Walker . Mr .. Walker has no plans for develop in; at this tire and after re .r:_e,, the strf has no objection to the requested zoning . The 8&Z heard this petition and recom':_end apnrovnl . ITEM NO . 19 - APPROVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 84 ACRES BETWEEN OLD SACHSE ROAD AND PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - No ad(' Lt on.ay. comments . ---.-._-_ - ITEM NO. 20 - APPROVE ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR. 7 A CRES WEST OF S . SH78 - This property is described as 7 . 22o acres out of the puke Striclklar.d Survey , Collid County Abstract ;,),4., and is located west of the railroad tracks on S . :74 across fro ;: Century Dusiness Part . 1_ne ru`- _. __ _ .iear' + n have been met and the 20 days waiting period is satisfied . We are now ready to make this property at part of the City . ITEM NO. 21 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 7 ACRES ACROSS FROM CENTURY BUSINESS PARK - This propety , described above , is being presented for industrial zoning . This is compatable with surrounding uses . Four acres of the seven are soil conservation easement for NTMWD leaving only 3 acres of usable land . The P&Z heard this petition and recommend approval . ITEM NO. 22 - APPROVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 7 ACRES ACROSS FROM CENTURY BUSINESS PARK - No additional comments . ITEM NO. 23 - FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 190 ACRES NORTH OF FM544 - This property is described as 190 .013 acres out of the C . A . McMillan Survey , Abstract 588 ; the Mose Sparks Survey , Abstract 849 and the J . Maxwell Survey , Abstract 582 . It is located on the west side of the extension of McCreary Road . You will remember that this property is located on the Murphy side of the proposed boundary line agreement between the two cities . However , since no agreement actually exists at this time between the two cities , we have no alternative but to allow this petition to go through the steps . Since we still do not have the document signed from Murphy , I would suggest that you conduct the public hearing on this item anyway . You may still kill it at the final step if the document is ever returned signed from Murphy . ITEM NO. 24 - FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON 19 ACRES ON HOOPER AND HENSLEY ROADS - This property , described as 9 . 5055 acres and 10 . 0657 acres out of the R . D. Newman Survey , Abstract 660 ; the H . J . Hardin Survey , Abstract 438 and the I . Clifton Survey , Abstract 193 is located on the corner of Hooper and Hensley Roads . This item will satisfy the public hearing requirements for annexation . ITEM NO. 25 - FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 9 ACRES ON HENSLEY ROAD - This property , described as 9 . 4 acres out of the R . D . Newman Survey , Abstract 660 , the H . J . Hardin Survey , Abstract 438 and the I . Clifton Survey , Abstract 193 , is located on Hensley Road . This item will satisfy the public hearing requirements for annexation . ITEM NO. 26 - FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 45 ACRES NORTH OF W. FM544 - This property , described as 45 . 763 acres out of the M . Sparks Survey , Abstract 849 , is located directly south of the Southfork Mobile Home Park and along our side of the line that is the proposed boundary line between Wylie and Murphy . This item satisfies the public hearing requirements for annexation . ITEM NO. 27 - FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 125 ACRES ON MCMILLAN AND MCCREARY ROADS - This property , described as 125 acres out of the J . Mitchell Survey , Abstract 589 , is known to us as the Southfork Mobile Home Park . This action satisfies the public hearing requirement for annexation. ITEM NO. 28 - FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 117 ACRES ON S . FM544 - This property , described as 117 . 1 acres out of the Nathaniel Atterberry Survey , Abstract 6 is located on S . FM544 across from what we know as the Finholt property or the Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Park. This action satisfies the public hearing requirement for annexation . ITEM NO. 29 - FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 31 ACRES ON S . SH78 - This property is described as 31 . 82 acres out of the R . D . Newman Survey , Abstract 660 . This annexation represents six separate pieces of property . It is located 4 on the east side of S . SH78 just south of Century Business Park. It incorporates the junkyards along there as well as what we know as the Minyard farm. Our action was prompted by the fact that one of the junkyards was being moved out by force and we wanted to be in a position to deny the existance of another in it ' s place . can also enforce our junkyard ordinance on those two remaining junkyards . have heard from the owner of the Lone Star salvage yard and we feel he will cooperate in compliance with the ordinance . You may expect some opposition from one of the property owners , Mrs . Lott . She and her husband have a mobile home back in the trees and it seems her hobby is guns and she doesn' t want the restrictions of our "no discharging of firearms in the City" ordinance . She is not really hostile , just wants to maintain the status quo . ITEM NO. 30 - PUBLIC HEARING ON RE-ZONING OF LOT 13 , BLOCK 31 , RAILROAD ADDITION - The owner of this tract , Kenneth McCrum, owner of Ken ' s Communications , is petitioning for a change from SF3 to retail . This is consistent with the existing use and with the projected plans for the area . The staff has had some telephone calls from residents who received their letters of notification and they have all been votes for approval . ITEM NO . 31 - APPROVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR LOT 13 , BLOCK 31 RAILROAD ADDITION - No additional comments . ITEM NO. 32 - PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT - The property in question is lot 13 , block 30 of the Railroad Addition . The petitioner , the Church of the holy Spirit , is asking for a special use permit for a portable building to be set on the lot and used as Sunday School rooms . This type of permit has been issued in the past for similar uses by churches , schools and day care centers . The staff has reviewed the petition and while not concerned with the request to temporarily use a portable buildin , does have some concern with what we feel may be a significant crowding of the lot . If you will recall , this church sits on a cor. n'er in a section of town where we have traditionally small lots . The church has presented a drawing which indicates that they have nine feet from the building and six feet from the back property line . The nue -tion is not whether or not the buildings will fit , it ' s how they will look once they are placed on the property . Our measurement of the property indicates that the figures they have turned in are from the side of the church to the curb , not from: the property line and from the rear of the church to the middle of the alley . It is my opinion that this building being placed at the rear of the church is going to look very crowded on what is obviously an awfully small piece of land and these "temporary buildings" have a habit with churches of becoming very permanent . The PTZ approved this application , I believe because it was a church . I would suggest that each of the Council members visit the property and try to imagine this building sitting behind the existing church. ITEM NO. 33 - APPROVAL OF PETITION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR PORTABLE BUILDING ON LOT 13 , BLOCK 30, RAILROAD ADDITION No additional comments . ITEM ITEM NO . 34 - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 71-8 Ordinance No . 71-8 prohibits the consumption of alcohol within the city li :,t_S , except witHin a private residence . This amendment will delete the words "except in public view" from the ordinance . The ordinance as it now Stan_..,-. prohibits a citizen from having a beer in his own backyard , if he can be seen by the public . This amendment w111 al _ow that same Juan to have a beer in his backyard , even if his neighbor can see him drinking it . ; e have discus .. this amendment with Chief Abbott and this is his recommendation , 5 to be compatible with State law. Ye are pretty sure that the current law would be unconstitutional . ITEM NO . 35 — PRESENTATION BY MEL DELANEY — 1r . Delaney wishes to :Hake a presentation to the Council regardin the platting of his subdivision in our ETJ . He does not agree with our policy of ETJ review by the staff . 'fie wants to sit down with the Council in a "work session" and just work it out that way . he claims t.his is the way he hoes busiess with all the other cities he deals with , including DeSoto etc . ITEM NO. 36 — APPROVAL OF EXTENSION OF TIME FOR SOUT3PLACE PRELIMINARY PLAT — A letter from Gary Roddy is included in your packet requesting an extension o:[ the 18U day time limit on approved preliminary plats . Mr . Roddy says they are ready to get r ovin '; on this pro ect and wish to procae:' without the delay of having the preliminary plat re—approved before proceed in wit.. she final ,] a.t and coust7nction plans . Ye would suggest a 180 day extension but with notification that this wild be tC:c final extension and at the end of that time they should consider the preliminary plat void if not acted upon . ITEM NO . 37 — ACCEPTANCE OF ROAD AND UTILITY EASEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF MCCREAR`T ROAD — This easement is dedicated by the W . R . Rose Investment Co . for the cxte.Ls i_ in of ;H=cCre,_ ., Road and for the water and sewer lines in the area . ITEM NO. 38 — ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITY EASEMENT FROM PERRY EASTERLING — This easement dedication is made by Air . Perry Easteriia for the purpose of ]_ocstin; the sewer line fro , Jouthfork (Mobile Home Park . ITEM NO. 39 ACCEPTANCE OF UTILIT Y EASEMENT EMENT FROM ROBERT TURMOND — See comments above . ITEM NO. 40 — AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE TWO POLICE OFFICERS_ Enclosed in your packet are the figures compiled by Chief Abbott of the cost of suppleental atrt is for the par'._u around I ai..:.e Lavon . These .fi ,ures have been presented to the Corps of Engineers and the i t ' sw will. l2 'S , to a[ Sp '! tRe cost of hiring those two officers for the remainder of this year . It is cos: ihle that after buet revisions be able to Co even more because $3 , U0i is obviously more than these two i f !_icers will consume . Ro.wever , we would like to have this authorization_ now and wait until we make sure , via the revised budget , whether or not we can do ore . ITEM NO . 41 — AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE CIVIL ?NGINEI R—IN— TRAINING — be have discussed hiriry this on%ineer on seve l occasions at work sessions und as _ rt of our a 3' t process . � • ;;et , we could find no record that the Council hod specifically given teir autnori7atiou or th;- positHofl . Thu,. , we need your formal approval . We have been able to find an engineer who ir ;errs; e. he rsonce . .i��;ine��r wno c oe.> have ,� a_��• � .� �_� ITEM NO. 42 — CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN WESTWIND PHASE III — We should ^a';able to pre cot to you at the mectirTg that the necessary publie i :'. _ re •Ie t have been completed in an acceptable fashion so that you _' conduct your final approval .ITEM NO. 43 — CONSIDER APPROVAL O_F CONTRACT FOR FINANCING MUNICIPAL COMPLEX — Mr .Johnson has included a separate rue o in the bacb:et . Re .:e;•uires your authol 1,':8 ._iou to continue the final negotiations for the contract and will explain that to you on Tuesday eveni0 _'sell _.: in the boo; market have made things difficult to predict even for a few days but we c psea?' to be close to te, final re -.-'.o l` r i tn . ITEM NO. 44 — HUPROVE FINAL CONTRACT WITH SPEED FAB—CRETE The people with Speed Fab—Crete and the members of the building coittee , alas wit:, staff ,,elbers net and came up with the final figures for constructing the munieial complex "turn—key" . he con :creet , has be :!n sijee ',-,y ;: ave Bioxom of Speed Fab—Crete an,, is now presented for mis review and approvai . the sta± suests tThat you reviel,i and discuss this contract but that you not pass our trial approval or at least not sign the document . Mr . Johnson will explain Hlt we have he : actvleJ leaalTy not fo sin the contract until we have the funds to fihance the contrast in hand . That should occr , *f ?1 ' . oes w11 , arohhd 1,-- e first of May and then and only then should we actually e:Lin the contract document . ITEM NO. 45 — AUTHORIZATION TO _ISSUEUNISSUED _BONDS — he bond market (if it holds toether) has never been better . Thus , we would recomend that we isue some :.1h.h , 6 wort a of approved , but unissued bonds which were anthorized for water and sewer ilrovements . We have ' iscassed this ite with our financial advisors , 17 . -Medanich — see enclosed letter — and the can he is:.ucd hn shoht notice very easily . We would sugest that we do so and retain the o-dey fr necessary sewage treatment plant improveents which we feel are going to be necessary prior to the opening of the Lew plant and use a sort -ton of the 1OrVJ io provide a better cash flow to the lift station district land which has peaks and valleys in it ' s revenue incoa and ., sui1 use this none to help keep the jobs going in between the arrial of Ishi.hs . Once that fund has ' hilt up (-.) e veerve , teen thih mane, 0H-1d be transferred to other uses . The cot hf tdis ..o:••ey would be very small and wcul hot [a' act our sir "ant water and sewer rates . ITEM NO . 49 — EXECUTIVE SESSION — his ses • ien ..as he it provided to report back to ::ou o. :oar inquir conernin the use of dru ,-_,, by an indival in she ;.uhiic7 ‘zors epartment . be have found the accusation totay wit cHAt meril, and the accuser to be knovh criina who has not been an undercover agent but has rather been a i 't hh . Probably to keep himscil fro - 2oi to , ric):- . e are prepared to present those reports during the executive ses- e CITY OF WYLIE COUNCIL AGENDA , CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES � MARCH 11° 8986 7c00 P. . The Wylie City Council met in regular session Tuesday, March 11 , 1986 at 7� 00 P. M. in the Community Center of Wylie. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes, Councilmembers Percy Simmons, William Martin, Randall Gaston, Joe Fulgham, and Harold Spence, City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Public Works Director Bill Windham, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Elayne Mayes from the Wylie News, Tom Mayes and other citizens. Mayor Akin presided over the meeting. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There being no corrections or additions to the minutes, Councilman Fulgham made a motion to approve as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Martin. APPROVAL OF "MAYORS" PLAQUE FOR THE NEW CITY HALL: This plaque will hang in the new City Hall with names and dates of service for each Mayor of the City of Wylie since incorporation. There will also be a place to add the names of those who will serve in that office in the years to come. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve purchase of "Mayors" plaque for the new City Hall . Seconded by Councilman Spence. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Fulgham - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION TO HAVE OLD MINUTES AND RECORD BOOKS RESTORED FOR DISPLAY IN NEW CITY HALL: The old record books, if preserved can be displayed in a glass case in the new City Hall . There is an estimated cost of $50. 00 to $100. 00 per books for restoring. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to grant authorization to have old minutes and record books restored. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Fulgham - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. / / FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 62:3 ACRES OUT OF THE R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 660: This property is located east of S. SH78 on the southside of Hooper Road. This is one of the Louis Reese tracts and is included in the TRO from Sachse, and we will not be able to complete this annexation until that matter is resolved. By holding the required public hearings now, we can be ready to take that final action, when that resolution is made, if it is made in our favor. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 173. 5 ACRES OUT OF THE O. SHELBY SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 799: This is all Federal Land and is known as Lake Annexation No. 13. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 23.0 ACRES OUT OF THE M. MILLIRON SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 564: This is all Federal Land and is known as Lake Annexation No. 14. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 44. 34 ACRES OUT OF THE S. BARROW SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 49: This is all Federal Land and is known as Lake Annexation No. 15. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 179. 74 ACRES OUT OF THE WILLIAM JOHNSON SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 476: This is all Federal Land and is known as Lake Annexation No. 16. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 97. 65 ACRES OUT OF THE T. TOBY SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 925: This is all Federal Land and is known as Lake Annexation No. 17. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 501. 38 ACRES OUT OF THE ANGLIN DRURY SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 3: This is all Federal Land and is known as Lake Annexation No. 18. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 705. 45 ACRES OUT OF THE A. RUSSELL SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 736 AND THE J. KING SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 508: This is all Federal Land and is known as Lake Annexation No. 19. Mayor- Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 1c . 013 ACRES OUT OF THE C. A. MCMILLAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 588; THE MOSE SPARKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT 849; AND THE J. MAXWELL SUr:-JEY, ABSTRACT 582, COLLIN COUNTY: This property is locatei north of west FM 544 and on the west of the extension of t',I.Creary Road. This property lies on the west side of the line that has been proposed as the mutual boundary line between Murphy and Wylie. The petitioner is aware of this fact but still has a strong desire to be in Wylie. After much d.scussion about • this property being on the opposite side of the mutual boundary line between the two cities, it was thought best to go ahead with the public hearing as this agreement between Murphy and Wylie has not been signed. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 4c. 763 ACRES OUT OF THE MOSE SPARKS SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABETRACT 849: This property is located north of W. FM 544 and east of the extension of McCreary Road. It lies directly south of and adjacent to Southfork Mobile Home Park. Maor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 125. ACRES OUT OF THE J. MITCHELL SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRA2T NO. 589: This property is located on McMillan and McCreary Roads and is commonly known as the Southfork Mobile Hcme Park. Mr. Holigan has complied with the City' s Mobile Home Park Ordinance in the construction of his park ar.i is participating in the perimeter street progra. , in accordance with the City' s established policies. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or apposition, the public hearing was closed. FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 9.1)55 ACRES AND 10. 0657 ACRES OUT OF THE R. D. NEWMAN SURVE' ., ABSTRACT 660; H. J. HARDIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 438; THE I . CLIFTON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 193, COLLIN COUNTY: This property is located on the northwest corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. The petitioner, Mr. Wayne Rich, requested annexation some months ago but was not then contiguous to our city limits. The Dingban Wang property provides that contiguity; however, with that property now in dispute by virtue of the TRO from Sachse, we can proceed only with the public near-ings on this property until that matter is resolved. Ma*or Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FIRST PUBLIC: HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 9. 4 ACRES OUT OF THE. I . CLIFTON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 193; THE J. HARDIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 438; AND THE R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 660, COLLIN COUNTY: This property is located on Hensley Road. The petitioner, Mrs. Martha Oliver, requested annexation many months ago, but was not contiguous until the Dingban Wang property provided -this. The Dingban Wang Property is in dispute by virtue of the TRO from Sachse, we can only hold the public hearings on this 9. 4 acres until that matter is resolved. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 117. 1 ACRES OUT OF THE NATHANIEL ATTERBERRY SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 6: This property is located on the extension of West FM 544 from the intersection of Venson Road and is across from Finholt property. It is located in the tri -county area (Rockwall , Dallas and Collin counties) . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 85-89, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE: This amendment is clarifying the term temporary buildings on the construction sites of development. It is also setting up step by step method for Planned Development Zoning. After some discussion, Mr. Steve Barrett of 404 Dogwood, asked to speak to the Council . Mr. Barrett had come to City Hall to get a permit to convert his garage into a den and build a carport at the back. According to our zoning ordinance, Mr. Barrett cannot build a carport, that there has to be a garage built. Mr. Barrett said that by closing in his garage, he would be improving his home and adding to the city tax roll . Mr. Barrett has a letter of concerns that he submitted to the City Secretary, which is a part of these minutes. Councilman Simmons said the reason for passing this ordinance was to control the off street parking. If you removed this from the ordinance, then you could build a house without a garage. Mr. Barrett said he did not want the ordinance changed, he just wants to have some variance. Mayor Akin asked Mr. Barrett if he had been to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Mr. Barrett replied no, that he had talked to the city staff and found out he could not get a permit for the improvements. Code Enforcement Officer, Mr. Roy Faires, said Mr. Barrett did come to the City and request a permit to close in his garage. Mr. Faires told him that the City Ordinance would not allow this unless he built another garage. Mr. Faires stated that he had told Planning and Zoning and the City Council at the time this ordinance was being passed, that this issue would come up in the future where he would have to deny a citizen from enclosing the garage unless he built another one. City Manager Gus Pappas said that he told Mr. Barrett to come before the council and voice his opinion, and that Mr. PETITION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR ORDINANCE MODIFICATION For the record, my name is Steve Barrett, I reside at 404 Dogwood in Wylie in a home with an attached garage in the rear which opens toward the alley. I have been a resident of Wylie for 19 years and have resided at my current address for the last ten years. I recently went to the City Hall to inquire about necessary permits to conduct a home improvement consisting of converting my garage into a den and putting a carport over my driveway, as many residents of our neighborhood have done in recent years. I was informed this was against the current City Ordinance. I believe the current ordinance states that each new home being built in Wylie must have a garage and that no resident may enclose their garage without building a new one. I can appreciate the need for establishing uniform building standards, but I can't believe the ordinance was intended to prohibit or discourage common home improvements. I am asking you to please re-consider the affect of this ordinance for the following reasons: 1. This home improvement is a common one which is consistent with those in our neighborhood and is probably one of the most common types of improvement conducted by home owners. 2. Other alternatives, such as building a new and separate garage on our property, would not be feasible and would have a less than desirous effect upon the neighborhood. To buy a new home elsewhere at three times the cost of our present mortgage is not a feasible alternative. 3. Home improvements such as this one add to the desirabili- ty and value of home, thus increasing its assessment for tax purposes. This should benefit the community tax rolls. 4 . It is not intended that this addition will serve in any capacity that is contrary to City Ordinance, such as rental space, but as simply an addition to our home. Members of the Council, I believe this section of our ordi- nance warrants your further attention because I don't believe it was passed with the intention of discouraging common home improve- ments such as described. I don't believe the City Council of a progressive community would attempt to tell its citizens they can't conduct home improvements such as this one- yet that is the affect of the current wording of the ordinance. Thank you for your consideration. Barrett can go before the Zoning Board of Adjustments and request this variance. Councilman Gaston said that he was on Planning and Zoning and that Mr. Faires did talk about this being a problem at the time the ordinance was passed. Planning and Zoning knew it could be a problem. City Manager Gus Pappas said Mr. Barrett needed to be advised of the way to go and now he knows to go to the Zoning Board of Adjustments and let them look at his request. The Zoning Board of Adjustments can handle these types of request on individual basis. Motion was made by Councilman Spence to approve the amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 85-89 as stated above. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence -in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Fulgham - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF "SEARCH WARRANT" ORDINANCE, PROVIDING DEFINITIONS AND AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE AND EXECUTION OF SEARCH WARRANTS: This ordinance is being presented due to the fact that although we have written into various ordinance, the right of entry, this type of ordinance has been declared illegal by the Supreme Court. State law provides for search warrants for fire marshals, police officers and other certified law enforcement officers. There is no provision in State law for an administrative search warrant. When administrative officers are forbidden the right of entry the officer must leave the premises and obtain a search warrant such as is provided for by this ordinance. Mayor Akin wanted to know if this ordinance granted Mr. Faires entry into any house he so chose. Mr. Faires said yes, after obtaining the search warrant from the judge. In order to obtain this search warrant, Mr. Faires stated, that he would have to show just cause for wanting to gain entry into a house. The search warrant would only allow him to enter the house, he could not seize evidence. Motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve the ordinance for "Search Warrant" . Seconded by Councilman Fulgham. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - against, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - against, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Fulgham - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with five (5) in favor and two (2) against. PRESENTATION BY MR. FOREST JOHN OF THE TEXAS WATER COMMISSION: Mr. Forest John called today to request this item be pulled from the agenda. The two persons who were to come with him are ill and they hope to come at a later date' This was in regards to our wasteWater treatment plant. AWARD BID OF TRASK BAGS: The City received two bids for trash bags. The soecs asked for bids for quantities of 75, 000 and 50, 000 bags. Bids received were as follows: Arrow Industries - 75, 000 $4, 875. 00 - $3. 25 roll 50, 000 $3, 350. 00 - $3. 35 roll Adams Industries 75, 000 $5, 190. 00 - $3. 46 roll 50, 000 $3, 850. 0O - $3. 85 roll Staff recommends the bid be awarded to Arrow Industries for 50, 000 bags at a cost of $3, 350. 00. Motion was made by Councilman Fulghar to award the bid to Arrow Industries in the amount of $3, 350. 00. Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Fulghar - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motic, carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mr. John Pierrel of 604 Stoneybrook, said that the new construction being built in Westwind Meadows III is caLsing a lot of trash problems. This past week end the wind blew the construction trash all over his front and back yard. Mr. Pierrel said it took him three days to get this cleaned up. Also Mr. Pierrel is concerned that these new hopes do not have the right amount of brick on them to comply with our ordinance. Mr. Pierrel said he would not have built there if he had known it was going to be track homes. This is suppose to be custom homes. Code Enforcement Officer Mr Roy Faires requested Mr. Pierrel to call him if there is more problems with the construction trash because the City does have an ordinance to control this. Mr. Faires also told Mr. Pierrel that he would check the house to make sure they have 75% masonry. Mr. Melvin St. Join said he would talk with this builder, because there is a protection in this area that only every fourth house can te built the same. COUNCIL DISCUSSI04: Councilman Gaston apologized for missing the last Feeting. Councilman Martin "eported to Public Works Director Bill Windham that Hilltop was in need of patching of some holes. Mayor Akin said trat kids have painted the old water tower, he thought the law used to require a fence around it . Mr. Bill Windham said it still does require a 8 ft. fence. Mayor Akin also sEid there were a lot of junk cars around town and he would like to see these cleaned up. Councilman Spence said that Oaks Center had three break ins over the week end. Could we put another man on duty at night. City Manager Gus Pappas said that on the next agenda, there would be authorization for two more police officers. There being no other matters to discuss, Mayor Akin called for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Councilman Spence to adjourn. All in favor. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary / r MINUTE. PLANNING &. ZONING ODMMISSION THURSDAY , MARCH 1986 'rhe Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie , Texas met, in regular session on March 6 , 1986 in the Wylie Community Center . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were : Chairman Kent Crane , Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney, Don Montgomery , Bill Chapman, and Ken Mauk, and Ben Scholz . Representing the city staff was Gus Pappas ; City Manager, Roy Faires ; Code Enforcement Officer, and Amanda Maples ; Secretary . The meeting was called to order at 7 : 00P.M. by Chairman Kent Crane . ITEM__NO..__ I._ - ..A,PPROYAL_....OF......MINUTES -Chairman Kent Crane asked for any additions or corrections from the minutes . Bill Chapman made motion to accept the minutes as submitted . Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO, 2.__-__PUBLIC ARING.__.ON, .Z.ONINO.._._Q,F_32.Q.._,,AGNFS ON. SH78 - This item has been tabled to be discussed at a later date, at the request of the petitioner. ITEM_ NO.._.__.3 -..._.PUBLIC.....MARIN.G_....ON..._ZONING...._.QF.._.L4.$..._....S...._0N....SH7.8 - This property is described as 148 . 5696 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract 688 and is located on E . SH78 adjacent to Wylie Ranch Estates and across SH78 from the property described as 320 . 907 acres out of the Francisco de la Bina Survey, Abstract 688 and is located on E . SH78 and surrounds the site of the proposed Municipal Complex . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing , Doug Lewis the owner of the 148 acre tract came forward showing a drawing for the proposed zoning of this tract . He had proposed B1 , SF3 , 2F, and MF, With the SF3 lying along side the Wylie Ranch East sub-division . Speaking in opposition to this proposal was Mr. Jim Feivor a resident of Wylie Ranch East and President of the Wylie Ranch East. Home Owners Association . He came forth with a petition , signed by the residents of Wylie Ranch East and several other surrounding neighborhoods, banning this type of sub-division from the area. The home owners feel that this high density type of sub-division will hurt their property values . They were concerned that bringing this many people into this area would cause a greater amount of 1 traffic congestion on Hwy 78 which is already crowded at peak hours . Also, a major concern was whether or not the school system was equipped to handle the increase in students . In short they felt that the type of lifestyle, which they had grown acustom to and had worked hard to protect , was about to be jepordized and that it was the responsibility of the Planning &. Zoning Commission to protect their style of life . There being no other questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion . Bill Chapman asked if the City of Wylie had facilities to treat the sewer for such a high density sub- division as this . City Manager Gus Pappas responded , yes , the present sewer treatment plant was only operating at a capacity of 75% and we have access to all the water we could ever use . Bill Chapman felt that we, the Planning and Zoning Commission , owe the home owners some consideration and should change the proposed zoning from SF3 to one of less density . City Manager, Gus Pappas said that. the Staff had reviewed this property and in trying to blend this tract in with the overall land use plan of the city , the staff feels that this zoning is appropriate . The Staff wants a sub-division that has all the improvements in place and does not care if the lots are small or if they are ranchettes . Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney was concerned that the MF, 2F zoning and the cul-de-sac looked out of place . City Manager Gus Pappas responded that Mr. Lewis does not own the Hwy 78 frontage to the cul-de-sac and that it could not be zoned Bl for economical reasons . The Staff feels that, the tract on the other side of the MF and 2F will eventually be developed as high density because of the topographical configuration of the land. Chairman Kent Crane said that the decision made tonight will set a president for future development in this area . We have an obligation to buffer the ranchettes however, one important thing to look at is that when the ranchettes are annexed into the City they will be zoned as SF2 and we must look strictly at the zoning. Bill Chapman said maybe we should put an SF2 buffer by the ranchettes _ Don Montgomery wanted to upgrade the whole tract to SF2 . City Manager Gus Pappas said that you would not notice a difference between the neighborhoods of SF3 and SF2 ; however, the lots would be some 1300 sq . feet larger. Ben Scholz felt that, SF3 next to the ranchettes is too drastic of a change and should be changed to at. least SF2 and change the configuration of the layout . Chairman Kent Crane asked the board if there was a problem with the Bl zoning. There was none. He stated that making the decision was a difficult one but that the existing residents should be considered . He then asked for a five minute recess . After a five minute recess Mr . Lewis was asked it he would like to address the board . Mr , Lewis commented that. the sub-division ordinances for his sub-division are different from when Benedict Estates was built and that he would be adding some quarter of a million dollars in new roads to this area which would benefit everyone including the ranchettes . Mr . Feivor then responded that, recovering the cost. of sewer and water was not a legitimate issue and that the "rough" land on the other side of this proposed sub- division was beautiful and that high density housing would ruin the area . Bill Chapman made a motion to change the SF3 , MF , and 2F zoning to SF2 and keep the B1 zoning as it. is . Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO 4 - PUBLIC. _HEARING ON ZONING...._OF 31 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - This property is described as 15 acres out of the Guadualupe de los Santos Survey , Collin County Abstract 1100 and Dallas County Abstract 1384 and 16 acres out of the Wm . Sutton Survey , Abstract 1275 and is for agricultural zoning which is consistent with existing use The staff has no problem with this request . This property , along with the properties reflected in items 6 , 7 and 8 form a block which lies between Old Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing and there being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Bill. Chapman made a motion to accept the zoning as proposed . Ken Mauk seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO, _ 5 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 7 ACRE...._WEST OF SH78 - This property is described as 7 . 228 acres out of the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract 841 and is located west, of SH78 and adjacent to the Harvard tract . The petitioner . Jim McKnight , is requesting industrial zoning which is consistent with zoning in that immediate area . The staff has reviewed this request and recommends approval . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. Speaking on behalf of the zoning was Mr. Jim McKnight . He presented a drawing of the 7 acre tract showing that. 4 acres of the seven are an easement for soil conservation from NTMWD, it is a flood plain for overflow from the dam. This leaves only 3 acres of useable land . He would like to propose that it be zoned industrial . The staff had no objection to this use . There being no opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Chairman Kent Crane was concerned that industrial zoning so close to the lake would not do justice to future communities in this area . City Manager Gus Pappas said that this would only square off another some 50 acres that was already zoned industrial . Bill Chapman made a motion to accept the zoning as proposed . Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO, . 6 -. PUBLIC ..HEARING ON ZONING. FOR . ACRES_ ON OLD SACUSE .ROA.D - This property is described as 80 . 107 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Collin County Abstract 1100 and Dallas County Abstract 1384 and is located on Old Sachse Road . This is the Fred Bruner property . Mr . Bruner is asking for 2F, B2 and agricultural zoning. Mr . Bruner wants to retain 50 acres as agricultural with the remaining 20 acres being designated for B2 and duplex . Twelve acres of duplex and 18 acres of B2 . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the hoard for discussion . City Manager Gus Pappas said that the staff had reviewed this proposal and recommends approval . Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney made a motion to accept the B2 zoning and change the 'Zh, zoning to B1 . Bill Chapman seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. . 7 - PUBLIC._ HEARING ON ZONING.._.._Ok 135 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - This property is described as 135 . 89 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Collin County Abstract 1100 and Dallas County Abstract 1384 . The petitioner , Roddy Groves , is asking for agricultural zoning which is consistent with existing use. Mr. Groves has no immediate plans for development of the property . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought, before the board for discussion. City Manager Gus Pappas said that the staff has reviewed this request and recommends approval . Bill Chapman made a motion to accept the zoning as requested . Ken Mauk seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM. NO, 8 PUBLIC.._...HEARING _ ON____ZONING.. QE-.._8.4 ACRES,.__.BETWEEN OLD SACHSE _ ROAD AND PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - This property is described as 84 . 98 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey . Abstract Dallas County Abstract 1384 . The petitioner. Mr . H . A . Walker , has requested agricultural zoning on this property . Mr . Walker has no plans for developing at this time . City Manager, Gus Pappas , said that the city staff had reviewed this request and recommends approval . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing . There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion . Pon Montgomery made a motion to accept the zoning as requested . Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 9 PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION_OF . 190__.ACRES ON McCREARY - This property is described as 190 . 013 acres out of the C . A . McMillan Survey , Abstract 588 ; the M. Sparks Survey , Abstract. 849 ; and James Maxwell Survey , Abstract 582 . It, is located west of the extension of McCreary Road . It is in the area that is claimed by Murphy to he in their ETJ and is on the Murphy side of the line that is being discussed between the two cities as a boundary. The petitioner, Dr . Santos , is part of a group of people who are very anxious to be a part of Wylie rather than Murphy for reasons of services and zoning. City Manager Gus Pappas said that the staff recommends that we send this to the City Council for a recommendation due to the fact that this land lies across the line that Murphy and Wylie have agreed on for a boundary between the two cities . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion . Don Montgomery made a motion to accept the annexation request. . Bill Chapman seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO, 10 PUBLIC TEARING ON._.ANNEXATION.... OF 20.__ ACRES ON HOOP.ER ANU. ...HENSLEY._....ROAAS - This property is described as 9 . 055 acres and 10 . 0657 acres out of the I . Clifton Survey , Abstract 193 and the H. J . Hardin Survey, Abstract 438 and the R. D. Newman Survey , Abstract 660 and is located on the corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. The owner of this tract , Mr . Wayne Rich, applied for annexation several months ago ; however , at that time his property was not contiguous to our city limits . Since that time , we have had annexation petitions which have provided that contiguity , namely the Dingban Wang property . There is now a hitch in that process . Sachse has placed a TRO on the Wang property and we are restrained from completing the annexation of that property and must therefore delay annexation of this tract. nnt.il that matter is settled or until Mr. Rich ' s property is provided contiguity from another source. We can however , hold all the public hearings required by law in preparation for the final act of signing the ordinance of annexation . This is the first, step. City Manager Gus Pappas said that, the staff recommends approval . Chairman Kent, Crane opened the public hearing. There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion . Ken Mauk made a motion to accept the annexation request . Don Montgomery seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM.. NO, 11___.- _PUBLIC _HEARING ON ._ANNEXATION__ OF 9__..ACRES_ ON tELSIEY .ROAD - This property is described as 9 . 4 acres out of the I . Clifton Survey, Abstract 193, the H . J . Hardin Survey , Abstract 438 and the R. D. Newman Survey, Abstract 660 . The remarks made relative to Item No. 10 are applicable to this item also. City Manager, Gus Pappas said that the staff recommends approval . Chairman Kent Crane Opened the pubs tc hearing There being nc, questions or opposition the public hearing way, closed and brought before the board for discussion . Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney made a motion to accept the annexation as requested . h,i 1.1 Chapman seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 12 _ - PUBLIC. .HE,ARING ON _ANNEXATION OF 125......ACRES..ON McMILLIA.N ROAD - This property is commonly known to us as the Southfork Mobile Home Park . The owner. Mr. Harold Holigan , applied for annexation many months ago . At that time, we were unable to process the petition due to a dispute with Murphy and the fact that the property was not contiguous to the city limits of Wylie . Since that time, Mr . Holigan has developed his park in strict accordance with City of Wylie regulations for mobile home parks and has been provided contiguity with the annexation of the Robt . Thurmond property along McMillan Road. In addition, the dispute with Murphy no longer centers around this tract . We feel now is the time to process this request for annexation . City Manager, Gus Pappas , said that there were a few things about this piece of property that he wanted to clear up. First of all he had heard rumors around the city saying that. this Mobile Home Park was something that the city staff allowed to happen . This is not true . At the time of development this property was out of the jurisdiction of any city and was owned by an individual who was bound and determined to build a Mobile Home Park. He did not have sewer to the property so he requested a permit to build a private sewage treatment plant on the property . This meant that he would be dumping into Muddy Creek. The tendency with privately owned and operated sewage treatment, plants is that after a while they get lax about taking care of them and before long they are dumping less than quality sewage from the plant into the stream. The City of Wylie violently opposed the thought of having an 8 mile sewer running through Wylie . So we talked with Mr. Holigan and came to the agreement that we would contract city services to his Mobil Home Park if he would be responsible for tieing into them and if he would build his park in with the strict guidelines that the City of Wylie has set for its Mobile Home Parks . In this way the City of Wylie is responsible only for dressing up the park and reducing the magnatude of i t . The staff recommends that we accept their request for annexation . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. Mr . Jim Griffin came before the board and stated that he had visited the Mobile Home Park and was very impressed with it. . He felt it was a cut above most Mobile Home Parks and that it was in no way an eyesore . He recommeded that the hoard accept the request for annexation . There being no other questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney said that he felt it, was in the hest interest of Wylie to extend the Mobile Home Park services ; however, /`7 he felt that they had forced their way in on Wylie and that it was not right to give a stamp of approval to them. Bill Chapman made a motion to accept the request for annexation . Ken Mauk seconded the motion . Motion carried 5-1 against . ITEM ..NO..__.18 _ - _PUBLIC HEARING ON___ANNEXATION......OF. 15_.....AGRES ON McCRKABX ROD? - This property is described as 45 . 763 acres out of the Mose Sparks Survey , Abstract 849 and is located on the extension of McCreary Road just south of and adjacent to the Southfork Mobile Home Park. The staff has reviewed this petition , and finds that the tract meets all the criteria for becoming a part of the City and recommends approval . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion . Ken Mauk made a motion to accept the request for annexation . Ben Scholz seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM.. NO._ 14 - PUBLIC.....B.EARING_....ON._. AN.NEXAT.LQN.....OF 1..17_._ACR,ES_ _ON S. FMb44 - This property is described as 117 . 149 acres out of the Nathanial Atterbury Survey, Abstract 6 and is located on S . FM544 east of Vinson Road and across from what we refer to as the Finholt property . It is located in three counties , Dallas, Rockwall , and Collin. The staff has reviewed this petition and finds that it meets the criteria for becoming a part of the City and recommends approval . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion . Ben Scholz made a motion to accept the annexation request. Bill Chapman seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO... 15 - AMENDMENT__.T.O..._..ZONING_ ORDINANCE - This document is a result of extensive research by Mr. Roy Faires and is in actuality a clarification in some areas of zoning and a reorganization of uses , in order to provide an orderly flow of business in the City. Mr . Faires addressed the board clarifying the changes to the ordinance. Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney made a motion to accept, the amendment and send it before the City Council for approval . Bill Chapman seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0 . / _ PP I.EM.....N9 15._ .-.._MOTION„....TO—ADJOURN - Bill Chapman made a motion to adjourn . Ken Mauk seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0 . Kent Crane, Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission Respectfully Submitted: Amanda Maples , Secretary ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1986 COMMUNITY ROOM AT THE LIBRARY The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in regua1r session on Thrusday, March 13, 1986 in the Community Room at the Library. A quorum was present and not ice of the meeting was posted in a time and manner required by law. Members present were Art Harris, Chairman, N. C. Jefferies, Garry Ludwig, Paul Gaddy, Wanda Graff, Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer, Ruth Bennett, Secretary. The meeting was called to order by Art Harris, Chairman. Mr. Harris called for nominations for Vice Chairman, N. C. Jefferies nominated Garry Ludwig. Mr. Harris ask if there were anymore nominations 3 times, there were none. Garry Ludwig was elected. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Mr. Harris ask if anyone had any additions or correction to the minutes, there were none. Garry Ludwig made a motion for approval of the minutes and N. C. Jefferies second it. All were in favor. APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR REAR YARD SET BACK AT 211 S. SECOND ST. : Mr. Faires said that the actual application was for the Planning and Zoning Commission and in processing this we found a 6 f t. rear yard set back, our ordinances require a 10 ft. rear yard set back so they are requesting a 4 ft. rear yard set back. I am opposed but not violently SC'. Terry Griner said they just recently bought the building. We are also trying to buy the property behind us for a possible permanrnent Sunday School classrooms but until we get it we need something, we have several classes and only 2 rooms to put them in. Mr. Holley says the structure will be temporary and if they can get the property behind the Church their jproblem would be solved. Mr. Faires ask that an annual renewal clause be put on the building permit. Mr. Jefferies ask if there would be a time limit problem? Mr. Holley thinks within a years time the problem would and should be solved. Mr. Griner said the Church started in January, 1986 with families, now they have 50 families, we really need something. You can be sure that when its started it will be finished said Mr. Holley. Mr. Harris ask if they had plans to build? Mr. Griner said, yes. /7 Mr. Faires said under the circumstances we didn' t know how marry letters were returned, so we construe that they were all in favor. Garry Ludwig made a motion for approval of this variance, there were multiple seconds. A11 were in favor. N. C. Je f f er i es made motion we adjourn and Garry Ludwig Second it . All were in favor. Art Harris, Chairman EXTRA—TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITES OF WYLIE & MURPHY THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS , the CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS and the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS are parties to this agreement and WHEREAS , Article 3 , Section 64 of the Constitution of the State of Texas authorizes cities to agree one with another for the performance of governmental functions required or authorized by the Constitution or the Laws of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the parties further agree that under this Agreement , citizens , property owners and corporate firms presently located or which may in the future be located , within the area between each city will be benefited in planning and developing their property , homes and businesses ; and WHEREAS , the parties further agree that it is in the interest of the citizens of this area to reach voluntary agreement concerning the location of future mutual boundaries between the various cities ; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby mutually agreed by the duly authorized officials of the CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS and the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS : 1 . That in accordance with Council Ordinance , duly passed and adopted by the CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS, at a regularly scheduled Council meeting held on , 1986 , and in accordance with Council Ordinance duly passed and adopted by the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, at a regularly scheduled Council meeting held on , 1986 , the Mayor of the CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS and the Mayor of the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS are thereby 1 authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of the citizens of the CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS and the citizens of the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS. 2 . That the following described boundary between the CITY OF MURPHY , TEXAS , and the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, is voluntarily agreed upon by the duly elected Mayor and Council of each city . 3 . That the following described boundary between the CITY OF MURPHY , TEXAS , and the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , shall be recognized with respect to future development of each City , but that the land which is encompassed by the mutual boundary other than the land presently within the said cities , shall not be subject to taxation by either respective city until such time as that land. is legally annexed to that respective city . 4 . That the extra—territorial jurisdiction of each city shall remain in accordance with the terms and conditions of the 1963 Municipal Annexation Act . 5 . The boundary line between the CITY OF MURPHY , TEXAS , and the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, shall be as follows : 6 . the point of beginning at a point on the western boundary of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Collin County Abstract 835 where the city limits of the cities of Wylie , Murphy and Sachse intersect ; due north along the western boundary of the Wm. Sachse Survey until it meets the southern boundary of the Mose Sparks Survey , Collin County Abstract 835 ; then 7 . due north along a line that is the western boundary line of the Mose Sparks Survey , Collin County Abstract 849 until it meets the southern boundary line of the J . Mitchell Survey , Collin County Abstract 589; then 8 . continuing due north along the western boundary of the J . Mitchell Survey , Collin County Abstract 589 and McCreary Road to the point where McCreary Road meets the north boundary of the J. Mitchell Survey , being also a point intersection of an existing agreement between the cities of Murphy and Parker ; and also being a point of intersection of McCreary Road and McWhirter Road; as indicated on the attached exhibit ; and the effect of this agreed upon line shall be to generally establish that the CITY OF MURPHY shall maintain territory , jurisdiction and city limits west of said line and that the CITY OF WYLIE shall maintain territory , jurisdiction and city limits east of said line; and 9 . That this agreement is not transferrable to any other private party or municipality or governmental body and shall be void if , for any reason , the cities of WYLIE or MURPHY disincorporate . 10. That this agreed upon boundary line may from time to time be amended by the action of either WYLIE or MURPHY releasing jurisdiction, by formal Council action, thereby allowing the other city to annex across the line if they choose . 11 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto acting under authority of their respective gcverning bodies have caused this Agreement to le duly executed , in several counterparts , each cf which shall constitute an original , on this day of , 19S6. CITY OF WYLIE: CITY OF MURPHY: 3// 3 MAYOR MAYOR ATTEST : ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY CITY SECRETARY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE ' ABSTRACT NO SURVEY, ^ ____Sao______, UPON PETTION OF WHEREAS, ����m���� ____ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: see attached / TRACT A Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract No . 688 , Collin County , Texas and being part of the land conveyed to the Howe Sound Company by deeds recorded in Volume 584 , Page 158 , Volume 584 Page 13 and Volume 584 , Page 173 of the Deed Records of Collin County , Texas and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at an iron rod set for corner in the center of a dirt road , said iron rod being the point of intersection of said centerline with the Southerly R . O . W . line of an 18 foot roadway , said iron rod also being the most Westerly Northwest corner of an 18 . 61 acre tract onveyed in Volume 584 , Page 158 ; THENCE N 78 deg . 02 ' 52" E , along said Southerly R . O . W . line , a distance of 265 . 44 feet to an iron rod set for corner , at the beginning of a curve to the left , having a centeral angle of 16 deg . 00 ' 50" , a radius of 2932 . 79 feet and a chord bearing of N 70 deg . 02 ' 27" F; , 317 . 03 feet ; THENCE along said curve to the left and said Southerly R . O .W . line , an arc distance of 819 . 70 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N . 62 deg . 02 ' 02" E , continuing along said Southerly R . O .W . line , a distance of 1291 . 20 feet to an iron rod set for corner , at the beginning of a curve to the left , having a central angle of 16 deg . 46 ' 00" , a radius of 2932 . 79 feet and a chord bearing of N 53 deg . 39 ' 02" E , ,55 . 17 feet ; THENCE along said curve to the left , and continuing along said Southerly R .O .W . line an arc distance of 85 . 23 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N 45 deg 16 ' 02" E , along said Southerly R .O . U . line , a distance of 154 . 56 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE S 88 deg 48 ' 00" E . along the Northerly line of an 18 . 61 acre tract of land conveyed in VULUNE 524 , Page 1533 , distance of 59 . 42 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE S 01 deg 54 ' 20" 0' , along the Easterly line of said 16 . 61 acre tract , a distance of 1.0`- . 73 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE S 88 deg 13 ' 27" 3 , along the i�ortierly line of a 20 . 38 acre tract conveyed in Volume 534 , Pa ',e 1 , a distanc of 1818 . 34 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; • THENCE S 01 deg 37 ' 00" W along the Easterly line of said 20 . 38 acre tract , a distance of 112 . 42 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE S 88 deg 12 ' 43" E along a fence and the Northerly line of a 2 . 67 acre tract conveyed in Volume 84 , i'a e 173 , a distance of 1170 . 71 feet to an iron rod set for corner in the Northerly R . (; .0 . line of the Atchison , Topeka and Santa Ye Railway Co (ROI' varies ) ; THENCE S 81 deg 51 ' 05" W , along said Northerly P .0 . 0 . line , said line being parallel and 50 feet perpendicular to the centerline of the main tract , a distance of 1046 . 11 feet to an iron rod set for corner , at the beginning of a curve to the left , having a central angel of 05 deg 27 ' 54" , a radui :: of 8644 . 37 feet and a chord bearing of S 7') degs 07 ' ( 1 " 824 . 21 feet ; THENCII along said Northerly R .O .U . line , an arc distance of 824 . 52 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE S 76 deg 23 ' 11 " U , continuing along said Northerly R. U .U . line , a distance of 216c; . 40 feet to an iron rod set for corner , at the beginning of a curve to the left , having a central angle of 12 degs 17 ' 40" , a radius of 5779 . feet , and a chord bearing of S 70 deg 14 ' 51 " W . 1237 . 80 feet ; THENCE along said curve to the left and said Northerly R . (J . 't . line , an arc distance of 1240 . 16 feet to en iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N 01 deg . 06 ' 02" E . along the centerline of a dirt road and the west line of said 18 . 61 acre tract , a distance of 117 . 74 feet to the POINT OF HEGIINII,t, , and containing 41 . 645 acres of land , more or less ( 1 , 814 , 061 S . I') TRACT E 'icing a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract No . Collin County , Texas and being part of the land conveyed to Howe Sound Company by deeds recorded in Volume 5t '' , I'age 158 , Volume 5E4 , Page Volume 584 , Page 113 and Volume s84 , Page 173 of the Deed Records of Collin County and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at an iron rod set for corner at the Southwest corner of a 74 . 54 acre, tract conveyed it 158 said iorn rod being the point of intersection of the centerline of a dirt road with the Northerly right-of-way line of State Highway No . 78 (R .O .W . varies) ; THENCE N 01 deg 06 ' 02" E , along the center line of said dirt road and the westerly line of said 74 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 587 . 18 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a non—tangent curve to the right , having a central angle of 12 deg 48 ' 36" , a radius of 5679 . 58 feet and a chord bearing of N 69 deg 58 ' 53" E , 1267 . 17 feet ; THENCE along said non—tangent curve to the right of the Southerly R . O .W. line of the Atchison , Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co (ROW varies) , said line being parallel and 50 feet perpendicular to the centerline of the main track , an arc distance of 1269 . 81 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE No . 76 deg 23 ' 11" E , continuing along said Southerly R .O .W . line of a distance of 2169 . 40 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right , having a central angle of 05 degs 27 ' 54" , a radius of 8544 . 37 feet and a chord bearing of N 79deg 07 ' 08" E , 814 . 68 feet ; THENCE, along said curve to the right and said Sourtherly ROW line , an arc distance 814 . 98 feet to an iron rod set for corner,. THENCE N 81 deg 51 ' 05" E , along said Southerly ROW line , a distance of 741 . 22 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the Northwest corner of a 2 . 22 acre tract of land conveyed to the Atchison , Topeka And Santa Fe Railway Co . by deed recorded in Volume 1473 , Page 612 of the Deed Records of Collin County : THENCE S 01 deg 29 ' 00" W , along the Westerly line of said 2 . 22 acre tract , a distance of 50 . 72 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N 81 deg 51 ' 06" E , along the Southerly line of said 2 . 22 acre tract , a distance of 2047 . 13 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE S 88 deg . 42 ' 25" E , along a fence and the Northerly line of a 74 . 71 acre tract , conveyed in Volume 584 , Page 13 and continuing along the Northerly line of a 67 . 54 acre tract conveyed in Volume 584 , Page 162 , a distance of 1276 . 87 feet to an iron rod found for corner , THENCE S 03 degs 26 ' 30" E , along a fence and the Easterly line of said 67 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 1373 . 14 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; TEHNCE S 49 degs . 21 ' 30" W , along a fence and the Southeasterly line of said 67 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 64 . 37 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N 86 degs 45 ' 49" W , along the southerly line of said 07 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 141 . 96 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N 89 degs . 09 ' 49" W , continuing along said Southerly line , a distance of 206 . 00 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N . 88 degs 34 ' 49" W , continuing along said Southerly line , a distance of 577 . 80 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE S 01 degs 10 ' 39" W , along an Easterly line of said 67 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 487 . 21 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right , having a central angle of 18 degs 17 ' 36" , a radius of 5729 . 58 feet and a chord bearing of S 82 degs 17 ' 35" W , 1821 . 57 feet ; THENCE along said non-tangent curve to the right and the Northerly R . O .W. line of State Hwy . 78 , an arc distance of 1829 . 33 feet to a concrete R . O . W . marker found for corner ; THENCE N 88 degs 33 ' 37" W , along the Northerly R .O . W . line of SH 78 , a distance of 645 . 25 feet to an iron rod found for corner , THENCE N . 88 degs 29 ' 55" W , along said Northerly R . O . W. line , a distance of 1831 . 84 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE N 09 degs . 14 ' 10" E , along a jog in said Northerly R .O .W . line , a distance of 11 . 96 feet to a concrete R . O .W . marker found for corner ; THENCE N . 88 degs 31 ' 13" W , along said Northerly R . O .W . line , a distance of 1041 . 95 feet to a concrete R .O .W . marker found for corner ; THENCE S 07 degs 51 ' 52" W , along a jog in said Northerly R. O .W. line , a distance of 3 . 60 feet to a concrete R . O .W . marker found for corner , THENCE N 88 degs 31 ' 00" W , along said Northerly R . O . W . line , a distance of 999 . 73 feet to a concrete R . O .W . marker found for corner , THENCE S 01 degs 30 ' 00" W , along a jog in said Northerly R . O .W . line , a distance of 8 . 00 feet to an iron rod found for corner , THENCE N 88 degs 31 ' 00" W , along said Northerly R . O . W . line , a distance of 556 . 80 feet to an iron rod set for corner at a wood R .O . W . marker , and being the beginning of a curve to the left , having a central angle of 07 degs 20 ' 10" , a radius of 2864 . 79 feet and a chord bearing of S 87 degs 48 ' 55" W, 366 . 55 feet ; THENCE along said curve to the left and said Northerly R . O . W. line , an arc distance of 366 . 80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING , and containing 286 . 398 acres of land , more or less ( 12 , 475 , 498 S . F . ) SAVE AND EXCEPT 7 . 136 Acres BEING a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, of Collin County, Texas, said tract being part of a 74.54 acre tract of land recorded in Volume 584, Page 158, of the Deed Records of Collin County, said tract also being part of Tract "B", 286.398 acres, as surveyed by Harry B. Carroll , Registered Public Surveyor No. 986, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point at the southwest corner of a 74.54 acre tract conveyed in Volume 584, Page 158, said point being the point of intersection of the centerline of a dirt road with the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. No, 78 (R.O.W. varies), and the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 7 deg 20 min 10 sec, a radius of 2864.79 feet,and a chord bearing of N 87 deg 48 min 55 sec, 366.55 feet; THENCE along said curve and along the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. 78, an arc distance of 366.80 feet to a point; THENCE continuing along the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. 78 as follows: - S 88 deg 31 min 00 sec E, 556.80 feet to a point; N 01 deg 30 min 00 sec E, 8.00 feet to a point; S 88 deg 31 min 00 sec E, 311.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE N 01 deg 29 min 00 sec E, leaving the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy.78, 776.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 76 deg 23 min 11 sec E, 389.44 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 01 deg 29 min 00 sec W, 877.43 feet to a point for corner in the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. 78; THENCE N 88 deg 31 min 00 sec W, along the northerly R.O.W. line of said State Hwy. 78, 376.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 7.136 acres of land. ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ___151a_ DAY Of......_-mARCji_______, 198_k. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary �� ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE _-jJKNCISCQ_PK-LA�K0A--------------- SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. haf UPON PETTION OF WHEREAS, __Douglas Lewis_______________ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: 148.569 Acres - - see attached ~�x � 7 FIELD NOTES SITUATED in Collin County, Texas in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, and being a resurvey of a called 148. 16 Acre tract of land as described in a deed of trust from Sidney Marcus, et al, to O. Addington, et ux, as recorded in Volume 275, Page 173 of the Collin County Deed Records, dated December 18, 1969, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod found at the Southwest corner of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract in the centerline of Old State Highway No. 78; THENCE N 00°04'53" E, 2038. 25 feet along the West line of the said tract to an iron rod set at the Southwest corner of a 1.00 Acre tract of land described in a deed to H.W. Cisson as recorded in Volume 694, Page 615 of the Collin County Deed Recor THENCE East, 417. 35 feet to an iron rod set at the Southeast corner of a 1.00 Acre tract of land described in a deed to H.W. Cisson as recorded in Volume 644, Page 642 of the Collin County Deed Records; THENCE N 00°04'53" E, 208.71 feet along the East line of the said 1.00 Acre tract to an iron rod found at the Northeast corner thereof, said point being in the South line of State Highway No. 78 (120' R.O.W.) ; THENCE East, 624.02 feet along the South line of said State Highway No. 78 to a concrete highway monument found at the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 8°34'40", a radius of 5789.65 feet, and a chord bearing N 85°42'40" E 865.96 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left in a Northeasterly direction a distance of 866. 77 feet to an iron rod set therein; THENCE East, 474.86 feet along the South line of said State Highway'No. 78 to an iro rod set in the center of Old State Highway No. 78, said point being in a curve to the right having a central angle of 6°49' 48", a radius of 1195.96 feet, and a chord bearing N 37°19'48" E, 142.48 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right in a Northeasterly direction, a distance of 142. 56 feet to an iron rod set in the South line of said State Highway No. 78, said point being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 3°50'26", a radius of 5789.65 feet, and a chord bearing N 73°50' E, 388. 0 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left on the South line of said State Highway No. 78, a distance of 388.07 feet to an iron rod set at the Northeast corner of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract; THENCE S 00°03'50" W, 2557. 28 feet along an old tree line on the East line of the saic called 148. 16 Acre tract to an iron rod found at the Southeast corner thereof; THENCE N 89°30'40" W, 2839. 26 feet along the general center of an asphalt county ro and the center of Old State Highway No. 78, same being the South line of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract to the place of beginning and containing 148. 5696 Acres of la ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE �/�� DAY 0f _2�RCH. ______, 1986._ John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ' � � ' ' � p` , ' , ` PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: . COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes DougXasD. Lewis _____ of the County of Travis and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: • • FIELD NOTES SITUATED in Collin County, Texas in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, and being a resurvey of a called 148. 16 Acre tract of land as described in a deed of trust from Sidney Marcus, et al, to O. Addington, et ux, as recorded in Volume 275, Page 173 of the Collin County Deed Records, dated December 18, 1969, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod found at the Southwest corner of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract in the centerline of Old State Highway No. 78; THENCE N 00°04'53" E, 2038.25 feet along the West line of the said tract to an iron rod set at the Southwest corner of a 1.00 Acre tract of land described in a deed to H.W. Cisson as recorded in Volume 694, Page 615 of the Collin County Deed Recoi THENCE East, 417.35 feet to an iron rod set at the Southeast corner of a 1.00 Acre tract of land described in a deed to H.W. Cisson as recorded in Volume 644, Page 64 of the Collin County Deed Records; THENCE N 00°04'53" E, 208.71 feet along the East line of the said 1.00 Acre tract to an iron rod found at the Northeast corner thereof, said point being in the South line of State Highway No. 78 (120' R.O.W.) ; THENCE East, 624.02 feet along the South line of said State Highway No. 78 to a concrete highway monument found at the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 8°34'40", a radius of 5789. 65 feet, and a chord bearing N 85°42'40" I 865. 96 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left in a Northeasterly direction a distance of 866. 7: feet to an iron rod set therein; THENCE East, 474.86 feet along the South line of said State Highway No. 78 to an it rod set in the center of Old State Highway No. 78, said point being in a curve to the right having a central angle of 6°49' 48", a radius of 1195.96 feet, and a chord bearing N 37°19'48" E, 142.48 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right in a Northeasterly direction, a distance of 142. 56 feet to an iron rod set in the South line of said State Highway No. 78, said point being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 3°50'26", a radius of 5789.65 feet, and a chord bearing N 73°50' E, 388. 0 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left on the South line of said State Highway No. 78, a distance of 388.07 feet to an iron rod set at the Northeast corner of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract; THENCE S 00°03'50" W, 2557.28 feet along an old tree line on the East line of the sai called 148. 16 Acre tract to an iron rod found at the Southeast corner thereof; THENCE N 89°30'40" W, 2839. 26 feet along the general center of an asphalt county r and the center of Old State Highway No. 78, same being the South line of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract to the place of beginning and containing 148. 5696 Acres of I + � � ' ' ~ � � ' ' ` ` ' ` . ^ PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 ' ts that he and all Said ��u���J����m��_ _ represen other owners desire the zoning to be changed �rom .AgdcuRuAL to E -1, SFmL_2E,-JM!___ in accordance a j th the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning subjecL to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the lano above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Tenas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STAMTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the day of _Ja a __ ---�~r�°- ----------------- - /' Si gnat.�re / Please Print Nams -______-__------- - Street address or Box No., City Texas Texas Mp Area Code (512) �44 DD________ Telephone ' ` ' ' , ^ � � . � ; � � � � THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this Jay personally appeared _ D.QugJas D—l-e w is k, nown o me o the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoin� instrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the s.a",' for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this of _'Ja n u a[y_ , 198�_. N Publ ic , ^r State of � ^ . ,��� i -0 No.78 State Highway ,( _• _a .. O �a CO. th pQ' Id 1 • ii �. JO• e 1 57.09 At. G. ; I MF 15.00 At. -; -I SF-2 11.89 At. SF-3 84.59 Ae. 5C V. I I I 1_ t 148.57 Ac. Ad .1 ".T.- . 1i 1 ,. • J ., . . L, ___ 1 ►1:: Wye.� n� -�,� ,....r _�' '1 II ZONING EXHIBIT Total SF-2 Lon 44 148.57 Acres Total SF-3 Lon 333 art et ate French.De La Fine Sore.•Abstract 666 City Of Wyli,Cellle CNety,T - OWNER Bso-. LEWIS INDUSTRIES,INC. PO 6e. 276 y.tin, T.•..siorzi._ TREECE • COMPANY,INC. Ew.ine.rm, 6 0...1.t.•...C.n•♦N•w, 14090 N e.n.rt IN..frt.WI DAV Jen.,1996 Prepm No 99106 ` ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER \ DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning ` changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, anc after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Goverring Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning whi I ch is on application of _____IbmMagE_�Awi§_................. shOLId be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: ! SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of t e City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended y amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: 84.94Ac. : MF_l6.�_���_�� 11.54 Ac. / Said property being described as follows: 148,569 Acres - - see attached ��d ` FIELD NOTES SITUATED in Collin County, Texas in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, and being a resurvey of a called 148. 16 Acre tract of land as described in a deed of trust from Sidney Marcus, et al, to O. Addington, et ux, as recorded in Volume 275, Page 173 of the Collin County Deed Records, dated December 18, 1969, and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at an iron rod found at the Southwest corner of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract in the centerline of Old State Highway No. 78; THENCE N 00°04'53" E, 2038. 25 feet along the West line of the said tract to an iron rod set at the Southwest corner of a 1.00 Acre tract of land described in a deed to H.W. Cisson as recorded in Volume 694, Page 615 of the Collin County Deed Recor THENCE East, 417.35 feet to an iron rod set at the Southeast corner of a 1.00 Acre tract of land described in a deed to H.W. Cisson as recorded in Volume 644, Page 643 of the Collin County Deed Records; THENCE N 00°04'53" E, 208.71 feet along the East line of the said 1.00 Acre tract to an iron rod found at the Northeast corner thereof, said point being in the South line of State Highway No. 78 ( 120' R.O.W.) ; THENCE East, 624.02 feet along the South line of said State Highway No. 78 to a concrete highway monument found at the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 8°34'40", a radius of 5789.65 feet, and a chord bearing N 85°42'40" E 865.96 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left in a Northeasterly direction a distance of 866.77 feet to an iron rod set therein; THENCE East, 474.86 feet along the South line of said State Highway No. 78 to an irc rod set in the center of Old State Highway No. 78, said point being in a curve to the right having a central angle of 6°49' 48", a radius of 1195.96 feet, and a chord bearing N 37°19'48" E, 142.48 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right in a Northeasterly direction, a distance of 142. 56 feet to an iron rod set in the South line of said State Highway No. 78, said point being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 3°50'26", a radius of 5789.65 feet, and a chord bearing N 73°50' E, 388. 0 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left on the South line of said State Highway No. 78, a distance of 388.07 feet to an iron rod set at the Northeast corner of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract; THENCE S 00°03'50" W, 2557. 28 feet along an old tree line on the East line of the saic called 148. 16 Acre tract to an iron rod found at the Southeast corner thereof; THENCE N 89°30'40" W, 2839. 26 feet along the general center of an asphalt county ro and the center of Old State Highway No. 78, same being the South line of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract to the place of beginning and containing 148. 5696 Acres of la / Highway No. 78 /,- Stote FI�9 / ,.oe•.y'5o'EAar .7�.ee' _ _ - -- A.1191.9e' - T.4SLLO' 1•a66. 6.1195 g. EAST _ aN.OL' A•Oa•. _ R.S719.as� L•Athe Tl.37 rl % 1-] I.:1 . z EAST 117.Sa' LanO¢ap �G• -.._-) i l..., 015 y Aria 1 n . 4rit, 4.p..;'. 2) . j i N\ \I n h o 00 . .. I I J 1 i______ j ,____Th . 0 1 ..... 1 1 i PG. o i 6:b ,t0.0. 1 1 , C? 0,04 J ,, , , .... Nt -,,, , i________ \CC'. . W 6 n e O _ / t 1I 1 < PG- i • tlic _\ l� i 1 4,7 i e Aopnr al war r JO Rignr or wo; 1 /i o a,ca,,on - I 41 1 .. I | � SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect . SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision , clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as \ a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the ....2 ___ day, of MARCH----------- ------------------------------ John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: ----------------------------- | Carolyn Jones, City Secretary � \ | �� / � ORDINANCE NO. _________ AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE 15 Ac. gUAD&LDPE DE LOS 3ANT0S AND WILLI&Q.-5DIJIDN _________ SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. gad__1275i_, UPON PETTION OF ]���������Q�0 _....._...._ WHEREAS, ___I9jrY 151geL _____________ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County/Dallas County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: see attached ' - . ' , 15 ACRES - GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURV[Y ABSl' y 1384 COLLIN/DALLAS COUNTlLS All that certain lot , tract , or parcel of la.'d ! yznq ang being situated in the County of Dallas, S aze at re, es and the County of Collin, State of Texas, Pc'vzt :: Being a part of a 83. 7 acre tract out ut c|.e �:j. Jaj3p'' De Los Santos Survey, Abstract No. 1384 in by ! . [cunL/ M Abstract No. 1100 in Collin County, Tex~ ._ co, .eved c Beatrice Burch by R. C. Stone and wzfe Dc � �r � Ptcns' bv deed recorded in Volume 878, Page 46�, Lu] [ in ( cur.t} . ,d Volume 2175, Page 160, Dallas County Deed knco/,j^ , sa, g tract more fully described as fol1ows;: BEGINNING at the most Northerly corner at Lho -cre tract in the center of p1easant Val1ey Rom(-1 , THENCE S 45 degs, 42' W along fence and t/.e & o"/ hwe4i 1ine of the 83. 7 acre tract a distance of 945' 70 feet Ln cc-^er the same being the County line between Collin and Dallas Counties; THENCE S 71 degs. 44 ' E. a distance of 1V«8 9n ope� k ` corner; THENCE N 45 degs 42' E a distance of 458' 16 feet L. caroer in center of Pleasant Valley Road and NW 1 ne o{ thp 2�' ` acre tract, the same being also line between C,llin a. .d Dallas Counties, Texas, and the NW line c'f said Survay, center of Pleasant Valley Road and NW 1ine o{ 83' 7 a.. e tract a distance of 931 . 00 feet to the PLACE OF THE BEGINNING and containing a total of 15. 00 aLrcs o+ and ' There is a total of 0. 534 acres of land, more or less , within the ROW of Pleasant Valley Road, leaving a net .� 14. 466 acres of usable land, more or 1en �' Thor is 10' 10-� acres, more or less, within Collin and 4' 8ww acres, ..ore or less, within Dallas County, Texas' 16 ACRES WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY COLLIh/DAL| QS CO|JK�IES Situated in Collin County, Texas and bein Sbour 1 m` ias cf town of Wylie and being out of the William SutLon Survey, Abstract no 1275 and a part oF a 59 ac,e t 'act lucatL : in Collin and Dallas County, Texas deeded W Larl P K. i^li and wife, By Elzie A. Smith as reccrded , ' /c1 ' 5iO3. bage 314, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texa, q ='... recW LeW Ln Vol . 557, Page 93, Deed Records of Collio [yunt> , Texos ano being more particularly descirbed as fo! luws: � BEGINNING at a point in the Southwest 1 . ', ' Sutton Survey, and the center of Pleasan �li `, . o-L point North 44 degs. 03 min . West a disL , s^ 71-' from the most westerly corner of a 10 c�' � '. act cz,.`~'\ pd Carl P. Nall et ux Thomas A. Collins u`d ',i - s. � ,� ['a,�- :a e' April 28, 1964; THENCE North 44 degs. 03 min. West ^ii" of William Sutton Survey a distance c point for corner in said Pleasant ` THENCE North 45 degs. 57 Min . East u d. � � s �c� feet to a point for corner ; THENCE North 86 degs. 29 Min. 09 3ec . Eas� 344. 86 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 45 degs. 57 min . West a feet to the place of beginning. A to 1] 'A5 more or less. BEGINNING at a point in the southwesL 5n`. Gr A . il ^ ao' Sutton Survey and the center of PleasanL :siley Road , said point being 385. 81 feet S 44 deg. 03' E oo Lhe mo�t southerly corner of a 19 acre tract cooveycd by �ar` '` �all et ux to George W. Pendergrass et al by oeQj da1e4 1962: THENCE N 45 degs. 57' E, 451 . 39 feet co a pnint for orner in the south line of said George W. Pende/ grass tract : THENCE N 86 degs. 29' 09" E along the suu�h lioe of 6e.,rge W. Pendergrass tract a distance of 514' 11 eet tc a Pn . nt for corner; THENCE S 45 degs. 57' W, 842. 41 feeL t" a Poir.t for cn, ne, in the southwest line of said William SuL .Lo Sur^e . akd the center of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE N 44 degs. 03' W along the souL|`wesL lins of naid survey and center of Pleasant Vallev Rood * �i �L="c= f 334. 39 feet to the place of beginning and c"ntazn^ n4 n9L5 acres of land, more or less' BEING all that certain lot , tract or p^r.�e: + ^n" �jLuace - in Collin County, Texas being out of t|`' U ' l1i °^ Sutto` Survey, Abstract No. 1275, and being a oa' L of s 9' 00 acre tract of land conveyed to William B' Johnson , , i uz re' ord�� in Volume 710, Page 648 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particulari , described cs follows: ° COMMENCING at a point in the center of Road, said point being the West corner `f acre tract , said point also being N 44 da, feet from the most Westerly corner of tn" 10 acre tract recorded by deed dated Apr i l . 3 THENCE N 45 deg . 57 min ' E 400, 00 feet M Lhe Aa'�e o^ Beginning; THENCE N. 45 deg. 57 min . E 704. 12 feet -] any u'cc lino I - an iron stake for corner; THENCE N 86 deg. 29 min. 09 sec' E 35408 4eaL along f'sce line to an iron stake for corner ; THENCE N 79 deg. 23 min . 36 sec. E 10". V {eet a1 ` s" ierc. line to an iron stake for corner ; THENCE S 22 deg. 12 min ' E 55. 13 feet along fence like to D ` iron stake for corner; THENCE S 48 deg. 28 min' W 915. 38 feet along {an�p ! in- K�' an iron stake for corner; THENCE N 66 deg. 25 min. 21 sec. W 320. 50 �uoL to /|." rl +ce of Beginning and containing 6. 00 acres of land ' ' ' ORDINANCE NO. _____________ CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 2�I� DAY Of____J��C�'______, --------------------------- John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: ----------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ' `~u ' | � . ' ^ � ~�^ ' vet ' PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: No c _ _- _ of the County of _ an�-�he State Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: /m^«' '�Llt4 4&4&4� 6�& ~ . � 15 ACRES -- GIJADALUPE DE. LOS SANTOS SURVEY AES"! . COLL I N/DALLAS COUNTIES All that certain 1 ot, tract, or parcel of land I. yi ng and being situated in the County of Dallas, State of Texas. .and the County of Collin, State of Texas, to-wit : Being a part of a 83. 7 acre tract out of the Guadal. up 'Die Los Santos Survey, Abstract No. 1384 in Dallas County and Abstract No. 1100 in Collin County, Texas, conveyed to Beatrice Burch by R. C. Stone and wife, Dora Ann Stone, by deed recorded in Volume 878, Page 463, Collin County and Volume 2175, Page 160, Dallas County Deed Records, said tract more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at the most Northerly corner of the said 83. 7 acre tract in the center of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE S 45 degs. 42' W along fence and the Southwest line of the 83. 7 acre tract a distance of 945. 50 feet to corner the same being the County line between Collin and Dallas Counties; THENCE S 71 degs. 44' E. a distance of 1048. 95 feet to ' corner; THENCE N 45 degs 42' E a distance of 458. 16 feet to corner in center of Pleasant Valley Road and NW line of the 83. 7 acre tract, the same being also line between Collin and - Dallas Counties, Texas, and the NW line of said Survey, center of Pleasant. Valley Road and NW line of 83. 7 acre tract a distance of 931 .00. feet to the PLACE OF THE BEGINNINGand containing. a'.total of :15.00 acres of land. There is a total of 0.534 acres of land, more or less, within the ROW of Pleasant Valley: Road, leaving a net of 14. 466 acres of usable land, more' or less. There is 10. 104 acres, more or less, within Collin and 4. 896 acres, more or less, within Dallas County, Texas. 16 ACRES WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY COLLIN/DALLAS COUNTIES Situated in Collin County, Texas and being about 2 miles of town of Wylie and being out of the William Sutton Survey, Abstract no 1275 and a part of a 59 acre tract located in Collin-- and Dallas County, •Texas deeded to Carl P. K.• Nall and wife, By Elzie A. Smith as recorded in Vol . 5108, page 314, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas; and recorded in Vol . 557, Page 93, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly descirbed as follows: ` ' ' ' ' " ^ � ^ ' ' , / BEGINNING at a point in the Southwest line of sa^ o Wi } lyam Sutton Survey, and the center of Pleasant ValWy Road s.id point North 44 degs. 03 min. West a distance o+ 773' 31 feeL from the most westerly corner of a 10 acre tract conveyed by Carl P. Nall et ux Thomas A. Collins and wife, by Deed date(-� April 28, 1964; THENCE North 44 degs. 03 min. West with said Southwest line of William Sutton Survey a distance of 223. B0 feet to a point for corner in said Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE North 45 degs. 57 Min. East a distance of 842' 41 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 86 degs. 29 Min. 09 Sec. East a distance of 344. 86 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 45 degs. 57 min. West a distance of 1104. 12 feet to the place of beginning. A total of 5. 035 Acres more or less. BEGINNING at a point in the southwest line of said William Sutton Survey and the center of Pleasant Valley Road, said point being 385.81 feet S 44 deg. 03' E from the most southerly corner of a 19 acre tract conveyed by Carl P. Nall et ux to George W. Pendergrass et al by deed dated March 7, 1962: THENCE N 45 degs. 57' E, 451.39 feet to a point for corner in the south line of said George W. Pendergrass tract; THENCE N 86 degs. 29' 09" E along the south line of George W. Pendergrass tract a distance of 514. 49 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 45 degs. 57' W, 842.41 feet to a point for corner in the southwest line of said William Sutton Survey and the center of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE N 44 degs. 03' W along the southwest line of said survey and center of Pleasant Valley Raod a distance of 334. 39 feet to the place of beginning and containing 4' 965 acres of land, more or less. BEING all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated ^ in Collin County, Texas being out of the William Sutton ' Burvey, ^A&tract No. 1275, anb being a part of a 9. 00 acre tract of land conveyed to William B. Johnson, et ux recorded in Volume 710, Page 648 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: ~p � ` ^ ~ = +� = + COMMENCING at a point in the center of Pleasant Val ) e . , Road, said point being the West corner of said Johosor. 9. 00 acre tract , said point also being N 44 deg. 03 min ' W J73' 51 feet from the most Westerly corner of the Thomas A. Collins 10 acre tract recorded by deed dated April 28, 1964, THENCE N 45 deg. 57 min. E 400. 00 feet to the Place of Beginning; THENCE N. 45 deg. 57 min. E 704. 12 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE N 86 deg. 29 min. 09 sec' E 35408 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE N 79 deg, 23 min. 36 sec. E 100. 45 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE S 22 deg. 12 min. E 55. 13 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE S 48 deg. 28 min. W 915. 38 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE N 66 deg. 25 min. 21 sec. W 320' 59 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing 6. 00 acres of land. ` ` ` � ' � ^. ` ` ~ � . � � .^ » � . � , . ' ^ ' ' PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said aln) represents that he and all ol4er own sir-------- be changed from t~ in accordance with current�-�Zoning Ordin e and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, �rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as proyided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness Me hand of this petitioner this the -------------- day of 1571 Signature PAbse Print Name -�~�~��---------------- - -- ~/ Street address or Box N~' City Texas Zip __ *---__---- Telephone ../y ^ ' ` ^ .. ' . � ' � ' ' ^ ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the underligned Notary Public on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name —is s50cribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal office this the _______day of , 198 "nraw ftb d TM / Notary Public, Collin Cou y° Texas m'um�mmwbv*ku ^/ 'v ^���^ � �� c�^r - 7 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE' WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of j24-KXy_ jgKG�_q__________________ should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: ______-AGIU CUZD��^______________________ Said property being described as follows: see attached 15 ACRES - GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY ABST. ¥ 1384 COLLIN/DALLAS COUNTIES All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Dallas, S�ate of Texes and the County of Collin, State of Texas, to-*it : Being a part of a 83. 7 acre tract out uf i| e Gu"'dai -p^' De Los Santos Survey, Abstract No. 1364 in Da| ie.; LounL` ,n�:j Abstract No. 1100 in Collin County, Texv", c.n.,svct ' " Beatrice Burch by R. C. Stone and wife, Um-a A,.n SM. .E ' by deed recorded in Volume 378, Page 463, Uo] lin ( o"r.L` -.`d Volume 2175, Page 160, Dallas County Deed RecorJv , sa� J tract more fully described as follows:: BEGINNING at the most Northerly corner of Lhe �� ' d S1 7 acr~ tract in the center of Pleasant Valley Ro ^d , THENCE S 45 degs. 42' W along fence anu t|.e Son! hweet iins of the 83. 7 acre tract a distance of 94S' 50 feek La rr'ner the same being the County line between Collin and D^1i ,s Counties; THENCE S 71 degs. 44` E. a distance of 1008. 95 : net to corner; THENCE N 45 degs 42' E a distance of 458. /6 feei to ccrr.ei in center of Pleasant Valley Road and NW l ne of the B3. 7 acre tract , the same being also line between Callin a' .d Dallas Counties, Texas, and the NW line of said 3ur4cy, center of Pleasant Valley Road and NW jine of 23' 7 s. / r tract a distance of 931 . 00 feet to the PLACE OF THE BEGINNING and containing a total of 15' 00 acres of land ' There is a total of 0. 534 acres of land , more or less, within the ROW of Pleasant Valley Road , leaving c n=t �f 14. 466 acres of usable land, more or levs' There is 10' 10'i acres, more or less, within Collin and 4. 896 acras, more or less, within Dallas County, Texas. 16 ACRES WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY COLLIN/DALLAS COUNTIES Situated in Collin County, Texas and bein� about 2 miles of town of Wylie and being out of the William Sutton Survey, Abstract no 1275 and a part oF a 59 acre tract locztcu in Collin and Dallas County, Texas deeded to Carl P. K. W.,ll and wife, By Elzie A. Smith as recorded in Vol ' 5102, page 314, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and recorded in Vol . 557, Page 93, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly descirbed as +o1lows: �7 �� ' ` . BEGINNING at a point in the Southwest linL of said William Sutton Survey, and the center of Pleasant Ya| lw} Roan saiJ point North 44 degs. 03 min. West a distanw� of 377' 51 fse| from the most westerly corner of a 10 ..c- o rant cur.,,/ed b , Carl P. Nall et ux Thomas A. Collins aod wife, by beeu da/-e( April 28, 1964; THENCE North 44 degs' 03 min. West with s �uu�hYe-. li ,u of William Sutton Survey a distance o ' : � : pet tc � point for corner in said Pleasant Vali ..; !,o ^a :' THENCE North 45 degs. 57 Min' East u dzirancw Tf S'/ . , l feet to a point for corner ; THENCE North 86 degs' 29 Min. 09 Sec . Eas`- L of 344. 86 feet to a point for corner ; 7HENCE South 45 degs 57 min , West a ajw �_ feet to the place of beginning. A tui.^ I o , 5 n35 more or less. BEGINNING at a poiqt in Lhe soutnwesL lin`. Di �azd W� ll , a^' Sutton Survey and the center of Pleasant '/s| le- Aoad , sai � point being 385. 81 feet S 44 deg. 03^ E can Lh'. =0t southerly corner of a 19 acre tract ao/.vs/ej Ly .ar ' " , Nsll et ux to George W. Pendergrass et a| by jond dated Ma' ck 7' 1962: THENCE N 45 degs. 57` E, 451 . 39 feet Lo a poini fwr c, ne.- in the south line of said George W. Penderg' ais want ,: THENCE N 86 degs. 29' 09" E along the south line of George W. Pendergrass tract a distance of 514. 49 ! eet to n point for corner; THENCE S 45 degs. 57' W, 842. 41 feet to 6 point for corner in the southwest line of said William Sutton Sur,ev and the center of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE N 44 degs. 03' W along the southwest line of said survey and center of Pleasant Valley Rood a disLance , f 334. 39 feet to the place op beginning and contain no 4' 965 acres of land, more or less. BEING all that certain lot , tract or purcel of i ^nd siLuaLer in Collin County, Texas being out of ch+ William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 1275, and being a p"-L o{ a 9' 00 acre tract of land conveyed to William B. Johnson , °K u" rocorde.| in Volume 710, Page 648 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: =�=� � ` ' ' COMMENCING at a point in the center of Ple=Ean| Valle- Road, said point being the West corner of said Johnson 9' 0� acre tract , said point also being N 44 deg. C3 min ' u 373. 5 / feet from the most Westerly corner of the Thoaas A. Coilin� 10 acre tract recorded by deed dated April 18, j964, THENCE N 45 deg. 57 min . E 400. 00 feet to Lha lace o� Beginning ; THENCE N. 45 deg. 57 min ' E 704. 12 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner : THENCE N 86 deg. 29 min. 09 sec. E 35408 feet ajon§ ferce line to an iron stake for corner ; THENCE N 79 deg. 23 min . 36 sec. E 100. *5 {eet along Force line to an iron stake for corner ; THENCE S 22 deg. 12 min . E 55. 13 feet along fence li / .e to a.) iron stake for corner; THENCE S 48 deg. 28 min . W 915. 38 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner ; THENCE N 66 deg. 25 min. 21 sec. W 320. 59 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing 6. 00 acres of land' ~�-�� SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the ___25I8 ____ day of ___.MA��L_____________, l98_6_. _______________________ ----- John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: ----------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary , ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLL I N COUNTY, TEXAS, A ..T..RACT. OF LAND OF THE ___GUADALUPE. DE LQS....SAITOS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1100 - Collin County 1384.,..Dallas Cty UPON F'ETTION OF FRED BRUNER WHEREAS, __Fred.Irun.Qx_______._ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: 38. 13 Acres (Tr.3) and 18. 13 acres (Tr. 1) and 3.89 Acres (Tr.2) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Collin County Abstract No. 1100 and 20 acres (Tr.6) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Dallas County Abstract No. 1384 - total 80. 15 Acres - located at the corner of Old Sachse Rd. and Pleasant Valley Road. � ` ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE __25CB___ DAY John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary � / ~��� � ` � PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes ��_ L��-� ��'^'�- of the County of and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: 38. 13 Acres (Tr. 3) and 18. 13 Acres (Tr. 1) and 3.89 Acres (Tr. 2) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Collin County Abstract No. 1100 and 20 Acres (Tr. 6) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Dallas County Abstract No. 1384 total of 80. 15 Acres - located at the corner of Old Sachse Rd. and Pleasant Valley Rd. 1 \ I ' N44.3/'W-/5.O' a SACHSE RD 35 SO N45• E-3fi5 4' . 35 -- --- 1792.40' N45°IO E-514.44' ��� a5°IO E-771.N I! � I I+ j r� ! \ . 1 o TRACT 3 TRACT 2 TRACT I I\ 3 50.1507 AC. 12.000 AC. oo c irl GOAD DE L SANTOS SURVEY & ABST NO& /' �000 AC. v ` 2 f�I/, //,;1.445://1 v V : rnp1II o W f I /,,, C.� 1 1 JO'MivA re- 60.._/, 2157 83 5 45 3 W-514.44' y/ /-- _ / 7-545°134 771.23. — / f..It S 45•/3'W-3443.5' 111 \ ! ' ' ' ` PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said Jun ______ represents that he and all er owner 211 �eszr qnningto be changed from______________ t - in accordance with the/current Zonin O ��� p �---r----- g r"^,.ance an� making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness Sp Pand of this petiti this the day of _______, 19821 `~--��~�------ --------- Lw --Signatur;�'_____ ---------r'----------`��------___ Please Print Name ~t �� Street address or Box No. o�—�77�------- - _________"-__ ___�__ Czcy Texas Zip Telephone / �� _ - --� THE STATE OF TEXAS.- COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the und rsig Notary Public on this dai personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Giverunder my hand and ice this the day of , 198�L � No-ary Public, C�jl�� n CoumUy, Texas � / 0 Tons u ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE: NC:: S 1- `: ) „ TO CHANGE ..I..HE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY' TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SE'VERAI=;ILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($2'00. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE„ AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE_ DATE. WHEREAS, the Ci t.y Zoning Commission and the City Courici 1 of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of _Fred Bruner ___....._.._..____..._ should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE: CITY COUNCIL_ OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION I . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: _AGRIC.ULT.URAL_.;.._SUSI NUS_.- ..__ F_...___.....__......._........-_ Said property being descri bed as follows: 38. 13 Acres (Tr.3) and 18. 13 acres (Tr. 1) and 3.89 Acres (Tr.2) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Collin County Abstract No. 1100 and 20 Acres (Tr.6) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Dallas County Abstract No. 1384 - total 80. 15 Acres - located at the corner of Old Sachse Rd. and Pleasant Valley Road. V-~ SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict 'With the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately ^from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides /DULLY PASSED By THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WyLIE ! TEXAS, this the ....25TB-__- day of ' l98_6_. � -------==------------' _______________________ John W. Akin , Moyor i ATTEST: ------------------------------ Carolyn Jones, City Secretary / / ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE __GDAD\LDyDE L0S SANIOS_ ______ SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1100 - Collin Count �_r~.�/�ON PETTION OF L _GR}���_____ WHEREAS, Roddy ����� has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: 21 Acres (Zr. 4-9) and l acre (Zr 4) out of the Guadalupe de Ioa Santos Survey, Collin County Abstract 1180; and 113.89 acres (Tr. 8) out of the Guadalupe de loa Santos Survey, Dallas, County Abstract 1384 - total 135.89 Acres � ~/ ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. i PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 25TB DAY Of MADCH_______, 198 6�. John W. Akin, Mayor- ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary | ' " /�/u � , • 11.E i • fi . • •C' • PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: • Now c of the County of and e State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follow*: l;. •4 1 Yr '.sl ' A n w , '1 .; jam, :4. • PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said _11.sY.L4 _ 4. ___ represents that he and all other owne desire t zoning to be changed from , to in accordance with the a6Cirrent Zoning Ordin e and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974(g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness he hand of this pet i t i o er this the _ d 7/1'di _- day of 4G1tr , 1981i__. - ni# ,- A. 7,,,,e42.-4./0--'2.,' Signature 104. CgOAS Please Print Name __ o a1 ser/M7 Street LECddress or Box No. (01.) 1/ee A _xioye ity Texas Zip Telephone ';7'd, . • TA i - et . 4 ,r .a; ry A I, • • THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the t i n otary Public on this day appeared I known to me to be the person whose name i subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for e purposes and consideration therein expresses: S.(flP under my hand and seal .. /Office this the/6 day o , / . . . , 19 . otary Public, Col in u y, Texas t tictonPuWrq SUB of Taus ,.1 Cmr:Ian Expires FC , eig ¢ry / / ) '1"../0%:‘' Vre•ci.stsTi. ‘- • ' . ;' ' . iir..'• v 6:019Vor" -ti-‘?.'e '".•'4, ' : ••:'.. '''. •:, ,' '''.i...V.t,:. • '.' • ,f•; ' \ • i • • •t• •—,�`` •— S. 4St.. 2rsSs VRS SURFACE R AT• D •ROAD —_•—• Y •—• --_. %� 1 U 1� ,1 +_- i.. -' ♦-a:�jts ♦ - —`, r,3—A. Iftrt �♦ .1 7N•i % /[!•!.I .. !_� • 1. 4�Sb O 'P 1: 35,.70 S'f3•y0' '. - TA!• I • it •M•6�C 1 4 - > }•• •. Y �h,�J43 'c tjt= G�,n T.r0v3� htrt • it .- • • _ ,fir k'b �'� 1��!: T° t `• 524- \• , � 1 • • 1en ISS 0, ht. $ W 9 ® . 3 yco3t•1-Ii:AS `tf', is 1, �01 4' Grl�` . TO,,°S. ` ; °I r b h W ;fit++ ® ® �, : • I y r r. P• , , . 7 ti•�:vs' te.i, .Ct , ,• 4`I ,9 ; L.. .. •�. Yk t b� ••RA d co- I I .5 „ IP N `h J Ntt p • ; 1 ee • '¢ ri." ;4' r j �;. ti,: ,� t • • r r ; N22G•Tfl =i ,�y11� "' • M .1r " t /3t•..: : :,! / 0 !G� r•Jttcr�•f�: t• 'P-r.r 'r ./. t .' . . • ,�• I 1 Jrr‘!!'1. 'D1 �/j�U $I��Q�\ Z �1 e.Q � r 0 �!( 3Q �,C ` r > ::- �.y ( S , . •�°:1 to-. p V r% o^�yr,`' • j•: - aOoLn_ ‘a • , • • 0_ • -::n ice°.�. • `.I '•a`-.:ii I. . _ `I t :1. .,,� • ,,. w 'Q '�.rt Qa♦/Of 60• ', _ Z +n JC �• - .,.• •'� �f -..•1 ,�i iy 1 11 • + ( t• la• J• ♦ • L/a'^�e. ziq -./--0 t.1 w.•t'.t.t .i 1tirr- .3 _ .0 , nw. + t rr•,_ .1 ., I rrt .p. . tilt' ''?.'4Ie4,tti l • I,( '. o. \ . • 7410.2 p ."..i i 1.• • • . t ta9 rieo J I(P • ' - , G •w ' \ i'/ '•7tr '{' • •i 0S j {YiA Ti - t ', ' . .,. `, • - f jT �:-Top �• �• Jn r �• w \ J , 7, i. A! -igi• ,_J�� L .. _.I� _• 1 �� 1r. 1) I • _ l f\ q�a b 0c + iIlk) � [,. , 1 1 A-860 D. WILLIAMS SUR H. DOUGLAS SUR A-980 . 3 A-292 ": FRED BRUNNER U 38.13 AC (? R. NEWMAN SUR A-660 /EDBRUNNER 1 S W. BUTTON SUR 4-9 e°4` . A-860 �o 0 �oo.^i '.'Coves 6 8.13 AC LARRYYLIE ISD COLLIN COUNTY • / DALLAS COUNTY /X‘V\)* / 2/,‘,...„,, ,4 . �, ,, „moo • ORDINANCE NO. _________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of ___Bqdly-BjyIes.................... should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: AQRI{%LIDRAL�________---------------- Said property being described as follows: 21 Acres (Tr. 4-9) and l acre (Tr 4) out of the Guadalupe de loo Santos Survey, Collin County Abstract 1100; and 113.89 acres (Tr 8) out of the Guadalupe de loa Santos Survey, Dallas County, Abstract 1384 - total 135,89 Acres. / ' SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5' That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the �2��B day of ......�ARCB____________, l98_6_. ------------------------------ John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: ______ ------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary , ��� . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. UPON PETTION OF WHEREAS, ........... _ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: 84'98 Acres (Tract lO) out of the Guadalupe de loa Guotoo Survey Abstract No. 1384 - Dallas County // / ORDINANCE NO. _____________ CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE __I5U DAY 198-6-. _________________________ John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: -------------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary / �� ' ` � \ ` ` - ' ` � ' PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: N s of the County of and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: 01// 0 (714c.,1— ^� v /—~ � yJ /�,/� 4-P, ^/-l� /� - `� �� � 7Z� / e � ` � / ^ ~ � ' ^ ` � , ' PETITION FOR ZONING CONTD. PAGE 2 Said _ /� ' ���_ �0 �� represents that he and all other owners desire the zoning to be changed from ____ to in accordance with th e �cjlrent Zoning OrdiVn`ce and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the band of this petitioner this the day of Signature 7/ /7 Please Print Name Street address or Box No. � f 64-1 � � City Texas Zip ^- - Telephone �� } , � - ` ` —\ —` ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the under i d Not ry Public on this day personally appeared RL , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: �� Give d y hand and seal of office this the _ /n �~__day of _ , 198��. Notary Public, County, Texas �r\ ORDINANCE NO. _________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of � �������I _______ should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: ___ MGM�U.LI���I.,___..................... Said property being described as follows: 84.08 Acres (Iz. lO) out of the Guadalupe de loa Santos Survey, Abstract No. 1384 - Dallas County /? / SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph , sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the __ 2511_____ day of ...IMlC&.............. l98_J_. ----------------------------- John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: _ _ _ __ Carolyn Jones, City Secreta ry / �� ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE. CITY OF WYI__IE-, COL_L._IN COUNTY, TEXAS, A ll:ir'-`il,.l.. OF LAND OF THE DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 841._._... , UPON F L........I...[ON OF- ._.....,I..1M_MCKN.LGHT......... WHEREAS, __._...__Jim McKnigh_t__._...__.__..._....._.__.._._..._._ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described , which said tract of land less than three ( 3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct.; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by they City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE: CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land , described by metes and bounds as follows, to—wit : BEING two tracts or parcels of land situated in the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract No. 841, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being the same tract of land as conveyed to R. L. Vandaveer by deed recorded in Vol. 448, Page 178 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin found for corner, said iron pin being the Southwest corner of the above referenced tract and also being the Southwest corner of the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract No. 841 and the Southeast corner of the I. Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193; THENCE North 03 deg. 28' 33 sec East, with a fence, a distance of 462. 16 ft. to an iron pin found for angle corner; THENCE North 03 deg 49 min 46 sec East, continuing with said fence, a distance of 472.57 ft. to an iron pin found for angle corner at a fence corner; THENCE North 03 deg 51 min 03 sec East, continuing with said fence a distance of 108.06 ft. to an iron pin set for corner in a fence; THENCE, South 86 deg 08 min 57 sec East, departing said fence, a distance of 181.75 ft. to an iron pin set for corner; THENCE South 03 deg 49 min 46 sec West, a distance of 626.60 ft. to an iron pin set for corner; THENCE, South 86 deg 31 min 27 sec East, a distance of 253.50 ft. to an iron pin set for corner; THENCE, South 15 deg 04 min 00 sec East, a distance of 406.33 ft. to an iron pin set for corner in the Southerly line of the above referenced tract of land; THENCE North 89 deg 32 min 38 sec West, along said Southerly line a distance of 565.00 ft. to the pointof beginning and containing 7.228 acres of land more or less (314,871.087 sq. ft.) . ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _25IB DAY Of___l��CB_______, 1986._ _____________________ ------ John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: -------------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary • f y • F k PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes Jim E. McKnight of the County of Collin Collin and State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows : Tract I of the Duke StricklaniSurvey, Abstract 841 , City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. See attached Boundary Survey by Harry Carroll Surveyors dated January 1985 . Sled— • • FIELD NOTES STATE OF TEXAS f COUNTY OF COLLIN + BEING two tracts or parcels of land situated in the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract Number 841 , City of Wylie , Collin County , Texas , and being the same tract of land as conveyed to R. L . Vandaveer by deed recorded in Volume 448, Page 178 of the Deed Records of Collin County , Texas , and being more particularly described as follows : TRACT I BEGINNING at an iron pin found for corner , said iron pin being the Southwest corner of the above referenced tract and also being the Southwest corner of the Duke Strickland Survey , Abstract Number 841 and the Southeast corner of the I . Clifton Survey , Abstract Number 193;• THENCE, North 03° 28' 33" East , with a fence , a distance of 462. 16` feet to an iron pin found for angle corner ; THENCE, North 03° 49' 46" East , continuing with said fence, a distance of 472.57 feet to an Iron pin found for angle corner at a fence .corner ; • THENCE, North 03° 51 ' 03"East , continuing with said fence , a distance of 108.06 feet to an iron pin set for corner in a fence ; THENCE, . South 86° 08' 57" East , departing said fence, a distance of 181 ,7 .;;feet to an iron pin set for corner ; THENCE, . South 03° 49' 46" West , a distance of 626.60 feet to an iron pi,n ;set:. for corner ; w{• THEM South. ,1•� 86° ' 27" East , a distance of 253. 50 feet�•• to an iron P1n > ;,Yo.r corner ; • THENCE, South 15° 04' 00" East , a distance of 406.33 feet to an iron pin• set for corner in the Southerly line of the above referenced tract of land; THENCE',. North 89° 32' 38" West , along said Southerly line, a distance of 565.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 7 . 228 acres of • land,. more or less. (314,871 .087 •sq. ft . ) • lf k i • • • • • • • • • • • �i. F'- 1 Y • PETITION FOR ZONING CONT'D. PAGE 2 Said Jim E McKnight represents that he and all other owners desire the zoning to be changed from Agricultural to L.I. Light Industrial in accordance with the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relat- ing to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the 8th day of January, 198 6 . L'• `ma y u Signs ;;; .E M'c icHT Please Print Name P. 0. Box 430 Street address or Box No. Wylie Texas 75098 City Texas Zip 442-2242 Telephone 7 THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared Jim E. McKnight , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses : given under my hand and seal of office this the &T" day of January , 198 6 . Notary Public, Collin County, Texas ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of J�m �dQ�i8�� ___ - ______________ ___ should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: INDDSI��A�...._. Said property being described as follows: see attached / r ' 7 . STATE COUNTY OF COLLIN BEING two tracts or parcels of land situated in the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract Number 841, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being the same tract of land as conveyed to R. L. Vandaveer by deed recorded in Volume 448, Page 178 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin found for corner, said iron pin being the Southwest corner of the above referenced tract and also being the Southwest corner of the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract Number 841 and the Southeast corner of the I. Clifton Survey, Abstract Number 193; THENCE, North 03 deg 28 min 33 sec East, with a fence, a distance of 462. 16 feet to an iron pin found for angle corner; THENCE, North 03 deg 49 min 46 sec East, continuing with said fence, a distance of 472.57 feet to an iron pin found for angle corner at a fence corner; THENCE, North 03 deg 51 min 03 sec East, continuing with said fence, a distance of 108.06 feet to an iron in set for corner in a fence; THENCE, South 86 deg 08 min 57 sec East, departing said fence, a distance of 181.75 feet to an iron pin set for corner; THENCE, South 03 deg 49 min 46 sec West, a distance of 626.60 feet to an iron pin set for corner; THENCE, south 86 deg 31 min 27 sec East, a distance of 253.50 feet to an iron pin set for corner; THENCE, South 15 deg 04 min 00 sec East, a distance of 406.33 feet to an iron pin set for corner in the Southerly line of the above referenced tract of land; THENCE, North 89 deg 32 min 38 sec West, along said Southerly line, a distance of 565.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 7.228 acres of land, more or less. (314,871.087 sq. ft.) SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the ___2------- day of ............... ��0�� , l98_6_. ------------ ___________________________ John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: ---------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary �� PETI [IUM FOR ANNEXA l]i� THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLlN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE` COLLIN CFKNTY , TEXAS: Now comes Ray E. Santos of the Cocnt / of d th St t F T as and re/ rese.`�s ________ , to the City_Council of the said City of Rylie, Texas, tra:. he is the owner or is acting for al | o � the 59se-5 nr partnerships or corporation who are owne, s o th" "Cl 7o*i ' ^� described tract of land which is contiguous a'd ad') acont to Lhe City of Wylie, in Collin Count !, Texas, a/d ! r *Kj 'A |�� less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, descrzheG follows: 'x / ' � � � ' PETITION FOR ANNEXATION COMM, P�GE 2 Sai d Ray IL Santoo__________________ represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed M and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said Gin;' Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the ] and above described be annexed to the said Wit, o � WMe, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTE� OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the 6 day of ° __ _ ..... �_ -____- Si gnature Ray E. Santos _ ____________________________ Please Print Name 3814 22od place _____________________________ Address Lubbock, To 79410 Czty lexas Zip (806)792-4743 � elephone ' _ — ' - - THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared ���_� Santos_____________, kr�own to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration iherein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of offica this the 6 _ da> of __ February 6 ______________, l98 __. _.........___ Notary Public, Lubbock County Texas Notary Publ .i ... , ixxoXxo` Co�./ ty Te/as � � � RAY E. SANTOS PROPERTY TRACT 1 Situated in Collin County, Texas in the C. A. McMillian Survey, Abstract No. 588 and part of the Mose Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849 and part of the James Maxwell Survey, Abstract No. 582 and being a resurvey and consolidation of all of a 60. 542 acre tract and all of a 1 . 00 acre tract as described in a deed from Edna Vivian Hardy et al to C. E. Jack Kreck recorded in Volume 1569 Page 131 of the Collin County Land Records and all of a 104. 849 acre tract as described in a Receiver' s Deed from Tom Brigham et ux to C. E. Kreck recorded in Volume 1157 Page 799 and all of a 66. 375 acre tract as described in a Receiver ' s Deed from Ruth Steenberger and Richard Parker Co. -Receivers, to C. E' Jack Kreck recorded in Volume 1157 Page 804 of the Collin County Deed Records and all of a 74. 246 acre tract as described in a deed from Lecta Brigham and John Thomas Brigham to Joe Thomas Kreck recorded in Volume 1562 Page 313 of the Collin County Land Records and being more fully descirbed as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake found in the Northwest corner of the said 60. 542 acre tract. Said stake being in the center line of a 40 ft. wide public road. THENCE North 89 deg 47 min 04 sec East, with center of road 2022. 94 ft. to an iron stake. THENCE North 89 deg 46 min 49 sec East, with center of road a distance of 423. 45 ft. to an iron stake found at the Northeast corner of the said tract. THENCE South 0 deg 40 min 01 sec West, with East line of tract and center line of 30 ft. wide road 1105. 69 ft. to an iron stake at the Southeast corner of the said tract . Said stake also being the Northeast corner of the said 66. 375 acre tract. THENCE South 0 deg 40 min 19 sec West, with center of road 597. 79 ft. to an iron stake. THENCE South 01 deg 31 min 47 sec West , with center of road 1483. 01 ft to an iron stake. Said stake being the Northwest corner of the 104. 849 acre tract. THENCE South 89 deg 26 min 45 sec East, with North line of said tract 1296. 69 ft. to an iron stake at the Northeast corner thereof . THENCE South 0 deg 17 min 30 sec West, with East line of said tract 2681 . 40 ft. to an iron stake. THENCE South 0 deg 21 min 57 sec West, with East line of tract 782. 01 ft. to an iron stake in the Southeast corner thereof . Said stake being in the North right of way line of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad. THENCE North 84 deg 08 min 04 sec West, with North Right of way line of railroad 1393. 89 ft. to an iron stake at the southwest corner of the said tract. THENCE North 01 deg 52 min 31 sec East, 1078. 26 ft. to an iron stake. Said stake being in the Southeast corner of the 74. 246 acre tract. ' THENCE South 89 deg 14 min 10 sec West , with South line of tract 1083. 56 ft. to an iron stake at the Southwest corner thereof . THENCE North 01 deg 11 min 05 sec East, with West line of tract 1150. 92 ft. to an iron stake at an inner corner ' THENCE South 89 deg 36 min 47 sec West, a distance of 768. 36 ft ' to an iron stake at the most Westerly Southwest corner of the said tract. THENCE North 0 deg 53 min 10 sec East, with West line of said tract 1085. 04 ft. to an iron stake found at the Northwest corner thereof . Said stake being in the center line of a 40 ft. wide dirt road. THENCE 89 deg 11 min 49 sec East, with center of road 537. 83 ft. to an iron stake. Said stake being the Southwest corner of the said 66. 375 acre tract. THENCE North 01 deg 20 min 23 sec East, with West line of tract 2107. 96 ft. to an iron stake at the Northwest corner thereof . Said stake being in the South line of the said 60. 542 acre tract. THENCE South 89 deg 47 min 13 sec West, with South line of of 60. 542 acre tract 1059. 15 ft. to an iron stake at the Southwest corner thereof . THENCE North 1 deg 34 min 07 sec West, with West line of tract 1105. 87 ft. to the place of beginning containing 307. 037 acres of land. TRACT 2: Situated in Collin County, Texas in the Mose Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849 and being a part of a 15. 199 acre tract described as Tract 1 in a Receiver' s Deed from Tom Brigham et ux to C. E. Jack Kreck recorded in Volume 1157 Page 799 of the Collin County Deed Records and being more fully descirbed as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the Southeast corner of the said tract in the North right of way line of FM Highway 544' THENCE South 89 deg 50 min 34 sec West, with North right o+ way of highway 759. 85 ft. to an iron stake. THENCE North 01 deg 47 min 29 sec East, a distance of 478' 7{' ft . to an iron stake in the South right of way line of St ' Louis and Southwestern Railroad. THENCE South 84 deg 10 min 32 sec East , with South right of way line of said railroad 751 . 06 ft. to an iron stake at the Northeast corner of the said tract . THENCE South 0 deg 19 min 43 sec West , with East line of tract 400. 17 ft. to the place of beginning containing 7. 607 acres of land. SAVE AND EXCEPT Tract No. 4 consisting of 105. 22 acres out of the M. Sparks Survey, Collin County, Abstract 849; and Tract No. 5 consisting of 3. 3 acres out of the M. Sparks Survey, Collin County Abstract 849; and Tract No. 38 consisting of 3. 6 acres out of the M. Sparks Survey, Collin County Abstract No. 849; and 12. 511 acres, being the right-of-way for the St. Louis & Southwestern Railroad Co. , out of the M. Sparks Survey, Collin County Abstract 849 for a total of 124. 631 acres. / ' ` ' � PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS: m s _���^�,��~/ _ of the County of � and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: sworn— �~����� `/' / ' ' ~ r` PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said represents that he and all other�� owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. wit n the hand of this petitioner this the ����___ day of l98oO_. Signature ' Please Print Name .......... Address City Texas Zip Telephone `� � ` ` . ~ THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undgrgigned 00vary Public on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person Whose -�----------- .,n e name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: GivenAutnrry hand and seal of ffi this th r �� ce s e day of -^+~~^~p-____________, l98��__' r"a��S.atemums uxpjr-n � ~ 7fTexas Notary Public , Collin Coun / � • BEING a tract of land in the I . Clifton Suiv,. 7, Abstracr. NG. 193, the II. •1 . Hardin Survey, Abstract No. 43R and the R. D. fkA.rwn Survey, Abstract No. 660, situated in Collin County, Texas, and also being a part of that certain 260.436 tract of land conveyed to Arapaho East, Inc. by C. T. Beckham by deed recorded in Vo1 rue 1104 , page 149 of the Deed Records of Collin Cc un t.y, Texas, and being nore particularly described as follows: TPIV.1' 1 & 2 BEGINNING at a point on the right of way line 30 feet East and 30 feet South of an iron rod on the centerline of a county road and the most Westerly Northwest corner of said 260.436 acre tract; said point being the Northwest corner of this tract. TtfENCT South 89 deg. 57 min. East along the centerline of said county road and North line of the 260.436 acre tract, 765.0 feet to a corner; THENCE South 2 deg. !.2 min. East, 1106.06 feet to an iron rod for corner; THENCE South 88 deg. 41 min. 10 sec. West, 764.54 feet to a corner; 30 feet West of the centerline of Hooper Road; THENCE North 2 deg. 02 min. West, 1124.27 feet to the PUCE OF BEGINNING. ' PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS: Now co s / / "(�� ��/'^�� /- of the County of /` - 8�J ---�------ - _��������'~ and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follow : � x ' ' STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN 7. 417 ACRE TRACT ` BEING a tract of land in the I . Clifton Survey, abstract W . 193, the H. J. Hardin Survey, Abstract no. 438, and the R. D, . Newman Survey, Abstract No. 660, situated in Collin County, Texas, and also being a part of that certain 26o' 43" tract of land conveyed to Arapaho East , Incorporated by L. T. Beckham by Deed recorded in Volume 1104 , Page 140 of th'^ Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the centerline of a County Road a/'`-1 a North line of said 260. 436 acre tract , said poznL beinu South 89 deg 43 min East, 235. 89 feet from Lhe must. Northerly Northwest corner of the 260. 436 acre L,acr ; THENCE South 89 deg 43 min East along said center | / oe of said County Road, 139' 11 feet; THENCE South 0 deg 17 min West , 640 feet , THENCE South 89 deg 43 min East , 135 feetz THENCE South 0 deg 17 min West, 850 feet ; THENCE South 88 deg 41 min 10 sec West , 274 ' 22 feet , THENCE North 0 deg 17 min East, 1497. 64 feet to the PLACE 0- BEGINNING and containing 7. 417 acers of land . 1 . 983 ACRE TRACT BEING a tract of land in the I . Clifton Sur 'e, , Aosu "ci H. . 193, the H. J . Hardin Survey, Abstract No. 45D and the R. / Newman Survey, Abstract No. 660, situaLeJ in Collin Lount . . Texas, and also being a part of that certain 260. 436 tract of land conveyed to Arapaho East, Incorporated bv C . F . Beckham by Deed recorded in Volume 1104, Page 149 ot the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and beinq more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the centerline o+ a Countv Road &"u a North line of said 260. 436 acre tract , said point being South 89 deg 43 min East, 235. 89 feet from the most Northerly Northwest corner of the 260' 436 acre tract : THENCE South 89 deg 43 min East along said centerline of- said County Road, 139. 11 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING: THENCE continuing South 89 deg 43 min East along center at said County Road 135 feet THENCE South 0 deg 17 min West, 640 feet ; THENCE North 89 deg 43 min West, 135 feet ; THENCE North 0 deg 17 min East, 640 +net to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 1 . 983 acres of land ' / /6) 7/71e//71#217/?1&at 1! Y 2 .6' - :-. 1: .. •.... ?k:= 4 •' tills, ;7P�;-..p ." I. ., , tea.. I - 17 ..� • in i sr sr o , / I •. 6 \ A 4\ i 171 ' \ G n` G 20• � i fr G p P aw Q • • m c • r,IA• — I NCO o . •1M 0 IN $ _ / Qw �No �b '` \ v ;p 90a v�,f A j f - — f'�\ r i r/ 1, ,. \p l I } I r `/ • 4 / • / /// \ 4 • Ii i/ \ / V 3 / /u1 / / „ : /t I / i ` / / V P\ / / / / / / ' ) .2 /e 17.7 't 4 / II . I I I 1 / / " / I 1 / / I `.,, I r fl / / i 9 pi' /./s. ' PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D' PAGE 2 J1 � �u� Said __ +r /-�� L/�, , represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the7/1 hand of this petitioner this the _ /�� day of -- 2� ( \' \ �//U ^�.^-^r Signature y /M '�`/ /� //('�^' / / Please Print Name ��//� �� / /�~ /�k' Address City' City Texas Zip Telephone / ur . ` ` THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the u Y. Public on this day personally appeared �,�_ «�I.& , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Giv y hand and seal of office this the day of , 198 ��_. �------ � ` mpir-s Notary Public, Collin County Texas ' ^ PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS: Now comes ----LnuiSM-_RuokIjz- of the County of Dallas- _ and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: � LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being a tract of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, Collin County, Texas, same tract being the third tract of land as described in a deed from B .N. Gayler et ux to Herman Pelton et ux, dated September 19 , 1955 and recorded in Volume 504, Page 443 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING in the center of a dirt road at the northwest corner of said tract, same being the northwest corner of the Moses Sparks Survey, a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow cap marked Collis; THENCE North 89 degrees 16 minutes 13 seconds East, with the north line of said tract and survey line a distance of one thousand three hundred thirty four and seventeen hundredths (1,334 17/100' ) feet to the northeast corner being a 1 inch iron pipe with a yellow cap marked Collis; THENCE South 1 degree 27 minutes 00 seconds West, with the east line of said tract a distance of one thousand five hundred two feet and forty one hundredths (1502 41/100' ) feet to the southeast corner being a 1 inch iron pipe; THENCE South 89 degrees 22 minutes 27 seconds West, with the south line of said tract -a distance of one thousand three hundred twenty three and forty three hundredths (1323 43/100' ) feet to the southwest corner and a point in the west line of the Moses Sparks Survey being a 3/8 inch iron rod in the center of a dirt road from which a 24 inch Walnut tree bears N 62° 52' 30" E , 93.5 feet; THENCE North 1 degree 02 minutes 37 seconds East, with the west line of said tract and survey line a distance of one thousand four hundred ninety nine and sixty four hundredths (1499 64/100' ) feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1 ,993 ,416.86 square feet or 45.763 acres of land. ' -- ' PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said _ L `jNL n represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the ����_ day of Fpbru&r-y- Signature -Loui-s-11-_auokl in. _____________ Please Print Name The Texas Presbyterian Foundation __�D14- Zuwer- 4O8 N. Olive Street LB 245 Address Dallas, Texas 75281 City Texas Zip 214 - 989-7551 Telephone r ' , ` ` . ' ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared _��� ���u�k��� , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the }��) day of -Fe fir ua ry Notary Public,' Dallas County Texas I RAKER RD. occ 0 cc r m I a J W U Cr r Ucc N Mc WHIRTER z D 0 M t ` 0 a u Mc M ILL AN r MUDDY a. CREEK cr o _..I. RESERV •'� STL S R R '�� LOCATION MAP N.T.S. J .11.0/./A:li2d .il-. 6?-<)-/ / -) d d - . r °' // ) PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS: Now comes of the County of Dallas and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said Harold 8oli&au represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974(g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the __ljqt___ day of November �z^gnarure Harold Boligao Please Print Name 8585 Btenouooa Frwy, Suite #800 South Address D-4114-,9,_1""-_75242 City Texas Zip 214-631-4931 Telephone ` . ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF Dallas .: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared _ Harold 8oligao , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the _}�� day of November 198 5�__. Notary Public, Dallas County Texas ` ^. . ' ` PE� ] T[ON FOR ANNEXATJ0N THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: T] THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF W\'LIE. CQl7N CgUqTY Now comes '` �/� r/ --------___�_�����/-z-....-____-____ ........._____ and the State of Pc Lhe City Council of the said City oV Kyli �, `e, he in the owner or I acting for all o . Lh� p.rbierships or corporation who are uwners of th'. de� rriied tract of land which is conLigtaus zj d, ~.j 0 � z 00 Czty of Wylie, in Collin Count;, Texas , and i .` wnic| . Aas l �ss than three (3) quali {ied voters, rsszde, no'/ as / o1lows� FIELD NOTES STATE OF TEXAS 11 COUNTIES OF ROCKWALL , DALLAS & COLLIN BEING a tract or parcel of land situated in the Nathaniel Atterberry Survey , Abstract Number 6 , Rockwall , Dallas and Collin Counties anc being part of a 50 acre tract of land conveyed by R. S . Phillips to J . R. Kirby and recorded in Volume 5 , Page 254 and a part of a 70 . 32 acre tract of land conveyed by J . H. Kemper to J . R. Kirby and recorded it Volume 8 , Page 312 and being the same two tracts of land as conveyed tc Lee Kirby by deed recorded in Volume 53 , Page 177 , all of the Deec Records of Rockwall County , Texas , and being more particularly described as fol lows : BEGINNING at an iron pin found at the intersection of the centerline o' Troy Road with the intersection of the centerline of Vinson Road THENCE , North 46° 29 ' 42" West , with the centerline of said Vinso: Road , a distance of 3027 . 28 feet to an iron pin set for corner THENCE , North 00° 03 ' 37" East , departing Vinson Road , a distance o • 1667 . 63 feet to an iron pin found for corner in a fence ; THENCE , North 89° 37 ' 51 " East , with said fence , a distance of • 977 . 8. feet to an iron pin found for corner ; THENCE , South 02° 31 ' 31 " East , with a fence part of the way , , distance of 444 . 20 feet to a point for corner in the center of a creek THENCE , with the centerline meanders of said creek as follows : 1 . South 22° 11 ' 05" East , 146 . 18 feet ; .2 . South 80° 10 ' 10" East , 338. 52 feet ; 3 . South 01 ° 55 ' 40" East , 180. 28 feet ; 4 . South 68° 21 ' 35" East , 161 . 30 feet ; 5 . South 84° 43 ' 59" East , 105. 95 feet ; 6 . South 51 ° 24 ' 25" East , 103 .08 feet ; 7 . South 37° 22 ' 14" East , 79. 13 feet ; 8 . North 71 ° 54 ' 14" East , 100 .00 feet ; 9 . North 43° 05 ' 35" East , 114 . 13 feet ; 10 . South 88° 39 ' 20" East , 350. 89 feet ; THENCE , South 01 ° 25 ' 00" West , departing said creek , a distance o 376 . 22 feet to an iron pin found for corner in the Easterly edge o Troy Road ; THENCE , North 86° 17 ' 54" West , crossing said roadway , a distance o 35 . 57 feet to an iron pin found for corner ; THENCE . South 01 ° 25 ' 00" West , with the centerline of Troy Road , mos or the way , a distance of 2477 . 59 feet to the point of beginning an c ::nt :ain : ng 117 . 149 acres of land , more or less . ( 5 , 103 , 026 . 757 sq . ft . f, PET1i[ON FOR ANNEXATION C2411D. /' VE 2 Said __ -��_ __ repres�nts tia` �e a,'d all other owners desire Lo be annexe.j to anu na.ie pert uf the said City of Wylie, Collin County, [exas, sub� ect ti. �] | iaws, rules and regulations of said City. `,our petitioner , therefore, respectfully p 'a/s thwt thc ! an -! above described be annexed to the said CzLy o , Wyl | e` Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES ]F THE STATE OF TEXAS' .......... / y ' ase Ki )Ja',e � � / �'��� rHE ��TATE OF TEXAS: COU/�TY OF COLLIN: parsonally appeared � ey,�(� x'e �o be the pers who�e nam i ' -�---�- Foregoing instrument, and acknowledged e:ecuted the same for the purposes and conside. atjc^ t !,ere1 - e/pressos: Sivent r F, mhand and _____, x ` � - ' Notary Publ ic , Coi l in �o� n �y Texas �/^ �� tit F.M. 3412 Z OLD HWY . 78 F.M. 544 Vj444 WYLIE STONE ST. C� p 0 p v tr crer W � Z = W < ••••• r : LAKE LAVOt o ciE tiro : ti vr Qv LOCATION MAP ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS H ORDINANCE, NO, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES , ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie ; and WHEREAS , the City has prepared a service plan for the area , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS , after notice was duly given , public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970—A , Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie , Texas : NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be , and the same is hereby , annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , Texas , and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City , and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of // the City , and shall be bound by the ordinances , acts , I resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : 4 . 95 acres (Tr . 36) ; 7 . 062 acres (Tr . 12 ) ; 5 . 0 acres (Tr . 11 ) ; 3 acres (Tr . 13 ) 2 . 0 acres (Tr . 14) 9 . 95 acres ( Tr . 9-9 ) out of the R . D . Newman Survey , Abstract 660 for a total of 31 . 862 acres . SECTION 2 . It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas , such fact shall not prevent the City from I annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas . Therefore , if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate , distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance . SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , this the day of 1985 . APPROVED : MAYOR ATTEST : CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM : CITY ATTORNEY A-841 A-438 I I ZZ A-267 49 3 4 I BRowvlE ARl Z _. • _ I Bfi+osv.Tv (, i���b `,. I) .Sod,1 13 R..,4serJ 7 �'��`�� �` t9. Doti ,uI b,,sQb� ilao_ al.a 9 6 10 5 ' is1217f i5t G .Sb}`� r0 1� r l(�8 AL 4 Aci.... k -, Te"0. _ - ,•, LMrTE B.OSffc 3,t, i a`�1 . ) �� �2 y . � 3 3 1 oF \ \ D • C Z O y V w T y� � a 00 ` • I / 12 ,y�.,, �� > E t a t• i GLEN KNOLL 36 ,,,,.3o, ' C _ MOBIL HOME PARK CITY WYLE `e B 4 t W/9N6 ; . 39.78 AC oPVI 7.o-z1c C', • �� P\‘Q1/4 OME, s CiNYAR 7. >2i / F O 10 �►..v`.. _ 1985 g Q��. OG•t \. 16 17 lr. •.Dat _,t / u \ f . 7 18 0 32 (— / C... . 'II3. 26 AL KITTNEN AL KITTNER e.ee AC 29.51 AC ) •GEORGE LEWIS INC. �. 44 AC \ GEORGE LEWIS INC. _ AL KITTNER \ 65.197 qC GEORGE LEWIS INC. • 96.034 AC q_� 55 AC • AC GEORGE LEWIS INC. 99.64 AC GLENN DAY (' : 32.30 AC ri � J 20 _ '9 n | | � � ] i ' ! ` , | / | | / ! [ ! / � | 1 | i PETITION FOR ZONING � � | � | .. � HE STATE OF TEXAS: ' �OUNTY OF COLLIN� ! ` | | � � ! / ! TV 'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLlN COUNTY, N | ow comes Dennetb W,_ L UI11ann, KqQrgM__ of the County of __ C ____ ____and the State of Texas, and represents to � the City Council of U`e said City of Wylie, Texas, that he / s the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporeLions who are owner, of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of } the City of Wylie, in Co1ljn County, Texas, and described as � Follows: � ( | | i ' ' | l .�r ' ' ' i / ' � !' '| ' / � \ ( 1 ^; � / | | ' � ��| / | � .' / / �./ � � / i PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 |! �i . i | SaidKenneth ��� � _§JPpqn represents that he and all . other owners desire the 7 ning to be changed from ! ^- -� to in accordance with ! -----~~�----~~------- ---- ---- / the current Zoning Ordinanc�� and making said zoning subject / to the appropriate laws, ruld's, and regulations of said City � } relating to that classificatlon of! zoning. | | petitioner, thereFore, pectfully prays that the land above desc�ibed be zoned by e said City of Wylie, Texas, � !| as provided by Article 974 (g� of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES . ' OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. | ! ! / . ! i Witness the hand of this petitioner this the �tb ! day of ___Februmrv_______-_, l98�___. ------------- Signaturs ! � | / Please Print Name Street address or Box No i ~ ' Teoumm 75098 City Texas Zip | ' | | � Telephone ., / i, ! / | � | | � ~ | � � �! , ' .. ' ^ - ' ! ` � —' ' � ! � | ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: | COUNTY UF COLLIN: ` � 6efore me, the un lic on this .ia, ' personally appeared er known to me to be pso^ whose .es subscribed to the foregoiny � Mstrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the same the pu,poses and consideration therein expresses: | i � G/ "e J hand and this the da,� ^ notary Public , Col � I mu��m w�m� n Coun�v Texas ! w�n / L � " / � | | / / [� ! | / / � � ! � ` / � / ! / > � ! � i ' | | � | ' / | ..,, -••• ' ' , - 1 • i Community Map I . . .. . i Laren Reservoir ) AA . B C i \ D ,. szr 1 Clif — ' .......,••• 1 I ,,,......,cs,„2514...pARKE •,• n.rr.. • ...•Ii7" T I VIEW •41 26 .;ovew.q.,w1•,p,. —,,...,,,!, s qtits.4...411j. ' woe& EL\ el E H 4r::‘, F •:4.,., ,,...„, .... , \ S c.,'.i t''..'' f• ::, • c; ) 1 i ' " • , t! IL .e....... MAIN 1.71,,,fr•1 0 A ix I T lb r t. 20 Z.' •"J(1'19 (;•:4-)1 rl L ) m ERIL AN.:P.4 lif 2514 K ...._ _ . .1 I il fi °Mapco, Inc.......................... 1 .................,.......... --;,fA'. 41W. J7 .......r: 1 I ill twaHOOSE al..ji.. ., .t. 1. . . •''''.ef., iit'r'"(p:''.*CIPItelig fft 1.‘ °I i N .. ... so" I' .. , WienieslAmmtlee.seirlreeetestor•rosr.t II, L''...a. " .... :, . •• litr, -!-.:''''`.. '''•Df.t-9-P—•. -, • , —..— - •,•, S I'll I liN'• • '' P r.' ... o2,01 2514 ' i YLIE • . .."— A CO .. ‘ . . ,.., ':A? 1 i 1 . .. :"--- -- -r---7 3412 i' mi ... 0 co r ,,,, v„ IRQWN ST At .•• . . .-' . .„:. dirlirrilW .! ,7-: ••• :,' „AriftyillEa.......1111111L,..... Z (13Lilitill,k) W AW g 111511r4rV g sit)4k _Alt,it. . 1 ... u :mai iir :iir40 cs 4 .• d t... b. 9.4 lk I.i. '. :0 ,.'4,110• mil NEL ;4. A 11..k ' ,..1. .,-- ,..„ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of Kenneth W. & Lillian F. McCrom should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: Retail _ Said property being described as follows: Lot 13 Block 31 Railroad SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5' That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($20). 00> for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the 25tb day of March , 1986 ._ _ John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary / `� � APPLICATION TO I Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Building) ORDINANCE 83-15 I , Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Zoning) ORDINANCE 81-5 I-RvPlanning and Zoning Commission ORDINANCE 81-5 ' NAME L=/�/ S Gov P - 6'1-lU`l e t/ T/1,Lc-/-//j /i2/ ADDRESS J/ )2(1 74--• lc_,' t/ 11i l • LOT / .' BLOCK , ' a c- SUBDIVISION --5FC' 7• A! DN//:4/3 S . R R , A BASIS OF APPLICATION: • Interpretation ► Special exception for use or development II Variance DRezoning • I I Exception to Building Code EXPLANAT ON: i )-( • ------ (/ SIGNITURE of APPLICANT DATE r ' .e filingfeeof on Must be accompaniedby $ / • L'///)/?' /-") -}72:(!(4 Received: Date: CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER • T--- 12-at" FiZ - • P.4 -4, 1 Ferris-et Nokit. -0 A , 1.1 AVre , 1 • •'1-• CVNur QVI rl'6" 141 3 ff) C c1 41¢. SF:vc-v+ Ept5c.c.Fai) . 1,-c'. AD 1VABS 1%0 e ,.750 't de wcalk ,-. S o. • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, A HOME RULE POLITICAL SUB—DIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 71-8 WHICH MAKES IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO CONSUME ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN A PUBLIC PLACE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: THAT ; the phrase "and not open to public view" be stricken from Section 2 of Ordinance No . 71-8 so that Section 2 shall read as follows : Section 2 . This ordinance shall not apply to persons in their private residence ' s as guests of other persons in such other persons private residence or to persons within privately owned premises . EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon passage by the City Council of the City of Wylie . PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE DAY OF , 1986. John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 7/- ? AN ORDINANCE OF THIS CITY OF WYLIE MAKING IT UNLAW- FUL FOR ANY PERSON TO CONSUL ;ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE IN ANY PUBLIC PLACE WITHIN THE CORPOOATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED TSB SUM OF TWO HUNDRED1 ($200.00) DOLLARS FOR EACH OF- FENSE. • BE IT OED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . Pros and after the passage of this Ordinance , it shall be unlawful for any person to consume any alcoholic beverage in any ;public place within the Cor- porate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall not apply to persons in their private residences , as guests of other persons in such other persons Private residence or to per- sons within privately owned premises id not open to the public view, SECTION 3 . Any person violating any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor , and upon conviction in. the Municipal Court of the City of Wylie shall be subject to a fine not to exc •1d the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on the 'it 'I day of j _ , 1971 . l r-t"'(:/? áZ R DULY RECORDED: CITY SETARY 1,37 RODDY & ASSOCIATES (214) 442-3531 West Highway 78, P.O. Box "K", Wylie, TX 75098 March 17, 1986 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 Gentlemen: Southplace Partners is getting ready to begin the construction of the Southplace Subdivision as soon as the final engineering is completed. It is planned to be finished with the engineering in the next 60 days. As more than 180 days has passed since approval of the preliminary plat of the subdivision by the city council, please take the necessary action to extend the time for the plat until May 31, 1986. I anticipate no further delays in starting the tasks necessary for phase one of the development. Thank you for your consideration. If I can answer any question, please contact me. Respectfully, GaryAAAA —0,42/ieQir Ro d X Southplace Partners / a SUBORDINATION AND CONSENT THE STATE OF TEXAS ) } KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN ) THAT , the undersigned, LECTA C. BRIGHAM, being the current legal and equitable owner and holder of the following liens and interests: (i) the entire interest of the "Tenant" under that certain Seller ' s Residential Lease dated January 10 , 1986, executed by and between the undersigned and W. R. Rose Investments, Inc. , Trustee, recorded as Collin County Clerk Document No. 2579 , Real Estate Records, Collin County, Texas, pertaining to that certain 7. 599 acre tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas, more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property") ; and (ii) the lien of that certain Deed of Trust dated January 9 , 1986 , executed by W . R. Rose Invest- ments , Inc . , Trustee in favor of Ronald G. Houdyshell , Trustee , recorded in Volume 2289, Page 231 , Deed of Trust Records, Collin County, Texas, covering the Property, and securing payment of one certain Real Estate Lien Note of even date therewith in the original principal amount of $200 , 000 . 00 , executed by W. R. Rose Investments, Inc. , Trustee payable to the order of the under- signed; for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffic- iency of which are hereby acknowledged, hereby consents to the execution of that certain Roadway and Utility Easement (the "Easement) by W. R. Rose Investments, Inc. , Trustee, in favor of the City of Wylie , Texas , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit " B" and made a part hereof , pertaining to and covering a portion of the Property, and does further subordinate all liens and interests held by or in favor of the undersigned with respect to the Property to all easements , rights and privileges created by the Easement or granted therein. Executed this j 'i- day of ag 1986. r LECTA BRIGHAMT THE STATE OF TEXAS ) } COUNTY OF COLLIN ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on \i J , 1986 by LECTA C. BRIGHAM. No a y Public in and for the State of Texas Print Name of Notary: L;ndo� eJ� My Commission Expires: -/lam- y9 100. 12 --- ---{---,-- _ —__ _SURVEY PLAT S/ Louis one Sownwesrern 4� ---- - -- _______ t ,,,woy compo,,,--;,i,,7,- ______ __ __ _ ," , .; ,„„ E ----Survey Line '1 r,l< hc11144 h (.ar CIZI �';. O it) nn s..o ..oT� sn.e I, . :O• b H l >_ c •moo• VI CO r7 Scale /"= /00' _ -r_t - s•o,,, F.C•n• MOvl. -rar0 Po«c ' i...• Er.. L _�,- Yo/6t3,F.y.3511 7 599 Acres l• SM1ry fro...Mw.. PLACE OF - -WI'wWn (t & VI/5a,♦ooet— BEGINNIN6114s4 - — „, CJ .."'''.".""..''''''''..""j r t 645.39. r< ;;- t FM. HWY. NO. 344 ,. .....4___ts , — _ - Situated in Collin County, Texas 'in the Muses Sparks SurveOtssAhstract No.4149 A1A being e._.r*Ywrvey-tr+ a i'.5Q4 ar.rk• tr.►4t. 1wa4.ribca 1u .4 4 1ruln C...E .JAre Ki`4Nrk ..,� ,vw nr Iyham el ux recorded tr ored r +uiurne It;), Pa U 0t.h' 'r• 74 ; Col l to r,uunty ()raft -- fitf•r,rds, .c,A hetno mc,te 'oily detxc,r i t{fl as follows: BEGTNNING at a 4" iron pin set in. the North line of F .M. 14:Nbhway 544. Said stake also being' in' the West line of the Moses:,Sparks Survey and bear:, North 40.00,-ft. and East 1 ;18 ft. from the Southwest -r u.iCornet the Moses Sparks Sulfa -ey. THENCE North 01 deg 40 min 59 sec East, with the West line of the said tract and the ;, West line of the said 'survey, a distance of 54b.5H ft. to a " iron pin set for a corner in the South right of way ofr.'St. Louis and the Suuthweste > :ailway Company. THENCE: South 84 deg 04 min 5n s0-4-East, with North line -o!'t. h'e;said tract and South right of way line of the before `mentioned railway company; distance of 648. 13 ft. to a wooden corner post. THENCE South 01 deg 50 min 10 sec' West, with East line of �i,d tract a distance of 478.68 ft. to a 4" iron pi'n• found'.,for a corner in the North ight of way line of F,MI. 'H_ighway 544. THENCE South 89 deg 54 min 18 sec West, with South line of .said tract and North right of way of F.M. Highway 544 a distance of f+V5 . "09 ft. ;to the place of beginning containing 7.599 acres of land. TO THE LIENHOLDERS AND/OR THE OWNERS OF THL PREMISES SURVEYED AND TO SAFECO LAND . TITLE COMPANY: THe Undersigned does hereby certify that a survey was this °day made on the ground on the property legally described hereon or in attached field notes prepared by the undersigned and is correct; that there are no visible discrepancies, conflicts, shortages in area, boundary line' conflicts, encruachmentsk overlapping of improvements. easements or rights of way, except as shown on the plat hereon; that said property has access to and from a public roadway; and, that the plat hereon is a true, correct and accurate representation of the- property described here4nahove. Further, the undersigned hereby certifies -.that he has calculated thfe;'quantity of land or acreage contained within the tract shown:.on this plot of survey a described hereon or in said attached field notes and certifies lot the quantitv*1 land shown hereon is correct. AV:.Gf�rf November 7, 1 85 `Pe ' rb9s .* JOHN Y,r CANTRELL John ,V. Cantrell •e ,�755 efriii"roe Registered Public Surveyor !;•••. .41..SUR k, Er / 1 " 65ek , 1 Job nu: 3224-C84941 -85 .j. // .(/ CITY OF WY'LiL ROADWAY & Ul1LITY EASEMENT SlATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF COLLIN X KNOW • // ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT w . K k TeecAne, Jls, r, / e-tS , hereafter termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of the County of Collin , State of Texas , for and in consideration of the sum of and other good and �a l abl edollars l l a rs and no cents F',$.-=------`l(), .00) , by the City of Wylie , the receipt ran�d nsuffiicieney to GRANTRiof n hwhichais s hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these presents GRANT and CONVEY unto thee City of Wylie the following described tracts or parcels of land situated in Collin County, Texas for use as Roadway and utility easements and being more particularly described as follows : PLRMANENT CASEMENT L :L;AL DLSCRIPT1ON 6t1NG a tract of ; and situated in the Moses Sparks Survey , Abstract No. 849 , Collin County Texas , said tract of land being an easement SU' in width over , under and across that 7 .6 acre parcel of land described in a deed from C.E. Jack Kreck to J. Tom Brigham et ux recorded in Volume 1151 , Page the Records of Collin Cou,ity, Texas , said 50 foot asementfbeing Deed particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the aforesaid 7 .6 acre tract , same being the intersection of the North right-of-way line of Farm Market Road 544 ( 80' right- of-way) and the West line of the Moses Sparks Survey ; THENCE North 00' 54 East , along said West line of Moses Sparks Survey , with a treeline , 545.7 feet to a point for corner in the Suuth right- of-way line of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad ( 100 ' right-of-way) ; THENCE South 84°50' East , along said South line of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad , 50. 1 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 00°54 ' West , departing said South line of the St . Louis and Southwestern Railroad , along a line parallel to and 5U feet East of said West line of Moses Sparks Survey, 540.5 feet to a point for corner in the North riyht-of-way line of Farm Market Road 544 ; THENCE South 89° 10' West , along said North line of Farm Market Road 544 , 50.0 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0 . 623 acres of land . Exhibit "B" L TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT For the same c,;r , i aerai i _ dtuve recited we do hereby grant, sell and convey, and there is by these presents granted, sold and conveyed unto the said City of Wylie, Texas, the right and easement to use for construction purposes only and during the period of actual construction of said first described pipe line only, an additional strip of land described under the heading "Temporary Construction Easement" adjacent to the above described 50 foot wide easement strip of land or the full length thereof, the temporary construction easement grdnted on said additional land to terminate and cease upon completion of the installation of said pipe line as follows: BEING a strip of land 20 feet in width situated in the aforesaid 7 . 6 acre parcel , whose East boundary lays 20 feet East of and parallel with the East boundary line of the aforesaid roadway and utility easement . The Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall have, and it is hereby granted the right of ingress and egress for all purposes indicent to said grant. The Suiu L,runiurs herein, their heirs and assigns, shall have the right fully to use and enjoy the said premises covered by the said above described easement except for the purposes hereinabove granted, and except for the purposes of erecting bui uings or permanent structures over said right-of-way. The said City of Wylie, texas, dues irther covenant and agree to pay for any damage that may be done to crops or fences by laying, erecting, maintaining, operating, or removing such pipe line; and the said City of Wylie, Texas, does further covenant and agree that the pipe line laid upon the land above described shall be buried in such a manner that there shall be a minimum cover over the top of pipe barrel of at least four feet (4' ) throu9h all lands designated as pasture or tillable land. At each fence a gate shall be erected on the easement with a chain fas- tener capable of holding a Grantor and Grantee lock for access. Upon construction of the roadway along the Permanent easement the surface rights of said Grantor within said 50' easement shall cease. TO 'LAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said City of Wylie, Texas, its successors and assign, the above described easement and right-of-way, and we do hereby bind ourselves , our heirs, executors, and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises to the City of Wylie, Texas , its successors and assigns , against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof herein. WITNCSS , ,�f,��.4;7- x„," HAND(S) at e, , County, Texas, this the ' day of ' i .i" , 1986. *�- ,- Notary Public,State of Tau KS n;y omms ion tgiie$ 4"7,7 am.( - c STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN On this. / day of A,� , in the year /(/k . before me �, L -the and signed Notary Public, personally appeare ! J proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidenc to be the person who executed the within instrume as t ( on behalf of /.' . ( /s �3�d,` 1� ( 1'1 � /Z (� the • corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that the -'1 corporation executed it. arbara Le Cocq,/ Notary ub (� i x ! ! of, , ir -4- ACKNOWL[P LNT THE STATE OF TEXAS i COUNTY OF COLLIN [ BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for County, Texas, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of , 19 Notary Public, County, Texas My commission expires the day of , 19 THE STATE OF TEXAS P COUNTY OF COLLIN • I BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for County, Texas, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that executed the same for the purpose and consideration chrein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of , 19 Notary Public , County, Texas My commission expires the day of 19 ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of 19 . CITY OF WYLIE John W. Akin , Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary / ✓l/,15 vajr/i/g gTe .46 ---_ _ el(' # 44/4.1</:y 8s1 5:( 6 50 • i 7 C./ace. eeEL. 11J1 �) `c� % S 7 s� A 5 e1/6 r! 1 ,4) y'� I i • yif,.0A(1/ U7 /JTy' E715f r 0. 623 ACee5) 89°/Du1500' F;'17 Vic/% - 4f — ___ --- -- 5'/2O/.U' 60' ,f'0030141A y/ Ur/Qry 5.456MF../T I '� � BLACKWE`�LL 8 ASSOCIAfS, INC. tT - EN0INEERI10 SuRVEytNO • p4i11 i DA 2rI)O NOMr T!XAS T5w 9TEMYONZOTS FREEWAY, SUIT[ 1004 IAS, 1 r• Prepared by the Scare flar of-texas for use by lawycis only. Reviewed 1-I-76. PARTIAL R CLLAstt, CV LIEN TIE STAY? OF i EXAS `1 KNOW ALL, i tt',N BY Tlil Si; Pi-(I SEN I'S: COUNTY OF COT,LIN j i I lA'1' the undersigned, of tiu County of Col.l..i-n , and Star of Texas, tlw present legal and cyuitahle owner and hul(:.:t of that one certain promissory note in the original principal sum of Two hundred 'Thousand noel 00/100 ----- __---__-__ Dollars (, 200,0001_00 -. .. ) dated Jt tnsiry9, 1986 , executed by W. R. Rose Invc st-tty�nts Inc., Trustee ._ payable to the order of . Leta C. Brigham Deed of Trust. more fully described in a .. . 2 duly recorded in R9 Voi. .. page . . .. 2 31 ..... .. of the ...Deed of Trust Records of . Collih County, Tex:r.. said note being secured by the lien of said Deed of Trust against, AMONG OTHER PROPERTY, the following described property, to.wit: 1 .. Being nore particularly described on Exhibit: "A" atti Ched hereto and made a part hereof; for a good and valuable consideration paid to the undersigned, the receipt and suffix icnc} of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby RELEASES and DISCHARGES the above described property from said lien or liens. BUT it is expressly agreed and understood that this is a PARTIAL RELEASE and that the same shall in no wise release, affect or impair said lien or liens against any other property In said instrument mentioned. ti G�� Ptn � '" EXECUTED this . !�'� dray of rY , A.D. 19.0A....... LFCTA i3IZTCt 11AM, (Acknowledgment) ,)" TEXAS 1. ',r^3 J 11i,t iovrrnnient w$1\ iidninslcilt;-i► hrfnic• nip• (,i, =Iv• day „f-1 iary , 016 by LecLa t_:. l: iyhaut My cldnrtrrissiou expires. . QNot•u y I iiCil,f7.t.,; 67- ilic, e of Texas /(-P/ Notary's printed name: Li nG 1---e, ,J ;fir,. , its . (Acknowledgment) �SIArPOrTT:XASIs ;r> COON I Y or f 'Ibis instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of 19 III, My commission expires: Notary Public, State Of TI*as Notary's printed name:. • (Corporate Acknowledgment) STALE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF j This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 19 by of a corporation, on behalf of said corporation. ' My commission expires: Notary Public, Stale of Texas Notar y's printed name: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: W. R. Rose Investments, Inc. 8855 SLemnons Freeway Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75247 • • Li:GAL DESCRIPTION BLIND a tract of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey , Abstract No. 849 , Col 1 in County Texas , said tract of land being an easement 50.' in width over, under ,andacross that 7.6 acre Parcel of land described in a deed from C.E. Jack Kreck to J. Brigham et ux recorded in Volume 1157 , Tom y Records of Collin County, Texas . said 50 foot easementfb n Deed particularly described as follows : eiy more BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the aforesaid 7.6 acre tract , same being the intersection of the North right-of-way line of Farm Market Road 544 (80 ' right- of- way ) and the West line of the Moses Sparks Survey ; THENCE North 0O' 54 East , along said West line of Moses Sparks Survey , with a treel ine , 545.7 feet to a point for corner in the South right- of-way line of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad ( 100 ' right-of-way) ; THENCE South 84°50' East , along said South line of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad . 50 . 1 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 00°54' West , departing said South line of the St . Louis and Southwestern Railroad , along a line feet East of said West line of Moses Sparks Survey11540.5el °fean 5U et to a point for corner in the North right-of-way line of Farm Market Road 544 ; (HENCE South 89° 10' West . along said North line of Farm Market Road 544 , 50.0 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing U . 623 acres of land. EXHIBIT A • • CITY OF WYLIE SEWER EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT ifejeey GsTce- L , hereafter termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars and no cents ($ //,24e.00) , and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the City of Wy- lie, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these presents GRANT and CONVEY unto the City of Wylie the following described tracts or parcels of land situated in Col- lin County, Texas for use as utility easements upon/or in which sanitary sewers may be constructed and maintained, and being more particularly described as follows: PERMANENT EASEMENT • BEING a tract of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey , Abstract No. 849, Collin County, Texas , said tract of land being an easement 15 feet in width over, under and across that parcel of land described in a deed to Perry Easterling , Trustee , dated May 16 , 1984 , and recorded in Volume 1899 , Page 704 of the Deed Records of Collin County , Texas , and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at a point in the South property line of said Easterling tract, which bears North 89°11' East, 959.4 feet from the southwest corner of said Easterling tract ; THENCE North 09°OO ' West , 4. 4 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE North 06°43 ' West , 500. 4 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 02° 10' West , 917 . 14 feet to a point for corner in the North property line of said Easterling tract ; THENCE North 89°45' East , along said North property line , 15.0 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 02°10 ' East , 916 . 0 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 06°43 ' East , 499 . 6 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 09°00 ' East , 6.2 feet to a point for corner in the south property line of said Easterling tract ; THENCE South 89° 11' West , 15. 15 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.490 acres of land. • -2- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT For the same consideration above recited , we do hereby grant , sell and convey, and there is by these presents granted , sold and conveyed unto the said City of Wylie , Texas , the right and easement to use for construction purposes only and during the period of actual construction of said first described pipe line only , an additional strip of land described under the heading "Temporary Construction Easement" adjacent to the above described 15 foot wide easement strip of land for the full length thereof, the temporary construction easement granted on said additional land to terminate and cease upon completion of the installation of said pipe line as follows : BEING a strip of land 60 feet wide situated in the -aforesaid Easterling tract , whose boundaries lay 20 feet West of and 40 feet East of and parallel with the centerline of the above described Sewer Easement and containing 2 . 0 acres of land . '• The Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall have, and it is hereby granted the right of ingress and egress for all purposes indicent to said grant. The said Grantors herein, their heirs and assigns, shall have the right fully to use and enjoy the said premises covered by the said above described easement except for the purposes hereinabove granted, and except for the purposes of erecting buildings or permanent structures over said right-of-way. The said City of Wylie, Texas, does further covenant and agree to pay for any damage that may be done to crops or fences by laying, erecting, maintaining, operating, or removing such pipe line; and the said City of Wylie, Texas, does further covenant and agree that the pipe line laid upon the land above described shall be buried in such a manner that there shall be a minimum cover over the top of pipe barrel of at least four feet (4' ) through all lands designated as pasture or tillable land. At each fence a gate shall be erected on the easement with a chain fas- tener capable of holding a Grantor and Grantee lock for access. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said City of Wylie, Texas, its successors and assigns, the above described easement and right-of-way, and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises to the City of Wylie, Texas, its suc- cessors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof herein. 4WIFNESS HANDS) at w .1 62 ,� County, Texas, this the / ,t;() day of i` rke.-(4_.' , 1984 I 1) Ro EASEMENT DRAWING ATTACHED ' , -y ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS . I COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, a Notary Public i an for (1 County, Texas, on this day personally appeared / d-, - known to me to be the person whose ne is bscribedd to the foreg6ing instrument, and acknowledged to me that ,� � executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. DIVE UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFIC this the /VTL- day of , 19 f& N V j" Notary:i n State of Tout -ti Comminion Expires &7—) '','c of,ts"' , --Cf .// , , Notary Public, j�p7A) ounty, Te s My commission expires the ( day of (,tire./. T9) <44e1fgn A - 2_60,e6' e THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF COLLIN I BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for County, Texas, on this day personally appeared known tome to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that executed the same for the purpose and consideration ehrein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of , 19 Notary Public, County, Texas • my commission expires the day of ,19 . ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of , 19 CITY OF WYLIE John W. Akin , Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary * CITY OF WYLIE SEWER EASEMENT STATL OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT (i4P.4- hereafter termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of he Count of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars and no cents ($ �)• (j/ .00) , and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the City of Wy- lie, g of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, the receipt and sufficiency presents GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these GRANT and CONVEY unto the o s ed City of Wylie the following described trsorpcelsiofwliind situated in Cos lin County, Texas for use as utility easementsupon described as er may be constructed and maintained, and being more particularly follows : PERMANENT EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a 1 . 198 acre tract of land situated Texas . Lhe Jhn and beingWanMease�eent ll Survey , Abstract No. 589 , Collin 15 feet in width over under and across that 129.14 acre tract of land conveyed to Robert V. Thurmond , Jr. , and described in two deeds , First deed for 78.04 acres of land recorded January 23. 1984 in Volume 1814 . Page 758 of the Deed Records of Collin County. Texas , Second deed for 51. 10 acre of land recorded January 27 , 1984 inVolume ol Texas ,umen18d 7 , Page ng n�o97 of the Deed Records of Collin County , re particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at a point in Westl ine of said Thurmond 129. 14 acre tract , same being the line of the fethn W.from theMitchell Northwest cornersaid ofpoi said nt bears South O1° 17 East , 528. 1 fe Thurmond 129 . 14 acre tract ; THENCE North 59°36 ' East , 334 . 8 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE North 89°38 ' East , 1004 . 0 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 07°05 ' East , 1812 . 8 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 02° 10' East , 340. 3 feet tract ; oapoint fur corner in the Southline of said Thurmond 129 . 14 THENCE South 89°45' West , along said Southline , 15.0 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE North 2° 10 ' West , 339 . 2 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE North 07°05 ' West , 1798 . 8 feet to a point for corner ; 1HENCE South 89°38 ' West , 985 . 7 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 59°36' West , t, 149. 1 acre feet tra o a point for corner in the West line of said Thurmond THENCE North 01° 17 ' West ,la( 77 . 2 feet to the Point of Beginning and Containing 1 . 198 acres /4/` • • TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT For the same consideration above recited we do hereby grant, sell and convey, and there is by these presents granted, sold and conveyed unto the said City ,f Wylie, Texas, the right and easement to use for construction purposes only and during the period of actual construction of said first described pipe line only, an additional strip of land described under the heading "Temporary Construction Easement" adjacent to the above described 15 foot wide easement strip of land for the full length thereof, the temporary construction easement granted on said additional land to terminate and cease upon completion of the installation of said pipe line as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a strip of land 60 feet wide situated in the aforesaid Thurmond 129. 14 acre tract , whose boundaries lay 20 feet West and South of and 40 feet East and North of and paral lel with the centerline of the above described Sewer Easement and containing 4 . 5 acres of land. -3- The Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall have, and it is hereby granted the right of ingress and egress for all purposes indicent to said grant. The said Grantors herein, their heirs and assigns, shall have the right fully to use and enjoy the said premises covered by the said above described easement except for the purposes hereinabove granted, and except for the purposes of erecting buildings or permanent structures over said right-of-way. The said City of Wylie, Texas, does further covenant and agree to pay for any damage that may be done to crops or fences by laying, erecting, maintaining, operating, or removing such pipe line; and the said City of Wylie, Texas, does further covenant and agree that the pipe line laid upon the land above described shall be buried in such a manner that there shall be a minimum cover over the top of pipe barrel of at least four feet (4' ) through all lands designated as pasture or tillable land. At each fence a gate shall be erected on the easement with a chain fas- tener capable of holding a Grantor and Grantee lock for access. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said City of Wylie, Texas, its successors and assigns, the above described easement and right-of-way, and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises to the City of Wylie, Texas, its suc- cessors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof herein. WITNESS �fj r HAND(S) at �'� ' att&pf)� yam, County, Texas, this the -/- / ) ���� day of 0 19:• 1 (�,l(: , � / (// Fo�PN V, 77 ,,Nti,,0-►-lc1 fn Z 3i S 19. EASEMENT DRAWING ATTACHED -4- ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, a Notary Public,;--n and for ��'j� County, Texas , on this day personally appeared k/1`-Z_,(- zi>-ji/x (,, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that '�� rC��" �Arr-0/(7>zi , executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. gjyEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the / � day of ) Notary Public,State of km "" 6 /0 1 (lie) r>s Commission Expires Notary Public, County, exas /ae /4e0 e0e My commission expires the me day of "TVA/L,k -711172F THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for County, Texas, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that _executed the same for the purpose and consideration ehrein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of , 19 . Notary Public, County, Texas My commission expires the day of ,9 ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of , 19 CITY OF WYLIE John W. Akin , Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ,� r 1ilim "- ® 1404' 17' W P-o-B. '200 0 200_ 400 r7.2' �501' 17'E scale �� feet 5 ab.1' • ROBERT \/. -TNURMOND 3R. S 59'36'w \ N 59' 36 E Vol. 1017, Ps. 597 339.1 .334.8' Vo . 18t4, P9. 758 • I I S 89. 39'W N 8'3' 38'E. , 966.T 10CI4.0 \ 'AccesS SM'T. /Ot 30 E . I0 Not' °S. W ' - -' --- z .„ if,_ �___�_ 5 O7 0 05' 1812-a 2 S 89'45'W 339.2 l J 1 S.t3' -- E `Mr E 15' '5EWER ESM'T ,, 02 C_coNTFINIAIG 1.198 ACRES) 1 ENBLACKWELL 9 ASSOCIATES, INC. tM4MttM1 M0"SUMvt MO •LwMwt MO MO MOO,M Il.[MMOMO Iwtt.a. tkt,“ . , *- ie CITY OP' WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 March 10 , 1986 Jerry L. Hammers Reservoir Manager Lavon Project Office P . 0 . Box 429 Wylie , Texas 75098-0429 Dear Mr . Hammers : This letter will confirm the intent of the City of Wylie , Texas to enter into a cooperative agreement for the Supplement Law Enforcement services with the U. S . Army Corps . of Engineers . I am enclosing a cost breakdown of the expenses for the 1508 manhours of supplemental patrols during the period May 1 , 1986 through September 20, 1986. I am also enclosing a copy of the resolution , passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie in regular session on Tuesday , February 25 , 1986 , which authorizes me , as City Manager of Wylie , to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Wylie . If you have any further questions , please do not hesitate to contact my office . H P Gus �app City Mana r GHP: bl encl . (2) cc : Royce Abbott , Chief of Police COST BREAKDOWN - CITY OF WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTRACT LABOR EXPENSE: SALARY - 1508 hours X $12.23 hr. Base Salary - $18,443.00 FICA - (0.715% of $18,443.00 - $ 1,319.00 INSURANCE - ($65.00 X 10 People X 5 Months)' - $. 3,250.00 TOTAL LABOR EXPENSE - $23,012.00 AUTO EXPENSE: VEHICLE ALLOWANCE - 8000 Miles X 34 per mile - $ 2,400.00 FUEL ALLOWANCE - 8000 Miles at 94 per gallon - 10 Miles per gallon - 4000 gallon X 90 - $ 3,600.00 EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE - Oil, Vehicle Service, and Repair $12.00 per day X 153 Days - $ 1,836.00 TOTAL AUTO EXPENSE - - $ 7,836.00 GRAND TOTAL - $30,848.00 / F.; EE ?� AST CON IiE TI:PANEL MAILING ..ii 1.DINGS &S rLLAL TIE:;. P.O. BOX 15580 t'ENT NOS 3 ,251R5. FT.WORTH,TEXAS 76119 E-5 '83&3,7 { LL, DELIVERY. CORPORATION 1150 E MANSFIELD HWY • ' ,3ETONEzt1 : a 1'3i INTERNATIONAL. 'HWY 287 SO.1 METROS 0751 NATIONAL OFFICES March 11, 1986 City of Wylie Re: 200 'x200 ' City Hall 114 N. Ballard Municipal Complex P. O. Box 428 Less 6400 courtyard Wylie, TX 75098 33 , 600 sq. ft. Attn: Gus Pappas City Manager EXHIBIT "A" BUILDING CONTRACT SPEED FAB-CRETE CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL will furnish labor and materials to do the following specified work in accordance with the nationally accepted, approved and patented methods and techniques known as the Speed Fab-Crete System as per preliminary drawing by Lee Stuart and Associates Architects : WALLS: Lightweight Speed Fab-Crete panels sponge finished and shadowline joints. 5" thick 15 ' , 18 ' , and 21 ' all exterior walls to be parapet walls. ROOF: Clear span 30 ' using steel bar joist, joist girders and tubular columns per plans . Roof designed for 20# liveload. 22 ga. "Vulcraft" or equal metal decking spot welded to joist. All steel factory primed. 3/4" Owens-Corning Fiberglass or equal insulation above metal deck with 1 ply . 82 lb per sq. ft. U.S. Intec/Brai roofing and sealed with Parr Fibrus aluminum sealant. Roof guaranteed by roofing manufacturer for 12 years backed by insurance policy. Roof ' s slope to East and West outside walls using 26 gauge galvanized scupper through parapet walls and 20 3 1/2" x 6" downspouts . PRE-CAST INTERIOR All jail walls, dividers and ceilings to meet state jail codes . File room vault to be 4 hour rated walls and ceiling with 3 hour rated door. SITE-BUILDING Building site plus 5 ' outside building lines to have high pressure injection of 2 . 5 to 3 . 0 pounds hydrated lime per gallon of water. Specific gravity of solution shall range between 1 . 14 and 1.16 specific gravity. Injection pipe shall be forced downward in approximately 12" intervals 5 ' on center each way with pressure range of 50 to 200 PSI . Injection to refusal at each interval for total depth of 7ft. Double injection as required, after injection completed, ground surface shall be scarified, the lime thoroughly mixed into the surface soil and uniformly recompacted 24" select fill, with PI less than 12 should be placed in thin lifts not over 12" and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of ASTMD698 (Standard Proctor) maximum density of a moisture content within 3 percent of optimum. City of Wylie March 11, 1986 Page -2- SITE PARKING & DRIVE: 6" hydrated lime or 6" cement stabilization or 3 ' lime penetrating 5 ' o.c.e.w. scarified and compacted. FOUNDATION: 4" 5 sack concrete over 4" cushion sand and #3 rebar 18" o.c.e.w. 12" x 24" perimeter beams under all load bearing walls with four #5 rebar continuous and #3 stirrups every 6 ' . 4" void boxes under grade beams and 6 mil moisture barrier. 99 Piers - 24" belled to 60" and 18 - 20" belled to 48" , 10 ' deep with #3 spirals 12" rise and #5 rebar per plans. TAPE & GROUT: Tape interior and exterior joints with Butyl tape and Flex-kote exterior joints. Grout brickledge as well as interior joints with sand, cement and Rhoplex. TESTING: By Owner. PARKING & DRIVE: 6" - 5 sack concrete over #3 rebar 18" o.c.e.w. CURBING & CAR BUMPERS: Approximately 4000 ' of 8" stand-up curbing. 95 precast car bumpers. STRIPPING: Parking and handicap as per plans. PORCHES & WALKS: 4" thick 5 sack concrete over 6x6x6/6 welded wire mesh and 4" cushion sand 12 ' wide and in center of court yard, and 5 ' around entire building. Behind signs and fence at entrance. BUILDING PERMITS: No allowance made. No sales taxes included. SHOP DRAWINGS: By Speed Fab-Crete with registered engineer's stamp. MISCELLANEOUS STEEL: All plates, shelf angle, deck angle, rods and tubular steel as shown on drawings. FLOORING: Armstrong or equal 3/32" vinyl composition tile or equal in all areas including all entries and 10 ' around open area - restrooms and left hand 1/2 of building except jail cell areas, this to be cement sealed with proper sealant. Rest of building including file and adjacent 2 North rooms to have 100% continuous filament Olefin 28 oz. carpet. Approximately 17,037 sq. ft. of carpet and 14,596 sq. ft. of tile. Wood flooring in Council Chambers with 18" rise, 12" rise in Dispatch room. Wood banister and rail on 4 steps in Council room. DRY WALLS: All exterior pre-cast walls except cell walls to be furred out with 3 5/8" metal studding, packed with 3 1/2" fiberglass sheet rock and covered with 5/8" sheet rock. All interior walls to be taped, textured and painted. All interior pre-cast walls not sheet rocked except cell walls to be Dantexed. Ceiling height 10 ' except as noted. Ceiling to be 2' x 2 ' Armstrong or equal 5/8" fissured Mineral ceiling with 6" batt insulation above. Jail walls and ceilings to be Dantexed and Epoxyed. /4_ City of Wylie March 11, 1986 Page -3- WOOD DOORS : Solid core prefinished stain grade in prefinished metal frames with 3 butts and Schlage or equal hardware as per plans. Brass push, pull, kick plate on large restrooms. METAL DOORS: "Ceco" brand or hollow core with Schlage hardware. GLASS DOORS: (4 ) exterior entries to have 4 pair double doors with 2 ' tramsoms and Panic hardware on 1/2 of doors. Single doors on 4 entries into court yard, with 3 ' side liter on each door. All doors bronze anodized frames with bronze tinted glass. WINDOWS: Each side of court yard to have total of 12 - 4 ' wide x 6 ' tall Bronze tinted 1/4" plate and bronze anodized aluminum frames. Exterior windows total (24 ) 12" x 72" ; (1) slider 12 ' wide x 3 ' tall with lock and (1) 11' x 5 '-clear with 2 dividers. All frames to be bronze anodized. DRIVE THROUGH 5 ' x 3 ' manufactured by Hamilton Safe Co. with WINDOW: bullet proof glass, electric drawer and intercom in stainless steel frame. EXTERIOR FINISH: 3/8" - 5/8" Chico Limestone aggregate on all exterior walls-except where 4 ' Dantexed band, ribbed walls, canopy and entry panels. Colors to be selected. Prime and paint all exposed metal not prefinished. SIGNS & FENCE: Per plans, with bronze anodized lettering! l'high on Chico Limestone base-back of signs and fence Dantexed. DRIVE THROUGH Pre-cast 2 ' high panels 20 ' x 24 ' supported by CANOPY: (2) 10 ' 12" x 12" precast columns with 2 ' x 4 ' weather proof clipped in ceiling - roofing same as building. At 4 entries 16 ' wide 2 ' high panels. FRAMED OPENINGS: 15 - for roof top air conditioners. BLOCK-OUTS: For windows and doors. CABINETS: 14 ' total feet of bottom cabinet in meeting room; and 30 ' counter, 3 -vanities, 9 ' L-shaped cabinets for drive through windows. 4 desk shevles in Testing and "Formica" top for slider window in Clerk and Reception area. Cabinets to be Ash wood facing staining and lacquering. Drawers and doors per plans "Wilson Art Clad" laminated plastic or equal tops and 4" splash back where required. BATH FIXTURES: 12 stainless steel towel dispensers, 21 toilet paper dispensers, 14 soap dispensers, 8 handicap bars. (3) 6 ' x 3 ' mirror in ladies restrooms, and (6) 12" x 24" mirrors. Push pull on rest room doors with kick plates and door closures. Total 13 door closurers. 20 Metal baked enamel toilet partitions with doors. 2 Urinal screens. Handicap bars. City of Wylie March 11, 1986 Page -4- JAIL EQUIPMENT: Furnish and install as follows: 10 Double Cells 10 ea. FA #408 Mirror and Frame. 10 ea. FA #410 Cell Seat and Table. 20 ea. FA #418 Shelf w/2 Safety Hooks. 20 ea. FA #519 Wall Mounted Bunk. 10 ea. Grating Cell Fronts w/food pass. 30 ea. FA #5 Gap Hinges 10 ea. FA #82 Lock Large Dayroom & Safety Vestibule 3 ea. Grating Door and Wall Assembly 9 ea. FA #5 Gap Hinges 3 ea. FA #412 Spider Tables 1 ea. 4 ' x 3 ' Frame w/Security Glass Juv Cell 1 ea. 146A Door w/light and 3/16" frame 1 ea. FA #408 Mirror and Frame 2 ea. FA #418 Shelf w/2 Safety Hooks 1 ea. FA ,#410 Cell Seat and Table 2 ea. FA #519 Wall Mounted Bunk 3 ea. FA #4-1/2 Hinges 1 ea. #82 Lock Female Cells and Dayroom 2 ea. Grating Cell Fronts w/food pass 9 ea. FA #5 Gap Hinges 3 ea. FA #82 Lock 4 ea. FA #519 Wall Mounted Bunk 2 ea. FA #408 Mirror and Frame 2 ea. FA #418 Shelf w/2 Safety Hooks 3 ea. FA #410 Cell Seat and Table 1 ea. 146A Door w/light and 3/16" frames Miscellaneous 14 ea. Chase Plates w/cutouts 10 ea. Keys Security Light Fixtures 14 ea. Wall angle mounted cell light w/night light - Star #55 7 ea. Ceiling Fixture - Star #53-121-U 8 ea. Ceiling Fixture w/night light - Star #53-121-NLU 2 ea. Wall Mounted exit light Star #60 Series 25 ea. Security Grilles 4 ea. 30 Second shower valves Precast shower walls with 18" legs per plans. 13 ea. - Stainless steel combination commodes - 1846 Willoughby or equal. Exhaust system with make up air for jail. HVAC: 100 ton Carrier or equal roof top with gas fired furnaces, 3 phase units property ducted. (10 ) 5 ton and (5) 10 ton units each with thermostats properly ducted. 9 - Vent fans. FLAG POLES: 3 - Aluminum 30 ' tall installed with concealed rope for locking. City of Wylie March 11, 1986 Page -5- PLUMBING: Plumbing according to the City of Wylie plumbing code. Services 5 ft. outside building only. Using PVC drain system and copper water pipe: Public RR - by Chief's Office: Women's RR: 5 elong w/c floor mount tank type AS 2109.405 3 - Counter top lays 19" round SR porcelain steel AS Men's RR - 3-elong w/c floor mount tank type AS 2109.405 4 - Wallhung urinals AS 6500 w/186 Flush valve 2 - Wallhung lays AS 0355.1121 1 - Janitor sink Fiat LI w/legs 1 - Wallhung EWC, 1-10 Gal EWH State or equal. Dispatch RR - 1 - elong w/c #2109.4051 - wall hung lay w/insta hot water Locker RR - 4 - elong w/c #2109.405, 3 - 19" SR counter top lays, 3 - 3 ft. x 3 ft. Fiberglas showers. Employees RR: Women's RR: 5 - elong w/c AS 2109.405, 3-Counter top Por. steel lays. Men's RR: 3-Elong w/c AS 2109.405, 4-AS 6500 urinals w/186 flush valves. 2-Wallhung lays. 1- Janitor sink, Fiat L1 w/legs 1-WM8A EWC, 1-10 Gal w/h. 1 - 25 x 22 SS lunch room sink Gas line for 5 - 10 ton A/C units, 10 - 5 ton A/C units. 3 - Frost proof hose bibbs thru wall. Courtyard: 2 - hydrants in valve boxes. 4 - 2x2 concrete boxes w/4" drain run under building, 4" overflows. Jail House Area: 1 - WM8A EWC 13 - Cell— Rough-in and connect. Owner furnishing fixtures. 10 - 2" Josam security floor drains 1 - 2" floor drain under big w/h. 1 - 100-260 State or equal gas w/h. ELECTRICAL: Furnish 800 amp 3 phase 277/480 volt, 5 ft. outside of building for underground service. Equipment as follows: A 291 2x4 lay-in, 4-light Fluorescent reccessed B 12 S240 Surface mt. 2-light fluorescent strip C 2 175 Watt M.H. recessed canopy light D 13 175 Watt M.H. wall mount wall pack E 3 150 Watt incand wall bracket wall mounted F 8 150 Watt incand recessed entry lights G 1 Two lights 10" drum 60 watt surface mt. X 8 Exit emergency battery back-up lights Rec 180 Standard type Rec 1 Ground fault type Rec 4 Weather proof type Rec 10 Isolated ground computer type Switches 66 Standard single pole (277 volt) Switches 4 Three way 277 volt HVAC 5 ton R.T.U. 10 Furnished by Others (power wiring only) HVAC 10 ton R.T.U. 5 Furnished by Others (power wiring only) Exhaust Fans 9 Furnished by Others Security 31 Lights-all items furnished by Owner Emergency 1 15 KW 277/480 volt generator gas fired. Furnish 1" conduit and 3 #6 wire for 5 - 250 watt Weatherproof Flood lights with timer to light signs, fence and flag. Does not include power company charges, telephone conduit system, fire alarm system, security system. • City of Wylie March 11, 1986 Page -6- TOILET: Provide temporary. JOB OFFICE: Provide temporary. SUPERVISION: Speed Fab-Crete will provide supervision as necessary and will coordinate all work to assure items in this contract are performed in a timely, workmanship manner. CLEANUP: Clean, mop and polish vinyl floors and vacuum carpets. Clean windows and remove any debris from building and building site. INSURANCE: Speed Fab-Crete will furnish Certificate of Insurance covering Workman's Compensation and Public Liability and Builder's Risk to cover the work to be performed by Speed Fab-Crete. BOND: Payment and Performance included. NOTE: This contract one (1) year guarantees material and workmanship. TOTAL FOR ABOVE: $1,725,480.00 ACCEPTED: ACCEPTED: 14a1-4-41e't • , • rQ s l/-(6. City of Wylie Date Speed Fab-Crete ifp. Intl. Date This price is good for fifteen (15) days from above date. NOTE: This contract price is based on current local prices. Engineering, City, Statle, Federal or Owner requirement, could cause a final contract price to vary (up/down) from this price. • / � / FIRST COMPANY INVESTMENT BANKERS 800 DALLAS BUILDING 1807 COMMERCE ST. DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 DAVID K. MEDANICH (214, 742-6461 VICE PRESIDENT March 19, 1986 Mr. Gus Pappas City Manager City of Wylie P. O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: $160,000 City of Wylie, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 1986 Dear Gus: In regard to the proposed issuance of the above described bonds, Section 20 of the City's outstanding Bond Ordinance, relevant to the issuance of additional bonds, provides that in order for the City to issue the proposed bonds net revenues for the fiscal year immediately preceding the issuance of such additional bonds (9-30-85) be at least equal to one and one-half (1.50) times the maximum annual debt service requirements on the outstanding revenue bonds, as well as the new bonds. With the issuance of the new bonds the City's estimated maximum annual debt service payment, assuming an 8.25% rate on the new bonds, will be $86,063 which would require net revenues for fiscal year ended 9-30-85 of at least $129,095 (86,063x1.50). It would appear from the City's 1985 Audit Report that sufficient revenues are available to pay for the bonds, however, before the sale of the bonds the City's certified public accountant must certify the net revenues in his report as having the same meaning as defined in the City's Ordinance regarding the issuance of additional bonds, as passed by the City Council on March 1, 1980. Therefore, a conference with the City's CPA is suggested to make this determination. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call. Sincerely yours, David K. Medanich DKM:dp