01-24-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 24, 2011 - 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Announcing the presence of a Quorum, Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
Board Members present: Dan Chesnut*, Cristine Price, Gary Robas and Matt Rose, Jim Ward and Brandi Lafleur
Staff members present: Public Services Director, Mike Sferra, Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board
Secretary, Nancy Williams.
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Overview and Training for the City Council Chambers Technology
Board Secretary Nancy Williams gave the Board Members a summary and instructions on use of the new
technology(checking in/out, voting, microphone use and presentations) in the City Council Chambers.
2. Consider,and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the December 20,2010 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Rose made a motion, seconded by Board Member Robas to approve the minutes from the
December 20, 2010 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 7-0.
3. Consider and act upon ranking and selecting the top two architectural firms to make a
presentation to the City Council for the Trails Master Plan and Neighborhood Parks Master
Plan projects after presentations by second and third ranked candidates:
Presentation made by:
a. Philip S. Neeley Studio Director of Land Design Partners, Robert Cunningham, Project
Manager/Landscape Architect and Elizabeth Mcllrath, Landscape Architect, 5310 Harvest Hill
Rd., Suite 100, Dallas and
b. Thomas K. Yantis, Jeff Hogan, Tim Bargainer of Lochner-BWR Division, 12001 n. Central
Expressway, Suite 1050, Dallas, TX
Board Discussion
Parks Superintendent Diaz summed up the scoring process of the review committee for the Trails Master
Plan and the Neighborhood Parks Master Plan, consisting of Director Sferra, Board Members Robas and
Ward as well as himself. Each of the seven proposals was scored by individual committee members and the
highest score given to Teague, Nall and Perkins. The committee is recommending TNP give a presentation to
the Council second ranking was very close and it was requested that Land Design Partners and Lochner-
BWR Division team members make a presentation to the PAR Board for selection of the second candidate to
give a presentation to the City Council.
After the presentations Chairwoman Hiney requested input from the Board Members and specifically from the
Selection Committee. Director Sferra explained the normal process of recommending the top two firms for
projects to the City Council wherein they then make the selection of the firm to negotiate with. Director Sferra
also clarified that the Board can also make the decision to select one firm for the Trails Plan and another for
the Neighborhood Parks Plan.
Member Rose voiced his feeling that Lochner was more geared toward Neighborhood Parks and Land Design
toward Trails. Member Wards and Chair Hiney concurred but Chair Hiney noted that Lochner's municipal
experience would be a plus. Member Ward contributed that one of the discrepancies noted by the committee
was that Land Design was a local firm and Lochner was mainly out of the Metroplex. Member Price noted
Land Design made suggestions whereas Lochner asked a great many questions but also had the same feel
as members Rose and Hiney that there were separate strengths for each company that might benefit the City
on the separate projects. Member Robas concurred with the initial comments but he also perceived Lochner's
approach to the separate areas as problems with no specific solutions in that the Forrest Ross area would be
treated as a standard park instead of the special entrance to the Corps area the Board perceived it to be,
therefore, he was more impressed with Land Design's treatment of the area.
Board Action
Board Member Ward made a motion, seconded by Board Member Price to select Land Design Partners as
the second firm along with Teague, Nall and Perkins to make presentations to the City Council for the Trails
Master Plan and Neighborhood Parks Master Plan projects. A vote was taken and passed at 7-0.
4. Discuss progress of Community Park project.Presentation was made by Chris Seely, Project
Manager with Teague, Nall and Perkins, Inc., 12160 N. Abrams Rd., Suite 508, Dallas, TX 75243.
Board Discussion
Mr. Seely informed the Board that they are currently at the 95% plan stage. Details are still being worked out
regarding fencing around backstops, pavement joints were not included in the plans and making sure notes
on plans are correct. Site plans submitted this week for review with Planning and Zoning and on agenda for
February 15, 2011. Goal is to bid the project by late February or early March.
Since last meeting a number of plan changes have occurred. Member Robas inquired as to the current
orientation of the building and placement of transformer. Mr. Seely informed the Board that no matter how
they adjusted the field to the current transformer it turned into a maintenance and grading issue. The cost
difference to work around the current 25 plus year-old transformer vs. moving to new location and installing a
new transformer was minimal so after numerous discussions with staff it was decided to have a new
transformer installed in a more viable location; which is why the building is placed in the current location. Mr.
Seely will have discussions with Oncor to see if they will give us any kind of credit or discount on the new
There are two Atmos gas line easements in the ball fields and one petroleum gas line easement on the north
side on the school property. Atmos has agreed that our fence line can come within 10 feet of their easement.
Keeping the fence line of the fields at 280' will require Atmos to give us an additional allowance of 1 %feet in
some areas; Mr. Seely will negotiate a 280' line with Atmos. Working with the leagues and staff toward this
goal with a possible 10'fence in places, perhaps with Ivy or other embellishments will continue. Chair Hiney
inquired as to depth of gas lines. Mr. Seely indicated a minimum of three feet. When a sidewalk intersects the
easements sidewalks are built one inch thicker with fiber reinforcements instead of rebar. Member Rose
asked Mr. Seely if they had looked into bringing the trail at Cooper closer to the fence. Mr. Seely indicated
they had not at this time but they would for safety reasons.
Pavement joints show plaza area with a"W" showed are joints in concrete (stained concrete at same level)
not extra pavers or inserts. Indicated circles on plans are for planted trees to give it the same green feel.
"Community Park"will be on the front of the concession stand. Mr. Seely is having architect look at the plans
to trim costs where possible without sacrificing quality. Split face CMU will be used instead on the face to cut
cost where possible.
Special Session Minutes January 24,2011
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Chair Hiney asked about the resolution for the screening on the concession. Top openings have been
changed to louvers with solid metal panels making it more secure yet still decorative and the louvers serving
for ventilation. They are currently working on issues to solve insect ingress.
Member Rose asked why the electrical panels were shown in the league storage area, causing limited
storage space and why not on the City side. Mr. Diaz replied the rooms were almost identically sized and
could serve either purpose and could be recoded. It was also not finally determined if they would remain
inside or out along with irrigation controls. Member Rose indicated the league needed more shelf space
storage. He also inquired if there was top open ventilation with a drop ceiling. Mr. Seely said he would make
sure that wasn't the case.
Member Robas inquired as to the bleacher location and if there was additional seating throughout the park
planned. Mr. Seely said he would look into it. Member Ward suggested putting seating around the tree rings.
Site Plan submitted to Planning and Zoning will include all items intend but if everything doesn't get built at
this stage due to budgetary concerns it won't have to go back to P&Z when the time comes to build it.
Member Rose expressed concern over the curbs and younger park participants running and falling. Mr. Seely
said he would look into using something else in those areas near the T-Ball fields. Member Rose said the
league would look at putting in some fences if the contractors could not due to drainage and erosion issues.
Field fencing will be the same except for outfield at 6 feet. Mr. Seely requested input to make sure it works for
all. He will pass on to staff. Teague Nall and Perkins will continue to review the site plans and concerns
brought up at this meeting.
Chairwoman Hiney recessed the Board into Closed Session at 8:39 p.m. in compliance with Section 551.001, et.
seq. Texas Government Code to wit:
Section 5551.072 (Real Property) of the Local Government Code Vernon's Texas Code Annotated
(Open Meetings Act).
• Discuss vacant property on corner of Westgate and Fleming
Chairwoman Hiney reconvened into regular session at 9:02 p.m.
Take any action as a result from Executive Session.
• Discussion and possible action on matters discussed in executive session.
There was no action taken by the Wylie Parks and Recreation Board as a result of executive session.
A motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Ward and seconded by Board Member Price. The meeting was
adjourned at 9:04 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Nancy Willi , Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chair
Special Session Minutes January 24,2011
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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