04-08-1986 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA SUMMARY TUESDAY, APRIL er 19S6 ITEM NO. 8 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - No additions or corrections. ITEM NO. 2 - CANVASS THE VOTES OF APRIL 5 ELECTION - This is the official action of the Council validating the election held on Saturday, April 5. ITEM NO. 3 - SEATING OF NEW COUNCIL - At this time, the newly elected Mayor and Councilmembers will be given the oath of office and the new Council will be seated and proceed to conduct the business of the evening. ITEM NOS. 4-11 - APPROVE ANNEXATION ORDINANCES FOR LAKE ANNEXATIONS 12-19 - This is the final action making these tracts a part of the corporate limits of Wylie. ITEM NO. 12 PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 62 ACRES ON HO0PER. ROAD - This property, described as 62. 3 acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey, Collin County Abstract 660, is located on the southeast corner of Hooper Road and SH78. This tract is one of those belonging to the Louis Reese Co. that is covered by the TRO from Sachse. While we cannot sign any annexation ordinance or zoning ordinance, we can still hold the public hearings and be prepared if the outcome is in our favor. The petitioner is asking for SF3 zoning on this tract. The staff has reviewed the petition and find that it is compatable with requested zoning on the tract across from it. The P&Z heard this petition and recommend approval by unanimous vote. ITEM NO. 13 - ZND PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 31 ACRES ON 8H78 - This property is described as 31 . 862 acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey, Collin County Abstract 660 and is located just south of Century Business Park on SH78. It is the site of three junkyards which the City desires to have some control over. This will afford the City that opportunity. This is the final public hearing before the formal action to be taken at a later meeting, after the 20 day waiting period has been satisfied. ITEM NO. 14 - 1ST PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 2 ACRES ON S. SH78 - This property, described as 2' 0 acres (Tr. 6) out of the D. Strickland Survey, Collin County Abstract 841 , located on S. SH78 north of Century Business Park. This is the property where the Wylie Mobile Homes Sales is located. The City is initiating this annexation for the purpose of firming our borders along that strip. The owner has been notified and has not responded, either ''yea" or ''nay'' . This is the first public hearing before the Council . ITEM NO. 15 - 1ST PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 2.71 ACRES QN E. BROWN GT~ - This property, described as 2. 71 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688, is located on E. Brown Street just beyond the Oaks addition. This is the first public hearing before the Council of this annexation, initiated by the City. This 2. 71 acres represents three different tracts, two of which are owned by Mr . Perry Easterling, who has since come in to City Hall and signed a petition for voluntary annexation. The other tract , consisting of 2 acres is owned by Shiloh Baptist Church. We have heard nothing either way from them. At their meeting, the P&Z split their vote 2-2. Basically the reason for the split was a reluctance on the part of some of the members to initiate involuntary annexation of church property. ITEM NO. 86 - 1ST PUBLIC HEARING ON 2 ACRES ON E. SH78 NEAR LAKE LAVOW - This property, described as 2. 09 acres out of � the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688, is located at the entrance to Lake Lavon and is the site of the junkyard out there. The City has initiated this annexation in response to members of the Council and the community who would like for the City to have some jurisdiction concerning the proliferation and operation of this type business. We cannot force this business out, however, we can force the operator into compliance with the City ordinance regulating such businesses. This is the first public hearing before the Council . The City staff has advised the owner of the City' s intention and we have had no response either in opposition or support. The P&Z recommend approval . ITEM NO. 17 - IST PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF456 ACRES ON LAKE LA0QN - This property is described as 456 acres out of the O' Shelby Survey, Abstract 799; the Leroy Farmer Survey, Collin County Abstract 334 and the Josiah J. Turnham Survey, Collin County Abstract 919 and is located on Lake Lavon. It is part of the property known to us as the Caruth property. This is a voluntary annexation by the owner, Mr. Stanley Moussa. The P&Z recommends approval . The City staff is prepared to make a presentation explaining the facts relative to this annexation. Briefly, it is lawful for us to annex the property, we can serve it with water and sewer at the expense of the developer and the zoning, which is to be requested, is for the most part, large expensive homes, condo-type development and some business. ITEM NO. IS - 8ST PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 43.36 ACRES ON FM1378 - This property is described as 43. 36 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey, Collin County Abstract 629 and is located on the east side of FM1378. It lies between Birmingham Farms and Crescent Cove South. The City initiated this annexation; however, after advising the owners of the City' s intention, they responded affirmatively and will be in to City Hall next week to file a voluntary annexation petition. This is the first public hearing on this item. The P&Z voted to recommends approval . ITEM NO. 19 - 1ST PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 23.49 ACRES QW FM3412 AND FM1378 - This property is described as 23. 49 acres out of the C. Atterbury Survey, Collin County Abstract 22 and is located on the northeast corner of FM1378 and FM3412 and is the site of the cotton gin. The City initiated this annexation; however, after advising the owner by letter, of the City' s intention, the owner has stated his intention of signing voluntary papers and a petition for zoning. This item appeared before the P&Z on April 3, and they recommend approval . ITEM NO. 20 - ISl[ PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 5 ACRES ON W. FM544 - This property is described as 5. 0 acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey, Collin County Abstract 835 and is located on the west side of Steel Road. This property belongs to Mr. Roy Jacobs and has been the site of the barbecue stand etc. Mr. Jacobs had spoken with the staff some time ago about annexation; however, he was advised that the City would not be interested in "grandfathering" the existing use. Mr. Jacobs has now cleared that lot and has asked for annexation. The P&Z recommends approval . ITEM NO. 21 - AMENDMENT TO MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE - This amendment is placed before you at the request of the attorney for Southfork Mobile Home Park and calls for the deletion of the phrase which regulates the age of any mobile home being placed in the park initially. Our ordinance does not require that a mobile home be removed from the park after it is four years old, but it does state that a mobile home over four (4) model years old can not be moved in to a mobile home park within the City. There have been some homes moved in to Southfork older than the four model years and their owners have not received certificates of occupancy from the City. The contract that Mr. Holigan (the developer) signed clearly stated that he would abide by the ordinance and the ordinance clearly states this four year old provision and has stated that particular provision for a number of years. This is not a recent revision. While I admit that the four year age requirement is arbitrary, it does protect the mobile home parks from receiving homes that are old and dilapidated when they open up. The question really is, can the City feel comfortable with an ordinance that allows a three and a half year old home that has not been well taken care to move in to a mobile home park when it denies access to a four and a half year old mobile home that has been taken care of . The problem is, if you don' t have the arbitrary age, who then makes the decision. One important note that you should keep in mind is, that both the developer and his principal agent have admitted that they knew that this provision was in the ordinance and that the homes were allowed to move in as a result of overzealous sales and management personnel which they forgot to inform about the ordinance provision. Now they would like for- the Council to make it allright so that they will not have to move these people back out at their own expense and possibly even be sued. ITEM NO. 22 - APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR POINTE WEST - This plat has been reviewed by the engineering staff and forwarded to the P Z and now to the Council l for review and approval . The staff has found the plat to be in compliance and recommends approval . The F'&Z concur. ITEM NO. 23 - APPROVE REPLAT OF CENTURY BUSINESS PARK - The developer, Benedict Development, has requested replat to make the center 12 acre section one lot, to accomodate a buyer-. The engineering staff has revi ewed the repl at and recommends approval . A letter in your packet from the developer provides explanation of the replatted section. The F'&Z reviewed this item and recommends approval as submitted. All the plats presented to you on Tuesday night will be at the meeting for your full inspection and review. ITEM NO. 24 - APPROVE FINAL PLAT FOR HELMBERGER INDUSTRIAL PARK - This industrial park is directly adjacent to Regency Business Park and is located on Steel Road. The engineering staff has reviewed the plat and recommend approval . The F'&Z reviewed the plat and recommend approval as submitted. ITEM NO. , 25 - APPROVE FINAL PLAT FOR ROCKY TOP BUSINESS PARK - This business park is located within what we have referred to in the past as Steel Industrial Park. The engineering staff has reviewed the plat and recommend approval . The F'&Z reviewed the plat and recommend approval as submitted. The City Engineer is holding the construction plans for some changes. ITEM NO. 26 - APPROVE FINAL PLAT FOR REGENCY BUSINESS PARK The engineering staff has revi ewed this item and recommend approval ; the P <Z concurs after review. ITEM NO. 27 - ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITY EASEMENT FROM RONALD HOUSEWRIGHT - The offer of this easement was made in response to the request of the developer of Southfork Mobile Home Park for a sewer line in the area. It has been signed by the property owners, Ronald and Suzanne Housewright. The Housewrights received the customary $10. 00 for- the transferrance of the property. ITEM NO. 28 - ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITY EASEMENT FROM CLAUDE HOUSEWRIGHT - See comments above, ITEM NO. 29 - ACCEPTANCE OF WATER/SEWER LINES ON STEEL ROAD The engineering staff has made their inspections and tests and recommend approval on the basis of compliance. ITEM NO. 30 - ABANDONMENT OF R.O.W. ON SECOND STREET - This suggested abondonment is for ten ( 10) foot of right-of-way along second street between Butler and Brown Streets, giving five (5) feet of ROW to property owners on each side of the street. ITEM NO. 31 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR GRANT FROM STATE FOR BEAUTIFICATION - This grant, offered by the State and administered by the State Highway Dept. , is for $25, 000. 00 to be matched by the City in funds or work and materials, for the beautification of the City during this sesqui- centennial year. A meeting was held on Monday, March 31 which was well attended and indicated to those from the Hi ghway Department a keen interest in the City for a program of this kind. ITEM NO. 32 - AUTHORIZATION TO GO OUT FOR BIDS FOR METERING DEVICES - This metering device is for the Norte:; tank. You will recall that we tabled this item some time ago for further study. Since the time limit (90 days) has elapsed, we are required to advertise for bids on this item once again. ITEM NO. 33 - AUTHORIZATION TO GO OUT FOR BIDS FOR SITE PREPARATION AND PAVING FOR CITY HALL SITE - This is more or less a housekeeping matter. Contrary to the item in the Wylie News, the $1 . 7 million figure does include site and soil preparation and paving; however, on the advice of our City Attorney, we are asking for permission to advertise for bids on these two items. These two portions of the work were not included in the original bid package, so that portion of the contract needs to go through the bid process as well . ITEM NO. 34 - DISCUSSION PRIORITIZING STREETS FOR SPRING/SUMMER PROGRAM - We have talked about this step before, we feel now is the time to make our list, in order of priority, of the streets to be reconstructed during the Spring/Summer ' S6 program. ITEM NO. 35 - AUTHORIZATION TO GO OUT FOR BIDS FOR STREET RECONSTRUCTION MATERIALS - The items we need to bid are bulk quantities of emulsion, port l and cement and hot mix and are needed for the program of street reconstruction to be accomplished. ITEM NO. 36 - SET INTERVIEW DATE FOR CONULTING ENGINEERING FIRMS - The City staff , City Engineer, Director of Public Works and the City Manager, have reviewed some twenty (20) prospectus' and have narrowed the field to three firms. We woul.d like for you to set a date for interviewing and hearing the presentations of these three firms. We will need about three weeks to be prepared with questions and criteria. ITEM NO. 37 - AUTHORIZE REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERSIZING COSTS IN EASTRIDGE - Some time ago, the Council approved over- sizing for East Ridge. The devel open now has his improvements in place and is asking for reimbursement for the over-sizing done at the request of the City. The City Engineer has reviewed this item and recommends approval . EXECUTIVE SESSION: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 25° 1986 7:00 P. M. The Wylie City Council met in regular session Tuesday, March 25, 1986 at 7: 00 P. M. in the Community Center of Wylie. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes, Council Members Randall Gaston, Harold Spence, William Martin, and Percy Simmons, City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Public Works Director Bill Windham, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Finance Director James Johnson, Development Inspector Don White, Cal Westerhof , Sandra Donovan and other citizens' Councilman Fulgham was absent. Mayor Akin presided over the meeting. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and Councilman Martin gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There being no corrections or additions to the minutes, a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. RE-APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO CONSTRUCTION BOARD: The staff would suggest that three members be appointed for terms to expire January 1 , 1987 and four members whose terms would expire January 1 , 1988. The three members whose terms will expire January 1 , 1987 are Kevin St. John, Glen Morrow, and John Seeley. The four members whose terms will expire January 1 , 1988 are Mickey Foster, Mike Worthington, Raymond Sweeney and Marvin Blakey. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to re-appoint members to the Construction Board as stated above. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF WYLIE AND MURPHY: City Manager Gus Pappas recommends to the Council that this item be tabled, as the City of Murphy has not signed the agreement and returned it to the City of Wylie as of this date and time. Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - / / in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVE AND SIGN ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 320. 907 ACRES OUT OF THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 688: This property is located on the north side of East SH78, surrounding the site of the proposed Municipal Complex . The public hearing requirements have been satisfied and the 20 day waiting period has been met. Motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 320. 907 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County, Abstract No. 688. Seconded by Councilman Gaston' The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor' This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVE AND SIGN ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 148. 5696 ACRES OUT OF THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 688: This property is located on the south side of East SH78 and is adjacent to Wylie Ranch East' The public hearings requirements have been satisfied and the 20 day waiting period has been met. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 148. 5696 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County, Abstract No. 688. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor' PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 148. 5696 ACRES OUT OF THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY~ ABSTRACT NO. 688: this property is located on the south side of East SH78 and is adjacent to Wylie Ranch East. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing. The zoning request for this property is for Business 1 , Multi=family, Single Family 2 and Single Family 3. Mrs. Marge Feivor of 315 Callie Court wanted to know what the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended. City Manager Gus Pappas said that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends to Council Business 1 fronting Highway 78 and Single Family 2 for the remainder of the tract. Mr. Jim Feivor of 315 Callie Court said the proposal looks like the City if trying to improve the area. The developer is also trying to improve this area but it is not consistent with Wylie Ranch East - Beaver Creek - and Lazy Acres' This development will lower the life style of what has already r� ^ been built in this area. Multi-family will bring transit type people and will lower the value of the homes already built. Mr. Feivor said the residents of Wylie Ranch East feels this developers proposal is in conflict with the City' s Zoning Ordinance. The density is much greater on the proposal than what has already been built. Again Mr. Feivor said this would lower the value of the homes built in Wylie Ranch East. Mr. Feivor than asked the following questions; Is the City ready for this type of growth?; the City is already having problems with sewer, this is going to add to these problems? The presentation made to the Council on zoning of this property by Wylie Ranch East residents was a border of acre lots with 1 /4 acre lots and Single Family in the center of this property. Mr. Feivor said Planning and Zoning recommended Single Family 2 homes. Since the larger lots in the City has 10, 000 square feet than Wylie Ranch East is recommending the Council zone this property Single Family 1 . Mr. Feivor also stated that there was a petition of loandowners who are against this zoning in this area, but did not offer this petition to the City for record. Mr. Mark Arrington of 3385 Stone Road stated he was running for Justice of the Pease and if there are apartments, there will be more calls to answer. Mr. Doug Lewis owner of the 148 acres being discussed for zoning said he has listen to concerns from Planning and Zoning members and citizens. He said he then reviewed this area in order to help him ascertain the proper zoning plus had other meetings with City staff . Mr. Lewis said in his review and meetings with City staff , he looked at the following: Road ways around the area - Highway 78 - Brown St . - these are thoroughfares All commercial usage will be along Highway 78 Property West which is Wylie Ranch East, it is Mr. Lewis understanding from Planning and Zoning will zoned Single Family 2 if and when they come into the City of Wylie Multi-family is 900 feet from Highway 78 - all traffic will be going to Highway 78 and not through Wylie Ranch East until the southern boulevard is complete The land tract - Wylie Ranch East - has asked a lot of questions about zoning on this four- lane boulevard - this would give multi -family on one side and Single family on the other Development along Highway 78 - from USGS maps, with a draw down the center toward the lake, this tract has low elevation of 450 feet up to 500 feet -- about 80 foot drop on this tract. drainage running through this tract that has over 10% slop West of property is Single family 2 if and when it comes into the City West of Wylie Ranch East, is Duplex - Multi-family, Single family .?, and Commercial (Wyndham Estates) 320 acres across Highway 78 from this property is proposed zoning of Retail - Business Business 1- Multi -family - and Single Family East of this property is the lake. Mr. Lewis feels he has laid out his property were traffic will not go through existing tracts. He also feels he has buffered his tract from surroundings tracts. Restrictions on development is a better buffer than one acre tracts. Mr. Lewis also stated that the land fronting Highway 78 will be conforming with what is now zoned and what is in the planning stages of zoning. Mrs. Sandra Overman of 306 Woodhollow Court -wanted to know where Mr. Lewis lived. Mr. Lewis said in Austin, but he was very glad to be in Wylie. Jean Bush - stated that the land adjacent to the property being zoned is very pretty and she would like to buy it. Mr. Charles Lindsey - 2815 Stone Road wants to know where the kids will play, will they come over to other properties and other homes to play. Mr. Lewis said there is a proposed school in this area. Betty Key of 345 Callie Court said a place for kids to play not in school . The closest park is the park adjacent to the Library. Mr. Lewis said yes, he has considered this, but that this would be part of plating not zoning. Donna Lewis lives in Garland concerned about drainage. Mr . Lewis said all drainage, water and sewer will be approved by the City Engineering Department and this would be done at the time of plating. Marge Feivor- wanted to know the number of house and the number of apartments. City Manager Gus Pappas said this is a part of plating - SF-3 could have approximately 4 units per acre. Mr. Lewis said approximately 342 houses in Single Family and 18 units per acre for multi-family. City Manager Gus Pappas said that the development process takes out utility easements, street, and alleys and until / plating, this is not an accurate count for the number of houses or apartments. Mrs. Feivor said that we were still looking at the same number of homes. City Manager Gus Pappas said no, there were 40 units less in duplex , 34 units less multi -family, and 15 to 16 units less in single family. Lisa lives on East Brown wanted to know if the developer would pay for the widening of Highway 78. City Manager Gus Pappas said this was a part of plating, that each developer has to pay fees for preimeter street improvements, plus other fees. Along a state highway, he must pay a sum of money to put in one land of traffic on the frontage of this property. When the State comes through to widen Highway 78, his money will go to help the City pay their portion for the project. These improvements are to begin in 1987 and be completed in 1989. In addition he will be required to pay or make the improvements on Brown and on the east thoroughfare coming through (22 ft. of paving and dedicated R-O-W for both streets) . Mr. Feivor said Mr. Lewis is talking about what is being proposed and he is talking about what is already established on Stone Road and Kreymer. Sandra Donovan said with the City' s already existing problems with sewer is it to the advantage for the City to go ahead with this development. City Manager Gus Pappas said yes, Rush Creek Lift Station is ready to go on line, there will be no problems. Councilman Gaston wanted to know how long before first homes would be ready for move in on this development. Mr. Lewis said January or February for lots to be ready to be built on and late spring for homes to be completed and ready to move into. A total of approximately 36 to 42 months. Harold Stephens of Hilltop Circle does not see the purpose of this boulevard being put in on this development. City Manager Gus Pappas said that what is reflected is the thoroughfare plan which this City has. At time of development the entire boulevard will not be developed, but the Right-of-Way is given and can be extended when needed. Kreymer Lane is a Collin County thoroughfare and will become a six lane boulevard. Clyde Key of Cal l i e Court wanted to know if signal lights would be on Highway 78. City Manager Gus Pappas said yes, the City knows this and has requested street lights now for a help in making the turn off of Highway 78 and on to Kreymer . There are a number of intersections which will have to signaled as the City grows. There being no other questions, Mayor Akin closed the public hearing. APPROVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 148. 5696 ACRES OUT OF THE FRANCISCO DE LA F'INA SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 688: This property is located on the south side of East SH78 and is adjacent to Wylie Ranch East. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends Business 1 for the highway frontage and Single Family 2 for the remainder. Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve and sign the zoning ordinance for 148. 5696 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688 for 37. 09 Acres for Business 1 and the remainder being zoned Single Family 2. Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tern Hughes - against, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - against, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with four (4) in favor and two (2) against. APPROVE AND SIGN ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 15 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS COUNTY ABSTRACT 1384 AND COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 1100; AND 16 ACRES OUT OF THE WILLIAM SUTTON ABSTRACT 1275: This property is located on Pleasant Valley Road. The public hearing requirements have been satisfied as well as the 20 day waiting period. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 31 acres out of the Guadalupe de Los Santos Survey and the William Sutton Survey. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tern Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 31 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS COUNTY ABSTRACT 1.384, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 1100 AND WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY: ABSTRACT 1275: This property is located on Pleasant Valley Road. The request for zoning on this property is for agricultural zoning. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. APPROVE AND SIGN ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 31 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS COUNTY ABSTRACT 1384, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 1100 AND WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1275: This property is located on Pleasant Valley Road. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approve of agricultural zoning for this property. Motion was made by Mayor F'r-o Tem Hughes to approve and sign zoning ordinance for 31 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Dallas County Abstract 1384, Collin County Abstract 1100 and William Sutton Survey, Abstract 1275 with Agricultural. Zoning. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVE AND SIGN ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 60. 15 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 1100 AND 20 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS COUNTY, ABSTRACT 1384: This property is located on Old Sachse Road and has a total of 80. 15 acres. The owner of this property is Mr. Fred Bruner. The public hearings requirements have been satisfied as well as the 20 day waiting period. Motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 60. 15 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Collin County, Abstract No. 1100 and 20 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Dallas County, Abstract 1384. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor F'ro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - i n favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING FOR 80. 15 ACRES OUT OF GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS AND COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 1384 AND 1100: This property is located on Old Sachse Road, and the owner is Mr. Fred Bruner. The request for zoning is for Business 2 and SF, and Agricultural . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. APPROVE AND SIGN ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 80. 15 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS AND COLLIN COUNTIES ABSTRACT 1384 AND 1100: This property is located on Old Sachse Road. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends to the Council the zoning of Business 1 and Business 2 and Agricultural . This is deleting the 2F requested by Mr. Bruner. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve and sign zoning ordinance for the 80. 15 acres as follows: Business 1 - 18 Acres Business 2 - 12 Acres Agricultural - 50 Acres. Seconded by Councilman Spence. The vote was as follows: Mayor- Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVE AND SIGN ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 22 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 1100 AND 11.3. 89 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS COUNTY ABSTRACT 1384: This property is located on Pleasant Valley Road and is a total of 135. 89 acres. This property is owned by Mr. Roddy Groves. The public hearing requirements have been satisfied as well as the 20 day waiting period. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 135. 89 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Collin and Dallas Counties. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING FOR 135. 89 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS AND COLLIN COUNTIES ABSTRACT 1384 AND 1100: This property is located on Pleasant Valley Road, adjacent to Mr. Bruner' s property. The owner is Mr. Roddy Groves. The request for zoning is for Agricultural . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. APPROVE AND SIGN ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 1 '5. 89 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS AND COLLIN COUNTIES, ABSTRACT 1384 AND 1100: This property is located on Pleasant Valley Road, adjacent to Mr. Bruner' s property. The request for zoning is for Agricultural . The Planning and Zoning Commission has heard this petition and recommends this to Council for approval . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve and sign zoning ordinance for 135. 89 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Dallas and Collin Counties. Seconded by Councilman Spence. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor-, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVE AND SIGN ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 84. 98 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS COUNTY ABSTRACT 1384: This property is located between Pleasant Valley and Old Sachse Roads. This property is owned by Mr. H. A. Walker. The public hearing requirements have been satisfied as well as the 20 day waiting period. Motion was made by Councilman Spence to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 84. 98 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Dallas County. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - i n favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 84. 98 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS COUNTY, ABSTRACT 1384: This property is located between Pleasant Valley and Old Sachse Roads and is owned by Mr. H. A. Walker . The request for zoning is for Agricultural . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. APPROVE AND SIGN ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 84. 98 ACRES OUT OF THE GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, DALLAS COUNTY ABSTRACT 1384: This property is located between Pleasant Valley and Old Sachse Roads. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends this to Council for approval . Motion was made by Councilman Spence to approve and sign zoning ordinance for 84. 98 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Dallas County. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVE AND SIGN ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 7. 228 ACRES OUT OF THE DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 841 : This property is located west of the railroad tracts on SH78 and across from Century Business Park. The public hearing requirements have been satisfied as well as the 20 day waiting period. Motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 7. 228 acres out of the Duke Strickland Survey, Collin County. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 7. 228 ACRES OUT OF THE DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 841 : This property is located west of the railroad tracks on S. SH78 across from Century Business Park. The request for zoning is for Industrial . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing. Mr. Jim McKnight stated the Industrial Zoning was being requested on this 7. 228 acres but only approximately 2 acres could be use because of the soil conservation easement. City Manager Gus Pappas said this property is off Hensley Road and is a section at the bottom of the Harvard Hoagland 50 acre tract. Staff recommends approval of the Industrial Zoning, but this is the place to stop the Industrial Zoning. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends this for approval . There being no other questions, Mayor Akin closed the public hearing. APPROVE AND SIGN ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 7. 228 ACRES OUT OF THE DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 841 : This property is located west of the railroad tracts on S. SH78 across from Century Business Park. The request for zoning is for Industrial and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval . Motion was made by Councilman Spence /1 to approve and sign the zoning ordinance for 7. 228 acres out of the Duke Strickland Survey, Collin County for Industrial Zoning. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 190. 013 ACRES OUT OF THE C. A. MCMILLAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 588; THE MOSE PARKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT 849; THE J. MAXWELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT 582, COLLIN COUNTY: This property is located on west FM 544, west of the extension of McCreary Road. This property is located on the Murphy side of the proposed boundary line agreement between Murphy and Wylie' As of this date this agreement has not been signed by Murphy, staff recommends the Council to conduct the public hearing. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 9. 5055 ACRES AND 10. 0657 ACRES OUT OF THE R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 660; THE H. J. HARDIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 438, THE I . CLIFTON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 193, COLLIN COUNTY: This property is located on the corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 9, . 4 ACRES OUT OF THE I . CLIFTON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 193, THE J. HARDIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 438 AND THE R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 660, COLLIN COUNTY: This property is located on Hensley Road' Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed' FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 45. 763 ACRES OUT OF THE M. SPARKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT 849, COLLIN COUNTY: This property is located south of what is known as Southfork Mobile Home Park. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 125 ACRES OUT OF THE J. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT 589, COLLIN COUNTY: This property is known as Southfork Mobile Home Park. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 117. 1 ACRES OUT OF THE NATHANIEL ATTERBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT 6: This property is located on the southern extension of FM 544 in the tri - county area and is across from what we know as the Finholt property or the Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Park. Mayor . �/� Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 31 ' 82 ACRES OUT OF THE R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 660° COLLIN COUNTY: This property is located on the east side of S. SH78 extending from the southern boundary of Century Business Park to the southern boundary of the property known as the Minyard farm. This public hearing represents six separate pieces of property. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF LOT 13° BLOCK 31 RAILROAD ADDITION: The owner of this tract, Kenneth McCrum, owner of Ken' s Communications, is petitioning for a change from Single Family to Retail . This is consistent with the existing use and with the projected plans for the area. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. APPROVE AND SIGN ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE RE-ZONING OF LOT 13, BLOCK 31 , RAILROAD ADDITION: This tract of land is known to us as Ken' s Communications, the petition for re- zoning is from Single Family 3 to Retail . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve and sign zoning ordinance for the re-zoning of lot 13, block 31 Railroad Addition. Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR LOT 13, BLOCK 30, RAILROAD ADDITION: The petitioner, the Church of the Holy Spirit, is asking for a special use permit for a portable building to be set on the lot and used as Sunday School rooms. This type of permit has been issued in the past for similar uses by churches, schools and day care centers. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing. City Manager Gus Pappas said the staff has reviewed the petition and while not concerned with the request to temporarily use a portable building, does have some concern with what we feel may be a significant crowding of the lot. This building will set at the back of the church next to the alley. City Manager Gus Pappas also stated from a practical stand point the alley has not use, it dead ends into Kirby Park. Mrs. Sandra Donovan want to know how long will the special use permit be for. City Manager Gus Pappas said one year and then it would be reviewed again by the Planning and Zoning and Council . City Manager Gus Pappas stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval . / Mr. Roy Holley said the problem was the church did not have any room for their children on Sunday. There being no other questions, the public hearing was closed. APPROVE SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR LOT 1=, BLOCK 30, RAILROAD ADDITION: This petitioner is requesting a special use permit for a portable building to be set on the lot and used as Sunday School rooms. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the special use permit for one year. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Council.man Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVE AND SIGN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 71-8 PROHIBITS THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS: This amendment will delete the words "except in public view" from the ordinance. This amendment has been discussed with Chief Abbott and this is his recommendation to be compatible with State law. Motion was made by Councilman Spence to approve the amendment to Ordinance No. 71-8 which deletes the words "except in public view" . Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tern Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. PRESENTATION BY MEL DELANEY: Mr. Delaney thanked the Council for this time to come before them. This is in regards to a subdivision which Mr. Delaney is involved in just outside the city limits of Wylie. The First section of this subdivision was done in 1981 . Mr. Delaney said he acquired this work in 1982 and is helping with the development. This development is for one acre with septic systems in the first phase. In 1983 we learned lots would have to be 1 1/2 acres for septic systems. First work on phase two and three was done on Oct. 13, 1983. East Fork Water System granted easement for phase one. Mayor Akin asked if Mr. Delaney had filed these plats with the County Clerk of Rockwall . Mr. Delaney said he was not sure if this had been done. Councilman Simmons asked Mr. Delaney if he had any thing from County of Rockwall , such as papers showing filing or plats showing a file date. Mr. Delaney said Mr. Jimmy Kreymer has some papers from Rockwall . Councilman Simmons wanted to know who inspected the water lines. Mr. Delaney said the East Fork Water Supply Company. Councilman Simmons then asked if the inspector was licensed by the State. Mr . Delaney said he thought so but we would have to ask Mr. Charlie Bozman. Councilman Simmons asked to see the papers that they have from Rockwall . Mr. Delaney said he would take the paper to the staff at City Hall . City Manager- Gus Pappas said that at the time Mr. Delaney came to the City, this property was outside of the ETJ line of Wylie. This project continued to develop without question from City Hall on phase one. When a new area opened the city staff begin to question the development, since we were Home Rule Charter and this gave us a one mile ETJ line. Staff wanted to know could once a property which was outside ETJ keep exempt from the City. If a plat changes can the plat keep this ETJ exemption. Second plat was filed for preliminary plat approval after the date we would have become involved. The city staff has tried to get phase 2 brought to them for review with the proper departments. Selling off lots of a subdivision that does not have improvements is in violation of the City of Wylie Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Delaney has admitted to this. The City has had no participation in this phase 2 plat . City Manager Gus Pappas still feels the city has no opportunity to enter into phase 1 , but phase 2 does present a questions to the city staff of this being a continuation of phase 1 . Staff has asked Mr. Delaney for information for review but as of this date Mr. Delaney has not given this information. City Manager Gus Pappas gave copies of the records from Rockwall County Clerks office showing the dates of when these plats had been filed. These will be made a part of the minutes. APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME PERIOD OF PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR SOUTHPLACE ADDITION: This addition is located on South Ballard just South of the Middle School . Mr. Roddy has requested this extension and has stated they are ready to proceed with the final plat without the delay of re-approving the preliminary plat. Staff recommends a 180 days extension but with notification that this will be the final extension and at the end of that time they should consider the preliminary plat void if not acted upon. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the 180 day e::tension for the preliminary plat for Southplace Addition. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor-, Councilman Spence - abstained, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with five (5) in favor and one ( 1 ) abstention. ACCEPTANCE OF ROAD AND UTILITY EASEMENT FROM W. R. ROSE INVESTMENT CO. : This easement goes through what is known as the Brigham property. This easement is for the extension of McCreary Road and for the water and sewer lines in the area. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to accept the road and utility easement from W. R. Rose Investment Co. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITY EASEMENT FROM MR. PERRY EASTERLING: This easement dedication is mad for the purpose of locating the sewer line from Southfork Mobile Home Park. Motion was made by Councilman Spence to accept the utility easement from Mr' Perry Easterling. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITY EASEMENT FROM MR. ROBERT THURMOND: This easement dedication is made for the purpose of locating the sewer line from Southfork Mobile Home Park. Motion was made by Councilman Spence to accept the utility easement from Mr. Robert Thurmond. Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE TWO POLICE OFFICERS: These two police officers are being funded by the monies received from the Corps of Engineers and will be supplemental patrols for the parks around Lake Lavon. The funds being received from the Corps of Engineers will more than take care of these two new police officers. Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to grant authorization to hire two additional police officers. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE CIVIL ENGINEER-IN-TRAINING: The staff has discussed with the Council the hiring of this engineer on several occasions at work sessions ans as part of our budgeting process' The staff could find no record that the Council had specifically given their authorization for this position. The staff has been able to find an engineer who does have some three years experience' Motion was made by ' ,/{�' Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to grant authorization to hire civil engineer-in-training. Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN WESTWIND MEADOWS PHASE III : City Manager Gus Pappas reported that there are two (2) telephone poles in an alley that have to be moved by General Telephone and some 600 feet of sewer line to be laid. Staff suggest Council not accept this at this time but for Council to grant Mayor authority to sign plat at the time these improvements are finished. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to grant the Mayor authorization to sign the plat at the time the above items have been completed. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in abstained, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with five (5) in favor and one ( 1 ) abstention. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR FINANCING OF MUNICIPAL COMPLEX: Mr . James Johnson, Finance Director-, stated that after sending out proposals (REP' S) stating what type of lease the City wanted as well as requesting detailed information as to the financial-related aspects of individual company, I received five responses. After studying these proposals, staff recommends First Continental Leasing Corporation of Dallas, Texas. Interest rate quoted as of today was 7. 68 net interest. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve leasing agent and approval of staff to proceed with negotiating with authorizing approvals from: First Southwest Attorney, Dub Holoway, City Bond Attorney, Ed Esquvel , and City Attorney Larry Jackson for the Municipal Complex . Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor-, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF FINAL CONTRACT WITH SPEED FAB-CRETE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MUNICIPAL COMPLEX: The representatives for Speed Fab-Crete and the members of the building committee, along with staff members met and came up with the final figures for constructing the municipal complex "turn-key" . The contract, has been signed by Dave Bloxom of Speed Fab- Crete and is now presented for our review and approval . Mr. James Johnson, Finance Director stated the contract can be reviewed and discussed and approved but not signed at this date. We have been legally advised not to sign the contract until we have the funds to finance the contract in hand. The funds should be in hand sometimE around the first of May. Motion was made by Mayor Pro n Hughes to approve the contract for a "turn key" job contir ant upon the date the funds are in hand. Seconded by Cour ilman Simmons. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmor - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor , Councilman Martir - in favor, and Councilman Gaston - in favor. This Lotion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE PREVIOUSLY i* HORIZED BUT UNISSUED BONDS: The bond market has never b& gin better, thus, the staff recommends that we issue some $165, 000. worth of approved, but unissued bonds which are authorized for water and sewer improvements. This has b en discussed with our financial advisors, Mr. Medanich sa s they can be issued on short notice. We suggest that we d so and retain the money for necessary sewage treatment plan improvements which we feel are going to be necessary prig to the opening of the new plant and use a portion of the Toney to provide a better cash flow to the lift station distr ct -fund. Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to grant uthorization to issue previously authorized but unissued .onds. Seconded by councilman Martin. The vote was a:: follows: Mayor Akin - i n favor, Mayor Pro Tern Hughes - iv favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Spec e - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , and Councilman ast on - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mr. Jim Feivor of 315 Call. ie Court stated the petition he spoke of earlier contained 117 registered voters and they have concerns about Wylie. They are concerned about the growth and the patterns the City is taking in zoning. Councilman Simmons said you cannot stop growth, if you try, people come in just outside the city where there is no controls and put in subdivisions with no regulations. Mayor Akin said the key is to have good planned growth and the City should provide services. Mr. Feivor questioned the Single Family 1 south of Stone Road. Was this in the best interest of the City. Councilman Simmons said it was to go with contour of the land. People wanting to build $150, 000 homes, want them put on something besides flat land. This are south of Stone is the type of land people are looking for. Mr. Leon Boughton addressed the Council once again on the drug problems of Wylie. He stated that he had lust come from a young mans house and this person was hooked on drugs and was spaced out. Mr. Boughton said he has come across people here in Wylie who are stealing and using drugs. The money he has spent trying to work on the drug problem has been out of his own pocket, he also stated he was not asking for money from the City. He also stated he has a brother who is hooked on drugs and a niece that is 18 years old using drugs. People have threaten him and have tried to run him off the road. The kids are not the problem, we need to get the dealers. The kids are not selling they are users and should not be in fail . Mayor Akin said the City of aware of this but we have asked that you go to the Chief Abbott and the police department, and not to the Council . The police is the place to take this problem. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Hughes said the newspaper sits at every meeting, they don' t say anything, yet print what they want. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes stated the paper is trash. Councilman Spence wanted to know if Bill could rush up the Rush Creek Lift Station to 35 days for completion and get rid of the "honey wagon" . Mr. Bill Windham, Public Works Director, said the main tie up is with North Texas Municipal Water District on the main line they said they would give us some time back. City Manager Gus Pappas said we had offered to let North Texas Municipal Water District hire their on engineer and contractor. Councilman Spence also stated that for three or four years all he has heard is that the sewer treatment plant is at 6074 capacity from some and others say it is over flowing. Mr . Bill Windham said this is one of the first things that will come from the engineering firm, is the problems of our sewer treatment plant. City Manager Gus Pappas said that any rumors that say we are over capacity is wrong. Councilman Spence also asked Mr. Bill Windham if he had the street program ready. Mr. Windham said the report is ready and would be coming up on the next Council agenda. Councilman Martin said that the city crew was removing the base at Masters and Fourth. He thought this work was to be done by the owners of the property. Mr. Windham said the city wanted this base because it would be a good foundation for the street going into Middle School . Mayor Akin said that this Thursday night was the Collin County Public Officials meeting. Next Monday night was the meeting on the beautification program for the City of Wylie. City Manager Gus Pappas said there had been a lot of discussion on the thoroughfare plans for Al ani s. He needed some kind of direction on whether we wanted a 65 foot or 1(X) foot right-of-way. The problem is parts of this street the City will have to buy up homes and tear them down if we proceed with the 100 foot right-of-way. Council said to stay with the 100 foot right-of-way. / / City Manager Gus Pappas als, stated that at budget time he was instructed to get inquires on engineering firms for the sewer treatment plan. The staff has received some 23 applications but we have narrowed them down to about five per each staff member involved. Out of these five there could be three of the same when these list are put together. Does council want to interview all five or do you want us to cut the list down to three firms. Council said for staff to narrow it down to three and then set up a Saturday workshop. City Manager Gus Pappas said that last year Council had authorized the staff to try and put together a summer recreation program. We have some people interested in doing this job, does the Council want staff to hire them. The three people who have applied are graduates but can not be certified without this summer experience. They all seem to have the experience for this type of program. Mayor Akin said to go ahead with the program. The customer water accounts is approaching 1800, if we issue four more building permits this month, we will increase 100% over the permits issued last three months, compared to last year at this time. City Manager Gus Pappas also stated that he has been in Wylie for some 2 1/2 years and has not taken a vacation as of this date, but if no one objects, he will be out of the office for the next three days. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to convene into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 of V. A. C. S. Section 2 paragraph ^g" personnel matters. Mayor Akin called the meeting back into open session. There being no decisions from the executive session, Mayor called for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Terri Hughes to adjourn. All were in favor. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary �// MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, MARCH 20,, 1986 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie, Texas met in regular session on March 20, 1986 in the Wylie Community Center. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman Kent Crane, Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney, Don Montgomery, Bill Chapman , Ken Mauk , and Ben Scholz . Representing the city staff was Roy Faires; Code Enforcement Officer ,and Amanda Maples; Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 7: 00P. M. by Chairman Kent Crane. ITEM NO. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Kent Crane asked for any additions or corrections from the minutes. Vice- Chairman Ban Chaney made motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Ken Mauk seconded the motion. Motion carried 6- i. ITEM NO. 2 = PUBLIC HEARING ON RE-ZONING OF LOT 13., BLOCK 31_ OF RAILROAD ADDITION - This property described as lot 13, block: 31 of Railroad Addition is commonly known as Ken s Communications. The petitioner is asking for a change from SFoning to retail . The retail zoning is compatible with current use. The staff has reviewed this request and recommends approval . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There was some question as to why this piece was being rezoned and what Ken was going to do with the business. Chairman Crane said that this piece was being rezoned mainly as a house cleaning objective. The property is already being used for retail and the zoning needs to be current. If he intends to expand his business or put up a tower he will need to come before this commission again. There being no other questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney made a motion to accept the request for zoning. Don Montgomery seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 3 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 31 ACRES ON SH78__- This property is described as :31 . 862 acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey, Collin County Abstract 660. It is located on S. SH78 and is the strip that runs north from the property formerly owned by Buddy Minyard to the creek and includes the junkyards along that strip. Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. Mr . Troy Miller owner of Lone Star Auto Parts wanted to know what would happen to his business if they were annexed into the city. Chairman Crane said that the ousiness currently in operation would be allowed to stay, however; they would have to comply with city ordinances and that they would have 3 months after annexation in which to comply' Kevin Burnes came forward asking if this was a meeting on voluntary annexation or involuntary annexation. Chairman Kent Crane said that this is a meeting on the involuntary annexation , however; there was still time for the paper work to be signed and it could become a voluntary annexation. He also said that the Planning and Zoning Commission only made a recomendation to the City Council and they made the decision on whether or not to annex . Mrs. Lott said that she had Hwy. 78 frontage and that she did not want to be annexed. She asked if we could go around her piece of property in the annexation. She feels that if she is annexed she will have to change her lifestyle. She enjoys hunting on her property and keeping animals which she would not be able to do if she was inside the city limits. Chairman Kent Crane explained that the purpose of annexing this land is to protect the future development of the city and the citizens' The current master plan for this acreage is multi family zoning and zoning control is one of the biggest advantages to being inside the city limits. There being no other questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney said that he felt it was in the best interest of the city and the citizens to annex . Ken Mauk made a motion to accept the annexation as requested. Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NQ. -5 - PUBLIC HE ON ZONING OF 62 ACRES ON H[OpER ROAD - This property is described as 62. 5 acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey, Collin County Abstract 660 located on the south side of Hooper Road east of S. SH78. The petitioner is asking for SF3 zoning for the entire tract . This property is involved in the TRO filed by Sachse. We can still hold the public hearing on the zoning of this property; however , neither the annexation ordinance nor the zoning ordinance can be signed until this matter is settled by the court. Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing' There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Bill Chapman made a motion to accept the zoning as requested' Ken Mauk seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. ~1 � ITEM NO. 6 - ADJOURN - Bill Chapman made a motion to adjourn. Ken Mauk seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Kent Crane, Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission Respectfully Submitted: Amanda Maples, Secretary MINUTES CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY-MARCH 27, 1986 7:00 P. M. , COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET The Construction Code Board met in regular session on Thursday-March 27, 1986 at 7:00 P. M. in the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street in Wylie, Texas. The meeting was posted in a time and manner required by law. Members were as follows; John Seely, Kevin St. John, Glen Morrow, Raymond Sweeney, Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer, Ruth Bennett, Secretary. Representing Murry Homes were Leonard Muller, Larry Smith and David Holmes. The meeting was called to order by Kevin St. John. ELECT A NEW CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN: Nomination were asked by Kevin St. John. Glen Morrow nominated Kevin St. John, it was seconded by John Seely. There were no other nominations, Kevin St. John was elected by acclimation. Mr. St. John ask for nomination for Vice Chairman. Glen Morrow nominated Raymond Sweeney, it was seconded by John Seely. There were no other nominations, Raymond Sweeney was elected by acclimation. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR AN EXCEPTION TO THE BUILDING CODE AT 429 KAMBERL POINT NORTH: David Holmes with Murry Homes said he regreted they weren' t pressure treated plates and sills, a mistake was made. We build in Dallas, Plano, Wylie, and Allen and we have always went by the codes. We have letters from a termite company and a chemical company telling us how to treat termites in this area. We' ll do anything to comply with you we have to but would like to possibly use one of these proposals as an solution to the problem. The house is structurually up and if we alter it this would cause more damage. Mr. Faires ask David what his position was? His reply was Purchasing Agent, but not the one who did the ordering for this house. Was the other agent informed after they found out they needed pressure treated plates and sills. Mr. Holmes reply was not to the best of his knowledge. Mr. Faires said that his information was that the other agent reply to this was they weren' t needed in the other cities so he assumed they weren' t needed in Wylie. y l -h Larry Smith said he has built around 40 homes in Wylie and yes all had to have the pressure treated plates and sills. I should have checked with the Building Dept. but I didn' t I ask the purchasing agent and he said we didn' t need them so I took him at his word that he knew what we needed out here. Mr. Faires said he has been caused to make several others replace them and yes the structure is a concern but we still recommend that they be replaced. Staff strongly recommends againist granting this recommendation. Kevin St. John said this proposal would cost alot to do maybe even more so than replacing the plates and sills which are constructional and alot easier to do to comply. I know where your coming from, I' ve had to do this. Mr. Faires said you may have to take off the top structure by you won' t have to demolish it totally. The building code specifically states you have to have them. If you use the chemicals the bottom sides will never get treated. Mr. Holmes said they would use galvanized paper underneath. Mr. Faires said if you can raise it enough to do that you can replace the plates and sills. Mr. Muller ask if this area had a history of termites? The reply was yes. Mr. Smith ask if the homes with termites had pressure treated plates and sills, the reply was yes. Garland, Plano, and Carrollton don' t require this we assumed it wasn' t required here. Mr. Smith said he didn' t want an easy way out he just wanted the house to be right. Mr. St. John said you can make it abide by the code just as easy as using the other proposal. We have to draw the line somewhere on one side or the other, we just can' t go over to other side whenever we feel like it. We' ve stayed on one side every other time and you are doing alot to contribute to Wylie' s growth and we want you to stay even if we decide you have to change the plates and sills. Mr. Muller said we are not trying to run over anyone we did make a mistake and it was caused by someone in our organization. Mr. Faires said there are two questions to be raised : 1. ) Who is liable? 2. ) Who decides at what point that the codes do not apply? Glen Morrow ask who would be liable? Mr. Faires replied, to the best of his knowledge we would be. This house is at the far end of the subdivision which so we did not notice it before the cover up inspection. We usually catch this earlier driving by on our way to other inspections but because of the location this one wasn' t caught. Mr. Smith said he tried to jack up the house but broke 3 hydrolic jacks doing so. No one else will touch the house. Mr. St. John said if you' ll use a zaw-zaw and do it in small sections, yes its time consuming, but you wont have to jack the house up. Mr. Faires said to bridge it with 4x4' s also. Mr. Smith was concerned with the homeowner seeing all of this. Mr. St. John replied the homeowner ought to be pleased you are going to comply with codes. Glen Morrow made a motion to deny this request, John Seely seconded it. All were in favor. Motion was made to ADJOURN, all were in favor. Kevin St. John, Chairman MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 1 , 1986 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas, was scheduled for 7: 00 P. M. on Tuesday, April l , 1986 at the Community Room at 800 Thomas. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Retha Tibbals, Mr. John Morgan , Mr. Don Hughes, and Mr. Curtis Hale. Representing the City staff were Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works; Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager; Mr. Kenneth White, Parks Supervisor ; and Mrs. Susan Marquardt , Secretary. Those absent were Mrs. Peggy Sewell , Mrs. Jayne Chapman , Mr. Morris Love, and Mr. Derek Ammerman. ITEM NO. I _-_ APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Chairman Retha Tibbals called the meeting to order. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes. The following corrections of the minutes of March 4, 1986 are noted to being that Mrs. Carolyn Jones stated that WSA was putting up the backstop on the 4th baseball field. Mr' John Morgan noted that WSA was not putting in the backstop and that Trent Thompson is to go through the Park and Recreation Board not the City Council . Also, Mrs. Carolyn Jones stated that the 4th baseball field was set up as a practice field. Mr. Don Hughes noted that the 4th baseball field was set up for an unscheduled playing field, first come first serve basis. With these corrections Mr . Curtis Hale made motion to accept the minutes. Mr. John Morgan seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 2 - REPORT ON STUDY FOR BUREULAR ALARM FOR AKIN F^AVIL1-%ON - Mr. Curtis Hale asked if he could give his report at next months meeting. IlEM NO. 3 - REVIEW CH%LDRENS PLAYGROUND - Mr. Kenneth White stated that the swings were up on the playground , and that we were in the process of ordering the slide. Mr. Don Hughes asked if we were going to order any more of the horses like we have at Kirby Park. Mr. Gus Pappas stated that through checking prices we had decided not to order any. Mrs. Retha Tibbals asked if the horses were still at Kirby Park? Mr . Bill Windham stated that they were and that Mr. Kenneth White had stablized them. Mr. Don Hughes asked if the tree was still there that was planted in memory of the child? Mr . Kenneth White stated that the tree was gone and that the plaque had disappeared. Mr. Bill Windham ' ~7 /\ �/) - stated that the tree and the plaque will be replaced. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked if the willow trees that were planted last year were still alive? Mr. Bill Windham stated that the trees did not make it and that they will also be replaced. ITEM NO. 4 - REVIEW PROGRESS OF 4TH BASEBALL FIELD - Mr. John Morgan stated that WSA brought in 3 more loads of baseball sand. Mr. Bill Windham stated that we would bring the roadgrader to smooth it out. ITEM ON. 5 - SUMMER PROGRAM - Mr. Bill Windham informed the Board that we had been in contact with North Texas University. We had three real good applicants that were interested in working for the City of Wylie. This afternoon I received a call from Dr. Bailey telling me that our request for a Senior to do internship to graduate was turned down , due to the fact that we do not hav a fulltime Park Superintendent. Mr. Bill Windham stated that we will still work to get our summer program. ITEM NO. 6 - GENERAL DISCUSSION - Mr. Curtis Hale asked Mr. John Morgan how the signups were coming for baseball? Mr. John Morgan stated that he had about 300 kids. Chairman Tibbals asked if ball practices could be done at the little Valentine Park? Mr. John Morgan stated that practice was done in the evening. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked if there was a problem with seeing if we could use the schools fields? After some discussion Mr. John Morgan stated that maybe we could try and talk with the School superintendent to see about using the schools fields. Mr. John Morgan asked when we were going to seed and fertilize? Mr. Kenneth White stated that after the season was over. Mr. John Morgan also inquired about the sprinkler heads. Mr. Bill Windham stated that they were to be delivered to us this afternoon, but did not come in. Mr. John Morgan informed the board that the Akin Pavillion was broke into once again and did extensive damage along with taking all the candy. Mr. John Morgan asked if we could put up Metal overhead doors. After some discussion , we are to get prices on metal doors. Mr . Don Hughes asked if the mowing of the right of ways were up to us to keep up. Mr. Bill Windham stated that we do the right of ways. Mr. Don Hughes congratulated Mr. Kenneth White and park personnel on a job well done. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked if we could tell if there was much activity at the Valentine Park. Mr. Kenneth White couldn 't tell . Chairman Retha Tibbals also asked if there were going to be swings at the park? After some discussion , a swing set will be moved from Kirby park to Valentine park. ITEM NO. 8 - ADJOURN - Chairman Retha Tibbals adjourned the meeting. Retha Tibbals Chairman 1 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY , ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES , ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY ; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie ; and WHEREAS , the City has prepared a service plan for the area , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS , after notice was duly given , public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A , Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie , Texas : NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be , and the same is hereby , annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , Texas , and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City , and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City , and shall be bound by the ordinances , acts , resolutions and regulations of the, City of Wylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : 4 . 95 acres (Tr . 36) ; 7 . 062 acres (Tr . 12) ; 5 . 0 acres (Tr . 11 ) ; 3 acres (Tr . 13) 2 . 0 acres (Tr . 14) 9 . 95 acres (Tr . 9-9) out of the R . D . Newman Survey , Abstract 660 for a total of 31 . 862 acres . SECTION 2 . It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas , such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas . Therefore , if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate , distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance . SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , this the day of 1985 . APPROVED : MAYOR Ai'TL ST : SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM : CITY ATTORNEY r A-841 A--438 I A-267 1 43 // : 1 BRowvlE ^Rj � �L 4 Brnuvwv ��5•I1V Doti 6,u Ko� :56�1 „Sao. gt.6 6 10 6 /"J2417! 15. U ,SS}• � ,'''0• r! 8 AL 4 �i[e�•�,t ;. Ter• �. 3 CITYlswr� P l2 � 3 _ it!, , b 4>OsAc 3 E 1 C c z ti v /y�� � ---- • .c” N '• \ `i I ".► > c GLEN KNOLL 2 °; (� ° g b MOBIL HOME PARK CITY OF WYLIE ' r. 39.76 AC OPO z o Z,Icc C. PI r P`, •MEi L CCNYAR• n / / ?-2( /7, F�` 10 1985 G.bS'g;T :v.. •16 .. 16 17 u •:,.' _ is Cr / ) (_.--'e Se 32 (...� 3. AL KITTNER K►T GEORGE LEWIS INC. ec4 26 Al s.es TNER 29.51 AC AC 44 AC AL KITTNER \ GEORGE 34 LEWIS INC. 66.197 AC GEORGE LEWIS INC. \ A 55 AC GEORGE LEWIS INC. Ac \ 99.64 AC GLENN DAY �: � : 32.30 AC L .r- 1 r1 J L• 20 �18 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS , AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY , ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES , ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY ; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE . WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie ; and WHEREAS , the City has prepared a service plan for the area , a copy of which is attached hereto , as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS , after notice was duly given , public hearings on the proposed annexation were held ' by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970—A , Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has concluded that such area should he annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie , Texas : NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be , and the same is hereby , annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , Texas , and the sane shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City , and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter he entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City , and shall he bound by the ordinances , acts , resolutions and regulations of the City of i;ylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : 2 acres (Tr . 6 ) out of the D .• Strickland Survey , Collin County Abstract 841 . SECTION 2 . It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas , such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas . Therefore , if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to he invalid by a court of co: .petent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate , distinct and independent and such holdingshall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance . SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall take effect fro s and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , this the day of 1965 . APPROhD : ATTEST : CITY Sd;CRETAi:i APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY i P I ../..c.-‘-r-N1 j L ill (tL rtt ; . - pli * . (/' %.4s. . .N....QK,4 I 'Isl. II r 3• P ili.. , Itl4 Pi 1 su�a'�Id. »�. ' mIllathi ar�i�. .. tk ill r A I w i i 1,Pt.x ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY , ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES , ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY ; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE ; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE . WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie ; and WHEREAS , the City has prepared a service plan for the area , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS , after notice was duly given , public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970—A , Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie , Texas : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be , and the same is hereby , annexed into , and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , Texas , and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City , and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of • the City , and shall be bound by the ordinances , acts , resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : . 32 acres (Tr . 105) ; . 33 acres (Tr . 1(_;6 ) and 2 acres (Tr . 104) out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Collin County Abstract 088 ( sheet4 ) for a total of 2 . 71 acres . SECTION 2 . It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory he not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas , such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas . Therefore , if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate , distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance . SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall take effect fro,,1 and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , this the day of _ 194. A? 1 OVLD : ATTEST : • CITY SECRETARY Ai APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTCRNi Ei -- ROOK 050 104 07 112 ' ♦s O I la.fl .07,E .� 211.4. r c OAKS 0 OAKS ADDN. 10 RETAIL ♦1 1504 ' 12 ..__ OAKS BILL KREYMEc t1 • 19114 ADDN. kRkymER 35.840. 14 39-4.V'RAILROAD 109 / OAKS Hv4HEs tS t4 iS 4•E/07ALY ADDN• . ♦! s !R la S !1 tYSi . 1944 101 • ,NA y 00 i 13�lQDI`�: - 15 «, � FTr[Y 1nx�A 7.74c F11K FRoa SAS. TRUETT SURVEY :1 • • *USN CREEK hnaa,l TI)eALS ESTATES 0 Its z sL1 y A-920 _ ...._-.moo.__ - RUSH CREEK :� ` p \ ESTATES ��� I 1 zS s/,�y AC a WYLWOOD •6 i 197� SHEET 5 39.b6 1986 WYLW000 ♦• 97 CITY A WYLIE is- GAP R000y 9p 102 .+AR.r 1l?NALS ' IOS CAMIL.i( tAK/4/f • lob fs'e4'/e .Tr.[n;[ BOSTIC ADDN. I07 c"Ac NILd-6 0.9 117 00,4 ,taF rMER ,N 173 14AKRY Tf 3344,5 WYLWoo0 ♦s DHV10 w1tc/Am wit-4,./ArmDAV/o wit-4,./Armr 08 57" Joi_o4 Cv5T • 1 "l u-I I$ 1916- 6 �Yr-I G 7tAC • f t.$/A! L IA • TRAILS WYLWOOD to ADON. 1WYLW000 ♦S 98(+ts7 r o- d t ♦1 „i Kr141J 1•6$ yYofAc CITY ( WYLIE AJ -,�> J / ATONE RD 4 �/ ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES , ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY ; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie ; and WHEREAS , the City has prepared a service plan for the area , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS , after notice was duly given , public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970—A , Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie , Texas : NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be , and the same is hereby , annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , Texas , and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City , and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City , and shall he hound by the ordinances , acts , resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : 2 . 09 acres (Tr . 42) out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 . SECTION 2 . It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas , such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas . Therefore , if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate , distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance . SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , this the day of 1985 . APPROVED : MAYOR ATTEST : CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM : CITY ATTORNEY 8 s� vOOS a 31-9 31 1 c ALFx,/1,0 ,2 TUGKER 31g,71Ac WI 2/.0 kc Akeei NAZglf 33 A• S.F. RR' 33-9 6.n Ac �c 34-9 391 34 381 I ' /A c • HOLA.cf HOWE $O✓NO CO. s,.4 PAC iL 1AG 7S.a,AC /-42 O's L 19F 0•� trcAr a • AKcnw 4Q 45 ..aar AIAF /ilCj 1,1As 1.l7A! MAMAS r ET.AL. PARKER 197 awl-ietr W.A. stoat-916 1Ur7A. HOW/ fOVNO V.TlA PARt.E,t �I�.. ,go1-4�>. t.tAc G714Ac $� 01 , 00 yfvAC J.17LA. 47 46 ooNNA C• 1.41/Yif olvc-27 • 3S. 2QAc MAZY A. G4-I414 1st q-i cq IlD H. PA 4T —(Ta.?ST3'!S z z�OA� t77o-57'7 - 03.$331,4G, 49 • ow Pa2 n 14. r: 48 1170—5'T7 32.879Ac.• o ' JAc K AA. L. rune. ,i07-Sf72 7.Sqc •. PE.1 . .! ! .' ! :, •••-•!..1 . i.- ,. ,; ...ii ‘11 (... ... L. I 1\1 (.../ r :::,,,,y. ..... • 2 .. : ,::: . . :. ,./21„,. ‘ Ced.,e= (/..e _ ,:'''''' u.".' ::` ''''...."•:' (...'' I.• ' ' -'. ' ' ' : - ''."'. ' '--' !. .. , ' Li e • . •• '.::.',I...(11 C.:i I. c..' l''H•:: i'.:.:::( C.I ..':, !'! ' i : ' '• •• 1 ' ''', ' : H ';.•• , • '•' •'•:I' or : - :::,. : f'... • ,:::::1- ': : , : : :;:, : •: '-•-. : •' ..: ..:1 : 1E....?r:..::i : : : : c or 1::::,::. r : :, : :!::.. :.:::.r I.:: • :• ;1 ::::.: :. : : ::: . :. - .1 , : (:- (. : :1.ID, •.-! , i .:,.:-.1.1 of 1 ...,h ' ! ! ...1-• . '.! ...(.::) : !,...k: !, .1. ..-. :! k ... ..,. A. f :. : . i-kh,..!..: ,, .!.•.:,E? f!.3) : , . ' .: 1 ,..,l• - -• :,:•-• ' -'-•: ",: - - •' '• • ..:. . • .,,-JE-, (t- (2) olat /'' ji JJ,/ G , ,,zi_it.,/ ,-- i , 447( a ey 9/ 9 -//. .)--a< ,a-' , -----"• /, SS (1 C.) 1/V • V /V S �, >> / „( ✓� .� • iirr, 2/ /2( (/ `7,./2 Y.' :1'1") i 1 , , 1 'Z - ...L) . . , ' " State of T '? • • ,6"- ._,e)e 1 , A tract of land situated in the County of Collin , State of Texas, being parts of the Orpha Shelby Survey, A-799, the Josiah J. Turnham Survey, A-919, the Mark L. Morris Survey, A-561 and the Leroy Farmer Survey, A-334 and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod marking the Northwest corner of the Orpha Shelby Survey, A-799, same being the Southwest corner of the Michael Millirons Survey, A-564; THENCE, North 89 deg. 45 min. 09 sec. East, 3007.66 feet along the common line between said Shelby Survey on the South and said Millirons Survey on the North, to a concrete monument marking the Westerly U. S. Government boundary line of Lake Lavon; THENCE, along said Government boundary line, South 03 deg. 55 min. 42 sec. East, 756.58 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, Nort'- 64 deg. 57 min. 24 sec. West, 833.99 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 01 deg. 02 min. 27 sec. West, 549.89 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 70 deg. 27 min. 19 sec. West, 1077.20 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 51 deg. 12 min. 09 sec. West, 1404.85 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 07 deg. 19 min. 53 sec. East, 74.79 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 88 deg. 57 min. 46 sec. East, 2464.97 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 29 deg, 19 min. 00 sec. West, 2603.07 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 88 deg. 57 min. 46 sec. East, 572.93 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 49 deg. 39 min. 26 sec. East, 1753.65 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 61 deg. 56 min. 45 sec. East, 1093.61 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 33 deg. 03 min. 17 sec. East, 1419.83 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 64 deg. 29 min. 44 sec. East, 651. 15 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 44 deg. 09 min. 17 sec. West, 470.92 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 76 deg. 08 min. 40 sec. West, 1056.27 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 29 deg. 50 min. 44 sec. West, 904.26 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 79 deg. 22 min. 51 sec. East, 758. 14 feet to a concrete monumeni,;' THENCE, South 06 deg. 53 min. 31 sec. West, 907.24 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 74 deg. 31 min. 36 sec. East, 64.46 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 65 deg. 13 min. 40 sec. East, 805.68 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 32 deg. 38 min. 22 sec. East, 297.05 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 84 deg. 11 min. 30 sec. East, 255.88 feet to a concrete monument; (HENCE, North 41 deg. 47 min. 01 sec. East, 367. 18 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 77 deg. 18 min. 22 sec. East, 1317.48 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 10 deg. 34 min. 24 sec. West, 600.44 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE , South 65 deg. 36 min. 47 sec. West, 17.19.07 feet to a concrete monument on the South line of the Josiah Turnham Survey, A-919, same being the North line of the Orpha Shelby Survey, A-800; THENCE, leaving said Government boundary line, North 88 deg. 48 •min. 10 sec. West, 649.87 feet along the common line between said Turnham Survey on the North and said Shelby Survey on the South to an iron rod at the Northwest corner of said Shelby Survey same being the most Easterly Northeast corner of the Mark L. Morris Survey, A-561; THENCE, South 00 deg. 14 min. 10 sec. West, 1309.90 feet along the common line between said Morris Survey on the West and said Shelby Survey on the East to a metal corner post of a chain link tence marking the Northeast corner of the St. Paul Catholic Cemetery; THENCE, North 89 deg. 10 min. 46 sec. West, 283.62 feet to a metal corner post marking the Northwest corner of said cemetery; THENCE, South 00 deg. 03 min. 58 sec. West, 283.79 feet along the West line of said cemetery to an iron rod-on the North line of St. Paul Road; THENCE, North 89 deg. 47 min. 26 sec. West, 1805.07 feet along the North line of said road to an iron rod; THENCE, South 00 deg. 20 min. 49 sec East, 4.00 feet to an iron rod on the North right-of-way line of FM Highway 2514 (100 feet wide) ; THENCE , South 89 deg. 39 min. 11 sec. West, 1571.30 feet along said right-of- way to an iron rod; THENCE , North 45 deg . 56 min. 20 sec. West, 43.45 feet along a corner cut-off line to a wood post on the East line of Aztec Trail ; THENCE , North 00 deg. 56 min. 20 sec. West, 1823.20 feet to an iron rod at the Northeast corner of Aztec Trail ; THENCE, North 00 deg. 22 min. 34 sec. East, 1884.91 feet to an iron rod in the South line of the Orpha Shelby Survey, A-799; THENCE, South 89 deg. 45 min. 08 sec. West, 1111.40 feet to an iron rod at the Southwest corner of said Shelby Survey, same being the Southeast corner of the Dennis Kinsaul Survey, A-502; THENCE, North 00 deg. 30 min. 52 sec. West, 4430.33 feet along the common line between said Shelby Survey on the East and said Kinsaul Survey on the West to • the PLACE OF BEGINNING and Containing 25,830,928 sqaure feet or 592.9988 acres of land. SAVE AND EXCEPT: 136.99 ACRES OUT OF THE MARK L. MORRIS SURVEY ABST. 561 6. • ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL ' INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY , ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES , ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY ; PROVIDING A SEVERABILI`I'Y CLAUSE ; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE . WHEREAS , the City Couuci_ l of the City of Wylie , Texas , fiche that the hereinofte; described territory is contiguous adjacent to the carper _l '. e limits of the City of Wylie ; and WHEREAS , the City has prepared a service plan for the area , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS , after notice was duly given , public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 9i0—A , Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie , Texas : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the following described territory he , and the same is hereby , annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of t. ylie , Texas , and the sane shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City , and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City , and shall be bound by the ordinances , acts , resolutions and regulations of the , City of Wylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : 43 . 36 acres (Tr . 7 ) out of the James ?1cUlmurry- Survey , Collin County Abstract 629 . SECTION 2 . It is the intention , of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas , such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas . Therefore , if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate , distinct end independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance . SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , this the day of 19sb , Al'i'PO iL ) : ATTEST : CITi SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORi`i : CITY ATTO1:NE � (J G. 6-9 6 t c_' "HA+i 1.. At_ 110! ++f `q,/S Ac WM. PATTERSON SURVEY A-7 16 >- 8 0C j lair/L L � _Hoc./s A N ZOOS _ 59 Z o A. WEST SURVEY < No. //9 AC 2 I A-972 Q Q w } 7 4.= 9 IIMIT8 WYLIE V n hr ,< , 4.11 /,c C h- c v- 0 WM. SPURGfN SURVEY A-808 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS , AND EXTENDING TIE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY , ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES , ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY ; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE ; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE . WHEREAS , fhe City Council of the City of . tie , texas , tinds that the aereinafter described territor,, is coati. tuo .ls and 01 jacent= to the corpor'. ` e limits of the City ) i ' " i _ e ; WHEREAS , the City has prepared a sery 11a,' i-or t_ I. _ era a copy of ai11. ah is attached hereto as Lxlliliit " A" ; en WHEREAS , . Her notice Cluly. given , ;)uf)Il. c hearid on the iireposed annexation were held by the City Gonnal ' ;_ '. in a rr olianc ` '% itll U—A , Vernon ' s Annotatei Civil. Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , ti,e City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Texas : NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the follo ., in described:' territory and Lhe same is hereby , aone>:ed into and aa:aae a ;,art at tli _ corporate Hits ot L i e City of 1•:y 1 1 , Texas , ,!n 0 ?_ i'a _ e ill l horea ter he inclioiel within the torr _ tor 1 i � t � o : i ( C� and the in „<.Ilitault , thereof Roll ,lee t . r entitled tO all rl�_ht:. ;) rivi1epe`_ of Othr` r iri ;. '?'i:: of the City , and shall be hound by the ordinances , acts , resolutions and regulations of the City of Yylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as folicws : 23 . 49 acres out of the C . Atterbury Survey , Collin County Abstract 22 . SECTION 2 . It is the intention of the Lit . to onL that territory which is legally subject to tein , nl,ne ed the City and should :lay portion of h ahave doacr hcd territory he not sn ; ect to legal aniles tiolt b Clio Lit ',' Oi- rylie , iexas , such tact shall not prevent the City from annexing ouch portion of said territory ' blot i s :; t1; iect to legal annexation by the City O ':ylle , Mesas hero ore , if any prov i s• i_on or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall. he deemed as separate , distinct and in '.ependent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the rernainin`. provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance . SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of iyii.e , Texas , rhis the day of - --- — ----1 ` C Al'PPOVEJ ij •t C000 FOR' I CI`i' r ATT U h — WM. PATTERSON SURVEY A-716 w✓L E .s° M. PHELAN SURVEY 1 e2. Lik A A-895 0 6 IoDiN cuwuf rf [u.'%.4,4•ytti • °Ac D. WILLIAMS SURVEY WYLIE G. GUNNELL SURVEY A-1021 A-381 CJa iMT1R I<+(f( O 21.V4 A€ • iri i of t eat t�F^ ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS , AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WIThIE THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY , ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL TEE ORDINANCES , ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY ; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE ; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of je , � :zts , fins that the hereinafter described territory s contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie ; and WHEREAS , the City has prepared a service plan for the area , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS , after notice was duly given , public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970—A , Vernon ' s Annotated Civil : .t Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie , Texas : NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be , and the same is hereby , annexed into and made El part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , Texas , and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City , and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of G � ' the City , and shall be bound by the ordinances , acts , resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : 5 .00 acres (Tr . 9) out of the Wm . Sachse Survey , Collin County Abstract 835 . SECTION 2 . It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory he not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas , such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas . Therefore , if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate , distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance . SECTION 3 . This ordinance ,shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of 'Wylie , 'exas , this the day of 1985 . APPROVED : 1 MAYOR ATTEST : CITl SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: - CITY ATTORNEY �� C z.--(//// . c2y• G� J. / J r 2 1 21 23 7 8-9 f12 1. & G. N. RAILROAD SURVEY 22. Ac• A-1061 '30 32 _720 27 h'(.AV. Pr_oP 31 26 36 1 - ao9 ,. xo 4G Meet( 1LL Jo1.iE� �e2- e:-4-5yIE mot iES 33 29 82-' -5Po 82(. - 5 9 _83.28 Lk.- or,53 ems. 37 35�1, ^ 36 34 13 euKP 'rr rr rJ A=,c.5W4'r7= ='O,J5T 1124- 182 Co. !Nc. " FZIUL BIJE'4 j .`4 • .338 pc 944-831 1-Sd/dMY V/111_0/4_5 0 4' IOdG, i53-957 L e`: 4 g4� {: 15 16 - 4 6 • a' MR'S. VIa LEE ALEXetiPE► . x ►120 - 858 w 5o.9G LAC.,. 1 1 1 � ,-, L. K. PEGUES SURVEY 3 "(MXAS Po\VE2 AND LION'' �14 -455 18 00-1 G<-. A-703 tL \, 4 a 1-1 C_..5c) Je , lc, 1,, o ' -4 `_ELF 'E J� 5 s8 A- u - .L,....1f",IAI\ le`� -GCi �.Cc, 17 tcIL 1-1 F CAV17 6,1" LL t r` AL 9 �:. M M. Jilcze-,, 5,co A.,, 6.G woo 0 to P u..-i F PAN/15, 1.247 A� I120 - 85ci 11 v G2`( JAc oBS 3 .911 t�c� so 981 ate. 12 e1IL1-IAM L r r-N4RY,5,68 -43, 5 42 /\ 4J4 `,L.LAZICE 3121-rr , .La 6:_ 15 W L . ,k E t wN .'K, A,. •Z0 DL1ALJE C Lr-1t3EL 4.a ,1517 -L'=_ LIMITS &ACMlE 5 LI 2pv1D C 5.v1 I-4 , Lr57-1-485, ,.o'+ t,.; 18-9 KEN r , � Nvarnczv 1 �• 2 arn'v lc.15-774 , .�i-I t'«. 2.5 SUZYLOU JT. vF.►.rf., Ili-WI, ...on IaBg - 11 1 0 1 AC. 2.4 A2TI-LA P. \VILLlS, iS4'1-sE 2.00 tic, 11.ex, AG. -- \ 1$ 25 18iLLY G. G7JIIJG�'rOPl , .84 1-72 , 1.0o 2 J a �/ILLEL�M E. P2n S .}yE2 i6'S 1-6'.59 i 27 AL-EX AN17E1Z,:of.1, IP4'-ley, 1.00 t 2b P✓6`71E M C1dY`tb►'l ,95Z-5+4 In<. I-co AC GI.N. K1r:L 5o+v , J2 21 -ra,RRANT t 1 '4 -....� .^ 19 o. I t4c.. 1 Ac 2.oo oc. 17 5Z KtorLTN TEXAS N1UNIC IpAL \VATE4Z r7u1 _13.0 2D✓ex. K SoYD I -52, 20o t, - 802 'I nu....-( 2Avlp5oN, 1 4 - 1-Si, 5 -551 t., PCO.t4 AC_. 5` MAe.X- S et-14 191S-)G3 , z -041 c 55 $ - c.SU .C4E '777-773 .2..ron_. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, A HOME RULE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS , AMENDING ORDINANCE 83-18; AMENDING SECTION 7 .01 PARAGRAPH "1" REGULATING THE MAXIMUM AGE OF A MOBILE HOME TO BE PLACED IN A PARK WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ; THAT; Section 7 .01 paragraph "1" which reads : "AGE: No mobile home may be placed in the park if it is over four (4) model years old ." ; be deleted from Ordinance 83-18 . PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE DAY OF , 1986 . Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CITY OF WYLIE SEWER EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS CUUNTY OF COLLIN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT Ronald ,IoQ Housewzight & Suzanne , hereafter Ilene Housewright termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of the County of Collin, State of Texas , fur and in consideration of the sum of Ten dollars and no cents ($ 10.00) , and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the City of Wy- lie, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these presents GRANT and CONVEY unto the City of Wylie the following described tracts or parcels of land situated in Col - lin County, Texas for use as utility easements upon/or in which sanitary sewers may be constructed and maintained, and being more particularly described as follows : PERMANENT EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a 0. 212 acre tract of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849 and being an easement 15 feet wide over, under and across that 30 acre tract of land described in a deed to Claude G. Housewright, Jr. , dated April 11, 1955, and recorded in Volume 498 , Page 141 of the Deed Records of Collin County , Texas , and also being described in a deed , for one/third interest in said 30 acre tract , from Claude G. Housewright Jr. , and Clara Housewright to Ronnie Joe Housewright and Suzanne Housewright , dated May 2 , 1985 and recorded in Volume 2124 , Page 334 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at a point in the South line of said Housewright 30 acre tract , which bears North 890 11 ' East , 1300. 5 feet from the Southwest corner of said Housewright 30 acre tract; THENCE North 07°07 ' East , 300 . 0 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE North 39° 15' West, 314.9 feet to a point for corner in the North line of said Housewright 30 acre tract ; THENCE North 89° 11' East, along said North line of Housewright 30 acre tract , 19 . 2 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 39° 15 ' East , 309 . 4 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 07°07 ' West , 304.4 feet to a point for corner in the South line of said Housewright 30 acre tract ; THENCE South 89° 11' West , 15.1 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0 . 212 acres of land . -2- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT For the same consideration above recited we do hereby grant, sell and convey, and there is by these presents granted, sold and conveyed unto the said City of Wylie, Texas, the right and easement to use for construction purposes only and during the period of actual construction of said first described pipe line only, an additional strip of land described under the heading ad ot w"Temporarynt Construction Easement" adjacent to the above described 15 strip of land for the full length thereof, the temporary construction easement granted on said additional land to terminate and cease upon completion of the installation of said pipe line as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a strip of land 60 feet wide situated in the aforesaid Housewri ght 30 acre tract , whose boundaries lay 20 feet West of and 40 feet East of and parallelnand 1 contaith ning g the 0 8 acresli of land. ne ofe above described Sewer Easement 1 -3- The Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall have, and it is hereby granted the right of ingress and egress for all purposes indicent to said grant. The said Grantors herein, their heirs and assigns, shall have the right fully to use and enjoy the said premises covered by the said above described easement except for the purposes hereinabove granted, and except for the purposes of erecting buildings or permanent structures over said right-of-way. The said City of Wylie, Texas, does further covenant and agree to pay for any damage that may be done to crops or fences by laying, erecting, maintaining, operating, or removing such pipe line; and the-said City of Wylie, Texas , does further covenant and agree that the pipe line laid upon the land above described shall be buried in such a manner that there shall be a minimum cover over the top of pipe barrel of at least four feet (4' ) through all lands designated as pasture or tillable land. At each fence a gate shall be erected on the easement with a chain fas- tener capable of holding a Grantor and Grantee lock for access. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said City of Wylie, Texas, its successors and assigns, the above described easement and right-of-way, and we do hereby bind ourselves , our heirs , executors, and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises to the City of Wylie, Texas, its suc- cessors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof herein. WITNESS our HAND(S) at Wylie _CQii h—, County, Texas, this the 26th day of March , 1986 4b0412..u...)-148.:f EASEMENT DRAWING ATTACHED r) Fj,�. • -4- ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF COLLIN 1 ,, Texa , on this BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for Count_ , _ day personally appe arede ,e.1; / now person whose name' subscribed o the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that ? '`4/N,4;4j(/ 4406 -- executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the c7240) day of 7/211/Juti.J , 19g‘. N.-tary Pabhc,State of Tans �J�/ / :.:/Commtss on �l s''j��Fit'�y ���� Notary Public, *17 County, Texas ge?2pewA• Leepea i 7T t ,env 5t/9I5 My commission expires the day of ;�9 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN 1 BEFORE ME, Publjc a NotaryPublic in d for (?' County, Texas, on this day personally appear / n to me to be the person whose name is subscri ed o the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me thatc ., -,,/iJ6. /. 4hu.�4W/Z/'e ecuted the same for the purpose and consideration ehrein expressed. / I EN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the �(Q�,66 day of u k.)Q -1 , 19 Rp. e• - ,,, ..,,,,, Notary F....State of Texas t.,y�Commission Expi e �'��l p,tl��y cd_4/ yy�y / No any Public, County, Texas Ae4gep i • It Ceerq My con ion expires the 7" day of/fill- ) 'T9 ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of , 19 CITY OF WYLIE John W. Akin , Mayor ATTESTED: .. __ 7V CITY OF WYLIE SEWER EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF COLLIN 1 • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT I, CL,AUDE G. HCRJSEWRIGHT, JR , hereafter termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of 'ran Ord nro 00 ($10 00) dollars and no cents ($ 10.00 AQK) , and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the City of Wy- lie, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these presents GRANT and CONVEY unto the City of Wylie the following described tracts or parcels of land situated in Col- z lin County, Texas for use as utility easements-?upon/or in which sanitary sewers may be constructed and maintained, and being more particularly described as follows: PERMANENT EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a 0. 186 acre tract of land situated in the Moses Sparkes Survey, Abstract No. 849 and being an easement 15 feet wide over, under and across that 29 acre tract of land described in a deed to Claude G. Housewright , Jr. , dated May 26, 1954 and recorded in Volume 485, Page 285 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at a point in the North line of said Housewright 29 acre tract , which bears North 89° 11 ' East; 959.4 feet from the ? Northwest corner of said Housewright 29 acre tract ; THENCE North 89°11 ' East , 15. 2 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 09°00 ' East , 297 .7 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE South 39°15' East, 242.5 feet to a point in the South line of said Housewright 29 acre tract ; THENCE South 89°11' West, along said South line of Housewright 29 acre tract , 19 . 2 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE North 39°15 ' West , 234. 6 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 09°00 ' West , 303.9 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0 . 186 acres of land . -2- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT For the same consideration above recited we do hereby grant, sell and convey, and there is by these presents granted, sold and conveyed unto the said City of Wylie, Texas, the right and easement to use for construction purposes only and during the period of actual construction of said first described pipe line only, an additional strip of land described under the heading "Temporary Construction Easement" adjacent to the above described 15 foot wide easement strip of land for the full length thereof, the temporary construction easement granted on said additional land to terminate and cease upon completion of the installation of said pipe line as follows: BEING a strip of land 60 feet wide situated in the aforesaid Housewright 29 acre tract, whose boundaries lay 20 feet West of and 40 feet East of and parallel with the centerline of the above described Sewer Easement and containing 0.7 acres of land. Y / -3- The Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall have, and it is ,, hereby granted the right of ingress and egress for all purposes indicent to said grant. The said Grantors herein, their heirs and assigns, shall have the right fully to use and enjoy the said premises covered by the said above described easement except for the purposes hereinabove granted, and except for the purposes of erecting buildings or permanent structures over said right-of-way. The said City of Wylie, Texas, does further covenant and agree to pay for any damage that may be done to crops or fences by laying, erecting, maintaining, operating, or removing such pipe line; and the said City of Wylie, Texas, does further covenant and agree that the pipe line laid upon the land above described shall be buried in such a manner that there shall be a minimum cover over the top of pipe barrel of at least four feet (4' ) through all lands designated as pasture or tillable land. At each fence a gate shall be erected on the easement with a chain fas- ? tener capable of holding a Grantor and Grantee lock for access. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said City of Wylie, Texas, its successors and assigns, the above described easement and right-of-way, and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises to the City of Wylie, Texas, its suc- cessors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof herein. , WITNESS HAND(S) at County, Texas this the //, day of/4?/`44.--z0 , xpgssc 1986 CLAUDE G. HOUS CGiT, JR. • • EASEMENT DRAWING ATTACHED rr/ -4- ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF COLLIN 1 BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for state of Texas EXIIMIN4XXXX44, on this day personally appeared CRUDE G. HOUSEWRIGHT, JR. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HA 0 AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the //z day of gyp77 , 1986 or•us�n OFFICIAL SEAL • A.J. HAFFEY r loan Public,State d Toss ,r, .�' Coma.fxpi�Oct 31.194 i 1, 44of`` Notar ublic, s i6f , Texas c_ My commission expir the day of THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF COLLIN 1 • BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for County, Texas, on this day personally appeared known to to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that executed the same for the purpose and consideration ehrein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of , 19 . Notary Public, County, Texas My commission expires the day of , 19 ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of , 19 CITY OF WYLIE • John W. Akin , Mayor ATTESTED: J lX Carolyn Jones, City Secretary , RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE Project Name and Location: 5r e. et,, .D (N,47-FR 4-rz..1:=. S`=IA) L. ,, '_s- Date Started: /0-V gs Date Complete /V -`7 8a Lab and other tests: Streets: Alleys: - 8 A-e r. -( Water Lines: aE-ssu42-s `7— s-r- & - — ,•RAc ALYDe,avrs d- Wastewater Lines: Fre.vas u AL / E-s T- C9g=- Manholes: 04d- Drainage: Stormsewage: We the under sign recommend the acceptence of this pro 'e Sub Division Inspector J`/� 9" 2-ke Sign Date � City Engineer 2 , -- !f q-'4Alir6, Sign Date/ Director of Public Works ?/Zj V i gn Date Accepted by City Council Date 19 Final Inspection Prior to (1 ) year Date 19 Sign Remarks: Date of Notification 19 Person or Persons Notified / / TO : CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 3 , 1986 SUBJECT: FINAL THREE ENGINEERING FIRMS TO DESIGN THE NEW WYLIE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT . Recently , Bill Windham , Director of Public Works ; I . W . Santry , City Engineer and I completed our review of twenty (20) engineering firms who have asked to be considered as the consulting engineers for the design and construction of the new wastewater treatment facility for the City of Wylie . It is our recommendation that the City Council interview the firms of ( 1 ) Brown and Caldwell , ( 2) CH2M Hill and ( 3) Riewe Wischmeyer , Inc . We would request that you set a date for these interviews and would suggest limiting each presentation to one ( 1 ) hour . We will need approximately two to three weeks to prepare a list of design criteria for your review and for their response at the interview . GHP: bl G,C� MEMORANDUM APRIL 2, 1986 TO: Gus H. Pappas, City Manager FROM: I .W. Santry, Jr, P.E. , City Engineer SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewer Oversizing in Eastridge Development I am in receipt of a letter from contractor Hearld Spence on the Eastridge Development to Mr. Karl W. Holder developer, in which he set fourth the conditions of cost relative to oversizing the sanitary sewer from 8 in. to 12 in. The letter sets fourth that the difference in cost between the two pipes is $5, 060 . 90 and the additional cost for sand at $150 .00 per load for a total of $450. 00 . Therefore the total cost as shown on the letter of $5, 510 . 90 appears to be correct and it my recommendation that the oversizing cost be paid to the developer. Sincerely, I .W. Santry, Jr. ,P.E. City Engineer Spence Construction 1825 East 544 Wylie , Texas 75098 April 1, 1986 Warwick Development Company 2828 Woodside St. Dallas , Texas 75204 Attn: Karl W. Holder Dear Karl: In reference to our conversation of March 31, 1986, concerning the difference in price of 8" sanitary sewer pipe and 12" sanitary sewer pipe at Eastridge Development in Wylie , Texas , please note the following: 8" sanitary sewer pipe: $1.79 a lineal foot X 2 ,210 lineal feet , for a total of ?3 ,955.90. 12" sanitary sewer pipe: r4.08 a lineal foot X 2 ,210 lineal feet , for a total of :',9 ,016.80. Making a difference of 1" 5,060.90. Estimate on additional sand at 4" X 2 ,210 lineal feet: three 20 yard loads at $150.00 each for a total of " 450.00. No additional labor charge. If I can be of further assistance , please let me know. Sincerely, Harold Spence Please Note: $5,060.90 Difference in 8" and 12" pipe 450.00 Additional sand required 5,510.90 Total Difference A2m :