05-16-1986 (City Council) Agenda Packet Pets aQ s -g(, Pos74.ec AGENDA CALLED MEETING CITY COUNCIL TUESDAYT MAY 6 , 1986 7 :00 P .M . COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 -6 Consider call for bond election for Municipal Complex for Saturday , June 28 , 1986 . 2 7-8 Consider authorization to grant permit for fireworks display to Wylie Middle School PTA for the Sesquicentennial Day celebration on Saturday , May 17 , 1986 . 3 9-10 Consider award of bid for metering devices for Nortex tank site . 4 11 -17 Consider presentation by North Texas Municipal Water District relative to the City ' s proposed wastewater treatment plant . 5 18-23 Consider presentations by engineering firms regarding design/construction of the City ' s proposed wastewater treatment plant . 1 . CH2M Hill 2 . Brown & Caldwell 3 . Riewe & Wischmeyer 6 Adjourn called meeting . 7 Convene work session for the purpose of discussing presentations made during called session . 8 Adjourn work session . AGENDA SUMMARY TUESDAY , MAY 6 , 1986 ITEM NO . 1 - CALL FOR BOND ELECTION ON JUNE 2BZ 1986 - Our financial advisors , First Southwest , has advised us of two possible dates , June 21 , and June 28 . Due to past experience in obtaining the election materials , the staff has opted for the June 28 date . ITEM NO . 2 - AUTHORIZATION TO GRANT FIRWORKS PERMIT TO WYLIE MIDDLE SCHOOL PTA - The Wylie Biddle School is sponsoring a Sesquicentennial Celebration in the City on May 17 , 1986 and has asked the City for a fireworks permit . They are planning a display in conjunction with their sesquicentennial celebration . Mrs . Lydia Greer , the coordinator of this event has advised me that she has obtained a state permit to purchase the fireworks and now needs permission from the City due to our ordinance forbidding fireworks within the corporate limits . It is my understanding that controlled displays of this type have been held in the City in the past , with the Fire Department on hand as a security measure . The staff ' s concern at this time is that there is no liability insurance to cover this event and should somebody be injured , the City would most likely the "deep pocket " they would go to for compensation . The PTA does not have this type of insurance nor does the school and the City does not have such insurance . Therefore , you must be aware that if such a permit is granted , the City would be liable should an accident of any kind occur . It is for this reason that this item must come before you for approval . The staff has no objection to granting this permit , under your auspices , we just do not feel we have that authority without your O . K . ITEM NO . 3 - AWARD BID FOR METERING DEVICES FOR NORTEX TANK SITE - These metering devices were bid because of the requirements of North Texas Municipal Water District . These devices are necessary for NTMWD to monitor the tank site by radio . The Public Works Director and the City Engineer have reviewed the bids and their recommendation is contained on page 10 of your packet . ITEM NO . 4 - CONSIDER PRESENTATION BY NTMWD - The staff has phoned and written a letter to NTMWD inviting them to make a presentation on Tuesday night . As of the writing of this summary we have had no response . We are including a copy of this letter of invitation along with a copy of the memo we prepared dated September 17 , 1985 , for the Council ' s review at a Council meeting on or about that date . ITEM NO . 5 - PRESENTATIONS FOR ENGINEERING CONSULTING FIRMS IN REGARD TO THE PROPOSED WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - These three firms , along with approximately 15-17 others received invitations to make a proposal to the City . These three firms were those selected after thorough review by our City Engineer , Mr . I . W . Santry ; the Director of Public Works , Bill Windham ; and me . Each of these firms has been instructed to limit their presentations to about 30 minutes . They are aware that they must be available for questions from the Council after the presentations have been made ; however , each of them has asked that the other firms not be present during their presentation . ITEM NO . 6 - ADJOURN CALLED MEETING - No comment . ITEM NO . 7 - WORK SESSION FOR DISCUSSING PRESENTATIONS During this time , the staff will be prepared to give a summary overview . 1 Pets aQ s -g(, Pos74.ec AGENDA CALLED MEETING CITY COUNCIL TUESDAYT MAY 6 , 1986 7 :00 P .M . COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 -6 Consider call for bond election for Municipal Complex for Saturday , June 28 , 1986 . 2 7-8 Consider authorization to grant permit for fireworks display to Wylie Middle School PTA for the Sesquicentennial Day celebration on Saturday , May 17 , 1986 . 3 9-10 Consider award of bid for metering devices for Nortex tank site . 4 11 -17 Consider presentation by North Texas Municipal Water District relative to the City ' s proposed wastewater treatment plant . 5 18-23 Consider presentations by engineering firms regarding design/construction of the City ' s proposed wastewater treatment plant . 1 . CH2M Hill 2 . Brown & Caldwell 3 . Riewe & Wischmeyer 6 Adjourn called meeting . 7 Convene work session for the purpose of discussing presentations made during called session . 8 Adjourn work session . FULBRIGHT & JAWORSKI •ANX O• TNC SOUTMwCST 111JI401NO 2001 6RTAN TOwEP. SUITE 1400 2200 INTCRFIRST P1.A2• NOUSTON, 77002 DALLAS. TEXAS 75201 300 CONVENT lrwc[T T(L[►MOM(171316f1-{1!1 SAN •NTONIO. TEXAS 7620f TELEPHONE .214, 969-1969 ONE Mil/224-SS7S TTTTT 76-2629 .ISO CONNCCTICUT AVE.,N.W. 2 fT JAMC!'f PLACE WASNINOTON.O C.20036 LOMOO N.!wl• IMP T(L(►MON(12021 4f2.6600 T[L[►MOM[1011 629•1207 TELEX 69-2602 TELEX 20310 AM(RICAN SANK TOWER,SUITS 1740 OUMAS.NUOV(MIN, SOOTNMAN i MORROW 221 WS*T SIXTH STRC(T 2001 •RYAN TOWER. SUITE 1400 AUf TI N,TEXAS 70701 D ALLAS,TEXAS 73201 ON(If 121474-{201 T[LCPNONC 12141 96 0-09 6 9 May 1 , 1986 Ms. Carolyn Jones City Secretary City of Wylie 108 South Jackson Wylie, Texas 75098 Re : City of Wylie, Texas Proposed Bond Election Dear Ms. Jones : Enclosed herewith is a Notice of Meeting for posting in accordance with the attached Memorandum. Said notice relates to the meeting of the City Council to be held May 6 , 1986, and is concerned with the action to be taken by the Council with respect to the ordering of the bond election. If a notice of meeting has already been posted for such meeting and said notice includes the subject matter regarding the ordering of the bond election, the enclosed notice may be discarded. Also enclosed is a draft of the Resolution ordering the election for review by Mr. Pappas and Councilmembers prior to the meeting. Unless advised otherwise, we will assume the wording of the proposition and other provisions of the Resolution meet with the City' s approval . Yours very truly, Ed H. Esquivel EHE: jer Enclosures CC: Mr . David Medanich First Southwest Company / A RESOLUTION ordering a bond election to be held in the City of Wylie, Texas , making provision for the conduct of the election and resolving other matters incident and related to such election. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas hereby finds that an election should be held to determine whether said governing body shall be authorized to issue bonds of said City in the amount(s) and for the purpose(s) hereinafter identified; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 : An election shall be held on the 28th day of June, 1986, in the City of Wylie, Texas , which date is not less than fifteen ( 15) nor more than ninety (90) days from the date of the adoption hereof , for the purpose of submitting the following measure: "SHALL the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas , be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the City in the principal amount of $1, 800 , 000 for constructing and equipping a new municpal complex on South State Highway 78 ; such bonds to mature serially or otherwise over a period not to exceed FORTY (40) years from their date, to be issued and sold in one or more series at any price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates ( fixed, floating , variable or otherwise) as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of the bonds; and whether ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to pay the annual interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?" SECTION 2 : Paper ballots shall be used for said election, which ballots shall be prepared in accordance with the V.A.T. S. Election Code so as to permit the electors to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the aforesaid measure which shall appear on the ballot substantially as follows : "THE ISSUANCE OF $1, 800, 000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING A NEW MUNICIPAL COMPLEX ON SOUTH STATE HIGHWAY 78" SECTION 3 : The entire City shall constitute one election precinct for this election and the First United Methodist Church, 109 West Jefferson, Wylie, Texas is hereby designated the polling place. The persons hereby appointed to serve as the election officers at said polling place are as follows : • Gg Lenora Hyatt PRESIDING JUDGE Beth Fultz ALTERNATE PRESIDING JUDGE The Presiding Judge shall appoint not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) qualified clerks to serve and assist in holding said election; provided that if the Presiding Judge herein appointed actually serves , the Alternate Presiding Judge shall be one of the clerks . On election day, the polls shall be open from 7 : 00 A.M. to 7 : 00 P.M. Absentee voting shall be conducted at the City Secretary' s office, 108 South Jackson, Wylie, Texas 75098, in accordance with the provisions of V.A.T. S. Election Code. For purposes of processing absentee voting results, the precinct election officers serving at the aforesaid polling place shall serve as the absentee ballot board for this election. SECTION 4 : All resident qualified electors of the City shall be permitted to vote at said election. This election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code and Chapter 1 of Title 22, V.A.T.C.S. , and as may be required by law, all election materials and proceedings shall be printed in both English and Spanish. SECTION 5 : A substantial copy of this resolution shall serve as proper notice of said election. Said notice, including a Spanish translation thereof , shall be posted at three (3) public places within the City and at the City Hall not less than fourteen (14) full days prior to the date on which said election is to be held, and be published on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in said City, the first of said publications to appear in said newspaper not more than thirty (30) days and not less than fourteen ( 14) full days prior to the day of the election. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 6th day of May, 1986 . Mayor ATTEST: City of Wylie, Texas City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas (City Seal) -2- 3 ORDER OF ELECTION FOR CITY OF WYLIE An election is hereby ordered to be held on June 28, 1986 for the purpose of : THE ISSUANCE OF $1,800,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR CON- STRUCTION AND EQUIPPING A New City Hall Complex Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at 108 S. Jackson, Wylie, Texas, between the hours of 8: 0 ) A. M. and 5: 00 P. M. beginning on June 9, 1986 , and ending on June 24_, 1986 Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Absentee Voting Clerk F' 0 Box 423 Wylie, Texas 75098 Appi i catc ins for ballots by mail must be recei ved no later than the close of business- on June 17,. 1986 Issued this the 6th day of May , 1986. Don Hucihes., Mayor ORDEN DE ELECCION PARA CUIDAD DE WYLIE, TEXAS For 1 a presente se ordena que se 1 i ev ara a cabo una el ecci on el June 28. 19.$6 con el proposito de: EL EMISION DE $1,800,000. POR LO DEPOSITO PARA ESTRUCTURA Y EQUIPAR Nuve Cuidad Hol Compiexo Lc. votacion en ausencia en persona se ilevar a a cabo de Tunes a. `.i ernes en 11: S S. Jackson, en tre las 8: 00 de la manana y las 5: 00 de 1 a trade cinpec ando el June 9i 1986. y termi nando el June 24, 1986 Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan eni var-se a: Carolyn Jones. Cuidad Secr-etaria] Votacion En Aucenci a F' 0 Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Las sol i c i tues. para bol etas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan r-eci b+i rs.e para el fin de las horas de negoci o el June 17, 1..98E Emitida este dia 6th de May . 1986. Don Hughes Al cal de NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION (AVISO DE ELECCION DEFOSITO) To the Registered Voters of the City of Wylie. Texas: (A los votantes redistrados del Cuidad de Wylie, Texas: ? Notice is hereby di ven that the polling places listed below will be open from 7: 00 00 A. M. to 7: 00 00 P. M. on __._ Jmie_ 28_3___ 1986 , for voting; in a Bond Election for a New City hall Complex . (Not i f i quese, por las presente, que las casi 1 1 as el ectroa.i.e,<_. sitados abajc se abriran desde las 7: 00 A. M. hasta las 7: 00 P. M. June 28, 1986 para vctar en 1 a Election Deposito para nuevo Cuidad Hol Complexo. ) LO+CATION OF POLLING PLACE: FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FELLOWSHIP HALL (D 1 REC.0 I ON DE LAS CAS I LLAS ELEC-TRI_+ALE) : UNO UN I DAD I GL ES l A METHODIST FELOFIF HOL. Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at 10S S. Jackson. City Hall in the City. Secretary' s Office between the hours of 8: 00 A. M. and 5: 00 F. M. beoinning on June 9, 1986 and endinu on June 24 z 1986 (L_, votacion en aussencia en persona se 11evara a cabo de dines a 'viernes en 10S S. Jackson, Ciudad Hol , Ciudad °=ecretar i o' = Of i c i o. entre las 8: 00 de la manana y las 5: 00 de la tarde empezando el June�_, 1986 termi n. do el June 242- 1986 Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en aus_ncia por correo deberan enviarse a: ) Carol vn Jones Absentee Votind Clerk F' O Bo::; 428 Wylie,ylik, t/S 75098 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on Ju J1. _L98fZ (La solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan reci bi rse para el fin de las horas de nedoc i o el June 17, 1986 . ) Issued this the 6th day of May. , 192,6. (Emitada este dia 6th - de May i98b. Don Hughes. MaYor Don Huohes. Al c.a.l de ma`s ° x '", May 17 >, fir ,_. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS. ' FOR WYLIE MIDDLE SCHOOL'S SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Sponsored by the PTA and the Sesquicentennial Comm ittee ti ' �� �' 7:00 — 10:00 Band Booster's pancake breakfast 8:00 Flag-raising ceremony {with air salute F t � ti��' by WW II planes) } Hot air balloon rides �, v. 8:30 " 9:00 5K run t .9:05 10 K run { = •3(1- Costume contest (for children of all ages) .=" rx ,10:00"-= 6:00 Carnival -� Arts/crafts booths y Vintage car show ' .`�'" Military equipment display " a Food booths Public service aids ( fingerprinting, blood If pressure checks, and more) 10: 15 `~ Announcement of costume contest winners 10:30 Bike, trike , and wagon parade (for babies and chi- through fi€th-graders) Jw. ` 10:30'a3 Baking contest (school students and adults) I1 :OQ Helicopter rides 11 :00 Birmingi�am Elementary' s musical performance I1 .3Q Announcement of baking contest winners and auction of items entered 12:00 - 1 :30 Appearance by Kidd Kraddick i;0a` . Square dance presentation by the Swing-n-8' s � ;00 Performance bq the High School Stage sand 3:00 Music by Paul Trimble i 3:30 Entertainment �bythe Wylie City Limits 4:301 Dance presentation by the Community Education students 5:00 - 7:00 Barbecue dinner 5:30` Auction of artwork by John Pototschnik 6:00_ - 8:00 Appearance by Crazy Ray Jones 7:00- 8:00 Patriotic speeches acid musical tribute (honoring Wylie�s own, Mr. 0. W. Hampton, who sailed on .i LaLLicship Texas; andpre- senting U. S. Congressman Ralph Hall ;: State � Senator Ted Lyon;' County Commissioner Jerry m Ioagland ; many local officials; bands MI' . `_-; choirs from Wylie schools; and mass 'palloon ¢° j release) t 8:00 - 11 :00 Country/western street dance featuring the ' t Wylie Opry r' 9:0 Wyl3e's Sesquicentennial tribute, '• � „� „ "HaPPY Birthday,,Texas" (with giant b rthday 44� .� ifr, �S� ,`; cake and possible. .fireworks' display) �6 Kh'h 'Y Y'K�P t fir ; • Proceeds will be used for PTA projects, the Battleship of . Tsato renovation , and the Capitol Dome project. ,. ,, ) �+oqff X'K „,�,. F GyyY}Mk�F,t x` , $ • ,.. v� 7 uW a rp CELEBRATE: T E X A 5 se 4 _ IT H , I-4 rn4. WYLIE MIDDLE SCHOOL. . .. .. . , .,,k . .N< Yr ie �r 5a+urday , P1y II ,t, r S(°h 4- oofAs ir,1 O ,yea 6%. �vr /�r4 0� o`x` • • Q� Q `r& * "( So°4hSS C ¢ r (5) I\/` � A • v` � �,. � . �Q� �� � �� ec � �J ,� rbGc`�e Coo c1 oP �' Vck'c ooC� ST % REE-r 57“Are QQncer w-I`-4 s%� g-j/ D''NCE 5 `t) ai►- �erern op. to, -On/ 401r .. vat ,¢� Az gR r ni -C oo a /0-6 V Q' 0 1ce5'. •i;i01. . 0.- �° ) 4,-f 90c, C, 11;i 'ate � G Q 1 9 ��, �, o"k Q Mi l i fart' O 4 gi4 ,,q-` A- equip meat fit' , : 0% display To reserve. a boo+h, send a 4a5 check (43o wi '1 eteeft ci•1y) io Wylie- Middle School. Call y42-.54-1(, for ;nforrnafion on boo-ths, bak►nj Co►^+e5f 1 or Cos-tume conies-I. Proceeds will be used -For PTA projects, the 6a+4lesh eY°5 renovation , and the Capi+cl Dome. proje.c+. i :.i 00 CITY op- WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 MEMORANDUM April 25, 1986 TO: Gus H. Pappas , City Manager FROM: I . W. Santry, Jrr . ,P,E. , City Engineer SUBJECT : Nortex and Steel Industrial Ground Storage Instrumentation , Metering and Controls Bids. Bids received by 1 : 00pm on April 21 , 1986 for the Instrumentation , Metering and Controls at the Norte:: Ground Storage site and Steel Industrial Ground Storage si et were opened at 2:06 pm of the same date. The following is the analysis and recommendations. ANALYSIS_ 1 . One bid was received from Hastik ,., Associates , Inc . for the following items. a. BIF Universal Venturi Tube Model 181-10a $3, 416. 00 b. BIF Flow Transmitter Model 251-21 $2, 746. 00 c. BIF Flow and Level Receiver/Indicator Model 259-22 $4, 198. 00 d. BIF Flow and level Receiver Model 257-54 $4,042. 0: e. BIF Flow Rate Controller Model 601-6E $8, 461 . O 2. Two bids were received for the butterfly valve and electric operator as follows: a. Atlas Engineering , Inc. bid for 10--inch Allis- Chalmers valve with AWWA electric operator . 2, 9 . . (lip b. Newman Engineered Equipment , Inc. bid for 10-inch DeZurik valve with a AWWA electric operator . 3. One bid was received from Dave Allert & Co. of Dallas, Inc . for the following: a. QEI Control and Telemetering equipment power supply $2 , 177. 00 b. QEI Line Protection Assembly equipment $ 154. 00 C. QEI Transmitters and receivers $2 ,331 . 00 1 . It is recommended that items 1a through 1e above be awarded to Hastik and Associates, Inc . of 2100 Hwy. 3601 Suite 904, Grand Prairie; Texas 75050 in the amount of $22,863. 00. 2. It is recommended that item 2 above be awarded to Atlas Engineering , Inc. of P. O. Box 140, Ricnardson , Texas 75080, in the amount of $21499. 00. 3. It is recommended that items 3a through 3c be awarded to the Dave Allert & Co. of Dallas, Inc. of P. O. Box 154348, Irving , Texas 75015 in the total amount of $, , 154. 00. The sum total of the three recommended bids is $32,516. 00. / �� L/ lie CITY o ' WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 May 1 , 1986 Carl Riehn , Executive Director North Texas Municipal Water District P . 0 . Drawer C Wylie , Texas 75098 Dear Mr . Riehn : This letter is to invite North Texas Municipal Water District to make a presentation on Tuesday night , May 6 , 1986 at 7 : 00 P . M . before the City Council of the City of Wylie relative to the design and construction of the proposed wastewater treatment plant for the City . In action taken at a called meeting held on Tuesday , April 29 , 1986 , the Council voted to hold a called meeting on Tuesday , May 6 , 1986 at 7 : 00 P . M . at the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street , adjacent to the Rita and Truett Smith Library . The Council judged it to be prudent to hear presentations from three engineering firms , selected from a a group of approximately twenty who submitted proposals to the City , along with a presentation from NTMWD in order to be as fully informed as possible before making a decision regarding the design and construction of the plant . The Council has directed that each firm limit it ' s presentation to a maximum of thirty ( 30 ) minutes total time . After the presentations are complete , the Council has advised that it is appropriate for the representatives to remain for the discussion but has asked that after their initial presentation , the representatives not volunteer any additional information unless specifically questioned by a member of the Council . I had wanted to issue this invitation by telephone in order to give NTMWD as much time for preparation as possible . However , since I have been unable to reach you I offer this written invitation . Should you have any questions , please do not hesitate to call . s Pa p s City Manager TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 17 , 1985 SUBJECT: NTMW "' S OPERATIONS CONTRACT FOR WYLIE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT It is the considered conclusion of the City staff to recommend to the City Council that the City of Wylie end it ' s contract for operations with North Texas Municipal Water District for the operation of the Wylie wastewater treatment plant and that we begin in October to search for an engineering firm to begin preparation of plans and licensing procedures for the construction of a new plant of approximately three (3) million plus gallons per day to an advance secondary treatment level . Further , that we begin to take the financial steps necessary to issue water and sewer revenue bonds in the amount necessary to complete the construction of the new plant . We have come to these conclusions for the following reasons : 1 . Our investigation into the perceived advantages of NTMWD bond rates over what the City can get on it ' s own has proven that no difference in the rates actually exists . NTMWD does not pledge any assets or revenue of their own. Bonds for any project done within a city by NTMWD are issued on whatever bond rating that particular city can generate on it ' s own. This fact has been proven by recent issues done in Rockwall which is currently under construction through NTMWD. 2 . While NTMWD' s reputation in water is outstanding and their sewage treatment solutions where regional problems exist has been commendable , there does not exist a regional solution in Wylie ' s situation . Rowlett and Sachse send their sewage to Garland. Murphy and probably Lucas will eventually join into the regional plant built primarily for Richardson, Plano , McKinney and Allen. That leaves the City of Wylie in an island unto itself both by isolation of prior plants and by topography . Only St . Paul remains unsettled and obviously , Wylie is trying to do something about that problem currently . 1 3 . Unlike other localities , we already own a plant and land and have additional land , ideally located , upon which a new facility can be built . In addition , we , unlike other cities , have had the foresight to collect impact fees and begin a lift station program, all of which places us in an ideal economic position to solve our own problems . 4 . We either have currently on staff or will have within the near future , as a result of the demands of growth, sufficient highly licensed personnel as well as our own internal engineering and finance staff . The City currently has among personnel working as of 9/17/85 the following State of Texas licensed certified operators : 1"A" water ; 3 "C" water ; 1 "B" wastewater ; 1 "C" wastewater and 3 "D" wastewater . 5. The site of the proposed plant is within 50 ft . of the proposed site for the new Public Works Complex . Therefore , management of the wastewater plant can be done very efficiently by our existing public works administration staff . To have another plant which we do not operate that close to our supervisors with a chain and lock on it and with the citizens complaining to us without any operational control seems, on the very face of it , ludicrous . 6 ., There seems no reason to delay the decision . The staff considered whether or not we should work under the current arrangement until the new plant is built . The recent report we received from the Texas Department of Water Resources is a clear indication to us that until we become involved in the plant , we cannot fully develop our own staff nor move up to the responsibility implied by holding the permit to treat wastewater . You should remember that the permit is in the City of Wylie ' s name and we are the responsible party . We are the ones who will be sued and under NTMWD' s contract we are the ones who will pay directly for any major repairs . If we go ahead now and break the tie between us and NTMWD, we will have time to acquire and train people in the operation and maintenance of the sewage treatment plant . These same people will then be involved from the ground up in the construction of the new plant . 7 . The question has been asked , will we save money? The answer is an unqualified yes . First , we will only pay for one administration . Second , we will know the exact costs and what they are for rather than being the victim of NTMWD ' s overhead spread 2 among it ' s various contracting agencies . We will be able to control our own costs and will have the ability to have on our payroll additional personnel which we can use from time to time on other projects . You must be aware that the staff at NTMWD that is considered so outstanding is made possible by contributions via contracts such as this that are made to NTMWD. As we retain our own operation responsibility , we can make the same distribution of cost work for us internally . For example , the cost of the engineering staff can be partially defrayed by the sewer plant operation , not to mention other equipment , buildings and personnel . Another example is that in this year ' s budget from NTMWD , we will be paying the total cost for a new pick-up and a piece of lab equipment . We will pay the total cost of these pieces of equipment , but will receive only part of their use . 8 . The staff is not supportive of the City retaining the responsibility for a service in the minds of the people without having the operational control of that service . We see on a daily basis the problems created by contracting away the trash pick-up in the City of Wylie . In the long term the benefits of our own operational control are numerous. Most importantly , we will have the ability to control our own destiny in terms of , preparing for growth and taking advantage of cost saving expenses as they occur . For one example , we don ' t pay our people as highly as NTMWD yet we have the same certification levels. We can also use slots that are created in the wastewater department as either retention slots for older employees or as training slots for new employees . 9 . We are further troubled by what we perceive to be a dilemma of incentives. If the City operates the plant , it must do so in a cost effective way and in a way that , as much as possible , pleases it ' s neighbors and protects it ' s license for operation. To that end , the City Council will hold the City Manager responsible , who will in turn hold the Director of Public Works responsible for the successful operation of the plant . We believe these to be clear and unclouded lines of responsibility with motivational incentives logically in place . On the other hand , if we build the plant and indebt our citizens , retain the legal obligation and yet give the operational responsibility to North Texas where then are the lines of responsibility? How can we effectively make NTMWD do the job that the Council believe 3 / they should do . Where are the incentives for constantly improving cost efficiency . The operators of the plant will be encouraged to increase their budget in order to insure their promotability within the NTMWD system whereas City personnel insure their promotability by decreasing costs . 10 . When we contemplate spending 3-4 million dollars to build a plant , we , the debtors , ought to be the ones who make the decision about what kind of plant we build . Under North Texas ' agreement , this type of overview would be done almost exclusively by them. 11 . The staff would like to point out to you that while NTMWD' s reputation is well known , your own City staff is becoming more and more known and looked at with an ever increasing amount of respect by sister cities in our area. While it may have been true in the past that the City of Wylie was not in a position to even contemplate such an ambitious undertaking , those facts are no longer true and will be even less true in the future . These changes are not occurring simply because of the wastewater treatment plant , they are occurring because of the growth and the City ' s ability to obtain and retain more and more highly qualified and competent key staff personnel . The reputation of NTMWD did not simply occur , it was created by design. We stand on the threshold of the same phenomena. The success that NTMWD has had in wastewater is not relative to a weakness of other regional cities ' staffs , it is relative to those cities ' inability to work with each other and North Texas entering the picture as a mediator to accomplish a solution where the parties could not even talk to each other. Thus , we submit that NTMWD' s ability as a mediator is probably the area in which they should have the highest regard and not simply as the operator of a sewage treatment facility . Your staff would like to have the opportunity to accept the responsibility . We see no need for the mediator . 12. Once the new plant is built , our initial calculations indicate that operational efficiency would be greater with the City than with contract because there would be no overlapping administrative overhead as well as a constant monitoring and control of daily operational expenses . 4 13. If the City retains operational control of the sewage treatment plant , we will know without any intermediary agency , what the plant is doing on a day to day basis . We will be better informed about equipment that is beginning to function marginally and thus will have a long lead time to prepare for necessary expenditures . When complaints arise , we will be better prepared to explain what happened and to make operational adjustments to control these problems . 14 . Let us also make you aware of some small but interesting facts . The wastewater permit is issued in the name of the City of Wylie and the City of Wylie is legally responsible for the plant , it ' s operation , and the discharge which it produces . We are also legally responsible for insuring compliance with the requirements of the permit . The licensed operator , held responsible by the State of Texas for the wastewater treatment plant for the City of Wylie is one Bill Windham our Director of Public Works. Bill has a "B" wastewater license and will soon acquire his "A" license . In addition, your City Manager signs the reports that go to the State about the quality of effluent discharged from the plant . This report is generated at NTMWD but cannot be signed by anyone at that location because it is legally our plant . These facts, it seems to the staff highlight the facts that we conclude are most illuminating to the problem. We have retained the full responsibility for the plant , the legal ramifications , financing , debt , repair and every other logical responsibility of ownership and yet have given up operational control . Our fate , that may someday be called to task lies in the hands of others. 15. If we contract away the Wylie sewage treatment plant , we would have a future concern about who would control the ultimate disposition of the sludge and treated effluent that is produced by the plant . These two commodities have a future potential of being a valuable resource . Technology could make these two by-products of the wastewater treatment process potentially large scale revenue sources . We would certainly want that income to return to the City of Wylie . Under some forms of the possible agreements with NTMWD, we might lose the control of this resource . All of the above comments have been discussed at length with the major department heads of the City of Wylie . These comments represent our basis for formulating the 5 l ' recommendation that we no longer continue to contract operations of the sewage treatment facility with NTMWD. Further , we believe that we are perfectly capable of hiring an engineering firm and bonding for the debt in exactly the same method and means that NTMWD would use . They will rely primarily on contract engineers for the design with their people providing overview . We can do the same . In addition , they will bond the debt probably through First Southwest and we can certainly use the same process with that firm. It is First Southwest , not NTMWD that gets the bonds to the market and sold . I trust that it is apparent that this recommendation is not made lightly and that the staff has given a great deal of thought as to the reasons for that recommendation. I suggest that the fifteen ( 15) explanations of that position that you see listed above fully explain our reasons for reaching that conclusion . While we feel strongly that this recommendation is in the best interest of the City of Wylie , we do not wish to imply that NTMWD was not the best choice in past years . It is simply that we have matured as a government and are now capable of shouldering the operational aspects of the plant along with the legal responsibility which we have always had . NTMWD can be proud of it ' s record in the area of both water supply and production . I and the rest of the staff are delighted that the City of Wylie is a charter member of NTMWD' s water program. In addition , we could support a regional solution to the sanitary landfill problem. However , while all of these things might be true , they should not imply that it is beyond the conceptual possibility that there might be some things that are best done by the local government . We believe that Wylie ' s short and long range interests with regard to sewage treatment are best served at the local government level by individuals who are directly responsible to the City Council and to the citizens whom they serve . Gus Papp s GHP : bl 6 / *� l8 CITY OF WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 April 24, 1986 Mr. Gordon Koblitz, P.E. CH2M Hill 5339 Alpha Road, Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75240 Dear Mr. Koblitz: The City Council of Wylie, Texas will interview your firm on Tuesday, April 29, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center unless notified otherwise by telephone. The City Council expressed a desire to have your presentation limited to 30 minutes. Your firm will be heard second. Attached is a number of preliminary criteria for the plant for your consideration. Sincerely, I . W. Santry, Jr. , P.E. City Engineer IWS/ms CITY OF WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 April 24, 1986 Mr. Walter G. Smith, P.E. Brown & Caldwell 5787 South Hampton, Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75232-2255 Dear Mr. Smith: The City Council of Wylie, Texas, will interview your firm on Tuesday, April 29, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center unless notified otherwise by telephone. The City Council expressed a desire to have your presentation limited to 30 minutes. Your firm will be heard first. Attached is a number of preliminary criteria for the plant for your consideration. Sincerely, v I . W. Santry, Jr. , P.E. City Engineer 1WS/ms pie CITY OF WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 April 24, 1986 Mr. W. J. Wischmeyer, P.E. Rieve & Wischmeyer, Inc. 11355 McCree Road Dallas, Texas 75238 Dear Mr. Wischmeyer: The City Council of Wylie, Texas, will interview your firm on Tuesday, April 29, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center unless notified otherwise by telephone. The City Council expressed a desire to have your presentation limited to 30 minutes. Your firm will be heard third. Attached is a number of preliminary criteria for the plant for your consideraiton. Sincerely, . I . W. Santry, Jr. , P.E. City Engineer IWS/ms �/1 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE WYLIE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 1 . Plant should be located on the forty (40) acre tract which the City cur- rently owns that was formerly used as a landfill . Said property is across the street from the existing plant. 2. Plant should be designed for advanced secondary treatment levels at a minimum discharge of 10 mg/1 B.O.D. and 1 mg/1TSS, with designed-in provisions for minimum investment, upgradable tertiary with provision for elimination of ammonia and nitrification. 3. Plant should be designed for an initial minimum MGD of between 3-5 mil - lion gallons per day rate or other integral unit sizes depending upon growth rate projections done by the engineering firm. 4. The initial set of plans, while encompassing the detail of the 3-5 mil- lion MGD portion of the plant, should include the basic layout, site configuration and long range plan for future plant expansion by only calling in future engineering firms to do a minimum of work. 5. The City anticipates that ,by proper use of approximately thirty (30) acres of the forty (40) acre tract the City may look forward to using that site for as much as 25-30 MGD of treatment capacity. 6. It is understood that in order to have the overall plan for the ultimate development of the site, the initial set of plans will be more extensive than simply a set of plans for the 3-5 MGD site. 7. Ultimate site plan and design should include provision for sludge pro- cessing and disposal . 8. Because the City owns the property which is to be the site and that site is located close to the urban center of the community, the site must be built and designed with an extreme attention toward being a "good neighbor." Design consideration should include low odor, domed tanks, quiet operation, park development alongside existing discharge creek, etc. 9. The City desires a preliminary study to determine if the existing plant may be used in any capacity once the new plant is on line or if the property is more valuable than any use to which the existing plant could be put or use for another City activity. 10. Engineers should also determine what improvements are necessary to the existing plant in order that it may meet standards until the new plant is completed and on line. 11 . Plans should include a laboratory layout including all water, sewer, furniture and equipment. 12. All types of construction should be considered, including concrete vs. steel tanks with fused glass, metal buildings vs. brick or con- crete block. 13. Plan should explore various types of primary and secondary treat- ment. 14. Program should provide for periodic review by the City staff and conciliation; and final plans to be approved by the City staff and Council , and by the State of Texas. 15. Project does not look to Federal participation. • ourH r Z S0 kt' 8 J cV (14 Z 4.1 Q - a 39.. 76 AcrEs N io e a •• • c • 0 PROPoSEp SITE OF NEW S. f .. p.