01-07-1986 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet / �L mKUENDo PoRK6 & RECREA [1UN yuvRD LI | Y OF WYL1E , | ExmL, (UESUAY , JANU*HY 7 , 1986 /: ,o P. M. PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 800 W. KIRBY U*| | | L/ ORDER ORDER u[ PAGE 811'Li]HI.:S� HEFERENCE BUSlNbSb .1 (-onsider approval of mzr/utm: 2 Discuss plans for cox/znu ;ear � Citizens participation 4 ADJOURN • MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1985 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas met in regular session in the community room at the library on Tuesday, November 5, 1985 at 7:00 P.M. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Vice-Chairman Mr. Derek Ammerman, Mr. Don Hughes, Mr. John Morgan , Mr. Morris Love, Mrs. Jayne Chapman , Mrs. Peggy Sewell and Mr. Curtis Hale. Representing the city staff were Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works; Mr. Kenneth White, Parks Supervisor and Mrs. Susan Marquardt , Secretary. Chairman Retha Tibbals and Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager were absent. ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Vice-Chairman Ammerman called the meeting to order. Vice-Chairman Ammerman asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes. Mr. Morgan stated he thought there was a motion to put a sprinkler system in on the 4th ball field on the priority list for the budget 1985-86. After a brief discussion Mr. Hale made motion to approve the minutes of September 3, 1985. Mr . Morgan seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 2 - REVIEW PARK PLANS - Mr. Windham stated that the board members asked for a copy of the parks plan for reveiw. Mr. Hughes stated that the property on the plans were not correct due to trading portions of the land , bottom with top. Mr. Sewell asked if it was equal portion of land that was traded. Mr. Hughes pointed out to the board members where the park land lies and what was traded. Mrs. Chapman asked if there were plans for street lights from Stone Road. Mr. Hughes also asked how many poles we had set up. Mr. Windham answered Mr. Hughes question that all the poles are set up. Mr. Windham was requested by Mayor Akin to come forth and let the board know that there' s a chance of some funds from Austin to benefit the community. The board made the following recommendations for the fund; (1 ) Swimming pool ; (2) Amphitheater; (3) Lights for 4th Baseball field; (4) Sprinkler system for 4th field; (5) Walking paths; (6) Landscaping. After a lengthy discussion Mrs. Sewell made motion to take this priority list to Mr. Pappas, City Manager. Seconded by Mr. Morgan. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 3 - REVIEW PRIORITY BUDGET LIST 1985-86 - Mr. Windham stated that the seed & fertilizer would be used to go around the community center and pavilion as well as the ball fields. Don Hughes asked what type of equipment for the playground. Mr. Windham answered that we would be continuing to build on to the playground that is already set l • up with items like swings, seesaws, merry-go-round. Mr. Hughes asked if the picnic table covers were for the preexisting picnic tables. Mr. Windham answered that the covers are for the preexisting picnic tables. After a lengthy discussion Vice-Chairman Ammerman asked if there was any additions to the priority list. Mr. Morgan asked that the sprinkler system be added to the budget for the mid year revision. Mr. Morgan also stated that the doors at the Akin pavilion needed to be repaired and one needed to be replaced with a metal door. Mr. Morgan also metioned that the fire ants need to be taken care of and also bulbs for the lights at the baseball fields need to be replaced. Vice-Chairman Ammerman asked for motion to move on. Mr. Hughes made motion to continue on . Mr. Hale seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 4 - EXPANSION OF EQUIPMENT IN PLAY AREA - Mr. Windham stated that Mr . White had been thinking about expanding the playground area. Mr. White will be investigating the situation. Mr. Windham asked the boards approval to proceed on with the playground area. The board commented how great the area looked. No action taken. ITEM NO. 5 - WATER FOUNTAIN AT OPEN PAVILION - Mr. Windham stated that between now and Spring we would be laying a water line and sewer tap for at least one water fountain and sink. After a lengthy discussion the board decided on a water fountain with faucets attached instead of putting in a sink. Motion carried 6-0. Vice-Chairman Ammerman asked if there were any more questions or comments for the board. Mr. Windham stated that the Big "W" on Hwy 78 was once again a green area due to replanting holly. The railroad asked that we don ' t do anything more to the second flower bed which is located at Oak: and Hwy 78 due to them putting in a railroad switch at that point. We will dig it up and haul it off . ITEM NO. 7- ADJOURNMENT - Mrs. Sewell made motion for adjournment . Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Vice-Chairman Ammerman adjourned the meeting. Derek Ammerman Vice-Chairman