02-04-1986 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet _ AGENDA PARKS & RECREATION BOARD CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1986 7: 00 P. M. COMMUNITY CENTER 800 THOMAS CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS l 1-2 Consider approval of minutes 2 General discussion 3 Citizens participation 4 ADJOURN ' ' MlNUTES P*RKS & RECREATION BOARD MEBING lUESDAY, JANUARY 7 , 1986 | he Parks & Recreation Board for the City o+ Wylie, [exas met in regular session in the conference room at the Public Works Division Offices on Tuesday, January / . 1986 at / : oo p. o/. ") quoruo/ was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law' | |.ose present were Vjce-Lhairman Mr . 0erek *wo/cn,u' , Hr . ./o|`n Mo,uan , Mr . Horrjs Love, Mrs, peggy �ewe| l , +.`d Mr . tort in Haie' Represent inp the ciiy sta++ were Hr , 511l wi /'d/'^'x. Director of r..b1ic works; Mr . m.s Fappas , UzLy Mr . Kennet}. White, Parks Supervisor and S"*an MaiquarJi , Secretary. Those absent were urtairman | ibba1s , H, s. J�/oe Chapma/. and Mr ' Uon Hughes. Vice-Chair/oan onm/erman called the meeting to order . Vice-Chairman Ammerman asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes. Mr . Morgan made motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Mr . na1e seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. 1TEMi-Nu--2_��-l>l{}CUSS- FLANS_FUR -CUM AMP,'YEAR -- Mr ' Windham informed the board that last week Mr ' White a/',i his heiper haC; made some improvements at the 1ihrary settjnq out shrt.bs and trees ' It is starting to look like a park and library.. H, ' Whjte is following the guidelines submitted to the citv c'.u/'cil son/e time ago. The city council decided to do it as you can. Mrs. asked if the lights are up? Mr . Moruan said ;'at they had beeo up since Novemhpr ' Mr . Windham passed ou|� site plans of the park property to show where th, prnpert� 1ays and board to take |mm.` '"m work on where yo'/ would like 11 ,00 /1ex0 if/inqs to he p' I' ' nrs' �ewe/ � askeo i + we had checxcd nn ,i.e p/ acc on I /`'� |.ilL : /|.+ chi | drens home / Mr' Ha1u staked |.o had stopped ny and the person that we needed to /.ot. fy was in Dal / as, uerpk o=:c/ ma// stated that he ta1keu to Try" in rcqoorus to ihe 4th fielU. He has gotten some donations for the fic/d. What we need to do is see prices on what i , wm.] d take to do. He wants to gei some tournaments goino for the springtime. Mr. Windham stated that we have prices uy doing the rest of the fence. If we can get the prices on dug-outs and lighting so that we cou1d turn them over �o | ren. Mr. Windham stated that Mr. White has begun planning o. expanding the playground. We have a couple o+ items he nas 1 t c)e.-.•I ; i I i (.1:1 1:1. 1:: .1 (...-Hff I ;1,1 1 f. [ft ., thu mt.E .L door 1- ri L .I.. :I. co ;..1 171 f ? 1:'11' 1.1.ff up lu 1:1. 'ir:f riiuctirci,f n; (.....11.1 f 111. - Jindhui ot .c[.r'd h. J. c- vjcui .i pr .1. I :1. 1 if rtclhciit C.:1-1 1.:: 't 1.1 C.:1-1 f'..fl?"" C.:•PY . .iid .: :i. dii1"1 OLjLH .; „ 1.. fit 111. 1 1,1 I!;',I .7.; :-1 .;;;;;;.',;;;";;1 1-,.1 E.' I 11:1 : 1"")11-1 1'; r, •.' . i 1'1 ,-2.'1" I i •••• i 1 i! 1111 i i ;1, r, • --- 1.-1H ; ,•.:•1-1 .LHI 11 .1i ;;";;.::,1 ;1'; ; 11 ; ; ; 1;1 1; , ; 1 ltI , 1 i -" 1 , i ric:1 Hi iH-r , ri i , L.lJij ; ;ty? 1.* fff.. fsj c:f i ) r; 1:1 Isi;I f.,; ; ; I.,: 1:. v.cliiiriI. - u. I i (...? '1 1LECl i If...?!...?! i ; I:1:i t (Y.1 1 1 1::?1 (Y.1. i 1...f.1" .1.:1".1(.-:.' ::ff t'" 1.Y(1:i put1.• urnfrf I.1E11 NO.. 4 — Al3jOURI\IMENT — „ i i 11111 i I t I ..;;1 iii1; I .1 1. 11 LI„ .1 1. 1 C:1.1