09-25-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, September 25, 2006 — 6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board Members present
were: Benny Jones, Anne Hiney, Donna Larson, and Brandi Lafleur. Dave Willey and
Frankie Delgado were absent.
Staff present was: Parks Superintendent, Bill Nelson, Assistant Parks Superintendent
Robert Diaz, and Beth Zoucha, Secretary.
No one was present to address the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approval of Minutes of the August 28, 2006 Parks and
Recreation Board Meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Larson made a correction to Item #4, page 3, paragraph 2 wording, "water
features" to be replaced with "including drinking fountains". Board Member Hiney made a
motion to approve the minutes with the corrections as noted. Board Member Lafleur
seconded. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board Members Dave Willey and
Frankie Delgado absent.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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2. Staff updates:
• Fall/Winter meeting dates: October 30, November 27, and December 18.
Staff/Board Discussion
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz addressed the board and outlined the rest of the year
Parks and Recreation Board meetings. The dates of October 20, November 27 and December 18
were scheduled with no opposition from the Parks and Recreation Board members. It was also
noted that special called meetings may be held in October if items need to be reviewed based on
the results of the upcoming Council Meetings which may include the City's 120th Birthday.
• Review items discussed at the July 6, 2006 Special Meeting and August 1,
2006 Special Joint Meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Staff/Board Discussion
Board Member Hiney stated that the Mayor would like the Parks and Recreation Board to help with
the City's 120th Birthday. It was suggested that the City's 125th Birthday celebration may be
considered instead of the 120th Birthday. Another suggested that Pioneer Days in May, July
Jubilee, also another event in combination with the Rodeo — year long celebrations. Assistant
Robert Diaz stated that at another city, they celebrated a 50 year anniversary — all the letterhead
had the 50 year anniversary logo which was to be used the entire year, decals for the vehicles and
it was incorporated in all the events held and at the end of the year was the big tree lighting which
was the culmination of the 50th anniversary.
Board Member LaFleur stated that this was good idea. It was also stated the Pioneer Days and
other items noted were very good to build on. It was stated that a ceremony could be held on the
specific Anniversary (October 13) day.
Assistant Parks Superintendent Diaz stated that we do have time to work on it and really promote
it. Chairman Chesnut asked what day is the Council Meeting in October. It was noted to be on
October 24. It was suggested that a presentation or ceremony be held at City Municipal Building.
It was noted that at the October 24 Council Meeting that Council needs to recognize the October
13th Birthday of the City. It was also noted that the 4th graders could be involved and expanded to
other grade levels. Board Member Hiney stated that this may provide logistics problems, especially
if it is extended a week or more. She felt that Saturday events will be needed. Board Member
Hiney and Chairman Chesnut stated that a lot of educational and other events can be utilized —
Pioneers Days in May, Concerts in June, July Jubilee/Street Dance, September Homecoming,
October is Halloween; and November can be utilized as a Thanksgiving Season which will promote
giving. December is Christmas, Birmingham House, High School Children, Instruments, Log Cabin,
etc. can be added to make the event bigger and better. It was noted that if Parks and Recreation
add events to this, then they will have to maintain and staff it. Board Member Hiney also stated
Arts and Crafts (specified all handmade products) can be added to fit the spirit of what the whole
festival is about.
Board Member Larson asked about 125th Anniversary date of 2011. Board Member Hiney and
Board Member Willey stated that having a July Jubilee may be a good time to have the event.
Assistant Parks Superintendent stated that we can budget for events such as fireworks, etc.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Board members discussed other ideas and events that may be considered as part of the
anniversary celebration. Events and ideas noted: 125th Year Float, Fire Works, 5 K Walk, 125th
Founders Day Run (March or April) and Sponsorship of Events.
Board Member Hiney noted that big sponsors such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Dallas Morning News will
require 2 years in advance for their application process. It was noted that once sponsorships are
received that most continue to sponsor the event for a number of years.
Chairman Chesnut asked if the Parks and Recreation Board has decided on the 125th Anniversary.
Board Member Hiney stated that Council has to make the decision on the celebration dates.
Mike Sierra noted staff did a research on when other cities celebrated their Anniversary. Most
celebrated on the day their city was founded. Chairman Chesnut noted that if the 120th anniversary
is to be next year then it will be very tight to get all of the events in order. It is highly recommended
to go with the 125th anniversary.
In regards to the August 1, 2006 Special meeting, Chairman Chesnut asked if anyone have heard
about the proposal about the stages or "swinging gates" process. Public Services Director Sferra
stated that the new Planning and Zoning Director, Renae 011ie will be looking at this and staff will
follow up on this. Assistant Superintendent Diaz noted that the Planning and Zoning Department is
going through a transition and it may be a while before staff receives any feedback.
• Athletic/Light Fee Ordinance
Staff/Board Discussion
Assistant Superintendent Diaz stated Council had questions and one of the questions was
regarding teams. Staff is in the process of getting with the league and looking at what the average
team sizes are if all of the different sports and come up with options. Also what revenues are
generated with the fees per person and per team and let Council see the figures. Also they wanted
to make sure that the electrical costs are the most update. It was noted that electrical costs have
Staff anticipates bringing this item will be brought back to the Parks and Recreation Board meeting
in October.
• Collin County Grant Application
Staff/Board Discussion
Public Services Director Sierra stated that a grant application has been submitted in July for the
next Collin County funding cycle — land acquisition project. It was for 17 acres of land next to
Founders Park — the Hensley property — south of the existing soccer fields and it borders the
school property. The property was appraised at $370,000.00 and our cost would be close to
$200,000.00, depending on negotiations with the land owners. Founders Park bond project money
was suggested by the previous City Manager. Collin County Commissioners will be awarding
those projects next month and Bill Nelson spoke to someone on the Parks and Open Space
Committee and we will probably get the grant award.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Chairman Chesnut asked exactly what would the funds be used for, if it would be used for a tie in
to Founders Park. Mr. Sferra stated that a connecting link to the school together, expand a trail
system - 2/3 of the site is heavily wooded. Another use would be for the extension of Hensley
and also additional parking. It was noted that Collin County will not pay for right of way and that
there is about 2 acres of right of way. The grant application was structured not to include right of
way. Hensley Lane could be extended to the west. Chairman Chesnut stated that his concern is
finishing Founders Park as it was originally planned and with the walking trails the extension into
this area would be great but he would not want anything taken from was earlier discussed and laid
out for the park. If we have to pay them $400,000.00, then that would take away from funds and if
it included in the budget, then $200,000.00 would still need to be considered.
Board Member Hiney stated that if the opportunity arises to acquire park land, then we should take
advantage of it. It was noted that this may take funds from building but to preserve park land
should be considered. Discussion followed regarding uses of this property.
• Review the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund (Parkland Dedication
Staff/Board Discussion
Board members reviewed charts that were previously given to them. Board Member Hiney asked
about the property on Stone - Collins Place. Mr. Sferra stated that the cost of this is included
$180,000.00 of $209,000.00 has already been paid by Collins. Park Dedication fees have already
been paid. Mr. Sferra gave a brief synopsis of the funds listed on the charts. Board Member
Hiney asked if there are any items that we need to purchase with this money such as a fountain,
etc. Mr. Sferra stated that in order for the money to be spent at this time that a budget amendment
must be brought before Council. Chairman Chesnut stated that if there is an item that needs to be
purchased, why we can't do it. This is money already collected. It isn't pulled from a general fund
and this was developed for a purpose. Mr. Sferra stated that since Council just approved the
budget, then to go to Council at this moment and ask for an $80,000.00 amendment will be looked
at as the department did not plan correctly.
Board Member Larson asked if it was possible to ask the Council to approve the use of these funds
for this project. Mr. Sferra stated that during the budget workshops, Council stated that they do
not want staff to amend the budget but to utilize the budget as outlined. It was noted that the
earliest that staff could ask Council for a budget amendment would be closer to mid year. Board
Member Jones stated that the message that the Board is getting is that once the budget is in place,
then they will have to wait another year. Mr. Sferra stated that this is correct. It was noted that
when the public brings concerns or requests to the Parks and Recreation Board, then they are not
able to act upon public requests. Discussion followed regarding the budget.
• Skate Plaza Concept
Staff/Board Discussion
Board Member Hiney stated that an outline of projects needs to be completed for presentation to
Council. Mr. Sferra again stated that at this time a budget amendment needs to be considered for
later. Board Member Larson and Hiney discussed that various businesses that have a problem
with children may want to get together and contribute funds and efforts that may be donated to the
playground foundation and a special fund set up for it which will get this done.
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• Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Sferra stated Joel Scott Park - irrigation plans are underway. Also, trees are to be moved
back. Olde City Park - slab for the Pavilion. Building inspection has questions regarding the
placement of the slab and steel. The contractor is ready to pour. A few technical questions are
being answered. The pavilion will be 30 x 50 when completed.
Board Member Larson asked if staff would be ready to go to Council during the midyear for a
budget amendment. Mr. Sferra stated that staff can outline items to present to Council as the
board has suggested. It is anticipated that a midyear budget amendment can be presented to
Council in April, 2007. Board Member Jones stated that when school is out, that there aren't a lot
activities for high school age youth to do. It was noted that it would be good if basketball courts,
skateboard plazas and other facilities would be put in place for the youth to keep them busy when
school is out. Board Member Jones stated that this is a concern of his involving our youth. Mr.
Sferra stated that several have asked about a recreation center, etc. and the city is trying to meet
all of the needs of the youth.
A motion was made by Board Member Benny Jones and seconded by Board Member Anne Hiney
to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
D Chesnut, Chairman
Gayle Walton,Acting Secretary
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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