04-30-1985 (City Council) Agenda Packet itak ' C-`3& /��2
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7 :00 P.M. CITY HALL
1 Work session with Collin County to
discuss road improvements .
Department of Public Works
April 11 , 1985
Gus Pappas
City Manager, Wylie
P. O. Box 428
Wylie, Texas 75098
Dear Mr. Pappas :
The costs of the various highway projects that we have recently
discussed have been reviewed. We have obtained additional infor-
mation from the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation
about the costs and the required local shares.
Attached is a revised listing of the projects that have been discussed
by Collin County , Plano , Murphy, and Wylie. Columns two through
four are the costs of the projects as four-lane urban sections .
The next six columns are the funds available as we understand it .
We are hoping that where right-of-way is required , the cities can
provide it. This , of course , will reduce the deficit .
You will notice that the east end of FM 544 and S.H. 78 need significant
amounts in order to fund the projects . FM 544 requires a substantial
amount of money because there are no State funds programmed for it .
Plano and Richardson are agreeable%to using some of their share
of the County' s bond money on S.H. 5 so we can get the State to
switch the $4. 5 million programmed for S.H. 5 to FM 544 . This
amount , however, will not build a four-lane divided urban thoroughfare
all the way from the Plano city limits to S.H. 78 . Additional funds
have to be found if it is going to be built the entire length to
S. H. 78 .
The first chart attached indicates $747 ,500 being used toward FM 544 .
This is the amount allocated in the County Bond Program for Plano
Parkway from Shiloh to FM 544 near Plano' s old service center , and
this allocation was made at Wylie' s request.
McKinney, Texas 75069 • (214) 542-9441 • 231-7170 (Metro)
Pg. 2
The second chart shows an additional $1 ,080 ,000 (or a total of
$1 ,827 ,500) for FM 544. This amount was allocated in the County' s
program for Spring Creek Parkway from FM 2514 to S.H. 78 at Wylie' s
request. While this amount will only build a rural section for
Spring Creek and it may seem that this road is a long way off, in
time, it would be possible to build this section in the next several
years . This would re-route some lake traffic that presently travels
through Wylie (apparently) . I believe that the Court would be agreeable
to using the funds for either Springcreek Parkway or FM 544 .
Additional funds will be needed for S.H. 78 because the State is
planning to build an urban section. Local governments must pay
the cost of the curb and gutter and drainage in this situation.
The estimated local cost is $2 . 1 million from the County line to
FM 544 and $2 ,900 , 000 from FM 544 to S.H. 205 . The County only
programmed $100,000 because we thought the only local cost would
be ten percent of the right-of-way and utility adjustments for a
rural section.
Please review this and discuss it with your Council . All the local
governments must determine what funds they can provide in order
for us to put together a proposal to present to the State. Please
give me what information you can as soon as possible.
Clarence Daugherty
Director of Public Works
xc: Jerry Hoagland