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02-12-1985 (City Council) Agenda Packet
/(la /9,f.s- AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 , 1985 7 :00 P.M. CITY HALL CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS COUNCIL BUSINESS 1 1-7 Consider approval of minutes . 2 Consider appointment of new member of the City Council for Place 6 as provided for in the Home Rule Charter , adopted on January 19, 1985 . 3 Administer oath of office to councilmember appointed to fill place 6 as provided for in the Home Rule Charter . 4 Consider appointment of member to represent the general public for the Construction Trades Board . 5 8-10 Consider approval to call for City Election on April 6 , 1985 . PUBLIC READING OF ORDINANCES/PUBLIC HEARINGS 6 11-14 PUBLIC HEARING: Conduct final public hearing on the annexation of three (3 ) acres out of Wm . Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 . Commonly known as Texas Fence and Spa . 7 15-17 PUBLIC HEARING : Conduct final public hearing on annexation of one ( 1 ) acre out of Wm . Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 . Located in Steel Industrial Park . 8 18-21 PUBLIC HEARING: Conduct first public hearing on the annexation of 21 . 0541 acres out of L.K . Pegues Survey , Abstract 703 and the I & GN Ry Co . Survey , Abstract 1061 located on southeast corner of intersection of FM544 and Hooper Rd . 9 22-23 PUBLIC HEARING: Conduct first public hearing on annexation of 33. 8858 acres out of Wm. Sachse Survey, Abstract 835 . Located adjacent to Steel Industrial Park . 10 24-29 Consider approval of amendments to Subdivision Ordinance . 11 30-31 Consider approval of amendments to Mobile Home Park Ordinance . 1 12 32 Consider approval of ordinance repealing Ordinance # 62-2 as provided for in Home Rule Charter . NEW BUSINESS 13 Presentation to the City Council by Robert L. Taylor . 14 33 Authorize payment for new fire station electrical work. 15 34-37 Consider participation in Texas Utilities Rate Case . 16 Consider authorization for City Manager to conduct candidates briefing session . 17 38 Consider authorization to abolish Plat Review Committee . 18 39-40 Consider ratification of letter from City Manager establishing chain of command in the event of temporary absence of City Manager . PURCHASE/PAYMENT/FINANCIAL REPORTS 19 41-42 Consider approval of bills paid and accounts payable . 20 43-47 Consider approval of bank reconciliation statements . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 21 Departmental Reports : 48-53 Wylie Police Department 54-55 Municipal Court 56 Wylie Public Library 57-58 Animal Control Department 59 Inspection Department 60-62 Public Works Department 63-71 Wylie Fire Department GENERAL DISCUSSION PERIOD 22 Citizen Participation 23 General Council Discussion 24 Recess open meeting EXECUTIVE SESSION 25 Convene exeutive session under the authority of Article 6252-17 of Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes , Section 2 paragraph "g" personnel matters and paragraph "f" real estate matters . 26 Reconvene open meeting . 27 Consider action on matter discussed in Executive Session . 28 ADJOURNMENT 2 • 29 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JANUARY 21 , 1985 7 : 00 P . M. The Wylie City Council met in a special called session on Monday , January 21 , 1985 at 7 : 00 P . M . in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Akin presided . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Councilmembers Percy Simmons , Joe Fulgham, Cleo Adams , City Manager Gus Pappas , City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires , Ronnie Rawlings , Randall Gaston , Elayne Mayes of the Wylie News . Councilman William Martin was absent due to illness in his family . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and gave the invocation . APPROVAL OF MINUTES : Councilman Fulgham said the minutes of January 9 , 1985 needed to be corrected to show Councilman Adams seconded the motion on Canterbury Hill . Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to approve minutes with this one correction , seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . all in favor . CANVASS ELECTION RETURNS Mayor Akin opened his election package from the election judge and read the following , the return of Saturday , January 19 , 1985 election was 102 in favor of the Home Rule Charter and 70 against the Home Rule Charter . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to accee! and validate the election returns . Seconded by Councilman, Simmons . All in favor . APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE TO ADOPT RESULTS OF ELECTION I ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 1169 V. A .C. S . : Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve and sign ordinance adopting the results of the election . Seconded by Councilman Fulgham . All in favor . DISCUSSION AND DECLARATION OF PLACE SYSTEM FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS AS ORDERED BY HOME RULE CHARTER : City Manager Gun Pappas read from the Home Rule Charter the provision places and thier expiration date which are as follows : Mayor Position - Mayor John Akin - April 1986 Place 1 - Councilmember Hughes - April 1985 Place 2 - Councilmember. Simmons - April 1986 Place 3 - Councilmember Adams - April 1985 30 Place 4 - Councilmember Martin - April 1986 Place 5 - Councilmember Fulgham - April 1985 Place 6 - New position - April 1986 APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY ON CONSTRUCTION TRADES BOARD : Motion was made by Councilman Adams to appoint Mickey Foster to the Construction Trades Board , subject to his approval . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , all in favor . APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 35 . 7 ACRES OUT OF DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, ABSTRACT 841 : This property is located on SH 78 adjacent to Roddy & Assoc . Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to approve the signing of the annexation ordinance for the above listed property . Seconded by Councilman Adams . Four in favor , Councilman Simmons abstained . PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 35 . 7 ACRES OUT OF DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY ABSTRACT 841 : This property is located on SH 78 and is adjacent to Roddy and Assoc . The zoning requested for this area is Industrial . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition to this zoning , the public hearing was closed . Planning and Zoning approved this zoning for recommendation to Council with a 6 - 0 vote ; being in favor . APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 35 . 7 ACRES OUT OF DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, ABSTRACT 841 : Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve and sign zoning ordinance for the above property . Seconded by Councilman Adams . Four in favor , Councilman Simmons abstained . PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 5 . 539 ACRES OUT OF WILLIAM SACHSE SURVEY , ABSTRACT NO. 835 . This property is located on West FM 544 and is a part of Steel Industrial Park . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed . Planning and Zoning approved this annexation for recommendation to Council with a 6 - 0 vote in favor . PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 1 . 00 ACRE OUT OF WILLIAM SACHSE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 835 : This property is located on West FM 544 and is a part of Steel Industrial Park . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed . Planning and Zoning approved this annexation for recommendation to Council with a 6 - 0 vote in favor . PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 3 . 00 ACRES OUT OF WILLIAM SACHSE SURVEY , ABSTRACT NO. 835 : This property is located on West FM 544 and is adjacent to Steel Industrial Park and Ff • • 31 is commonly known as Texas Fence and Spa . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed . Planning and Zoning approved this area for recommendation to Council for annexation with a vote of 6 - 0 in favor . ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE : City Manager Gus Pappas reported to Council the changes that Planning and Zoning has requested for this ordinance . Section pertaining to sidewalks - four foot wide concrete sidewalk needs to be added , fencing shall be opaque and a height of eight (8) feet , plus the other changes made at the previous meeting of Council . Mayor Akin recommended this item be tabled until the City Attorney could give Council opinion . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Hughes to table until opinion was received from the City Attorney about these changes . Seconded by Councilman Adams . All in favor . APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR ROCKY TOP ADDITION : This plat has been reviewed by staff members and if there were corrections , they have been made . This plat is a part of Steel Industrial Park . Staff recommends approval . This developer is prepared to participate in the reconstruction of Steel Road and bring it up to City standards . Planning and Zoning recommends this plat with a 6 - 0 vote in favor . Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to approve , seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , all in favor . APPROVAL OF RAISE IN PAY FOR VOLUNTEER FIREMEN : City Manager Gus Pappas reported that the latter part of 1932 or early part of. 1983, a rate change for firemen from $2 . 00 per meeting and $3 .00 per fire call was changed to $3 .00 per meeting and $4 . 00 per fire call . There is no record of this change in the minutes of the council meeting . Fire Chief Allen said this was an agreement of the City Manager at this time and himself . In the past there has been one check cut to the fire department . This year the staff upon recommendation from the auditor has written individual checks , and hereafter , there will be individual checks written . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the $3 . 00 per meeting and the $4 . 00 per fire call . Seconded by Councilman Adams , all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : Mr . Randall Gaston , who is a member of the Plat Revue and Planning and Zoning Commission , said that over the past six (6) months , there has been a lot of compliments to the City Staff and City Engineer . When the revue board meets , the staff has had the plats corrected and there is no changing for the plat committee to do . I would like to suggest to the Council that this revue board be abolished . Randall also said there are some isolated areas that the zoning needs to be looked at and possibly changed . These areas are where one or two lots are zoned • 32 differently. from the surrounding lots . City Manager - Gus Pappas said he thought the idea was to change the zoning to ' active zoning without the approval or recommendation of the property owners . Councilman Fulgham wanted to know if this would not be done at the time the new master plan was looked at . COUNCIL DISCUSSION : Mayor Akin reported that City Manager Gus Pappas and Councilman Simmons would be going to Austin on Wednesday on the problem concerning the 750 unit Mobile Home Park and sewer plant public hearing . Mayor Akin wanted to report that on Saturday night when there was a power failure , that some areas were without power several hours . This was caused by the high winds . Also , the Chamber of Commerce has requested the Mayor , Council members and City Manager to attend a dinner on Tuesday , February 5 , at 6 : 30 P. M . City Manager Gus Pappas said he had a request from Mr . Harold Spence wanting permission to pave Marble , this street comes into the back side of Oaks Center and the new super market . Mr . Spence wants to improve the street with an all weather road . Councilman had no objection . City Manager Gus Pappas said there was some concern about a bill at the new fire station for electrical work done from a local electrician . This job was done by authority from the people involved in the new fire station . A Councilmember has asked that Council look at this bill and okey it for payment . The bill is in the amount of $1680 . 00. Mayor Akin said he was told that this bill would be taken care of . The City should go ahead and pay this bill . Staff will have this bill on the next agenda for approval . Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to adjourn . Seconed by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , all in favor . JOHN W. AKIN , MAYOR ATTEST: CAROLYN JONES CITY SECRETARY MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1985 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie, Texas met in regular session on Thursday, January 24, 1985 in the council chambers at city hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. The meeting was called to order at 7: 00 P. M. by Chairman. Randy Gaston. Members present were Harold Spence, Ken Mauk, Nancy Conkle and Sarah Connelly. Bryant Barry and Kent Crane were absent. Representing the city staff were Gus Pappas, City Manager; Roy Faires, C. E. O. and Maureen Dunlop , clerk. ITEM N. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES-Randy Gaston asked for approval of the minutes as they read. Harold Spence motioned to approve the minutes, Ken Mauk seconded the motion to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried 5-0. Randy Gaston informed the Board that the discussion on the amendments to the Moble Home Park Ordinance went before the City Council last Monday night, January 21 , 1985. The Council would like to pass these on to the city attorney prior to making any action on them. That is curently being done. Randy Gaston said that the only thing that was added was a suggestion for a fencing requirment on the perimeter of the park. ITEM NO. 2 -CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 21 . 0541 ACRES ON FM 544 AT THE INTERSECTION OF HOOPER RD. - Chairman Gaston asked Mr. Pappas to fill the Board in on this annexation. Mr. Pappas showed the Board exactly where the land was located. Chairman Gaston declared the public meeting open and asked if there were any comments for or against this item, there being none, the public hearing was closed. After some discussion, Chairman Gaston asked for a motion, Ken Mauk motioned to approve the annexation. Harold Spence seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 3 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 33. 8858 ACRES OF WM. SACHSE SURVEY, ADJACENT TO STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - Mr. Pappas explained that this plat would be a mirror image of Steel Industrial Park, it is different in that through the plat runs a strip of land that belongs to T. P. °< L. . It would be up to Mr. Ken Swayze to take care of this strip with T. F'. & L. . Sarah Connelly made a motion to recommend to city council that they annex this piece of property. Nancy Conkle seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 4- CONDUCT WORKSHOP ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE 15. 1 Under Use Regulations: #1 . Change to read: A mobile home. ( Mobile home park regulations covered under separate ordinance. ) A park is defined as a unit of land under sole ownership where lots are rented or leased as space to be occupied by the described housing. Height Regulations: Change twelve ( 12) feet to thirty (30) feet maximum. Under size of lot: (a) Lot Area: Change five thousand (5000) to five thousand five hundred (5500) square feet per unit (c) Lot Depth: Change one hundred ( 100) to one hundred and ten (110) feet minimum Under Minimum Dwelling Size: Change: four hundred eighty (480) to nine hundred (900) square feet Under Lot Coverage: Change: thirty-five (35) to twenty- five (25) percent 15. 5 Change to read: Additional Restrictions Applicable to Mobile Home District: 16. 1 Under Use Regulations: scratch Pawn Shop Under #52. (c) Change to read: That all merchandise be sold at retail on the premises. Wherever it reads masonry wall - change to read: masonry or wood wall . 17. 3 Area Regulations: #3. Lot coverage: change forty (40) to fifty (50) percent 18. 1 Use Regulations: #1 . Change to read: Uses permitted in the B-1 , Business District and R Retail 18. 3 #3. Lot Coverage: Change forty (40) to read fifty (50) percent Delete #4. 19. 1 Use Regulations: #1 . Change to read: Any use permitted in the B-2 Business District, B-1 Business District, and R Retail except, child care facilities, hospitals, nursing homes and schools other than trade. 19. 2 Height Regulations: Change to read: Maximum height one hundred ( 100) feet. 19. 3 Area Regulations: #4. Delete Mr. Pappas proposed that at sometime soon they should bring forth a proposal to change the entire three (3) blocks that are zoned Industrial and two (2) lots out of the other one to B-1 . Mr. Gaston asked if that could be none for their next meeting, Mr. Pappas said he would see that it was taken care of . 21 . 3 Change to read: Any dump, excavation, storage, filling, or mining operation within that portion of a district having a Flood Plain, FP Prefix shall be approved in writing by the City Manager or his Designated Representative. 27.. 1 Special Off-street Parking Provisions--Residential Districts #1 . Delete first sentence Should read: All required parking spaces shall be located behind the required front setback line in the MF district. •_. � Parking Requirements Based on use: Under #3. change three (3) to four (4) seats in the main auditorium. Under #7. Change to read: One and a half ( 1 . 5) space per teacher. #9. Change to read: Dwelling, single family: Two (2) spaces per dwelling-refer back to specific zoning for details. #10. Change to read: Dwelling, two family: Two (2) spaces per dwelling-refer back to specific zoning for details. #11 . Change to read: Dwellings, Multi-family: Two and one-half (2. 5) spaces per unit-refer back to specific zoning for details. #13. Should read: Mobile Home Subdivision: #22. Under Mobile Home Park: Change two (2) to three (3) spaces 29. 1 Add #4. Any and all plots, tracts or lots must be provided access via a public street or drive. 7.1 . 2 Add #5. The concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board shall be necessary to revise any order, requirement, decision or determination of any such administrative official , or to decide in favor of the application on any matter upon which it is required to pass under this ordinance or to affect any variance in said ordinance. Chairman Gaston said he thought that the rest of the ordinance was pretty technical and that it should be left for City Hall . Harold Spence moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Ken Mauk. Motion carried 5-0. Randy Gaston, Chairman 2066—ORDER FOR CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION—Class 4 ORDER FOR CITY OFFICERS ' ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE JOHN_ W. AKIN , in my capacity as Mayor of the City of WYLIE , Texas, do hereby order that an election be held in said City on the 6th day of APRIL , 19 85 , for the purpose of electing the following officials for said City: MAYOR2 3 Aldermen' Two Commissioners2 (Number of) Place 1 Place 3 Place 5 That in accordance with an order adopted by the City Council/Commission' of said City, said election shall be held at the following place_ in said City, and the following named persons are hereby appointed officers for said election. In Election Precinct No. 1 , at First United Methodist Church Annex Building, in said City, with Beth Ful tz as Presiding Judge, and Mary Jo Smith as Alternate Presiding Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed 4 clerks.' In Election Precinct No. , at Building, in said City, with as Presiding Judge, and as Alternate Presiding Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed clerks. In Election Precinct No. , at Building, in said City, with as Presiding Judge, and as Alternate Presiding Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed ____ _ clerks.' In Election Precinct No. , at Building, in said City, with as Presiding Judge, and as Alternate Presiding Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed _ _ _ clerks. Carolyn Jones is hereby for absentee voting, and Barbara LeCocq appointed Clerk and are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks for absentee voting. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at Ci ty Hall within said City and said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official State holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8.00 A.M. and 5:On_ P_ M on each day for said absentee voting That said election shall be held in accordance with the Election Code of this State and only resident qualified voters of said city shall be eligible to vote at said election. That the City Secretary/Clerk' shall give notice of said election by posting a copy of this order in each of the election precincts of said city, which posting shall be done not less than 30 days prior to date fi\:ed for said election. That immediately after said election is held, the officers holding the same shall make return- of the result thereof to the Mayor of this city as required by the Election Code of this State. A copy of this order shall also serve as a writ of election which shall be delivered to the above appointed Presiding Judge___, for said election. John W. Akin Mayor (1) Strike one not applicable. (2) Strike if not applicable. (3) Art. 3.01(b) of the Election Code provides for the appointment of a presiding Judge and alternate presiding Judge and hying the minimum number of clerks which shall be not less than two. 2O79—NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS'ELECTION—Class 4 CI.rkc & Courts, In(. NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF Wylie TO THE RESIDENT QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF Wylie , TEXAS: TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held on the 6th day of April , 19 85 in the City of Wyl i e , Texas, at the place, in the manner, and for the officials set forth in the attached copy of an order for City Officers' Election, duly adopted by the Mayor of said City on the 12 t h day of February 19__5_. Said attached order for City Officers' Election being made a part of this notice for all intents and purposes. Carolyn Jones City Secretary/Clerks &Strike the title not applicable. 9 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,on this day personally appeared Carolyn Jones City Secretary/Clerk1 of the City of Wylie , Texas, who after being by me duly sworn deposes and says: That the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Notice of City Officers' Election giving notice of the election therein mentioned, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice of City Officers' Election at each of the following places, to-wit: In Election Precinct No. 1 at First United Methodist Church Annex In Election Precinct No. at • In Election Precinct No. at • • In Election Precinct No. — at within the boundaries of said city on the 6th day of Apri 1 , 19 85 , which posting was done not less than 30 full days prior to the date fixed for said election. I further certify that I delivered a copy of the order for City Officers' Election to each of the persons appointed Presiding Judge in said order for said election. WITNESS MY HAND this the day of , 19 Ctty Secretary/Clerks Sworn to and subscribed before me this the day of , 19 Notary Public, Coll i n County, Texas (SEAL) 'Strike the title not applicable. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXA Now comesQ4, ,• (-4Z; ;22. of the County of and the State of ry�vl". �� , and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following des- cribed tract of land which is contagious and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters , reside, described as follows: ae//1-4/ /674(A) a-4) 7---2/;./0/4:L 1.222c; ( // PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D PAGE 2 Said /ll (� /1, represents that he and all other tel l r!2'> e owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County , Texas , subject to all laws, rules, and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas , as provided by Article 974(g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witnes the hand of this petitioner this the day of // 22 , 19 8 . ‘ -, e----; 4 Vi 6(.1/ , �se int Na� 76) . ) Ad SAS �� -7 Jo Y c4T StLte_f2 ZIP elephone THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Bef me, thy under igned Notary Public on this day personally y appeared E - ,e. , know to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing. instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes .and consideration therein expresses: Vn under hand and seal f ,office this the // f day of , 19�' I 7ri ' /. 03 ary P c, C 1 County, Texas 'l0'o�n ) ;.::) t+•, Co'Ary.,jt,10' »Mr • f. Being all that certain lot , tract or parcel of land situated in Collin County , Texas , being out of the William •Sachee Survey , Ahetract No. 835 , and being part of a 67 . 870 acre tract of land conveyed to Maurice Britten recorded in VoLuroe 1124, Page 182 , Collin County Deed Records and being more particular3y described as follows : Commeecing in the Weet line of a County Road and the North line. of said 67 ,870 sure trict, said point being the Northivast corner of a 7. 50 acre tract of land conveyed to Duane.- C. tielt1berger 'and• wife, Alice F. Aelkberger , thence:: S 00 deg. 02 min. 51. eec. E along. the West line of said County Road and the East litre of said 7,50 acre tract at 542422 feet paaeIag the Southeast cortier d'f -d.eid •7.50 acre tract and continuing a total distance of 576.32 feet, said:,,i int b ii�::the •center• o -.et '60!' Ingress . . � � grass ::• and Egress Easement, thence Z S 89 deg. 56 min. -24 sec. W o e�t ,.aton the center of said 60' Ingress • and Egress Easement to at iron stake • _ • _ -. set, for .cortt,}tr, the Pl y-Of`Se&ictaing:,• r_ __ CITY - _ _______, LIMITS -_ J / 4/ ANNEXATION OR CITY LIMITS EXTENSION PETITION (For use in General Law Cities of less than 5 , 000 population where territory is inhabit - ed by less than three qualified voters or is unoccupied. ) TO THE MAYOR AND GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS The undersigned owners of the hereinafter described tract of land, which is vacant and without residents , or on which less than three (3) qualified voters reside , hereby petition your Honorable Body to extend the present city limits so as to include as a part of the City of Wylie, Texas , the following described territory, to wit : (See enclosure exhibit "A") We certify that the above described tract of land is con - tiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie , Texas , is not more than one-half (h) mile in width, and that this petition is sign - ed and duly acknowledged by each and every person or corpora- tion having an interest insaid land, THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN . Before me, the under igned authority , on this day per- sonally appe red A,Z,Ex de,esa •cam and AV,�,yg. ,A,d 2SeAeknown to me to be the names are su� � persons whose scribed to the foregoing instrument and each acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Oaf- Give under my han (.. --day of office , this -'day of C .1{- r.v�- b 4 A. .19 . Notary Public , C.o4L /N County, Texas ��J ' l /4n000,24► I L. CITY LIMITSrH / � Being all that certain lot , tract or parcel of land situated in Collin County , Texas , being out of the William Sachee Survey , Abstract No. 835 , and being part of a 67. 870 acre tract of land conveyed to Maurice Britten recorded in Valuate 1124, Page 182 , Collin County Deed Records and being more particularly described as follow : • Cocumbacing in the West line of a County Road and the North line of said 67.870 acre tract, said point being the North'past corner of a 7. 50 acre tract of land conveyed to Duaae.. C. Uelte)erger *and wife, Alice P. ReLkberger , thence,: 'S 00 deg. 02 min. 51sec. E tlong. the Wetst. line of Said County Road and the East line of said 7 .50 acre tract at 542422 feet passiiig the Southeast cortier of said .7.50 acre tract and continuing a total distance of 576.32 feet, said:,.pi int b' .1z the -center' of .i4 64 Ingress . •', and Egress Easement, thence: S 89 deg. 56 min. -24 icc. W :�6��i�fl"�e.�t �41r�ig the �enCer of said 60' Ingress and Egress Easement to an . iron ' i ._ stake • ae for .corner, ; the Pl a•oE`$e&ictain.{[ N f •j PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes /4;7 . of the County of GO/I� and the State of 74P,I'4 $ , and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or .corporation who are owners of the following des- cribed tract of land which is contagious and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters , reside, described as follows,, : r PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT'D PAGE 2 Said /v I /3/46C- represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas , subject to all laws, rules, and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974(g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witnes the hand of this petitioner this the z 7 day of k... 4,� 19 1:; rintrame �/,/. Address 7� City _ 4p, Z p Telephone THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Befog e me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared / "��GG . know to me to be the per son son whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Gi un r my hand and seal of office this the 07,- - day_of afe(, , 19 _ _ 1..14. 14/4. /4 ,--_ 12'- ) ary Pu lic, Collin nty, Texas — a , S_ ,s-- . /9 1 II.!,P 1,'II, fI,;.' ItIl I ;,,14 BEING a tract of land situated in the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, and the I.&G.N. Ry. Co. Survey, Abstract No. 1061 , Collin County, Texas and being all of two certain tracts of land described in deed to James C. Wood and wife Cecilia Ann Wood from Ben C. Wood and wife Nettie S. Wood, as recorded in Vol. 588, page 415, and deed to James C. Wood from Ben C. Wood and wife Nettie S. Wood as record-'in Vol. 774, page 241 of the Collin County Deed Records, and beinc more paricularly described by metes and bounds as follows : BEGINNING at a "X" cut in concrete pavement for the intersection of the south line F.M Highway No. 544 ( an 80-foot right-of-way shown by map filed for record in Vol. 398, page 14, and conveyed by Deed filed for record in Vol. 392, page 110 of the said Collin Count, Deed Records) with the centerline of Hooper Road (also known as County Road No. 296) , said centerline being the west line of said I . 6G.N. Ry. Co. Survey and the east line of the William Sachse Survey, Abst. No.835, and further, said intersection being the norhtwr'c; corner of said James C. Wood tract in Vol. 588, page 415; THENCE, N.89°58'46"E. , 28. 10-feet along the south line ofsaic FM 544 to a 1" iron rod set for the beginning of a curve to the righ having a central angle of 06°54'00", a radius of 914. 93-feet, a chord bearing of S.86°34 ' 14"E. , and a tangent length of 55. 14-feet; THENCE, along said curve and continueing along said south line of FM 544, 110. 18-feet to a 1" iron rod set for the end of curve THENCE, S.83°07' 14"C. ,• 186. 70-feet continueing along said south line of FM 544, to a 1" iron rod set for the beginninc of a curve to the left having a central angle of 05°15' 13" , a radius of 2905.05-feet, a chord bearing of S. 85°44 ' 5 . , and a tangent length of 133. 33-feet; THENCE, along said curve and continueing along said south line of 0I , FM 544, 266.37-feet to a 1" iron rod set for corner , said 0 point being the northwest corner of a 20. 0 acre tract of land 76/NN/NO described by deed to Ida Pearl Scholz by Ben C. oud and f wife Nettie S. Wood, as filed for record in Vol . '68, page 315 of said Collin County Deed Records; \� , THENCE, S.00°20'08"E. , 2072.54-feet along the west line of said Mft4 20.0 acre Scholz tract, same being the east line of said EJames Wood tract, to a 1" iron rod set for corner the Wort // line of Texas Power & Light Co. right-of-way described in 7 deed filed for record in Vol. 575, page 224 ; / •a THENCE, 5.89°10'32"W. , 102.06-feet along the said north lice of the a T.P.& L. ROW to a 1" iron rod set for corner, said point 0li4 0 l 10 being the southeast corner of a 7.547 acre tract of land 'Y- " •' I 4 AAos/. sag conveyedto Robert C. Rothenbergerandwifeasdescribed by'—�� 6i deed filed for record in Vol. 794, page 272, and said point --� �QF ® 89°59�4ga being also the southern most west corner of T.P. & L. ROW 10 r1 . ,,, .. 28 �� described in deed filed for record in Vol. 575, page 224, and v. being further, a northeast corner of another T. P.S L. ROW as a' CO �.�°�,��, described by deed filed for record in Vol. 577 , race 335; :Q R914'93' THENCE, N.00°15'56"E. , 654. 23-feet along an old fence lire and an � � ' T =SS.14' L 'IIQ18' established tree line, same being also the west 1 :r.e of said 7.547 acre Rothenberger tract, to a 1" iron pipe found at the • 1 base of an old Bois d'Arc fence post for corner, said point ` fiv Q being also being the northeast corner of said 7. 547 acre tract; Vl0 i 11 Q THENCE, N.88°13' 15"W. , 499.86-feet along an old fence an, true line ~ t0 to an "X" cut in concrete pavement for corner, said •,uint a being the northwest corner of said Rothenberger tract and sal �M corner being also in the centerline of said Hooper Road; OS THENCE, N.00°01' 14"W. , 1452. 91-feet along the said Centu; l :ne of .111 '‘! N Hooper Road to the Point of Beginning and Containi 9117 , 119 if. • square feet or 21.0541 acres of land. k i TO HEXTER-FAIR TITLE CORPA`:Y, P.'UL C. BUR.GF., A::u.")R THE. =: OF TdL �J 1 PREMISES SURVEYED: til 1 , ) A :05°I5'13" I, Roland Foerster, do hereby certify that the plat sho..r. nereon .w f . R =2905.05� accurately represents the results of an on the around survey made •N T :133.33', under my personal supervision, with the corners monumented as indi- 1 L =266.37 cated. There are no encroachments, conflicts, protrusions, or ease- 1 cents �1 I � apparent on the ground except as shown. y THE USE OF THIS SURVEY FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OR BY OTHER PARTIES ' � I SHALL BE AT THEIR RISK AND T1IF UNDERSIGNED IS NOT RESPONSIBLF TO .•p r lc� OTHERS FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING THEREFROM. ,.,. t:ktt r i / . I I; — I . Roland Foerster_ Date: Registered Public Surveyor 43233 1 rI 1 Q 'O I ' 2 U 146-ea-"--. ---7-- :77.1.7 ::_; 00PER-ROAD-(-COUNFY Rt. ..•• • • • ;.,,.. . ' . -•• ..• . 1 N.*' r • -• • si‘am" . •-: • .f • . 4"yi, - 1452.V-- • ••. .- - • -- •-74- -.".77 r.t3-77-7,-. .--7—.....:.,.. . 4.. f .; " - .......f• .... , ';,'MM.° ________, .1 • e* \ k .r C ..\ \ i. • / ,. ,..1 J s• \ \ • .• 2 • \ \ \ \ \ , \ 0- \ • k I i 11) \%. \ , C........../ .. • al 1 41.0......r...... • : •I I , . 6,' i &AMA'4••• \.k \ 1 • • r .4. ) ow& \- ‘ \ \ ta▪t x.a. ts• n• • . -..- • -- • !:11,..%,-, ' •._ " <:',1•4 •• f' +1.:-toi'.. I '11.4'lg.':'41;:lt .Iii*** ‘it...t. ...V5.... •„,1, - 1-. 2. ,.!•••'Si_ .& _,:',. •4ATX .Z A ,"4'• . -'4A1,..?''-. ..: ' ;'. , .•.'''. t4,4 2 0.)71;;',14q:-A. .'• 'IA:A ,iso.,-,.3..---2. • . • CO . •.:' (14.4• I . ' - ‘ • ' \ /7,1/9 Sq. Ft x _ , . \Vs \ 45 it #11.4. ?lit.-+ • el- i • .... ‘ -,„ V •. ' /.054/ Acres t 1\1_ . 4;.) i... co"- 1 • (")Fr)to ..••;,•?4 -k co A . V . - i b q • -61: '' 1 . . . • a • i-... .. . t CO ../.. .%-•''"., '',...4, : -I 1 00: -,---; -.:;'..%F.t:.r. Is- . • cr, - • L. i • - I J. e';$.# 05 Kt_ • -N.00'055611E. --CZ•re.o.-'- 7;••••L;•• (sao.rs'ill '''''••:s • 4fig; 1 % vo•• .1.1.r: --ceip . . .,, • -------8....4 jo,c/..-- -____--.. d•O ‘,5 \ le° . 110g Pr°411501114 j 1 .°77t. * - .44.ea l r .. . .. \ .,,•,. \ 05. ,I.I.., /.t....)Yirif el n't-6.5.1 Pi ./ AL J: i • . i MC/' - --i---" , - - • tron.f514-t S.00*20'08'E. - 2072.54'; - .. - . v ..„ \ .. .. As • 7 7 ,... _.." , .•. 00 -- oe • -: ....!.•,--.-1— ....•, •4. . -' f ill • -'''. Rst, \ ' -:'-i-j•-•?ei: ;:q ";‘•' .-1‘ ' . ‘„;'...1;:, .." 4.• . : - v,T, - k.• k 0.14. Arr—.).• '!---1' 1:,,... . )If •-. ...... •. ... 1 .s ..;,,. 7.. •. . ,-••• • . • :,....A. r. i 5J.13 J-0 . 10 IS". v0.0.-• I • 0 , \ ",•-•....:....:1::125 r.. *.• 041 t 1 ej'P3. -I' p '4*.. • ' '' . r . - . -as , r.t--.;‘.'• ..- -s- .. • ':•!'l P;AN,4,:,.f , i 1 1 • r l ANNEXATION OR CITY LIMITS EXTENSION PETITION (For use in General Law Cities of less than 5 ,000 population where territory is inhabit- ed by less than three qualified voters or is unoccupied. ) TO THE MAYOR AND GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS The undersigned owners of the hereinafter described tract of land, which is vacant and without residents , or on which less than three (3) qualified voters reside , hereby petition your Honorable Body._to extend the present city limits so as to include as a part of the City of Wylie, Texas , the following described territory, to wit: (See enclosure exhibit "A") We certify that the above described tract of land is con- tiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie , Texas , is not more than one-half (h) mile in width, and that this petition is sign- ed and duly acknowledged by each and every person or corpora - tion having an interest insaid land, .l, ., • THE STATE OF TEXA COUNTY OF C9L id 4131 f 6-1 Before me , the undersigned authority , on this day per- sonally appeared U (Nee Le e ,/,c >C A.' d e ,- and known to me to be the person; whose — names are subscribed to the forg.going instrument and each acknowledged to me that he .•exeFute-d. the same for the purposes and consideration therein.'..expressed. Given under my, hand`handtApd seal of -office , this // day of ,194 NotaryitraTTPublic , Comnty,Texas • • • EXHIBIT A ('Rnl'iirr' DESCRIPTION PARI:F:I. A INC all of that certain lot , tract or parcel of land situated in the WILi.IAN SACHSU RtTY, A-N IS, (:ol l In County, Texas, and being A part of that same tract of land •,c•rihrd as TRACT Vtl. 1 In deed to VInct'lt'e Alexander, recorded In Volume 11 'n , A of the !teed Records of •('oIIIn County, Texas, And being more particularly d+•�c•rIhed follows : 1:INNIN : nt :+ 5/A" Iron rod for cornier In the west ROW Iloe of Hooper Rond ( a An ' ROW ) ; ICI point being S tu0''04't1R" W, lb1f1.M1' from the present Intersect ion of the v, .t no of Hooper Road with the south ROW lime of FM '►414 ( .+n An' RuW ) and also hr i n r present southeast corner of the W.L. BROWN 1 .0f) acre tract of land described in ed recorded In Volume h34, Page! 381 of the teed Records of Collin County, Texas ; IF:NCF: S ftf►"tl4'OM" W, 548. 7()' with the went line of Hooper Road to a 5/8" Iron rod •r corner In the north line of that same tract of land described In deed to T.P. N L. I mpanv, recorded In Volume 574, Page 455 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas ; • 'FNCF S tiont4I ''in" W, 2hI7.:18' with the north line of the T.P. d L. Co. tract to a 1/8" +n rod for corner In the east Line of the Iona H. Ingram 111 .848 acre tract of land; : 'FNCE V nf►"f)h'4"1" E.- 581.88' with the east line-of the Ingram tract .to n 2')" Iron ripe the southwest corner of the Maurice Britten 68.870 sere tract of land: ii'.NCK S R4" 17' '9" L. 1940.421 With the south line of the Britten tract to a S/H" 1 r• n 'I at the west corner of the aforementioned Brown tract ; LNCE S 80°40'45" F, h73.53' with the south Line of the 8rovn tract to the place heglnnitt►; and containing 1,476,064.58 square feet or 33.8858 acres of land. ORDINANCE NO. 85- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE 83-18 PARAGRAPH 2 . 15 PROVIDING A DEFINITION FOR PRIVATE STREET; AMENDING PARAGRAPHS 3 . 03 AND 3.04 ; MOVING PARAGRAPH 4.02 SUB-PARAGRAPHS C, D AND E TO BECOME PARAGRAPHS 3.06, 3 .07 AND 3 .08 ; INSERTING PARAGRAPH 4.02 SUB-PARAGARH F. 5 INTO F. 1 ; ADDITION TO PARAGRAPH 4 .02 SUB-PARAGRAPH F. 1 "TO THE DEVELOPER" ; AMENDING PARAGRAPH 4.02 SUB-PARAGRAPHS F. 3, F.4 , F. 5 AND F. 6 ; ADDING TO PARAGRAPH 4.04 "FINAL PLAT" ; ADDING TO PARAGRAPH 5 . 01 STREETS ; ADDING TO PARAGRAPH 6.01 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ; ADDING TO PARAGRAPH 6. 02 SUB- PARAGRAPH D PROVIDING FOR SEALING OF JOINTS ; ADDING TO PARAGRAPH 6.03 SIDEWALKS; AMENDING PARAGRAPH 6.04 STORM SEWERS , SUB-PARAGRAPH A. 2 ; AMENDING PARAGRAPH 6.06 WATER SYSTEM, SUB-PARAGRAPH A; AMENDING PARAGRAPH 6. 06 SUB- PARAGRAPH H-4; AMENDING PARAGRAPH 6. 07 SANITARY SEWERS SUB- PARAGRAPH A MATERIALS ; DELETION OF SUB-PARAGRAPH C, PARAGRAPH 6.07 ; ADDING NEW PARAGRAPH C TO SECTION 6 . 08 ; 6 . 09 STREET LIGHTING; AMENDING PARAGRAPH 7 . 03 DEVELOPMENT FEES ; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE AND EFFECTIVE DATE. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, THAT; 2 . 15 PRIVATE STREET is any street , drive , throughway , thoroughfare , pavement or non-pavement surface where vehicles may travel that is not constructed to city of Wylie standards and is not acceptable for dedication to the city of Wylie . 3 .03 SHALL BE AMENDED TO READ : Any owner of land inside or within one ( 1 ) mile of the corporate limits of the city of Wylie 3 . 04 SHALL BE AMENDED TO READ: No subdivision shall be filed or recorded and no lot in a subdivision inside of or within one ( 1 ) mile of the corporate limits of the city of Wylie 3. 06 It shall be unlawful for any owner or agent of any owner to layout , subdivide or plat any land into lots , blocks and streets within the city or to sell portions of the property therein which has not been laid out , subdivided and platted according to these regulations and the rules of the Planning & Zoning Commission . 3. 07 No officer, employee or consultant of the city shall perform or cause to be performed any work upon any streets or in any addition or subdivision of the city unless all requirements of these regulations have been complied with by the owner of the addition or subdivision . 3. 08 The city hereby defines it ' s policy to be that the city will withhold improvements of any nature whatsoever , including the maintenance of streets , issuance of building permits or furnishing of sewerage and water service , until the subdivision plat has been approved by the city council . No improvements shall be initiated nor any contracts executed until written approval has been obtained by the subdivider . 4 . 02 APPLICATION PROCEDURE F. 1 The subdivider shall prepare and submit a PRELIMINARY PLAT to the city Planning & 145/ Zoning Commission for it ' s ( the commission ' s ) study and recommendations to the developer . The preliminary plat shall show the entire subdivision and the various phases by which the subdivision will be developed and that lots may be sold within the phase to be developed upon approval of the final plat of that phase by the city council . The preliminary plat shall then be submitted to the city council for final action . The Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council shall act on the preliminary plat within thirty ( 30) days from the date such plat was filed with each body for their approval . 3 . Upon final action on any such final plat by the city planning and zoning commission , the same shall be referred to the city council and the city council shall , at it ' s next succeeding meeting , consider such final plat for approval . Upon approval action of the city council ' in the affirmative , the mayor is authorized to sign the signature block "approved for construction" . At this time , the developer may pay his required developmental inspection fees as set out in the city of Wylie ' s fee schedule ordinance and begin construction of the public facilities to be dedicated to the city of Wylie upon completion and certification of acceptable construction by the city staff . These construction areas include , but are not limited to , public streets , alleys , water lines , sewer lines , storm drainage lines , channels and all associated construction relative to the above and intended to be dedicated . The city council ' s vote that the final plat as presented is approved for construction is the developers a -4 that no changes will be required or f� from the approved final plat . 4c, ,r 4. As construction of the required public dedicated facilities continues , inspections will be made during the progress of all items intended for dedication to the city . Upon completion of the "intended for dedicated improvements" , the developer shall apply to the city council for final acceptance of the plat and the dedications and easements for construction . The city staff shall certify to the city council that all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the requirements of the city of Wylie . This procedure will be followed for an entire development unless phased development has been indicated and approved in the earlier steps in which case , this step will be repeated for each phase . 5. Upon final acceptance of such plat and public properties ; and certification that all public improvements meet the city ' s requirements may the city council accept and sign the final plat document . 6. Following the completion and acceptance of the public works facilities and the filing of the final plat , with Collin County , Texas , the issuance of building permits may begin . Building permits may only be issued on a completed development or within a completed 2 5 phase when phase development was originally proposed , passed and approved . 4. 04 FINAL PLAT R. Payment of inspectional fees for inspecting the public works construction during the construction phase shall be due at the time the city council passes the "approved for construction" paragraph. Said fee is set by the city of Wylie ' s current fee ordinance and should be referred to for the amount and ,)p method of calculation . In no case shall any ework begin on any development until said fee �(�(�ls is received by the city of Wylie . 0 5. 01 STREETS A . ( 2ND) Private streets or drives are not acceptable except in cases where such streets or drives serve only one property owner . In such cases , the property owner or developer may elect to install a private street to his own specifications without benefit of dedication or acceptance by the city of Wylie . In such cases , the city shall require that a permanent public safety access easement be granted on the final plat document original mylars . In no case shall this option be available if the proposed "private drive" shall provide access for two or more property owners . 6. 01 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS & CONSTRUCTION DETAILS A. (2nd paragraph) The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the final construction , testing etc . connected with the construction of any street , alley or roadway. Compaction and density testing may be verified by any recognized testing firm of the developers choosing with a copy of the results being transmitted to the city of Wylie ' s code enforcement department . 6 .02 STREET PAVING - CONCRETE D. MISC. 4. All 'sawed dummy joints , expansion joints or any other break , crack or interruption in the continuous paving surface shall be sealed , prior to final acceptance by the city of Wylie , with an approved crack sealant material . Safd material shall be of a flexible asphaltic rubberized substance . All interruptions in the paving surface shall be sealed competely to prevent the entry of above surface water into the base material area . 6. 03 SIDEWALKS (ADDITION TO FIRST PARAGRAPH) The available one foot area between the property line and the rear edge of the sidewalk shall be the location of the required sewer cleanout . The area between the front edge of the sidewalk and the curb shall be the proper location for the water meter box . 3_�‘ 6.04 STORM SEWERS A. GENERAL 2 . The subdivider shall pay all of the cost associated with storm drainage system improvements involved in the development of his subdivision. Included in these costs shall be any necessary offsite improvements , connection extensions , acquisition of easements , testing and costs associated with looping or carrythrough within or outside of the development. Design and cost figures should include any requirement , for extending available service from one beginning point on the property through and to a connecting point for adjacent properties . In certain cases , solely at the discretion of the city of Wylie, the city may elect to participate in a portion of the cost for over-sizing. No such cost participation shall be valid without written agreement prior to construction . 6 . 06 WATER SYSTEM A. In zoning districts SF-1 , SF-2 , 2F and MH , the minimum size of a water main shall be six inch (6") diameter . The distribution system shall be gridironed with minimum size six ( 6 ) inch diameter mains at intervals not to exceed one thousand ( 1000) feet. Where intervals between "cross connecting" mains must exceed one thousand ( 1000) feet , where dead-ends must exist , or where in the opinion of the city they are needed , eight ( 8) inch diameter or larger mains shall be installed . The subdivider shall pay all of the cost associated with water system improvements involved in the development of his subdivision . Included in these costs shall be any necessary offsite improvements , connection extensions , acquisition of easements , testing and costs associated with looping or carrythrough within or outside of the development . Design and cost figures should include any requirement , for extending available service from one beginning point on the property through and to a connecting point for adjacent properties . In certain cases , solely at the discretion of the city of Wylie , the city may elect to participate in a portion of the cost for over-sizing . No such cost participation shall be valid without written agreement prior to construction . 4 H. FIRE HYDRANTS 4. All fire hydrants shall be painted white , using a minimum of two coats of an approved epoxy paint followed by the top being painted in accordance with the color code below: Water Fire Main Hydrant Size Color (inches) Code 4 White 6 Red 8 Blue 10 Green 12 & lgr . Yellow 6 .07 SANITARY SEWERS The subdivider shall pay all of the cost associated with sewer system improvements involved in the development of his subdivision . Included in these costs shall be any necessary offsite improvements , connection extensions , acquisition of easements , testing and costs associated with looping or carrythrough within or outside of the development . Design and cost figures should include any requirement , for extending available service from one beginning point on the property through and to a connecting point for adjacent properties . In certain cases , solely at the discretion of the city of Wylie, the city may elect to participate in a portion of the cost for over-sizing . No such cost participation shall be valid without written agreement prior to construction . A . MATERIALS Sanitary sewer mains shall be constructed of PVC sewer pipe which meets or exceeds approved AWWA standards in diameters up to 16" and plastic polyurethane pipe of the Spirolite type or equivalent in diameters of 16" and above shall be the city standards . In certain cases , with prior approval , the city will consider the use of cement lined bituminous coated ductile iron pipe or polyethylene lined iron pipe . (Paragraph 3) omit "and vitrified clay pipe" . C. PIPE JOINTS - this paragraph shall be omitted . 6. 08 UTILITY SERVICES C. All taps for potable water connections shall be made only with a brass double strap 5f tapping saddle . (renumber subsequent sub- paragraphs) . 6.09 STREET LIGHTING A. (3rd paragraph) One of the sheets provided by the developer in the final platting process shall indicate the location of proposed street lights and the anticipated illumination arcs that such street lights shall provide . 7.03 Before commencing construction , the developer shall pay a development inspection fee as specified by the city of Wylie ' s fee ordinance . No construction or development work may commence until such • fee has been paid in full for the entire development or for the phase which is under construction. This fee is paid to cover the cost of inspections made during the construction of the public works facilities which are anticipated to be dedicated to the city of Wylie upon completion and final acceptance . Such fee does not cover any of the cost associated with the testing or laboratory work which may be required of the developer in order to establish that such construction does meet city specifications . PENALTY CLAUSE: Any unauthorized person, firm, corporation or other entity who is found guilty of violating the terms of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction of any such violation shall be subject to a fine. of not less than $1 . 00 nor more than the Texas State laws allow. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall become effective upon it ' s publication. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , THIS THE DAY OF 1985 . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 6 41- ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 83-18 REGULATING MOBILE HOME PARKS : DELETING SECTION 2 .05 ANNUAL PERMIT FEE ; ADDING A NEW SECTION 3. 02; AMENDING SECTION 3 . 04 ; ADDING SECTION 7. 01 "b" 9; AMENDING SECTION 7 .01 "g" DENSITY REQUIREMENTS ; ADDING TO SECTION 7 . 01 "i" ; CHANGING SECTION 7. 01 "i" FENCING REQUIREMENTS ; AMENDING SECTION 7 . 01 "j" MINIMUM SIZE OF UNIT; AMENDING SECTION 7 .02 "b" INTERNAL STREETS ; ADDING PARAGRAPH "g" PERIMETER STREETS , TO SECTION 7 . 02 ; AMENDING SECTION 7 . 03 MOBILE HOME SPACES ; AND AMENDING SECTION 7 . 04 "d .4" ; ADDING A PARAGRAPH TO SECTION 7 . 13; DELETING SUBPARAGRAPH ( e) FROM SECTION 7 . 13 PARAGRAPH 3 ; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION ; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE ; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ; 2 . 05 ANNUAL PERMIT FEE : delete 3 . 02 ANNUAL LICENSE FEE : Twenty dollars ( $20) per space is payable by the licensee or his agent due on or before the 10th day of January each year . 3 . 04 LICENSE FEE: All original license applications and license transfers shall be accompanied by a fee of five hundred dollars ( $500) . 7 . O1b SITE PLAN 9. The location and specifications of the required perimeter fencing and sidewalk construction . 7 . Olg DENSITY REQUIREMENTS : Mobile home parks shall have a maximum density of seven ( 7) units per gross acre with a minimum lot size of 50 x 110 . Maximum lot coverage of 25% . 7 . 01i SIDEWALKS : Must be two ( 2 ) feet from curb . Of standard construction as specified in subdivision ordinance with a minimum four (4 ) foot width . 7 . Oli FENCING REQUIREMENTS : (To be renumbered "j " ) . 1 . The entire area of the mobile home park including open spaces and other required improvements shall be fenced . This perimeter fence shall be provided regardless of abutting property uses or zones and shall be placed just within the property line . The fence shall be constructed of wood or masonry and shall be at a minimum height of eight ( 8 ) feet . Such fence to be kept in good repair . 7 . O1j MINIMUM SIZE : The minimum square footage of living area for any mobile home allowed within the park shall be 900 square feet . ( Renumber 7 . 01k . ) 7 . 02b INTERNAL STREETS : 1 . On all internal streets , roads or driveways designed or intended to provide access to two or more spaces , there shall be twenty-seven ( 27) feet of pavement width with no on-street parking ( unobstructed for vehicular access at all times ) . 1�� 7 .02g PERIMETER STREETS : Requirements for perimeter streets, as outlined in the Subdivision Ordinance , will also apply to Mobile Home Parks . 7 .03 MOBILE HOME SPACES : The area of the mobile home space shall be improved to provide adequate support for the placement of the mobile home , thereby securing the superstructure against uplift , sliding, rotation and overturning due to frost action , inadequate drainage , vibration or other forces acting on the structure . 7 . 04d WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: 4. The system shall be so designed and maintained as to provide a pressure of not less than thirty-five ( 35 ) pounds per square inch , under normal operating conditions , at service buildings and other locations requiring potable water supply . 7 . 13 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS : The collection of the annual license fee shall provide the funds necessary to reimburse the city for the cost of inspection and investigation in order to assure compliance with the following requirements of both park and individual ownership . In addition , this fee shall reimburse the city for inspection of compliance of any other requirement found in this ordinance or later amended into this ordinance . The accomplishment of these inspections in order to insure compliance is necessary for the health , safety and welfare of the occupants of the park and could not be provided for by other means . 7 . 13b Paragraph 3 (e) delete . PENALTY CLAUSE: Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a Class C misdeameanor and upon conviction therefor shall be fined any sum not exceeding that established by the Texas State Law. Each day the violation continues shall be considered a separate offense . The caption of this ordinance shall be published one ( 1 ) time in a newspaper having general circulation in the city of Wylie and shall be effective immediately upon it ' s passage and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE DAY OF 1985 . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 2 241 ORDINANCE NO. AN: ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 62-2 CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND DESCRIBING HIS DUTIES AND POWERS ; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLISHING . OF .;THE APTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY ; PROVIDING FOR AN' EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS , A HOME RULE 'POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS ; THAT, in accordance 'with the provisions of the Home Rule Charter , Article 1Vi Section 1 .A the City Council of Wylie shall appoint a City Manager for the City of Wylie , therefore ; Ordinance No . 62-2 creating the office of City Manager is redundant and no longer needed and is hereby repealed by action of the City Council of Wylie . SEVERABILITY : If any clause , phrase , sentence or paragraph of this ordinance shall be declared invalid for any reason whatsoever , such decision shall not effect the remaining portions of this ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect ; and to: this end , the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable . All provisions of .,any, ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed so far only as it affects only that portion described herein.` ' PUBLICATION : The caption of this ordinance shall be published one (1) time in a newspaper having general 'Circulation in the City of Wylie. EFFECTIVE DATE: Shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, A HOME '>RULE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS ON THIS THE DAY OF 1985 . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary ��i • • • 4t .. • ♦.. r''.r,i4 're-1 :• ,y".4 2'4*'• `! ...., ..; .y, off' . 1m�M -.. •.! k a y. MIC K EY FOSTER •, i t. f„ -_, �P.O. Box.606 WYLIE, TX 75094. INVOICE T• �':y -r - (214j 442.257 • ' X 0 01382 r D ef-: 1/ & -7# „ .. ,. , . , ,,,,. . , . T 1•, 1ST. ORDER NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIP? rYIA �t at�� ?� M � s 4# � �`� <> • { *, ige RORD ,'.,y • i ;r' #j. :i.. T:rx`n`4 * .+�,f,., +3 .y.� u `. ^may a ..? OV. 0 ,t ^, rr 1• a5..''.�ltbid�ta.' .'.' S -w•r t'" 5! f yy,, ` } ,,,f s .i I- t g Z¢s 1 I 011 • � y a R I -1--- „..7,,,,,,,..,• . ,.. ��a • (• „.„..... „ , ..... , ... _ .._ _ _ __ _____ _ _ _ _..,,... .. • , ., . „..,,A, . .,...., .. . ,,,,,,..„, • •. : . TM TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE E 1020 Southwest Tower Austin, Teaa54_Sib © !1lfi`478-6G01 ,/ JAN January 29, 1985 TO: ALL CITIES SERVED BY TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY RE: STATUS OF TEXAS UTILITIES RATE CASE The decision of the Public Utility Commission which reduced TUEC ' s rates by $7 million per annum has produced a number of appeals to the district court. Appeals were filed within the 30 day time limit for appealing administrative decisions by the Company and others. In response to the appeals of Texas Utilities, appeals of the Commission decision and answers to all appeals of the Company and others have been filed on behalf of all participating Cities . At a December 14, 1984, meeting of participating Cities in Austin, it was concluded that, in such court proceedings, the Cities should not only defend against the Company 's claims , but should also pursue aggressively issues which were decided unfa- vorably to the Cities by the Commission. To review the case, the Company filed, on March 9, 1984 , a request for an increase of $304. 2 million per annum. During the course of the case, all major participants presented testimony indicating that the Company 's rates should be reduced. The recommendations for rate reductions ranged from a decrease of $30. 8 million per annum recommended by the Cities to a $323 . 2 million per annum decrease recommended by certain electric cooperatives. The Commission 's ultimate decision reduced rates by approximately $7 million per annum. As pointed out in the appeals filed by the Cities in response to the Company 's action, such result from the Commission should not have been surprising. In early 1984 the Company implemented rate increases of $73. 9 million per annum for its TESCO system and $47. 4 million per annum for its DP&L system. Its other division , TP&L, did not file for a rate increase at the same time as the other two systems because it was already enjoying ample profits and, therefore, could not justify a further rate increase. Additionally, shortly after the TESCO and DP&L increases , the Commission authorized an increase in fuel rates for the entire system of $170. 9 million per annum. In summary, the Company received rate increases totaling $292 . 2 million per annum, at 3 time of declining interest rates and fuel costs , just as it was filing its new $304 million rate case. Many observers concluded 5/ - 1 - that the real propose of the Company 's filing was simply to stan- dardize the rates of its three recently consolidated divisions with any rate increase being an added bonus . The Commission 's decision was generally favorable to the Cities on non-fuel revenue requirement issues. This was evidenced by the fact that the Commission 's final determination was fairly close to the recommendation of the Cities and because many major nonfuel issues were decided based on the testimony of the Cities . Although the Company claims, in its appeals , that it was denied an adequate rate of return and enough construction work in progress in its rate base, it appears that ample justification supports the Commission decision on those issues . In fact, as the Cities ' appeals point out, the Commission committed several errors which, if corrected, should further reduce the Company ' s rates. Included in such errors are the Commission ' s misin- terpretation of the Cities ' rate of return testimony which the Commission purported to adopt, a failure to deduct customer contributed capital from the Company 's rate base, the inclusion in rate base of certain generating units which were never used during the test period in question and have now been take out of service by the Company, and the allowance of excessive construc- tion work in progress in the rate base. The Company has generated considerable publicity indicating that the Texas Commission is unfair to utilities and that the Commission 's actions will cost the Company higher financing costs in the long run. These claims are incorrect. The Texas Commission is still rated as one of the more favorable in the nation to utility companies . In fact, the 15 . 6%, after tax , return on stockholders ' investment allowed by the Commission is quite attractive. The Company 's slip from the highest to next highest bond rating is more attributable to Comanche Peak woes than adverse rate . case treatment. (See attached newspaper article on latest Comanche Peak problems ) The Company is still very highly rated financially. Deferrals of plant construction are the products of revised load growth projections and the drain of Comanche Peak rather than unfavorable regulation. In fact, the Company has never proven that the reduced interest costs for a AAA bond rating offset the higher rates paid by ratepayers to maintain such rating. See the attachments to this memo regarding the Company 's claims. The Cities ordinarily concentrate most of their efforts on the overall revenue portion of cases because ( 1 ) this is the most productive way of saving money both for the Cities as users of service and for their citizens, and (2 ) unresolvable conflicts between different classes of customers, including the Cities themselves , usually arise during rate design and cost allocation portions of case. However, this time the Cities concentrated heavily on cost allocations and rate design . In the rate design portion of this case, the Cities faced their stiffest opposition not from the Company but from the Commission Staff. In this case, the Cities devoted their efforts to rJ - 2 defeating the Staff ' s proposals for the design of residential rates , cost allocations and higher rates within city limits than in rural areas . In the main, the Cities received agreement and complete support from the Company on residential rate design mat- ters and in fighting staff proposed higher rates within Cities . The Commission Staff proposed cost allocation methods which, once fully implemented, would have played havoc with all rates , including the Cities ' own; and proposed a residential rate design which would have imposed a higher rate during summer months and would have been particularly onerous to users with normal or higher consumption patterns . The Company had proposed a more limited winter/summer rate differential for residential users , but which nonetheless would have penalized ratepayers at the very time when consumption was, of necessity, at its highest point . The Cities were quite pleased by the fact that the Commission adopted its residential rate design position. In this regard , its must be pointed out that certain rates of other customer classes were based on the rate design proposed by the Company. Some of these rates, particularly to churches and institutions , have caused considerable concern. The Cities were diverted from more productive activities because of the need to fight off the Commission Staff proposal to impose higher rates within municipal limits. The Company also adamantly opposed this effort of the Commission Staff . The Commission Staff argued that rates should be higher inside municipal limits because Cities receive street use charges in return for fran- chises giving the Company the right to use City streets to pro- vide services. Such argument of the staff totally ignored the fact that there are similar costs for usage by Company facilities outside corporate limits. More important, all evidence indicates that it costs much more to serve outside city limits because of less customer density thereby requiring a greater investment per customer, greater line losses, a need for more transformers etc . All of this was lost on the Commission Staff which based its arguments on several accusations made against the Cities . Among other contentions, the Commission Staff claimed that the Cities were interested only in the revenues which they received from franchise fees rather than rates of their citizens, that the Cities wished to impose a hidden tax (although under the law franchise fees are not taxes ) which ratepayers would not be aware of, that the Cities were engaged in some type of taxation without representation scheme, that the burden was on the Cities to prove that there should not be a higher rate in Cities by engaging in some type of cost of service study (despite the fact that the Company does not maintain its data on such basis ) , that the Cities and Company had engaged in some type of improper nego- tiations which resulted in the Company paying franchise fees , etc. The Commission completely rejected such efforts of its staff as it well should have. Unfortunately, defending against such accusations by the Commission Staff took away from other efforts which should have received more attention . �3 The most disappointing portion of the Commission ' s decision was its avoidance of any regulation of the Company ' s fuel charges . The Commission interpreted its fuel rule to mean that it was not required to make a redetermination of an appropriate rate for fuel in a general rate case. With fuel costs declining as they have been, an appropriate redetermination of fuel costs would very likely have reduced the Company 's rates even further . Such action of the Commission is consistent with its posture in cases involving other electric utilities . Available data indicates that since the imposition of the Commission ' s new fuel rule most electric utilities have had massive over collections of fuel costs. Although it was not necessary to determine fuel costs in this case to achieve a rate reduction, in certain other cases the reduction in rates, or reduced increase, has been the product of a refund of earlier overcollections in fuel costs . Most obser- vers agree that ratepayers would have been better off to have retained the automatic fuel adjustment clause rather than the procedures which the Commission has employed. As mentioned earlier it was the direction of the participants attending the December 14 , 1984 , meeting that the Cities pursue the fuel issue vigorously in its appeals . Interestingly, the Company, in its appeals, also attacks the Commission 's fuel reco- very procedures. A fair evaluation of the consensus of all par- ticipants in electric rate cases at the Commission seems to be that the Commission 's fuel recovery procedures are in need of drastic overhaul. At the Commission hearing in October , a majority of the Commissioners indicated their intent to revise the Commission's fuel rule within 30 days . At this point no further action has been taken by the Commission. Without the participation of the Cities in this case, it would not have been possible to have achieved several favorable results. Without the Cities ' participation all ratepayers would have been paying higher rates, your citizens would have been paying rates 3% higher than those outside city limits , and all ratepayers would have been penalized for consuming electricity in the summer when the vast majority need it most. Please pass_ this information on to your city_ councils and other interested officials of your city. • • February 7 , 1985 TO: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS FROM: CHAIRMAN PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE Please accept this letter as our official request to the City Council of Wylie to abolish the Plat Review Committee . It is the feeling of the members of the committee that due to the efficiency of city staff reviewing procedures , the activities of the Plat Review Committee are no longer necessary . % anirma yo for your consideration of this request . n Plat Review Committee February 5, 1985 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Pursuant to the requirement of the Home Rule Charter , adopted January 19, 1985 , Article 4 , Section 1 D, the following are designated to perform the duties of the city manager in case of his absence or disability : First : W. W. "Bill" Windham Director of Public Works if not available then , Second : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary if not available , then ; Third : Royce Abbott Chief of Police if not available , then ; Fourth : Roy Faires Code Enforcement Officer The above designations are effective upon the date of this letter and the subsequent ratification by the city council as required by the charter . Such designations shall remain in effect until , in the opinion of the City Manager , there has been a significant change in the personnel concerned or in their normal organizational responsibilities. At such time , a new letter of designation shall be drafted and ratified by the council replacing any previous letter of designation . The above mentioned designees are hereby reminded that such designation is an acting and temporary assumption of the authority and responsibilities of the office of City Manager and is granted by the individual holding that office . Therefore , every effort should be made during the periods when this designation would become active to carry out the policies and procedures consistant with the individual currently holding that office and whose name is affixed to this letter . Any action so taken should be immediately reported to the City Manager upon his return and no individual at a subsequent designation shall assume such c=5/ • authority unless he has established that both the City Manager and all designees preceding himself are unavilable . The appointment of a new City Manager other than the undersigned will void the designations above and should be replaced as dictated by the charter within 30 days of that individual ' s assumption of the duties of City Manager . • W Gus H . Pap City Manager cc : Members of the City Council Designees RATIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , A HOME RULE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS ON THIS THE DAY OF 1985 . -4/d GENERAL AND UTILITY FUNDS BILLS PAID Texas Minicipal REtirement $ 2,635.74 retirement Employee Retirement 2,366.15 social security Texas Engineering 250.00 5 men - P. W. - water school TML Insurance Trust 3,163.10 Group Insurance FMD Consultants 540.00 computer program Richards Hardware 204.55 misc. Wylie News 838.61 advertising Price Barracade 120.00 signs General Telephone Company 342.45 phone service Texas A & M 100.00 Bill Windham - waste water sc Bill Windham 385.00 expense check for school Sears 126.98 spray paint gun and connecto Forms & Processing Inc. 931 .56 ribbons and paper Griner Printing 387.00 forms public workds City of Wylie Utility Dept. 182.84 water bills Carolyn Jones 370.00 election law seminar - S.A. Moore Industrial 9,825.32 Dec. Contract Texomas Regional Academy 150.00 3 reserves - school Election - Judge and Clerks 218.00 Jan. 19th election Voertman's 102.14 books - certification program Texas Employment Commission 182.41 qtr. report Lone Star Gas 210.20 gas service - service center Employee Reitrement System 1 ,616.89 social security Ronnie Rawlings 208.32 reimbursement - tools - Sams Wylie Post Office 1 ,000.00 postage Wylie Vol . Fire Department 1 ,106.00 remainder of pay Gus Pappas 200.00 car allowance Mayor and Council 825.00 compensation pay Texas Regional Police Academy 50.00 Ken Simmons - school reserve Water/Sewer Rev. Bonds I & S 6,000.00 reserve bond fund Capital City Leasing 410.29 sewer machine Huey Parker 450.00 City Hall rent Iona Martin 350.00 Library rent Allen Ambulance 500.00 compensation pay Lester Gaylor 270.00 Fire Marshal and car allowancf Robert Beasley 200.00 Municipal Court Judge CaMille Elloitt 200.00 Municipal Court Judoe Bill Kreymer 60.00 inspections Texas National Leasing Co. 254.08 copier machine Helen Starnes 179.00 filing ordinance at county Radio Shack 79.95 pager for animal control Texas Municipal Retirement System 1 ,610.43 retirement Employee Retirement System 1 ,554.38 social security TML Workers Comp. 626.00 insurance North Star Paving 1 ,194.53 Hot Mix - 53.09 Tons Century Ready Mix 400.50 concrete FMD Consultants 1 ,203.40 computer prog. C & G Police Supply 258.00 rain coats Racal Information System 165.00 P.D. Board - maint. Xerox 95.00 Maint. - P.D. Goodyear 195.48 four tires P.D. John Deere Leasing 387.63 tractor payment PBCC 85.00 postage machine Z-Com 88.50 radio repairs Texcom Software 105.00 tractor feed Texas A & M Ext. Service 250.00 5 men P.W. water school Gus Pappas 180.00 reimbursement plane Fare Austi Lone Star Gas 118.26 gas service - police station TOTAL BILLS PAID $ 46,008.69 General Fund $ 32,338.50 Utility Fund $ 13,670.19 Total $ 46,008.69 GENERAL AND UTILITY FUNDS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AAA Rentals $ 50.00 air compressor Aratex/Ind. Uniform & Towel 428.00 uniforms Price Barracade & Signal Co. 101 .70 stop signs Education Service Center Region 10 116.44 tax computer service Chambers Bros Construction Co. 507. 57 sand and rock Griner Printing Company 641 . 50 C.O. and P.W. for General Telephone Company 986.23 phone service Goodyear 299.98 misc. public works North Texas Municipal Water Dist. 9,073.04 water North Texas Municipal Water Dist. 3,799.00 wastewater treatment, plant North Star Paving 851 .62 37.85 Tons Hot Mix Plano Office Supply 547.90 misc. office supplies Rushin Lumber 171 .75 misc. Switzer Petroleum Products, Inc. 197.51 oil , filters , misc . Saf-T-Mark Supply Co. 481 .65 hydrant spotters ,cata guide ,g Saner, Jack, Sallinger & Nichols 90.00 city attorney I. W. Santry, Jr. 4,717.82 engineering for January I. W. Santry, Jr. 2,469.44 engineering for December Texas Meter & Sewer Co. 1 ,337.89 misc. water/sewer supplies Total Refreshments 530.55 misc. - coffee, drinks etc . Trans-Tex Supply 13,019.91 pipe and misc. Wylie Shamrock 95.11 flats Wildcat Computing Inc. 436.50 omni reader and software Western Auto 241 .89 misc. Wylie News Inc. 770.92 advertising of public notices Wylie Butane 72.00 gloves for public works TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $ 42,035.92 The above bills will be paid from general , utility, and impact funds . REFUSE DEPOSIT FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 2,953. 72 Revenue Deposits 250.00 Interest Earned _0_ Total Revenue 3,203. 72 Expenditures -0- Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 3,203. 72 WATER 'AND SEWER IMPACT FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 • 105,133.66 Revenue Deposits 4 ,500.00 Interest Earned 737. 13 Total Revenue 110,370. 79 Expenditures 4,849.60 Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 105.521.19 STREETS AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 18,049.93 Revenue Deposits -0- Interest Earned 126.04 Total Revenue 18,175.97 Expenditures -0- Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 1R,175.97 GENERAL OBLIGATION INTEREST & SINKING FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 11 ,482. 6 Revenue Deposits _0_ Interest Earned 60. 79 Total Revenue 11,543.43 Expenditures 4,525.00 Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 7,018. 43 WATER & SEWER REVENUE BOND INTEREST & SINKING FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 59,349.01 Revenue Deposits 12,000. 00 Interest Earned 444.18 Total Revenue 71,793. 19 Expenditures -0- Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 71,793. 19 WYLIE PARK & RECREATION DEVELOPMENT FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 10,015.82 Revenue Deposits _0_ Total Revenue 10,015.82 Expenditures 445.00 Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 9,570.82 PETTY CASH FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 6.378. 72 Water Deposits 1.?50.00 Total Revenue 7 .628. 72 Expenditures 2 610.00 Funds Transferred to Water & Sewer Deposits Acct. -0_ Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 5.018. 72 WATER & SEWER DEPOSITS Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 36,L54_R 2 Interest Earned 215_ '31 Funds Transferred from Petty Cash Fund -0- Total Revenue 36,370. 19 Expenditures -0- Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 36,370. 19 — • GENERAL FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 184,323. 18 Revenue Deposits 230,392. 71 Interest Earned 1,440. 69 Total Revenue 416, 156. 58 Expenditures 93,847.04 Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 322,309. 54 UTILITY FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 72,348.85 Revenue Deposits 56,794.02 Interest Earned 470.99 Total Revenue 129,613.86 Expenditures 48,337.74 Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 81 ,276.12 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Monthly Report for January Bank Balance as of December 31, 1984 21,444.20 Revenue Deposits 7,720.00 Interest Earned 168.82 Total Revenue 29,333.02 Expenditures -0- Bank Balance as of January 31, 1985 29,333.02 417 • 1984 Tax Collection for January Bostic #1 $ 1, 142. 79 Bostic #2 685.84 Bostic #3 2,181. 13 Brown & Burns 1,947. 15 Butler 405. 74 J. M. Butler 763.81 Caldwell 5,925.66 Calloway 853. 72 Eldridge 846.61 Fairview 1, 103.77 Holiday Terrace #1 1,331.30 Holiday Terrace #2 2,372.88 Holiday Terrace #3 16,974.95 Kellers #1 1,024.04 Kellers #2 1,055. 79 Kinsington Manor #1 2,154.28 Kinsington Manor #2 1,953.62 Kinsington Manor #3 736. 53 Kinsington Manor #4 369. 20 Kinsington Manor #5 369. 20 Lavon Terrace6,079.92 Oaks #1 " ' 3,283.90 Oaks #2 853.00 Oaks #3 -0- Oaks #4 1,940.40 Oaks Retail -0- Railroad 14,014.02 Railroad Industrial 364.56 Riverview Townhomes 305.79 Rush Creek 3,748. 16 Russell 226.88 Rustic Oaks #1 1,168.65 Rustic Oaks #2 1,455. 30 Rustic Oaks #3 1,962.45 Second Street 24. 50 Southside 323.39 Trails 2,023.08 Westwind Meadows #1 10,593.62 Westwind Meadows #2 3,695. 72 Wylie Industrial Park 872.40 Wylwood #1 1,543.26 Wylwood #2 2,075.08 Wylwood #3 6,440.57 .Wylwood #4 10,045.06 Wylwood #5 1,278.82 Survey 20,189.63 Mobile Homes 465. 74 Personal 49,341.46 Total 188,513. 37 ��Q WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT YEARLY REPORT 19 84 ABANDONED VEHICLES Checked by Officer 214 Ordinance Violation Total 214 ACCIDENTS Major 44 Minor 94 Total 138 ANIMAL COMPLAINTS Loose Livestock 65 Dog at Large 63 Dog Bite 11 Other 59 Total 198 AMBULANCE CALLS Emergency Sick Calls 574 Police-Related Calls 113 Other Total 687 ALARMS ANSWERED In City Bank 56 Other Business 49 Residence 6 Out of City 0 Total 111 ASSISTANCE CALLS Motorist 80 Traffic 75 Other 115 Total 270 ARRESTS MADE City Warrants 25 Out of City Warrants 98 Traffic charge 65 Other violations 124 Total 312 WRECKER CALLS Accident 65 Police-Related Pull 97 Total 162 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS, Total 438 WYPD-Monthly Report-Page 2 YEARLY REPui- : 19 u4 OFFENSES BURGLARIES Residence 18 Business 14 Motor Vehicle 12 Coin-Operated Machines 0 Total 44 THEFTS Under $750.00 66 Over 5750.00 13 Total 79 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Under $750.00 61 Over $750.00 5 Total 66 ASSAULT Simple 15 Other 6 - Total 21 • HARASSMENT, Total 24 MISSING PERSONS/RUNAWAYS, Total 21 DWI , Total 9 OTHER: (Such as robbery, forgery, VSCA, etc.) Unauthorized Use Motor Vehicle 8 Attempted Homicide 1 Kidnapping 1 Criminal Trespass 4 Driving While License Suspended Robbery 1 Unattended Death —L_ Attempted Suicide 1 Forgery d Indecency With Child i Disorderly Conduct 6 Violate Controlled Substance Act Unlawful Carrying Weapon �— Total 38 CLEARANCES Felony 35 Misdemeanor 93 Total 128 TRAFFIC STOPS, Total 2249 Submitted this 28th day of JANUARY 19 85 /? ;, /O (/:ki/C?ii) /9- CHIEF OF POLICE WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 19 85 ABANDONED VEHICLES Checked by Officer 36 Ordinance Violation Total 36 —.s ACCIDENTS Major 6 Minor 6 Total 12 ANIMAL COMPLAINTS Loose Livestock 3 Dog at Large 3 Dog Bite 0 Other 0 Total 6 AMBULANCE CALLS Emergency Sick Calls 50 Police-Related Calls 6 Other —D_ Total 56 ALARMS ANSWERED In City Bank 5 Other Business _4 Residence Out of City 0 Total 9 ASSISTANCE CALLS Motorist 6 Traffic 4 Other 8 Total 18 ARRESTS MADE City Warrants 2 Out of City Warrants Traffic charge Other violations 24 Total 45 WRECKER CALLS • Accident 5 Police-Related Pull 11 Total 16 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS, Total 99 WYPD-Monthly Report-Page 2 JANUARY 19 b. OFFENSES BURGLARIES Residence Business 2 Motor Vehicle 1 Coin-Operated Machines 0 Total 3 THEFTS Under $750.00 3 Over S750.00 _2 Total 5 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Under 5750.00 2 Over $750.00 0 Total . 2 ASSAULT Simple 0 Other 0 Total 0 • HARASSMENT, Total 0 MISSING PERSONS/RUNAWAYS, Total 0 DWI , Total 3 OTHER: (Such as robbery, forgery, VSCA, etc.) Unathorized Use Motor Vehicle 3 Hit & Run 1 Bicycle Theft 1 Injury to a Child 1 6 Total CLEARANCES Felony Misdemeanor _ 4_ Total 6 TRAFFIC STOPS, Total 144 Submitted this 5th day of February 19 85 N\ 1 CHIEF OF POLICE SUPPLEMENT TO MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT FOR JANUARY 19 85 ACCIDENTS REPORTED DATE LOCATION INJURIES 1st 544 and Steele Drive Yes 10th 200 S. 2nd St. and Hwy 78 No llth Hwy 78 and County Road 432 No 14th Hwy 78 and 544 Yes 14th Stone Road and 544 No 17th Hwy 78 and Kirby Yes 17th West Kirby and Cooper Drive No 18th Hwy 78 and Kreymer Lane Yes 23rd Hwy 78 and Kirby Yes 23rd Cottbnbelt and Fleming Street No . 25th Hwy 78 and Birmingham No 27th Hwy 78 and Williams Yes • • • • VOLUNTEER POLICE UNIT MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 1985 Total number of hours donated: 236.5 hours (equal to greater than nineteen 12-hour shifts) . Of these 236.5 hours, 221.5 hours donated were spent on patrol, 11. 5 hours were spent in communications and 3.5 hours were spent on community service activities & court. The reserve unit has expanded to five officers as of the end of the month. These officers are Sharon Sheely, David Wallace, and three new officers: Terry Minier, Michael Nunns and Bobby Ray Hemby. The new officers are non- c"tified officers at this time, but all three have been enrolled in a basic reserve officer training academy. All are licensed by the State, however, as temporary peace officers. The basic training academy will begin 4 February and run thru 22 February 1985. These officers will be going to the academy each weeknight for four hours and will have at least one Saturday class to attend to complete their training as required by the State. R. D. Abbott Chief of Police RDA:ejg yi MUNICIPAL COURT CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 1985 Docket Nos. 85-332 thru 85-477 Total number of complaints filed: 107 Charges: Speeding _21 - Speeding, School Zone Ran Stop Sign Improper Passing Drivers License Violations Registration Violations -�- No Valid Inspection Certificate 27 No Proof Liability Insurance Equipment Violations -L_ Public Intoxication ___5__ Failure to Appear Exhibition of Acceleration �[ - Minor in Possession Court Activity: Pretrial Nolo Contendere (pd) _.4L Quashed Complaint Dismissed Complaint __2Z Dismissed/Deferred Adjudication 7 Dismissed/Defensive Driving _$ Time Served in Lieu of Fine Trial By Judge 3 guilty Trial By Jury Bond Forfeiture �Z Warrants Issued __IL Warrants Executed Collections: Bond Forfeitures $ 1097_00 Cash Fines Paid 1414.50 Refunds/Out of City 1449_Sfl 31 January 1985 ilb Elizabeth -J. Gray FISCAL REPORT JANUARY 1985 BANK ACCOUNT-MUNICIPAL COURT APPEARANCE BOND Beginning Bank Balance 1 January 1985 S 457.GL__ Total Deposits 3860. 72 Disbursements: City of Wylie $ 1097.00 Out of City/Refunds/Bonds Returned 1449.50 Total Disbursements 2546.50 Ending Bank Balance 31 January 1985 1771. 22 CASH TRANSACTIONS Cash on Hand 1 January 1985 -0- Total Cash Receipts 2301.59 Total Cash Disbursements/City of Wylie 2301.59 Cash on Hand 31 January 1985 -0- • TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS/CITY OF WYLIE Account Cash Transaction Bond Forfeiture Total City, Public Safety $ 1572.50 $ RR6 0 City, Code Enforce. -0- $ 2Gs9-0- Crim. Just. Planning 205.00 85.00 Law Enforcement Ed. 41.00 17.00 SA nn Crime Victim Comp. 75.00 100.00 175 On Municipal Court Ed. 20.50 R. 50 0.50 Refund/Overpayment ?8 so o '0' 0.50 Bulk Water 178.90 -0- Trash Bag Sales 105.00 128 90 -0- ios-no Animal Control Fees -0- -0- _ Report Fees 42.00 -p -0- 42_00 Misc/Other 61.19 -0- 61 -19 Cash Transactions ,Total 2301.59 Bond Acct. Total 1097.00 Grand Total $ 3398. 59 Check Nos. 746-757 Receipt Nos. J10509 thru J01541 C10493 thru C10500; C09701 thru C09733 M09471 thru M09500; M09301 thru M09355 31 January 1985 f f2 7 hPth J . (:r. v • 4 DATE: February., 4, 1985 TO: Gus Pappas, City Manager FROM: Librarian Assistant RE: Library Statistics for January, 1985 Circulation: January 1985 - 736 books average of 30 books checked out per day. Adult Circulation 392 Juvenile Circulation 344 Paper Backs 69 Videos 237 7 dayreservetbooks 9 Cassettes 7 • Large Print books 14 Reference questions asked 0 Inter Library Loan 5 Registration: Cards issued 39 Total to date 2, 158 Total circulation month of January. 1985 1 , 077 Respec t i f u l l y, Librarian Assistant Ili 5,' 7F r CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MONTH: 4.4 _,A2_, . //85 TOTAL WOK ORDERS: v2 7 CALLS(IN) a 7 ANIMALS PICKED UP 9 ANIMALS NOT FOUND /0 ANIMALS ADOPTED / ANIMALS CLAIMED 3 ANIMALS PUT TO SLEEP / ANIMALS BROUGHT IN (CUSTOMER) 5 LOOSE LIVESTOCK e2 CLEAN AND MAINTAIN THE ANIMAL.SHELTER -Weekly RICK SANDOVAL ANIMAL CONTROL WARDEN TY OF W LIE ez-f 4 CITY OF WYL.IIC 114 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE TEXAS 75098-0428 MEMORANDUM DATE: FS To: CITY HALL FROM: Rick Sandoval. -> ANIMAL CONTROL WARDEN RE: MONTHLY ACTIVITY, MONTH OF 719 �S THE FOLLOWING ARE TOTALS FOR THE MONTH: ANIMALS IMPOUNDED: DOGS C CATS 3 'OTHER TOTAL / DEAD ANIMAL PICKUP: DOGS CATS 0/ OTHER TOTAL / ANIMALS DESTROYED: I DOGS. J CATS OTHER TOTAL /r ANIMALS CLAIMED OR SOLD: DOGS 3 CATS 0 OTHER TOTAL _/ ANIMAL TAGS SOLD ANIMAL POPULATION IN POUND AT END OF MONTH: OTHER REMARKS: 0/ • WORK ORDERS 1985 1984 January INSPECTION DEPARTMENT : Electrical Permits--- 5 2 Temporary Pole 7 9 Rough- In 2 9 Final 23 8 Plumbing Permits 15 15 Rough-In 10 10 Topout 2 0 Final 13 7 Building Permits 10 15 Foundation 13 11 Framing 11 6 C.O. 16 2!,/ • 6 1 Gas Line Fence Permits 3 0 • Pool Permits 0 0 Belly Steel 0 0 Flatwork 12' 0 Sprinklers 0 0. Mechanical Permits 5 0 Mechanical Inspects 0 Mechanical Inspects2nd- 11 0 Re-Inspection 3 Complaints 4 .0 Code Inforcement Letters sent 7 0' TOTAL 180 95 to..., CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MONTH: Janauary 1985 TOTAL WORK ORDERS: 364 WATER IN 1000 GALLONS 4.A.IER. PUMPED . , _..,__._...SOLD___.__..._ -I- _ SEWAGE PUMPED L__— . 1 WATER DEPARTMENT: 1984 1985 Line locations Leaks 35 25 Rereads(Customer Request)---- 2 Rereads(Our Request) 36 34 Finals 24 38 New Accounts 37 32 Taps 16 1 Broken or Replaced Meters---- 36 70 Repaired Meters 4 New Const.Meters 16 12 Miscellaneous 8 85 TAPS.,. r - - - i=4i' 1,,..___..}- 1._,-.± ±ff±± ' _ �3,, j _4" . _ ---1 WATER LINE EXTENSION-FT: _ _ . . - 3j.4" 1" _;11 2."�__ 91- _..._,2__.-. C„ 50V 10" 12" 14" 16" 18, 2 21 i 3 i • 1 560' EPLA%E OR REPAIRED WATER LINES• 3/4" 1 _T p„ „ ;-_ 311. �_.4" =;5,:6 ;;+8"-� 10'�- i2„ -_14„ _1.6" 18 �i 3 — . 1 2' . _ METERS-CHANGE OUT.;. �.__.. 4` _ 1 i 2_„ I 3" __4„ 1 69 1 i t` EBIJILL1." ._-1' "__. _____._-2° . 2 i,• -- ,._ ".4 1 VALVES REPLACED: _ r.. __.. -_ 1_ ,� ,�___� �(� i, 1 Z,i � 2 „ �'•3'� 4„ '-'6" -1-`8"'r.1 O" 12 1! 14"-' 6 18 1 f i , i } 2 2 [ ' VALVES REBUILT: L 3/4" 1" i 1y1 2„ Z� 3„ „ ( 6" 8" 10" \ 12".L.14_' 16'.'_ _.18" f � � 1 �4.w MONTHLY REPORT(CONTINUED) PAGE 2 SEWER DEPARTMENT: 1984 1985 Line Location 2 Stoppages 17 18 Taps 15 4 Pumps Repalced Pumps Rebuilt Motors Rebuilt Motors Replaced Miscellaneous 1 10 fSEWVR LINE„-EXTENiXON'-FT10„ 12" 14„.. . , 16,, _ 18" ; _ .tU" L.. ` . . . _._. . ► .. i...__._ _ . tlRPA,jRED R REPLACED SEWER „I _ _�_ 14f� 16" 18" LIIJ 8 T0 G 20' 20' . FOOTAGE - JETTED_:,.._.._ ..._ ' ' "vfi:" -`'-8„ . 10" ...t1.4': _�__.16-' ._18 20" 22" 24" . . 1 400' 3400 650,' 5001\ \ 1 \ STREET AND DRAINAGE DEPARTMENT: 1984 1985 Small Repairs 1 1 Large Repairs 5 Replaced or New Const. Footage (Ditches) Ft. Drainage Cleared (Ditches) Ft. Drainage Constructed(Culvert) Ft. Drainage Cleared (Culvert) Ft. Drainage Construced 24 ' Steel Rd. Mowed- Block and Area Tilled up all flower beds Grading 3 Miscellaneous 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES: 1984 1985 Asphalt(tons) 75.91 Tons Street repairs 16 loads Concrete(yds . ) 16 3/4 Yds. Sand(yds. ) 44.82 Yds. 7 Loads Gravel (yds. ) White Rock(yds. ) 24.91 Tons 4 Loads Lime 15 Lbs. Miscellaneous 10.33 Tons Chico for Nor-Tex Tank s Sanitation Department: .1'984 1985 Special Pick-ups 1 2 Miscellaneous 1 Miscellaneous Areas: Parks-Work Done and Dates Winterized and wrapped for winter Parks, Lift stations check and maintain daily. tnttctz8d-and-blrap-pumps_at-earth-Texas-Municipal-Water District. �v/ MONTHLY REPORT (CONTINUED) PAGE 3 Library '-Work Done and Dates __ 45Q----_ --of- -sand- to be delivered- at new library site - --- --------------- --- Zia_at the._tutnstktip tt yolk i_s j1kVA.tLo Miscellaneous - Work Done-and Dates Dug up culverts and drive area and blocked off and fenced with, barbed wire the entrance inside the Service Center to the ajoining property. S�taeJ:Rd� a `S ation set;u checked and maintained weekly._J€IDP9r�ry_�+ �.�r � _..___ps Crew_pJgced ,-:�, 100 fire Hy3rant reflector-markers all over the City to mark all our hxk.4rxs. ClexNULInsLIALIJSJ 9.ff ILIIIS.hL/14 the Rush Creek Lift Station site. Laid pipe far tli .ltr__gig iiiis ::$ Qrag_e Tank . 150' of 8" pipe and 560' of 12" Leveled and shot grade-forthe;tank site foundation. Bepairsat_new_fire.station_nn=gas_lines 4/1148,<,/1S-aea..--- W.W."Bill " Windham Public Works Director City of Wylie C.O . v, .t • • • • • • y ??~ i�Y S•' WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMNET ACTIVITY REPORT MONTH OF _frrzn, , 19 F C THIS FISCAL YEAR IOIAL_F.RE_CALL RESPONSES MONTH TO DATE j (C Inside City Limits(k) ,).\„p,P --L - Outside CityLimits (Fire) Outside City Limits (Non-Fire) / Mutual Aid Rendered (Fire) / Mutual Aid (Non-Fire)-Fire) J9 TOTAT FIRE CALLS ANSWERED THIS FISCAL YEAR IOIAL AMBULANCEgAL RESPONSES MONTH TO DATE Inside City Limits Outside City Limits Mutual Aid Rendered TOTAL AMBULANCE CALLS ANSWERED • • • • • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL FIRE RESPONSE DATA REPORT MONTH OF ��i"YL 19 5 THIS FISCAL YEAR MONTH TO DATE Apartments ---� -- C Motels -- Q--- 0 Residences -- 1 --- N Structures G' Mobile Homes Manufacturing` Plants Mercantile -Buildings 0 C7 Hospitals & Nursing Homes Churches ---� -- �� Appliances --L--- / Auto, Cycle, any motorized vehicle Control Burn --�--- ----1---- Grass ---L--- / Trash Q 0 Other -- --- 0 4 WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SERVICE RESPONSE DATA REPORT MONTH OF __ 19 V- THIS FISCAL YEAR MONTH TO DATE Ambulance Assistance C b Appliances / 1 Bomb Threat ___C __- Electric Signs Q p-, Electric, Wires, Fuses, etc False Alarm , _ Fire Hydrant Shut Off 0 �, Flammable Liquid Spill/Washdown 0 0 Fog-Ventilation 1 f Gain Entry Assistance ___Q ___ 0 Hazardous Material 0 C) Good Intent 0 c.0 Lightning 0 0 Natural & L. P. Gas aZ Public Relations 0 C) Rescues J f Set Ladder ___Q___ 0 Smoke Investigation I I Stand-by Assistance v 0 Water Shutt-Off 0 0 Water Vacuum 0 0 Odor Investigation 0 C5 Other 0 p C1d: - M.. t • '-`ti. 1. it 'a 1 . WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE CAUSE DATA REPORT MONTH OF __ . 19 ff5— THIS FISCAL YEAR MONTH TO DATE Appliances Children playing with fire Q __ ;? Cigarettes & Matches � � 1 Cinder & Ash 1 _-_ Cutting or Heating Torch ____n___ Fireplace & Chimney r 1 Fireworks 0 :-) Flammable Liquids 0 ,7, Furnace 0 Grease & Wax 0 0 Incendiary 0 b Lightning O .-) Natural Gas & L. P. Gas 0 , ' Undetermined _--J ___ Wiring, Switches, Fuses Control Burn 0 0 Other _-_� -__ .! EGG • •�r. q. 4n WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF _ IJ , 19 S DATE FIREFIGHTERS 40C toa.. o PCB// r•' 3/6 7`/vim( a G.�.e�, /1 G am(. k -C e-, &A /)(2,,,/,4 , « . 6, //t//`,4• / �, L i": vz- e rl 1 ii61)1,(A: /24,4_,,,t__ ( _,,,,, ,, _,,b,7tr?,L ,,,_ • .44n 4 ,?6.`" 8c • I. e • �,. '*� y^l`am rT a � ,fit; itilf-,,, 1rYj ! t i. eXg1Ak hi.i r 'f�rt�sh•ar�. ,.r.- 4 .ra :WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF _ , 19?3 DATE 4iGEBIER FIREFIGHTERS -- �� .mod r24 PSG C .e-- //,d rikAt ...Me, ,e1 .,-At,?!tZ -- iK,• CO.5- ,5'0,,i.k. ,e'oc„,,64 /3)o 6/II<e z.,,4 - ii.e,.< .1„,_6zz--_,,= Gt.). /(A; //�j�;6,J �` ale6 o �r (t 1.���, . /3ti� 15— ® ,8 $66 #0C ,s-• gait k a.c.6.,_ ti • r. yet..• iop, WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF , 1925 DATE T FIREFIGHTERS 26r (37 yy fr /6e- (fr. # ,F Ar-Zmi I ?,,,, -- � � 97; y to- er P,aAt W Vi �t,he-6• G V • .' ' .. .1 .. .. ' '..: ... . .. . .e..:. ,., . .• ''' • -..., lk4 ,-,..,..,:.,..- .., ,,,. .,';;-'14';',,.r•,:'i...,?S„,f :".-7er.,71'il. ,:.i:,• ,,v:',..-.: -'::'' '''. .,•-,....V . '`.,;4• . .eY=.'''''Ir';.',Vil!,.'3..-::::.-:: •••- 't''';.';.'''.' ':,4 r:.-'1', ': .' . ,,kr:iv:,:. .., ,7 - ' , ,_;',,c.'.ft, ..7.,!,•',. ,: _ ., ;,..,.4..;;:..;:ir..'.-.:--.4".', . ..,..,. J".r..',,O, ,'"•4* ;' , . . , '•.*:ga,'' ":4;*.-,A-1 .Z., ''!: ,. .1';;. . ' '.."• 4?',f,:- 4: 4-.,' .1;:.'1144.1." irtk,i,:,,,..e.: ''' ' '.',.,.... .. .1 ... :...,•••,.,", ;-';',,'...:,•,..; ,r: 'F, '''•. !:CI:P.'. ::'''-'1 :'7.' ..li?.. '. . . .1.. . . .. . 'WYL I E VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT .„" TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS :'-:.MONTH OF 4oi4.../z9.-._ DATE VOINIIR FIREFIGHTERS mc% 6.- / //, ,,, -/..0...r_., .-.2 ,..-6;....-,. f / v 7 k.,a,t,, .....-;.. .),-..... • )201,--0,..... ,,... < - • 4,0e -74,..: ieel.,, ,,,,,„„; 12 il-e-4...1 • . , . . . . •. . /'''..2 5-- r s- Az • ' ;V ? r 1.. ,o -e.:(;-e., .,4,.??,, /&4.1..„-. Ret.t....& . ,..iie..,.„,..:...„.: ,o ..,;/ C.--,-----c-..-.1 -.• -:., ','',,.-...i;: . .. ,a4..1 c "....R.-ed: t.D.,e,hj ''''. ...-z-,c-- . I ijItAs't 13-/lecz"-' 6&-0 . ,:....,,,. . . . „.. , ... - ',,,r,.•:. ... t......a.9... tf,s- ,....,.... . .. ... . .. . /4%,..74 , ........ ,..ep-pn,..4., A.?„......cre...,........", . 130. ,. ... . . . 2... ., /4-,,..... ,, 2 ..,. . ,,,. - . . . . AVnelp ace._ . . /:,..., i A 9- • 4-6 /-lace.3/24..-; (..);1....- .. ;.- . • • ,C).4' A? Cab- . : :.,,,•. .. , .., . . . ..„ . . . ,, , •, . .„,.. .,. ...- -, 7d Rzcifx,4A) - a - ageies 07z< �-- �s' �, ✓d 9I7-t VoTp ,vf; fa°74'.- °L$41 ,001‘, 61.4 tN.t4... .a. -J ae-6-, Auil-s 660: 7/