04-25-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes _ Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday,April 25,2011 —6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
Board Members present: Dan Chesnut,Cristine Price,Gary Robas and Matt Rose and Brandi Lafleur. Absent:Jim Ward
Staff members present: Mike Sferra, Public Services Director; Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Discuss Planet Kidz Youth program.
Board Discussion
Superintendent Diaz gave an overview of the Board Report and Planet Kidz program attachments. The
program would be held one time per week during the school year at the Recreation Center. Planet Kidz
would be a subcontractor and run the entire program. It is focused on 3rd through 8th grade school
children. It meets the needs of the City Council charge to have varying youth programs available for Wylie
children. It would mean an adjustment of the Rec Center hours on the day of the week the program is
running; generally held on Friday or Saturday nights. It would have the least amount of member impact if
it were to run on Saturday nights.
The process for approval of the program would call for input from the Board, then a work session with the
City Council followed by an agreement with Planet Kidz. Topics to decide would be if we would house the
program, day of the week and the hour adjustments needed.
Dale Oats, 330 Oaks Trail, Garland from Planet Kidz answered questions from the Board.
• Not necessary for kids to have a Rec Center membership
• Local schools generally support but don't want to get involved with housing the program.
• Maximum number of kids served at one time is between 500-600
• Staffing would be up to the contractor. If participants max out the kid/staff ratio(30/1); event is
considered"Sold Out"
• All clean up is done by PK staff(sometimes hire city staff)
• Concessions are sold by tickets, not cash. PK keeps proceeds. (Nachos, Pizza, Gatorade, Water)
• Project concessions to be in the classroom areas with concrete floors
• Charge is$10/kid; facility would receive $2 on each one
• PK gives$80,000 in scholarships each year
• PK has worked for the City doing various events over the last 3-5 years
• Police officers are stationed at the front doors
• No child can leave without adult
• The point was made to make sure that Rec members got adequate notice when the hours were
going to be adjusted
2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 28,2011 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Robas made a motion, seconded by Board Member Rose to approve the minutes from
the March 28, 2011 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0; Member Ward (absent)
3. Consider and act upon setting a date for the Founder's Park Art Dedication/Grand Re-
opening(artist available 6/3 or 6/11).
Board Action
Board Member Rose made a motion, seconded by Board Member Chesnut to set the event for June 3,
2011 at 6:00 pm. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0; Member Ward (absent).
4. Consider and act upon recommendations to the City Council for Community Park bids.
Board Discussion
Chris Seely, Teague Nall and Perkins, 12160 N. Abrams Suite 508, Dallas addressed the Board. Chair
Hiney asked what happened to the bids that they all came in over our budget and projected amount. . He
contacted some of the contractors that came to the pre-bid meeting but that did not submit and some that
did. The ones that did not bid indicated they didn't have enough time to complete their bid packages. Mr.
Seeley stated that several of the items costs had increased recently, i.e. fencing bids are no longer viable
after seven days due to the high cost of materials. The contractors that did bid indicated if they had more
time they could work their numbers more accurately.
TNP would be going over the plans and making design adjustments (i.e. changing fence post requirement
from six inches to four inches, rising fuel costs) to increase the likelihood of lower bids. They would give
the interested contractors three weeks to submit; thus allowing them more time to adjust their figures. The
new time frame if bids are rejected: Rebid advertised April 27; pre-bid meeting May 4, bid opening
scheduled for May 18, 2011, Park Board meeting May 23 followed by City Council meeting on June 14 or
28. Council can approve the contract at that meeting and construction can begin as early as early or mid-
July if Board chooses to reject the bids.
Underground utilities can be adjusted, water and sewer and fences and backstops and bullpens can be
scaled back saving $100,000-$150,000. By reducing the amount in the base bid and adding more to the
add alternates the bids will come in lower thus allowing for a better chance to be able to include items
from the add alternates; which came in low enough last time that would possibly allow the ability to add
several items.
Mr. Seely indicated if the base bid came in a 1.3 million we have at least 1.65 to work with so there are
several add alternate items that could be added to keep within budget and save enough for
contingencies. Alternative funding for the lighting is being considered and any funding left over from
Founders may be added to the budget. The base bid includes:
• Complete improvement to finish outs for three baseball fields; Eldridge, Rowell and Tibbals
• Cooper field complete to minus irrigation and sod
• Plaza 100%done with concrete and scoring
• The trail all the way around the park with connections to the plaza completed including the fire
lane at the front part of that
• Irrigation to the three improved baseball fields and all the islands in the plaza area and connect
into the football fields also installing a booster pump to assist with pressure in the irrigation lines
• Moving the electric transformer was included
Concrete was trimmed back to only include back of bleachers to back of bleachers; beyond that is the
trail beyond the dugout then grass beyond that. The staining of the"W"was removed due to the costs.
The Board Members expressed concern for the project's viability at the high costs of the base bid and the
scaled back options available at the current budget. The concern includes the public's perception that if
just the infrastructure is complete without the addition of the concession stand, restrooms and parking we
would be giving them something less than they have now and hurt the growing leagues. The idea was
proposed that the trails, restrooms and parking could be completed until more funding was available
Minutes April 25,2011
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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and/or the project be postponed until all the funding is available which could be done without affecting
future improvements to the fields. The conclusion reached was to let the re-bid process continue and to
evaluate the best course of action after the new bids come in.
Board Action
Board Member Chesnut made a motion, seconded by Board Member Rose to reject the Community Park
bids. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0; Member Ward (absent).
5. Discuss proposed Special FY 2011/12 Budget Review meeting for May 2,2011.
Board Discussion
Superintendent Diaz reviewed the Agenda Report and informed the Board that the annual budget review
for staff with the finance department kicked off April 25, 2011 and a budget input meeting was scheduled
for the Board on May 2, 2011 at 6:30.
6. Report on findings of other city's rules and regulations regarding large dogs in park areas.
Board Discussion
Superintendent Diaz related the results of staff research via polling several other nearby cities, Plano
Sports Authority and a review of their websites and ordinances. A spreadsheet was developed and
attached to the Board Packet. The only two cities that came close to addressing the issue directly was
Rowlett that no pet shall be permitted in any playground area or during any organized activities along with
their leash and waste ordinance and Garland pets are not allowed anywhere it is posted as prohibited
including fields and sports complex with the caveat that it is at the director's discretion.
Director Sferra related that discussions at the staff level came to the conclusion as an ordinance it would
be very difficult to enforce but that perhaps some signage as guidelines would encourage compliance
„""` with the addition of educating. The Board directed staff to write something to add restrictions to our
current policies to include something between Rowlett and Garland's rules and bring back to the next
meeting using the term "pet". The policy will have to be reviewed by the City Attorney and approved by
Board and Council.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Price and seconded by Board
Member Robas. The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. by unanimous consent.
0 '
Nancy Williams,j arkBoard Secretary nne Hiney,Chair
Minutes April 25,2011
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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