10-25-2010 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes ........ .
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Wylie Zoning Board of
7 Adjustment
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Monday, October 25, 2010—7:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Board Member Linda Jourdan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and stated
that a quorum was present. Board Members present were; Vice-Chairman Bill
Baumbach, Board Member Darnell Harris, Board Member Kelly Price, and Board
Member Karyn McGinnis.
Staff members present were: Assistant Planner Jasen Haskins, and
Administrative Assistant Mary Bradley.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the September
27, 2010 Meeting.
A motion was made by Board Member McGinnis, and seconded by Board
Member Harris, to approve the Minutes from the September 27, 2010 Meeting as
submitted. Motion carried 5 —0.
1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Aldi
for a Variance to Section 5.2.F.14.c parking regulations of the
Zoning Ordinance to reduce the required General Merchandise of
Food Store greater than 5,000 s.f. to allow 80 parking spaces in lieu
of the required 90. Property located at 3459 and 3463 W. FM544,
being Lot 2 Block 1 of the Children's Lighthouse Addition and Lot 2
Block 1 of the QT Eight Hundred Ninety Four Addition. (ZBA 2010-
- 08).
Minutes October 25, 2010
Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment
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Mr. Haskins stated that the property is located on the north side of FM 544, west
of Springwell Parkway and east of McCreary Road, and consists of two lots.
When the applicant submits a Site Plan, a Replat of Children's Lighthouse
Addition Lot 2, Block 1 and QT Eight Hundred Ninety Four Addition, Lot 2, Block
1 will be required to combine the two lots.
The property in its entirety is 2.34 acres. The applicant is proposing to construct
a 17,886 square foot general food store, greater than 5,000 square feet. The
applicant is asking for a variance to the parking regulations to allow 80 parking
spaces in lieu of the required 90.
Chairman Jourdan opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Bryan Burger, Civil Engineer, 14800 Quorum Drive, Suite 200, Dallas, Texas,
stated that the intent is to construct an Aldi Grocery Store. Aldi has about 4 to 5
aisles, with a minimum of 5 employees. The store is not open 24 hours and
there are very few name brand items, most items are Aldi private label. The store
selection is not meant to provide 100% of a customer's grocery needs; therefore,
the average customer will spend about half the time in their store as opposed to
a typical grocery store. The customer turn-over is higher, the parking is utilized
for a shorter time period and the applicant feels that 80 parking spaces will be
sufficient. The applicant plans additional landscaping in lieu of the 10 parking
spaces, exceeding the required 20 percent within the parking lot area. The
Zoning Ordinance requires a landscape island every twelve parking spaces, the .�
applicant's concept plan shows an island every eight parking spaces. Additional
landscaping would reduce the impervious surface of the lot and reduce water
run-off, a desirable effect in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance.
Chairman Jourdan closed the Public Hearing.
A motion was made by Board Member Harris, and seconded by Vice Chairman
Baumbach, to Grant the request for a variance to Section 5.2.F.14.c parking
regulations of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the required General Merchandise
of Food Store greater than 5,000 square foot to allow 80 parking spaces in lieu of
the required 90, with the condition that the landscape requirements remain 23%
of the parking lot area. Property located at 3459 and 3463 W. FM 544, being Lot
2 Block 1 of the Children's Lighthouse Addition and Lot 2 Block 1 of the QT Eight
Hundred Ninety Four Addition. (ZBA 2010-08) Motion carried 5 — 0.
Minutes October 25, 2010
Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment
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A motion was made by Board Member Harris, and seconded by Board Member
McGinnis, all Board Members were in consensus, and the meeting adjourned at
Linda Jourd ,Chairman
Mary randy, ecretary
Minutes October 25, 2010
Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment
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