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01-02-2007 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission i ' I . CITY OF WYLIE 1 January 2 , 2007 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 2, 2007 —7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Dennis Larson Chair Scott Ames Vice-Chair Tim Bennett, P.E. Board Member Jamie Gregg Board Member John Onufreiczuk Board Member David Goss Board Member Kevin Finnell Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee,Jr.,AICP Senior Planner Mary Bradley Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: it%ill.11.1/ie/q.vas.gor within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three(3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse,deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the December 5, 2006 Regular Meeting. January 2,2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Sargent Office Building at Hooper Business Park,Lot 13, Block A for a proposed 6,000 square foot office/warehouse building on 0.558 acres. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Children's Lighthouse Day Care Center for a 10,000 square foot facility on 1.796 acres. Generally located east of McCreary Road and north of FM 544. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Children's Lighthouse Day Care Center,being a replat of Lot 2,Block 1 of the Moss Addition. Generally located east of McCreary Road and north of FM 544. 4. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Parkway R.O.W. Dedication. The plat dedicates 4.4167 acres,approximately 3,400 linear feet of roadway for the construction of Woodbridge Parkway. 5. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Verizon Warehouse &Reporting Center at Wyndham Estates Ph 3, Lot 34, for a proposed 9,750 square foot office/warehouse building on 3.70 acres Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Single Family — 20/26 (SF-20/26) for proposed single family residential uses,generally located south of Alanis Drive and west of Ballard Avenue. ZC 2006-18 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Neighborhood Services (NS) for 10.005 acres located on the southwest corner of Brown Street and Country Place Lane. ZC 2006-16 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Neighborhood Services (NS) for 10.005 acres located south of Brown Street and west of Country Place Lane. ZC 2006-17 DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT CERTIF ICATION <,.�``y�0 F ts ,,,�,, I certify that this Notice of Meeting was post 1c .thisl1 day.ofY ber, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.04 of the Texas Eovernmet ewe nd'tt at The appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy,thi ;Giienda is also ,o -d on the Cityi9f Wylie website\Jmir.jrvlic 'xa.s.. or. i",i:‘ /-5l 0 7 Carole ' city Secretary s, e6 ' �:= Date Notice Removed GyY",,...."',• Pam, %. — ',//1� �E,�t E ```.‘ Wylie Planning and Zoning Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Board Tuesday, December 5, 2006 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Staff Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:02PM. In attendance with Chairman Larson were Commissioner Goss, Commissioner Bennett, Commissioner Ames, Commissioner Gregg, and Commissioner Onufreiczuk. Staff members present were Renae 011ie and Mary Bradley. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Larson gave the invocation and Commissioner Bennett led the pledge of allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one approached the Commissioners. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 7, 2006 Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Gregg, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to approve the minutes from November 7, 2006, regular meeting as submitted with no changes or corrections noted. Motion passed 5 — 0 - 1 with Commissioner Onufreiczuk abstaining. Minutes December 5, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 6 ACTION AGENDA ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Regency Business Park Addition Phase 1, Lot 6, Block B for 6,500 s.f. office/warehouse development. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a single story office/warehouse building on one lot. The lot is .4613 acres (20,104 square feet) in size, and will consist of 2,500 square feet office building and 4,000 square feet of warehouse space. With no questions for Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Gregg, to approve the Site Plan for a proposed 6,500 square foot office/warehouse building on one lot, generally located at 121 Regency Drive of the Regency Business Park Addition, Phase I. Motion carried 6 - 0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat creating 4 commercial/retail lots for Victoria Place Addition, generally located at the northeast corner of SH 78 and Spring Creek Parkway. Ms. 011ie stated that the property totals 12.9096 acres and will create four commercial/retail lots. The plat dedicates a thirty (30) foot wide drainage easement, which will extend from S.H. 78 and north along the western property line. With no questions for Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Commissioner Goss, to recommend approval to the City Council for Victoria Place Addition Final Plat, generally located at the northeast corner of SH 78 and Spring Creek Parkway. Motion carried 6 — 0. 3. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a proposed multi-family development on 20.500 acres, generally located south of FM 544 between Hooper Road and Wylie High School within the Woodbridge North Subdivision. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a 322 unit multi-family complex on 20.500 acres. The subject property is part of the larger Woodbridge North Addition, which is mixed used planned development including multi-family uses (PD 2003-01). The development consists of 28 separate buildings with one and two dwelling units. The subject property is triangular in shape with several utility traversing the property. The design will concur with the Residential Design Standards as approved in the PD Conditions. Exterior façade material shall be 100% brick, stone or masonry composite with a minimum of 30% brick or stone. The Preliminary Plat is on the current agenda for consideration. Minutes December 5, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 6 Commissioner Bennett expressed concern of the technical layout of the Site Plan. Ms. 011ie reminded Commissioners that the Planned Development was approved and adopted in 2003, and was under the Zoning Ordinance 2001. Ms. 011ie assured Commissioner Bennett that the technical concerns will be addressed when the Construction Plans are submitted. Commissioner Bennett expressed concern of the access, the Site Plan proposed one access, and scaled at 24 feet. Chairman Larson stated that the duty of the Commissioners was to approve the concept of the Site Plan, and not the technical layout. Ms. 011ie stated that the access shown will be divided access, and be two points of access. Don Herzog, Herzog Development Corporation, 9696 Skillman Street, Suite 210, Dallas, Texas, represented the owner of the subject property, not the applicant and apologized for them not being at the meeting. He stated that the Final Plat for Woodbridge Parkway was submitted in November and will be considered by the Commissioners and Council in January. The parkway will be adjacent to the subject property, with a median cut on the south side of the property, with the four lane divided access onto the property. The construction of the parkway will begin approximately February 2007. Commissioner Bennett expressed concern of Landscaping Plan. Ms. 011ie stated that the Landscaping Plan was submitted with the initial submittal and reviewed by staff and not included in the packet for Commissioners review. Commissioner Bennett requested that Landscaping Plans be included with Site Plans. A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Commissioner Gregg, to approve the Site Plan with no changes noted. Motion carried 5 — 1, with Commissioner Goss voting in opposition. 4. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat creating a single lot on 20.500 acres, generally located south of FM 544 between Hooper Road and Wylie High School within the Woodbridge North Subdivision. Ms. 011ie stated that the property totals 20.500 acres and creates a single lot for Multi-Family development. The subject property is part of the larger Woodbridge North Addition which was the subject of a zoning change request in 2003. The subject property is triangular in shape with several utility easements traversing the property. The property is bordered by a flood zone on two sides. A Site Plan is on the current agenda for consideration. A motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, to recommend approval to the City Council a Preliminary Plat creating a single lot on 20.500 acres, located within the Woodbridge North Addition. Motion carried 6 — 0. Minutes December 5, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 6 PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding an amendment to Article 3, Section 3.4 lighting requirements of the Zoning Ordinance specifying spacing distance between poles. Tabled from the November 7, 2006 meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Goss, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to remove the Public Hearing from the table. Motion carried 6 — 0. Ms. 011ie stated that the Commissioners tabled this public hearing on November 7, 2006, and a public hearing is scheduled to be held at City Council on December 12, 2006. Ms. 011ie stated that within the packet is a table that refers to each of the subdivisions that the street lights were measured. Commissioner Ames distributed a table representing each of the Single-Family Residential zoning classifications, and the number of lights that a lot on a street would have based on spacing from 150 feet to 400 feet. The Commissioners discussed the spacing preferred and the type of illumination given by the light poles. Commissioner Ames stated that the light spacing for some of the new subdivisions allows enough light to be able to play football at 3:00 in the morning, and that is without the porch lights and landscaping lights from the residential houses. Commissioners discussed putting restrictions on how far apart the lights can be. Chairman Larson opened the public hearing. Mr. Gary DeFrain, Campbell Properties, developer of Creekside Estates, recommended that the spacing of the lights be generally 300 feet on-center, and for a developer to submit a Street Light Plan prior to construction to the City Engineer, and the length will dictate where the street lights are placed aside from the intersection. He also discouraged setting the spacing based on the zoning. Mr. Don Herzog, Herzog Development Corporation, developer for Woodbridge, recommended 300 feet based on the lot line and length of the streets. Ms. Suzette Clark, 3405 Lombardy Drive, Wylie, spoke in favor of developers recommendations, and encouraged the Commissioners to encourage community awareness of where they are, and who is around. Ms. Marcia Rodriquez, 3300 Francis Drive, spoke in favor of expanding the lights, and cautioned the Commissioners of providing too much light. Minutes December 5, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 6 Mr. Gilbert Tamez, 3104 Hinnant Court, spoke in opposition of too much street light, and recommended the spacing 500 feet. Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. Commissioners discussed the option of alternating lights and lots adjacent to parks. If the requirement is to have parkland lit, and having a light at each of the intersections, then the parkland should have lights on the same side of street. A motion was made by Commissioner Goss, and seconded by Commissioner Bennett, to approve the Ordinance, amending Article 3, Section 3.4 lighting requirements of the Zoning Ordinance specifying a distance ranging from 250 feet to 350 feet between lights placed on alternating sides, and authorizing the City Engineer to review Street Light Plans and to alter the light spacing as needed. Motion carried 5 — 1, with Commissioner Gregg voting in opposition. DISCUSSION Discuss Townhouse Zoning District (Commissioner Bennett). Commissioner Bennett stated that he wanted to know where the Commissioners stood on zoning and developing townhouses. Commissioner Gregg stated that currently there are enough townhouses and duplexes within Planned Development Districts already approved but not constructed. The roadways and schools are not at the point of handling additional traffic and children for the ones that are not developed yet. Commissioner Onufreiczuk stated that there is a need to look at the benefit of attracting higher rent and higher income, and not a development constructed to be run down within a few years. He requested that Mr. Don Herzog come and address some of his questions regarding attracting higher end level of builders looking into building multi-family, spend the least and get the most profit out it. Mr. Don Herzog, Herzog Development Corporation, stated that if quality is not done at the beginning of development, you will not get the rest to get the project to obtain higher rent and higher income residents. Herzog Development loves developing with a PD, because the PD will set the standards of the architectural and gives them the option to negotiate with the cities. All developers will do their market studies, and income studies, and what is needed will go into consideration. When a broker comes in to build multifamily or townhouses within a PD, one of the questions asked is how it will be financed, because how it is financed will determine how the development will turn out. Minutes December 5, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 5 of 6 The Commissioners discussed amongst themselves how currently within the city limits, there is not very many apartments. Chairman Larson stated that the projected population for the next ten to fifteen years is 68,000, and additional apartments and townhouses will come once the population starts to increase. Chairman Larson asked if questions were addressed that Commissioner Bennett had regarding Townhouse Districts. Commissioner Bennett stated that the discussion was helpful and healthy. On a different note, Ms. 011ie encouraged a Commissioners to attend the City Council meeting on December 12, 2006. The Council wants the Commissioners view of approving and denying a public hearing. Chairman Larson stated that a clear understanding of the reason why a public hearing is denied at the time the Commissioners consider the project, and can be submitted with the report. The Council is encouraging the Commissioners to present their reasons at the Council meetings. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk and seconded by Commissioner Ames to adjourn the meeting at 9:05PM. Motion carried 6 — 0. Dennis Larson, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Secretary Minutes December 5, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 6 of 6 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 2, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 12/20/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Site Plan, Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a proposed 6,000 square foot office/warehouse development on Lot 13, Block A of the Hooper Business Park Addition, located at 200 Security Court. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for a proposed 6,000 square foot office/warehouse development on Lot 13, Block A of the Hooper Business Park Addition, located at 200 Security Court. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a single story office warehouse building on one lot. The lot is .558 acres in size. The proposed building totals 6,000 square feet and will include 1,000 square feet of office space and 5,000 square feet dedicated to warehouse use. The subject property is platted as Lot 13, Block A of the Hooper Business Park Addition, and has been since 1990. The property is currently zoned Light Industrial (LI) District. Office/Warehouse is a permitted use within the LI District. The proposed building will be constructed primarily of face brick with stone accents. The proposed plan meets the base design standards and includes a tabulation of how the desirable design standards will be met. Recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 12/20/06 Page 1 of 1 INSPECTION NOTES: 1)ALL INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED THROUGH THE I, CITY OF WYLIE'S AUTOMATED TELEPHONE SYSTEM 972 442-8149(REQUESTS MADE BEFORE 8AM CAN `T r BE SCHEDULED FOR THE SAME BUSINESS DAY) Fult \ r� 2)INSPECTIONS CAN BE CANCELED 0 THE DISCRETION ,- i _ -' OF THE SR.INSPECTOR(DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS)) j I OR BY CONTRACTOR(DUE TO PREVIOUS CONDITIONS) E ALL CANCELED INSPECTIONS MUST BE RECALLED. Li 3)ANY QUESTIONS CAN BE ADDRESSED BY CONTACTING za 20 Q THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENT BETWEEN 8AM-9AM OR _ o o 4PM-5PM(LEAVE MESSAGE,IF NO ANSWER) —"- VT o' -" 0. BUILDING/ELECTRICAL aq is, Z_PLUMBING/MECHANICAL: a 'o� O tali SR.BUILDING INSPECTOR: - n W`erar fi m 4 10 20 O PARKING ., n / - Ft NOTE < F-rFn S p�ROW - 4 ROR F BE O ANY CONSTRUCTION CrON --J N 6 q \/ CONTRACTORS V9 E SHE D F m e- , - NOTE: l.0 R G IB o to N TT r- 33 1. ALL CONCRETE PHNNG SNA L BE 3600 psi CVI F 0 E THAT A L P RF tcs s (n • LS 6 SACK MIX(MACHINE ) SACK MIXIN POSSESSION OF THE MOST ENT SET OF D /1 Z G- (HAND POUR).REINFORCED WITH#3 STEEL CON[:IlC00N DOCUMENTS \ / 3 / SAWS ON 1e'OFF CENTERS BOTH WAYS,(ore / pa STEEL BARS ON 24'OFF CENTERS BOTH me- _ WAYS)UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED • i ._00 1 PLACED L 15 AND TO CONSTRUCTION' CITY"RELEASED / 0 o _ 2. p u SU ONLYFOR �- / 10 0' A N A CO STRUC710N BY 0 WYLIE // I 95' OC R CT MOISTURE RANGE TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. _ /L� OF 02 TO F PTIMUM MOISTURE. t -REMOVE CURB& 3.. • BE USED UNDER PAVEMENT. _-_si i" ° _L -- - _2�e ty LOCATION c MAP / / - ao -- 1 PE APPROACH TO FIRELANE N01 LE Q /TRASH ENCLOSURE w ( t STREET(ES CITY 6"THICA 3600 psi,w/B3 BARS 0 18"C.C. WA 6'NM LOSUY'.. --.� FIRELANE: o:I,' J.tI MTHTs) SCREENING-WALL, 6"3600 PSI NON-FIRELANE PAVING �U o a III5"THICK.2BBB psi w/,q3 BARS SD 15"O.C. me°� B5_METAL GATES. 43 018"O.C.E.W. 5 I xmvrexwcM,• y h n n,w.n _��-./ 3L� L— EXISTING SEWER LATERAL 3'Iu00 / P N iI CON.PAVING: ! DETERMINE LOCATION n____ - i— 3 0 1188""O.C.E.W. IN FIELD - 5"1308&P51 ICC 0' x ti --_ s 't I \h...' _ r-` /T/f /////� n PAYING DETAIL (J)10'K20 OT+3 BLOCK A A PARKING '-20 -I-._-25.0. HOOPER BUSINESS PARK 4.0 , x c ,..1 9°'c`x4E T,. I LS I I nMEW AL CURB Gr a I -t1 o PROP.SLOG o �l "" FO1N° "' o A 6,000 SF - 8 - I m v -its-0' (ONE STORY) 4.0 LS ; W t ▪' �,mv x". °n=••cxv. a rw W jt- (3)1O'X20'-- t) WIWAIMMEll c, -1 ur aws.w vu.ne PARKING I 5 LS L R.. r 'COTT lrs n- SITE DATA FOR _L "°"' t "� m„,••�,p;� SARGENT ADDITION: - N 83'S8'46� 1650' PROPOSED • CONSTRUCTON JOINT Lc SIDEWALK SAWED CONSTRUCTION JOINT Er LOT AREA: �'i �.--�Tr� -rr •Co:�"".� wa•: a,'+r M OD aIC M0x NOTE: ..� / 0 0.;SBA 24313.59=y t ouc" xmm msm n@p ��rs tl°T° �" THIS FACILITY MUST MEET IFC CODE 2003 a PROPOSED USE LONGIN0INAL BUTT JOINT COG OPTION B&LOCAL AMENDMENTS. 0_ Office/Warehouse , J v NOTE H-to Q- LOT COVERAGE Ex BOGO FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIRED OR APPROVED CC UJ 24.6A% OPTIONS TO FIRE SPRINKLER ADDRESSED AT PLAN m Z 0 z REVIEW OF BUILDING. O(n FLOOR TO AREA RATIO: T `�- U O o �I�° Z BUILDING AREA: - - - G CJ C •alF= ®°°°^- - _ _ FACE 5RICK W H- U (,,E 1 000) / _ �- 8� . . '_ STONE®PERIHEIER J U 0 w (WAREHOUSE50001 _ CITY OF WY.DESIGN � "'- OF OPENINGS(TYP) HIS PROPERTY�;ES IN ZONE LI �.- ���.a _� T � _ �W d WOO i "� •mztJ,-s:a�����gffffffn 'a. ."... .� STONE 0)(n 2_I 3 BUILDING HEIGHT: AND NO POP LION LIES IN 100 YR.REMA FLOOD PLAIN AREA SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (0 Required) �_ -- - -- end aro"r9 Building Placement. a.Building at front yard line FRONT ELEVATION b.Indiwdual Bulltlinge10 000 of BUILDING SETBACKS: c.Front fayade°dented to the street RON":20' SCALE =10 Parking Placement b.sea Pian with no parking In front of bottling .- iM PER VIDUS AREA METAL ROOFING (including buildings): Access Dives a Combined access punts sit adjacent tracts. - --- CONT.GUTTER 1513855 SQ.F-. NOTE: b Direct rgnnecton between but tlngs and street j THE CONTRACTOR SHA L BE RESPONSIBLE FOR - _ ZONING FIELD VERIFYING THE LOCATION C ALL Dos T:.NG IF �, C u� FACE BRICK UTILITIES AND EASEMENTS PRIOR TO START OF wNf ASRA OSSAS Requirements IS Required) _ ', �� = SPLWASnPBLOCK/ UGH`INDUSTRIAL ER A OPERALONS. CONTRACTOR WILL NOTIFY THE Building Materials a Use of 2 prima,fagade materials PARKING' OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE OR ANY b.Copy same.*entire bock STONE Il �,I— a Parking Respires-9 DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO STARTING THE WORK. - = �°' =• Office(`succe/300 p F_)=4 EXISTING UTILITIES AND UNDERGROUND FACILITIES Du/ding Arlwat on, S.ABS ATOSUSTeduml detailing/materials to provide e 3x3 DECORA11Vf� Warehouse(1 space/000 sett.}=6 INDICATED ON THEM PLANS HAVE BEEN Farm and Massing variety in visual appeareTce q� STONE Cate t2/19/O6 Hand pp d Provided=1 LOCH FED FROM REFERENCE INFORMATION.iT SIDE ELEVATION Tote'P d d=10 sHA-L BE THE RLSPONSIH LITY OF THE Lantlsvaping Design RequlremeMs(4 Requtretl) Protect No.__ CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY BOTH THE HORIZONTAL Sheet Ttla LANDSCAPE AND VERTICAL LOG AEON OF ALL EXI-LNG Landscaping in Reg,Yawls Landscaping that exceeds minimum by 10M Landscape A Pasco, DTILITI s AND UNDERGROUND FACILITIES PRIOR - SITE PLAN TO START OF CONSTRUCTION.TAKE THE 243' y.ft.f1ON f 24311 sy.f t.j Landscapingof ParkngL b.N P rk Space h40 R.from OR area NOTE: Loner Area Proem, NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS IN ORDER TC PROTECT c Landscaped NOTE: o et Number Peapetl Pedestrian Connection ALL PRIVATE DETAILS ARE SUPERSEDED OWNER- 9-T2 sq-ft ALL FACILITIES ENCOUNTERED.THE CONTRACTOR ALL WORK IN PUBUC RIGHT-OF-WAY BY STANDARD CITY DETAILS.ALL WORK MUST MIKE SARGENT -na SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT AL XISTINE Landscaping of Street b ncreasemminimum WPM Al MS buffer by 20% HALL CONFORM TO CITY OF WYLIE CONFORM TO CITY OF WYLIE STANDARDS. N UTILITIES FROM DAMAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. Frontages STANDARDS AND DETAILS PO BOX 310 C�D� LAVON,TEXAS 75166 Q Sesuanee °r 214-802-3188 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 2, 2007 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee Account Code: Date Prepared: 12/19/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Site Plan, Elevations Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Children's Lighthouse Addition Block 1, Lot 2 for a 10,000 square foot single-story Day Care Center with a 32-foot tower feature on one lot, generally located east of McCreary Road and north of FM 544. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for a proposed 10,000 square foot day care center on one lot, generally located east of McCreary Road and north of FM 544. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a day care facility on one lot. The lot is 1.79 acres in size. The site will consist of a 10,000 square foot single-story building to be used for instruction and associated childcare purposes. A proposed 32-foot architectural tower (lighthouse) entry feature lies to the east of the building, with proposed outdoor play areas to the north of the building. As reflected on the site plan, two points of access is being provided from FM 544 via an existing drive from abutting property to the west and proposed curb cut to the east along FM 544. Pick-up and drop-off areas are proposed at the front of the building in front of tower. The City Engineer requires two access points be provided and shared access easements be dedicated to accommodate future development for abutting property to the east. The proposed plan meets the base design standards for site design and landscape design requirements. A replat accompanies this item which provides for mutual access easements for future development to the east. Recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Page 1 of 1 CHECKED BY. R.MG. GIG g :I ISSUED FOR PERMIT Z- onAwra or AAA_ o ISSUE FOR PRICING: .=T I• 1 RR=4, i Rale FOR CONSTRUCTION D.A.R.7. (100'R.O.W, s REVISIONS' e ii\ ,..GOIMIRFS,.......,..... UNDERGROUND FIBER Gan -OPTICS MARKR DanER a i -- BBE ��_ \� �::_.>-- :. :a ____-�s<_'>..e 3sa.m VICINITY MAP ."°�a"S:��." "•.:E._ ::i:-^iv:,_. ai6lio 5E19ACN:[!':: ::":':..::.::' -�_- NO SCALE EX dPNG B Preov Rm :;;l.';>::>�:;> ; i>: < : i < : ::,;i LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER INFO: D ^ TYPICAL :.( :::I:i{]Jj CONCRETE PAVEMENT CITY OF LIE MREA PROPERTIES,LLC 2 g ::.(-::':==:::�:::::': :::::::-:::: ::i: :::--:::I::, iyPlcAt tEs GOWN COUNTY.TEXAS 1234 TRALEE LANE - 3 _::___. MOSES SPARKS SURVEY GARLAND,TEXAS 75044 ENw/HNUAINNYL c LINK oan"c, ABSTRACT NO.849 PH 214-517-1050 ::[:..:.:. ::.:.::.:::::.:...:::.:.:::.: CABINET H.PAGE 583 NOS FAX CONTACT PERSON- : :i:::::::':: :�' x Twlcnl ss MOSS ADDITION PERSON-AMALRAJ FERNANDO EDGE OF BUILDING : mPOST,HARDWARE.TRN LOT 2 ] i PROVIDE coifs As SHOWN !• ::f:: ::'f=::::: ::::-- :::::.:: :.�': BLOCK 1 D :vE:-::::;-' =� '::�(!2.. CHILDRENS LIGHTHOUSE ADDITION z REPEAT OF LOT 2 Q o 1 BALL tourer Rf: • -L z .fo.A o ARCHITECT INFO: IS....... T T': .{�2,. BLOCK i I W 20.X40 CONCRETE SLAB _ " I t-. ''w: ml Y RON7o3 LOT z.BLOCK 1 0 F''�'.....' ,� t '\ ZONING- 'CC' y R.P.G.A ARCHITECTS DESIGN GROUP INC. .'-.L- 2 101 5.JENNINGS AVE.,SUITE 100 a 12 xBALzo AREA PAD - , , ` ROUND n. j L:( :: ., ' ��s!- :i:::, FORT WORTH.TEXAS(EAT 20 z R - - P RN XI PH 817-332-9477(EXT 208) B 'al ::::: "_"'"�'''''::"L " CONTACT PERSON-ROBERT P.GARZA 0 PLAYGROUND q EQUIPMENT ua"irvs D. /. ea i::i`....Ley' t 7-:',..:::::i �,C' N w/ It to Y 1-*".::(::::--4:-.:'' '� `',CkS cA1E5r;AET�STEEL N cFRnME toMW�� LL%/V : ( ' I rJ.-y r ���� oRANOSS �nNcmMxc ja 0 4 M s44 ADDITION / a PwlGOAnM wrAsBOLQT 2, BLOCK 1 . .... .. ...... MAOUSE0®OONWDI RDALO]m9II41 osc CAB.Q,PG. 33 / I I a i GROSRNSFA(E LI.ARA�(1WRSF) F ZONING 'CC' l j - _\\\\ \ I ] MONDE cATEs As sRawN pRAREAR pp� 10,074,12241/1% _ ® S. 1 I ) Moss ADDITION R000.AAH,RATNI 10,ODV19,1R1=12E% CONCRETE :\ V��\ AA�\ : u.y LOT 1,BLOCK 1 II AREA OF CM SPICE 1.WI�I PSF) SIDEWALK 1 \ d C- CAB.H, Pc. sea PEv�cuaFaauisrna rox- SINGLE STORY \ 0 0 TYPICAL 1 DAYCARE FACILITY\ I N ZONING- 'CC' '�`a x '� NSF10B5'�SI APE AREa \ PBEBIFAGE OF WIMPS°OVERAGE 47..1% SIR AA�� � \ \.���� I } Pwrn�euco�+aAaFA hams L, V MMBHOFSId1B isNRi B[1Na(Af�QM WILAT BIM'TON&.3Za 1 �� VA `'N. ' 1 ,xs,,DE EASEMENT AINMIUMngosroaaaIAFAmrt 4 I58 �gg vlN O FENCE w/ /, 47 R _:: . 1 Q. PWPOS®FWORNA BY USE QIYCA�FIQ11Y 10AmS Z �OwN 2 0� � � �.� sa I RB RAMP A[QmmPAa1NG DIY=F -15�P .I4Tm s .n1 STRIPING !% PA.S �� I I. FLAGPOLESDosaa Ea 1D PAINTED R1fNA[WIRm =41 Z TYPICAL I- �� Cz) I PRCPO.�PONOSPACB DAY QREFAODII' =42 j > UJ M F .444,E COLOR /%/� x I; �i. { SS E PARKNc Bvd 1981 AC E =2 I- H CC 0 pE i SP cE w/aANTED WEAL RCMP M9A03 VI ER rR F '\I O CRETE w EE"STOPAND ZO (, 9t PROPOSED 1 s 1 H DRIVE 1 1` PARER CONCRETE --� • mcn� Z[MittJG ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS PE /=� /S� CPA,Es gmMeiRE-0waiDna 4OF8DE9W ESIM O V 4 A®4 EXISTING--41 SI 1 FROM FAC O 4IEBUILDING FOCRPRIM.TOPESB8410,000 . LL cRn,e"Nub nno"aRB j a IN I: AccesselE ROuiE IM, i., mMelurmlr�EaRrsrmxAD1+m+ERKrs Q Z `� '" PaINTEO SrRaNc wxx P s - DIMCT rxTRlxadT%aNaunmcuom�T Z ;t LV Bu LD NC MONUMENT S ND CONRE E PAD _ T -aa� .. sPEO RY Ow"m ,VJlDSGWmGD®RmS 40F8DESWM6g10ME4n 3 ® 5 BU DIN(SETBp6: i 25 BUILDING SETBACK 1,1NDSLIPEDI�SMNI111UM 8Y 70% 40 J �..P 5 LWDSCARIG NS RAM) MTARM NOT OTHERWISE O - -nis WATERUNE EASEMENT - LWDSCAING IWAllM7EmDN86R5aSQFTdADaTG SPMESPME.. 0 O Owiv 30'WATERLINE EASEMENT __ --_ - - PAIDWiWDN NDSPAQNWIDIM.R4W 101@TF0.Q.I W✓OSGIPEADA (V -- - r :>+• s as so'3n w 3sa zs• P.P. I/LRI[CDiND61W iFQIXRFA1D715 30F6DDICVBalIi11E40 ...... ��, USEOFTtOCOMIIGIFNfARYPAI.MAPFMMEMI'IFRWS .- t11 ... .. ......... INLET INLET usaw.a�Dcnaa�rAxncAroRwawsrowa.mEvuaDr EXISTING `Ex EXISTING NEW a o WIDE CURB RAMP PRoaoscD MllNGWIIHItWOFklDE10lAQ5 Z TMMppPWMFM sqp FIRE HYDRANT ACCESS MEANDERING T,P. AccEss DRIVE - - (� MOM DR OE concRETc sDEwauc - - IMED THE OSES F.M. 544 (120' R.O.W.) CONINALF w w�"�„ _ rn NOT BE WED FOR BOOM CBOSS MOTION — I"w wP°«RnNO H GRAPHIC LEGENDED PRO, PROPOSED CHILDRENS LIGHTHOUSE FACILITY SITE PLAN A_ AMANOM �' °�"A no 1n ® A-10 `— Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 2, 2007 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee Account Code: Date Prepared: 12/19/06 Zoning District: Corridor Commercial (CC) Exhibits: Replat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Children's Lighthouse Addition, Block 1, Lots 1-2 to subdivide one lot into two, and dedicate the necessary access easements. Property generally located east of McCreary Road and north of FM 544. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat of Children's Lighthouse Addition, Block 1, Lots 1-2, generally located east of McCreary Road and north of FM 544. Discussion The applicant is replatting the previously platted vacant lot to subdivide a 3.65 acre lot into two lots to accommodate the development of a day care facility on Lot 1 and dedicate the necessary access easement for both properties. The replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Page 1 of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE OF TY O TEX�AL te owner of o troct of situoted F5 of Lot 2,Block 1,of Moss Addition,an STATE AMosesMoss Sp°NedBrothers as followrks Survey, bsl�act383 No,a MapeRecor849,City ods.WC Deilen Col. C°u yo occording to the plot u e.:as and b and dgbeing ell 9. LI thereof recorded in Cabinet H,Page G.A.R.T. (100'R.O.W.) r.u.544 P tBegiW)ary desng al a cribed — — 4 etz for.e thwest corner of sa.I Lot 2 and the southeast corner of Lot 2P, lock 1, thereof of recyorded 5n 4Cabidition nel O,RPage 33,Map Recolat.on addition rds,the Coun of ty,Texas.according the pot 1/2" ND Znenae,North distance0o14858.92East, feet to a 1/2'w iron es ound said o sou and lM1 night Sol—way line— S 4'09'37 D D.A.R.T. zTa:(1 oa'P.O.W.)for pin t line of said tea 33 — E 354 4 r the northwest earner of Saco Lot 2 and the northeast earner of said ITE — ———_ uiloWc st'reACH — — 1/2, South 84 G9 T'East,along the to line said 2 a —of— y � _ FNO. line of D.A.R.T.(100'3RO.),a distance of 35440 feet to aa1/2"id found right—of the wa u Y EASEMENT OL.3553,PG OB nortneos corner of sold Lot2 and the northwest corner of Lot 1,Block 1,of sold Moss Addil'ion, of t 2 the Lot a distance of 042163(eel to a along/2e iron pin e set on the north and came saidM. 4(12 F.O.W.)for the southeast corner of said Lot 2 and the southwest corner of GSA SCALE Thence,South No. Slot 1; . .), the distance ear sa L 2 he the n hgning away f ng 3 N.645 ocr(1,lond(),.distance of 36826 dfeet to lhedPoint°!Beginning and 4 . r 1. _ containing 645 ae.es land(rse.Tss square feet). ck (IN FEET 1 IG NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS. b. li I z That.Moss Brothers Real Estate Management.LP.the owner o f the pert'described in this oes adopt is m designating the and its asg CHILDREN'S LIGHTHOUSE eADDITION,beingy a replal hof Lot a2,Block_ s Addition.on oddition to the City of Wylie.Collin. uas a. hereby dedicate, and to the public .the sleets County. alleys shown s thereon 'le' �T] 12oa 9I e does,Iurther dedicate easements thepdedcc used foreveby r the ea me shall beea own thereon for ,tdlan, 2 \a Nodpbuuillding n fence teree.shrub.org or desiring to use the same otherr structure.improvement or growth shall purposes betl dedicate, of utilities F T 1 I.2 constructed,pl. Any reconstructed teadleor placed upon, nave 1°ihe n, easement dedicated by this R REP, w I 1 ti) at 9 remove LOT A LOT 2R,BLOCK 1CAB.O Pa.33 ro I (78222 SP.FT,T W KLOT 2 which in any way may endanger gund n()the right Mconstruction, ereconstruction.maintenance. e 1aosCs S.FT1 ingress 9 9 m t e49 PC w and procuringte, MOSS LOT BLOCK 1 the permis.on of anyone. The maintenance of 2 1,''' �' G.B.HON .Pc.583 aRang on u,lity and fire lone eosements is the responsibilgy of the property wastewater easements dedicated by t d additional All er struction.reconstruction.additions.enlargements,end mointenonce 15'DRAINAGE EASEMENT O working s additional necessary r installation and maintenance Curve q g Radius Delta able CHORD CD LENGTH I I VI a I N pavement line. tuner eras,ire hydrants,wo`er uservices and cable ordsnances,tewoter services from and resolut moin to eons of curb 3 of I C1 31.45 2000 900518 N431343 W 2831 WITNESS, y o d,this the y ! 2D0.6. C3 31.45 20.00 90.0518" S43'1343E 28,316 /U ea;1s22 I I3Y.' I� / es o J nu,\1 I Moss Brothers Reol Estate Management.LP 25 C5 48.35 40a.00 525T52 N294000W 45,95 1 ( to OT2 i1 1 T COLLIN 33N9TC I COUNTY 4362 MOO 1243355 N234723W 354, —_ es90 , d d CT 9.81 20.00 280658 5121433E 9.T2 Nee1s22w — o,I VOLUME SDI 3WTERLIN PAGE 3E3 EASEMENT m, eundersignedau Dry,on oy personally appeared ACCESS EASEMENT In RELANE&ACCESS EASEMENT '. VOLUME 6°.WATER PAGE Before Sledeedmty hand that of the samesuoscr subscribed toforegoing instrumentand CS 22.08 2000 631523 N33263T E 20,98 0 CUB.0,PG.33 E EASEMENT purposes and considerations therein B9a5 446D 595442 34646,3W 62,B �8162"°' �e'� G4 8 r 25'BUILDING SETBACK Goren a office this day ar ,2006. 17400 _ _/ ILO S 89'50'34"W 3E26' 1/2"I.P.SET Notary Public for and In the Stole or Texas POINT OF F.M. 544 (120' R.O.W.) BEGINNING SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE KNOW ALL MEN BY'THESE PRESENTS: That I,James Bart Carroll,do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from actualon and the corner monuments shown thereon °Iounu der ciyT rvision n aeea.a°nee with Plat Pules and ere Regiosof the : a personal a perryN.gne,the meyf Secretary of the plat o of f *Ale,TeYas CHILDREN'S Reeammenaea m App oval e, g submitted to City Council A In0 o e C y y was s t City council,o DtheN th day f u,accepted andJames Barton Carroll ne Date Prmess,onal Lana Surveyor No.5129 dedl Counci of l,bstrf e'tsala ond there public p and r Wylie, eyaening Zoning Commission replat and said further e the "Approved for Construction thereofacceptance wcter and sewer lines as shown and set forth in a.upon said y g g s name as herein above REPEAT COUNTY OFEDAL and,n,= 006 of Bate CHILDREN'S LIGHTHOUSE ADDITION PersonollY cppeared James Barton Carroll,known.me to be the person whose e BEFORE ME, the undersigned,a Notary Public in the State of TP,05.on this day "Accepted" BEING A REPEAT OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1 eeeceted is the same cribed re.the purposes andng considerations ment and thereinp ssed.me Date THE PE RPOSELO F HIS oEPLATE12 TO OF MOSS ADDITION GIVEN under my nand and seal of office.this day of A.D.. y y Texas Mayor,City of Wylie CREATE LOT. 2006 CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Notary Public in and for the stale of TexasMOSS BROTHERS 3455 FM 544 T5D96 RE ESTATE MANAGEMENT LP CARROLL CONSULTING GROUP, INC. WYLI 1008 STONEWALL STREET SUITE No. 'F' SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDRION.METES AND BOUNDS IS GARLAND, TEXAS 75043 PHONE: (972) 840-1506 LueLLEILIIIIILa FINES AND WITHHOLDING N UTIUTIEs AND BUILDING JOB No. SCALE: DATE DRAWN BY: PERMITS REVISED:DECEMBER 21,2006 1979-06 1'=40' NOVEMBER 9,2006 CP Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 2, 2007 Item Number: 4 Department: Planning Woodbridge Parkway Right- Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Of-Way Date Prepared: 12/27/06 Zoning District: PD2003-01 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for right-of-way dedication of 4.4167 acres of roadway for the construction of Woodbridge Parkway, generally located south of FM 544 between Hooper Road and Wylie High School within the Woodbridge North Subdivision. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to City Council for a Final Plat for Woodbridge Parkway dedication, located within the Woodbridge North Subdivision. Discussion The plat dedicates 4.4167 acres, approximately 3,400 linear feet of roadway for the construction of Woodbridge Parkway. The parkway will extend Country Club Boulevard from FM 544 south to existing Hooper Road. The dedication will also allow access to the proposed Multi-Family Development to the east. Tract 3 is 0.2955 acres (12,870 sf) and approximately 2,400 sf. Tract 3 is the southernmost portion and will intersect with Hooper Road. Tract 3 is 2.3373 acres (101,813 sf) and approximately 1,000 sf. The northern portion of the right-of-way varies in width from a 45 foot width and tapers along the 150 foot Texas Power & Light Co. easement to 30 feet in width. South of the TP&L easement the parkway will vary in width from 100 feet at its largest width and then tie into existing Hooper Road. A 65 foot access and utility easement transverses the southern portion of the parkway and connects to an existing 65 foot right-of-way dedicated to the City of Wylie. Portions of the Parkway being dedicated by this plat will adjoin a 30 foot right-of-way being dedicated by the Broadstone Apartment development to the east. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 12-01-06 Page 1 of 1 LEGEND + xisn,".u• III IRON RODFOUND 4,/ RHA CAP % p.R,( L�e i9,zY[ a..i)sO , . -_ :\� , , ,e* , D� DEED RECORDS OF COWN COUNTY TEXASNT LOG$QN ; �- C� • LAND S OF COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS J' No$1�ESE5 �_�� sa+1 "-c) \ " m re c c T. NAP RECORDS of cauN COUNTY Texas tJ-4'S2'S3" lOT eJ 4 uo as /" �" 0 ,,/ c r R SJ55Q �GpPr%w�nF,o Ziggc-'" Ca, ��.s, 4 59 tom 89'24'35CE 7457123"E 1S' _ .DETAIL"A" _.- vo5 Lac.c.r R=885�50 �`� a(J l-YTPj�P� Pt F 753 /rouuc" . vV C NOT-TO-SCALE L 3867J \" : 15 76' a4'17"19 C \ �f '^ c r CH=383'48'27"E // l 9 3 \ R—s4a.so ~ TRACT 7 OL=383.70 A m' r _ n /L 63.21 S�,.✓" 2.0824 ACRES EVARQ P a /�CL-63.20 r Hof 223 Ace (90,711 SQUARE FEET) pf H B NmY CLU6 ___ } .__ m s 1 - y r 4- �4m,\ \:::-0,,k-„„ --'J'svoo3 �"(BBY`THsu TY n r TRACT 3 w000e VOL ss..c.r s �13'28'S5° k�^V� f ‘ 1 ari \ o J>y J' e v4, P a II a.z9ss AcaEs '.m. R=83a sa .�� 4�k L0.lIMENgN!{ L 196 36 6 R 1 O 12,870 SQUARE FEET d 36'2419" - 50 48' _ \ s '�6?0 ) R 844.50 OH--N0aro2'ob'E " is E DETAIL ` c5 a2ese E �\ - \. `SX 00" 84• L5 L 536.59 CL=19591 0.�R'Ilk / �THISESHEETA \ . �V's4sPo 3"47 cH-N32.48'22"E V. sq - cy"r�a CL=527.61 a6263" ,2 \ '"e;I� ,,,, J R q4 R-f05510 s Mro _ _ -, C8 N810.320"W JQ 093 1 L 11862 \ 20 I Car 3 g0 r7j \--___ _ a5 a .ta CL=118-56 6 W 7w a.qp 1.° 6'� Ems' L m`g pe §s e H 598 k \\ 523'05'S" r 'um L�srr \\ I o.\ * LOTi C 0 LBLOCK 0 ns �� BY OTHERS Ao reicnr a<war �,ti W t2 rG ev omEa� v� L A o'' �I/ . Li wo V • uac cr. LIE HIGH S H 0 A DITION e LOTS i S 2 BLOCK msir 4: A s �.Oe �T. , na , 0"5 4 CT 114.9 BS 15 la ,3,3.3.23, ,,,,, ' \,`:IP" "a' 1 G,',,,?,' 4.:-'‘,,.4 '?,',''','-,'''''.9)- \ aft TEs56 s6 / 4u., ,P,oNr" 4 >, `s\\ �re v oR '' �g C2. I Z-15'4809 `T f O. ,4.s' R 83450 / N I- J L 23016 z S 4 4 F _---w e - wP 5 SC 0,44 NI CI-=229.43E ,Cs w \il'•�� 6 �e 2 4 sn 4 \ a C.51 TRACT 2 /.� / =— -"- _ 2.3373 ACRES ,r CI %a•;SC C4 // ' (101,813 SQUARE FEET) - Rill _ / 5 e iar T� \ VOL ers-vose;z ro ev om� ACCESS � ��I GRAPHIC SCALE f a SITE \ I ILL , s�R'- U 1 \ 1a3J35"56" Uio rC•%;r at i 88 EiOS Ncrem e ism cr \ O / , ,"30S. uR=ACCESS&0171 MIT �09�62 ?"a��° LOT i. AO>3¢1Y t oRc_. \ 5j05652 r. eeio CH=829'S1"01"Wo o BLACK B O" ioO.ia a 'Ll' _se 2�0 ooR�c* a=7oa21 m3 FINAL PLAT ro`Ero o�ra6 n -LII --' BrOwms - rc�o LOCATION MAP �.'' eDpO,,'°` +��' NS,. "°° 2610 °�"-°°60f "�� �o h WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY NOT-TO-SCALE 000"5` 05 \\\' - 4'd'�"i RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP au a S`42E ,‘S\ RAYMOND COOPER LOT 1 \ 2"� D" ZONED:PD-2003-01 F30 a 4 /\ JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BLOCK A \ '" BEING 4.4197 ACRES SITUATED IN THE ,3s' L E so Tk z _ I.CLIFTON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.193 _ To cur O S a \ k U J.W_CURTIS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.196 ,>y ^B'' L>\ 1,'3) L.K.PEGUES SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO 703 / BY OrreE,RS /T\S ». \ V WILLIAM SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.835 / Erecc f I&G.N.RAILWAY CO.SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.1061 ,x,+q,Oyf1' "' o.a.accr_ "P6r" TLC '1I CITY OF WVLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS \3 IGmley-Horn r �q SUINFIG,ENGINEER. �� �� 1 ❑—❑ andA,ssociates,Inc " ',Dime„e' "` ,/ --orer.cr� and State Law and 95JMe an .nnnoene" building�permits. ecomm s, 4 _ r1:T9f4°tTf"I"i SHEET - a Qa T�°^.°z Z_' ❑r�▪ ¢�1' cCc 5?W:LL ~Q)'o=g� "ao =d y agz,,M if' Eo aou.wag10'8 I. o zslo Nwg, h,I� o��N U �W LLox T;Hi 11 °I ULL=w OCy zvaa �� �'" LE al _£�5 E ff -33 3Eg - faagafg 9 m ,I. & -_ =m8 al .Dania"w sa gxAgttA = -U&8.o lailttigitg 32 wg 8 gs B ra _ - Lg At LLry d E= ° _m f R a s` ry egg a - as 7sg Ai a a m o 3 8 4g g wAn A al 3 6 _gg- 21 g g F g6 S 1 " W �g m 88tg a i& g m 8r e a?- 5 g _ ▪ag8a c 51 mag as - a g gm - E y -!s a a a e' a - > e gN- 8 Fo a E - - 14,9 - m 8 a r �a °g g F - 3a - Sm aS _ `3 - E gg▪" up 3 d . rc g - & li z ; Y m 21 em= u� r3 3 Oz 0 oxam-wE .�EA_h r_>uggm,1 82 , 3m_ m mu r�i 5' u z m r - �rc �— mu mom° u z u g t 2_ - _ _T tg �3i g _ 'd p8 - 5 _ - f• a 93 ge 8 % it Apri¢ g a mmN A - - o ' fl Ea -a d3 v at▪'u5 - 5 n= maw„8 s a2.- « - ga '33 e - ,tge _ 8 - _ _ Arc gL- Pl gam ogg 9 3v 1▪ 1 o3v5N "g9 3 31=2 m_ g _ g 386_T g2 as fa 8f °€°3a - $ 9' -33 - d8 a� d 9fP.Rv 53 ma tt �z s ra a fa it oa El s3g8,� uR �o?'2 $3gy°:oa =e 2, E �� r mh3h :U r_ mm fg3m aa� o ;$ hs a Pa s s tr 1 - 0 22 s �� - E. - - - II a - P" g S _ e aw P ▪ g g 2 Ygg 3 l s am ax 8 sa 2g g 5 S aq 0 3 2 e 8 ¢ E PE 2,g g a a 3 S - ?a 33 - - ° _ m 8 g ,°q e s m v _ _ _ 8 u g aE22Eg & a a s a as a P. g - g .8 g g 23 - 32�3' ggv - sg S� - 8 F `8 d� ° Y So `e - gta - a _ :& 8z S m affag m s a 3 it 3N8 ° - g-s. g Of E g g g2 8 = 33 ga _ ki ga m �g �x g - £ 3 � _ _. 5 g g� g 52 E1t5g la$ap 3g as 1• - e3 s z� - _ , 3 a a 3 gy s met 3s 3 f3 $ _ o R g m 22 5 i g 2 0 3 „g52 a . a fr r 2 s ° g `� g g _g 3.8 2 ¢ 4 g m 3 0a g• 9 g g ° a a5 8 2 a 3m E. a g 5 g € g 3 - as 3g. a El w F-A 8 E _ ._9 A AAA " ta ms as ,s�.. _ g eg a q _ �a a: sm a qs g Q al gg 3 a ° F a g€g Y a 32m gad 3 28 - T SalEsal it €. g g a .4-g 3° 8- 31 n' aa:: z w= 2 145 dha za a u$ 7 ,�,oa° ° ag,° _ a ra ram r3 r8 A Omm i3 ii r uaam Pi r ig i oo.'. r_ fl r mxz r ° 2 dia z:. at< Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 2, 2007 Item Number: 5 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Wyndham Estates Ph III Date Prepared: 12/27/06 Zoning District Light Industrial Exhibits: Site Plan, Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a proposed 9,750 square foot office/warehouse development on 3.70 acres located on Lot 34 of the Wyndham Estates Ph 3 Addition. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for a proposed 9,750 square foot office/warehouse development on 3.70 acres located on Lot 34 of the Wyndham Estates Ph 3 Addition. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a single story office warehouse building on one lot. The lot is 3.70 acres in size. The proposed building totals 9,750 square feet and will include 4,948 square feet of office space and 4,561 square feet dedicated to warehouse use. The property has been platted since 1986 as Wyndham Estates Phase 3, Lot 34 and was the subject of a zoning case in September 2006. The property was successfully rezoned from Neighborhood Services to Light Industrial. Office/Warehouse is a permitted use within the LI District. The proposed building will be constructed primarily of face brick with CMU accents. The proposed plan meets the base design standards and includes a tabulation of how the desirable design standards will be met. Recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 12/27/06 Page 1 of 1 SITE DATA Lot 28R PROPOSED USE VERIZON REPORTING CENTER FOR DISPATCHING MAINTENANCE CREWS 4 ,I ! \ SITE ZONING LIGHT INDUSTRIAL � Y 3 1 f Replat WyndhamEstates Phase III ep I I�, rus_s"''"rpp Lot 36 L t 33 LOT COVERAGE..7X BUILDINGS i l - 1 d b F s f t t E OI M Pg. f f 3 PARKING REQUIRED.OFFICE-I SPACE PER 300 SF-17 SPACES !ys;V N f L A - H aI+ li�I Light Industrial Zoning PARKING REQUIRED:WAREHOUSE-1 SPACE PER 1,000 SF.7 SPACES R €��E .14 J 4' E . !Yi 1 � i ,s 991 It TOTAL PARKING REWIRED:24 SPACES i� sg �•r j LVE[ 3•• f ' 80 PRIVATE Sll E HANDICAP PARKING PROVIDED, SPACES VEHICLE SPACES 5 F "E v r PARKING R © __ S 75.02,p0. HANDICAP PARKING REWIRED:I SPACE J 1 1' ,a I, 9 p N�'II€I R. ® ® ® ® 6900 415OB. LANDSCAPE AREAS REWIRED()OX OF SITE):15,JJ4 SF #P Iy $' I I IT pl•j'f,�9P j y f t.{la .. gliP t4 7[t d a s 1�I 1 4i pp!, TI a t4T aI1$ 3 Cmv E rv,ROnEnLu Tx car LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED:38,249 SF,OR 150X OF ATE 1,R fit$ �S i y..4 q I ! S N�k I' k� a gam^ b rvc ces (LccxnsLl;ry - rnT PERxITER 1` L„ { [( tx ,.Ali R ]Z A7;4 f■ oaRnp sn ® 0 69 0'0,0 0/ 0 0 ZONING ARTICLE 4:FIGURE 4-th SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS F e'°',,9W If T E § K.#M 1 T w:L+ �p / The Slte Dealgn meet.,9/I Of the Base Standard design elements ,w3 i $� f f b vENc L me Site Design meets the following tour DesMable design elements: M 'T` i 11 " 1 C II!f ilk,lx � M1 €?' �I II a AT,E _ cE /— EAs 0'0T ,'•ACRES o— ) eY.,THE a)MdiWd✓w bund,ga wrm I 6/lMb Ye a tHe/IaooO sF 'a( F E pp EI ) b 'REEL STORAGE B)r ne raade onenrod Reward.,100.,trace =3 E.kw ,pAL 17 Ilk S a 11 ` © ® p `oL c)Or ct onnectlon between buAdnga ands eat flt}k}fi € iO)Masonry screening provided q� iV { py F d b4 a sTill r - ORAOE AREA rv,�: eAT }4 ' ,. dt [[g. •T.?„ .. ia¢ 111 00 n••'v.EUEo,>vcmc 1_I r ;a ZONING ARTICLE 4:FIGURER Z:LANDSCAPING DESIGN REQUIREMENTS i t If x, b pYaxWMTg. tag �� �b xY �• m.Site Design moot all of the Base Standard design elements LOCATION MAP a me Site Design meets the following tour Desirable design elements,. AI® r�o PARR rvc "� mAsorvRr xaecry rvc 4- • }I- B)Landscaping side the minimum yard by LOX N.T.S -;.,,t� C)Landscaping In aide space rear yard not°t0 et required c a b C)Vow of Iota with no apace further than 40 feet from a landscaped area ---,-_I I (tA b R p p D)Use of rock walls In detention pond me V W 1 1µ'� m o lol rvu rcn E r ZONING ARTICLE 4•FIGURE 4 B•ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Z • �i I' p (miozc ® The Site Design meets all of the Base Standard design elements r1 9 s 0 © ® © ® 9 0 ® 0 0/ e © The Site Design meets the foil-Owing three DeeFable design elements A)me design uses two cornplknentor primary facade materials g ✓ Y Y, II LnI p _(gIIIP II�� z °�a� _. ——_— U p - ° I B The designapplies Base Standards n facades not facing provide street _ Lt3a a°°N° J aeW gap rYr '�---— ��''�b� —— Wyndham Estates Phase III $a°� % C)The design uses architectural detailing and/or m°teriWa to proNde wriety M visual appearance 1�� 3.70 Acres ® .i ® 0 ® ® l q I i d?i+3 49 ® 0 ` Lght Industrial Zoning °� ��5511��1 ��661! \ ` ®4� k.�a en on.EI SITE NOTES 0.1 dl w m i b Ja xRE LAxE T�'WREe�a a z<n� ` o I Fr 01HAo ax � \OO 1.ALL DRIVEWAY RADII ARE 30'UNLESS SHOWN O/GERNISE 2II AU FIRE LANE RADII ARE 25'INSIDE AND 50'OUTSIDE i /0 ® ® ® Q ® ® ® ® ©a DIRECTIONS O,v APPROACH cyy p \ 3 OIL PAVEMENTS ARE REINFORCED CONCRETE. le C4.AU SITE M 9 OVERHEAD COOK OO Ill` 5.NO PORPONAOF THE SIM LIES WHIN A FEMA REGULATED FLOODPLIN I' - - -_ .O O O Wig O 6.THERE ARE NO PROPOSED MONUMENT SIGNS II `' 7..nlE COMPACTOR SCREENING SHALL CONSIST OF CMU BLOCK WITH A BRICK VENEER MATCHING THE MAIN BUILDING w I / T etc ® /0 V, 369A nA rvL rvx rTrvcc ALL PROPOSED TREES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3'IN CALIPER. L cix J5 x130' 9 ALL PROPOSED REAR PERIMETER SECURITY FENUNC SHALL BE 7'TALL VAIN 9 GAUGE 2°GALVANIZED MESH CHAIN LINK. ® NEW REPORTING z a 1INE P0515 ARE 2'DIAMETER GALVANIZED SCHEDULE 40 WiH TOP RAIL I� ry �� � GENTER/WARE OUSE Z'Q ,. 1 j IN f/p 0 MAX HEIGHT 19 6 x P - -- © 'v M. H ' 5 Lot 24 re gp,+ ✓y dh t . PhaseO II . DETENTION POND I I Iil `R WITH ROCK \ 4 pt„ N-gh h d 5 s ing DEER .0) b . - .1-6T e 9. Ox a I P I €h e 0Illil 0 €uIrbi 0 0 4i 0@ 0 1 49 I o , rn., Om ' !.2 ,'- 0 fri4116 0 Ili I. EI RKING SPACE to AI' L xr ER _ - --®--.- ` 4 ®'FOR�-eve-'s'1q 3-0.sls-o--�� o-1 T e-E j1A ✓TIER . - . ` •E � 1C Ex, COTTONWOOD R ?SW, OVERFLOW w�2.w re n a 34 la ss Rre cn LTY n mErvT T ,5 RATER EDErvT --0-- w z� t= sD 9D N 89'4823"W 386.SJ - f / UE Dlid omland ROW _ T an LEGEND OWNER. MAS Mark VI Las BROWN STREET EXIST PROPERTY UNE — — — P.O.Me 26 Sanders H PRELIMINARY PLAN-FOR RENEW ONLY Is, LINE Argyle,Texas 75226 mesa plena are For RENEW PURPOSES ONLY end .__ EXIST EASEMENT,,,,s9/Lcx ._.-.-._._.-._._.-.-._ (940)453-0 era n f mfena tl Tor conarrvchan,badmg,or 5T./PROr.sE MEP ENCNJEER:WTA,Mc. permitting purposes.Thome Plans were Prepared / E%I6T.SERER LINE s Mr.Stephen B.Otis,P.E. p.E.a No�6BOB)e and eerelre rNeoseDrNo roNewdan TREE MANAGEMENT PLAN: EXIST wA LINE x w Aabbe Wage Drive, iss Suite500 12/26/200a (326)696-1090 THE SITE CONTAINS ONE(I)EXISTING re'C1JTTONW00D,NMCH LIES xiiTHlN THE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY OF BaOxw STREET AND SHALL BE REMOVED. ExIST.TREE EXIST OVERHEAD ELECTRIC - �� --- - - VERIZON WAREHOUSE&REPORTING CENTER ARCHITECT CM.Architecture,P.A. Located On Mr.Slew Bryant 200 Baney Avenue,Sarre 310 Lot 34, Wyndham Estates Phase_111_. PROP.PROP.,UNE Port Worth T 76107 PROP.a (817)877-0044 SITE PLAN `„ Lr I9,R CIVIL ENGINEER:JD Landes Inc. � xy� PROP.PAW.SPACE TM 9Mr.Jos.D.Landes.P.E. CITY OF WYLIE,yLIE I GXAS PROP.MM.STOP — 1107E fat SYreef p Fort Norm,Texas 76102 PROP.TRAFFKS FLOW ARROWS 4 t (8I7)870-1220 _ PROP.LMDSGPE/'muss o v.,' SURVEYOR: Rockwall Survey', Co.,Mc d ANDES ;Way A PR(V.LANDSCAPE VI,/TREES Mr j Mr.Harold D.Petty XLR.P.LS r `y�rJ 1984 S.FM 551 Royce City,Texas 75189 PRQEaT AD •• SHEET (972)772-5434 �,rti d06010 12/26/2006 1 or 1 A ale ! t' aDH > ® 0 Y Z �rItID 9s wRBHn LL 4 .g M c , 1 -) D2]R-3v [ Proje NG ct Design EsignQ C And I MG Construction®1111TC 11111 nflTl1I_II—r1_TT7— 1 T T fll1fii111it lli1h11 �1 IA "OF I ill 111JL1fu 1lIlfliI i � Administration �e'o NDP ii m By ® 1 a TI �r t hI l' a. r ®.__ AO- tt 1I =ur,..9c �yin�.FiGR �>�...-.-. P....,_.,�.--.moo.,.-.-_ • .,�. z�.-.-,� ^ '� � 4 HN.l ao.$ �IU ® J ® © ® ® ® © SUITSCNH[PIANS IS DESIGN PROPOSED SOUTH cM.AHwITEcnHE Pa. 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION ao CUSS s°E3o Al.O SCALE: ,/e'=,'-0 �2'OTED n-EeIB EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE NOTE CO TACT: BsalO�mRM E-MAIL pn wm ANT ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM,COLOR:PT-3MET BOTH BUILDINGS SHALL CONSISTI OF NCPRE-ENGINEERED O BV1 'BRICK R VENEER,M�OUFACNRER-ACME BRICK AL BUILDING ANCHORED A 0 RETE 1AB ON COLOR RAGE 5 a AOMfTBL PPN GS TSOCFlry BE F 15M.A FACADE UILDIN HED WITH N. .p BY-2 d"BRICK VENEER,MANUFACTURER- CUi STONE ANOTBRICK VENEER HALL ME BRICK C0.DR:PATE GRAY ,*e� CMU COLORLTERRAROU Mr UFACTURER-TEAThIERLITE. �". MC B'GALVANIZED METAL COPING COLOR:PT-1 ",..�re"ory a:.,wn. MC METAL OLT1ER AND DOWNSPOUTS.COLOR PT-1 MP 1-1/2 METAL ROOFING PANELS.COLOR:PT-2 PT- OLOR:SW 6,53TPROTECE BRONZE LAMS, of Z PT-2 aa02:M w a;sn1Na,H a=W,LLSGEU PT-' PAINT,MANUFACTURERC S,ERINN INLLIAMS, COLOR SW 6193 BASKET BEIGE W PT-< 000FACnIRER-SHERWIN vHLLIPMS, Q Z`/ PANT.M 'J�` COLOR SW 6,AB WOOL SKEN RI ARCH TECTURTR,AL PRIM UNIT CERAMIC GLAZED. Q a re W OLOR.P W ,z_Ir 6zz „a t7 W � Q TO ROOF MC � _ 1IIILLLL I" �r�o wnLL ` i r i 1 E 1 HI I , 1 2 W O V90 BRCK SOLDIERS ` - --___1::____,_-_ - —`- — _ Q m BOB € r e _ _� �EG BRICK SOLDIER 1-, '�• f F o0 0 0 .z m I ' _a 0 I i¢ mw� �IDBd- G.TRMUNT (Al CI �Jm . ® aw $FTNOFLOOR — d : � a�v LW ® �.XwHTCIAA P.=�a DMA PRO,ECT IO CH-H3 DATE.12/26/E6 PROPOSED WEST OMVAiaK CUD 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION CECKEDDS 58 A1.0 SCALE. 1/d"—,'—LA saeBT A1.0 OP 3 Wylie Planning and Zoning _ttf Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: January 2, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2006-18 Date Prepared: 12/20/06 Location Map, Aerial Photo, Floor Plan, Elevations Notification List/Map and Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A)to Single Family—20/26 (SF-20/26)District for proposed single family residential uses, generally located south of Alanis Drive and west of Ballard Avenue. ZC 2006-18 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council on Zoning Case 2006-18 regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A)to Single Family —20/26 (SF-20/26)for proposed single family residential uses. Discussion Owner/Applicant: Clay Blakey The subject property is located south of Alanis Drive and west of Ballard Avenue. The applicant is requesting to rezone 1.746 acres to allow for single family residential uses. The subject property has been within the corporate city limits of Wylie since 1988 and was final platted in April 2006. The plat created two single-family residential lots each being 38,028 square feet(0.873 acres)in size. At the time of platting, no plans for development were submitted. The applicant now desires to construct a residential dwelling on one lot. Because the property was in a holding zone of Agricultural, it must now convert to permanent zoning prior to construction and prior to the issuance of building permits. The Comprehensive Plan recommends low density residential for the subject property. The approved plat has a lot width of 106.78 feet and lot depth of 353.62 feet. The SF-20/26 requires a lot width of 100 feet and lot depth of 150 feet. The proposed dwelling size is a single story dwelling unit totaling 3,131 square feet inclusive of attached garage, porch and a detached garage. Air conditioned space is 2,164 square feet plus 464 square feet designated as a future room (2,628 s.f. total a/c). The minimum dwelling size required by the SF-20/26 District is 2,600 square feet, exclusive of garages. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The property to the east is .949 acres in size with a total living space of 3,539 square feet. The property to the west is 2.876 acres in size with a two story dwelling unit totaling 1,500 square feet of living space and several accessory buildings on the property. A single family dwelling unit with a total livable space of 1,588 square feet occupies .717 acres southeast of the subject property and fronts Ballard Avenue. Although the Comprehensive plan indicates low density residential, staff feels that given the surrounding properties along with the platted lot size of the subject property, the SF 20/26 meets the general intent of the Comp Plan for larger lots, and allows the property owner to maintain conformity with the Zoning Ordinance. Lot sizes are platted as .873 acres as opposed to one (1) acre as recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. How other areas designated for similar development will be, or will unlikely be affected by approving the proposed amendment to the zoning map. 2. A zoning classification of SF-20/26 is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, but will allow the property to be legally conforming. 3. Due to the limited width of the platted property, the lot width can not be met to satisfy the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan. 4. All territory annexed into the city shall be temporarily classified as A/30 (Agricultural District), until permanent zoning is established by the Council. Consider permanent zoning for adjacent properties with existing development. Notification/Responses: Six(6)notifications were mailed, with no responses returned at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 12/20/06 City Manager , -..-...., . IV I I Hoyt.—17:1 -1-1 gm • n r k rive 111111111111111abso --! +214'-9-9t (1 ii.. .. ......._.. Fl. aid °JCS — 111~1.111.11111.11 i 1 D { --. Cf) I 11 i . 11704"07.7 i. > F artone Waj i U 1 1‘ ; 1 1 , . i 0 i . r.i I- • i -,. i < i ("D i eoclaw Lane 1 i i i I Estates Lone '' i i Icl 1 I i 1 i . - -1 i ! t-•t .., i , 3 wit_i H ....V..mb _ 0 ., i Westwi'nd Way N , ,i r; 9 k . 1 I 0 i i Ll .... . Co c> 0 . . . . I 0 M Z C. a a rYi g. •.1 0 i 1 i ,:. ,. ._._._.._.. ..._ 0-1 i J ,r 0 N.. . 1 . -61 c -a FT, mi i / . 1 c } I .,i• ,.. .,..i .11ards—.ar.i Allla glliglli., CD ,A0 Mz venue it rZo ua chord Avenue 1: ! . , , • g i i rl !• i 1 P i • • ' ,• i i i , ..-....-- - — , , _ Sold Pm*a: 1 ounia IN E i 1 a ..71' 1 1 i rn 0 > II .-. ..:—. .---1—i 1-•1 mil rnmen !me i CD "10 _ 547 R' i S , i r; 044 1 i 1 —r. r., , • 1.— Di old Clive . 1 1 I ''eoax a !al Vail Cost ci ..1, Blookr cl•e Nue _ !MII , I !IME (H I II. I 1 03 r.• i•-•- '. I, , 1 VIud Ca ack.Law MI _ P.rectenn Igo ! NI .' :11111111 I , rb 0_1 ... t.. a Taos Caul 0 _,.- . ... _ • i .11 ION 1—1 • . NI I= •.'s III, MI A)Lake Ci I MI F-.. r _ 1 , _ Lake I. os Dr. CLUI7 i I I. zr g i d a . . , , ro Hilli UCIVEr Mill IIMMI =MI lik. MINI 11 =0 1— An el re I_ 1 i j L. - ScultibroOk i i el „A Elm_._.. • 111 . V,rAmi.im-nui lerra Blanca Drive —7 u• OS Vi I i rZ130. 11111 111111 OF :MI 1111 9I'/M MI eD Milli ME MN I I .10,010 # VIP 111 1 /--. 11°MIMI .,Mlin i Red River alms L ! )� r{ { ai ... girt ,,. k ` s` ,•,-,..,....'••••-'•,''':.•,---_ -•::::',.!.,•:•••_.,,,.,-•-i--.,.'....••-..-,.-:,..;.„•'7.,.:,..'''',.•;,,i.: i:fit •-••:•:,-•• -:'. :':•••••••.....,.;....., , .. ,. • . ..„,„...„.,... • ,...:.••,,,: : . ••,,„,,,,,,,,, •,,_?.•,..:.:,. .,.v...,: .,., .. _ ii 1 .k ♦ :T'" - �;.J '�..„ - _ • r •.h rile. t A.4\. y;_ 2 ,�®k 1. � _, _ - �, R le '\ . • .' Q • ii: ' • A A. A,,;44,,,,,A,A.... . A _,..--,-- • - 4 bh' S 1 y . ..yi` _ P �# y 7T'; �,• ka ;�` � ,� f yW h� ,,'�e- per"` 1� .�+�_ - - , F f! Fit I • �\ / 1,` = 3, y� I•A "�'..d'j ' 1 !} , • } , a � K tost d ��4, �p2' _ 3• :w + f - �, .4-Fi'A t t G .. S S` .c.: ire' • - - _ <• "cF ,,'a� _�..a .N *71� 1 1 :q.t p a ;w - 8�.r„ - •� \ d • y t - t' 9 , yfr{,_- W4 T :e. 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II 1i11illlllrs a D 1 1I -- `- ■■■■I�lf 11 Ii11�11 r 60, C o , Ii1 iJryy5I.,,,pppl II�I� II h. _ rn 1,k ,I!Pb rr IDS. 'I'll l lil lil I . r -*PI it 1 S i1 it R 1 IIIII ICCCyIIIdi, I d// rn R ,M 1',11 i,Ill a,Sr�1I 14 _ H 16 of 11 1 iiii i6W�1mi, ki1;,— h_N _ 1 I 1 m i vo°i�a i i i x�y r l 1'i4�+ II �? '�v I4 t o tarn' g a !1 Ifh4iimPi,iq 11r , I,I'i�11. a IF 1111 l �i ilillj i I I 111 I I _I.11 r 1 II 114,�, C II 1 1 rl 1 111 I �1�I illl lilt � � . el I IIIIIII lilt' I i �� JN =l II' Ih.!i11!1!1!1lilt'lili ill Ilil.;o B =i I'o ■■ 11 ill i71. n - 1 1JJF 11 lrriii1i44ii Iih i 1141. /J— 11 Il i�1111111111i11 111 llh 111'1 / i .I 4 441 hhhhh 4h1 i' l mh Ili iii1 11111111111111 11 � l'II I IIIIi IIIi i6'Yd'' ..._ _ 2`lihl:iili i.�/' 70 . ,7 1113111111111 1 a 11i' I 1 Ii1 S1iiililih -_-_p!.�. I 11��_Widddd./ fi Z —1 1 ly I i i rn 1 2 ,In A 0I5 gR IIt: � A e; § A h I" Ai A' ii: € AWN 1 s I O / a a s,-o / Z / 4.4 / ro , n Cuetom R.Daidex�ce Por: ■ - I�{ TOLL FREE d h �$ dg A s s o c i ate p n 1-866-GO-PLANS �46"]-526']) C 5 N�oc, N � ��IFtt 2 ° : GL.&as•roivF. d x 1 Home n J o BuilA.er: ��.�I _ 4 0 N I`�.I0�t., D0S1y T1S _cOi-ri ses-�iooR 1' ?.../ OUTBACK QwFE µno .� � P � 1,U� �raa�,� E a UUME*UOMVUIU.QO0Un, .� o0U1WW 0*IC1 UOh*4uO**LmOAHnbLlJUro41�a4400arfl ft , NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Clay Blakey APPLICATION FILE #2006-18 PO Box 434 Wylie, Texas 75098 0 BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant PO Box 434 1 Clay Blakey Wylie, Texas 75098 306 Alanls Drive 2 Abst. 292 Tract 7 R-6292-000-0070-1 Timothy Tye Wylie, Texas 75098 1502 S. Ballard Avenue 3 Abst, 292 Tract 19 R-6292-000-0190-1 James Blakey Wylie, Texas 75098 Virginia Foote PO Box 449 4 Abst. 267 Tract 8 R-6267-000-0080-1 Catharine Frey Mountville, PA 17554 Blakey Addn PO Box 434 5 BIkA Lot 1 R-9087-00A-0010-1 Clay Blakey Wylie, Texas 75098 Blakey Addn PO Box 434 6 BIk A Lot 2 R-9087-00A-0020-1 Clay Blakey Wylie, Texas 75098 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 1 r L AI'r-* Co� aani 6 Drive- Tr S /- -E _ A'* 2'2. A. 2R2 ; A • 'zq o Tr 7 Tr S -rr il 0 '. , I 13hkey 1 "r1 014,k i d e 0 Lift 5 1 J 1 0 1 r ' i001 .- OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ' . ZONING CASE #2006- 18 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: January 2, 2007 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee Account Code: Date Prepared: 12/21/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Location Map, Exhibit, Notification List/Map Exhibits: and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A)to Neighborhood Services (NS)District to accommodate a future commercial development. ZC 2006-16 Recommendation Consider a recommendation of denial to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A)to Neighborhood Services District. Discussion Owner: D.R. Horton—Texas, Ltd. Applicant: Jerry Sylo with Jones &Boyd, Inc. The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Brown Street and Country Place Lane and totals 10.0 acres. The tract's eastern property line is the city limit boundary. The property is approximately 688 feet in depth and has 633 feet of frontage along Brown Street, which is scheduled to be a four-lane divided thoroughfare (currently 2-lane undivided). Country Place Lane, a privately maintained residential street provides access to eight (8) residential properties in the County. The property is currently being used for agricultural purposes (horses) and a small barn occupies the northern portion of the property. The property has gentle terrain and slopes towards a creek located in the center of the tract. Native vegetation with mid-size trees aligns the creek on the property. Multiple easements are located on the property: • 30-foot sanitary sewer easement, bisecting property, running north and south and heads due east along southern boundary. • 20-foot NTMWD easement,parallels the northern boundary, abuts Brown Street. • 150-foot& 100-foot TPL easements traverse the southern one-third of the tract. Access to the property is provided via an existing drive along Brown Street. Existing single-family residential are located north and west of the request and vacant land owned by WISD is Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 located south of tract. The abutting eastern tract is the subject of Zoning Case 2006-17 and is scheduled for public hearing for a similar request following this item. The subject property was annexed into the City in December 1986 and has been used for agricultural purposes since that time. The applicant/owner is requesting a change in zoning to Neighborhood Services (NS) District to allow for speculative commercial development in conjunction with adjoining 10-acre tract to the west. NS districts allows for the development of convenience retail, shopping personal services and professional offices principally serving the needs of the surrounding neighborhoods. Further, commercial developments within NS districts should be compatible in scale, character and intensity with surrounding residential neighborhoods. The philosophy of the Comprehensive Plan is that uses within NR districts be smaller than 10 acres, clustered/unified in plan and design, and be located at one or two corners of 4-way intersections of major intersections. The Comprehensive Plan designates Low Density Residential for the area of this request. Low Density Residential is designed to accommodate residential lots in excess of 1 acre in size. Surrounding properties to the north and east consist of existing medium to low density residential uses. In summary, the request to rezone property from Agricultural to Neighborhood Services is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and does not conform to the Comprehensive Plan's philosophy. In addition, staff has concerns regarding the speculative nature of this request with respect to possible uses allowed on the property and how they may impact adjacent properties. However, staff recognizes the existing constraints on the tract consisting of overhead power line, water & sanitary sewer easements and the creek, making the property difficult to develop for residential uses. In light of those constraints staff recommends that the Commission consider denying this request at this time until the applicant provide the City with a site plan that will reflect proposed uses and converge both tracts for the purposes of evaluating a viable development in light of the existing constraints. Notification/Responses: Thirteen (13) notifications were mailed, with one written response returned favoring the request and two responses opposing the request at the time of posting. Staff received eight (8) additional responses in opposition to this request from property owners outside the notification area. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager -. __...- .........- •_...-- -- Subject . Properly a., . , a) . %._ I i i cr i i c i c i i a 1 .. _______I No. 78 State Highway No. 7_8 i ! i i I --I---- i ---- IIVAIMMATOMPS mil Ilifi11, 1----ITTE---, iiiimm gm. ,..„ la IIII kl II Mil ' IIIII111.,_1 / Ill 111 ZIAUM11111111 1 • •E iiMMTIM-Milliald—__iIIMI,. ___---,/, / i 1 J 1 1 PWEED 11 1 I 1±,14 Al1H I I r Shed 1 iligailliiii11111111 ] nummum I 1 1 lit 1 r um 1 1 i „ _ dig : lummuni _nsi (11111111L(1111 111 1 ; 1111i01101111111111101iME i 11111101111111111111/". 00.0471 Of FVe I I 1 I / / I / IBM lit LL11114 117711111J iiiiinumirmililli iinintiniiiwiRE WHIM i M , 11111.11111_1111Jc 1111111111111 MUM ....! ii EMIPPAUHUM 1 \ MLI ilWIlii —41111,11-iumun r , , 1 _., , a Ern. unTrTn- ; 1!ffil ; ; ; ; ; j Hi . inr.74 ! ! i ! ! i ; .I I ; ! I ---------z.m;w4-71:0--. i ! . ninlininlinill ------------ 1111111nUnEED IC .,, ,...... , ,---Enum„1111111111111111 1 • _i 1---, ! :--- I 1 -I 1 1 1 1 i ---/ I ! q ; . _ i.........i ...._.,..._......._ ..._ r L___-___ :Kw Ani \) i MIN I Ini .MM r' i WillE. '117 . IOW 1 ; ,I. --r- --7- .---• ! I . • r-----i i . t , f ; i1 I . , i . i r) ! 1 11 I i i f i ! 1 , i ! i , - • • ! • ! I I i ; i ; ; i 1 ;; L....I-. i p ; I • ! i LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2006- 16 \Aiq 1,e °0 i , 1 I I I I I i I -')I I I 1 a \_, ,, Cra n Es 2t 1- 1 Gold o Drive 0 , 4D 3. aH 0 : i X o -c 1r 5- 7 tree,-I-- (oki -Hwy 7.. . Z A. (A-6 Trawl( MA ! A . foSi-6 fir VW Lod I ! Tr z2I i 0 ' Ott-F. ids • L ivilii.-F5 i Ci -14 i •• i Tr l3 • 1 I OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP EGND ZONING CASE #2006- 16 D'R?D5c Sr s,a m F i II II I �� ID SECT 9 TRACT I a s --_ .—.— VICINITY MAP . I SCALE:L"=2,000' 1 I III — Px E�F , T.� ae �,y e _ el , 1s 1T. �T,� aT�Sa L.,3 I A ,I r I, T 3 T T I La° I Ft LOT a, LOT 2e LOT�" LOT 23a ,or z.e 1,. 1 � �� g L— �o \ —I --- — — '-- - — R6M6 .' I AB -- 63vaY glrsfl7t r I � s .z�, II y AUTO" ft Pf0 LN, e.A. &Po.z�s L`s°a"' «a�Arnacr 1 w wl,u��° °v<- �dANA sI ' wc.», s m,s.3 ,. ti. .,. ......,, 0. ".e.z ev�e �. / , 4 RiaEnsu L L A aAL - 5 e NE GIBA ` \ \ t reef � �x Ii1 L I ; 1 a e oke"aee 4,« eo yr az e«, ; 11 ...v.v. <�z- 1 � G 1 1 i /" I I - \ --, - 1 oe:ax 'vLCT= .r 1 \ .'"m vx,V Pclro°0z smci ,'S 1 , aeTav-,eves - I sere,Pc a33. - --- - t I em Ire 11' -- y ' — o 00 111 ZONING EXHIBIT II BROWN STREET TRACT - —— — - E - W — A 10 005 ACRE TRACT OUT OF 7RE 0 —— "'-— IAANCISCO OE LA PINA SURVEY,ABSTRACT Se.B - --.__-- ———— BB 3 I CITY OF W1TJE.COLON COUNTY.]EAAS D.R.HORTON-TEXAS.LID. OM ER o 4306 Miler Rood.Suite A (214)607-4244 . Rowlett.'Nem 75068 JONES&BOYD,INC. SURVEYOR/ENOINEER/PLANNER 17090 Doke Perkean Suite 200 (972)248-767e Dallas,Texas 75248 OCTOBER 25,2006 Shoat 1 al 1 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Jerry Sylo-Jones &Boyd, Inc. APPLICATION FILE #2006-16 17090 Dallas Parkway#200 Dallas, Tx 75248 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS 1 Applicant- Jerry Syfo 17090 Dallas Parkway#200 Jones &Boyd, Inc. Dallas, Texas 75248 Wylie Ranch East 1935 E. Brown Street 2 --- Lot 25A R-1181-000-025A-1 Todd Klewit Wylie, Texas 75098 _ Wylie Ranch East 1945 E. Brown Street 3 --- Lot 25B R-1181-000-025B-1 Jason Bennett Wylie, Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates#1 2000 Highway 78 North 4 Blk F Lot 43 R-5126-00E-0430-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates #1 2800 Gold Hill Drive 5 Blk J Lot 42 R-5126-00J-0420-1 Tony Blassingame Wylie, Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates#1 2716 Gold Hill Drive 6 Blk K 1 R-5126-00K-0010-1 Alex Jones Wylie, Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates#1 2714 Gold Hill Drive 7 Blk K 2 R-5126-00K-0020-1 Jason Petty Wylie, Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates#1 2712 Gold Hill Drive 8 BIk K 3 R-5126-00K-0030-1 Nathan Curtis Wylie, Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates#1 2710 Gold Hill Drive 9 BIk K 4 R-5126-00K-0040-1 Leticia Varela Wylie, Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates#1 2708 Gold Hill Drive X 10 BIk K 5 R-5126-00K-0050-1 James Williams Wylie, Texas 75098 Clmarron Estates #1 2706 Gold Hill Drive 11 Blk K 6 R-5126-00K-0060-1 Jacob Cortez Wylie, Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates#1 2704 Gold Hill Drive 12 BIk K 7 R-5126-00K-0070-1 Diana Boboli Wylie, Texas 75098 i Cimarron Estates#1 2702 Gold Hill Drive A 13 Blk K _ 8 R-5126-00K-0080-1 Kristi McNeal Wylie, Texas 75098 Tramell Addn 4306 Miller Road Suite A 14 BIk 1 Lot 1 R-4659-001-0010-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas 75088 PO Box 307 15 Abst 688-5 Tract 213 R-6688-005-2130-1 Robert Parker Wylie, Texas 75098 p PO Box127 16 Abst 688-5 220 R-6688-005-2200-1 Timmy Kreymer Blue Ridge, Texas 75424 Lts1; fj 4306 Miller Road Suite A 17 Abst 688-5 221 R-6688-005-2210-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas 75088 0' FAVD 18 X_(NE PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of PIanning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 1 am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-16. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-16. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas Name: K n1pI1 'ase print) Address: 16 L/ L ( I Jv2 1 W BittE t`6fe } 5 5f Signature: . Date: / •- - t COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-16. 1i/ I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-16. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning - Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ,)1'rl S�l rndlta I (�'Dell(C(\ In/IQ—NIA'C,, (please print) Address: d 10;C`[o�c \1 k Dr W ( t v-C )( 150 Cl Signature: l bati Date: Dlf 5 COMMENTS: ( !! tkU Cul Q �1Gf C Llm[n UOCH- (C-) y, 'fio oe \ohs Q hu t (, ctoto m, .m 1o.p Co fH �mkLeLC1 i a, A —tto rna 0-et an lk0io t WO, -'hio alll Coo n�k n �u vxn +Ko c c f 1i 0 4 rric ti a rU 0 JAc old 'Hitt hU cail& , f�� , , i 2cryWe \1r \ialg el( IV:0190, ' ,'► Wirt\ k c r u L. 1.Jepannteni or running 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zcmi gg as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-I E `Z. /Zi I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the arced public notice for Zoning Case#2006- 6 Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting Tuesday, JCif' , 2 2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 Noah,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting Tuesday,Januaiyy 2 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas l Name: b7�,' rI (4-c-r-71or-3 c'',,xit- ..f leave irt) .,\ Address: 1O : <' YaoK - ,L*. 4, ck 'TR �-S < t signatmv ',11‘t ( --=' (6_ • ) -n ////7 ,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,. Date: t 1- -c COMMENTS: pepanment at rtaneung 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-1 I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006.:Vo Date,Location&Time of Planing&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, Scan, ? '8006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting Tuesday,January 26E16:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ( I�-% (please print) Address: ./(: ; �r t , Urt c- L 2-1 L- t/ / Signature: Date: /C.1. - `? ') •� J COMMENTS: DEC 27,2006 13:04 Diane Yates 9722789991 Page 1 • • • .7sLKZ WO3 ' _2 0- 7 ! :24"3 raPPV • • .' Vox u isa#1111 0:0 stool¶gragaw qirogn ikpwas memo kip io gmA L Vold tc£ eon' a Figgignig oaL'91XIz'ssirigsgea*mom, :Norm nopipliatrj ERIBMaslim■ra MUMMY�r vuoPoPplx1 ZVI WNW FARM RI 10w •2400Z Mookval0 MP r OWL =AL AVM apa (pit pew as At JO makr) Ni [9�.IJNWOD anvil Department or riammmg 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-16 I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#200646 Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, jekr1, 2 1006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting Tuesday,January 2g6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 IIIghway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: J 1� (please print) Address: \C) *r7 1 re \J I \1 l f \• Signature: l•`hi ,� �� �� `� � f ( } Date: ,(6; COMMENTS: Liquutment oa riannmg 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-i V I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the public notice for noting Case#2006--44 g Date,Location&Time of planning&Zoning Commission meeting Tuesday, slcn , 2 12006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting Tuesday,fannary,A 1 t 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ke.l ktin A . 1 i �tS$? AJC 1(f ✓1. (please print) Address: 02 0 Signature: q K 7 �' L y Date: z/27 G co COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-16. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-16. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, January 9,2007, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: A LAS A4rnS (please print) `` J I {{ Address: ��C� S' Cu I i \i\i( I ; � 1 `7 50 Signature`. j £LruL Date: J ! `�] 0 j COMMENTS: �} t� 5tir PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning rase #2006-16. i1 am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-16_ Datc,Location&Mau of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pni Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North.,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Mumicipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ill gCG n CO e, (please print) Lc� , / 766- c — Signature - Date: 7 i„- 6 coMMTs: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please t}pe or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75048 am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case / W2006-16_ !� I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2f06-16. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Conuuission meeting: Tuesday.December 5,2006,7-00 pm Municipal Complex,200D Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date.Location&Time of City Council meeting Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie.Texas Name: t /1 e-kdoZal-es (please print) Address: Z937 4r-i e.s if., Q/ tie i Signatnr � Date: 12 - 1 G COMMENTS: Wylie Planning and Zoning _ttf Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: January 2, 2007 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee Account Code: Date Prepared: 12/21/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Location Map, Exhibit, Notification List/Map Exhibits: and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A)to Neighborhood Services (NS)District to accommodate a future commercial development. ZC 2006-17 Recommendation Consider a recommendation of denial to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A) Neighborhood Services District(NS). Discussion Owner: Timmy R. Kreymer Applicant: Timmy R. Kreymer The subject property is located south of Brown Street and approximately 720 feet east of Kreymer Lane. The property totals 10 acres. The property is approximately 680 feet in depth and has 630 feet of frontage along Brown Street, which is scheduled to be a four-lane divided thoroughfare (currently 2-lane undivided). Access to the property is via an existing drive off Brown Street. The gravel drive heads south to an existing 900 square foot barn located on the northwestern section of the tract. The subject property was annexed into the City in December 1986 and has been used for agricultural purposes since that time. The property has gentle terrain and slopes towards a creek located along the northern one-third section of the tract. Native vegetation with mid-size trees aligns the creek on the property. Multiple easements are located on the property: • 60-foot drainage easement, runs southeast and turns northeast in the center of the property. • 20-foot NTMWD easement,parallels the northern boundary, abuts Brown Street. • 150-foot& 100-foot TPL easements traverse the southern one-half of the tract. • Existing single-family residential properties are located to the north (across Brown Street). Vacant Agricultural (A) zoned properties to the west and south are predominately owned by WISD. However, there are two smaller parcels (Rowe Tract, 5 acres & Parker Tract, 1.2 acres) located to the west of the subject property. Both are currently zoned Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 (Ag) and used for agricultural purposes combined with single family residential. The property to the east is on the current agenda as Zoning Case 2006-16 and is also requesting rezoning from Ag to NS. The applicant/owner is requesting a change in zoning to Neighborhood Services (NS) District to allow for speculative commercial development in conjunction with adjoining 10-acre tract to the east. NS districts allow for the development of convenience retail shopping, personal services and professional offices principally serving the needs of the surrounding neighborhoods. Further, commercial developments within NS districts should be compatible in scale, character and intensity with surrounding residential neighborhoods. The philosophy of the Comprehensive Plan is that uses within NR districts be smaller than 10 acres, clustered/unified in plan and design, and be located at one or two corners of 4-way intersections of major intersections. The Comprehensive Plan designates Low Density Residential for the area of this request. Low Density Residential is designed to accommodate residential lots in excess of 1 acre in size. Surrounding properties to the north and west consist of existing medium to low density residential uses. In summary, the request to rezone property from Agricultural to Neighborhood Services is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and does not conform to the Comprehensive Plan's philosophy. In addition, staff has concerns regarding the speculative nature of this request with respect to possible uses allowed on the property and how they may impact adjacent properties. However, staff recognizes the existing constraints on the tract consisting of overhead power line, water & drainage easements and the creek, making the property difficult to develop for residential uses. In light of those constraints staff recommends that the Commission consider denying this request at this time until the applicant provide the City with a site plan that will reflect proposed uses and how both tracts can possibly interface with the other for the purposes of evaluating a viable development in light of the existing constraints. Notification/Responses: Eleven (11) notifications were mailed, with one written response returned favoring the request and three responses opposing the request within the 200-foot notification buffer at the time of posting. Staff received nine (9) additional responses opposing the request from property owners beyond the 200-foot notification area. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager ,- - i ----------- ------ „..----- ,__........ ....* _ , ,- Subject Property a) F" .,, i w . \ . .. I cr No. 75 State Hi hwa No. 7; I i ; -i------4 ! 1 . . i t ; ; .___ _ ___F___ ----- ilt—Mi_MMEEPTI ,• — ik .m,1111 1 1EITTEITT TT mirtinifiiiiiiii mi. 1. ri, L L IM1111111111111 IiIIIIIINHIMMI ANPIMI11111111111 di E 111. .--1,,-7- i I I I j L ! Pi U I 1 11 Irsumiumunt iriiiiimmilloAlii Illa._mitioninumuttsill .'ouniummunil i . ------- --- --- miijuiiminWIL. Grimillolluml mutuummnow .0... .0. 1 vimhp i IttilllizIllTnImilk m ma • illiillimnD i mmiLiiiiijIlli ) Irmintiummir ffimmimpragene..mmi I J111111111111111JE onnumumni _._ 1„=.-111•1717rim .. minim .6ErE,Gnimill 1 11111iIII.L1J1111I, 1111111111MIENHI._ =....,... I'SJ•vmffiliMUMEN . 1 MTITTTITTYTM" 1 I 1 W i 11 14 l----""Willimmlam•M. lolv• nr. I ; ;- -4.-___-...,11 ; 1 ., 11111 I MN iliallillb: i ------- 7 i . ! ; i . 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LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #20045_ 1 7 _ • 7 i 5.5 �5 9 1 ''''''''''''L : i 1 . 5OB T TR CT G 1 1 I I VICINITY MAP 1 1 1 l - I I I-� SCALE 1"=2,000' al RXCH W Ae.e.Pc zn GMARRON cnxTATES _5=� � r 4 I LOT z5n xo*u S zoi T T nor e LOT i s LOT i z` LOT i I: oe LOT z, LOT zz LOT z3n of z a oT z.n LOT zee LOT z5x I l 'I a a rc 1 €\ I Igi J c— BROWN 5gREET pit VOL 526S.Pa 42.3B xxc xa am��ox xoaiSN i5rcA5 0 -33 T_ E Nosh eax � xnx.sr x. .,,' ______ c______ /_ cccc,_____N______7______, —1.cc,szcic:ot ,l(N--c_ -------—7: \ BR.5 MORROW.ET UX N — w ns.P,5. �'---__-.--_-_ --/i,\l'iLtr\/.,::\\____.__--11----------______________:::_:--I:I---:-------- 7:1 --\-- \ \\\I/1 \ '\''--'-''I'I' ''''''-!:"ifIT--I'''''-- \ -I:'-'1I\‘'I-II:42-'-I-I'-':-C-7':LiHil/1111/ I k / I IIII ' ET AI \ — / y_ '_ _ x«ESS NO s�o0ME,fl5z5 w�=9�.P��a �� E Pc e,5z ,a,xTT �s>.d��5. �f�\I I ___-- I . �I xoB _ V\ _ti,"� II I�� �5a� I li i 7 / \ / I \ —' �� —�----_--- A I� a �-� / ICI I�I or 3 L1F 14 a a Ii V �� Too Bo o IW aoo 7 ZONING EXHIBIT 2 . BROWN STREET TRACT Y. A 10.00 ACRE TRACT OUT OF 1NE .5 FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.688 CITY OF WYLIE.COWN COUNTY.TEXAS 3. NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Timmy R. Kreymer APPLICATION FILE #2006-17 8046 C.R. 1216 Blue Ridge, Texas 75424 0 BLKIABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 8046 C.R. 1216 1 Timmy Kreymer Blue Ridge, Texas 75424 Wylie Ranch East 1935 E. Brown Street 2 --- Lot 25A R-1181-000-025A-1 Todd Kiewit Wylie, Texas 75098 Wylie Ranch East 1945 E. Brown Street X 3 --- Lot 258 R-1181-000-025B-1 Jason Bennett Wylie, Texas 75098 Wylie Ranch East 1921 E. Brown Street 4 --- 24A R-1181-000-024A-1 Hugo Franzen, Jr. Wylie, Texas 75098 Wylie Ranch East 1925 E. Brown Street 5 --- 24B _ R-1181-000-024B-1 Donald Flaharity Wylie, Texas 75098 Wylie Ranch East 1905 E. Brown Street 6 --- 23A R-1181-000-023A-1 Timothy Hall Wylie, Texas 75098 Wylie Ranch East 1915 E. Brown Street 7 --- 23B R-1181-0238-1 Dwight Wolters Wylie, Texas 75098 Wylie Ranch East 3400 Clearwater Drive X 8 22 R-1181-0220-1 Glen Starnes Clarksville, TN 37042 Cimarron Estates#1 2000 Highway 78 North 9 Blk F Lot 43 R-5126-00E-0430-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 Tramell Addn 4306 Miller Road Suite A 10 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-4659-001-0010-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas 75088 PO Box 307 11 Abst 688-5 Tract 213 R-6688-005-2130-1 Robert Parker Wylie, Texas 75098 2117 Shari Lane 12 Abst 688-5 Tract 217 R-6688-005-2170-1 Terrence Rowe Garland, Texas 75043 4306 Miller Road Suite A 13 Abst 688-5 Tract 219 R-6688-005-2190-i DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas 75088 PO Box 127 0 14 Abst 688-5 220 R-6688-005-2200-1 Timmy Kreymer Blue Ridge, Texas 75424 4306 Miller Road Suite A 15 Abst 688-5 221 R-6688-005 2210-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas 75088 16 17 0-CP0Jak 18 X-DBE ! v ` 'Ra -1(.1 --=_:a -r'-J i ia ,4 1; la 15 14 I g V 15 19 2D 22 23 2: y, 1 L r(2 W rbr own Stree-h (old }J A 78) y Tr .1q A 6a9-s �rarne�� � T^r �20 �n i (.,o1- I 0 . . . _ . _ . . _ . r Z17 � A. 6641-5 tir 1 i i i Loym) .... FAVOR.. OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2006- 17 7 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 nx/ I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case • #2006-17. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: I Niee4 (please print) Address: S 0 7 ' /2 / .3/ k`(._9 o , -T( 75-y y Signature. Date: la? — - D COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-17. XI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: io y\ ► R (-4) `-e.. (please print) Address: \.SOd Qkr. ey vyl L r- Wkl } 'i c ) '77 I SI) 9, .' Signature: el'L.A- A L ) d ,e-c--�_� Date: "/ 3 7o COMMENTS: . rak 07) GJ A . w Cif �l PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-17. XI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: \ E R C G 6 4,J (please print) Address: l S6 Le l W. r Site Date: ,Y370 ( ' COMMENTS: T CIAO hof ( /1 rL /04.16EZ jtiaclo tic OA if 0 (x2;1 62)ticd jr• I aAto, tum,tidd.e.)9 ex, kopt.J1-4- # rA0A}glit , PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-17.7"s• t I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000� Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas QtLName: /'/ S/ Al Lf P (please print) � Address: 7 `7.((� d el`-72 (.✓,�`-1 /L (- t. Ie-s t LL 370 1.:,Signature: — v Date: ,,p 4.6 COMMENTS: Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-17. X I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Tune of City Council meeting Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: C� {�JG1�1ciE (please print) Address; IC 5 A r sat L AJI (i ),47ip -h/. 7/4,509 y Signature: Date: /2 •- 2 '7• L i COMMENTS: Depailment Of Flatming 2000'Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case / #2006-17. V. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 3u-, Aymie.90 lease print) Address: 1-173 \,( i -77-q()(T Signature: ( C7:1 c)—( .Q Date: COMMENTS: e-) occ c.c_citico Ir•-) ry) (Lx"..to(hLvi-A .iri.N.0 •1 Theft_ 1 5 CM CCeid en-\-- c-5 -e\e(Ic irnar)fl -- I \ne.,--7Ln 11-ic-:\ "1- 'C' L,A n -Q-c-id 3 creljd. p )v c Department at Piapmng 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-17. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: jl(' A A 4 Ne Li' S.s(c (please print) Address: j U ,)C 3 ,J . Kt- LG�1 Signature: 1,�-�c ,1 ,—__ Date: I—i C_s7 Rik. CO �. COMMENTS: P1(2_(),5 C- CIO k o + Pc 1-6,qc `411 ) h i CL ,Acu Ct stop .15hcpf? v ii 1 C.i I e_ con coo,11r 1 Q r1 w {Vo f (10,3 f l oJl � C Gni-er G,-`e C CC\ inn .gin o rot'c h-c u d-e G Ct d are- - erne-y . I � S �eu ; ( ed (� b/ -Mt iMi-elcd it. of CcLurl-fry e) )44€ 5 . )h(4 E< 0(4 7Or yoi t ac- CGnarc DepartureMofFlaming 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-17. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commissic3n Wig: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: — CA r 1 �I (please print) Address: 1O3 '.‹Nry e Signalize: Cu. . .l_:Z, �/�.,/��,/e Date: COMMENTS: Deft DI-Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-17. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6::00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 5\ o hA) Ale S (please pin!) Address: /ZS 3 l yh� (Jo 4 P/fLJ,) , , Signature: UZZa, 111 b 4/77/ Date: 12-7vZ 5/6 C`- t l` COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Pease type or+ese black lsik) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning of explained as the attached public notice for Zoning Case 42006-17. I am AGAINST the regoested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006.17. Date,Location&Time of Placming&Zoning Commission meeting. TIs day,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: LAKI (±)h i N Lu k t_u Avvl 3 ease print) Address: ' -76 g G � I o � —k IL'- 1,'11cILI Cr rx. 7567 g Signseure: G'!��'G4� ( KIN,- , Date: i 1 ivii0 COMMENTS: I OOI 00616 IV kn.11C�1 ,1--- (-1 Vl,_ a-Aro v'Ye_+rQ r Ct n c nct . PUBLIC COMMENT FORM ( case type or rue br.,.s ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained an t c attached public notice for Zoning Case b-17. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public motile for Zoning Case 0006-17. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Toning - Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 xu Mttnicapat Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: _ I_aV + G S a k, {please print) } Address: —7�J U Vie.5�1ll 1 d , s 0 Signature: Date: I �/` I 1 J Gile, COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use Mack la) Depaztment of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the tequested zoning as explained en the attached public notice for Zoning Casc #2006.17- )(f f am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#12006-17, Date,fi txatiaxt&Time of Planning&Zoning • Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: Sti f}N Cd r24 j c5 (please print) Address: Z 4 3 7 Torn e-si - 0 e Si Date: / / COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please lyEle ur use blath Ink) Department of Planning 2000 Hsg1 way 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case 42006-17. I ami AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006.17. Date,Location&one of Planning&77nning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,20001 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: I T b (3 CO (please print) Addtrss: c?ot. 7 M , Go r J 11 1-. n7 Signature` _ - Date: 'jg/O 62 COMMENTS: S: r: - , . va. ea-or PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type ur tree black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 T am FOR the requested ageing as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case ,I #2006.17, � am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice fur Zoning Case I2006-i7, Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 5,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 9,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: JI ( i t c.. {�,I (p ease,r�rin Address: I Lts g. Brown --- W.j L1e TyL 7 Q9 Signature: M1 Date: f j COMMENTS: