11-27-1984 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 27, 1984 ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES - io additions or corrections . ITEM NO. 2 - CONDUCT FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 35. 7 ACRES OUT OF DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, ABSTRACT 841 - This property is located on SII 78 just east of Roddy Assoc . Real 'Estate . The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of this petition by a vote of 7-0 . ITEM NO. 3 - CONDUCT FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 2 ACRES OUT OF WM. SACHSE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 835 - This is yet another portion of what is now called Steel Industrial Park . The owner , Grover Boyd is owner/operator of Boyd Property iaintenance located behind Texas Fence and Spa . The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of this petition by a vote of 7-0. ITEM NO. 4 - CONDUCT FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 0. 996 ACRES OUT OF WM. SACHSE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 835 - This tract of land is a strip of land connecting the tract described above with the Steel Industrial Park . The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of this petition by a vote of 7-0. ITEM NO. 5 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF EAST RIDGE ADDITION - This tract of land is located on old Highway 7S at the intersection of Eubanks Road . The petitioner , Danny holly , is asking for three zoning designations , commercial/retail , duplex and SF-2 . The zoning requested is compatible with the area and because of the fact that this development is virtually the first in the area will set the tone of the area . The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of this petition by a unanimous vote . You will note that this subdivision has included within it the extension of the thoroughfare from Eubanks eventually to Stone Road . Because of the expense of this road , the developer has requested some higher density (duplex) along the road frontage . This consideration seems reasonable in order to offset some of his development costs . ITEM NO. 6 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR EAST RIDGE ADDITION - No additional comments . ITEM NO. 7 - CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN CREEK BEND INDUSTRIAL PARK - This drainage easement represents an engineering change approved by Mr . Santry to route the storm drainage in a more acceptable manner . This change is an improvement and hears your favorable consideration . ITEM NO. 8 - CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR WYNDHAM ESTATES - Mr. Cook has requested this item be placed on the agenda and has assured both Hr . Fairer and myself that an inspection on Tuesday will substantiate the fact that all improvements are complete and should be accepted . If this is so , we will report it at the reetinp and recommend acceptance . ITEM NO. 9 - CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CRACK SEALER - T:e need your authority to advertise for the bids so that we ray begin to assemble some accurate pricing information for your consideration . ITEM NO. 10 - CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR BULK PVC PIPE - Same comment as above but in addition , this bid is to establish a bulk purchase price for large quantities oi pipe to be used in the laying of water an( 1 sewer lines in connection with our water tanks and district lift stations . ITEM NO. 11 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE CALLING FOR ELECTION FOR HOME RULE CHARTER - The charter committee ' s work is completed and they will present the final document to the council on Tuesday night for transmission to the citizens of Wylie . It falls now to the council to call for a municipal election on the question of adoption for January 19, 1985 . ITEM NO, 12 - CONSIDER RE-AWARD OF BID FOR TWO WATER GROUND STORAGE TANKS - The staff recommends the award of bid to the original low bidder , • Peabody TecTank . The facts relative to this suggestion are in your packet. Award of this bid at this meeting will delay the installation of the tank almost none from the original date promised by Sealstor and will provide a significantly larger tank at the Steel Industrial Park site . 724,: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1984 7 :00 P.M. CITY HALL CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS COUNCIL BUSINESS 1 1-9 Consider approval of minutes . PUBLIC READING OF ORDINANCES/PUBLIC HEARINGS 2 10-12 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct first public hearing on the annexation of 35 . 7 acres out of Duke Strickland Survey , Abstract No . 841 . (Located on SH 78 adjacent to Roddy & Assoc . Real Estate) . No vote required . 3 13-15 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct first public hearing on the annexation of 2 acres out of Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract No . 835 . Part of Steel Industrial Park . (No vote required . ) 4 16-10 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct first public hearing on the annexation of 0. 996 acres out of Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 . Adjacent to Steel Industrial Park on FM 544. (No vote required . ) 5 19-20 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the zoning petition for East Ridge Addition . (Located west of Old Highway 78 at the intersection of Eubanks . ) No vote required . 6 21-22 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for East Ridge Addition . (Located west of Old Highway 78 at the intersection of Eubanks . ) NEW BUSINESS 7 23-30 Consider acceptance of drainage easement from •+ylie Capital Corp . on Creek Bend Industrial Park located on •iarti nez Lane . 1 Consider acceptance of public improvements for Wyndham Estates located on SE 78 E . 9 Consider authorization to advertise for bids for street crack sealer . 10 Consider authorization to advertise for bids on bulk PVC pipe. 11 31-33 Consider approval of ordinance calling for city election to vote on home Rule Charter . UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12 34 Consider re-award of bid on two water ground storage tanks . GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 Citizen Participation . 14 General Council Discussion. 15 ADJOURNMENT 2 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 13 , 1984 The Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday , November 13 , 1984 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Akin presided . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , and councilmen Percy Simmons, William Martin , Cleo Adams and Joe Fulgham . Representing the city staff were City Manager , Gus Pappas , C.E.O. Roy Faires , Public Works Director Bill Windham , Chief of Police, Royce Abbott and secretary , Barbara LeCocq . Also in attendance were Larry Allen, Fire Chief , two representatives from the fire department and other interested citizens . The meeting was called to order by Mayor Akin who asked • Councilman Adams to give the invocation . ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - There being no corrections or additions to the minutes a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion seconded by Councilman Fulgham. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 2 - CONSIDER RESOULTION SUPPORTING EXTENDED AREA SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF ROCKWALL - This resolution is in support of the petition of Rockwall for extended area telephone service . Councilman Martin asked how close the city of Rockwall is to actually receiving this service . Gus Pappas answered that it is in the infant stages . There being no further discussion , Councilman Fulgham made a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the resolution supporting extended area service to the city of Rockwall . Seconded by Councilman Martin . Motion carried 5-0 . ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 8.85 ACRES OUT OF R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 660 - This property is located just west of Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park . Mayor Akin asked City Manager Pappas for staff comments . Mr . Pappas stated that the city had asked for a statement of right-of-way across this property and had asked for a committment to participate in making Alanis a thoroughfare . An affirmative letter is on file with the city from the owner . After some discussion a motion was made by Councilman Adams to authorize the Mayor to sign the annexation ordinance making this tract of land a part of the city of Wylie . Motion seconded by Councilman Martin . All in favor . 2 ITEM NO. 4 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 8.85 ACRES OUT OF R.D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 660 - This is property located west of Glen Knoll Mobile Home park . The owner has petitioned for Industrial zoning designation . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed by Mayor Akin and the item returned to the council table for discussion . There being no further discussion Mayor Akin stated this item needed no vote and the council would move to the next item. ITEM NO. 5 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 8. 85 ACRES OUT OF R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 660 - Councilman Martin asked for an explanation of the vote (3-1-2) of the Planning & Zoning Commission. City Manager Pappas explained that there had been some discussion at the Planning & Zoning meeting concerning the industrial zoning close to a residential area (mobile home park) . There being no further discussion , Mayor Akin said he would entertain a motion . Mayor Pro Tem Hughes made a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the zoning ordinance designating 8. 85 acres out of R . D . Newman Survey , Abstract 660 as Industrial . Seconded by Councilman Adams . Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 6 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 48. 816 ACRES OUT OF ALLEN ATTERBURY SURVEY, ABSTRACT 23 - This is the final public hearing on the property located on S . Ballard adjacent to the new water tower . Mayor Akin asked City Manager Pappas to point out the property on the map . The public hearing was opened by Mayor Akin . There being no comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the council table for discussion . Since there was no discussion or questions , Mayor Akin stated that this item required no vote and the council would move to the next item on the agenda. ITEM NO. 7 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 0. 146 ACRES OUT OF E.C. DAVIDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 266 - This is the final public hearing on the annexation of this property located on W . FM 544 and is commonly referred to as the "old Simmons place" . Mayor Akin asked City Manager Pappas to point out the tract on the city map . The public hearing was opened by Mayor Akin . There being no comment from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the iter-: returned to the council table for discussion . There being; no discussion , Mayor Akin stated that this item required no vote and the council would move to the next item on the agenda . ITEM NO. 8 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PARKING ON BOTH SIDES OF FIFTH STREET FROM OAK TO MASTERS - Mayor Akin stated that there has been a problem for some time in this area with parked cars constituting a hazard to 3 the safety of children playing in the area . After brief discussion Councilman Simmons made a motion to authorize the signing of the ordinance prohibiting parking on the east and west sides of Fifth Street between Oak and Masters Streets . The motion was seconded by Councilman Martin . Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 9 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE AMENDING MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE CHANGING "PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR" TO "CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER" - Mayor Akin stated that he felt that this ordinance should contain the language that would allow the city manager to designate the proper authority . After some discussion a motion was made by Councilman Martin and seconded by Councilman Adams to amend the Mobile Home Park Ordinance changing "Public Works Director" to read "Code Enforcement Officer or other designated agent named by the City Manager" . Motion carried 5-0 . ITEM NO. 10 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR ROCKY TOP DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - This is an eight (8) acre tract in Steel Industrial Park located on FM544 . Mayor Akin asked City Manager Pappas for staff comments . Mr . Pappas stated that the subdivision meets all city of Wylie requirements including streets built to our criteria . However , the city will not accept Steel Road because at present it does not meet city standards . After meetings with the owners , they (the owners ) have placed a letter on file with the city stating money will be placed in escrow for their portion to bring Steel Road up to city specifications. Staff has no objection to the subdivision as platted . After some discussion , a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes and seconded by Councilman Fulgham to approve the preliminary plat for Rocky Top Development Subdivision . All in favor . ITEM NO. 11-CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MURRY- WILLIAMS SUBDIVISION IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - Mayor Akin asked City Manager Pappas for staff comments . Mr . Pappas stated this subdivision meets all city requirements and that as in Item No . 10 a letter has been placed on file with the city from the developer stating his intention to place an appropriate amount of money in escrow for his fair share in the improvement of Steel Road . Following the discussion , a motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to approve the preliminary plat for Murry-Williams Subdivision in Steel Industrial. Park . Motion seconded by Councilman Adams . motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 12-CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION FOR NTMWD TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE TO PROPERTY OWNER LARRY PARKER - This property consists of 4 .649 acres out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey , Abstract 688 and is located on Sb 7:U north of Wylie . Mayor Akin noted that this is the second such request made recently. Councilman Martin asked how the • property owner and the NTMWD will know this is only a temporary arrangement . Gus Pappas stated that the letter from the city to NTMWD clearly states that this is permission for temporary service and that the property owner has been made aware that when the city of Wylie has water service in the area he will most likely be required to get service from the city and that in order to do so he will probably be required to annex into the city . He also noted that NTMWD does not desire to be in the business of supplying water to individual customers and is anxious to cooperate with the city in matters of this nature . There being no further discussion, Councilman Fulgham made a motion to authorize NTMWD to provide temporary water service to 4 . 469 acres on SH 78 belonging to Larry Parker . Motion seconded by Councilman Adams . Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 13-CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE NEW CITY HALL - Mayor asked for comments or discussion . After a brief discussion Mayor Pro Tem Hughes made a motion to authorize the advertisement for architectural/engineering services for the new city hall . Motion seconded by Councilman Simmons Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 14 - CONSIDER APPLICATION OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHER ETJ AUTHORITY IN DALLAS COUNTY - ayor Akin asked City Manager Gus Pappas for staff comments . .!r . Pappas pointed out on the map that Wylie ' s ETJ extends into Dallas County and noted that at this time our ETJ extends one-half ( 1/2) mile in any direction . Councilman Fulgham asked if there is likely to be an opportunity to annex in Dallas County . City Manager Pappas stated that this possibility does exist and that there is no restriction under Texas law that a city can only be in one county . After much discussion Councilman Fulgham made a motion that the city of Wylie should pursue its ETJ authority in Dallas County . Motion seconded by Councilman Martin with the question "doesn ' t our ETJ become one ( 1 ) mile after Iioi:c Rule is adopted by the city" . City Manager Pappas stated that the city ' s ETJ is extended to one ( 1 ) mile immediately upon our reaching a population of 5000 and does not require the adoption of a Home Rule Charter . Notion carried 5-0 . ITEM NO. 15 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BILLS PAID AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - Councilman Simmons asked if the insurance on the buildings and the contents includes all city buildings . Cup Pappas answered that it does but in the absence of City Secretary Carolyn Jones does not know if the figure reflects a yearly payment . Councilman Simmons requested a yearly breakdown on the city ' s insurance payments . Councilman Martin asked about the item for a flag and a flagpole . Cue Pappas explained that the city now has a flag pole located near the Police/Fire Station and that the flag is in place . As a temporary measure it is being raised and lowered by the 5 police department but plans are to spotlight the flag so that it can fly 24 hours a day . He also explained that the flagpole will be used as the center pole for a modular Christmas Tree to be erected by the city . Councilman ;Martin asked about the item to Southwestern Laboratories . Do we pay for the tests conducted by this company? Gus Pappas stated that in this particular case he does not know at this time if the city is being reimbursed however , the city is moving toward having all such test costs reimbursed to the city . After discussion a motion was made by Councilman Adams and seconded by Coumcilman. Martin to approve the bills paid and the account payable. All in favor . ITEM NO. 16-CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BANK RECONCILIATION REPORTS Mayor Akin commented that it is good to see the items reflecting the interest that is being earned on city account . A motion was made by Councilman Fulgham and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the bank reconciliation statements as submitted . All in favor . ITEM NO. 17 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS - Mayor Akin asked Chief Abbott about the reserve force . Chief Abbott stated that the reserve force is holding at the same level . He also stated that the traffic signal light at SH 78 and FM 544 is in place and that it should be in operation very soon . Councilman Martin asked Chief Abbott if there is anything that the city can do about the problem of illegal aliens . Chief Abbott stated that it is a delicate question and that to stop anyone without probable cause is considered harrassment . He also stated that while the Police Department is aware of the problem, at this time he does not have a solution . FIRE DEPT. Chief Larry Allen said the finishing work is being done on the South Wylie Fire Station . Mayor Akin asked that the city look into providing a glass case for the plaque that will displayed at the. SWFS . Gus Pappas said he would see about having a lighted sign made for the fire station . In response to questions from Mayor Pro Tea Hughes , Larry Allen stated that fires in question were trash fires and that the Texas Law requiring smoke alarms in rental property is a lengthy one . Roy Faires stated that the renter is required to request the property owner to install a smoke alarm. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes asked in the sewer cleanout machine is used routinely . Bill Windham stated that at this time we do not have a regular cleanout routine , however , in the near future the city will be gridded off and the cleanout process will be done on a regular basis . This program should cut sewer emergency calls by 2/3 . Mayor :`.l:i5 asked about street and road work . Mr . Windham stated that a man had been working full-time for the past two days , mowing and putting flower beds into good shape . The Mayor also -eJ 6 requested that the concrete be poured at the pavilion by Friday , November 16 . ITEM NO. 18 — CITIZEN PARTICIPATION — No citizen participation . ITEM NO. 19 — GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION — Seven, 1. councilemen had been contacted by members of t :c Construction 13oard who requested a meeting of this board to clarify duties and responsibilities . A meeting will be set in the immediate future . ;Mayor Pro Tem Hughes commented that he had noted and wanted to commend the Public Works Department on getting the potholes fixed in Wylie . Councilman Adams noted that there is a water leak at hU:_ H . Second Street . PWD Windham stated that his department is aware of the problem and that it is being taken care oF . Councilman Adams also stated that the school crossin `, on S1 73 needs to be reset . Chief Abbott answered that !. _ had checked with the school and had been informed that th rc were children crossing there until 4 : 30 P . I. Councilman Martin said he would like to see the city issuo proclamation of recognition to the Wylie Pirates for their District 9AAA Football Championship and also a proclamation of recognition to the Wylie Band for their 1984 Cotton : owl Parade of Champions victory . Mayor Akin stated that he too wanted to encourage these proclamations and stated that ne would issue same. Mayor Akin stated that the contract for the extension to the Library was ready to be signed and that a groundbreahin , ceremony would be held in the near future . He also noted that the city would be responsible for preparing the ground for the construction . Mayor Akin announced the city; Christmas Tree lighting ceremony would be held on November 29 at 7 : 30 P.M. Mayor Akin asked City Manager Gus Pappas to give a report to the council on the problems with the proposed water ground storage tanks . City Manager Pappas explained that the company who had ;cn the bid from the city had gone out of business and t;ould file bankruptcy and that our tanks had not been under construction . We have no legal obligation to this conoan'; and we do have grounds for legal regress . We can file suit for the difference between this company ' s bid and the actual price we have to pay to get the tanks constructed and installed . Following the general discussion , Councilman Fulgham roved for adjournment . Motion carried . Meeting adjourned )y Mayor Akin . MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1984 The Planning and Coning Commission for the city of 1:I:lie , Texas met in regular session on Thursday , .`,ovenber iY in the council chambers at city hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time an, in the manner required by law. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Candy Gaston at 7 : 00 P.C. with commission members '.'runt Carry , Ken cncy Conl:le , Kent Crane , Harold Spence and Sarah Connel. l , present . Representing the city staff were City :,anager Pappas , C . E. O. Roy fires , and secretary T=bcra LeCocq . ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - There being no additions or corrections , Kent Crane made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Ken ::auk seconded the motion . : :oti:me carried 7-0. ITEM NO. 2 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 8 . 85 ACRES OUT OF R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY - This property is located west of Clen Knoll H;ohile Home Park. The public hearing, was opened by Randy Gaston . There being no questions or comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the commission for discussion . :Candy Gaston noted that the request was for industrial zoning or: this tract . Harold Spence asked about proper ingress into the property . Kent Crane said he was concerned ,7. �oh!t t e industrial zoning around a residential area (mobile hone par]:) . Gus Pappas , city manager , noted that the nobile home park ordinance requirement for set-backs and screenin' provide a built-in buffer . Iie also noted that the industrial zoning is compatible with the zoning in the aria . Kent Crane asked about the amount of noise that will he generated . Gus Pappas said there is no actual nanufncturin on the premises . There being no further discussion , ;ryant Carry made a notion to recommend approval of the industrial zoning designation for this tract of land to the city council of '.;ylie . fen 'iauk seconded the notion . :,otion carried three ( 3) in favor , one ( 1 ) opposed and two ( 2 ) abstentans . (Abstentians that are not a conflict of interest count as affirmative votes . ) ITEM NO. 3 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 35 . 700 ACRES OUT OF DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY - Gus Pappas , city manager located the property on the map . It is located south of Roddy C Assoc . on Highway 70 .west . Randy Gaston , chairman opened the public hearing . Percy Simmons , petitioner said it will be a business-retail park . There being no questions or comments from the floor , the public • hearing. was closed and the item returned to the commission for discussion . Gus Pappas , city manager , said the study recommends approval of the petition for annexation . After some general discussion concerning the extent of the boundaries , Sarah Connelly made a motion , seconded by Ilarold. Spence to recommend to the city council of t.ylie approval o_ the annexation petition for 35 . 700 acres out of buka Strickland Survey , Abstract 841 . ;lotion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 4 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 2 ACRES IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - Since item numbers 4 and 5 are related , Gus Pappas , city manager located both pieces of property on the r:ap . He explained that the owner , Grover Loyd , operator of Boyd Property : aintenance located behind Texas -fence and Spa has attended several „cetinns held wit! the property owners in Steel Industrial Park . Sandy ( aston , chairman opened the public hearing . There being no questions or comments from the floor , the public hearing wa; closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . Bryant Harry asked if , under normal circumstances , this property would have been annexed into the city . Gus Pappas said yes . Even though this area has been developed under unusual circumstances , it is being brought into compliance with the subdivision ordinance. Property owners in the park are building their internal streets to city specifications . Harold Spence asked about Steel Road . Gus Pappas said the city has not and will not accept Steel Road until it is brought up to city standards . IIe also stated that property owners have agreed to place an appropriate amount of money; in escrow for that purpose . Harold Spence also asked about water to the mobile home park in the area . Gus Pappas notes; that the mobile home park is not in the city and that rater is being served by i;T'HWD via an area property owner . There being no further discussion , Ken Maul: made a motion tc recommend to the city council of Wylie approval of the annexation petition for 2 acres in Steel Industrial 'arl: - owner Grover Boyd . i'Iotion seconded by gent Crane . . otior carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 5 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 0. 996 ACRES ADJACENT TO STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - Chairman Gaston opened the public hearing . There being no discussion the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . There being no discussion Sarah Connelly made a motion to recommend to the city council of Wyjic approval of the annexation petition for 0. ;'96 acres adjacent to Steel Industrial Par!: - owner Grover .':oyd . ;:otior. seconded by Bryant arry . ;Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 5a - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MURRY-WILLIAMS SUBDIVISION IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - ':hairman Gaston called on City :Manager , Gus Pappas to eiv^ an explanation and recomendation of this plat . `Ir . Pappas said all renuirerents had been met and that the develo:•er I had furnished the city with a letter stating they (ilurry- Williams) agree to pay their fair share for bringing Steel Road up to city specifications . Chairman Gaston asked gent Crane for a report from the Plat Review Committee . Rr . Crane said the Plat Review Committee recommended approval of the plat . There being no further discussion , Harold Spence made a motion to recommend to the city council of Wylie approval of the preliminary plat for Subdivision in Steel Industrial Park . lotion seconded by Nancy Conkle . notion carried 7-0. ITEM NO. 5b - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR ROCKY TOP DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - Randy Gaston asked Gus Pappas for staff comments . Pappas noted that all requirements have been met and as in item no . 5a a letter has been presented to the city agreeing to pay their ( the developers) fair share in bringing Steel Road up to city specifications . Kent Crane , chairman Wlat Review Committee said the committee recommended approval of the plat as submitted . A motion was made by Pryant :parry and seconded by Ken haul: to recommend to the city council of Wylie approval of the preliminary plat for Rocky Top Development subdivision in Steel Industrial Park . :lotion carried 7-0. ITEM NO. 6 - CONDUCT WORKSHOP ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE - Changes recommended by the commission have been noted and recorded in separate copy . • It was recommended by Chairman Randy Gaston that another workshop to complete study of the proposed ordinance be scheduled for the next regular meeting of the Planning E. Zoning Commission to be field on Nov . 1984 . Agreed by all members . Chairman Gaston also announced that clue to the city Christmas Tree Lightin ceremony to be held on November 29 that the P Z will meet at C : 00 P . ;I . on that night . ITEM NO. 7 - ADJOURNMENT - All business having been conducted , chairman Gaston said he would entertain motion to adjourn . So moved seconded and passed . Randy Gaston , Chairman Co? • Letter of Transmittal To: City Council of Wylie From:. Planning and Zoning Commission Date: 714?/_ 47 /9tV On the evening of the above date, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the request for j/74(.1/44 ) the property mmonly referred to as: ,;(-11 244 ee/2_,_edy,) It is our recommendation to the City Council that: 7�- 4 WE APPROVE/DI- O1tf(strike one) By a vote of 7 yeas and d nays With the following stipulations: • This transmittal represents the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission in open public meeting on the evening above. The general public was allowed to attend and was offered an opportunity to comment. I , the chairman of this commission certify the above stated results of our decision and hereby transmit this recommendation to the City Council . Chairman/ ' - Planning and Zoning Commission /D PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes PERCY SIMMONS of the County of COLLIN and the State of TEXAS , and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas , that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following des- cribed tract of land which is contagious and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters , reside, described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" . BEING a tract of 1FIn0 situated in the DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 041, Collin County, Texas, and being part of a 163.80 acre tract of land referred to in deed as Second Tract of. 38.500 acres, from Aetna Life Insurance Co. to •s` E. Nathan Eldridge, dated May 16, 1940, recorded in Volume 328, Page 264, Deed Records of Collin County, ;'exas, and being part of the same property conveyed to The Wylie Industrial Foundation, Inc. by Mercantile National Bank at f sllas, by Deed dated August. 16, 1971, a.ly recorded i i Volume 03'1, Page ;'.93 , Deed Records of Collin Count) . Texa 1, and e ng more hart lc ilarJ y less ri.l•e as follows t BEGINNING at tie most o tther y Southeast cc -: !r of r aid 1i . .' acre: tract of land, said point being the Sou .beast i orner of sa: d 38. 5 acre an iron stake :set for corner; THENCE: North 84 deg. 28 min. West 810.96 feet along fence line to an iron slake uet for corner;.. THENCE: North 85 deg. 54 min. West 1026.00 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE: North 05 deg. 04 min. East: 59.77 feet to an iron stake for corner in the Southeasterly line of State Highway #R78. THENCE: North 52 deg. 16 min. East 1196.00 feet with the :southeasterly line • ., • of said Highway to a marker for corner:. THENCE: North 48 deg. 01 min. East 199.05 feet with the Southeasterly line of said' Highway to a marker for corner; • THENCE: North 52 deg. 15 min. East 600.00 feet with the Southeasterly line of said Highway to a marker for corner; Y THENCE: North 57 deg. 58 min. East 75.71 feet with the Southeasterly line of said Highway to an iron stake for corner; THENCE: South 38 deg. 44 min. East 445.76 feet to an iron stake for corner: THENCE: South 04 deg. 20/ in n. West 1139.20 feet along fence line to the Place of Beginning and containi 35.700 ac .es of land. And being the same propert r.ibed .in Warranty Deed dated November 10, 1978, executed by The Wylie Industrial Foundation, Inc. to Robert F. Reynolds and recorded in Voltme 1144, Page 1131, Deed Records of Col] in County, Texas. • • PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT'D PAGE 2 Said PERCY SIMMONS represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas , subject to all laws, rules , and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas , as provided by Article 974(g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the 26th day of October 19 84 . Signature PFRCY STMMnjis Please Print Name 200 Rush Creek Drive Address Wylie , Texas 70598 City State ZIP ( 214) 44?-57Q7 Telephone THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared Percy Simmons , know to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the 26th day of October , 19 84 Notary P c; Co 1 o nty, Texas • : �e 'y, • Notary Mk,State or rap MY Commission • /� Letter of Transmittal To: City Council of Wylie From: Planning and Zoning Commission Date: ;Y.-Ai,. OJ /9,7 On the evening of the above date, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the for re request q :It a°prop y commonly referred to as: c%?Se/t.i2.,9 ". /7c9 6—S/51 • It is our recommendation to the City Council that: WE APPROVE/D S*PPRGVE (strike one) By a vote of 7 yeas and, v nays With the following stipulations: ::.. . • This transmittal represents the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission in open public meeting on the evening above. The general public was allowed to attend and was offered an opportunity to comment. I , the chairman of this commission certify the above stated�'results of our decision and hereby transmit this recommendation to the City Council. ib-,clitiecti_ei7/rn.f.meertezio‘• Chairman • Planning and Zoning Commission / � PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes C�ooe> d/O .0 of the County of ep0,t/ and the State of rg-Xft-S and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who pre owners of the following des- cribed tract of land which is contagious and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: D,, • CZ a&LAV /41) :11t€ c (21/4a'd • • • /1 PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT'D PAGE 2 Said G eo 0 /Z1L f) represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas , subject to all laws, rules , and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974(g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witnes the hand of this petitioner this the ' i/,7 day of /1C'TDE�l- 19V je:4g71, • Sig ature G',eo v 4 e. 8a y c/ Plea,se Print Name ,e �80 Al F/YL t.1-414/ Address xCity . State ZIP 411/2-� .z Telephone THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared ( << No_r k. .h{"c :�, , know to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: • Given under my hand and seal of office this the ( �� _ _day of , 19q . Not ry Public, Co lin County, Texas Letter of Transmittal To: City Council of Wylie From: Planning and Zoning Commission Date: -7/96(e)• J /9 1V On the evening of the above date, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the request for.(2LA4t4AGOthe property comm ly referr to a . It is our recommendation to the ity Council that: 1-1(-' ,./5/-r14[ WE APPROVE/D1* . (strike one) By a vote of "7 yeas and d nays With the following stipulations: This transmittal represents the action of -the Planning and Zoning Commission in open public meeting on the evening above. The general public was allowed to at-tend and was offered an opportunity to comment. I , the chairman of this commission certify the above stated results of our decision and hereby transmit this recommendation to the City Council . z4,7/ Chairman/Vie, Planning and Zoning Commission PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: _. TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes G xoviz 4423, 2,yedof the County of e02,41,9 and the State of eaug! , and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wyliexas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following des- cribed tract of land which is contagious and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters , reside, described as follows: 0 97(1 aellta) C14-) poe,d- gzs - / 7 r' PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT'D PAGE 2 Said GRd&je represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas , subject to all laws , rules , and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974(g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the /9 day of get,: 19g' ,Q Sig tw` Please rint Name Fit S uAddr es 7f°7r City state ZIP St Telephone THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared 130.1 c/ , know to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the for6going instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the i9 day of et2CAila. , 19 4 . • 'No a r P i /977� y olli nty, Texas f „xa+n n,enc slits or r „a,• E9lra1: / O /0-7i--,g) PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: • TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes Qr ,v,d y 110/le/ of the County of /2G //A-f and the State of '7".t,y,4 s , and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City. Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: being a pa of a 147.026 acri.:try - - La -Pine Survey, Abatra t No. ` . , 688 caa� y+ " C C.;�reytper Archie Kreymer, Clifton K eyemr„ and: B �l1 ; jl re , er.i l.2 i —1-- • , � . Y, , ., y�Orvf lle Kreymer by partition deed recorded in . oltime't949,�page 634 of • Collin County Deed Records and more 'fully described as follows: SS: v0 i Beginning-$8-6-:99' S 88' 19 ' W of the NE corner of the said 1 147.026 in North line of Pina Survey andNorth line of 147.026 acre tract in center of County Road; 1 Thence S 88' 19 ' W along North line of Pina Survey and line 11 of 147.026 acre tract in center of County Road a distance of r 757 .00' ':a corner; e 111 Thence South a distance of 2022.49 ' to corner in South II _ !_line of thu said 147 .026 acre tract; u f, Thence North a distance of 2020.73' to the place of 7. beginning and containing a total of - acres of land. 75, //'7 E i ha r` CL tid Cii tares r� lai yin to /9 PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D PAGE 2 Said a,t.,,A)y yd//.ef represents that he and all other owners desire the zoning to be changed from �S to conee►-c 4//i9/11 —i n accordance with the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules , and regul- ations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfull prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974(g) of the REVISED CITY STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witne " the hand of this 9etitioner this the / /ei day of Z ,t ) , 19 ignature 1;76e6.0-/ M/1ey Pl6ase Print Name aC 4 S State n14)/-e.tt ity State ZIP' a yy‘ Telephone THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Bef re me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared �'tS,l c < / 9-c� , known to me to be the person whos name is •scribed to th o egoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he exe uted the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: / Given U er hand and seal of off a this the my ���/,� day of e .-;?71(16)c) , 19 N. Notary Public, ,Collin County, Texas clQ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO. 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICATION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR, EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of Danny Holley should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: Retail - Duplex - Single Family 2 Said property being described as follows: be ins a part_ of a 147 .0261acra trac4,o4zp‘G2 44Zr c ,aco,.. La -Pine Survey, Abstract No. 688, conveyed* o C: "C ''T.raymer� Archie Kreymer, Clifton Kreyemr and Billy Kreymer bye.Orville Kreymer by partition deed recorded in Volume 949 Page' 634 of Collin County Deed Records and more fully. described as follows : Sys Civ Beginning 886.00' S 88' 19 ' W of the N corner of the said �1 147 . 026 in North line of Pina Survey andNorth line of 147 .026 acre tract in center of County Road; Thence S 88. 19 ' W along North line of Pina Survey and line ' v, of 147 .026 acre tract in center of County Road a distance of r� 757 .00' Lc) corner; e �� to; Thenc^ South a distance of 2022.49 ' to corner in South 1� 1 ltnc cf sad 147 .02E acre tract ; Thence North a distance of 2020.73 ' to the placesof o land. f 1),.-ginning and containing a total of 75, //7 ,:(i ORDINANCE NO. CONT'd. Page 2 SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as hereto- fore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper develop- ment and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare of the City. Therefore, this ordinance, shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas , this 27th day of November , 1984. APPROVED: John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: , . Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ao DRAINAGE EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN X That, WYLIE CAPITAL CORPORATION, for and in consideration of $1 . 00 cash in hand to me paid by the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is also hereby acknowledged, HAS GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and do by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way for drainage purposes over and across the following described tract or parcel of land, to-wit: BEING a 10 foot strip of land situated in the E. C . DAVIDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 267 , City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas , and being part of the land conveyed to Henry Martinez by deed recorded in Volume 626 , Page 054 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for corner in the West line of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Wylie, said point being the most Southerly Southeast corner of Creek Bend Industrial Park, an addition to the City of Wylie; THENCE, South 02 deg. 02 min. 04 sec. West, along said West line, a distance of 168 .58 feet to a point in the center line of Alanis Street (50 ' Private Street) ; THENCE, North 88 deg. 34 min. 56 sec. West along said centerline, a distance of 10 . 00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, North 02 deg. 02 min. 04 sec. East, a distance of 168 . 58 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, South 88 deg. 34 min. 56 sec. East, along the Southerly line of said addition a distance of 10 . 00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 2 ,529 sq. ft. of land, more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, its successors and assigns forever. WITNESS MY HAND THIS THE 9th day of November, 1984 . WY CAPITAL CORPORATION BY: ` 4/ J' E. McKnight, V ce President STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF COLLIN X This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 9th day of November, 1984 , by Jim E. McKnight, Vice-President, of Wylie Capital Corporation, a Texas corporation, on behalf of said corporation. AW. otar Public State of Texas t°'�A` ,I cSanJ a G: 'ZUaffaa • L> • Notary Public,State of Texas rar•<<� edon Expires Accepted for the City of Wylie, this the day of 1984 CITY OF WYLIE John W. Akin, Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Date DRAINAGE EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : COUNTY OF COLLIN X That, WYLIE CAPITAL CORPORATION, for and in consideration of $1 . 00 cash in hand to me paid by the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is also hereby acknowledged, HAS GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and dd by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way for drainage purposes over and across the following described tract or parcel of land, to-wit: BEING a 10 foot strip of land situated in the E. C . DAVIDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 267 , City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of the land conveyed to Henry Martinez by deed recorded in Volume 626 , Page 054 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for corner in the West line of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Wylie, said point being the most Southerly Southeast corner of Creek Bend Industrial Park, an addition to the City of Wylie; THENCE, South 02 deg. 02 min. 04 sec. West, along said West line, a distance of 168 .58 feet to a point in the center line of Alanis Street (50 ' Private Street) ; THENCE, North 88 deg. 34 min. 56 sec. West along said centerline, a distance of 10 . 00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, North 02 deg. 02 min. 04 sec. East, a distance of 168 . 58 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, South 88 deg. 34 min. 56 sec. East, along the Southerly line of said addition a distance of 10 . 00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 2 ,529 sq. ft. of land, more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , its successors and assigns forever. WITNESS MY HAND THIS THE 9th day of November, 1984 . WY CAPITAL CORPORATION BY: C/ J' E. McKnight, V ce President DRAINAGE EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : COUNTY OF COLLIN X That, WYLIE CAPITAL CORPORATION, for and in consideration of $1 . 00 cash in hand to me paid by the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is also hereby acknowledged, HAS GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and do by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way for drainage purposes over and across the following described tract or parcel of land, to-wit: BEING a 10 foot strip of land situated in the E. C . DAVIDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 267 , City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of the land conveyed to Henry Martinez by deed recorded in Volume 626 , Page 054 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for corner in the West line of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Wylie, said point being the most Southerly Southeast corner of Creek Bend Industrial Park, an addition to the City of Wylie; THENCE, South 02 deg. 02 min. 04 sec. West, along said West line, a distance of 168. 58 feet to a point in the center line of Alanis Street (50 ' Private Street) ; THENCE, North 88 deg. 34 min. 56 sec. West along said centerline, a distance of 10 . 00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, North 02 deg. 02 min. 04 sec. East, a distance of 168 . 58 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, South 88 deg. 34 min. 56 sec. East, along the Southerly line of said addition a distance of 10 . 00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 2 ,529 sq. ft. of land, more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , its successors and assigns forever. WITNESS MY HAND THIS THE 9th day of November, 1984 . WY CAPITAL CORPORATION BY: 1 J' E. McKnight, Vice President c2 STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF COLLIN X This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 9th day of November, 1984 , by Jim E. McKnight, Vice-President, of Wylie Capital Corporation, a Texas corporation, on behalf of said corporation. /14J A >votar Public State of Texas •�` cSaadza G: rallaae f • NotaryPublic,State of Texas +ecion Expires o2-/ Accepted for the City of Wylie, this the day of 1984 CITY OF WYLIE John W. Akin, Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Date • DRAINAGE EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN X That, WYLIE CAPITAL CORPORATION, for and in consideration of $1 . 00 cash in hand to me paid by the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is also hereby acknowledged, HAS GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and do by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way for drainage purposes over and across the following described tract or parcel of land, to-wit: BEING a 10 foot strip of land situated in the E. C . DAVIDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 267 , City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas , and being part of the land conveyed to Henry Martinez by deed recorded in Volume 626 , Page 054 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for corner in the West line of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Wylie, said point being the most Southerly Southeast corner of Creek Bend Industrial Park, an addition to the City of Wylie; THENCE, South 02 deg. 02 min. 04 sec. West, along said West line, a distance of 168 .58 feet to a point in the center line of Alanis Street (50 ' Private Street) ; THENCE, North 88 deg. 34 min. 56 sec. West along said centerline, a distance of 10 . 00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, North 02 deg. 02 min. 04 sec. East, a distance of 168 . 58 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, South 88 deg. 34 min. 56 sec. East, along the Southerly line of said addition a distance of 10. 00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 2 ,529 sq. ft. of land, more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , its successors and assigns forever. WITNESS MY HAND THIS THE 9th day of November, 1984 . WY),7 APITAL CORPORATION BY: t, `7 ` L�, �/// E. McKnight, Vice President ORDER FOR CITY ELECTION - HOME RULE CHARTER THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE I , , in my capacity as Mayor of the City of Wylie, Texas, do hereby order that an election be held in said City on the 19th day of January, 1984, for' the purpose of electing the HOME RULE CHARTER FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE That in accordance with an order adopted by the City Council of said City, said election shall be held at the following place -- in said City, and the following named persons are hereby appointed officers for said election. In Election Precinct No. 1 , at First United Methodist Church Building , in said City, with as Presiding Judge, and said presiding Judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him/her which shall not exceed 4 clerks. Carolyn Jones, City Secretary is hereby pointed Clerk for absentee voting , and Barbara LeCocq is hereby appointed put,C erks for absentee voting. The absentee voting for for the above designated election shall be held at 114 N. Ballard, Wylie, Texas within said City and said place of absentee voting shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official State holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding the date of said election. Said place of voting shall remain open between the hours of 8:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. on each day for said absentee voting. That said election shall be held in accordance with the Election Code of this State and only resident qualified voters of said city sahll be eligible to vote at said election. That the City Secretary shall give notice of said election by posting a copy of this order in each of the election precincts of said City, which posting shall be done not less than 30 days prior to date fixed for said election. That immediately after said election is held, the officers holding the same shall make returns of the result thereof to the Mayor of this city as required by the Election Code of this State. A copy of this order shall also serve as a writ of election which shall be delivered to the above appointed Presiding Judge, for said election. John W. Akin, Mayor AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF CITY ELECTION - HOME RULE CHARTER THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Carolyn Jones, City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, who after being • by me duly sworn deposes and says: That the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Notice of City Officers ' Election giving notice of the election therein mentioned, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice of City Election - Home Rule Charter at each of the following places, to wit: In Election Precinct No. 1 at First United Methodist Church ; within the boundaries of said city of the day of 1984, which posting was done not less than 30 full days prior to the date fixed for said election. I further certify that I delivered a copy of the order for City Election - Home Rule Charter to each of the persons appointed Presiding Judge in said order for said election. WITNESS MY HAND this the day of , 1984. Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Sworn to and subscribed before me this the day of , 1984. Notary Public, Collin County, Texas NOTICE OF CITY ELECTION HOME RULE CHARTER THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 CITY OF WYLIE TO THE RESIDENT QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Take Notice that an election will be held on the 19th day of January, 1985, in the City of Wylie, Texas, at the place, in the manner, and for the purpose set forth in the attached copy of an order for Home Rule Charter Election, duly adopted by the Mayor of said City on the day of , 1984. Said attached order for the City Election for Home Rule Charter being made a part of this notice for all intents and purposes. Carolyn Jones, City Secretary t GROUND WATER TANK STORAGE COST:COMPARISON . *** * ** ** * ** *** ** ** * * * * ** * * * * ** *. ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *** ** ** * * * * * * * * ffff * * * *ffff *ffff *f * * f ** * f_*** *f *f f *** f f f* f *_ ( COMPANY PEABOD`i EABODY``\ A , O , SMITH SEALSTOR -EABODY A. O . SMITH A . O. SMITH SEALSTOR GALLONS 43 , 900 131 , E+00 52 , 000 48 , 600 917 , 500 894 , 000 1 , 105 , 000 987 , 000 SIZE 21 X 16 21 X 48 20 X 23 18 X 25 80 X_ 24 81. 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