10-26-1985 (City Council) Agenda Packet -C�yJ /&,'s4
9 :00 A.M. Breakfast at Chapman' s Restaurant .
1 10:00 A.M. Call to order at the
Conference Room at the Engineering
Office to discuss questionares for
City Hall .
We ask you a few months ago how you felt about a new City
Hall , you over whelming response was that you felt we ought
to go ahead with it. So now we have done our homework, we
got the land given to us and we have gone out for bids on
the building. We have checked for the best financing and we
have formulated a plan. We want to check one last time, to
make sure you still feel like we are moving in the right
A developer in the area gave the City about seven and one-
half ( / 1 /2) acres of land to build a City Hall on. If we
do not build the City Hall , we do not get to keep the land.
{ he gift was free and the land is worth about 1 . 2 million
dollars. The location may not be in the center of town , but
you can' t argue with the price we paid. Besides that , there
isn` t that much land even available in the center of town at
any price and if we do not have that much land, we won' t be
able to stay for the life of the City on that one piece of
property. We made up some specifications for the building
and sent them out . The result of that was that we can build
a building big enough for now but not the future for 1 . 6
million dollars or we can build a building with some
expansion room in it for 2. 5 million dollars. Both of these
prices include parking lots, and landscaping so that the
building will have a nice finished look to it from the
outside. We investigated the financing and found that we
can finance the building using a governmental lease purchase
arrangement for about the same interest as a bond issue and
we get started right of way. We have also checked and
determined that with our growth, we want need a property tax
increase in order to pay for either one of these buildings.
We would like to go ahead and get started on the building
and financing but we wanted to make sure that we knew how
you felt and that you were supportive of our plan. Pleas(......-
let us know, we would love to hear from you, so that we can
feel that our decisions reflect your desire.
Check one: Check one:
Go for it: Build for future 2. n mil .
Don' t need it Build for now 1 . 6 mil .
Additional comments: _______________________________________
........................__............... .............___.............................................. _....._.............. .............____ ............._..... __..............__________
NAME: __....... _... ........ _....._ ............. _........... ..........
ADDRESS: ______________________________________
The City Council would like your opinion on the following
two proposals. Please indicate your choice and any
additional comments.
The City proposes to make use of the land given to it for
the construction of a city hall and police station and plans
to do that by selecting a bid it has received for 2. 5
million dollars and building a building which will provide
the space needed for city hall , council chambers, police
station, court and jail facilities. This building will also
have some space which is built only to a shell level so that
later on, as the need arises, the City can finish out that
floor space for a small cost without having to issue any
additional debt. The City would finance this proposal by a
municipal lease purchase plan which provides a low interest
rate without many of the cost associated with a bond issue.
The City is completely comfortable that this project can be
paid for without needing to raise the tax rate. The City' s
growth will provide all the funds necessary.
I agree __ I disagree ________
This proposal contends that we do not need the building or
the police station. It further says that just because we
were given seven and a half (7 1/2) acres of land for free
we should not be inclined to build a City Hall on it. Give
them back their land. Rent space from existing office areas
and repair and expand the current jail and police station.
It further says that when and if you ever need this building
you should never consider it unless you have had a bond
issue voted on by the people.
I agree __________ I disagree
Additional comments: ________________________________________
NAME _____________________________________________________
The City of Wylie has, for the past year and a half , been
working on a plan to provide an exceptable city hall ,
council chambers, police station and jail . During that time
the City has invcstigated a number of proposals. Those
investigation have been extremely thorough and have dealt
with every possible solution and problem.
We have investigated locating the City Hall in the Ballard
Street area. With that approach we could not find property
or a building that was big enough or where there was enough
land to build. All of those proposals were very costly,
they ranged from an immediate cost of $/00, 000. to an
ultimate cost of 1 . 8 million dollars and still did not have
enough room for expansion or parking.
We looked into other locations in some cases we found public
land that didn' t cost anything in dollars but took away park
land. Since we do not have much park land to begin with,
that idea seemed like a bad one. We also found that in
these cases the cost of additional land were high or there
wasn` t enough room for future expansion. These proposals
ranged from about $450, 000. to 3 million dollars, even
without figuring in the cost of lost park land.
Finally, we went looking for other land and received an
offer for seven and a half (7 1 /2) acres of land free. The
only condition on that gift was that we use it for a City
Hall and Police Station and that we start the construction
within a reasonable time. Having the land secured, we went
out for bids on the building construction . We received
several bids that ranged from l million to 3 million without
including the parking lot and other expenses. The Council
studied the bids and decided that the best plan was to
select a bid we received for a large building that was only
partially finished out, thus providing for future expansion
at a low cost . To this they added the cost of the parking
lot , landscaping and other finishing out expenses. This
building would cost 2. 5 million and would make use of the
free land which is valued at an additional 1 . 2 million
dollars that we did not have to pay for . We investigated
the various financing plans and our ability to pay for them.
It was the Council ' s conclusion that our best method Tor-
financing was by lease purchase because it provides the most
flexability with the least total cost. The Council
determined that it would not be necessary to increase taxes
in order to pay for this building program.
The Council is aware that some people in town feel that this
is a wrong location or that we ought to go through the bond
election process, however, the Council has investigated both
the alternate sites and the bond financing approach and can
not find any reason for paying the additional expenses
involved in either one of these suggestions. Therefore, it
is their opinion after all this time and the many hours of
investigation, discussion, and research that it is in the
best interest of the City both now and in the future to
proceed with the plan to build a flexable City Hall and
Police Station building on the land given to us on Highway
78 using the lease purchase method of financing. Thus
before the final action is taken, the City Council would
like to know if you agree or disagree with their decision.
I agree _________ I disagree ___________
Additional comments: ____________________________________
......................................._ ............__...................... .................................---__...............___................. .........._............................. ..............._..............
.........................___.................................__________.........._............. ____.................. .......... ........... ......................._____..........
NAME: ___________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________
Your elected City Council has investigated for the last year
and a half a number of different proposals for the building
of a new City Hall and Police Station. Unlike many cities
in our area, the City of Wylie has always rented its City
Hall space and has never owned a building of its own. The
Police Station is ours, but is so small and out of date Mal-
it cannot even be expanded. What little land we do own in
that area is not big enough to build on and provide parking.
With that in mind, we began looking for a home for your city
government while land for that purpose could still be found
at a reasonable cost. After pursuing and investigating, at
least a dozen options, the City received a gift of land upon
which it could build a city hall . The land was big enough
that it would provide an area large enough for both now and
in the future. The only thing we had to do, was to build on
it or give it back. The City has developed plans and gone
out for bids to determine the cost of constructing the new
facility. Our estimates based on those bids and the
additional costs is that the building project will cost 2. 5
million dollars. We have selected a finance plan and
determined that we can build this new building without any
property tax increase.
The Council realizes that no plan can have everybody
agreeing with it. We are aware that there are a number of
people who for their own personal or financial reasons would
rather see us do other things, the Council respects their
right to express their opinion but wants each of the
citizens to know that the Council has nothing to gain by
this decision and has investigated all of the possib] e
alternate choices that it can think of and none of these
compares favorably with the decision they have reached.
The City Council is ready to proceed with that plan, but
before it does, they would like to know if you agree or
disagree with this plan. Please check one of the boxes
below, add any additional comments you may have, sign your
name and return this questionnaire to City Hall as soon as
possible. The City will publish the results of this
questionnaire in the local newspaper .
I agree _________ I disagree __ __....
Addition Comments: __________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________-__------
Address: ____________________________________________