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05-14-1985 (City Council) Agenda Packet
AGENDA SUMMARY TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1985 ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - No additions or corrections . ITEM NO. 2 - PRESENTATION TO MOORE INDUSTRIAL - Not an appropriate area for staff comment . ITEM NO. 3- FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 96 ACRES ON VINSON ROAD - This property is described as 96 . 218 acres out of the Elisha M. Price Survey , Abstract 1114. This property is located at the intersection of south FM 544 and Vinson Road . The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval by unanimous vote . This property will be our first annexation outside Collin County . It lies primarily in Dallas and Rockwall counties . The staff has had many calls in opposition to this annexation , mainly from a great deal of misinformation . A delegation from Twin Creek Addition was present at the P & Z meeting . 'p .eir opposition centered mainly on the fact that they did want the increased traffic "cutting through" their subdivision . As far as we can tell there has been no opposition from citizens within the city limits of Wylie . It is hard to judge whether or not we can look forward to a large turnout on this item at the meeting on Tuesday night . The objection is actually centered around the zoning of this property and it ' s proposed use as a mobile home park; that is not the subject of this particular action . I would suggest we try to be patient with the people who show up but remind them that this is the annexation process only and that even if it is to be a mobile home park we are all better off if that mobile home park is in the city and subject to city controls . ITEM NO. 4 - APPROVE ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 61 ACRES ON STONE ROAD - This property is described as 3 .0593 acres and 57 . 1017 acres out of the de la Pina Survey located on the south side of E. Stone Road directly adjacent to the Quail Hollow Addition . This is the final and formal step making this tract a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie . ITEM NO. 5 - PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ITEM NO. 4 - The developer has requested SF-1 zoning for this tract . The Planning and Zoning recommends approval by unanimous vote . The single family 1 zoning is compatible with the zoning in the surrounding areas and also with the projected land use for the area . ITEM NO. 6 - APPROVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ITEM NO. 4 - See comments for item no . 5 . ITEM NO. 7 - APPROVE ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR LAKE RANCH ESTATES - This is the property commonly known to us as Lake Ranch Estates and is located on the west side of FM 1378 north of the intersection of FM 3412 . There are actually 13 separate tracts making up the whole . This is the final step making this property a part of the City of Wylie . ITEM NO. 8 - APPROVE ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 295 ACRES NEAR GLEN KNOLL - This property is described as 295 . 296 acres out of the R . D . Newman Survey , located near the Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park. This is the final step making this a part of the corporate limits of the City . This property has been referred to as the George Lewis property . ITEM NO. 9 - FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 1 ACRE ON STONE ROAD - This property is described as 1 .0401 acres out of the Aaron West Survey and is located on the south side of E. Stone Road . It is the proposed site for 1 the Rush Creek I Lift Station . The Planning and Zoning commission recommends approval by unanimous vote . ITEM NO. 10 - APPROVE ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 5 ACRES IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - This property is described 5 . 359 acres in Steel Industrial Park. The public hearings were held at an earlier time and through some staff oversight , this final step has been delayed . This is the final step in making this a part of the City of Wylie . ITEM NO. 11 - PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ITEM NO. 10 - The property owner has requested industrial zoning . The Planning and Zoning recommends approval of the industrial zoning by unanimous vote . This is compatible with the use in the area . ITEM NO. 12 APPROVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ITEM NO. 10 - See comments for item no . 11 . ITEM NO. 13 - PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF 1 ACRE IN RUSTIC OAKS - The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this petition for re-zoning this property , described as 1 . 208 acres out of the S . B. Shelby Survey , and recommends approval of the re-zoning from PUD to Retail . The original zoning of PUD was in error as no plan was ever submitted . This zoning is approximately two years old and it is only now being considered for actual development . The request to change the zoning by the developer actually provides us the opportunity to correct an earlier error . ITEM NO. 14 - APPROVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ITEM NO. 13 - See comments for item no . 13 . ITEM NO. 15 - APPROVE ORDINANCE FOR MOVING BUILDINGS INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE - This ordinance is provided by staff for your consideration to close an apparant loophole in our laws that would have allowed certain types of used buildings to be moved into Wylie without adequate controls . Staff recommends approval . ITEM NO. 16 - CONSIDER "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" PHASE FOR CENTURY BUSINESS PARK - The plat has been reviewed by the appropriate staff members and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Both recommend approval . ITEM NO. 17 - APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WALLACE INDUSTRIAL PARK - The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval by unanimous vote . The staff , after review by the appropriate staff members , recommends approval . ITEM NO. 18 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE MEADOWS - The public improvements have been installed and they have met the necessary tests . This is the final formal step in the process. Staff recommends approval . ITEM NO. 19 - AUTHORITY TO URCHASE BACKSTOP FOR COMMUNITY PARK - Parks and Recreation requested that the City Council give serious consideration to funding the construction of the backstop for the fourth ball field . They felt that the decision of just how much to fund would be best left to the City Council . The cost details are on page 84 of your packet . The $3200 figure would be no problem. The full $8900 figure would require some budget adjustment and would wipe out the park improvement budget until next year . ITEM NO. 20 - AUTHORITY TO GO OUT FOR BIDS FOR TRUCK FOR PUBLIC WORKS - There is still two authorized pick-ups in the budget that have not been bought . The Public Works Director and I feel that at least one is needed badly . We would like to go out for bid on that one and plow back the money for 2 the other one to take care of other needs which now seem more pressing . ITEM NO. 22 - PRESENTATION BY BARRON COOK - Mr . Cook apparantly wants to discuss with the Council some sort of alternative arrangement to our rigid policy on perimeter streets which is very difficult to apply to the Eubanks Street side of his development . Mr . Eubanks is extremely un-cooperative and our policy would not provide a road for immediate use . Thus , he has asked for time to speak with you about some way an alternate might be found . ITEM NO. 23 - PRESENTATION BY MRS . BREWER - Mrs . Brewer is the lady who came to our last City Council meeting upset about wood that was piled in the backyard of her neighbor and the fact that her child had gone into the neighbor ' s yard and got hurt playing on the wood . She feels that the City should do something about these conditions ---the City has --- a registered letter has been sent to the renter and he has been instructed to cure the condition or face a fine . Further , both Mr . Faires and I have had lengthy discussions with the lady. She apparantly intends to sue her neighbor . From that point on I do not know just exactly what Mrs . Brewer hopes to accomplish by her presentation . ITEM NO. 24 - PRESENTATION BY GLEN MORROW - Mr . Morrow does not like the decision the Council made to make ground fault interrupters mandatory on temporary poles during construction in the City of Wylie . He says no other city does it - because it won ' t work. He knows it is in the National Electrical Code but says it was just put there so some salesman could sell the things . Mr . Faires will be prepared to explain the city ' s position and to assist you in any way . You should be aware that Mr . Morrow is a member of the Construction Trades Board and did manage to single handedly get that requirement pulled out of the recently passed electrical ordinance - much to his surprise , the Council put it back in - I shall leave him to your tender mercies . 3 • 44..-t74;- A L )/ // ' ',C,"1 i /l r � /i, AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1985 7 :00 P.M. CITY HALL CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS COUNCIL BUSINESS 1 1-26 Approval of minutes . 2 27 Presentation to Moore Industrial Disposal Co . , Inc . PUBLIC READING OF ORDINANCES/PUBLIC HEARINGS 3 28-31 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct first public hearing on the annexation of 96 . 218 acres out of the Elisha M. Price Survey , Abstract 1114 located at the intersection of S . FM 544 and Vinson Rd . 4 32-33 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 3 . 0593 acres and 57 . 1017 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 located on E. Stone Rd . 5 34-38 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the zoning petition for 3. 0593 acres and 57 . 1017 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 . Single-family 1 zoning requested . 6 39-40 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for the property described in Item No . 5 . 7 41-52 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 124. 22 acres commonly referred to as Lake Ranch Estates located west of FM 1378 . 8 53-56 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 295 . 296 acres out of the R . D . Newman Survey , Abstract 660. Located near Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park. 9 57-61 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct first public hearing on the annexation of 1 .0401 acres out of the Aaron West Survey , Abstract 979 located on E . Stone Rd . - site for Rush Creek I Lift Station . 10 62-64 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 5 . 359 acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey, Abstract 835 . Part of Steel Industrial Park . 1 11 65-67 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the zoning of 5 . 359 acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 . Industrial zoning requested . 12 68-70 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for the property described in Item No . 11 . 13 71-73 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the re-zoning from PUD to Retail of 1 . 208 acres out of the S . B. Shelby Survey , Abstract 820 . Located in the northeast corner of Rustic Oaks Addition . 14 74-76 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for the property described in Item no . 13 . 15 77-80 Consider approval of ordinance establishing regulations for moving buildings into the City of Wylie . NEW BUSINESS 16 81 Consider "approved for construction" phase of Century Business Park . 17 82 Consider approval of preliminary plat for Wallace Industrial Park . 18 83 Consider acceptance of public improvements for the "Meadows" . 19 84 Consider authority to purchase all or part of backstop for fourth baseball field at the Community Park. 20 Consider authority to go out for bids for 3/4 ton pick-up truck for Public Works Department . 22 Presentation by Barron Cook concerning Wyndham Estates Industrial area roads . 23 Presentation by Mrs . Brewer , citizen. 24 Presentation for consideration of amendment to Electrical Code Ordinance to eliminate ground fault interrupter requirement on temporary service poles by Mr . Glen Morrow. APPROVAL OF ACCOUNT PAYABLE/BILLS PAID 25 insert Approval of bills paid . 26 insert Approval of account payable . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 27 84-114 Departmental Reports . GENERAL DISCUSSION 2 28 Citizen Participation . 29 General Council Discussion . 30 ADJOURNMENT 3 73 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES APRIL 23, 1985 7:00 P. M. The Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday , April 23 , 1985 at 7 :00 P. M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Akin presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Councilmen Percy Simmons , Joe Fulgham, William Martin, Randall Gaston , • and Harold Spence , City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires , Gail Wallace , Joe George, Bill Lowe of Lone Star Gas , N. C. Jefferies , Henry Martinez, Fred Ouellett , and other citizens . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and Councilman Martin gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : There being no corrections Or addition to the minutes , Councilman Spence made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Seconded by Councilman Gaston . The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM FOR A ONE YEAR TERM: Councilman Martin made the motion to elect Don Hughes as Mayor Pro Tem. Seconded by Councilman Spence . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - no vote , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in 'favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor . The motion carried with 6 in favor and Mayor Pro Tem Hughes not voting . PROCLAMATION DECLARING JAY DAVIS DAY IN WYLIE: Mayor Akin read the proclamation for declaring Jay Davis Day in Wylie . May 4 , 1985 . Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to sign and approve the proclamation. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . AWARD AND RECOGNITION OF MR. LEE HARN: Recently while apprehending a suspect , the suspect began to flee on foot • 74 from the point of arrest and Mr . Harn notice the problem the police officer was having and immediately responded and provided assistance in the chase . Mr . Harn chased down the suspect and held him until the police arrived . Chief Abbott was impressed and wanted to award Mr . Harn for becoming involved and helping to stop a criminal act . Mayor Akin asked Mr. Lee Harn and Chief Abbott to come forward and at that time presented Mr . Harn a check in the amount of $100.00. Mayor Akin said it was a great honor to give this award to a citizen who was concerned enough to become involved and help our police at a time when it was needed . • APPROINTMENT OF VOTING REPRESENTATIVE Tb RTH CE*TRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS: Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to appoint Mayor Akin as the voting representative to Nother Central Texas Council of Governments . Seconded by Councilman Fulgham. The vote as as follows : Mayor Akin - no vote , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carried with 6 in favor and Mayor Akin not voting . APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY ON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to appoint Bill Chapman to fill the vacancy on Planning and Zoning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Spence . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilan Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE ANNEXING 7.50 ACRES OUT OF THE WILLIAM SACHSE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 835: This property is located on Hooper Road south of FM 544. Motion was made to approve and sign the annexation ordinance by Councilman Martin. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , •Mayor Pro Tem Hugh1ep r. in1 Savor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor ,cand Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favvor . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 7 . 50 ACRES OUT dF THE WILLIAM SACHSE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 835: This property is located on Hooper Road south of FM 544 . The request for zoning is Industrial . Planning and Zoning voted unanimously to recommend approval of the requested Industrial zoning. Mayor Akin opened the public hering . there being no questions or., opposi,.Fion, the p.u,bli.c. hearing was closed . • • 75 APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 7 .50 ACRES OUT OF THE WILLIAM SACHSE SURVERY, ABSTRACT 835 : This property is located on Hooper Road and south of FM 544 . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve and sign the zoning ordinance for industrial zoning for the above property . Seconded by Councilman Spence . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 3 .0593 ACRES AND 57 . 1017 ACRES OUT OF THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT 688 : This property is located on East Stone Road and this is the second public hearing for annexation . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 124 . 22 ACRES OUT OF G . W. .GUNNELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT 351 , MOSES SPARKS SURVEY , ABSTRACT 849 , WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 716 , AND J . W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT 589 : This property is located at the intersection of Lake Ranch Road and FM 1378 . This is commonly known and referred to as Lake Ranch Estates . This is the seocnd and final public hearing. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 295. 284 ACRES QUT OF THE R. D, NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 660: This property is located in the southwest quadrant of the city adjacent to Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park. This is the second and final public hearing . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF LOTS 1-5 BLOCK 2 AND LOTS 1-8 BLOCK 3 KELLERS 1ST ADDITION AND LOT 34 BLOCK 5 AND LOTS 35 , 35A, AND 36 OF BLOtK• 6 BROWN AND BURNS ADDITION : City Manager Gus Pappas said this property is currently zoned Industrial and it was recommended by Planning and Zoning to change a section of this to Business 2 , which is the type of zoning across the street . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , and asked the City Manager if these property owners were notified . City Manager Gus Pappas said all property owners according to the last tax roll has been notified . There being no other questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed . APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE: Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve and sign the zoning ordinance re-zoning the above property described property to Business 2 (B-2) . Seconded by Councilman Spence. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - 76 in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - abstained , C . Simmons - in favor, Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman - Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carried with six (6) in favor and one abstention (which was due to having ownership of property in area) . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF 16.6883 ACRES OUT OF E . C. DAVIDSON SURVEY ABSTRACT 266 : The request for re-zoning is from SF 2 to 2.64 acres 2F (duplex) and 13.04 acres MF (multifamily) . This property is being recommended for re- zoning from the Planning and Zoning Commission with a unanimous vote . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing . Mr . Fred Ouellette wanted to know how close this property was to the cement plant. City Manager Gus Pappas said approximately one-fourth (1/4) mile . There being no other questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed . APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY : Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve and sign zoning ordinance re-zoning the above described property to 2F and MF zoning. Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor, and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING ON RE-ZONING OF 3 .362 ACRES OUT OF THE S . B . SHELBY SURVEY, ABSTRACT 820: This property is located on South Highway 78 and Kirby Street and has requested re- zoning from Planned Unit Development (Pud) ' to Retail . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing,, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed . APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE: Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve and sign ordinance re-zoning the above property to Retail . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PUBLIC HEARING ON RE-ZONING OF 22 .439. ACRES OUT OF S . B . SHELBY SURVEY, ABSTRACT 820: The request for re-zoning is from SF - 2 (Single Family) to MF (Multi-family) . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed . APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE: Motion was made by Councilman Spence to approve and sign zoning ordinance for re-zoning above property to MF. • 77 Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR MOBILE TYPE BUILDING IN RUSTIC OAKS : This building will be used as a temporary real estate office on Tract 9 of Rustic Oaks addition. This is the northeast corner of Rustic Oaks . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve special use permit with stipulation the permit will not exceed one year . Seconded by Councilman Simmons . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in faovr , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF 4 . 1322 ACRES OUT OF FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT 688 : This property is located on South Highway 78 and is a prat of Wyndham Estates retail section. The request for re-zoning is from Retail to Business 2 (B-2) . This property is planned to be used as a 16 lane bowling alley . Planning and Zoning requested this zoning to reflect B-2 without the special use permit , due to the new zoning ordinance will allow the bowling alley in B- 2 . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed . APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE: Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to approve and sign zoning ordinance for above descirbed property re-zoning it to B-2 . Seconded by Councilman Simmons . The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons•-• in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ONE (1 ) ACRES TRACT OUT OF THE WILLIAM SACHSE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 835 : This property is located in Steel Industrial Park and request for zoning is for industrial . The public llearing on this tract of land was held on the last council meeting. Motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve industrial zoning for the one acre tract in Steel Industrial . Seconded by Councilman Gaston. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . ittv - , ,:- : Pli I iti f r ;t,,• ,t• w�, N. ara: •• , 144 i f., ; Y Y , l 4y fil ' 4� t-fit. ;, '�; ;iV by 78 APROVAL OF ORDINANCE TO- CREATE' 'LIFT, STATION DISTRICTS AND CREATING THE RUSH' CREEK' `1-) LIFT' STATION: City Manager Gus Pappas said this, ordinance empowers the City of Wylie to • create lift station districts as the need arises. It also creates the Rush Creek 1 Lift Station District. Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve and sign ordinance creating Lift Station. Di'stricts and creating the Rush Creek 1 Lift Station. Seconded. byLCouncilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor' Akin}--'" in) favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman' Simmons. L, in favor ,' Councilman Gaston - in favor, Councilman. Fulgham -` 'in favor, Councilman Spence - abstained, and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with six (6) in favor and on abstention. APPROVAL OF HEALTH ORDINANCE:' '' There have been several comments from the City Council- to the staff that the rity of Wylie i s :i.n nec-ci of ,ta hpal'th land sanitation ordinance. _The .staff h< fi; been, wc:}r'i:::.Ino on` clrafting what it felt was a good • ' ordinance? :kcin it: is- 'tow I::}pfor'e' you for your approval . Counc:i 1 m.in Spence wart:iAd to know if all the business would have to have a permit and pay, a fee for this health permit and what would the fee be: ,_City -.Manger Gus Pappas said yes all businesses would have' to„2-,have a permit and the fee would be established by the Council and be made a part of the fee schedule. Motion was . madelby Councilman Fulgham to approve the health ordinance. Seconded' by Counci 1 man' Si mmons. The vote was as follows: ' Mayoi-•''Aki n in favor, Mayor Pro, Tem Hughes - in favor. Counci 1 man`r Si mmons - in favor, Councilman Gaston - in favor, Counr_i. 1 man Ful gham - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor„ and councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carried with all in '' favor. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH _AOCKWALL' 'COUNTY FOR THE PROVISION OF FIRE SERVICES FOR A.;PROTTON`-OF ROCKWALL COUNTY IN THE TROY ROAD •AREA: ^;•;Now, that`tWe are''annexing property in Rockwall County,' ther.new `dleCted: Rockwall County Commissioner, .Commissioner ,Jolly visited with'" the City Manager and suggested ,an int&rilocal agreement like they have with many of -:the-r'other, -ci ti es-1 i n their county-to provide fire protection service.: Thi-sr'would be the extremely remote section of Rockwall County. The contract that has been offered provi.,de 5a ,.f l at .rate�-:fee' to the City as reimbursement for respondi.n €p ,-fires in this area. This check will `come, directly .td=Cilty',hall .- Without annexation in this area, ;soon the r.esponsfibility will be ours anyway; thus, I recommend our .acceptance `oft this agreement as an interim step and .;a mthod by t:whi:ch we may increase our positive visibility,,-to the ldcal'"-inhabitants. There will be a fee of ;$75. 00 per, call from ;Rockwall County. Motion was made by Mayor Pro, :Tem Hughes ::.to 'approve and sign the i nterl ocal agreement. ,S.econ'ded by :'Counci 1 man Gaston. The vote was as follows: I1ayor-"Aki:n -- in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - i n favor, Count ,.,l,marl;�si.,mmons - in favor, 'Councilman Gaston - in favor, Councilman Fulgham - in favor, and Councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carried with all in -Favor. CO � . . . � . + � . � ` , � ,- ` . ' 0� �� *� - ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER LINES DOWN MARTINEZ LANE—AND PATER OM CREEK BEND INDUSTRIAL PARK TO ALANISj- Code .Enforcement Officer Roy Faires recommended approval and acceptance of the water and sewer lines down Martinez Lane and water lines from Creek Bend Industrial Park to Alanis. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons that the city accept the above mentioned water and sewer lines. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Gaston - in favor, Councilman Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, and Councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. After the motion had been made and council had voted to accept the water and sewer lines, Mr. Joe George wanted an explantation for Mr. Martinez on what the acceptance of these lines meant. City Manager Gus Pappas said these lines are not a part of a dvelopment and therefore the lines need to be dedicated to the City in order for the City to maintain them after their one year service. Mr. George then wanted to know what happen to the pro-rata share others would pay to connect to this line. City Manager Gus Pappas said there was no pro-rata share to be collected. Councilman Spence said he would like to see the council look _~ at this and study this section of the city ordinance about the pro-rata share of connecting on to a water or sewer ' line. AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT BIDS FOR THE SALE OF "LITTLE DUDE" SF9[DVKLER SYSTEM: Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to grant authorization to accept bids for the sale of the "Little Dude" sprinkler system. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as fol f ows: Mayor Akin - in favor - Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Simmons - i' favor, Councilman Gaston in f '' - favor, Councilman Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Spence - in favor, and Councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carriaed with all in favor. 0 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE TO ACCEPT THE MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC BILLS FOR THE ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTS ON-B±LLHRD: This item formally authorizes the City to pay the light bills fro teh fancy lights to be installed as an improvement on Ballard Street. Such action would make the payment of the bill simply part of our regular street light electric bill . Motion was made by Councilman Martin to grant authroization to accept the maintenance and pay the electric bills for the ornamental street lights on Ballard Seconded by Councilman Fulgham. The vote was as follows: ' Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - abstained Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Gaston - in favor Councilman Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Spence - ' abstained, and Councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carried with five (5) in favor and two abstentions. ' � ' / ' ' � : ^ � . 017 F6 _ . REQUEST FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE' TO CLOSE BALLARD STREET -- EETWEEN OAK AND MARBLE STREETS FOR JULY JUBILEE DOWNTOWN PqRjaDE."L This action formally makes a matter of requesting permission from the City to close Ballard something we can do and can also request from the State. After your positive action, we Will transmit the desires of the Council to the State of Te)4as for confirmation. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to close this 'section of Ballard for July Jubilee Dowhtown Parade providald the State gives their permission also. Seconded b ^ouncilman Fulgham. The vote was as fol lows: Mayor Akin �^ i'n Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor Councilman Simmons nfavor i , Councilman Gaston - in favor, 'Counci lman Fulgham � 'n [ avor, Councilman Spence - in favor, and Cbuncilman Martin in favor. This motion carried with all 'in favor. ' ^ APPROVAL OF LIFT STATiON CREDITS FOR LAND DONATION FROM MR |! � 8EORGE RICHARDS FOR RUSH CREEK I LIFT STATION SITE: This ^ action grants to Mr. Richards "the credits formerly granted to Mr. Groves for teh giving land to the City for a lift station site. Motion was made = y Councilman Gaston to approve the ,credits for land donation from Mr. George Richards. Seconded by Councilman Fulgham. The voe was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor,` '' Councilman f" Mayor Pro Tem Hughes _ in favor, i Simmonsmmons - in avor, Councilman Gaston - in fa vor, Councilman Fulgham - ' n favor, Councilman Spence in favor' and Councilman Martin °- «n favor' This motion - ~' ried wit� all ir �avor ' __ IV' Af • a; ; Fs •, ly f S ` • r W sst �r r vK.• Lr� y �}t` lit. W j:r 79 .,�f ,1 .. .r CANCELLATION ,OF .CREDITS GIVENr.AT AN EARLIER DATE TO MR. pRODDY . GROVES -:ON THE .. LIFTSTATION •SITE: This action formally • rescinds the previous :.creditAetter :given to Mr. Groves. Thenext action necessary :will be, to vacate . the official dedication. Motion .was ' madeAy Councilman Fulgham to cancel I.t the :credits L given,:to Mr.,;Roddy Groves. Seconded by , - aCouncilman ;GastonThe!tvo.te rwas as i•follows: Mayor ,Akin - in favor, Mayor ,:Pro ?Tem:*Hughes in . favor, Councilman Simmons - abstained , Councilman Gaston - in favor, Councilman Fulgham - .in • favor; :Councilman Spence - .in favor . ,:,: and Councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carried with �� ..ix (6) in ; favor and one:abstention. a'REVIEW OF '.'OVER '65; ,ON FIXED.;INCOME" EXEMPTIONS ON WATER, SEWER .AND TAXES: .Mayor • ProoTem Hughes said this program was set up and started in 1979 and has never been reviewed . Mayor Pro :Tern Hughes requested ,this be on the agenda for review since it has beenfive (5) years. 'The City at 57p:resent gives a $3.00 . and4'4.00 , deduction on water and sewer . €bills and a $15,000.00 on taxes. The $3.007is for a single jperson .and the $4.00 is fora couple living on a limited income. The people livingnon a limited income such as social security .,have been .r.eceiving a cost of living increase each year, but .peo.pole • living on a .private pension plan does not receive any type of increase . Over a five (5) year period, the rate of -inflation has averaged 49 .8%. . v:; Mayor Akin asked Mr . Bill Lowe .of Lone Star Gas if the gas company gave any . type .,of : diseount. Mr. Lowe said the gas company ' doesmot give -It direct discount , but does have a �thir.d :party..::in which .the .gas :company gives :a set amount of :,ndollars an'd thenthe people` who -:need help in .paying their ,gas '•bilL goes to this third.-:party: Mayor .Akin requested more research be done on this !andthat an actual count be given to the 'council on just how many people the city is giving this discount to. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes made the motion to table this item Aiiitil the next ,regular council meeting. ..::;Seconded by .Cound1l.mangaston. The vote was as follows Mayor .:Akin -. .in :falfor, ..:Mayor Pro lTem Hughes - in favor , ;Councilman.,7Simmons in. favor, .Councilman Gaston - in favor, councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman martin - in favor . 5,.: _ SET DATE FOR SPECIAL :MEETING:11.TOREVIEW -AND 'iADOPT ' REVISED W, ' :ZONING ORDINANCE :After some-tdiscussion, the first . Tuesday esin May,' ,:which Asi•:May: 7;, :19.8.S at. r74Q0 :T. M. has been set for the special +:meeting -to ,:revielit•rand adopt :revised , zoning ordinance. , P.: r :.-- m117 J: 7 r--, AUTHORIZATION TO`3EXPENDv$5.O7O400 ;>FOR COMPENSATION : IN -LIEU OF 1 BUSINESS OPERATION IN ORDER .TOATTEND _FIRE :TRAINING SCHOOL: This item is a re-occurring annual consideration of the Council to grant Mr. Lester Gayler $500.00 cash payment to 9 v. �. �{ ,,l n,, ✓r. �Z}'r • .. rtt". � w hY� •'¢ , r '~` yr` �,.. ,} j t y~¢, k L,' , a • i !T~'' Ott, G} F, a 80 compensate him for having to close his business down in order to attend the annual required fire marshal training -- update seminars,. Motion wasfmade by Mayor Pro Tern Hughes to grant the authorization tofexpend $500.00for compensation in lieu of business operations. Seconded ,.by Councilman ,, Gaston. The 'vote was as follows: - Mayor Akin In favor , Mayor Pro Tem 'Hughes - .in favor, . Councilman 'Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor, Councilman -Ftilgham ;:y in favor, Councilman 'Spence -,pin - favor, and Councilman Martin - in favor. This motion carri-ed'.with all in favor. . City Manager Gus Pappassaid there was a discussion with Lone Star Gas-and PUblic .Works Department of Wylie about -the planting of trees in thePark: .Lone Star Gas has sent the City a check in the amount of $50.00 to apply toward the purchase' of these trees. YMayor, Akin: thanked Lone Star Gas • for this contribution 'towa'rd^the 'Turchase ;of., the trees . :'. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION: 'Mr -Fred Ouellette from Woodholl'ow Drive said at_ the .last meeting .ithe '•contractor from The "7 : Meadows Addition name ' befor3 .the :Council about some of the 'streets in this :. area 'not complying with the city -ordinances . What 'was the • result of 'thi's request to the Council. City Manager Gus ...Pappas ' said the. contractor . had to dig up a , section of the street and vre747pour .with better grade of Concrete and with 6'!:0Ofthi'dkness. i Mr . .Mel Delaney- wanted a clariffiication 'on running :sewer ' lines and the peop'le;not `connecting ' on to these lines. City Manager Gus PPappas .said .theproperty ' in 'question has been in the City .for sonie ,time •btrt* the 'water .and sewer lines have ;only •.been .ay.ai>labl•e fortal few'months. Since :this property has been .pan the city prior t o• tff adoption "of the ordinance making it' mandatory, t'o ti,a`'O.nto -the water and -sewer lines., these people 'are ,fgrandfathered." 6 -1•• : ,, • rl r , p +:, ' ."?`r, 's.is `Y4; • -- GENERAL COUNCIL'IDISCUSS'ION 1-4Ther.e was only 'one point brought ' out during .this;c;dibt sion .period `and that was by Councilman Gastonand CbunciwlmanfSpence in :how`well the clean up day.-:went is for the"Ginty:- A big thank 'you to all ' those you ` helped: '- ? ?-6 o City Manager Gus Pappas said that about one week ago there were some copies i`f rom Speed, Fab .'on finishing out the community center .at •the `library.-' This can' be, put in with the three (3) year payout plan: Would ,the "counci'l like this gas an item on the ,Saturday Agenda: 'r r•It 'was agreed with all council to have this as an item on the workshop .agenda. Motion was made 'to adjourn;b°y :Mayor Pro TOM Hughes. Seconded by Councilman M£[ra ji. ;:. All in favor. ' /D c. 7 U .L John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST Carolyn Jones City Secretary // 'l a i Y;YY ft4; 2 4 A':- S u4µ•t 6• 82. CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING — WORKSHOP MINUTES APRIL 27, 1985 9:00 A. M. The Wylie city Council met in a called session and workshop on Saturday, April 27 , 1985 at 9:00 A. M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Akin presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor ProTem Don Hughes, -Councilmen Percy Simmons, William Martin, Randall Gaston," Harold Spence , and Joe Fulgham, City Manager Gus Pappas, and City Secretary Carolyn Jones. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF PROCLAMATION DECLARING BIRMINGHAM EDUCATION WEEK MAY 6-10: Motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve and sign proclamation for; Birmingham Education Week. Seconded by Councilman Spence. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin — in favor, Mayor .Pro Tem Hughes -; in favor, Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Gaston — in favor, Councilman Gaston— in favor ' Councilman Fulgham — in favor, and Councilman Spence — in favor, and Councilman Martin — in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. WORK SESSION ON BUDGET REVISIONS FOR YEAR 1984-1985 AND DISCUSS BUDGET PRIORITIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985-86: LIBRARY: City Manager Gus Pappas said the budget takes the approach that very little money will be spent on books , most of the expense will be for furniture for the new library. The 85-86 budget will go back from capital expense to regular expenses such as books, office equipment. The other item that goes with the library is the completion of the community center and doing the parking lot. The parking lot could be done with the BOMAG equipment if this is purchased . The parking lot done in concrete will cost approximately $62,500.00 and done in black top the approximate cost would be $12,500.00. Councilman Simmons is concerned with doing the parking lot in blacktop, he is worried about it holding up under the type of use it will be getting. Bids have been sent out for the furniture and fixtures for the new library building. CODE ENFORCEMENT: This is the area where council has already made the decision to bring on another inspector. The decision on the new city hall answered questions on space for Code . In next years budget (85-86) will be an �o� - I 'fluff • A 4 .1'Vt %le'viT1 `• • ei es7: " t ' A • 11 - 21g 83 increase on floor space and, office equipment and furniture for this area. Roy said the inspector now and about this same time next year he would ,need a full time sub-division inspector. Roy also asked for , a .truck for the new inspector . . in next years budget. ADMIN. AND OTHERS : With the decision of the new city hall there is little or no reason for additional employees , equipment or furniture until the 85-86 budget year. Asking for the authority to place the second employee in the finance budget for the revised budget 84-85 year. This. employee has justified the position. Next years budget something to consider would,gbe adding a finance director . FIRE DEPARTMENT: Council wants to see one or two full time employees in this kdepartment with a full time fire chief. POLICE DEPARTMENT: There is, a need for a sergeant position 'to be added to this department right of way. This is a new position and does not mean an officer could not be promoted. In addition in the ;85-86 year we intend to bring on two (2) more police officers. The 85-86 budget year is also looking a the cost of the installation of the new frequency for the radio system.• PUBLIC WORKS: Bill Windham ,said there is shared project with Moore in the making which includes a building that would house Moore Industrial and Public Works. This is a metal building with apprg#mate cost of $300,000. with a payment of appioximate411,44000.00. In the Street p.lept. there needs to be more money for rock, asphalt, sand and etc. The type of equipment needed for the streets is not available and is somethingithat is much needed . Public :goks needs another pickup this yeir as soon as possible plus a tank-trailer for pumping sewage until the Rush Creek Lift Station ,come on line. , 1Need a three (3) man crew to begin work on lift station project. COMMUNITY CENTER: Council requested this item be on the next regular council agenda. Motion was made to adjourn, with all in favor. rg John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST rj CARDZi4 370.),e_ seezlem C. ce,,. 'L?. 'A ''• �. t. jt f• Y Hn ',:]t-. C , I Art ,; 84 CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING '- MINUTES APRIL'30, 1985 •7:00 P. M. • <,: • The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Tuesday; , April 30, 1985 at 7:00 P.` M in .the Council Chambers at City hail. Mayor Akin 'presided:'' A—quorum was present and notice of th'e meeting had been post"ad'for the time and in the manner required by law. "`Th'ese"'present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , Councilmen Percy Simmons, Randall Gaston, Harold 'Spen'c'e, William 4Ma'rtin, 'and-' Joe Fulgham, City Manager Gus Pappas', City'S'e"c 'e"tary'Carolyn"Jones, Public Works Director Bill Windham, Ronnie Rawlings , Jerry • Hoagland ,Collin County Road commissioner, Clarence Daughtery, 'Public Works Dire'd-toi `for Collin `'County. red, Mayor Akin called the "meeti'n"g Ito; order and turned the meeting over 'to Jerry"Hoa'glasi`d 'f or a presentation an the road work 'for'Collin County .firihe Wylie area. ` Jerry Hoagland went over the 'ff've' year plan for the county roads that are on the agenda for repairs and improvements. This list'of improvements 'ara 'attached as being a of these ,minutes.` ' '!:, �.0 ,r . i 1J Councilman'Simmons `wanted toikriow 'when, how much it will take to get Highway ` 78 an'd 'FM544 ''and Hwy. 190 projects t'o moving Land a Completion tim`dIP" C1'ar'ence Daughtery said •that Highway 78 'wil1 be''funde'd-1y l cal ''government with 10% an'd'r' the state 'will``'fu'nd 90 %PthiiOes 'with no curb or ,gutter. '' If the curb an,d 'gutte'rs are; i ''`` h g ' f��t in `the 1oca� ' overnment w �1 pay for the curb and gutte` s $p'lus 'l'0% ` of `the road.'''The approximate 'cost Yof 'Hi'gh`waq-bl' '`for "four (4')z`lanes 'wi'thout curb and gutter is as foll i ll. ` '` ' '`' 2 ' million 'from 'Sachs`e 40F'Mr544 '(or Kirby St.') ,r;,f ., 2.4 million from FM 5444 ( or Kirby St. ) to FM 205 Clarence Daughtery said he could not guess on how long this project would take to complete. If the City would clear and reserve all right-of-way for this project, then it would help in speeding up the work once the highway department staring working in this area. The engineering cost would be approximately 10% of construction cost . One important thing is to go to the State with your share of the money in hand. Councilman Simmons wanted to know what the city could do to get Highway 78 project started. Jerry Hoagland said put • some money into it. I C. Jerry Hoagland asked if the city ever thought of have a bond issue for Highway 78 and Fm 544 . Council said they had thought about this . Jerry then suggested that Council appoint a citizen committee to look at these roads and others and come back with a report of which roads needs more attention and approximate cost of improvements . Then go out with a bond issue . In regards to FM 190 , the City of Garland has given 100% of the right-of-way through Garland and this project should be started soon . Jerry Hoagland suggested that Council take the $4 , 546 , 176 . move it to the FM 544 project which Plano has already started coming toward Wylie . Jerry requested Council to think about doing this and coming back with a decision as soon as possible . There were two representatives at the meeting to bring a BOMAG presentation to Council . They showed a film of how the BOMAG works and how it can recycle a street . This type of equipment is what the City is working on putting together a bid package . Motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Gaston . All in favor . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST Carolyn Jones , City Secretary o CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES MAY 7 , 1985 7 :00 P. M. The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Tuesday , May 7 , 1985 at 7 :00 P . M . in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Akin presided . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Councilmen Percy Simmons , William Martin , Joe Fulgham, Harold Spence and Randall Gaston , City Manager Gus Pappas , City Secretary Carolyn Jones and Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and ask the City Manager to give some background on the zoning ordinance . City Manager Gus Pappas said the staff had made only two changes from the recommendations which Planning and Zoning Commission had submitted . The first change being the provision for Mobile Home , Manufactured Housing , Modular Housing Districts . The Manufactured Housing and Modular Housing Districts will fall under the SF3 with the exception of the minimum lot size . The second change is a temporary specific use permit may be issued with the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City council for a period not to exceed eighteen ( 18) months . Such permit is not renewable and it may be issued without the amendment to the zoning ordinance . Councilman Simmons wanted to know if we had to have a public hearing on these changes of the zoning ordinance . City Manager Gus Pappas said you have to have a public hearing on the first adoption of the zoning ordinance but after that you are amending the ordinance just as you amend other ordinances . You cannot change a zoning without a public hearing . The following changes were made to the proposed zoning ordinance amendments : Page 2 - delete the sentence under SF-3 "Single family attached developments , such as patio , courtyard or cluster homes , which seek minimum lot area requirements less than the SF3 district , are to be placed under the Planned Development District" . Also delete the sentence under SF-1 "density in this district will range from 2 . 5 to 3 . 0 units per gross acres" . rr- <) Page 9 - under specific uses delete no . 4 Sewer treatment plant (privately operated) . Page 11 - change Q9 to read as follows : "Water supply reservoirs , pumping plants and towers publicly owned" . Page 12 - under specific uses - 4 1 Batching plant ( temporary - during development) . Under lot coverage for SF 1 SF 2 and SF 3 will have a maximum coverage of 45% , Side Yard set back for SF 1 is 8 Ft . , SF 2 is 7 Ft . and SF 3 is 6 Ft . and front yard set back is 25 Ft . for all three classifications of single family . Page 23 - change the number of units to read "density not to exceed fifteen ( 15) units per acre on a single story or twenty ( 20) units per acre for multiple story configuration . Section 17 . 3 c Rear Yard : A dedicated alley or private drive shall be required behind each lot or tract , etc . this same sentence shall be added to section 18 . 2 1 c . Section 19 . 3 1 . b . Side yards shall read twenty ( 20) feet instead of ten ( 10) feet . Section 19 . 3 1 c Read Yards shall be twenty ( 20) feet with a six (6) foot fence . APPROVE AND SIGN THE AMENDED ZONING ORDINANCE: Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to approve and sign the amended zoning ordinance with the above stipulations . Seconded by Councilman Simmons . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . ' . AUTHORIZATION TO GO OUT FOR BIDS FOR STREET EQUIPMENT : The equipment being requested is dump truck , mixer , roller , crack sealer , street sweeper , spreader box and oil distribution truck. Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to grant authorization to go out for bids for the above listed equipment . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote as as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . Motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Simmons , seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . All in favor . 7 John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST Carolyn Jones , City Secretary MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, APRIL 25 , 1985 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie , Texas met in regular session on Thursday , April 25 , 1985 in the Council Chambers of City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 05 P.M. by Chairman Kent Crane with members Ken Mauk, John Hamilton and Sarah Connelly present . Nancy Conkle and Bryant Barry were absent . Representing the city staff were Gus Pappas , City Manager ; Roy Faires , C. E.O. and Barbara LeCocq , secretary . Before proceeding with the first item, Chairman Crane asked that anyone speaking from the floor state their name and their address for the record . ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Crane asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes . Sarah Connelly made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion seconded by Ken Mauk. Chairman Crane stated that Bryant Barry had called the night before and had asked him (Mr . Crane) "to voice a concern he (Bryant Barry) had about the minutes . Mr . Barry had clarified the statement by saying he "sometimes picked on the minutes a little more than others" but on Item No .6 at the bottom of the page , the very last sentence Motion carried 4-0-1 with Bryant Barry abstaining . (Since this is not a conflict of interest , the abstaining vote counts as an affirmative. ) ' And he had said that because he was a trustee of the school board and burdened with that responsibility he was responsible in financial situations in that it could be construed as a conflict of interest , possibly , and that was the reason for the abstentian and that he was concerned about the addition of this part of the minutes and, would like to see if we could strike that sentence . " Mr . Crane then asked Mr . Pappas for his opinion on this matter . Mr . Pappas responded by saying "I don ' t think so . " He then stated that the commission could continue to pursue the question but since Mr . Barry was absent it would perhaps be better to table the approval of the minutes until the next meeting . He also stated that the law fairly well defines an allowable "conflict of interest" as being that where a voting party has what the law calls a pecuniary interest which is defined in the law as a direct financial benefit of at least a value of 10% of the operation . Mr . Barry ' s position , which is not compensated , nor his position as a tax-payer would qualify him to be in that position. He further stated that our new city charter clearly states that in the matter of abstentian , unless a valid conflict of interest has been 1 / 9 claimed and proven , a simple abstentian will be counted as an affirmative vote . The purpose for that provision was to discourage any member of any board from abstaining merely to avoid going on record for any particular item. Mr . Crane asked if it would be possible to go ahead and take action on the minutes and then place this as an agenda item to be discussed at another meeting . Mr . Pappas stated that the decision to table these minutes would simply mean that they would return at the next meeting for approval at that time . That would also give the board the opportunity to discuss the item specifically and in a general sense . Sarah Connelly said she would amend her motion and move to table the minutes until the next meeting . Motion seconded by Ken Mauk. Motion carried 4-0 . ITEM NO. 2 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 61 ACRES ON STONE ROAD - This property is described as 3 .0593 acres and 57 . 1017 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 and is located on E. Stone Road . The petitioner is asking for SF-1 zoning (single-famly 1 ) . Chairman Crane asked Roy Faires to identify the property on the map for the members of the board and those in the audience . Mr . Faires stated that the staff recommends approval of this zoning petition. Chairman Crane opened the public hearing . There being no comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table . With no comments from the members of the commission a motion was made by John Hamilton to recommend to the City Council of Wylie approval of the zoning petition for SF-1 for the above described property . Motion seconded by Ken Mauk . Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 3 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 96 ACRES ON 544 AND VINSON RD. - This property is described as 96. 218 acres out of the Elisha M. Price Survey , Abstract 1114 and is located at the intersection of S . FM 544 and Vinson Road . Chairman Crane asked Roy Faires to point the property out on the map . Mr . Faires stated that the staff recommends approval . The • public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Mr . Don Lowell of 1136 High Ridge Drive , President of Twin Creek Homeowners Assoc . , asked to be recognized and stated that the roads in that development are private and that the homeowners are concerned about traffic "cutting" through the Twin Creek Estates addition when this property is developed . Mr . Faires stated that this is an annexation hearing only and that use questions would be addressed at the zoning hearing . There being no further questions or comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . No comments from the commission . A motion was made by Ken Mauk to recommend approval of this annexation petition to the City Council . Sarah Connelly seconded the motion . Motion carried 4-0 . 2 ITEM NO. 4 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 1 ACRE LOCATED ON STONE ROAD - This property is described as 1 .0401 acres out of the Aaron West Survey , Abstract 979 located on E. Stone Road . This is the site of the Rush Creek I lift station . Chairman Crane asked Roy Faires to point out the property on the map . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Joyce Pollard of 1530 Stone Road asked to be recognized . Mrs. Pollard asked about the size of the lift station, odor control and the ability of property owners in the area to hook onto the sewer line . Gus Pappas , City Manager , described the general details of construction and the function of a lift station along with City policy for extending City services . With no further questions or comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . Ken Mauk asked if the line from the lift station will go into the central sewage treatment plant . Gus Pappas answered in the affirmative . In answer to a question from Kent Crane , Roy Faires stated that the lift station property would carry the same zoning as the surrounding property . With no further comments , Chairman Crane asked for a motion . Sarah Connelly made a motion to recommend approval of this zoning petition to the City Council . John Hamilton seconded the motion . Motion carried 4-0 . ITEM NO. 5 - APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR CENTURY BUSINESS PARK - This property is located on SH 78 south of Roddy and Assoc . Chairman Crane asked for the staff comments . Roy Faires stated that the plat had been reviewed by the appropriate staff members and had been approved . Any corrections are of an engineering nature . The engineer , Mr . Cummings was present and stated that the engineering corrections had been made . Roy Faires stated that the plat makes provision for the participation in Alanis . Percy Simmons , the developer , noted that the plat also shows a landscaping easement in order to insure that landscaping will be done . John Hamilton asked when• they would anticipate the first occupancy . Percy Simmons answered that they hope to be ready by mi,d,-July . In answer to a question by Kent Crane , Percy Simmons said there is a portion in the flood plain and that they are moving dirt and filling to eliminate the problem. With no further questions from the commission a motion was made by Ken Mauk and seconded by John Hamilton to recommend approval of the final plat for Century Business Park to the City Council . Motion carried 4-0 . ITEM NO. 6 - A motion was made for adjournment by Kent Crane and seconded by Ken Mauk. Meeting adjourned by Chairman Crane . Kent Crane, Chairman 3 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, MAY 9 , 1985 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie , Texas met in regular session on Thursday , May 9 , 1985 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law . The meeting was called to order by Chairman Kent Crane at 7 :05 P .M. Members present were John Hamilton , Ken Mauk , Bill Chapmen , Sarah Connelly and Nancy Conkle . One member , Bryant Barry , absent . Representing the city staff were Gus Pappas , City Manager ; Roy Faires , C . E .O. , and Barbara LeCocq , secretary . Chairman Crane welcomed the newest member of the commission , Bill Chapman and introduced the members of the commmission . ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Crane stated that action on minutes from the meeting of April 11 , 1985 had been tabled due to a question about the abstaining vote on Item no . 6 . He then asked Mr . Pappas for clarification on the point . Gus Pappas , City Manager , then noted that the City Charter , adopted in January of 1985 stated that abstaining votes , unless declared as a conflict of interest , would be recorded in the minutes as an affirmative vote . However , this was specifically required of the City Council and had not been specifically required of the other boards and commissions of the City . He also noted that this requirement was implied for all boards and commissions for the City . City Manager Pappas suggested that the members of the P & Z might want to place an item on the next agenda to discuss procedural matters . Kent Crane asked for a concensus . Members indicated unanimously that they would like for such an item to be placed on the next agenda . • ,Chairman Crane asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes of April 11 , 1985. There being none , Ken Mauk made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Seconded by Sarah Connelly . Motion carried 5-0 . Chairman Crane then asked for any addtions or corrections to the minutes of April 25 , 1985 . There being none a motion was made by Sarah Connelly to approve the minutes as submitted . Ken Mauk seconded . Motion carried 5-0 . ITEM NO. 2 - PUBLIC HEARING ON RE-ZONING OF 1 . 208 ACRES IN RUSTIC OAKS - This property is described as being 1 . 208 acres out of the S . B . Shelby Survey , Abstract 820 . The petitioner is requesting a change from PUD to Retail . Chairman Crane asked Roy Faires to point out the property on 1 the map . Mr . Faires also noted that a portion of the tract would be lost to the developer if and when the "S" curve on Brown St . is straightened out . Staff recommended approval of the petition . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane at which time he requested anyone speaking from floor to give their name and address . Ellen Smith , 309 Cottonbelt , asked to be recognized . Mrs . Smith wanted to know exactly what portion of the tract would be retail . She noted that a retail use directly adjacent to her property was not desireable and she was also concerned about the increased traffic that a retail use would encourageso near to the new elementary school . She was also interested in the relocating of the curve on Brown St . Roy Faires showed a plat of the realigning of the "S" curve . He also noted that the PUD zoning was not in compliance because in order to receive PUD zoning a detailed concept plan , showing building plans , landscaping and accurate plot plans are required at the time of zoning . With no further comments or questions from the floor . the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . Mr . Faires and Mr . Crane explained that the PUD zoning allows the developer more leeway with regard to density , set-backs etc . but the Retail zoning would allow him to develop the property with less paper work . The retail zoning would actually afford more protection for the surrounding property owners . The retail zoning is more restrictive than the PUD zoning with regard to building . With no further discussion , Sarah Connelly made a motion to recommend to the City Council , aproval of the re-zoning of the above described property from PUD to retail . Motion seconded by Ken Mauk . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 3 - PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 5 . 539 ACRES IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - This property is described as 5 . 539 acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 . The petitioner has requested Industrial zoning for the property . Chairman Crane asked Mr . Faires to point the property out on the map and to give staff recommendation . Mr . Faires noted that the industrial zoning. . was compatible with surrounding uses and that the staff recommended approval . The public hearing was opened and closed with no comments or questions from the floor . Commission members indicated they had no questions or comments . Chairman Crane asked for a motion . Motion made by Sarah Connelly to recommend approval of the industrial zoning for the above described property . Motion seconded by John Hamilton . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 3a APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WALLACE INDUSTRIAL PARK - Roy Faires stated that this plat had been through staff review and had been approved by all appropriate staff members , including the City Engineer . Kent Crane questioned the advisability of the private drive . Mr . Faires noted that the City Engineer had required the widening of the drive from fifteen ( 15) feet to twenty-five 2 ( 25) feet in order to accomodate emergency equipment . He also noted that the final plat would show easements for utilities . Kent Crane asked about the possibility of making the private drive along the side of the Wallace property and leading to the Oklahoma By-Products into a joint venture street . Mr . Wallace said that the owners had been approached and they were not receptive to the idea . With no further discussion , a motion was made by Bill Chapman to recommend approval of the preliminary plat for Wallace Industrial Park to the City Council . Motion seconded by Nancy Conkle . Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 4 ADJOURNMENT - With no further discussion Chairman Crane said he would entertain a motion for adjournment . John Hamilton made the motion for adjournment , Ken Mauk seconded . Meeting adjourned by Chairman , Kent Crane . Kent Crane , Chairman MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MONDAY, MAY 6, 1985 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas met in regular session in the council chambers at City Hall on Monday, May 6, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Retha Tibbals, Don Hughes, John Morgan and Don Whitt. Absent were Lowell Brewster, Curtis Hale, Derek Ammerman, and Duane Helmberger. Representing the City Staff were City Manager, Gus Pappas; Director of Public Works, Bill Windham; and Secretary Susan Marquardt. ITEM NO. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Tibbals asked if everyone reviewed the minutes of April 2, 1985. Don Whitt made motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion seconded by Don Hughes. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 2 REVIEW PROGRESS ON CHILDRENS PLAYGROUND - Bill Windham reported that we have the sand in place at the playground. We ;an start spreading it out by hand, also to start closing it in on one side. We have secured the posts, and most of theboards. The swings have also arrived and are assemble. Just a matter of finishing the leveling, and closing it in to start to assemble this week. Don Hughes asked if the weather stays good, how long will it take to finish. Bill Windham replied that if the weather stays good we can go in Wednesday and start erecting and could be through or almost through by Friday afternoon. Don Hughes also inquired about the picnic tables. Bill Windham stated that they are on order and that we will check on delivery. The pads are poured for the tables. ITEM NO. 3 REPORT ON SPINKLER SYSTEM - Bill Windham reported that on the sprinkler system the bid of $12,300.00 reflected in the packet did not include the $400.00 for the automatic system. A contract of the sprinkler system was passed around. The council approved for (2) two fields. Don Hughes asked if the trenches could be dug up, laid and covered back up in (1 ) one day. Bill Windham replied that it could be 2 1/2 days to complete. He also stated that the company installing the sprinkler system are to do one field at a time. John Morgan stated he would like to talk it over with the baseball people. Bill Windham to call and make arrangements tomorrow. ITEM NO. 4 REPORT ON BACKSTOP - Bill Windham passed around the contract for the backstop. The figures that were submitted before are not the same thing that we had out there. The council wanted the same thing that is out at the field now. This bid has not been approved by the Council . Don Hughes made recommendation to submit bid to council as is. Chairman Tibbels asked to be put in a form of a motion. Don Hughes motioned. John Morgan seconded. The motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 5 OPEN SUGGESTIONS ON NAMING PARKS - Chairman Tibbels addressed the board as to having thought about suggestions for naming the parks. Gus Pappas, City Manager suggested that some sort of pattern in making a list of names that would be used as parks that became available. Gus Pappas suggested maybe to stop thinking about naming the parks after citzens or the community. Be an excellant time to start working up a list to name them after something else. As parks come available just take them off the list. Chairman Tibbels commented on the good suggestion. She also asked the board about leaving the large park named as it is; Wylie Community Park. After a lenghty discussion the board agreed to come back on naming the parks, with more input by members. ITEM NO. 6 RECOGNITION AND APPRICIATION TO LONE STAR GAS COMPANY - Bill Windham stated that we received a $50.00 donation to the Parks & Recreation Department to help purchase trees for the park from Lone Star Gas Company. After some discussion, Chairman Tibbels asked for recommendation that we send letter of thanks to the Lone Star Gas Company. Don Whitt motioned. Don Hughes seconded. The motion was carried 4-0. GENERAL DISCUSSION - Bill Windham asked if we could talk to the city council or city manager to get authorization on putting up a sign at the entrance of the park, about off the road vehicles, motorcycles, three wheelers and etc. Gus Pappas stated that Public Works could do anything they wanted to do to get control of the problem with the off the road vehicles. Bill Windham promised to put a metal door in at Akin Pavilion. John Morgan also stated that the fire ants is a big problem all over the fields. Bill Windham told the board we now have our fire ant posion in. John Morgan asked the board to consider these items : more trash barrels at the park, Don Hughes suggested barrels with plastic liners. After some discussion Bill Windham said he would check into the trash clans and poles. No action taken. John Morgan addressed the board on the WSA main event, Century Club. WSA Board would like to put up signs to recognize the businesses in the park. No action taken. John Morgan asked what was going to happen with the sale of the water cannon? There was some discussion on the water cannon. No action was taken at this time. Gus Pappas addressed the Board that this is the time of year that City staff begins to work on drawing up a new budget. Would like to have the Parks & Recreation Board to think over the next couple of meeting on what they would like to include in priorities for next years budget. Gus Pappas was asked by Mayor Akin to pass on for consideration, that he believes we have reached a point to consider a summertime recreation program for the children. No action was taken after a lenghty discussion. , , Don Whitt motion for adjournment. Don Hughes seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned by-Chairman Retha Tibbals. Retha Tibbals, Chairman Parks & Recreation Board K' l tom. } `.�.. • 1.` .y 4 R '.� - 'ICY' iv s.' „Vi R y f x r• IN APPRECIATION On behalf of the City of Wylie and the Chamber of Commerce , I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere appreciation to Moore Industrial Disposal , Inc . for their all out cooperation in the Chamber of Commerce Cleanup Day on held on April 20, 1985. I have always been impressed with your company and your employees ' friendliness and willingness to cooperate in our efforts to make Wylie a more attractive city in which to live. Thank you again for your participation not only this year but last year as well. John Akin, Mayor City of Wylie PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, C[}LLIN COUNTY TEXAS: ' Now com es _..C-~_-C__D 0tDL1�t4�_tL______ of the County of _______ OaJ1a�______ and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: " ^ � � PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D. PAGE Roger C. ManagingPartner Finholt, of C . C. Development Ltd. #1 �sakie d __-g __- represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL. STATUTES OF THE.: STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the 4th___ day of ---- --April , 1 98_ 5 _. A /c.:6Cir Signature • _Ro.ger-C-,..EinhQLt Maill ing_P_a.rsDer Prit of C. C. Development Ltd.n#1lJame Address nci.n.g.,__T_exas__759.5..L.---_---_- ___.--.------ City 'Texas Zi p 214/399-1666 T e l eE p h o n e . ' ` THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF ?,�M.?pj?q4 DALLAS : Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared RogerC^ Finho|t known to me to be the person whose name-71---ubscrib ` d to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the 41h day of Apri| lq85 ------- _ ' Notary PubIic, Da||as~Coun1y' Texas ^ " ��<� STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTIES OF DALLAS AND ROCKWALL BEING a tract or parcel of land out of the El ' sha M. Price Survey , Abstract Number 1114 , situated in Dallas and Rockwall Counties , and being composed of two tracts of land being a 36 . 39 acre tract described in a deed from Media Kreymer to Orville Kreymer , Dr . G. C. Kreymer , J . C. Kreymer , Archie Kreymer and Bill Kreymer , as recorded in Volume 222 , Page 0423 of the Deed Records of Dallas County and a 60. 856 acre tract described in a deed from Maude Ethyle Moss and Thomas B. Moss to Media Skelton Kreymer as recorded in Volum 963 , Page 0873 of the Deed Records of Dallas County , Texas and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at an iron -pin found for corner , said iron pin being the most Northerly Northeast corner of Cottonwood Park -Section III according to the plat recorded in Volume 71164 , Page 048 of the Deed Records of Dallas County ; THENCE , North 86° 53 ' 47" West , along the North line of said addition , a distance of 271 . 70 feet to an iron pin found for corner ; THENCE , North 38° 42 ' 15" East , a distance of 578 . 54 feet to an iron pin found for corner in the Southeasterly right -of -way line of Vinson Road ( 60' R.D.W. ) ; THENCE, North 50° 33 ' 59" East , along said Southeasterly right -of-way tine , a distance of 614 . 80 feet to an iron pin found for corner ; THENCE, North 85° 37 ' 12" East , a distance of 210. 17 feet to a P.K. nail found for corner in the centerline of F .M. 544 ; THENCE , South 45° 00 ' 00" East , along the centerline of F .M. 544 , a distance or 412 . 50 feet to a P.K. nail found for corner ; THENCE , South 44 ° 36 ' 56" East , continuing along said centerline , a di4.tance of 2724 . 21 feet to an iron pin found for corner , said corner being the most Easterly corner of the Elisha M. Price Survey , Abstract Number 1114 ; THENCE , South 45° 52 ' 02" West , along the Southeasterly line of said Price Survey, a distance of 1283 . 41 feet to- an iron pin found for corner ; THENCE , North 45° 36 ' 23" West , depart ► ng said survey line , a distance of 2358. 40 feet to an iron pin found for corner in the Easterly line of the aforesaid Cottonwood Park , Section lla ;, THENCE , North 04 ° 46 ' 31 " West , along said Easterly line , a distance of 230. 96 feet to an iron pin found for corner ; THENCE, North 43° 37 ' 36" West , along the Northeasterly line of said addition , a distance of 513•. 55 feet to the point of beginning and containing 96 . 218 acres of land, more or less . ( 4 , 191 , 252.673 sq . ft . ) SURVEYOR' S CERTIFICATE ./. / N 85.3712" E- 210. 17' t t.. -44 /K —S 45°00. 00"E-412.50' • / 4* 7-. 4 .. 44°36 56"E ,..• •,,,,...r ...“./..? 1 , 2724. 21' / ct -4.- ---- F.- M. __-__i .__,,, I., . 544- - . . e.„-:, -- _ _._ -4,f`T-1----i• . ....ign, ,_• „ .. ,,,f•-• , •• - •• , •• , I / . ' i•• , / .• .:••• $0',/.• '‘ 9 •• PC !I hyll•f•k.o• /9 ..,..", tif. Pi 5 ,,•'.// .... I bi v co v• i c‘i i 1. , I ..:tu ' o) ' to •:-,, . . ._ . . 0) , fr) 96 . 218 ACRES ..- ,.. ...., • . .., to Di \\ • . ... i . ..... ,I ,.., •'s 510 N l'' 0 • kr) • C). in cr CZ' T:37736"W 513.55'sN . 1C"4s (.1) ,-_v •• N 04°46'31'W- 230. 96'— N -7 -- tr . N 86'25.1:47"W-271 70. c ' N 45° 36'23"W 2358. 40 \,.. POINT OF BEGINNING I • • • !. !%,A e .. oil 1.•r , .)t -'_ .1 ill •'Ht.I 4, 14; ',A R. rt f. I. ' • (J \ il X' \IN NI\ _ , ‘> C N(s _.) \ .2'. .X./ • • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE c _& ,&1 4 SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. _ ,�' _ , UPON PETTION OF � ✓i✓uL P�� /'4/O/7aWL ea/ p A'nor iodq GROdeS dt / _/ mjaL+A (hank s WHEREAS,�r�;�,��, 7� ✓�! � has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wlie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1I244 DAY OF �nJ�rlZ , 19Qs John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: ta Carolyn Jones, City Secretary • Ty jr P'�M1�l }t i �"S rSf�3, ?ft. s a rYlrY • tC :�y i '=xt h S wi �•' 1G,Y `♦`'fr ;�q91 • it RSrf,:• �� rlJ r �� v1t ♦'Y PA A ''q • 1. f, . y,,rr `1 i ter; t r *x 4"� lyJr f f� INC PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL . OF' THE• CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, ' TEXAS: Now comes _BENEDICT_IlEYELORMERT_CQRE. of the County of _COLLIN and the State of Texas, and represents to the City •, Council ' of the said' City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner— or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or coprorations who are owners of the following described tract of alnd which is within the City Limits of the City-of Wylie, in Collin •County, texas, and described as follows: •. • � • ••[ ' T. , k, • S8IN4'a tract of land in the Francisco dais,Pint 8usrsre Abstract•Ihtetec.b88 i' . sihtated in Collin Ootrt .'•Taxis, and a1.s born( a. 'trt.ot•that'°R' et of C. • land cormsyed to R.V. Orowes'aad Wife.,Zasa Ordres br t.x. $ars1ed,' 4.0 l ; . •,i-r r �, . corded in Voinee.644, � 7•of the Peed Norris.pC CoU111a Coufrt ;._ ,. . - ,,-, . bel ni':;iot,:.�,l7 uoribed'.a�f07�awst r •.. . -��; ti •J .ate s + •• lac • ��• .•�, --,,a:),r 1 CO10=C .at'►rl rod'fotmd a •the.i A4 po► b�s� j.., ,sue••Soiitpar'dt�asoqu�l t�st corner of R_sa �, +s�' ��• . . THENCE North Gzvves treat,Z-49'58s. E*!•t at 23.77 tteft'passim�.1i. is ;.l a dr "- ..`' . tinning a4oni'the genus!'•liii 4•a4 old•lo r e 'on'tb 'at • ro ter. ,"t` ,r �• • : • if tract. a total distaa►o6 Of 358.13 feet to•on tti'ba rod *Olt'123s PI.42! CO: `; .; •i;:•.. • •.; of this�C,E North t2°49s58",East .» , '. r r line of ore along tire, ape'•d.an wire floc* o� i (Set .-'N . Orovee tract. 1300.95,tees xe-a•f ihit a cord: roast -Q. ' ,i ' THENCE North 88°21 130"'West alone sir oXl1''vire fencer 11510 feet to a'tt •a,.tq ;r ' �r• - �' poets , t r . po .� MHENCE7North• " : y' e:4r..:.;:"•24•6•t•••' ,y� ' •*fin r ev . jt}1 .--' ik•1rio.•TOdSeti Nt aY •ir1t a!: •;i•;4:' Z r,• .'••••', • :-•0•.•,091.:4g‘0 1.-,4 ,%..•-•. -•,---i.^..'.:.•v. .. 1••. -'•.7 Via: y4 .Pier :Iles•''.:!-kT • •"i-"-wty`e'r-A.•c 4N-t ,:kvI -r t t • '1• Tf :�Q{1'�i 3 1x 4 .+r ae, w '+ : y._ - !{rjJ•'.,,. •-,t•-r • an iron rod:fO ndr' ' • - -' • :` THENCE Sogt2s 88°02i256East o en 014 vita Z!2►e'js elf 3is e., 18a.4,5 i `�•^ ' C •rI. ' feet to i firiti• post; ' • t; • IHENCE North 24°39'37':Fist aloess,t2yet t iassra.___ of s i oid ors feoda•-.153►3_• r1 L'. • faet•to a fence posh '• • 11ffNCt North 43°30�49* East alb tii �siinlal line rot old.hire•fanc., 1Z5:?3; . fest t4 a fence poets r „ ,. • - - • I ' THENCE South 84°361.39* East.meat.tlis sl.lie:Q, .•iii'old vire reaae....7Q.Z5 ,•. feet to a•renoa poets i'.1.. • THENCE North 29°11(0E" East•.aloss� t ..tine4s3,.liae.eesa'► d Wire.gene, 1QTa4$ T`� '•� t • feet to an iron sod set at th• lorttereet oaevier:at that,aartsia•1t.03 �F ,a . t it �-.f., • of land a to_W,V. $wi ht 3 Q.ed.red;is. R' , • Volume 107ft sh 97 n tbi•Deed .• L�0.2a tY...Te:cest ^ .?;s;.� i, '9 T2(CE South 0.43t58' Vast albs 4b:.Witt litss.of tip".1:1.05•care•tract.'421116 . t .' ' it •• feet to as ilia rod /.tii`- ;�'' •, t: ti*f ' • • TRE2�CE South 1°17105" ieit s�.tae Vsat fibs of thi'1T.05•aar. treat,.196.82 f I • :7. feet to as iron rod nth • t THENCE South 43°CtI55''East..35.35'festto;aa.iroa set set,the, r�snot.'-cot- -� nor of that certain 8.0 acre.tract 6r.label d4mgi1n Inn .ii tious.vrizht - ., by R.Y.Oror.a cad wife, Hanel agrees.byr,died•dalw" ),.• 469; • d . •ONCE North 88°1tI32*.West,alosg thb•1!Orti'jine of the.8.0•acre tract,-225.0 ., : - i feet to'IA iron rod sib at its EOrtbwaLt'iorprrt''. • • { -Z- , ti_• THENCE South 1-17'05" Vest atom -the W i. t'..1i Hof t ii 8.0 acre tract. .427.1 testTHENCE • _to'an iron rod nett • �: , THI�2(CE South 1°20k43" West,.00hs il� a•tbe,Ves`.line Of the .0 acre'tact. •.' - . 1248.21 test to a nail set os1•'}4tti litse'oa stone;!toads • THENCE North 88°12,09" Vest along',t,1 `S ati 11is. of Starer itoad,841.181sat to a • • , - , • nail seta • ti t THENCE North 1°47'51" East. 323.41 Net Zo`as( " e ,• '`i iroas`ibd tit `' - . .: . - ,. - =ICE itarth.84.0V.11 .:1488,,89 . 1,400114046trkbehlerklklaikIliCfatiVElte;•:. V' "%.• • -• �L I 3iat:! ` :{R> d;.co..:.� t� � ` si i„ '4 ( ••,1� 7 iiz Yi ''�a.i,tfl.-DL 1..a • �' • ••v • .h 4-rro('•s7r e.t.a!a t'. •"•.�. ,.y,`.r) fl t 4,• 4“'. 6. ��a : • PRO/205 EO ZOA//// A 5Z /O/7 ACRES 111 - TAVE -* • • FR4NC/SCO 00'`LA Py'q:SURI/F1-ZeC57.,/ 6a • . • COl A iN . `eQU.�1/TY TE.1'4S 4 f 4 • I • CLTMMINGS &-4P .WITT, INC. C n ENGINEE 1NG/PtANNVINC 1 SURVEYING • • 1 1� - 1200 EJQ'CU'ITVEbprvN EAST ' SUITS 124 . ' • ' RICliAjkogo. aptas415081, (21a) 2 .: ..'.. . . • - ET /6O8r0-0 6 Iod Av, qK torte scAi M ' gfit/010ER . • .' :; 1Q: L►P- - - :. � 44' : '( ` - ` ? .4 f.fr . ' 44Y • _ i • ., ,) ... 4� ? 7'4 .".^ ?.te _ • r_ • I., ..r? ` • , µ ' •:. ';`.• OAK .,4 L;• • . . •y. :,. .. i- +Ks.,6 ti.W.,e. c• t'•tkii:i at..oriea}�► +`• OF ---• i •��evbj. Mrtis iL�� per . .1- erto'of math tb.Us*of any.' ► •�!�uryr •:•toservatie xo sad r.atristtera�tpat a.Y A.`t�ordi .aa tact 'prefudenal •• �* 0 saris*eenteysa to the earreaVTaxes ama•V.yeea£u.es.tia� eyrie and aped.' i.. y , ' . M Mr. I I, ♦ t �µ tsow !er t 5.42..T.11, U.Oordittoa IS1 3urn 7hars ae wr000 s ta. t deatlieta .r peoroi. . . u ab°`e• {OEQROE ca. PEN?1T •u �• _,/ ? /ass c�c y0 i r t lc,c r �1Ca surveyor 1Li71 �C"SUR y�t .! . _ .. .. _ - . _ . . ... r:. ._ _ . } / i w . le 9 ice, y I• IP 'rd. da' �Sfs GR. Ste• ip�- � •.. Rowo vr `: 1 - • �* air N L.0G4 C "pi. I • 's3OP 1 Sf7 [.C. FM. LA. ;•KI'IV.KI./VNCI/Levi 4 `/.K.IW7 �� • 4er.q\ S d7a4a4r • S tri At»fit to '''' • 443.4r; pwc. art. / s ; % %.,C r/./C. FjlN<Nr '� ••��•- .35.!3 ` �..e. Co. c \ ,:`. , �07s rc.ssi AM45e)172- / So.AR. A/d3.2i.36'Id 1 irr7 \ HC...0 •.\,0 \ • \ • •\\ \\ \ 11 \ 4.\\.,,, / I �` j 2/i—�- ° PROPOSFO 5�/ �`% b " 4. ••,, "IvIV : W �\N. ,N �� iFR/NC/5CO Of Lit •P/NA SURVEY b \\ \."1-4. t e,' 4 EIS TR OCT NO, 6B8 ; 1 v \ a aecFoF Z � ti \. BE6/NNlNG• t ° . i . , ..\\ a14rT • srr�4 t 1 .T SS.,,,e, E o ' e i.r.4-4"-e).1 \. \\ \ got #� -• \ {-„�-e,sr. � .Vt b . 41.N. _._ , v I ,P39T I vi 2 Nd ' 8124.7 • -- __ .. -.r. T* .. K --- • { . .[I VW A1.rf aim "W. Z.w. ass AWL STONE' .. Ro4O . • Sit.vic ' . •,, • , , /N07e: AN /N6RES.,ef/P4S5 QASEMSN7 ro•C.E.S, CONSr Co.,%A/C. (vo . Gas eL.9G/)P.d Sow.TN.E 4DJ4CFNT NOGtWF/✓R/`NT TRACT AND /S Nor/N✓0.'yE0,w,ry'S!/e.Tt 7 P RTr. ' :' . • . • /KP.tt'u4`ME.i?J N07 .S.v-e,v Y • i • • r� 1. t•r rl,i rf� ,� tia 4yf7 1. •ar P t!Ft t {jJ� .f f•f t c t �• J *='1 eke ! +' �. • PETITION FOR ZONING CONT'D. PAGE 2 Said BENEDICT DEVELOPMENT CORP.represents that he and all other owners desire the. - zoning to be changed from AGRICULTURE to SF-1 in accordance with the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, r.ules, and regulations of said City relating to that-"classification of zoning. :Your petitioner, ".therefore'--.respectfull prays that the land . '.above deScrt bed::tine: zoned =b"y, the'said 'City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Artiche'974tg)' of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE 0P`- "EXAS. ..... -. .. • Witness the :hand;::of this''peti`tioner ' this the ___7 day of _ , . 198 5 Signature -_PERCY • SIMMONS " Please Print Name P.0;1063 . Street address or Box No. ' yTtr � 75098 Y- -City Texas Zip 442-5292 Telephone ' '•�fi, r r: `. ,�," 1 h.. }�"• �(1 t .LZKr0t?Y 11 tpr� lit r P �ti, i1 .N�k.�,� .3.. 47S.'ui' 1�:l, ♦y1F rj Iir iI ✓ ` 'r'�' j'rr ? . }`*' ^X 27r c':"H. '.:.,;i t. ..,r 1 rr, Y 1 yr,f �'y y n 2�f 1 ti A ry ,< '`r',R c air j ':pi a. • • /7,,t, h3f l ,I. l� t y 1 ? ✓ a •i .. i, M �,. i f r;. � x �ti V a tt�f r�ti �,. • ..1's1in 7• t k''1�yr , ^S! i� A� • . , .I ,,t• a c`+ -�f n 'r9 a t'' I' �, 1 ` , Ci 7X 1C t•+ .nrrn�r _ P a r k '�!• , .,.� �{v,� r, •Yhry fit . r .,,[l+',iy�rr ,!., '�.7;r �! .r'ri( r: }/ `s1: Ilktt c, 1-1=.1;a rx i 33��,, • ii, t• ,fir i r 1. x t r'Nit' rn''4 r , r � -y t'1„"i , 4.y, ,tea . f �W r' }14: , a1 ,Y.r '�4�1 i N? �d. ` 1F r . r. G 5_ :.y,,. f >h-. S�yyr.. :) r r•i: ,,,,it �� A-r r k • THE STATE OFTEXAS: • COUNTY OF COLLIN:` • /, Before me, : the : un" - gn- .4 �1 otary Public on this day personal l y.Yappeared /i ,_„ eti, J a known to me to be the person whos - .name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowle. ged 'to. me. that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Gi der `my hand and sal of •ff ice this the p r,(Qday of/ , 1 , 198 IS' 0 Notg .y.'::PUbl-it, C•llin C nty, Texas r-t3ry Puck stabct Tmt rr't od it' y d/y/f • • y 4 r; • • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 000) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that he saAd change of zoning which is on application of _. �f_ ey,c4mmet __ should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: f . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: EA/22i4 -2- C5.E11)._ Said property being described as follows: • • SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION b. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the __/1/ ___ day of _ JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary v . ' ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLTRACT OF LAND OF THE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. UPON PETTION OF ~ � ~ ^�� _�����-, �� WHEREAS, �����_ has filed a written petition to�^annex to' the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: � � v�7��»�'�{� w ° �� . . ` ' ' ' ORDINANCE NO. c T' D~ be received, annexed to, e part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas�' .subjec+ to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE Ae� _ 4 DAY OF 198*- . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: ' Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ' ' ` ` , ` � * ^ ' ' . . I • .. - . . • - • • ' v .,.• i• At 1 . • • • la 55.05' n 15,' 4G. 31' E _ -- ------4.0.------------__T-_------_-,•- •?,-.:Z;7 W.' LOT 2 . -2:..7.--.- --------7,7-,;:-.-•;-;...1 ---e-77----;74""'"•Prr"------T----••- - . t 11, .tCfr• _min_ , •• • • • 4,•7 ;:.4:-% LOT-'-'4 1 13 ' & - • t 0 T 5 . -• • • ' • ' - o „44.-'.o....,• : .; _:, -r -,- '''t. .7;-----1,-"4. %. vt .tIMIC14 4.1.0t •-...---- i a.•..Km,. ....-....JO .4.• A ! .i...,••...".11' (163 'mows rim... 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Saiwa, 7,20es Sp?.e (�._1at}'.e4.70�f �_' _jV tt6�J'G SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 317/. 4 7 UPON PETTION OF 't _s _.Adedss WHEREAS, 44Lr� D.__ l�%e IclL7�g „�' has filed a written petition to tnex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would beto the best interest of the public and of the said City -of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is 'now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: NCO f' g 0 7C I A-J 'Anci 4'-/ Q r /-1 631.9i 79c1eof ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. he received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie.• PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _,y&_ DAY OF _ p , 19 John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary • • , f> 95' SG'so [ SG 55.051 = -'_ p•- — - 1►+ � ----I 13 ---.---- --_—:\kr. ---___•.o°--------- =�'------- ' —.7,--:.•� — LOT q - -- • A = © v,uus nrn wan ♦.c.-.lo.r a. - SOT4 ,. 40T �jt�7� .ur♦ ,,.I a • {+S.^ P r a1M+u :nc -)•,t. M ,lot IN. Abrr♦ - �• -�y f .. .,. 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Puce " 7 I • n T .. . • t )1'ii r I L Cys ( ..4, • Y + IT h•t.• KG f7' ,:f»' t,►s• t t lo B•'b'TY lobe Da .N H•�"V' ` TrT ,.1�- a,. • l:r om} r1e e. t w' . r. I _ ♦a♦ 1 b flora,or lobe toys• •w erg r)• y ) i X I1F/^, t. ? ,-• .« '' ' ✓i� } II r 0 1fr►moo. tor,♦• t.px ,lb l: - '' ',.-- : ~ `�:•. 7.1 I- fir ; 1 _ r br • , •• • • t �� / . ^►♦'90a' IS AV WV SO. .,,lot• ' .y r • ' •7 r iw•-t►' �. .lt 7oa filet, if rrrSSS • ?/(� a 1 y �_� '� O e• ; .tce•tas t::,.• utn•�Zotll • • '.i- eta .•''''`♦d ny'A1t t 'A..•I 1'Z 'n. », � • 1 I • ® rmn•nurn row. ) t i a ,, ; ;t'I. •'1 1 '.1 rove war KM • NI • 4_ ,t ;;. n7r ,1� 1 v� "f•l'• �fy,LOT `O � i �, • �� a�/< �/��.; •~J r p.�\�f�°�"�'�t I C t 1 � )•, ' �p'� ass pi � 'I ri . % i/`^ ye.• `.7� j. 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'•' c_= i' r ( - •1 100 VteQ fLODD It5YAT10n IL'e$tl.40! t �� 4 °°n - l L#• 1 e t t minlmum fIn1611�f100R �� '' ?�O " .T 1 `•• r M • �\t�° t*v . �=--• / ('' t �.. 1<1C" ') L0T 7 IL-M IT•►aJ L ._ -L=- r'tr- +,L t 8 ° ;.!�l.bfec Vie• •r :IS Atrr• �_ IAT,. G n t►�V+er, .. e♦ • iI ~ __ 1 t�721 ii .'t>cf�11 to Leo tow? tsncnnarY. - - ,4i • ,,` r :. ht . rill. ",! 1 '• r „t" ►�-j ✓tr'1�: 1 , 1 ` 1 • •— - LOG/1TIOf1 fT1AP I .t. rr rrl 1 .t • re "Y _ •• •,... •.....''• - ''',.,••!'--.•'r ' •'r ..' = 't 't'ls.....',.s • ' •-• 1 •• . —.--../ II I O ,• ti r e .• 1. I...k. 'y}•i 31 . 1• ` 1 • 0 .t\,,, I. o...0 cf a,.on,ouu r •n'.eu. .•o ...�<Pn..e , I. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE G•O• G uny,e2L, uses SP?g,s. SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 35-6_81.r j/4fYJ UPON PETTION OF �/��izz WHEREAS, aliefZF.,.ik__ 470 has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be . true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:/ //,(3.3 /9-c€ei.t 7 - . ' ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie.!' PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF ' ' John W. Akin, Mayor ` . � � ATTEST: . ` Carolyn Jones, City Secretary- � ' ' ' * ^ ' ' ' ' � i! � ` ' � ` �� ^7 V '-� • ti ry ' .•r'• n 95• 46'51' F 96 55.O5' g. ;, r -_�. ! 7--1 -r----------== •. --- ------ --------..-..;,- :, ------ ---LOT - 2 - - ---- LOT 33 F I. »> _ rr. _ ••ar K.,, Wt.-a.Y.n+ ►N • --} d- , r A �1. -• © � 4 2 nn^ • r .. KML Maal. M -♦Mt M t•,71.. , .._ ,? .-,r '� - Y{K,Nt rylf\R111 Ylt.•\Mf,.• 1W LoT ^._ LOT '� i -- _ ,• .- ,-• ,•>z .\-..•7t,0iy� t: �14 etnnu I..4 -Lott an_'►u ._'-�. (• t---4. I. RnnCN L►n •� ♦ 1- 3.1110 ACrfc - - ltt•- J t� '•, AX,, ••1 Z t.".7`; ;. _r ?mot tmertoinCV AAcCE1i5f IQ t`te.nl,d, L / a• art t i:t a•,t 7 r• • :•* ,\�. ; • • UTILITY OAnC i. (o re m►0.7nic tO • .n u•u'` • i ; '" ['' [. `'' •� ♦.. r. i y I• �i, r `-'� � t+YLA1tt-OAnGn-roOrERtV-OwnkCS - t 14S acre• • • LOT r; 2 fi �• a .r •� . . 3/� _ »:.• K ,� t .r_ t • 1 � r/��.0 , AiG • raA_q el•�R �.��;•_�,. . v -A.-, Laity °• ��•.�•+C4 2.• _?t 4 Arta*, r ` b j,� m' WEST 1624. 65'.. • • • 11.3'l.�p . •(.,A,1,'` 'e :G ,i• . .J.1 .'j,,, �. �t*� `�.? !' �r ; point or DEGifliltl T. ', • fi.. •. •3K•Ic 7 ciAr, _ CUnVt DATA •pet: 0.+..• k , Iv. `.t•>•, "v ,-..�44'1�_- L0T 0J I Cun„- �„ •; • •fI �4 s i.. ..^4 ;- 1'l ygj ,'.�, r y' 'j Jd!<'9-� i_. 11.�0! A[rM - rl • Well.. .c4 E1• ,tn• 11►3- f 1.f .14'' •X S • ...1f "'.r. Y , � r • l+ .. s Irr_is r G_t GY Ks n• !.C_ i Y+ Y a yc Ott 11i\(� /'r ; ltreo•a +w O. :SO am»_a- t':i]r� 7Fr her 4 y` '' ,.._. 1. _,w. .,f.. ® •{'' 0 1crovov to+x• ,uv aac is L�.,• . _7« 3:. '�'P .L �Y•t t Rur ,f""[\^a•;: 1_ .FIT • f cCX•eo' rl•q. ,p,.w• ,f.7r • :..� (,QTblt Y'43 it , \ �1 Q f W9.b' .Sale ,0110 •/t.. f •' �F t T�- �. • r sf O - t 'wrtam- r:t•' u.n•1 ar .y lY:.11�.70/� tt �•� r �' LLrY• .!:'.. � - . Io+•x'm• 4-+w »,r »•.: � ,t; .yrCi41 O Y1. : rye,`• ', , `�. •.. fI A !. .. -, #' 's a ,.•�s '1ti''� t w' » .:� ` 1 . ® Imntrw.n P.M. J,{..>9 _ • ,{t{a • t gs a '. t, ! .I - Knit frNL,wr. ' �Tr, 1 `�-tci "... t" .." s.a tY• - (. • ,i=b .„ 'tom I ."��.(-' 1� ` I ` r. . •.. •• • • •,.. . .:...„.,...... • __ .. 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Jr '_..••••d , ,tlr _•q... -,..y�:.., y f .vt, .?•1? �', ••p. w•.s�''i • w'., • - - 1- tea•a . ♦1- .•e - . _ _ - t .: r: :''� tt •, .1�# f :LQT .r+t'Y..1F '� ..6„''. •.L$ryso'r' • :�-+ i7 • Y- J �• 1 , 1�`� , � • • 4. i7..,1• r\r-F t ix • •W��r v 2 y~ K 3•rk • , op'\� �o°t i r'rY I I \ `'\ I I: • .. ? � `j-.r 'fi�t+�i. 41. �./ ` t ► '' 1 ►� • i a• ,{, t. pfA�\ •� I'�..,_��-�t0 dt'L-'' -'' . ., •A:f r.lr% .;f . � ' I r t• o IF 4vt �, 1.• 1_ . 1 �' 1 , si ,r 1,•� •t .r Z ` Stowt erntwty�tuvenon:-•,- en.24•• .0 . . ,.r...,T-lb- � .. � .r 7: emcaetncv anI,i.W* ' t�eYAtlon, !40 t+o ,` +, 100 VtAR ►.vo° tttuAnon t:•tt n terb QO . . ,,41 -'�1'� �1R \ 'wt - C" .4. T--A,.............,`-_ _ . "-t t minimum rini$�,rlo0Q X {• ... 2,to L itL .t f r ,t , . t`C`o 81.v l / .-+ • pl�sk:a, ,' r k�.` • r1 r LOT 7 + 4\11. • _ _:�•:__�+s�---� , i• ^ • raw :I.cic Acrt• tAT G t►0�+`tt •t 1__[ Tli A - LAKt RA,1GN rtRTY.-OwAtea 1(. r. _ •'Italt�-Atr,.r"'r,.. .- . --- -"--- �' • j1 Y t' a,rir x3st� ._ r.Pig t" ro+t)k1 `� • ;,s I 1 '�,/J( - IOLAT10f1 MAP 1 Zst 4 • .C` `t� ' i,y, ''P.1.1 Sf j ► n• 1;.- : -. .. 0. .y•!•• f. P.o.o.no u.. o. ...•... . 3 ..g.. .. •..-,"., ... n " �.r..,,•. c.."•..... --- •t-' t2'I'-A• .w A.14. tt, I 1,{'}, f• ` a�\\l 9` .•r•..r,o+.a . :ua ..0 . . uo...11 •"•.L�. L1 KL. t..4 �t!�S r 7���‘•C r_ 1 w .00 1. ..e u„>.. .u. w . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WY�IE, CO IN COUNT , A TRACT OF LAND OF THE ��^ �� Gm &�^ SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. � � UPON PETTION OF 4A�� _Jhed WHEREAS, � ^ has filed a written petition to annex' to the City -of----Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: �� *� �- ���� � �� �� ��� , ' ^ «� . ,^ . ,/ �ul �� � � � ~~^��`-~ * ° c� � ' - * ' ORDINANCE NO. D. be received, annexed to, and ,-made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to`` and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _ ��' �� DAY OF - 19El� , _._. � ~ John W. Akin, Mayor ` ATTEST: ~ ' ' Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ' - . . '^ � . - `� ^ v ' ` ` ' ' .' ' ' ' ' ' ` • '~ i�'t'•e. Y- :F,, .� .+: rJ. `' n e,• AG'DI' E 9G55.05` -- - ----•--i.•v .-. ! -V.Ma•f6* r--- T---,----------- j-r-r-----•.e..- --- ---•-----'•-•2r-va-T..••�-'r ----- -----IOT 4- '- ^:-----� ----- -- 4.:;.': ' SOT 13 4` :; ••rNMii We.-c•M.M .N • - * 'r. . ...'k Y'j ;,•t-j! ® •r141W ntnwal wt.-/••,•• 1•4' `,0T 4 :- 40T _3 - ••••n-•• •••.- r - (. t,- . y.‘eE nsleCt4 ►at afc«• M•.N ..,a-•e.f M Ma 4 i:•J /N f ,,, :h. G•r N wa.-•e.f_ M .a►I • -- cre* 'a tieo ►crkG - �, .. i v t.a e•t !7Lott.y-1�f ye• .r: i-•. no.u' ,./� -- `!.,a s 4 • n�•r.Ytf•t- • f; p•.. ; • TO'rRllYlt won,1f1GQtSG'fGRtSG, L •�/ •r- , 1 MN r.--. Rr .i >r - , - •e P • •• - - trIleRGEncv ,,.cuss TIRE IEOi b . ,4 - (,QT t :4 t .tt,.:r'4F • k't`� ` . 'ie. L r g ' ! w ®, j� j, unLei•tavY EV GAnoMT.SO rt R111O/Oei !'�'�y'-`, / • S.16S Salo - a y�,�i f• ,, OWLE_____ __nzaorEOty owntaG r� `.. .;A �r.0 •t Tom( ` A.- •c• ',Si .,•u I` •i � • � _�. nJL.• ., ^'S. a,� `•• t .i 1 • 11 rrT .'+mac 14 clay• • , •-IS ! 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' 1 tram• ••e er :le sp. t+s►- •j'�� • t • 'a..t .•'{i..G, ,��y • •'.'. 1� a•'may mar r10 co,. 11a u.• �.`'t..• . ..v ✓ ?; y°f•• ) �4A.��•r•r.,...y� c*t r �� rf'.*r•,...«fit{, 11 .1.-:i �4� ;; 1 ® • � t�� N J� .. •_ 1 Et'1G•/O' t"s.4' •0•.•s •al}Y sit° • Y-• -1�//��• g11 ', a>'t,°y.,v},i`' r :C.A.' f$a ,s.'��2 i"I" 1t� • ` • .-� j a •;. r wovan caw qr w IN ar -� -'VY f� rzp el.G. .-..t. ,� �t�[ :•� �Jp•,r��i •=,!.. *, y• r i, - I •wc•pay 1:i Se Lit sY T„.• +,e •• +, • J._ . t*yf~' _ ��y TM St�v.,;r �.i `-v; },Pit.,,*,a ® •d-:r ." • or.. •••." •� i•i.. .. io+•wer lc+w . rs. .c•. • -1• "'-f M7.191 a -Z r ~ Y • t, � • 1 i ' 4fAi' - 3. .'„yZ:'C+r ` l►• 't- . - ) I 'T �: Rl . y.' t+liy 5: t1,FE�`p g- 5. +Cti I c ' � i>I� �. Rl . •n.e taw.. '••Y S •J + .r.1 Y.1. �1 e' fir ,t •`"t'')b.� t�J.4.W.Z•w j ,/, n •Y, _ f ; ® 14ao• ii w•ot, • : a^ �•'II:'tyr- yy . ' "1'f�y 'I► t{�•"� '•l� y i i ✓u�Y'1.. 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ILI'V 4 �vsse.`L.� I L �`"d-1-'=err � rj �, c mmlmum .r{nit •tt 4 c a;' 't!t * r, ' LOT 7 '^ `'• tt S►�. • - L+ ��i� ;•.•{ k'•,'=i"'f` "t/ •`b�7.'L ?' 4��` .t't�'iy •'r'''�t(`.+""1' '�', p,61O 444" f :-r-tAT • G - -," I ^-. _• ]aii y=.+ 1J.a.ac :•1+�- , J j -..it r' `e••t? LAiCt R911G ftTt-+Rg/Ys � '.lf1r+•.•r-i,•.w. . ,'y',••4,. .• 't"q,. n i(� ` •, • - - ' .-:.-... _ I �� „'T7'4' rlL- -----:.: _ '�"--�„,t.•--1c T�s"' '„`ik' 'd:-i?xw 55 `, ryi' ? �+r,I;t,Z•,{' 4:„ . • _ { •tom'•f•'.,., .,,, : •Ja' a,t'*, J•'r1 aYr- .y'- r" ., .Ti -Y • -.., .K.r • • • �' ,1. ; t _2.t+1U-• J' �•.�,i,1�• ""• HL k •.. h_ P: v�.t•..j ,♦ - ! d ,r t 1 .✓ '1?• �iXt ] "y•ett `s-"k•tet, . •. 7'!.'.y !7,�t '. f= .'+y^y „• K+ _ ( i i • . -0,1t . et is -^'*� t -oath. . - •.tCf 91. ..,,,teo it :a. }t (v ,4‘ ^` 4 �t T tr - r Crl •+r r ��t.+ rt { t� c�.141�,crta t?V9f.-y t� 41f a ; •Y -t X ^�` - �.•t T p. ��;Qt!a- - 1. 'sores.;mac or r.wt•n .a •c.o•v.u.o. M:r.cr•s.e• r:,' ..••• 0. s.-..•c.�,...•-• .� .f s I•• ♦ tis�~•5 ♦ �: t. = t ti-.- - T. !I _ \. p►, ac•a•r1w.u.wwucca.r.a1+:tt r•..t• ••c•ot•:aa. - }.•. i t1.• r f .ec,. a • tl•Y _ v,• •r,••I .••... y• �""y`" q• y i 4 yit- ft. wru •ro t�u.•u• •c•rt• .•u .< r.w•ue n uc. •ot •L J ti? • �4.- KL ' C iy� S 4 I A APO sa 1:. l 1',� 44 r •V�1 i� o.�t• .t 1.otvlwnt r.•r.rt ..ut • rr.c r...c. t � tt °q 'K j .x'""` --cyJ� +• J t. . rwrt on ,cv.ua.c. .o w c. .w ro•,n o. •.r...« ..i. :.ta... a o e•• 4 /• . • 1- C S#, iP -0`T ,yy o: • "a k - I _-.-- • r.� .[ cu nn'.T�/1- •..-. •.v �� ----- �.J +_. Y- ♦� .14� Fd�.,� laC :sr` 4 is'. t- c..1,•r.t•,•. • ___.� T. r u T .4= •1/.4 ~ �''•. 5 - .r.r •.• c•at a.cca•, •r u. c.., •1 R e.I� t�. �y 1 �1. S I - • rw. •.•..1. - .. !}:.--ar? u..1[��PSi��'S.v'r's[a.S'r a' I�d -�'+r�'�I- __ -. . • c 1 ....VA' 1 .... .o.. ... r......••. 1•,,.1 N..a .,. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE � � a SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. C0 , UPON PETTION OF & ze'&?Z~S`__ �` WHEREAS, �� has filed a written petition to anr9x to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, ` BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: '� � a� ����� ��� �a -v - « - -°' ^ ^ - " -~' ^ w ° ' ' ORDINANCE NO. :CONT'D. be received, annexed to, and made part of — and the same is hereby received, annexed to; and made part of — the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the2.jaubl i c and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvementsupon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first' reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect'-°from -and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie: PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ,14 DAY OF .5:1�2 7q 1985. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary EXHIBIT "A" BEING a tract of land situated in the R.D.Newman Survey, Abst. #660 , and being all of the 55 acre tract of land conveyed to L.M.Taylor by A.D.Hatton, etux, by Deed dated December 17 , 1951, and recorded in Vol. 442 , Page 247, of the Collin County Deed Records; and being all of the 196 . 5 acre FIRST TRACT of land, all of the 0 .61 acre SECOND TRACT of land, all of the 14 acre THIRD TRACT of land, all of the 10 acre FOURTH TRACT of land, all of the 10 acre FIFTH TRACT of land and all of the 10 acre SIXTH TRACT of land conveyed to Er1e M.Taylor (wife of L.M.Taylor) and Barbara Taylor by E.T.Standifer by Deed dated August 23 , 1951, and recorded in Vol . 436 , Page 117 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas , and being more fully described by metes and bounds as follows , to-wit: BEGINNING at an existing iron pin set beside a corner fence post at the Northeast corner of the said 196 .5 acre tract, same being in the East line of the said R.D.Newman Survey, same also being at the Southeast corner of the said 0 .61 acre tract; THENCE North 12 deg. 55 min. East with an old fence and hedge row 35 .0 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 0 deg . 16 min. West 1285 .0 feet with the East line of the said 0 .61 acre tract and with an old fence and hedge row and with the East line of said Newman Survey to a point in said hedge row for a corner; THENCE South 89 deg. 57 min. West 21 feet across a ravine to a point in an old fence for a corner; THENCE South 0 deg . 16 min. East with an old fence for a distance of 530 feet and continuing across an open field in all a distance of 1285 feet to a point in said field for a corner; THENCE South 12 deg . 55 min. West 35 .0 feet across an open field to a point in the North line of said 19 . 5 acre tract for a corner; THENCE South 89 deg. 57 min. West 1618 . 54 feet with the North line of said 196 . 5 acre tract and with an old fence and hedge row to an existing iron pin set therein for a turn; THENCE South 89 deg. 56 min. West 1917 . 64 feet with the North line of said 196 . 5 acre tract and with the North line of the said 10 acre FOURTH TRACT and with an old fence and hedge row to an existing iron pin set therein for a turn; THENCE North 89 deg . 28 min. West 1268 . 31 feet with the North line of the said 10 acre FOURTH TRACT and with the North line of the said 55 acre tract and with an old fence and hedge row to an existing old truck axle driven at the Northwest corner of the said 55 acre tract for a corner; THENCE South 0 deg . 46 min. West 1486 .94 feet with an old fence and hedge row and with the West line of said 55 acre tract to a point therein for a turn; THENCE South 0 deg . 21 min. East 800 .0 feet with the East line of said 55 acre tract and with an old fence to a point therein for a turn; THENCE South 0 deg. 45 min. West 381.61 feet with the West line of said 55 acre tract and with an old fence to an iron pin set in the center of an old dirt road at the Southwest corner of said 55 acre tract for a corner; THENCE North 89 deg. 54 min. East 1157.04 feet with the South line of said 55 acre tract and the South line of said 196 . 5 acre tract and with a new iron post fence built in the center of an old dirt road to the end of said fence on the West side of a branch for a turn; THENCE North 89 deg . 29 min. East 501.0 feet with the South line of said 196 . 5 acre tract and with the center of an old dirt road to a point therein for a turd; • THENCE North 89 deg . 39 min. East 700 . 8 feet with the South line of said 196 . 5 acre tract and with the center of an old dirt road to an existing R.R.Spike set on top of the East bank of Muddy Creek in the center of said road for a turn; THENCE Easterly with the center of said old dirt road as follows : South 89 deg. 55 min. East 659 .12 feet; North 89 deg . 55 min. East 400 .0 feet; South 89 deg . 50 min. East 800 .02 feet; South 89 deg . 37 min. East 478 .04 feet; South 87 deg. 51 min. East 148 . 78 feet to an iron pin set on the Northeast side of a 24 inch diameter Bois D'Arc tree at the Southeast corner of the said 196 .5 acre tract for a corner; THENCE North 0 deg . 23 min. East 440 . 46 feet with the East line of said 196 . 5 acre tract and with an old fence and the East line of said Newman Survey to an existing iron pin set therein for a turn; THENCE North 0 deg . 17 min. West 1040 . 25 feet with the East line of said 196 . 5 acre tract and with a new fence built on the same line of an old fence and on the East line of the said Newman Survey to an existing iron pin set therein for a turn; THENCE North 0 deg . 03 min. East with5the2East feet linewith ofthe saidEast Newmanline of said 196 .5 acre tract and Survey and with an old fence to .a point therein for a turn; THENCE North 0 deg. 15 min. '6399.3feet with the East line of said 196 .5 acre tract and with. the `;Eastline of the said Newman Survey and with an old fence to thCFLACE -OF 'BEGINNING and containing , 295.284 acres of land. N„. � 1.; 1 _ • a; t r • • • Lfb•+..64 ,isr rt ]S EXHIBIT "A" • Page 2 of 2,;Pages PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE: STATE. OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COL.L I N: TO THE (CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYL.I E, COL_L_I N`N COUNTY , 1214L- No 4J c"a i i e s _. 2__Z, //' 1/[�`a��� �� '444 o f t fl f? �_.C=�l n t:.'v' i::?t �� and the Stat i_f Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said Ci. ty of Wylie, Texas, that he i s the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described t.ract of land which is contiguous and adjacent:: to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: Q jj , ' PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D' PAGE 2 Sai _ represents that he and *�/ r all 6 owre-s-d�l�- -------exed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATU|E5 OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness hand of this petitioner this the _ dav of __n Signature / y _____- Please PrintName " v Address ' /!� � ���L___nlo City Texas Zip Telephone ' . THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigrrd Not- Public on this day personally appeared ^�v� , known to me to be the persda~ whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given d hand and seal of office this the ���_��_ day l9E�� ' x�-� NotarPublic ollin County Texas " " PROPERTY DESCRIPTI( BEING a tract of land in the Aaron West Survey, Abstract No. 979, situated in Collin County, Texas, and being a part of that certain 48.35 acre tract of land conveyed to G. H. Richards by T. E. Turner and wife, Gracie Turner by deed re- corded in Volume 263, Page 491 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of that certain 2.498 acre tract of land con- veyed to Lonnie Dukes and wife, Corinne Dukes by Harold L. Blake, Jr. and wife, Linda L. Blake by deed recorded in Volume 1125, Page 586 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said point being o; the centerline of Stone Road and the North line of the Aaron West Survey; THENCE South 7°36'30" East along the center of a small branch, 249.3 feet; O THENCE WEST 108.0 feet to the center of Rush Creek; THENCE along the center of Rush Creek as follows: North 8°g0' West, 18.25 feet; North 17 05 ' West, 23.8 feet; North 44:58' West, 213.3 feet; North 3$ 38' West, 29.3 feet; North 1 48' 30" West, 31 .17 feet to a point on the centerline of Stone Road; THENCE EAST along the centerline of Stone Road, 255.6 feet to the PLACE OF BE- GINNING, and containing 1 .0401 acres of land, more or less. Date 2-/9-05 . i GEORGE G.‘ PEWITT, REGISTERED PUBLIC SURVEYOR . \ ' •• .. . .c. .• \''''. \ \ \ ck I \\\ 1 \ '•-. STO A/ E s \\ \ -- -0-°-/p/ R 0 A r' r' -- - - - .- . ZO 6 j -- I •— E 4 5 T Z55.667‘.. \ 1 — *- •- - - -.5ev. 5 5 .,?.-0-s.-057-- - ---If- _ , _ — , ,i,, 0 '• , _ ___5 , _At, __ - 0- : \ - , 1.• , r.• .\ • • ---------- -11. -- 694' \\ l' ) 856 iNivitv 6 1 1,- _______ _ 11' '-,A 644 lu‘ - - -I t,, ! 1 i V\I ...N.:- . \ '‘,\ op•° I . 1 \.1 'Z t.0• ,. il •,e' - •‘• • • t.k7 \ 4 ‘..1•• \ ,s o, ,,, .__... ,,,. j t \J 1 • R% LONNIE DUKES .\. --7- "" -(1 ‘, . 00 ..• \:-..rzt, \ . \.1.1 ••.r • \ pp (N . .41. /2/c/44.4 Os •.,,z9p_ s, ,,, , -, \ • \-1S4. . ' - 1 . i N V. 763 e 4f/ , Nc"--1- '\ , \ \ • 1 1 \ \ . t.,05. 7 ., \.\2,,\ ' - ' , \\‘ ..,\ .,. 2 0' E456/%1ENT i V ... ...--': ' '•• ' ', 1( '. \ "--7•••0 IV. TM. VD ti 17 -,A 00 \ 1 \ . , C. -:' • I , . 4 ' i\I g000 . - . ..-.; IwEir /08-0 , \ \... , , 8 \ \.. \\ ! 1 ,f ,(=='•,4:7 -,A/ izI/E5 7-- .5 Z_//F7 1/6 Y . r , \ \ N- M ^ . . , . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE /J .\ SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. UPON PETTION OF WHEREAS, ��� �/ ��'Lr��f4 has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: �� ' D //�-/ /^/`w '��� " ^ ��� EXHIBIT "A" BEING all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in Collin County, Texas, being out of the William Sachse Survey, Astract No. 835, and being part of a 67.870 acre tract of land conveyed to Maurice Britten recorded in Volume 1124, Page 182, Collin County Deed Records and being more particular- ly described as follows: Commencing in the West line of a County Road and the North line of said 67.870 acre tract, said point being the Northeast corner of a 7.50 acre tract of land conveyed to Duane C. Helmberger and wife, Alice F. Helmberger, thence: South 00 deg. 02 min. 51 sec. East along the West line of said County Road and the East line of said 7.50 acre tract at 542.22 feet passing the Southeast corner of said 7.50 acre tract and continuing a total distance of 576.32 feet, said point being in the center of a 60 foot Ingress and Egress Easement, thence: South 89 deg. 56 min. 24 sec. West 638.40 feet along the center of said 60 foot Ingress and. Egress Easement to an iron stake set for corner the Place of Beginning; THENCE: South 89 deg. 56 min. 24 sec. West 463.49 feet along the center of said 60 foot Ingress and Egress Easement to an iron stake set for corner. THENCE: North 00 deg. 02 min. 26 sec. West 576.31 feet to an iron stake set for corner. THENCE: North 89 deg. 40 min. 23 sec. East 43.19 feet to a fence post found for corner. THENCE: South 49 deg. 11 min. 26 sec. East 120.00 feet along fence line to a fence post found for corner. THENCE: South 85 deg. 24 min. 14 sec. East 331.00 feet along fence line to an iron stake set for corner. THENCE: South 00 deg. 00 min. 15 sec. West 471.12 feet along the West line of said 7.50 acre tract to the Place of Beginning and containing 5.359 acres of land. ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _J01>3_ DAY OF John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary v * � ANNEXATION OR CITY LIMITS EXTENSION PETITION (For use in General Law Cities of less than 5 , 000 population where territory is inhabit- ed by less than three qualified voters or is unoccupied. ) TO THE MAYOR AND GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS The undersigned owners of the hereinafter described tract of land, which is vacant and without residents , or on which less than three (3) qualified voters reside , hereby petition your Honorable Body to extend the present city limits so as to include as a part of the City of Wylie , Texas , the following described territory, to wit : (See enclosure exhibit "A") We certify that the above described tract of land is con- tiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie , Texas , is not more than one-half (1/2) mile in width, and that this petition is sign- ed and duly acknowledged by each and every person or, corpora- tion having an interest insaid land, (4e,. .e2,,:_de,„e<7" .7z:7,7/a_ THE STATE OF TEXAS : COUNTY OF COLLIN . Before me , the u-id ersi„gned ,authority, on this day per- sonally appeared , k ,7/J 4_52 , and CCi/.b,FA tifio,pC' known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and each acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. _ yD iven under my handd And seal of office , this �2 day of C c/44e tary Public , //%� County, Texas LEONARD In and For The State of Tees U' My Commission Expires 3-12-1986 1 . 1 ' APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS Instruction : Please fill out completely . If more space is needed , use extra sheet (s ) . Date - (Q - 4 1 . APPLICANT : 1\ l>WkdSaY. l pc„ 1 c�t-� Phone No . Address : 30 / _S �e7e,raO AIIe f 7S-nc�Z 2 . AGENT OR ATTORNEY : //A Phone No . Address : 3 . ZONING REQUEST : From rGL✓M To r.clu.Sr,c-.J 4 . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : (Lot (s ) ; Block (s) ; Name of Subdivision or Addition ` £e' e r-Q 5 e>4- ( If description is by metes and bounds , please attach on separate sheet ) 5 . PRESENT USE OF LAND (If vacant land, so state ) 6 . PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT & REASONS FOR ZONING REQUEST: �ainv/7L16,4.y /A1/ i o77 d'2 /ft vd /A/ 14 ee4 • 7 . STATUS OF APPLICANT: (If other than owner , attach written authority from owner) (a) Owner (b) Trustee (List name of individuals for whom property is held in trust) (c) Corporation (List names & title of officers & names of board of directors ) (d) If application is made by sgmgone other than the above , please indicate relationship between applicant and owner , if any , or the capacity in which the applicant is submitting the application (e . g . prospective purchaser , tenant , relative , etc . ) 8 . FILING FEE: 2 c O() (Make check payable to the City of Wylie ) 9 . Mail or bring application (along with filing fee) to the Planning Department , City of Wylie , 114 N . Ballard ; P . O . Box 428 ; Wylie , Texas 75098 . For Office Use Application No. � v 4:2/4 Signatu e of Applicant f. EXHIBIT "A" BEING all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in Collin County, Texas, being out of the William Sachse Survey, Astract No. 835, and being part of a 67.870 acre tract of land conveyed to Maurice Britten recorded in Volume 1124, Page 182, Collin County Deed Records and being more particular- ly described as follows: Commencing in the West line of a County Road and the North line of said 67.870 acre tract, said point being the Northeast corner of a 7.50 acre tract of land conveyed to Duane C. Helmberger and wife, Alice F. Helmberger, thence: South 00 deg. 02 min. 51 sec. East along the West line of said County Road and the East line of said 7.50 acre tract at 542.22 feet passing the Southeast corner of said 7.50 acre tract and continuing a total distance of 576.32 feet, said point being in the center of a 60 foot Ingress and Egress Easement, thence: South 89 deg. 56 min. 24 sec. West 638.40 feet along the center of said 60 foot Ingress and-Egress Easement to an iron stake set for corner the Place of Beginning; THENCE: South 89 deg. 56 min. 24 sec. West 463.49 feet along the center of said 60 foot Ingress and Egress Easement to an iron stake set for corner. THENCE: North 00 deg. 02 min. 26 sec. West 576.31 feet to an iron stake set for corner. THENCE: North 89 deg. 40 min. 23 sec. East 43.19 feet to a fence post found for corner. THENCE: South 49 deg. 11 min. 26 sec. East 120.00 feet along fence line to a fence post found for corner. THENCE: South 85 deg. 24 min. 14 sec. East 331.00 feet along fence line to an iron stake set for corner. THENCE: South 00 deg. 00 min. 15 sec. West 471.12 feet along the West line of said 7.50 acre tract to the Place of Beginning and containing 5.359 acres of land. . . ~ . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' , WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that h g f zoning which is on application of /y�� _ 'should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: Said property being describqd as follows: EXHIBIT "A" BEING all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in Collin County, Texas, being out of the William Sachse Survey, Astract No. 835, and being part of a 67.870 acre tract of land conveyed to Maurice Britten recorded in Volume 1124, Page 182, Collin County Deed Records and being more particular- ly described as follows: Commencing in the West line of a County Road and the North line of said 67.870 acre tract, said point being the Northeast corner of a 7.50 acre tract of land conveyed to Duane C. Helmberger and wife, Alice F. Helmberger, thence: South 00 deg. 02 min. 51 sec. East along the West line of said County Road and the East line of said 7.50 acre tract at 542.22 feet passing the Southeast corner of said 7.50 acre tract and continuing a total distance of 576.32 feet, said point being in the center of a 60 foot Ingress and Egress Easement, thence: South 89 deg. 56 min. 24 sec. West 638.40 feet along the center of said 60 foot Ingress and_ Egress Easement to an iron stake set for corner the Place of Beginning; ' THENCE: South 89 deg. 56 min. 24 sec. West 463.49 feet along the center of said 60 foot Ingress and Egress Easement to an iron stake set for corner. THENCE: North 00 deg. 02 min. 26 sec. West 576.31 feet to an iron stake set for corner. THENCE: North 89 deg. 40 min. 23 sec. East 43.19 feet to a fence post found for corner. THENCE: South 49 deg. 11 min. 26 sec. East 120.00 feet along fence line to a fence post found for corner. THENCE: South 85 deg. 24 min. 14 sec. East 331.00 feet along fence line to an iron stake set for corner. THENCE: South 00 deg. 00 min. 15 sec. West 471.12 feet along the West line of said 7.50 acre tract to the Place of Beginning and containing 5.359 acres of land. • ~ - SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3, That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5' That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense' SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to Permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City' Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS - - , this the __ day of 4� , �- - -- --��� l9g jn� JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ^ ^ PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COL.L I N: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYL I E, COLL I N COUNTY, TEXAS: No) c17rrtes \k . - Li[e rL of the County o=f _. _h _ Sltate of Texas, and represents to the City Council the said City of Wylie, Texas, .that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or- partnerships or coprorations who are owners of the followini.j described tract of alnd which is within the City Limits cf the City of Wylie, in Collin County, texas, and described follows: Said property being described as follows : BEING a tract of land situated in the S.B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the South R.O.W. line of F.M. 3412 (a 90' R.O.W. ) ; THENCE N 88° 30' W, a distance of 160.0 feet to a point of curvature to the right, said curve having a central angle of 60° 03' and a radius of 98.85 feet; THENCE along said curve, an arc distance of 100.45 feet to a point of tangency; THENCE S 28° 27' E, a distance of 121. 12 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE N 89° 13' W, a distance of 154.02 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 1°36' W, a distance of 90.04 to a point for a corner; THENCE N 89° 13' W, a distance of 149.45 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE N 1° 30' E, a distance fo 250.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 52,624 square feet or 1.208 acres of land. • '7/ PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 • Said 7: repre sents that he and allother- owners r re zoning to he changed from Pti to �t, in accordance with the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning subiect to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectful ) prays that the land above described hne zoned by the said City of Wylie, Teas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness Lr_ hand of this petitionP,r- this the y` -�,.,'--- day of _ __'f L.4----- , 1 98 1 Signature ___ __c_T__1'.1-.L•U-5__-________- P1 ease Print Name • Street address or Her; No. .5 p:7 City Texas Zip ,a7 -O'f/ - ------- Telephone 7A , THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the u y Public on this day personally appeared �� /� �> � known to me to be the person whos name scribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledg�d to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Giv my hand and l office this the day of L ______, 19�Z� / _ Notary Public, Collin /County, 7"xas / Metanmuie,mmmTa= 4Comr.i/,-y^Exvire, ' ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5> , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinio at t spjd change of zoning which is on application of ��' ^�^ -=�-���_ ' - - - should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinanceof the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: Said property being described as follows: � � , C c' / ' • • • • • • • i Said property being described as follows: BEING a tract of land situated in the S.B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the South R.O.W. line of F.M. 3412 (a 90' R.O.W. ) ; THENCE N 88° 30' W, a distance of 160.0 feet to a point of curvature to the right, said curve having a central angle of 60° 03' and a radius of 98.85 feet; THENCE along said curve, an arc distance of 100.45 feet to a point of tangency; THENCE S 28° 27' E, a distance of 121.12 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE N 89° 13' W, a distance of 154.02 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 1°36' W, a distance of 90.04 to a point for a corner; THENCE N 89° 13' W, a distance of 149.45 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE N 1° 30' E, a distance fo 250.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 52,624 square feet or 1.208 acres of land. 7 • • 7 SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be ' subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each Offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the day of --�-��-�--- JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR ATTEST: ' ' Carolyn Jones, City Secretary . v ' ` ' _ . ORDINANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR MOVING BUILDINGS EITHER W%TN%M OR INTO THE CITY OF WYLIEv ESTABLISHING FEES FOR INSPECTION, ESTABLISHING FEES FOR MOVING SUCH BUILDINGS, PROVIDING SEVERENCF CLAUSE PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Whereas, the City of Wylie presently has no adequate ordinance to control the movement of structures and Whereas, it is the desire of the City Council to provide their citizens with safe and habitable structures and Whereas, it is the intention of 'the City Council to protect the streets and alleys of the City from damage due to the wieght of structures being moved. THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas that: SEC. 1 REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any person to move, or cause to be moved, any building or structure into the city, or from one location in the city to another location within the city without first having made application for and secured a permit to move such building or structure from the city manager . SEC. 2 APPLICATION. The person desiring to move any building or structure, shall file a written application with the city manager for a permit to make such movement of such building or structure. As a minimum, said application shall contain the following: (a) The name and address of the owner of the building or structure. (b) The name and address of the mover of such building or structure. (c) The present exact location of the building or structure to be moved. (d) The proposed route to be followed in moving such building or structure. (e) The exact location to which such building or structure is to be moved. (f ) The size of the structure to be moved or the size of the building to be moved. (g) The composition of the building or structure to be moved. (h) The approximate weight of the building or structure to be moved within two (2) tons. (i ) Such other and further information as the city manager shall require. SEC. 3 FEES. Along with the application for a permit required by the provisions of this ordinance, he applicant therefor shall pay to the city an inspection fee of one hundred ( 100. 00) dollars' In the event the structure is located outside the 77 city limits of the City of Wylie an additional fee of thirty five ( . 35) cents per mile shall be assessed. SEC. 4 INPECTION OF BUILDING. On or before ten ( 10) days following the date of the application (not including the date of such application) , the city manager shall cause the building to be moved to be inspected by the following persons: (a) The fire marshal (b) The building inspector. (c) The city engineer or street superentendant. SEC. 5 REPORT OF INSPECTION. * The persons named in section 4 shall make a written report to the city manager relative to the building or structure to be moved under a permit required by the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 6 TIME LIMITATION FOR ACTION. Within ten ( 10) days after receipt of the written report provided for in section 5 the city manager shall act on the application for a permit required by the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 7 GROUNDS FOR DENIAL. No permit shall be issued under the provisions of this division if : (a) The applicant fails to answer truthfully any question contained in the application. (b) In the opinion of the city engineer, based upon engineering calculations, the movement of the building or structure would be reasonably calculated to damage any public street or alley to a greater extent than ten thousand ( 10, 000. ) dollars. (c) In the opinion of the fire marshal or building inspector, the building or structure does not conform to the minimum building standards set forth and established in the one & two family dwelling Code adopted by the City of Wylie and/or if such building or structure would constitute a hazard to the public from the standpoint of fire or windstorm. (d) In its new location, the building or structure would violate the uee and structure provisions of the city zoning ordinance. SEC. 8 FIRE ZONE REQUIREMENTS. All buildings and other structures to be moved into the fire zone of the city or to be moved from one location in the fire zone to another location in the fire zone, must meet the requirements with regard to fire resistance of the one and two family code as adopted before a permit to move such building or structure will be issued. There shall be no exceptions to this provision. SEC. 9 BOND REQUIRED. � ' / � ' - In the event any person who shall obtain a permit under the provisions of this ordinance shall need to use the public streets of the city in moving a building or structure, then such person shall be required to post bond in not less than the sum of ten thousand ( 10, 000) 'dollars in some surety company authorized to do business in the state, payable to the city, conditioned that such person will pay all cost of repairs or damage to the said public streets or alleys occasioned by such movement of such building over and along such streets or alleys. SEC. 10 Appeal . Any person aggrieved by the deci�sion of the city manager may appeal to the city councilby ,filing a written notice with the city secretary of such person' s intention to appeal to the city council , stating /in such notice the decision appealed from and the ground or grounds upon which such appeal is to be based. Such notice must be filed with said city secretary within ten ( 10) days following the date of the decision of the city manager. SEC. 11 Action by the city council . At the next regular meeting of the city council following the receipt of notice of intention to appeal , the city council shall order a public hearing to be held at the city hall within ten ( 10) days from the date of such regular meeting. In computing the ten (10) day period, the date of said regular meeting shall be excluded. At such public hearing, no grounds not set out in the notice of appeal shall be considered by the city council . Such hearing may be continued or adjourned from day to day and from time to time until such person appealing shall have had a full , fair and impartial hearing. SEC. 12 Decision of the city council . If , after the hearing provided for in section 11 , the city council is of the opinion that the city manager has abused his discretion in refusing to 'grant such application for permit in that the reasons assigned therefor are not of material substance, or if after such hearing, the city council should determine that because of the circumstances of the case, an unreasonable and undue hardship would result to the person seeking such permit, the city council may order the issuance of the required permit, otherwise such application shall be denied. DIVISION 2 GENERALLY ° SEC. 1 . Purpose of ordinance provisions. The provisions of this ordinance have been designed with the purposes in view of protecting the public streets and alleys from damage, destruction and abuse; to protect the public health; to protect the public from the calamities of fire and windstorm; and to promote +he general welfare of the citizens of the city. With these purposes in view, the provisions of this ordinance shall be given the most liberal construction that will accomplish the results or purposes aforesaid. SEC. 2. Effect of ordinance provisions with respect to public utility lines. ~~�~� ��7 Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed in any manner to require the city to move, change or alter, in any manner, any public utility line or lines to enable the movement of such building or structure. The person moving any building or structure under the provisions of this article, or making application therefor, shall make arrangements with the public utility companies involved for such change, alteration, movement or removal of such public utility lines. SEC' 3 PENALTY Any person, firm, corporation or other entity who is found guilty of violationg the terms* of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction of any such violation, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the amount permitted by State Law. SEC. 4 SEVERABILITY It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraph, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this ordinance are severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by any judgement or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other remaining phrase, clause, sentence paragraph or section of this ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed the remaining portions even though it had known the affected parts would be held unconstitutional . SEC. 5 PUBLICATION The caption of this ordinance shall be published one time in a newspaper of general distribution in the City of Wylie. SEC. 6 EFFECTIVE DATE ' This ordinance shall become effective upon its publication in a newspaper of general circulation. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS THIS THE DAY OF 1985. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: ^ _ Carolyn Jones, City Secretary �� �� PARK" / ' �L a_ ' \ nec ouunru�.0 �o: .,,Y. Ni .O 3n of mprove- O /C" / 9U Chairman. Planningandy of • �Q / i �, 0 City of Wylie, Texas at in- Q� �� '� i/ 1p s 19,te c Approved and Accepted as. •�\' o• .Q/ / 0 9.s 8' Z yv 1 Q�P hi; y0' / a \ ►�� 236 ,( / �, Mayor, City of Wylie,- 4) .)_t_ eill\ \ . 'to I°) ./ 4 4- ,�1 y APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCT I. 1 �l ti q3 p5 / 1- \ - ' ta\ I 0� ,��/ // �_1' \ Mayor, City of Wylie. O0� .d / 0• %.. INS 0 /0 } -dg•37/O. .,Q . • 0 Q yh / h NI 3 ,� zo/•77 - The undersigned, the P� /\y �� / i �/9 wI of "CENTURY BUSINESS /� " - Op °� 1 '' the day of _ CD�� ^', ' • •, y S / .vQ► ,/y1 i � 5O• I Z p the dedication of str 'C` set forth in and upon (_. ,. . I -� M by signing his name a .4 1 J Q. / -_ / I *lo .� N: ''`"• Witness my hand this _ • Pf / // At OG� c�j¢ / 096A4.' J' a l� in N !� p�0 gyp/ // �� h . } _ rj{,//� / •Qq. ,12yb• /V•s;A� oI CC ZOO�Y }* /�%C / / „' O'/ 0�%O m m 1 1 V QI ~ 0. o �- �1y7.� P p0 I ./(# k i "0 • Z 0 w 1. - A/,55.37'/0"W I h n ti tt to d /' .ram'• ti '� BLOCK B// 4/ / qi CO h � 2 8 3 Z : N h 0. I to ZOO.O IV N 0 / tsia•ZiW''( �.9L N 54V•�Os'kil I N N r v \ DG. E /t.o.....•I I o• I ;. Q _ / .y ` \ 20 Bl LIN 1 O `�- O J'� ''� /�9-p 5_TEC.esw.77-?��t 5/ 20.05-- -- - kfl 0 N �tr ^ ND4'2e'Q/ W 546.9G "� 0I N c: \� !� o DIVIDEND DRIVE r� . / ryo \ O h M N \ \�TE� . .)1! Zdy 0 0 0 / .'Dk �6. GG.55 /50.0 /50.0 /40.0 01 1 ����\ ��Ip Ih0' �°� d1� 0�' i , 20' BL6T LINE �02� I \ •��.\ \�\ en 14. , I ZOO.O ��� ply ` 3 Ih v 0 I , UN 4TTEO 544 Industrial E 0 /�hld /^ F.J�4. 544. �' � nV ^� r / /� ' PROJECT- / / / . /vJ7'43' /97 G/ • N / /DZG/ \ I /• �/ 1 N / ' LOCATION / / / /, I I /o I I a / % I LOT ,3 O.5/23 .4CRE8 / I/ I 1 I / / ��1\ 2. 2 16 4 CRE. I _ / / 3 LOTS - ZONE. / / s / , 5B7'43 V/ /3'7 4/ 47 e6.52 / 125.ot / h O 29.0 `) / / , Pic/t ininaiy D�a / Q = G / A A 76.0. / 10•0i I !- 7. 85 b 1• is- Acres = 2./ ' ' 6 973 / �� To Ran-cFr = /lo / BLOCK / / / I I � tfl / / 1 N / LOT / I / 1\ ' .v 1 �' /.3433.4CI / '4 , o i / / a t� 1 � / / oo kN I ? 1 N 1 ) N '1 I I .OKL414' l4 AN/MDL 12 �' 0 / ti o 'q k j am_ By-PROO[/CTs, INC. e ''' , ,,, , . . L. , kt,ikii, • , ,,. East k) �k htiU I GO.a i / I 1 / I I h hkli / C 1 LO7 2 V O O./404 4C. � R V / ____ ____ _ / [1.— 1 I / /37 63 / I 1 GO.ii ..-�' t -`--_ / Er/sr. e"w.c.�— / i —EXn1r. B"54N1.sr✓R. --► ----- , I — // sty i 1 • O Rr 37 . Le /9774 .Asph./f • ROAD NO 544 •.. X/RBY STREET ,o r i-- Hooper Engineering Laboratories , Inc. Construction Materials Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE TESTS JOB NO. : • CLIENT: J.C. Boney Construction Co. DATE: 12 March 1985 PROJECT: Meadow of Wylie SUPPLIER: B3'Y LOCATION OF POUR Set 1: Meadows Repour LOCATION OF POUR Set 2: SAMPLE DATA: SET 1 SET 2 MIX NO. Truck No. Cement Ticket No. Flyash Time Batched Sand Time Sampled in. Concrete Temp. in. Air Content Water Unit Weight Admix AEA COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TESTS (Standard 6 inch x 12 inch cylinder) Cylinder Slump Age Test Total Load Compressive Required No. Inches Days Date Pounds Strength Strength at 28 Days 41Th/ -11 ,11I 122 7 4/19/85 115,200 4075 123 28 5/10/85 124 28 5/10/85 I 28-day average 3000 Inspector: ($et 1) Contr. ($et 2) DISTRIBUTION: (2) Contractor - J.C. Boney Construction Co. , (2) City - City of Wylie 2870 Walnut Hill Lan• Dallas . Texas 78228 (214) 381.8410 1, :' i 1 FENCE COMPANY WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST 823-1272 "FINEST FENCES ANYWHERE" ---823.1272 928 S. PEAK DALLAS, TEXAS 75223 —" DON RICHERSON OWNER This contract is subject to the terms and conditions stated below. and is not binding upon L & C Fence Company until accepted. SKETCH DESCRIPTION OF WORK WOOD MATERIAL 60 ft. of 12 ga. wire backstop. No. Feet 4" sch. 40 pipe posts Height POINT: 1 5/8" sch. 40 pipe top rail. 6' overhang $3265. 00 Gates CHAIN LINK MATERIAL Type 302' of 10' 9 ga. wire wings and dugouts. No. Feet 3" terminal posts sch. 40 pipe 2 3/8" lind posts sch. 40 pipe. Height 1 5/8" top rail sch. 40 pipe $5631. 00 Gates Property Stakes Plat Attached Total job cost on completion $8896. 00 On Line Within Knuckle Up Barb Up Straight Top Level Top SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Follow Ground Electrical Outlet • e PHONE Res. NAME City of Wylie ADDRESS 800 W. Kirby PHONE Of The I&C Fence Co..'herein referred to as L&Cl.reserves the right to accept or relec any order.When accepted by I.&C this order becomes a contract It is understood that L 6 C has the right to reposes:without recourse or trespass,all materials not paid for according to the terms piths contract.it is agreed that more or less materials and labor than contracted for shall be debited or credited at current rates.For example more lootage will be added,less footage deducted.The customer Is solely responsible for locating.staking,and clearing fence lines.lithe customer desires L&C to clear its lines,we can do so at a predesignated charge.Also there wilt be an additional charge.II rock Incurred while digging.The talesman will assist the customer in determining where the fence is to be erected. but under no circumstances does L&C assume any responsibility regarding property lines.or in any way guarantee their accuracy.If property pins cannot be locales. it is best for the customer to get the property surveyed.L&C Is not responsible for repairing any underground sewer lines—water lines—electric lines—etc..unless L&C is informed of their location prior to fence construction.Illy plat or stakesl. All wood used in fences allows knots.small splits.and weather checks.The I&C does not know,and cannot state how long a lance will last.L&C does propose to furnish aft labor and material so specified to do said work in a good workmanship like manner In accordance with standard practice for this area.The company does also agree to have all workers covered by insurance.L 6 C further guarantees all materials to be paid for by the company.The L&•C welcomes its customers to visit our plant for inspection of our materials.and facilities. It Is understood that atter three 131 days the purchaser cannot revise or cancel this contract without the consent of the contractor.also that only written agreements in this contract are binding:that conditions beyond contractor's control that may delay construction will not lustily cancellation of this contract.Two 121 year warranty against faulty material and/or workmanship. PURCHASER AGREES TO PAY ON COMPLETION the total amount shown unless other arrangements are made at the time of signing this contract. RECOMMENDED BY: Bldg.Permit Fee _ _- 4-17-$5 Total Cost t—_-.- DATE Don Riche rson Cash on Completion s_ REPRESENTATIVE Bank Flnncing S ACCEPTED:L& C FENCE CO. «' PURCHASER By By WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT April 19 85 ABANDONED VEHICLES Checked by Officer 40 Ordinance Violation 0 Total 40 ACCIDENTS Major 4 Minor 10 Total 14 ANIMAL COMPLAINTS Loose Livestock 0 Dog at Large -j9 Dog Bite 1 Other 7 Total 17 AMBULANCE CALLS Emergency Sick Calls 37 Police-Related Calls _ Other _0 Total hS ALARMS ANSWERED In City Bank 3 Other Business 3 Residence 3 Out of City 0 Total 9 ASSISTANCE CALLS Motorist 2 Traffic •• �— Other 1U Total 12 ARRESTS MADE City Warrants 1 Out of City Warrants 14 Traffic charge -9 Other violations 15 Total 39 WRECKER CALLS Accident 11 Police-Related Pull 1_ Total 27 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS, Total 171 U�� WYPD-Monthly Report-page 2 April 1985 OFFENSES BURGLARIES Residence 1 Business Motor Vehicle 3 Coin-Operated Machines Total 6 THUS Under $750.00 Over 5750.00 4 0 Total 4 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Under $750.00 Over $750.007 0 Total ASSAULT Simple O Other Total • 0 HARASSMENT, Total 1 MISSING PERSONS/RUNAWAYS, Total 1 DWI , Total 3 OTHER: (Such as robbery , forgery , VSCA , etc. ) i�--- .*h^r�zed Use Motor Vehicle 1 Fnronry FLID 1 3 Violate Texas Alcoholic Bev. Code 1 UNATTENDED DEATH 1 Possession Mariivana • , 1 �res�assing DOG BITE Reckless Damage 1 Rarklp�G Driving 1 .—Injury to Child 1 �icvcle Theft 5 Total 18 CLEARANCES Felony 7 Misdemeanor 13 Total (Unclassified) 1 21 TRAFFIC STOPS, Total 212 Submitted this 4th day of May _ 19 85 KW 1°. 0'406' C OF POLICE it SUPPLEMENT TO MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT FOR APRIL 19 85 ACCIDENTS REPORTED DATE LOCATION INJURIES 1st 78 & Brown No 3rd 1378 & 3412 No 4th 78 & Hooper Yes 5th 78 & County Rd 389 Yes 7th. 78 & Skyview No 7th 78 & 1st No llth 78 & Linda Lane No 13th 78 & Williams No 21st 2514 & Paul Wilson Rd No 25th 78 & Eubanks No 27th Kirby & Birmingham Yes 28th Brown & 78 No 29th 2514 & Paul Wilson Road No �7 WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT e P.O.BOX 1062 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 2t4/442.2222 t)(' R.O.ABBOTT CHIEF OF POLICE SUPPLEMENT TO WYLIE PD MONTHLY REPORT COMPARATIVE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF APRTI. 19 85 % OF INCREASE 1985 1984 OR DECREASE ACCIDENTS . 14 _ 7, 7 70 T ARRESTS 39 36 8.3 7 �r TRAFFIC STOPS 212 160 32.5 %//i OFFENSES REPORTED 35 22 59• Io T 51. %D CALLS HAND 206 136 CLEARANCES 21 1— 110, .�cT SUBMITTED THIS 4th DAY OF May 19 85 R.D. Abbott Chief of Police L/ G Utz OF Ni if. WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT reiiie P.O.BOX 1062 WYLIE.TEXAS 75098 214/442-2222 H.O.ABBOTT '+�`'��/ CHIEF OF POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT VOLUNTEER POLICE UNIT APRIL. 1985 Total number of volunteer hours donated to the Police Department for the month of April 1985 equalled 153.25 hours. Of these 153.25 hours, 121.5 hours were spent on patrol with our officers as back-up officers, 19 hours were spent assisting in communications, and volunteer officers worked with regular officers on driver's license checks and also worked the bikeathon for St. Jude's, a civic project. These 153.25 hours were shared by a total of 4 volunteer officers, as we currently have one officer, Minier, on an inactive status and Sheely has resigned due to her employment with Plano Police Department. The hours donated equals nearly 13 twelve-hour shifts. R. A. (Bob) Casler has been named coordinator for the volunteer unit. N• 07/ R. D. ABBOTT Chief of Police RDA:ejg MUNICIPAL COURT CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY REPORT APRIL 1985 Docket Nos. 85-734 thru 85-889 Total number of complaints filed: 156 Charges: Speeding 24 Speeding, School Zone 5 Ran Stop Sign 4 Improper Passing 5 Drivers License Violations 15 Registration Violations 8 No Valid Inspection Certificate 13 No Proof Liability Insurance 22 Equipment Violations Public Intoxication 3 Failure to Appear 33 Pass School Bus 3 Fail to Cover Load 1 Possession Drug Paraphernalia 1 Permit Unlic. person/drive 1 Fail to ID at Accident 1 Obstructed View-rear window 1 Exhibition of Acceleration 3 Excessive Noise 1 Minor in Possession 3 Improper Parking 8 Violation/Garage Sale Ordinance 1 Court Activity: Pretrial Nolo Contendere (pd) 131 Quashed Complaint 0' Dismissed Complaint 19 Dismissed/Deferred Adjudication 0 Dismissed/Defensive Driving —7 Time Served in Lieu of Fine 1 Trial By Judge 5_ 4 guilty; 1 not guilty Trial By Jury Bond Forfeiture -17 Warrants Issued Warrants Executed - _ Warrants Recalled 10 Collections: Bond Forfeitures $ 1247.00 Cash Fines Paid 5066.50 Refunds/Out of City -0- 30 April 1985 Elizabeth J. Gray (1,-;Q FISCAL REPORT APRIL 1985 BANK ACCOUNT-MUNICIPAL COURT APPEARANCE BOND Beginning Bank Balance 1 April 1985 $4244.00 Total Deposits 2519.00 Disbursements: City of Wylie $ 1247.00 Out of City/Refunds/Bonds Returned -0- Total Disbursements 1247.00 Ending Bank Balance 30 April 1985 5516.00 • CASH TRANSACTIONS Cash on Hand 1 April 1985 -0- Total Cash Receipts 5790.73 Total Cash Disbursements/City of Wylie 5790.73 Cash on Hand 30 April 1985 -0- TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS/CITY OF WYLIE Account Cash Transaction Bond Forfeiture Total City, Public Safety $ 4125.00 $ 999.00 $ 5124.00 City, Code Enforce. -0- -0- -0- Crim. Just. Planning 505.00 85.00 590.00 Law Enforcement Ed. 101.00 17.00 118.00 Crime Victim Comp. 275.00 ' 137.50 412.50 Municipal Court Ed. 50.50 8.50 59.00 Refund/Overpayment 10.00 -0- 10.00 Bulk Water 564.60 -0- 564.50 Trash Bag Sales 115.00 -0- 115.00 Animal Control Fees _0_ -0- -0- Report Fees 44.00 -0- 44.00 Misc/Other 0.63 -0- 0.63 Cash Transactions ,Total 4790_73 Bond Acct. Total 1247.00 Grand Total $ 5790.73 Check Nos. 786 Receipt Nos. M09266 thru M09271; M09273 thru M09286; M09288 thru M09300; M09101-M09168 C09662 thru C09689; C09691 thru C09700; C09501 thru C09549 J08814 thru J08824; J08826-27; J08829-31; J08834; J08837-40 04-30-85 r I nrav MUNICIPAL COURT COMPARISONS CASES FILED: REMARKS: APRIL 1985 156 April 1985 essentially same as March 1985; MARCH 1985 155 Up 37% from April 1984 APRIL 1984 114 MONIES COLLECTED: APRIL 1985 $6303.50 April 1985 up 94% from March 1985; MARCH 1985 3246.00 Up 16.6% from April 1984 APRIL 1984 5406.50 • • 1 ��: :eth J. Gray • CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MONTH: APRIL, 1985 TOTAL WORK ORDERS: 284 WATER IN 1000 GALLONS _WATER PUMPED SOLD UNACCOUNTED. SFWA(F PIIMPFfl • WATER DEPARTMENT: 1984 1985 Line locations 24 Leaks 5 16 Rereads(Customer Request)Rereads(Our Request) 13 5 Finals 13 29 New Accounts 28 34 Taps 29 2 Broken or Replaced Meters---- 10 14 ..epa i red Meters 2 New Const.Meters 53 25 Miscellaneous 1 73 WATER LINE LAID 7 DAYS TAPS : � 3" 4" 3/4" 1" 1 , „ 2 2 . . ,4ATER LINE 3 EXTENSION-FT: j4„ 1" 1,2 211 2 2'! 3" i 4" 6" 8" f 10" 12" 1 14" i 16" ; 18" 1 1 ,640' REPLACE OR REPAIRED WATER LINES: 3/4" 1" pi„ 2", 2 2"" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" ': 16" 18" 3' pvc 21 ' METERS-CHANGE OUT: 3/4" 1"_. _1_r"... t 2" .21/2" . 3" _ _4 14 • • ME33 ..REBUL L „ 11/2" • _2-" ...- 2T' 3" 4-11- VALVES REPLACED: " 18" ' 3/4" 1" 1-z" , 2" 22" `-3" 4" 6" i 8" .10" 12" 14". . 16 I _.. 1 VALVES REBUILT: 3/4„ 2.y, 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" ' 16" 18" Z / r:k Al .N k }F" ' re. MONTHLY )2EPORT(CONTINUED) k •• ��; �pAGE 2 1 - .' „. ,, }t' 3F' r,, s'. .' L rye :k^ �, '` 2 '''ES'''',. ,i 'fit s w- SEWE ' DEPARTMENT >.1984 V' ': 1985 iz Line•Locateion 1.wrLii.r•.i_ . ",.*. . . • _ .- Jl' . :�. J r<' , 15 • Stoppages-w- .. _a4;. •..: 10 •i-... ::•==----i-- . , Taps } Pumps Repaaced --. -.. 1 r U, Motors R • ebuilt .•...r1 i:7,• Motors Replaced- k \ ., _ i -- •-i+ � M rwr ww ii is,;•• ir- i A i .Miscellaneous 16 ii,'t r - :' ; t � � $ r• •+r.r.i+lr� M.i�. 4#• 1 : • -•iw - -•. � , SEWEt4tIN '. EXTEN§AON -•FT 1011 ie.: " � ' r� , T. 1 .._ t `i .a i • �'e S'° -�'' •,1 ,� a. .7 4 .�,,fir. ,;, r*w. j: P y. } , I•' if r..' 7, .4.``DM A r� A2 1 �� "t f +te '�:4�' f,N..g 4• • .�, {' .,w.. 4R REPCAC�E .x ye � • ; FOOTAGE - .JETTED: } , ,,,tz :�. X • t �. { r 3 .,3'k ti. r. "Sr•.Gry -0 • Y atii ...'sV q .... q s oyfi. ,,j ".1 4.t 11yy•6.4 S t;� N. • � .7' aHs.:'�y,� � � B�K gab��k+as��'� }• �n � .G1�a�, �7 � 2u � ��22" 24�- Jr.::: •• �. . tit t -k,,, -y .r"z s r n 4,,,, 1• r` r k ,' '-"Pe,`,.., , i '' r- St 1`,'',.' l $ yi if gh r . j s.' .g k`a ..}, Y;-«moo fsq ` ^ 2 v s '',r P, 74 _. �..k° dj-,; ,,,'...-....,.'..'.„:;:,',•$,.":7",.'••.'•-••,3.,,,.',','4,'[.,,'[':,[,':..'z.„'$-[6:i'''e,x.-„!„",4k..-,,,,,[[:-',,.v-'.,.,.';,t","[",•'r[[c STREET. AND. DRAINAGE4DEPARTMENVs . 1984-'.. •-:'' _,. 1985 - �, Fez . db r ^r'a ,r�,. • . Small ' _ Repairs- . :..,.:. .. -j ' .i• _••r_. 1 Large• Repa i es -:,._ --_,- :_:� . -. 4 -,-x" 20 Replaced x p ed •or yew Const. Footage _'",4_ + (Ditches) Ft Drainage Cleared -. 2 (Ditches) Ft, Draina a Constructed- " (Culvert) .Ft Drainage Cleared-- w--- .-- , .(Culvert) Ft. Drainage Construced �" r -r• •3iPtr'r r•iw-• Mowed '- Block and:?Area- -r ------ . -- --------- Grading----- - --- -------------------------. - .. . . Miscellaneous � „ ..! .-�r•r-: �r••r -.- rot tirLifr„i.,.w•..•- 12 ' 'f i'x"!''L ^1't"4 4 ti d 1 •a 14 2 +y : ZL j'S . REPAIR'SUPPLIES:y m ,;F F +L c v*.i` l A N ,m 1 98�""'% a ♦ ,i "°`, ` 1985 - rV h , 'Aspha1 , t•ons) s 108•72Ians ' Concrete(yds.) :.. rYa-i•w_ 111 bags _5_ZXds. , • F y Sand.(yds.: ) - ---T.., . -';, 165ydS.a.:I4.,1QadS rt - rti•r r'. S ��L •.li iiir•• Gravel(yds.) -: �� r�s , White Rock(yds, ). r.r r ._ .:. .. -, ..4.t. 15yds._b_8_L4adS „ Lime -- 4;: • Miscellaneous �.•,.. L SANITATION DEPARTMENT. ' -q 1984` :' ' 1985 1' 'Special Pick-ups -w - •- - -1 .. ,Miscellaneous------------------- .. K, ISM h '; • a . ..r • .. Miscellaneo.0 Areas: ' , t z; f. • ' 1 i v", ,, .. ,� 5 d % ,fit 5 ... ' ?r `+i.s,ji��, a .A.t . t t -it i< _ �. _ ... Wo ,: ; ` ,`411 it tx Park1 bu11 t ;forms for picnic tables 4/9'mowed `•park°� Parks ortc,lMne,,and Dates. s . ,,hehind i�firo a oa ion''` antedI:,1,- ee i willows at oit ark 4 11 Put stak•es b trees ,,•• 7 - �, a lRu i •wri-• LriirR►•r..r.i�.•a.r-••iii.....i• _!'---r• .r.►• do•.i k b started "` 5' ,� ** ,. • ')`a round arc`s. 4/12.Butit forms',I`Orgp1a Ground. 4/15 Built:forms,.for play- < „ ,�rw-- wirri}• • r•i;rc' • -r •••i w.i}Y••r ,Y.rr.rw rw l" 9roun Ybi " b s* oVtabl a /16tiz� ibis i�forms for:'pl aydround ..4/17 Mowed 'r.. r • i •/sir $. .. w.li• 'r r. R. w• b l eveTe�rl sa*fid'�A otti -concrete at:'City P'a°r t"`4f'ia City Park' b' flower 'bed cleaned up. Took down forms-at 'City r Park:. 4/19 Mowed & P `grass .in flower beds Mowed Park field. MONTHLY REPORT (CONTINUED) PAGE 3 Library -Work Done and Dates Miscellaneous - Work Done and Dates 4J1/A5.5Alt.thfPrk East Ranchettes built ___ farms._far._water__tank._4/_1J.05.Ax9s0lAl1hQ.1, „c1_e, ted lines & installed risers. 4�31.85..Ftxed jester Jim_At.,p9g,,,pp ,d _N.3./85, ,,Chrged oil in water pumps a t Nar_th_texai 19tu1 l_ i 5 i s 4 3 85 u.t u s to s i n s tc.�t .R�.�4 4I�J. _p.�ttrl�.f r.�.hys�r�tt�.--f L--�---p---p g - 4/_3/ 5 .�1`eel_.Zndutri11.1_Rct��^_ 1� ,hQ,l_e„;_f ; pe d�wns.__4J4J85 Put out hat.mtx_$.r_e sttr_et:s�r_t�es�t Y.��_J..7J. .�.I{ lle.�l.} L . f4r 1'1t:__Welch _4J8J85 Mowed ,- fi utX l-un.Rd:A. 9. 4.tua .liar_tex.rulraery.l..&td. .ter__ttrte.._4/J3I.11.5. schools.__ ice(' le.C.%7 W.W."Bill " tdindham I Public Works Director City of 'Wylie • Miscellaneous Areas: Parks-Work Done and Dates. 4/26/85 Mowed Kirby Park, City Park & Shop area. Tried to start John Deere. 4/29/85 Cleaned up service center & worked on John Deere. 4/30/85 Bored holes in Timbers for playground swings. Miscellaneous Work Done and Dates: 4/9/85 Built forms on culverts to keep road from washing. 4/11/85 Picked up and delivered timbers to City Park. 4/11/85 Moved gas heater at Fire Station on Ballard. 4/12/85 Put out hot mix. 4/15/85 Install stop signs 4/15/85 Install no Thur trucks signs 4/15/85 Locate water valve Ballard,Butler, Jack Hammer Flume. 4/15/85 Locate Water Valve Kirby & Mardi Gras. 4/15/85 Jack Hammer out sidewalk & curb. 4/22/85 Worked on Equipment & trucks (rained) 4/26/85 Cleaned up & backfilled where water main cut at Oak & Douglas. 4/26/85 Cleaned up 2nd & Masters with backhoe & dump truck. 4/26/85 Cleaned up & backfilled at Hardcast, Inc. 4/29/85 Cleaned up service center (rained). 4/30/85 Checked water tank sites at Steel Industrial , door broke again, fixed it. 4/30/85 Hwy 78 & Brown replaced stop sign. 4/30/85 Picked up more timbers and nails for parks. BUILDING INSPECTION- WORK ORDERS April 1984 1985 BUILDING PERMITS Residential 0 16 Commercial 0' 2 Remodel 0 3 TOTAL 51 TOTAL 21 INSPECTIONS Electrical permits 14 15 Temporary Pole 17 15 Rough In 22 32 Final 43 7 Plumbing Permits 13 20 Rough-In 26 13 Topout 0 32 Final 19 13 Foundation 64 14 Framing 16 32 C. O. 14 11 Gas Line 8 8 Fence Permits 12 6 Fool Permits 1 Belly Steel 0 0 Fl atwork 0 34 Sprinklers 0 5 Mechanical Permits 0 26 Mechanical Inspects- 0 32 Mechanical Inspects2nd 0 13 Re-Inspection 0 12 TOTAL 320 342 Complaints 0 4 Code Inforcement Letters sent 0. 6 Charges filed 0 0 Convictions 0 0 TOTAL 0 10 • TOTAL WORK ORDERS 371 • 373 • 97 .7...t - . ' 'i • . " . ' s. .. ,st„,, .."-.4`'.7 s •., .,i.. s' . .1.• .!„: " ' "s'ss• 's 'rk''' .1., '. ,..0' ..0.-'•• '4:,);',' '-s' '''s..40-''''''-' 4,k.. •ti.t.,, • - .. .. ..,c--,.. ' .,„,'iy-1,• ,, . . ,. •."z t",),‘• ' : lt-,,r-.. , .. ,14 -. -, '.- 1.,", i".1.- ,-C t ,i .51/..'..'• - ' st. -...%."-bi..‘.7s1,'/...4, cc-- • .. , W,`,"' ' ,,..t-','• „,, •,../p'." ,", ,4.x .,-V,,,,,'NA.J.4 .' , -„, As's. ",• , %sAllse ',. k"4'.. . -•",,,.• - 'r -'• it,, - • '.'s, 7.%"4 1,s,se• ‘sy.,13.. ',:•'.,1..,',,•ts", 4.),„„s ./it,.,,VItsitqilfAs,es,,'7 , -. "•r'ssAirs ...,. t"fri''• ‘..,sft, , ,, -17`1.,..f.f's ,''..‘'‘,,;+,.:^,s.II'', .:7'-''%V-. '-' ' s.' '' '' tgts,1,0.23, • ' -7 ''s - . _ ,...'''.• - 's V V''s''n'i'. i ..1. ;1„ ... .' ,s, sti/k0s,'"' s .'.'':•:,,;'4'. $-4".g". '.'"• ,1*..4,,..',"." `-.." 2.•%. . , ,,,,,,7" ''•' '',,,. '*-.'.....',-,.:i., ek, tl$';'. ",•,,r„..'.-, .4,- •A...',', ''''',.':',_.;''. 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DATE: May. 0, , '' ' • ,,,„, --.4.,....- ., , ....... .• ' "..-:,t''';'p,;;," :'..,,,-t,' .-.-••.:. .., TO: Gt.14 Pappas, ..Ci City Man\',..alie.,:r...,,.,% ''- FROM: Beiy ver' — shockiey, ,L2it3Paria- n - . .....•-','4,- (.--. -.. RE: Library Statistics'*pi' 'Apr i 1 1 1985 Circulation: April 1985 Total 1115 average of 42 checked out per Adult .;-• Juvenile circulation 380 -7 Paper Backs „J T.-) Large Print Books 10 7 day reserve 10 inter Library Loan 10 Videos ...134 Records -, , Camera 1 Reference questions 53 Registration: New Cards issued • 7,1 Total to date 2,326 Respectfully Beverly Shockley, Librarian . , . • , .. , . • . pi, 90,e(4, . ve4v1.€ fr <.o-- w�� tee..-?5,' >47/ i3 ,`""( -d'`ee:refv/t'7 . cca�A!resaeus- �c�o .o i q��iri /7/ / -ce.#./r-a-e64-40 Ced&,63007.60 -w`- /utcC.w/ue-e--sex- 3✓mne/ � oz.o/ /el) /e.ct, 1,.KfrtbIrt/ .,67V-eott,e1) M3,< ?;/- "a-Zoltv, /ee i0„,a4 fe&iv q4Q-41-ze/i Ar,,?52- .3 /°4-L_ - 4r/on-. /-0/17 99 • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMNET ACTIVITY REPORT MONTH OF _mot , i9 jf THIS FISCAL YEAR TOTAL FIRE CALL RESPONSES MONTH TO DATE Inside City Limits (Fire) 32 Inside City Limits (Non-Fire) _ _ _ Outside City Limits (Fire) Outside City Limits (Non-Fire) J Mutual Aid Rendered (Fire) Mutual Aid Rendered (Non-Fire) 0 0 False Alarms Inside City 0 False Alarms Outside � 0 • TOTAL FIRE CALLS ANSWERED ?r THIS FISCAL YEAR TOTAL AMBULANCE CALL RESPONSES MONTH TO DATE • Inside City Limits Outside City Limits Mutual Aid Rendered TOTAL AMBULANCE CALLS ANSWERED • • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL FIRE RESPONSE DATA REPORT MONTH OF ___AR L , 19/0 THIS FISCAL YEAR MONTH TO DATE Apartments c) 0 Motels _____Q__ CL__ Residences Structures Mobile Homes 0 L Manufacturing Plants Mercantile Buildings � D Hospitals & Nursing Homes Churches 0 d Appliances Auto, Cycle, any motorized vehicle___ Control Burn • Grass L 5P Trash 1 1 Other TOTAL ACTUAL FIRE RESPONSE /6/ • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SERVICE RESPONSE DATA REPORT MONTH OF ___,Jfgj. c . 19,$1— THIS FISCAL YEAR MONTH TO DATE Ambulance Assistance ,2 p Appliances 0 / Bomb Threat Electric Signs Q 0 Electric, Wires, Fuses, etc __ 0 False Alarm Fire Hydrant Shut Off O C) Flammable Liquid Spill /Washdown 0 0 Fog-Ventilation Gain Entry Assistance U d Hazardous Material C7 0 Good Intent • Lightning Natural & L. P. Gas ' • 5 Public Relations Rescues Set Ladder 0 0 Smoke Investigation Stand-by Assistance Water Shutt-Off � G Water Vacuum ___1)___ Odor Investigation Other C /°74/4 -'6 • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE CAUSE DATA REPORT MONTH OF ___,6'/pp_a . THIS FISCAL YEAR MONTH TO DATE Appliances Children playing with fire Cigarettes & Matches 0 Cinder & Ash Cutting or Heating Torch 0 0 Fireplace & Chimney 0 Fireworks 0 0 Flammable Liquids Furnace 0 0 Grease & Wax 0 0 Incendiary v 1 Lightning O 0 • • Natural Gas & L. P. Gas 0 0 Undetermined Q 0 Wiring, Switches, Fuses Control Burn 0 C, Other 0 Cif TOTALS • • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULAR MEETINGS MONTH OF 1._, 198,i DATE FIREFIGHTERS IN ATTENDANCE -A () r 1 II IV Vv, • ok / *A ,eZ..we7e I ., ... .1/0.e.//fEA..,. ... - ' Cli/E/ 7- -1Y-.'-' 7 ' /-ija. fa-g- Zglocp;,4:4-0 b614 '6'7,eY-z /0/ . . . . . ' . . . ' . WYL I E VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULAR MEETINGS I . MONTH OF _ _LS--_, 198/5.- Ara DATE FIREFIGHTERS IN ATTENDANCE i-is- cr-5"- , 0‘21444,ix.' aa,,,v4tifr, (.9..u.A.A : ' Lch IVoCk/2. _C 1c6_, ti-oct63 )AA . . i / 0 'L.,- ztitt - 11%,k_ Q.A6A.' /ar X )3 yy-,..- • • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF _Aetiz mil___, 19 fl DATE LOCATION &'' TYPE OF FIRE FIREFIGHTERS /4 er 6 'Vsl l he F4 6&c/44-i/ -•k. ,4,44 -t-ret eke G; T YY - - , 4via ,9cci ' 4T. ,L4RRy l�'///e� anG t o Yduh, ��. . TR d/a,,g,o V O h�l Ld fE�.R f c�T /Q vti ICJ D y 4 r Ph to/ am., 6 es1 'O vs ry 014 ,r f?4y CI4fr/c f fcel ipQe WYLIE VOL ; FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK,LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF r / 2t1��-- 19-85-- DATE LOCATION & TYPE OF FIRE FIREFIGHTERS /v/ /0 7 r leo-AN_ /3,-1 7oz-9,e,"1-,--1,--L. /e.e2--C.)--- kefei Lei! • tktt';' -‘-'(-reQ fe)'L/.7140-/' 444.et)--&/:7).- /5)-1 9;704A,YEQ-->‘_____ /30 glWf A.91'''L•4214.4; I07 • c a ;1 • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF _ , 19Lc DATE LOCATION & TYPE OF FIRE FIREFIGHTERS Jo / 6tit,t, o �,c 0 04,t, I, 40,44‘._ £a4g1 , .r r Pakt/C26447,6ed-- Li-6 - (050 tv,:;t4 r„zr.z. Ocze _ L3 78- zAtez..7,4kg_te2,„„422.40, 4-et, r2‘4 cv,&e,„3 cLeeti2irf 62ec4( A0,71 „4„ /o • • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF fg/2t/�I . 19 S DATE LOCATION & TYPE OF FIRE FIREFIGHTERS 1/-5 . P f- /?,,t ) 47" ,¢c G I P/*:T A-4 Pr y A-. /-�//-C•� y 7er ,4T C�v,t,�,C 1 1, 9 /Pv r. goy -e.d- • /(1 o-1/ T✓�/' Pt " 5.71 oX.e /Ar✓psi /i(4,y ,ee C'k / 41 &3d /Jt/a. Aoc's /(od ,doh,<r 64/V Pc U9-ra/ (401 : Ro‘<r1�s • ; OD" 4' Li"- c'h — 13-- o -so A taw y 7 eecq LA, .4)-^.) • 4-ocip(e :,-; U`�- ✓J off/C'iZ r7 C''(L j1 iri�'{c Q.1f 1 .7. k)i74e,L. /of 6•041,0_ eZ/A4 • WYL I E VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF 19/S- DATE LOCATION & TYPE OF FIRE FIREFIGHTERS B 3/5. ' ippy 7 F-t. ..5on(c_ n,A /03'D eiaz)or CrTh 0 ne,0,..rytc, kjr\ (/-fii ,57C-77//05- i9A/4- /0 ";,2 4/9a2S-5T/M45' ler 6 / 72 ro, 71e)--t —1;ey 7/7L'Ir 61V4F:1- //ot, • WYL I E VOL. F IRE DEPART ENT p MONTH OF / , 198 DATE FIREFIGHTERS IN ATTENDANCE > 00-77 /34-)17-e- rfr.t.4 6 L%/CSC-'t 71 0.7 �.L fit.►�- �G"Z Yt- /C:4-3"; • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF , i9 DATE LOCATION & TYPE OF FIRE FIREFIGHTERS 1-/54:5- 01 Olt rfielatcbc, A444,tiza - etQ te/ ap 116 1(., ,,, n 77k c,c,tuz.A. )41-0 4607• ••• r") .•••=1/111••• ( • I/ \(:) Atl C4. 0.&„ ,A4,vvy C9- • ';:' ' WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULAR MEETINGS MONTH OF __A P L_____, 198,5 DATE FIREFIGHTERS IN ATTENDANCE • c ID 5 0 ur cli; 46 avtArk i 0,,..2. ON't.-- P1/4.),A64,•"/ (4.40, 61., (b0-„, %), ,k..,-1/41 • l ,O At-5 .2 ttfretict,k- itAe- //elay,„ /130.1)„,,l__, '../,-,t 7r.,w,id 75r 7---n-csA., /0-c,-,z)--4.,*"...., E, • X/ ,-).... - 2 / - Y5 10(: 'So ,44erc, a,„/Ag,,,7 ‘ , , , -664.47, it,_ 00///if/cv,p ir, aA‘_ Li, 2 — Y5" TA-s it /=iirr MI-/ m I *-'1.-- 477Z- 1'4'4?e lir/Z., lirt' 1/0e- ac..,..1.-.. epp o G //oC/ /e1 a."... • WYLIE VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK LOG FOR RUNS MONTH OF DATE LOCATION & TYPE OF FIRE m FIREFIGHTERS ink' Po-t,a-i_ tv,iegi- a.c.t.44401.4, 07,# ".� , 2)44.4,4"214.4,;. - 17- a5- ?5- /0502lat gai44.44..e aa,a,A;07;,- 4447,1444,.. 064,0 So /Li/1-rT�/ . o-�� $/`yU/ w /'A L F A L ram/ 5;e "- n / - 7-c < 37y • /� ', ��,� , 7.441121r j