05-31-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Special Called Work Session Wylie City Council and Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 31, 2011 —6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Anne Hiney, Parks and Recreation Board Chair called the Special Called Joint Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Parks board members present included: Dan Chestnut, Gary Robas, Cristine Price, Brandi Lafleur and Matt Rose. Jim Ward was absent. Mayor Eric Hogue called the City Council meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. with the following Wylie City Council members present: Mayor pro tem Red Byboth, Councilwoman Diane Culver, Councilman Bennie Jones, and Councilman David Goss. Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards and Councilman Rick White were absent. Staff present included: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly, City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, Public Services Director, Mike Sferra, Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Public Services Admin, Nancy Williams. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Byboth gave the invocation and Councilwoman Culver led the Pledge of Allegiance. WORK SESSION • Discussion regarding Community Park Improvements. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director/Parks &Recreation Board) Public Services Director Sferra addressed council stating that the bids for Community Park had been received. He noted that funding currently available to include County and Bond funds, minus design fees was $1,467,000. In addition to this funding other available funds included funding left over from the Founder's Park Improvements in the amount of $250,000; funds from the Wylie Water Utility fund of $365,000 and available lease/loan funding for field lighting improvements of $440,500, for a grand total of$2,522,500. Mr. Sferra introduced Parks and Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz. Mr. Diaz presented three options for the base construction of the project and contingency fund alternates provided by Teague, Nall and Perkins. Diaz reported the Parks and Recreation Board had reviewed the three options and made a final recommendation from the board to the council. These included: • Complete 8' wide concrete trail (over .8 miles) • Demolition of existing four-plex of fields May 31,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 of 3 Special Joint Work Session Meeting Minutes • Complete finish out of Rowell, Eldridge, and Tibbals Cooper Field regarding, fence and drainage-no irrigation and sod. • New fencing for all fields—taller backstops (20' and 25' on Cooper) • New Concrete Plaza area with joint layout design (4,500 square yards) • Irrigation booster pump to increase the pressure in the parks • All underground water, sanitary, sewer and storm sewer • Retaining walls an handrails at Eldridge and Tibbals to set the fields lower than the plaza Transformer Relocation- $22,060 Cooper Field Irrigation and Sod - $32,000 Full Lighting Replacement pkg. - $435,000 Relocation of the existing light pole in Football Field #4 - $5,500 Design/Build concessions Stand—Capped at $300,000 112 Space Parking - $200,000 Contingency - $160,163 • 8 Bleacher Covers (piers only) - $15,400 • 8 New Bleachers - $33,000 • Landscaping and Seeding Plaza - $22,000 • Change Orders • Art- $14, 500 • Football Press box - $15,000 • Football Scoreboards • Football concessions/Restroom (PCM bid of$48,050 for 12X24) • T Ball Concessions/Restroom (PCM bid of$48,050 for 12X24) Mr. Diaz stated that the board and staff were recommending JC Commercial with a bid price of $1,367,777. Diaz reported there were three options for parking with the board recommending the 112 space option. Councilwoman Culver had concerns with the 112 space parking at a cost of $200,000 stating that previous direction from the council in 2005 was to increase the parking costs to $250,000 within the bond proposition. Staff noted they would research and report back to council regarding that direction. Parks Board Chair Ann Hiney noted that the board wanted to include some parking but struggled with the amount of parking in order to complete some of the fields; the play areas being the main concern. The three plans versus the three options were primarily with the cost of the concession stand and parking. Hiney noted that the board would like feedback as to what areas needed to be addressed but hoped that would address the overall plan for the park and not just the parking. Chris Seely representing Teague, Nall and Perkins, 12160 N. Abrams Road, Suite 508, Dallas reviewed each option with the council and board. Seely explained that the recommendation made by the parks board was a combination of those options. Council Direction • Mayor Hogue asked the council for direction to staff and the Parks and Recreation Board regarding their recommendations for the base bid. Council members directed council to move forward with the recommendations as presented for the base bid. Councilwoman Culver noted that her personal recommendations the contingency prioritize in this order Football concessions/Restroom (PCM bid of $48,050 for 12X24), T Ball Concessions/Restroom (PCM bid of $48,050 for 12X24), 8 New Bleachers - $33,000, that was part of the original items in the bond package. Board member Matt Rose commented that concerning the contingency items, the change orders and art would be required to come out first, then once the project was completed the other items could be bid separately to gain the best overall pricing. May 31,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 of 3 Special Joint Work Session Meeting Minutes ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by board member Matt Rose, seconded by board member Gary Robas to adjourn the Parks and Recreation Board meeting at 7:40 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by Councilwoman Culver, seconded by Councilman Jones to adjourn the City Council meeting at 7:40 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: • Nancy Williams a Board Secretary Anne Hiney, hair