10-14-1993 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA JOINT MEETING WYLIE CITY COUNCIL!?; I a'\ i.O ,_ / ii Wylie Municipal Complex October 14, 1993 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Hold Joint Worksession with Parks and Recreation Board to Discuss: 1 . Upcoming Park and Recreation Goals 2. Parks and Recreation Priorities 3. Discuss Funding Alternatives ADJOURNMENT Economic Development Sales Tax City of Wylie V Worksession s r I City of Wylie "Money (investment) is a funny thing. It likes to go where people are confident of themselves and the future". - Anonymous "Cities make themselves what they are!!!" - Anonymous "We're not where we should be, or where we ought to be, but thank God we're not where we use to be." - Lou Holtz J Y+Y 4 i �� City of Wylie .. ,,,a�•,,,,,,r,,z�`Czzz,�:2;;zsar�? # � �?�z: ,w.,., wH,Kxzrtt%ttttzt�;(�Rr3#i£�?: `i F,•> %'... "�' `? ` • { k<::z.t z.z�, z'i ;z?z. i z;iii�ziz;,,,z'i��'2z� ..... warww�ru##SFZ# �'#? ?- ,2z z .} z z::>: izi,zzzzz City is dynamic - - Moves forward or backward - - Moves positive or negative Climate for future success Citizens can make significant difference Accomplishments create momentum for successful elections ................ .... .. ............................ ................. ..................................... ........... ...... ... ..... .... ................. .......... . . . ... . .. .. . ....... ....... City of Wylie } ---p...vr .pa:.:<:.... ?.22kt.... °.a ...,`L,2 „:..„,, ;,vz: .,,, ox... .. .,i,„,,,,,,„,„4,,..,,,,y01 ,..A.m... Ast„-...,..,,. nv::. .' 1-1!#i, ..,---.:^hi+K:?4K3#Y.b3.x3i.--iH-`MN" . y' j 2.} ....•....zwN;.uaws ::s,•zx::iSS:# , z, .. �.Ktp2:12 . ,, k�:...19 i {} z zz;�,�z;2ari ��z:a.«.,�. _„., ,,.AJL 33,3 ,,,,,,,,,,Y,2:kE2\.2rCt#.E.Y;F:#Y. Z. :'mo A Snapshot of Wylie today would show: - - Comprehensive Land Use Plan/Master Park Plan - - Other capital projects completed - - Adoption of budgets - Little or no property tax increase - No citizen opposition - - Elected leadership and management stability - - Positive Economic Indicators - Increases in sales tax, housing starts, building permits issued, home sales, water meter hook-ups, bank deposits, school enrollment, bankruptcies down, etc. - - Improved Bond Rating - Favorable interest rate climate - - Tornado - Brought citizens together J ........ . ........ ... . .... .. .... ........ .............. .... .. . .... .. ....... . ....... ...... ........ ....... . . . . ... ....... ... ......... >rjY2 } Economic Development Sales Tax Sales Tax (4B) Legislation Development Corporation Act Article 5190.6 Sec. 48 V.T.C.S. One-half cent sales tax for promoting economic development by funding parks, facilities, and recreational programs Land, Senior Adult Center, Library, Aquatic Center, Hike and Bike Trail, Youth and Adult Athletic Complex, Parks and Natural Area, Tennis Center, Amphitheater can be funded. Maintenance and operating costs of the capital projects can be funded Final approval of funds controlled by City Council Seven member Board of Directors appointed by City Council J Economic Development Sales Tax Sales Tax (4B) Legislation (continued) By Laws of Corporation approved by the City Council Time lapse between when the tax is approved and when collection actually begins Eligible Election Dates in 1994: January 15 (3rd Saturday) Begin collection July 1 May 7 (1st Saturday) Begin collection October 1 August 13 (2nd Saturday) Begin Collection January 1 1 Economic Development Sales Tax ` ' Cities That Have Passed 4B Election �; zt;S 2�z z;, t<,: •� zz< <„; kzii.,,,'�.+,�}ss. •,�^, t•z t#�,, ,k t •;� .,i,: <,.:i <z..*,.,,.,:;,3,, :i,,,,,,,,,,f„, gw, ,z;,� :. 4 zz z3 zi? „z :zir;, z ..x,,,, z �, , z,. ..,k z:,zk .i'''.',..l til*Ai PAw41 40it4f61:1141 If ��,,,, kit, �� �, k ,z F{s ....: E ;,4 k,k�`..,{��CyY2� ,�z din `7, 0 z ,z r •z,; k�zzs z,�Y�0 ::>: 0 g ,a:z z w�t , ?k'c 4op,;.k'k, , ' , k, x z, zc r 'zzz<k zzk z;c , z >,�� ,� zk:k,;,tc ,� zs .'� r <z, :� ,fit ,z����`z ,zi `�z'iz„ � � 'k .,z,zzz„ k : ` & z,.z, k., ': .. •zz' zk, x, ,»`izkkzz..z s h` . Z zii�k�z ? k �tz:zz z � ,k ' ,`�'#� �^� � • ,z z^`kz z zz�, ,;, .� #z?�e��„ z��z,, zzz„k, zkk,�4.k,* z , k, z<z,k1z r iz z zzzzz z z ? „zzz ;; z'k k�z,``x, `1, zt.. •z' z•.,z ,yzzzz z: 'zz',k ,, %? x ,zza. 4 k z ,Yk zz `zzzz , \; � ,z tt$r j<', z "�# ;�z, E,. 'z zz zzZ;, at >kk , ,, .:;Ev,,.i k z.:A,� ak zzz,; :,. nz .. :zk:, �.., , K. ,... , ,..x k z ,, , ; azZ 'i y?>.#.vw zz ..�. kz c k� �:o-z '`,,z:.., kk` �:,:.:,�::>.. Arlington 1/91 261,721 Burleson 5/93 16,392 Dalworthington Gardens 1/91 1,758 Euless 1/93 38,149 Grand Prairie 1/92 99,616 Hurst 1/93 33,574 ............... ..... ....... ... ............ ... .. ................. .. .. . .... . ....... ....... ... Economic Development Sales Tax „ _ Cities That Have Passed 4B Election (continued) st :z `z z>z.,N,,,,, `�'@4�eaY 2 , z" ..: .A. ..w.QYY Z' ',z #,, a „, z �Yy•.zg :..„ ., sz—: ># ' £,-'.",",Xi,,,k;zizzz Yiii k.s.;.%; '' z'''''' Y Y 2,., } \ Y. YY.2;:;�Y\,.,, ,` `\, ,, 'Y Y Y _ .3, Y 71; '}' \ `,:,, ~2 ., ,\, .F 2';.:.,.Y,:,Y., .„Y .,,€, ,\�a z #:ii<,z,:,: ,Y'.YY## 2,,,,,%•z , ' ' ,,,Y„ <z^ :-. . ::—..>zzi�r?z.:,^Z:::.Z� *�2i} ` i;2 ;zzz• :.:,,,,,,,2,,,,,2„},,..•: ,,,z:•,^ #�,.>, z,,,,2r>;::}2a } } ,, ,; .f t?: . 22;,:, „zY;} Y,Y a, z ii.: � „za..•,.E,,# .,,z : .,,:«. YYz2; :;,, ,;,,z222 s :z,.a, z:2J.k ,,2Y; Y�...,. , «,�� ,`�,,, �� '` ': �; ?�F \2 �`222 � i Y i� \2 z\ 2�,�Y •,,� Y > Y "z .z ,,gip.:,::,, z � 07z.-:z n';` `Y\, arz cckq' '''Ykt`::'''`z\r72•W''• 22'•• •• '`,� ',� ;•zvz '\�;# � 2�` .� z;'x:#z 2, �` .�� # �. ,at•, ,�\z, z, „,„ #Y.\z'� z z� •2z`• #, .. ? z;..'Y`2 z i. .4 e z \ „z :: 2"��zzz u, • z z�2z�2;�3.,z£ � Y,�rr� •'z ,�Y z'��izi2 �zzY,�"z'„�,2„ � �"z� z�;. , z.,2, z, � ;2.2i� , r, ,,,,,,��22 ' ' :2i,, 2Y�', �`;r.,,�. Yk;.r`: z}},k ,Y,k'� 2 '�:2`„• .,�2YL ;` `tt ., Y : !€SS� , 2 � p",;., YY'' }2 . ` A; Y �"i2{2Y";e�S�:.ti<:i...:`,2A2 ..,:'' Y • .. {•... •\ .c ':'2< •i z,, 22 z� "' '''. �zk :Y:'zZ# .; '�k,. .:;:'::#' 0 •',2 • ## 'Y?at, .,�\K: ti§ ,�{°t,• ' .< a ` :;zz:.�z22' • ,a:, zi`';,' ;� 3� u %:r:iig:<;,`t?•»# ,, z ;}r zzz 'Yzzzz zn,'.?,z ?, <i zz•' ,z A'..zM '' � , ,�2C }.2\„2\`$;OY, },`�`2,�k.\•,�h: .2' , ��Y. , , £2�.#.�c <>`%iifi::,�R:%.bc;�E�t <�.x z, z ••^ ,�'�'� 3�� a�" }' Y},� .:�' # >,�, z„, :`#'�>rah �� �� z�"#'Y >Yz Keller 1/92 13,683 Mansfield 1/92 15,607 North Richland Hills 8/92 45,895 Pantego 1/93 2,371 Seabrook 1/92 6,685 "k t}tt „ Economic Development Sales Tax ,1,z•• Cities That Have Failed 4B Election IIIuIuUPSIpuI !Wi1 .«i..•,'gini t Ak • =•�,'S 2� v � f! \�2'k�k �! t?'SkgM�,2 `.'"'��i`� '�� 2: \k ;' ..„...i...,3„„,,,a,„›. ..,,,..12JRZ,27 `�' ;xsxzzk<,,£ekz � ? ,�kk z,k zz � ?` ,•� pit 4 k ,,.,���• ik" � �• � � 'c .,� �„ �'� ,.I�zti����?z`� ..?. s.'4k,:2,cv ,�.?k,',�:z•• ? z iz k 3`":k.:.•%�• :� �# I:`z ` ' � ,zz" ,:k.�z,kz:?zzz`?;�zz;kzz�k,��.zz '��4?i�?kki``�itzz ?>:�i�?x�3:.z '�;>� ,#;�?�f k��k•kkkz�, .•>?�„f>''� ��;.�k� `z, } �+' "��,�zk,,, . .`3.....3.. .. ...5.� ............ k�k +n �, t.z k,v r•...Ek`,,... � `+�` ... .. .. . .3t , z,' k„2\k,z:'s; k; ;;tz; .i:.,,?>;N,.,;>.:... ..>. Bedford 8/93 43,762 Colleyville 1/93 12,724 Crowley 1/93 6,974 DeSoto 8/91 & 8/93 30,544 Friendswood 5/92 22,814 - i xzx;•z, h Economic Development Sales Tax } ? Cities That Have Failed 4B Election Aiwts (continued) �It 'ti�#;#;£f `tt�.��,#�..x•f{ti`t.. }1 r�; •t: o •+c � :`f.. �. :., t«. .�.... �$o¢ t t Z� .t{ ME •c, i i i x zS z"E'z i tizi##S`#`;z # zit #z S z�:xr?2,> ���;`�rx$� z z+:.�,' ����z�' :. , � �w„ i'� ` >� �,zx,zk'>.�k�??zz�Z�£i�;�`?,z ie alxi . '{ k 4x a,' •± ;.. „ , A Y `x �122,,2, kkkk,t.,.\,. xk k , 4404 „x� i�: z z • ;,' `xk ,••••• ,� `sue x�' <..,�,:..,.z2,: ,.,A,t,A ,`\A'ti �. ``�• x #k? ti`t�t2 z ,22zk .,, �t k{ a z„` `zk •'t, z m , z k'k �,k2 +'2.. �t- ww:00-.,4q.0. 2,e,‘..kc0 fa, . is.os ' .: k kxSr, or2k2 ;,\v. ' i,ck o`;C't�' g AtsztZ Y.. kxsz A ,.} � , :}z: i£�;'fix4 z #< : z; `r 3 x zi < z iz,.. z .+` ?E�k s iY2' A .: kz• ,fix,. c z r, z rk`A3;z#��#3y$�, z kzizk „k i i, kfszkf># # •>. ....... :: fif.3$Ez �# _ 2c` ir.fit , \ ..,,,,,,»k ,,.,„.,.„..„t .,;z, ,,„„.„. '•;,•i:;,k,,,,kkt?? �:;k",.:xkkz, ,,,,,,. Lancaster 1/92 & 8/93 22,117 League City 1/93 30,159 Mansfield 1/92 15,607 Watagua 8/92 21,000 White Settlement 11/91 15,472 I Economic Development Sales Tax z t Analysis 11 Approved - - 10 of 11 Successful elections held in January 8 Cities have held elections since Presidential Elections - - 4 Approved 4B sales tax - - 4 Rejected 4B sales tax Seabrook is the only city collecting 4A and 4B sales taxes No election result history for cities collecting 4A tax seeking approval to adopt 4B sales tax J Economic Development Sales Tax Sales Tax 4B - Considerations Current needs not being met Quality/direction/rate of future development Implement Comprehensive Land Use Plan/Master Park Plan Preserve and protect city's natural environment Availability and affordability of land suitable for parks I ........ ....... ....... ..... ..................... Economic Development Sales Taxiz` Sales Tax 4B - Considerations (continued) May be used for operations and maintenance - - Staff may increase Investments in community supported Citizen involvement ???? Affect on city's competitiveness Election results from other cities .................. ............... ................ ....... . ......... ............... ................. ........ . .... . . . . .. ..... ................ Economic Development Sales Tax Sales Tax Comparision (Surrounding Cities) 10 4B Proposed) g - - - 4 - 2 - - 0 Plano, Richardson, ® Sachse II Wylie Rowlett & Garland Economic Development Sales Tax Sales Tax 4B Election Strategies Create a little hype - - Focus voters attention and awareness Make a clear statement of purpose - - Establish necessity - - Develop mission statement Develop a good track record - - Promise only what can be delivered Gain support of those directly affected/vested interest i `22 Economic Development Sales Tax ;.. Sales Tax 4B Election Strategies - (continued) Distribute program's benefits throughout city Adequately finance campaign - - No public funds - - Private sector coordinates the public information/promotional campaign - - Staff prepares informational materials, booklets, fact sheets, slide/video Gain media support - - Meet early and often with editor and staff WA-L4 806-at (6/105 TO: Steve Norwood0 s wt"aik—C1 , . FROM: Bill Nelson `2d DATE: October 13 , 1993 SUBJECT: Park Improvements - Cost Estimates After researching in--house , talking to local cities and contractors , I am providing the following cost estimates : COMMUNITY PARK Rowell Field Outfield Fencing $ 3 , 000 . 00 ( Fencing has been budgeted for 1993-94 Community Park Fund) Rowell Field Lighting $ 80 , 000 . 00 4 poles with lights (Other three ( 3 ) fields and infield of Rowell were completely lighted for $ 180 , 000 . 00 in 1981 ) Resurface seal coat parking lot with asphalt $ 28 , 000 . 00 ( 2" overlay - 47 , 000 S . F . - 160 spaces ) Resurface seal coat park road with asphalt $ 12 , 000 . 00 ( 2" overlay - 21 , 000 S . F . ) Expand existing seal coat parking lot Seal Coat $ 18 , 200 . 00 ( 22 , 000 S . F . - 35 spaces ) Asphalt $ 24 , 200 . 00 *New gravel parking lot $ 12 , 000 . 00 ( 25 , 000 S . F . - 65 spaces ) Above prices include 20% contingency RECREATION CENTERS Plano - Constructed in 1990 - 54 , 000 S . F . - Includes two ( 2 ) basketball courts , indoor jogging track , weight/gymnastics/class/ meeting rooms , offices $ 4 . 5 Mil +20% $ 5 . 4 Mil Euless - Constructed in 1987 - 42 , 000 S . F . - Includes one ( 1 ) basketball court , indoor jogging track , weight/aerobics/meeting rooms , kitchen , offices $ 1 . 6 Mil +20% $ 1 ,920 ,000.00 Allen - To be constructed in 1994 - 19 , 000 S . F . - Includes one ( 1 ) basketball court , four ( 4 ) handball courts . aerobics/weight/meeting/ exercise rooms , kitchen, offices Est . Cost $ 1 . 4 Mil +20% $ 1 ,680 ,000.00 McKinney - Constructed in 1986 - 21 , 000 S . F . - Includes one ( 1 ) basketball court , two ( 2) racquet ball courts , meeting rooms , kitchen , offices $ 2 . 0 Mil +20% $ 2 . 4 Mil SWIMMING POOLS McKinney - To be constructed - indoor - 25 meters Est . Cost $ 1 . 0 Mil +20% $ 1 . 2 Mil Plano - To be constructed - indoor - 50 meters Est . Cost $ 4 . 0 Mil +20% $ 4 . 8 Mil Lewisville - To be constructed - indoor - 50 meters Est . Cost $ 1 . 7 Mil +20% $ 2,040 ,000.00 Allen - Constructed in 1987 - outdoor - 25 meters $ 1 . 5 Mil +20% $ 1 . 8 Mil Garland - Constructed in 1982 - outdoor wave pool - 24 , 000 S . F . Includes restroom, concession , lights , fencing , offices and 200 car parking lot $ 2 . 2 Mil +20% $ 2,640 ,000.00 AMPHITHEATERS Euless - Recently constructed - seats 1 , 000 people - grass slopes , concrete stage area , picnic pavilion , irrigation system $ 70 , 000 . 00 +20% $ 84 , 000 . 00 TENNIS COURTS Western Tennis Co . - One ( 1 ) regulation size ( 60 ' x 120 ' ) court painted , net , fencing and lighting $ 35 , 000 . 00 +20% $ 42 , 000 . 00 J .D. C. Co . - One ( 1 ) regulation size ( 60 ' x 120 ' ) court painted , net , fencing and lighting $ 32 , 500 . 00 +20% $ 39 , 000 . 00 SOFTBALL FIELDS McKinney - Constructed 1991 - four ( 4) field complex - Includes lights , bleachers , concrete slabs , irrigation system, fencing , clay infield $ 320 , 000 . 00 +20% $ 384 , 000 . 00 Concession Stand - Constructed in 1991 - 2 , 000 S . F . - Includes restrooms , storage areas $ 225 , 000 . 00 +20% $ 270 , 000 . 00 Plano - Recently constructed - eight ( 8) field complex - Includes fencing ( except for outfields ) , irrigation system, lights , concrete slabs , clay infield , concession stand , parking lot $ 2 . 4 Mil +20% $ 2 ,880 ,000 .00 Lewisville - Recently constructed - three ( 3 ) field complex - Includes partial fencing , irrigation system, clay infield , lights , concession stand , restrooms , parking lot $ 1 . 1 Mil +20% $ 1 ,320 ,000.00 Garland - Constructed in 1989 - three ( 3 ) field complex - Includes fencing , permanent covered bleachers , clay infield , irrigation system, 2000 S . F . concession stand with restrooms , parking lot $ 1 . 2 Mil +20% $ 1 ,440 ,000.00 RAILS TO TRAILS Crushed limestone over existing gravel bed with ties and rails already moved . Cost per mile . * 8 ' wide trail with 6" thick ( compacted to 3" ) material ( 1 , 132 tons x $14 . 00 ton) $ 15 , 850 . 00 +20% $ 19 , 020 . 00 * 10 ' wide trail with 6" thick ( compacted to 3" ) material ( 1 , 321 tons x $ 14 . 00 ton) $ 18 , 195 . 00 +20% $ 22 , 193 . 00 * Materials only . All other prices are materials and labor . cc : Mike Collins 1V_LIZI0i" tt► t`5 7.1 si-cD 2.) 50 �a,rk �,. l off Gova s- . / s(r r O 0vw1? 1 v Y'1 GJ!��'t a,n C �]. 1 -2�..ti, G�►�dL S �-4/ 4 `^� W` % O n vi 1, C-7 S; 0 0 3 -t- /0 w. ( A' 1r Gk 14-e-ctv(ak ` -Jr:. .`-y kn G , �'u►n �. - l 7— G �6 - 4317 - J , 0 (.€ S+v-okev- , Co�s�,.uc+ -PL�.144 co�,. I-�7c, �.a�y s '1�c��r c.� 3 '�t�.L cX Gower c1 �-2�C `T G� � _y�o► �►r c •1— $4 1so - S �� v Q'� � "�o as7 c� — t4 ,.„15 (� Urn.WO v` �v�-t' ► .mil o, � v , e r-$L�.�, Ip a c(Gi-dj na) -T-e kc , r1 C 6 v- 1401L-, ? ',�n� t ,o o 5 ,.--F t O o - t)-S 1e- a.v` C c KS'i-vvG41 o",_1� C-i-'v Gal Co — bc,L(....,-r)e 29 — i s 3 C o 14:v, -�• C� 0. A- �.I K-v s c_0 .*=stl s s r � C..QJLIt o - o cX-• ,�c .c_►<,. - otoo S �� w/ lblu r A 4 v.4 W J f� G ` 110Cr1 ) �. L,_tvt.- �►1 lv y� w� c 4i• cs'{�ono� �G� C c� v►c�U-�C� - , P3 . - UAv . c.4.vc oin . CcJu .ivL 4 Cc.4.,r[cL +\ vae C- ) Cgrz. p 1 . l)..) Ltoa ev s I cuek - C < "k-41 ems- 3CDO COO w k'c-L .Q r.�\ J �V`/' 1.��a:�rtA•V.�� ��/���ice►.\ i.\Ul�Q.s� L rtiG c o 1/\C..QJ. .t