07-25-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 6l Parks and Recreation Board 1 1 �' ()i' Vk. Meeting Minutes Monday,July 25, 2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum, Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. Board Members present: Dan Chesnut, Gary Robas and Matt Rose. Absent were Jim Ward, Cristine Price and Brandi Lafleur. Staff members present: Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams. Also in attendance were City Council Members Bennie Jones and Diane Culver. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the June 27, 2011 meeting. Board Action Board Member Robas made a motion, seconded by Board Member Rose to approve the minutes from the June 27, 2011 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 4-0. Members Price, Ward and Lafleur being absent. 2. Elect new Board Officers (Chair and Vice Chair) for 2011-2012 term. Board Action Board Member Robas made a motion, seconded by Board Member Rose to re-elect Anne Hiney as Chair. A vote was taken and passed at 4-0. Members Price, Ward and Lafleur being absent. Board Action Board Member Chesnut made a motion, seconded by Board Member Robas to elect Member Matt Rose as Vice Chair for the 2011-2012 term. A vote was taken and passed at 4-0. Members Price, Ward and Lafleur being absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Discuss Planet Kidz Youth Program. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz related to the Board City Council's direction given to staff after the last work session. First to see if staff could make contact with WISD to see if there was potential to do a joint program. Superintendent Diaz said due to the summer break he has been unable to make contact but that he will continue to be proactive. Chair Hiney informed Mr. Diaz that Marcia Coker had been out of town but was now back. Chair Hiney said she would like to invite the WISD (Superintendent, Athletic Director/ Communications Specialist) for a work session with Parks and Recreation Board. The second concern was cutting Recreation Center hours on Saturdays. Should we implement the program as proposed, the Recreation Center would be closing two hours earlier on Saturdays. A Council Member suggested we shift those hours to Saturday and/or adjusting Sunday hours. Chair Hiney asked what the additional cost would be to add those hours elsewhere. Mr. Diaz stated there would be no additional cost. During the Planet Kidz program Chair Hiney asked how many staff would be required. Superintendent Diaz said only one or two staff members would remain but they would be covered by the contract at no cost to the City. July 25,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 He suggested adding either one hour earlier each day or two hours earlier on Saturday. Instead of opening at 8 am, change it to 6 am on Saturday. Chair Hiney indicated her preference to keep them on Saturday to not effect staffs time off on Sunday. Member Robas asked how many patrons used the facility on Saturdays after 6 pm. Averaging the numbers from the statistics that have been collected, it is approximately 56 people between 6:30 and 7:30 pm. Chair Hiney felt with enough notice to the patrons it was an acceptable amount considering the program would allow us to provide activities to hundreds of an underserved demographic and people would be understanding. Mr. Diaz stated there were quite a few questions about the program from Council and that he felt it would be beneficial to have a joint work session with Council to answer any further questions the Council might have for them. Member Robas asked about attendance on Fridays. Mr. Diaz noted that the statistics are considerably higher than Saturdays; approximately three times the amount of patrons on average. Member Rose asked if the hours would be adjusted back to the original times during the summer when the program is not running. Superintendent Diaz indicated from a staff perspective it would be most beneficial to keep the hours the same all year round, allowing for more rental opportunities in the summer. Summing up, Superintendent Diaz remarked he would continue to seek contact with WISD and look at the hours of Recreation Center usage Saturday mornings. Those present were all in favor of opening the Recreation Center two hours earlier on Saturdays to accommodate Planet Kidz Youth Program. 4. Discuss the City's application for certification as a Tree City USA. (Presentation made by Shohn Rodgers, City of Wylie Parks Manager.) Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz introduced Parks Manager Shohn Rodgers. Mr. Rodgers passed out a sample ordinance and proclamation for Tree City USA, a budget worksheet and summary of the program. The first requirement is to have a budget equal to$2 per capita. He explained that anything you do involving trees applies to this program. To be recertified our budget must reflect a $2 per capita budget annually. Once certified it is easier to keep track especially once new Work Order system is in place next fiscal year. It will keep track of labor, purchases, etc. Mr. Rodgers informed the Board how helpful Member Ward was in helping with this application process since he had done this for Sachse. The second requirement is to have a board. The Parks and Recreation Board will be charged with carrying out the functions of the official tree board. The third requirement is to have a tree ordinance. He proposed adopting the sample tree ordinance be adopted by the Board as part of the Parks Ordinances. The last requirement is to have an Arbor Day Proclamation in place. There is no requirement for a specific day, just that we have one annually. Once all of this is in place, everything is sent to the State Forestry Coordinator who forwards it on to the Arbor Day Foundation which makes the final determination. The coordinator has seen all of our documentation and doesn't see a problem. The ordinance is currently under review by the City Attorney and once complete will be brought back for recommendation for passage by the City Council. Chair Hiney asked the benefits of being a Tree City. Mr. Rodgers said the benefits are that you have signage at all the entrances into the City indicating that Wylie is a "Tree City USA" which tells everyone that Wylie is a community that cares about trees and the environment and the ecology of where we live. It is a great public relations tool which encourages residents to plant trees of their own beautifying the city. Member Robas asked if there was a tree planting minimum. Mr. Rodgers said there was not. Once all trees are planted we can continue including all maintenance, programs, education, etc. count toward the program. This program only applies to publicly owned land, not private. Mr. Diaz told the Board that he is anticipating that Mr. Rodgers become a Certified Arborist for the City at some point in the future. He felt that if we pursue the Tree City route that that would be necessary; it could possibly be one of the supervisors if not Mr. Rodgers. July 25,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 Prior to the close of the meeting, Member Chesnut wanted to personally commend Mr. Diaz, Mr. Sferra and Ms. Powlen for the great job they did with their presentations at the June 28th Council meeting. He felt they should be recognized for the outstanding job they do. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Robas and seconded by Board Member Chesnut. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m. by unanimous consent. ATTEST: (__A‘7 • Nancy Willie , Park Board Secretary n e Hine , hair