06-21-2011 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission I June 21 , 2011 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 21, 2011 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Ruthie Wright Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Jeremy Jordan Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Gilbert Tamez Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the TT ylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wilietexa,sov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Ifylie website: 7 r7 r7 r.7 rvlietexas.Gov. The Chair and C'onmrissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Tf'ylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6023 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from May 17, 2011 Regular Meeting. June 21,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Greenway Addition, Block A, Lot 6 (Davita Dialysis) developing a single story, 6,800 square foot medical office facility on one lot consisting of 0.97 acre, generally located east of Westgate Way and approximately 662 feet south of F.M. 544. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert, )that this Notice of\.Ieeting was posted on this 10th Day of June, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of I ylie website: u,u,w.wvhetcxasov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 2011 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice Chairman Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Jeremy Jordan, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko, and Commissioner Gilbert Tamez. Commissioner Ron Smith was absent Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director; Charles Lee, Senior Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Jordan gave the invocation and Commissioner Tamez led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 19, 2011, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Vice-Chairman Wright, to approve the minutes from April 19, 2011 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 6 —0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Minutes May 17,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 2 1. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Estates of Creekside Addition. The Plat will create 63 single family residential lots on 45.192 acres and dedicate the necessary right-of-way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located south of Parker Road and approximately '/2 mile west of Country Club Road. Ms. 011ie stated that the Preliminary Plat will create sixty-three single family residential lots and consists of 45.19 acres of land. Two tracts of land will be open space lots, 17.88 acres will be dedicated to the City as Parkland, 2.50 acres will be owned and maintained by the Home Owners Association. Mr. Gary DeFrain, Developer for the subject property, presented to the Commissioners several layouts of the proposed development. The property is divided into four tracts of land. Tract A will be thirty lots developed with minimum size of pad of 60 x 65, with typical pad size of 60 x 70. Tract B will be thirty-three lots developed with minimum size of pad minimum of 70 x 70, with typical pad size of 70 x 75. Tracts C and D will be dedicated open space, as mentioned by Ms. 011ie, 2.50 acres will be owned and maintained by the Home Owners Association and 17.88 will be dedicated as City Parkland. Mr. DeFrain also pointed out specifically one lot on Block F, Lot 2 as having a thirty foot, fifteen foot wide driveway, which will go between Lot 1 and Lot 3 of Block F. This will allow the drive not to face a main thoroughfare and avoid alley for one lot. There will be a wooden fence on either side of the driveway, with a four foot fence before the building line for Lot 3, then continuing with a six foot fence. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Estates of Creekside Addition. The Plat will create 63 single family residential lots on 45.192 acres and dedicate the necessary right-of-way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located south of Parker Road and approximately '/2 mile west of Country Club Road. Motion carried 6 —0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to adjourn the meeting at 6:50PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes May 17,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 2 Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 21, 2011 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Greenway Addition, Block A, Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: Lot 6 Date Prepared: 6/06/11 Zoning District: Community Retail Site Plan, Landscape& Exhibits: Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Greenway Addition, Block A, Lot 6 (Davita Dialysis) developing a single story, 6,800 square foot medical office facility on one lot consisting of 0.97 acre, generally located east of Westgate Way and approximately 662 feet south of F.M. 544. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Greenway Addition, Block A, Lot 6 (Davita Dialysis) developing a single story, 6,800 square foot medical office facility on one lot consisting of 0.97 acre, generally located east of Westgate Way and a..roximatel 662 feet south of FM 544. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a 6,800 square feet, single-story medical office facility on approximately one acre located within the Greenway Shopping Center. The Greenway Shopping Center was developed in the Fall of 2002 and consists of two retail anchors (Albertson's & Home Depot), outparcels include a bank, inline retail space, restaurant, minor automotive repair and personal service uses. The property is zoned Community Retail (CR), and medical office uses are allowed by right. Undeveloped Lot 6, is located south of the Dry Clean Super Center facility and access is being provided via existing drives along Westgate Way along with mutual fire lanes and access easements. The site complies with the Zoning Ordinance's Site, Landscape & Architectural Design requirements and conforms to architectural design,themes,materials and colors of the Greenway Shopping Center. In summary, this site plan as presented for a medical office facility conforms to CR zoning district and the layout, design and architectural features are consistent with the existing commercial center. Recommended for approval subject to additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 06/07/11 Page 1 of 1 \\ EXISTING 8 /I \ 1 \,v .SANITARY SEWER// „. 1/ // \ T / ZO�'wyry'wG CR \ PROPOSED OUMPSTER&fi gppROX LOCATION OF Ta R EASEMENT 15 P ' , / CONCRETE MASONRY SCREENING EXISTING FIRE HIDRANT UTILITY EASEMENT / \ , /� / WALL TO MATCH PROPOSED ",� \� ♦ / \ I \ / / BUILDING EXISTING FIRE LANE �jf/. - \ \ ZONING:CR EXISTIN5 30' /\ PROPOSED 0)5 V / DRIVE EASEMENT \ \o '- s.. _ ` r (3D"FIRE LANE) 7 /�,{; N ♦ �"x N. N. /r\ EXISTING 15 sEreaOH �� ♦ ♦ A ILITY EASEMENT �`W'" Z ,/`$4 // rdr. \ / ♦ ♦\ / EXISTING FIRE LANE /��' >c< G- o `;k aye d ♦ i/ � , �� T , / LOCATION RLSP \ITT //i% ♦♦ %/ I x/,' d° ',V.' °+ N 0I 7/ / NT.S ' 4 LOT 5,BLOCK A y�;,Fr > / / ♦ ♦`/ ,/,/ THE GREENWAY ADDITION `xis Sa ' R EXISTING 15" ♦ // 4 CAB 0 PG.28Z 9S �J / • \ DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXISTING 8' �' 91 1 (MRCCT) N ,, \.� N. ♦�A ZDNED 0 973FCCIAL(OR) EXlsnNc z4" / / r z�.. �7y3 s�' / ♦STORM DRAIN / / ( - 41 "t'1 , //'' �'//////am//.� / w x.. �.aC��s] .,� \ U� /\X `I ',, ��'; PROPOSED i_ bh .r',yid'"F / S�� k - � MEDICAL 800 SFICE 2 e / V/ d`C" .L BLDG,HEIGHT 2a' A� i/ F ro A PROPOSED WHEEL R 4 E, 3/ L D R<a V l'/% A- ` 7. J. 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T ' /ti a. , ' 1 ' --„ , 42, / .w," 4 k f /DA A,, 4 \ ` 4, ,, 3 ' y �3AA4, 0° s) o q, a * „w�y . / /R 35J 50 F K t wFG': / / -` —. 23491. 1. . 4 \'' /3, p }a 1 INC.0014 r * tip ,l CB N 33'02'01 W %) jF,y� -II PARING'REQUIREMENTS /X" A b PROPOSED BOOM ARE A-6,8 0 0 SF mooufhnBOJrNwgey5omenrutoeL4o co EADsoIf ThanecGoeen15y5 tlonto a 'X'ct fon for he \ \ d ?> ° / //'1 * yam., $« PARKING RAW I/200 SF, PARKING REQUIRED 35YA[ES i`jX 1 x / \ GRAPHIC SCALE PARKING PROMO=3 SPACES a 6 _..."_(30 REGULAR,4 HANDICAP) RELOCATE EXISTING �,1> / SoutM1 64 degrees 33 minutes 30 s conds West a dstarce of 4f Ot feet to a 1/2 nch Ton rod set for SIGNS AS NECESSARY \\ LOT COVERAGE 6800/423]6=I68 sad'r rod v150 be ng n the easterly rgM1t of way Ina f Id Westgate Way and the FOR CONSTRUCTION OF - \� - „p4 L roe Gi¢xwnv rr wo>ruw LOWER begnnn ng of o non tangent curve to the lek hay ng a rad'us of 35]50 feet.v chord bear ng North 33 MEANDERING SIDEWALK \\V 1,899r0m degrees 02 mnutes 01 seconds West antl a chord dstance of 14J 56 feel, , 1 rmwnn¢ __ i __ -HENCE deport ng the westerly Ina of satl Lo[3.Bock A vnd along the easterly rghf of way line of t satl Westgate Wvy vs follows PR POSED MONUMENT Atong aaa non tangent curve to me Ian areugh u Centrm angle of z3 degrees 49 minute:14:eoones ) slcN r0 BE APPROVED OWNER ENGINEER ARCHITECT SURVEYOR for an arc IengiF of IRO NS feet to a 1/2'nch Iron rod set for corner. NA ttEPERATE PERMIT DANTA TEASES NALPERKINSBEARER,ROBB 5 P MIDDLETON A ASSOCIATES,LLC North 44 de 56 m nukes 38 seconds West a tl stance of 26 34 feat i0 a the Pont Df Be \ sn0 rrocxuurgor", ,s 2" 0NOR a TR1 pe so N.Ioaetn s to surge frr 11 TMEN^r.re,V 5050 12S grass 9 nn ng ' s 43.30"W x pz esarq H l 41.01' (zef)z44 ssu s (soa)3-087,1089WIZ 27 11 can OW ss.x asao CONTAINING w th n these metes antl bounds(]9J3 acres or 42 3J6 square feet of land more or less L Am+,ppwp wrzspx arirvs axs sworn,Rc. nsim4)OaNp apes rvs Bearings contained w s field note description are based upon the recorded plat of The Greenwoy Addition.Surrey performed In Ne field on 3-23-2011. SCALE ETE_AGUENALL AND PERKINS *`t',,I CITY °F O E, TEXAS ERR;,;6 20' y GREENWAY ADDITION, BLOCK A, LOT 6 SHEET NSA ' ' 200 N. TravisStreet, Suite 500 %'' DAVITA DIALYSIS Sherman, Texas 75090 ]il s � 01 DUNE 2011 IBPERB�stretknNpF290 Ph e:(903)870tep89alFne,(909)893-0152 tp,,lIE\`. _�/AR/II SITE PLAN NO. REVISION BY DATE w w on cam Off' 2, i ,c° A -� _ Pu NT scHeouLE T ARCHITECTURAL RA, / DRI E%ISiIN'k30--" k \\ EXISTING 15— G / a'r., r� o * �—a A..,A / \t30 FIFE I AND) l / �' .; _ e A 'IWiY CASEMENT / �, /'/� o `INC. / pdkV kPyP. t x.n-...n. �� // �y` GRAPHIC SCAT/f \ R E '� i// PROPERTY INFORMATION: "Y PROPOSEDBUILDWG &440 I �° '4107,w �% LOT 6,BLOCK A i �� THE GREENWAY ADDITION u CAB.O,PG.287 — / o f, raw.rw s e'/ (MRCCT) o �, ,/ a i �� ZONED COMMERCIAL(CR) ', a A, 921 South Westgate Way ,a�,, ,. K _.; Wylie,TX 75098 ,>._u...R....� �.,, ..�� .sew P ,N' Am. �� LANDSCAPE COVERAGE DATA LANDSCAPING DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ,,. 5o,e sm�da.a(nI eeq�red) o�.mle(a�r e Reymred) � / \ — p'ngRega red"ards 209 f 't 1 ndscaped La ' PARKINS *"'Sii444"' e` '": 7 It I ' Lv d ,,of Pak ,L 0 ft. f d eP rq Per sPa� E t 50 9 O/p . ®" BC / < c - N P e f e s so r�ea o N P k y a n e,en ` 2M"Pt Roypro « \ / '�, ountl_Feti -- 12 NP P dk 9 g tMan M L t..�apeed d 4� A s'Yi _ . /A. ix SPe�d eas a e��y not o R ry / /� Vlsua Scean�g R q 9 t t, \�, -� Lo tlscap ng of Str f onto e SOV f q d t y d 5 U f othe turn -._ —=d 7 e d e e 30rt .. a y feat 9 M wSiaP ttF �\ o ! <� cc J \ d.5 d g cur Greta w.ilkrvuy 4O \, �� T ed�caent to tM1orouG stare d N NO APPROVE SIGN TO BE APPROVED OWNER F'VGINFFR ARCHITECT SURVEYOR CJ — 1 VIA SEP=RATE PERMIT A,py oano wtsov z q ,ps sawn P[ 1,17i2nvo Rose�us N ao TEAG ALL E NS SEA ER. OBB.3 S E E!5 5 TE CITY ���� ��AND PERKINS GREENYdA E OF bVYL E TEXAS SSHEETc PRELIMINARY SITEPLAN FOR _ ,..,...,......� .....,a.., sr � � � Y ADDITION. BLOCK A.LOT 6 N/A 200 N Tr n str r su'te 600 *=i * � T DAVITA DIALYSIS �/E, Sher Te 76090 zaz'A c ,-/ -1 02 Phona.(903)870 rocs F x:(sos)803-0162 v f LANDSCAPE PLAN N0. REASON BY DATE JUNE 2011 TBPE Registration Ma F-230 wwsv.Pnp-on/In e.00m 0v 5>,k�I. NORTHWEST ELEVATION „ -.. , : ''''T .,-T.:.,';f•- - 1 IT •-„, , 1 4 ,, -T:TV7TZTT„.TT-MWTTTTVT‘r''T_VT‘, §- 1 1 F.• -..="- -----------L''''''''''''-' ,-, r-1- -7,-- ;.---ft,- 2-2,-".,_f•,-'-.. ----.*----Z- 4. I - Cn F... 1 i. SOUTHWEST ELEVATION I aj --,-,1 1 I i TH 11; SOUEAST EL Cl) . €--`(---- _ _. 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