08-02-2011 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission I August 2 , 2011 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, August 2, 2011 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Gilbert Tamez Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Matthew Kirk Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the TT ylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wilietexa,sov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Ifylie website: 7 r7 r7 r.7 rvlietexas.Gov. The Chair and C'onmrissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Tf'ylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6023 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from July 19, 2011 Regular Meeting. August 2,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Woodbridge Crossing„ Block A, Lot 4R for a 6,940 square foot restaurant with drive-through facility on 1.62 acres, generally located at 3480 FM 544, south of FM 544, approximately 210 feet east of McCreary Road. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Torres Addition, Block A, Lot 1, creating one single family residential lot on 2.0 acres, generally located at 910 Hensley Lane, south of Hensley Lane and approximately 1,872 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Aaron Davis Addition, a property of 4.390 acres located on Parker Road 950' west of Country Club. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert, )that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 29th Day of July 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of I ylie website: u,u,w.wvhetcxasov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, July 19, 2011 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice Chairman Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Matt Kirk, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko, and Commissioner Gilbert Tamez. Commissioner Ron Smith was absent Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director; Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen Haskins, Assistant Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. Chairman Johnston welcomed new Commissioner Matt Kirk, stating that Commissioner Jordan moved out of the city limits. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Dahl gave the invocation and Vice Chairman Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR A nomination was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, for Chairman Johnston to continue as Chairman. Nomination carried 6 —0. A nomination was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Kopchenko, for Commissioner Tamez to be Vice-Chairman. Nomination carried 6— 0. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS Minutes July 19,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 3 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 21, 2011, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to approve the minutes from June 21, 2011 Regular Meeting, with revisions that Commissioner Jordan and Commissioner Tamez were both absent, and all motions changed from a five member vote, rather than the six member vote. Motion carried 6— 0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Regency Business Park, Phase 2, Block C, Lot 44, generally located northeast of Regency Drive and Exchange Street. Mr. Lee stated that the property is located at 122 Regency Drive, within the Regency Business Park, Phase 2 Addition. The property was platted in 1987, and is currently zoned Light Industrial. The applicant proposes to construct a single story 6,357 square foot Industrial, Inside facility on 0.68 acres. The property has constraints due to utility easements, both overhead and underground cover more than fifty percent of the lot. The applicant has acquired permission from utilities to construct parking and access facilities within the easements, however permanent structures are prohibited. Therefore the parking is 120 feet away from the facility on the northern portion of the property. A copy of the filed agreement between the utility companies must be submitted prior to construction or the issuance of permits. Mr. Lee recommended that the Site Plan be approved with stipulation that Parking space 18 noted is to be removed, as it is encroaching onto the easements and building line. Ms. 011ie stated that the parking is allowed under the overhead easements, which is 150 feet. There are no structures on the underground easements. Commissioner Kirk questioned the building line. Mr. Lee stated that since the property was platted in 1987, the 20 foot front building line is allowed. The landscaping and architectural design generally complies with the guidelines. Commissioner Kopchenko questioned the definition of "generally conformance". Mr. Lee explained that the Commissioners will see Site Plans that may conform in the spirit of the Ordinance but not always to the letter due to certain conditions/circumstances (setback on plats, utilities, etc.) Commissioner Dahl questioned the area under the overhead easement, there will no landscaping, but there will appropriate grass. Mr. Dahl questioned if the 12 foot drive on the east side of the property, is curbed, and expressed concerned on illegal parking. Mr. Minutes July 19,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 3 Bryan Rogers, Better Design Resources, 511 Rustic Place, Wylie, the Engineer for the subject property, stated that the 12 foot drive is for loading and unloading. The property owner is a small client based company, possibly having up to three vehicles for the current business. There will be no outside storage. As far as the easements, no parking, no trees or bushes are allowed within the underground easements. The overhead easement allows parking and paving, but no structures. A motion was made by Vice Chairman Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to approve a Site Plan for Regency Business Park, Phase 2, Lot 44, Block C, generally located at 122 Regency Drive, northeast corner of Regency Drive and Exchange Street, with the stipulation that parking space number 18, noted on the Site Plan be removed. Motion carried 6 —0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to adjourn the meeting at 7:06PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes July 19,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 3 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Woodbridge Crossing Block A Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: Lot 4R Planned Development Date Prepared: 07/05/11 Zoning District: (PD 2008-43) Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Woodbridge Crossing, Block A, Lot 4R for a 6,940 square foot restaurant with drive-through facility on 1.62 acres,generally located 3480 FM 544, on the south side of FM 544, approximately 210 feet east of McCreary Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Woodbridge Crossing, Block A, Lot 4R for a 6,940 square foot restaurant with drive- through facility on 1.62 acres,generally located 3480 FM 544, on the south side of FM 544, approximately 210 feet east of McCreary Road. Discussion Owner: Bobby Cox Company Applicant: John Thomas Engineering The property owner/applicant is proposing to develop a 6,940 square foot restaurant with outdoor dining and drive- through facility on approximately 1.62 acres. The property is generally located on the south side of FM 544, approximately 210 feet east of McCreary Road. Platted in September 2008, the subject lot is part of the overall Planned Development District for the Woodbridge Crossing Shopping Center. Anchored by Target and Kohl's department stores with outparcels fronting FM 544, the proposed restaurant's (Rosa's Café) site plan, landscape and exterior building elevations is consistent with PD 2008- 43 and the adopted development Plan. Access to the development is provided via existing fire lane and access easements along the east, west and southern boundaries of the property. In summary, this proposal conforms to the applicable requirements of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance and PD requirements including site, architectural and landscape design requirements and staff supports and recommends approval of the site plan. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CHL for RO 07-26-11 Page 1 of 1 4. C.1. ! BEING ALL OF LOT 4R ADDITION,AN ADDITION TO THE COY OF INVLIE COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS 7 ,IN BLOCK A OF WOODBRIDGE CROSSING P.I ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET 2009 PAGE A- C.G 36T OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF COLLN LOON TEXAS - .,--- IIIIIIEEEN F k LANDSCAPE AREA 0 9 _- n SITE F os s9 __ 1w GRAPHIC SCALE d 4 N 89'44'081 E 3 .50' ° ° , 6 1 RENNER RD.1° s MONUMENTSHN�- _ DRA m �r PROPOSED SIDEWALK x �' LEGEND: PROPER LINE = fi __ �_ IL _ ✓� VICINITY MAP PROPOSED CURB B GUTTER ��. M,OF FULL DEPTH SAWCUT GOT TOSCALE 1101 `RE stosor. — o o GREASE TRAP FIRE LANE - DAP < LANDSCAPE AREA oI DA RAMP O LIGHT POLE GENERAL SITE NOTES: FIRM zs T .' FP-f`A A-., FP1 A+ a i T :PE of re,a P O I ALL NECESSARY s _ ox '� C SJOP M P BAR ® OBTAINED LE TO cONsreucTFY HA SHALL BEEN ANTE ALL PERMITS HAVE TS AND APPROVALS H RECEIAVE VED * s t, 77 O 2'1 's 1 ; �01 ' - _ `IiIn - ry • Q _ A . F RELANER CLEAN-OUT TExas.PHONE s�<3<o voo. vrvn LLc os o Morec oRVE sunE za DALE /� r' - BOLLARD 0 -m CLEAN OUT O DOUBLE CLEAN STE BOUNDARY,TOPOG PPHY Tp LANDSCAPE AREA SURVEY BY TExgs HERRPCCRSURVE IP tt PND ROAD NFORM AT ON WAS TPI(EN FROM ON 't GAS METEFMAS MEASELS 4 t +t ([ - WIG/HANDICAP® WATER 9 TB o ! C a F THE Cu,ACT R N HE COURSE OF TH WORK FINDS ANYDISCREPANCIESBE1WEEN THE F DsemE nlzFa I o SPEAK BOARD O YARD DRAIN LIGHTS OR OMISSIONS PNAIHEA PLANS ND EOR IN THE IAYON PHYSICAL OAS AFTERNS OF EIVEN BSUCHEAED TCOVERVD LOCALITY OF,ANY EUMnLI RRORS . LfA CIy\E„^ SPEAKER BD AL N o BUILDING UP BELLHIS DEAD LW IMMEDIATELY VERIFY E SAMINFORM HE ENGORK NONE N WRR 0.AND TH ENGNEER 06/30/11 MENU •I' M I AUIH AlA HE CONTRACTORS RISK - ,000t• — �� ]IB SITE DATA TABLE 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE ARCH TECIURAL PLANS FOR ERPL9 LOCATIONS AND as B Is.Dz D.s 0 ROSA'S6CAFE PZK UP µNRCW o oN, FM 54a BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND ENACT BUILDING UTILITY E CE LOCATIONS 105 DIMENSIONS OF VESTIBULES SLOPE ENAG SIDEWALKS[NIT PORCHES.TRUCK SOCKS �� 6,940 S.F. + B R ADDTDN E GROSSNG EASEMENTS. SHALL SHOWN RESPONSIBLE VERIFICATION NNIND COSETBACKS.ON. TEXAS TK A `W `o`aR 0 1 OTF GIB' I32 TR DN 4D.HALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE OF INACCORDANCEN10 THE O El F.F.E.=544.00 i \ SITE AREA �ez ACDpases sR7 T v T T T E-O POLE 79 PARKING SPACES P 1 a- 12 KM POLE PD zone a3 E AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY LASS',CONSTRUCTION DN s E F ra GNs AND a V) „T 5. ALL HANDICAP SHE FEATURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO MEET ALL FEDERAL.SIAIE Cr CURRENT USE VACANT LANDSCAPE AREA C MENU BOARDPND LOCAL CODE CI, f i_ ETTn 111 ( 00 _ PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION 6 NOTIFY 1HE CITY DR TWENtt FOUR(241 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING EACH �4 2. CC j U �` / �/ RESTAURANT w DRUE THRU DR SHALL FDA.PRESERVE BENCHMARKS.REFERENCE POINTS, PF .� o/��T 11 " ��� °M` P IMPERVIOUS MPERUOUS 644.56 SF PrOV°I'DE > D wS. R� t D�E B RGHTE�DRRUP T RE TD BE D ED FDR BDLDNG s KE DDT -q C3a�o o �y, HT sPa EEo E'N9pBs ARE FROM FACE GF BD�NG CURB AND WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE RD _ BKLDNG GGBUILDING F 10 ACTOR SHALL TAIN IN A MANNER SO AI ORKMEN AND PUBLIC `� `3' L `� �9 I J /�l 5noRACEO IIPOUNDAL ONAVRSLABO ON GRADE99 SHALL BERPROIECI[D FROWN NJURV EANp EADJONNG PROPERrvHPRO�IECAND/ORO MAOEFACET/ RAG 43Dvd1 ,':i2t,5 aol� NUMBER OF STORES ,,.CONRPCTOR S RESPONS BTE FOR NWPOC TO PNY Ex SI NG TEMW' ' � 5- PSO� FNSHEO FLOOR ELEVATON 54400 NEOE DR OUTS DE CONTRACT LMRS DUE TD CONSIWCION OPCRATON12 ALL STREET SURFACES DRIVEWAYS CULVERTS,CURB AND OUSE,.ROADSIDE 1 SPAEPERMI50SFFLOORpREpREQUIRED D HALL BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED N 1HAT ARE DISTURBED OR DAMAGED IN ANY MANNER AS A RESOD OF CONSATION ON S 5 89'44 3 ACCORDANCE NNW THE SPECIFICATIONS \rRE NFDwwT 0 W 202.05 PARK Nc sPACEs aT TG , O6 00' _ W ADA ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES 4 IT.FDR D MAINTAIN N TRAFFIC CONTROL O TD L SIONv RDHT aF ES IN coNORMANC sHUL E z:pRAPPROPRA,E PERMRS ART DBTA NED PRDR TO cONSrxuCT ON cONzAl-oR TO D T Fc DIN Lso D DEVICES N CONFORMANCE TEXAS MANUAL OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES.IATm EDITION ALONG WITH THE NONRESIDENTAL DESIGN S1AN,RDS AND FIGURE 4-7 AND 4-8 BUILDING P.EMEN1-B AND C 15 DIMENSIONS AND RADII ARE TOILS FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED LOCATION N REWIRED LOWING AREAS- NN BA - E LANDS,PING OF STREET FRONTAGES-A SITE PLAN IE MONUMENT N0. M 3 LOCATED ON THE BENCHMARK IN OF OF R: PROJECT ARCHITECT: �/ C SOUTHWESTERLY Ri WES ECORERDOFFOUDERSI HIGH SPOORTSOFIELDS..2I155IUFEETNSOUTHROFHA BACK OF BOBBY COX COMPANIES BOBBY COX COMPANIES LOT 4R, BLOCK A ROSAS CAFE SUITE 435 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, - A CHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND FOUNDERS PARK SPORTS FIELDS ELEVATION sz03I FEET 4055 PLAZA SUITE SUITE 435 MARKET F� F� L�V CURB AND 65 FEET WEST of A BACK OF CURB AND APPROXIMATELY,,, INTERNATIONAL P -FEET NORTH ofFORT WORTH,TEXAS 76109 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76109 FARM ROAD 0. E 44 (817)377-6233 (817)CONTRACTOR 377-6233gErnE vq�U CAUTION NOTICE TO CONTACT:KENNETH R.TAFT CONTACT:KENNETH R.TAFT THE CITY OF \A/YI AC`E9 TEXAS THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF VV L /S J EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS of THE VARIOUS CIVIL ENGINEER: SURVEYOR: Rrv, JOHN THOMAS ENGINEERING UTILITY COMPANIES AND.WHERE POSSIBLE,MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD.THE JOHN THOMAS ENGINEERING TEXAS HERITAGE SURVEYING,LLC 6190 VIRGINIA PKWY,SUITE 1400 MCKINNEY,TEXAS 75071 (214)491-1830 INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE THE -TOR 7812 GREAT DIVIDE LANE 10610 METRIC DRIVE,SUITE 124 SHEET NO. MUST CALL THE APPROPRIATE UTILOY COMPANY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY MCKINNEY,TEXAS 75070 DALLAS,TX 75243 a DESIGN DRAWN DATE SCALE NOTES FILE N0EXCAVATION TO REOUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL LNG UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT (214)491-1830 (214)340-9700 WITH THE PROPOSE IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PIONS. CONTACT:JOHN WEASELS CONTACT:GARY JOHNSON c cACJ ODR ODR 05/11 1"=20' C-4 O PLANT_SCHEDULE GRAPHIC SCALE TREES COMMON NAME,BOTANICAL NAME aTY CODE c corvT SIZE .. .. 0 .a eMT c e��nea corvT. c- ,o (- Al ,met] eo is , , ® V ® coNT. cc„ ,a,cM. r -�'® ®® v_ ® DnT M l - .1 , !' —�° ® ��P M DnT C, ,o SI IRUBS CODE COMMON NAME,BOTANICAL NAME CONT OTY _...,. .,.,._. ... t'1 r?,AVI `.,., cA5 ye, OW . 171111 ah 0 roll 11 op V I _ ', ( ® 0 — ®® L.�,i® F. �T oy M wry,,,a, y me.��, yy t, vPY P �e�rv,�ro 35 3 ® ' © v e n D �m t, •inn, gall v ��� Imo■ ■ �_ �� I 1, O �� / n MN R.AREAS CODE T QTY � .. cD 44 e: I ROSA'S CAFE I' f :� ; ® t, n11CO t: ■ .III v 6,940 S.F. �� a 6 ® �i� . 79 PARSING SPACES I �. n c ..4 ' ® ® I �� p � a,z` yr ®®®®® ' CODE COMMON NAME,BOTANICAL NAME CONT oTY ICJ C/] v ., — - ®' ® '. ceouND covTes Wei 5� ��� ,mo t ® © cD o r r yR a,c ,aD,A �, r, -0 RI Ilk- ® ■ ' ■■®T■®■®®■■■■'� ® FIGURE 4-8 BASEST4-8 LANDSCAPING DESIGN REQUIREMENTS q h I 'I / _ / .._ STANDARD '� ''' ' ry (7 Landscaping n Required Yards: �w - �� Min 20'.of site shag be landscaped 1 70,393 X 20% 14,078 Required 16,783 Provided(24%) Landscaping is provided in the front yard. Landscaping not required in side and rear yards Landscaping of Parking Lots: Site — plans requiring more than 12 spaces required to have 50 sq.ft.of landscaping per space. No parking space is further than 60'from landscaped area on site. Parking rows 12 spaces or longer have landscaped islands at end. a. All parking rows have landscaped areas at least every 12 spaces. GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES ---- ` Desirables: 1.The General Contractor is responsible for removing all vegetation and leaving all landscape areas at two inches below final 1.Landscaping 10%or more in excess of 50 sq.ft./space is provided grade.The Landscape Contractor will provide and spread a compacted two inch depth of a loamy topsoil to all turf areas- 2.Landscaped pedestrian connection to main entrance is provided. bringing these areas to top of curb/final grade(compacted).The exception to this requirement is the Detention Pond,which shall be left at final grade by the General Contractor.The Landscape Contractor will provide and install a four inch depth of Visual Screening: planting mix to all planting beds-crowning for proper drainage.(See specifications for more detailed instruction on turf area Required screening is provided. and planting bed preparation). 2.A three inch depth of Native Hardwood Mulch will be used as a topdressing for all planting beds and tree rings. Landscaping of Street Frontages: _ 3.Install 14g,green steel edging between all planting/gravel beds and turf areas.Also install steel edging between Asian Min.50%of required front yard developed as landscaped buffer,at least 10'in width. a Jasmine and other plant materials. 306.5 1f x 12'/2- 1,839 sf Required 4. Landscape Contractor shall make own plant quantity take-offs using drawings,specifications,and plant schedule.Plant 2,555 Provided o schedule requirements(i.e.spacing)dictate,unless otherwise directed by the landscape designer.Landscape Contractor to Trees provided in buffer,in groves or belts on a 30-40'spacing. verify bed schedule. Ensure all minimum requirements of the local governing authority are met(i.e.minimum plant quantities). Desirables: EVERGREEN 5.No substitutions of plant materials will be allowed.If plants are not available,the Landscape Contractor shall notify the 3.Use of natural landscape elements plus flowering shrubs/perennials DESIGN GROUP Landscape Designer in writing(via proper channels). Plants may be inspected and approved or rejected on the jobsite by the 4.Increase in minimum width of landscape buffer by 20%. ,,,, re oKww,v Owner or Owwner's Representative. A. 6.Landscape Contractor is responsible for the landscape maintenance of this project for 90 days beyond final acceptance of landscaping. Lel SHEET NO. 7.Tree Protection,when required,shall meet the requirements as dictated by the Jurisdiction and Code for this location. y 8.Contractor shall sod all off-site areas disturbed in construction,and ensure adequate automatic irrigation is provided in said areas. re °r"r L-1.0 \ i -2A VvI~ \ v .\ \ - _1 ' V\\ \`� tia I . ,sfieseizaiiiii IN MIN _. oy 1i.mi :1ImIr �„,,,,...1,-W471 1 1 __ „al/ � m m\\� �z S\ _ rrl i 1: Li , ,,, ___ .,_:_„, t 1!!o 4. n� -mom"„-`'EJ, 'al`'.F pp �NORTH ELE VATI ON v�\ v ■ � C7 AV\�� �" ""' A\\ _ - �-_` EXTERIOR FINISH LEGEND ����� \\\�A V� - �, - - aw � s Rom- -�\ Try- -�il�( -�V� ®EN• ■ 1. ,. F ALA DR \\\\ ■a aoBMA PFlooex oAaK eaowv ( , 14'-'4t�� _ ' a�E� B- �` 9Nucuoona s goo l n \� �. \� \\\k� ',TA-Ms:- srAn�Nc sEAa, aERR ceE ucw tr.,'ATZ WN=7,,,,1,AY CCWM\S OP NC&r TRM y'+ LE90OF �B AN CA CS _ _ c`�OY ePLEDRNDE El.COPING , \\_ � - \\ 0 7! \�\\ \\ -ice\\ • �y ��;� EAST 11�� � _ �. so g r LLLE' IL#HLI \ �` T� \ � I -. E _ E FRONT 8� SIDE STORAGE ELEVATIONS =ail \ _ NOP'-H SF K icruwA..tisea , - - I- _ I = o • eics _�o ,TaS aT \ WEST ELEVATION 1OiPL ON P9=" `$ s cksrore i5s sx E-\ \\. �` \\�\ `.: 1 a HEN L• URE EL • ==.s4t.. MASONRY R 9J0. m, 'r•�: ,\\ \\ \�\\\�\\�..�..... `\\ �� \� a o TOTAL 1975 iDG% _ EAST SF a \ �\ �-\ \\�\ \\\ w EIFS'sNco Z58 49% � W ,ss,SIrn ,,,,one T46 4. ��-- Bnck 21 2% av MASONRY% 99c -\mil �c �/ TOAL iN41 9.1 F��\-�I 4 F - __ - WEST SF S \\ C rel., m0 ® - _ _ - - _ EIFS 15tutG0 111 69% "- - -� • � Sim.Stone 425 295; ` - \ sock I _ \\\\ \ ASONRY% 9 9a2 \\\\s-71 _ kt -_- . ak..E '�. - -� \\ ~\___ \\\ �'5,11 em`. \\\ sou" sFv a i®® e�Fs sn,oGo s5a 5D� _ - EU , �� -* � �� i7 ` ���� �� -� Son scone szs �sn � i®® '" �� `� _ - ~ �\�` � - Snek air',:-'-' -� 1 �. mQ.. i .. MASONRY 4� 1ODX ro n_ 19,G 'DDs, @SOUTH ELEVATION ,3r,>Lao AEA=s>sF a �� OVERALL MASONRY 1 99A 1 nn a z Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2011 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Torres Addition, Block A, Lot Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: 1 Date Prepared: July 6, 2011 Zoning District: AG/30 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Torres Addition, Block A, Lot 1, creating one single family residential lot on 2.0 acres, generally located 910 Hensley Lane, south of Hensley Lane and approximately 1,872 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Torres Addition, Block A, Lots 1, creating one single family residential lot on 2.0 acres, generally located 910 Hensley Lane, south of Hensley Lane and a..roximatel 1,872 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. Discussion The property was originally annexed into the city in the mid-1990s and the current owner purchased the property in April 1998 with the intent of remodeling and/or demolishing the unsafe residential structure on the property. The AG/30 zoned property totals 2.0 acres,with approximately 872 feet of depth and only 100 feet of width. Due to the property's unique configuration, the owner has requested a variance with Zoning Board of Adjustment seeking relief from minimum width and required side yard. In addition to establishing a final plat of record as required prior to permitting, the final plat will establish minimum side yard setbacks and dedicate 44 feet of rights-of-way (4,400 square feet)for future improvements along Hensley Lane. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and substantially conforms to the City's land Use Plan. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CHL for RO 07-26-11 Page 1 of 1 r d.Ya51,.. Ifensley Lane 589,1144'E 10000' OWNER,DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT B § II j E —p°% °ss%.`°��% cumin »co so -"°a.°,o°Tor°° COUNTY OF r TEXAS § cauNTv OF r routes § SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE �° — WHEREAS a h ownersof a tract or am sea ee to StateTex., §S Sandra en Carina Tonal I OounHy Hardin CSur a d Aenvbstract of Wylie,being part of the I.Cli of Survey.Abstract No.land and recorded °ofethe TINT I.F.E.e la.and t Jr.,he turner certify that I axed this ending plat fromproperly placed survey a 2.00 acre tract of o and and that the ells Bodes and and and/orr erly p red 0 of the Collin y ntl Records wAn sad p e Toes g more po tic y under y lope Asian in accordance Oh the applicable codes and ordinances of the Ciry of W;AIe� I described os follows, ,•„,„,,,,,, I BEGINNING al on"X-found in the approxirnote center of Hensley Lane rnorking the northwest corner I of L 200 acre tract.the northwest corner of said premises,the northeastLot 1.Block A P* O' 0' 100' 150' I of Magnolia Estates,on addition to the City of klle as recorded In Volume 2008,Page 671 of the CollIn F.E.Bemenderier,Jr, II,' the City of Wylie as recorded 9n Volume 0�Page Lot addition to R.PLS.No. 051 AIL RENENOERFER JR Mo in 2,Black A D Wylie High School,on Scale:lrr 50' I north line of soid premises,a.the south line of sod Lot 2,South 89310',East,100,00 feet to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 4D51 rI / point mork,ng the northeast corner of sa,d 2.00 ocre tract.the northeost corner of so,d premises.and fi''' s . d' remainderthe northwest corner,the of a 10 70,1 acre Iraq as recorded in Volume 4109, g ,of § Legend COUNTY OF COLLIN § ed F.T.Bemenderfn,ST,known p € Toll corner of sod premises, acknowledged, THENCE AB the eost line of soid 2.0D acre troct.the eost line of soid premlses.ond the west Ilne old remainder of o 10.70,1 acre tract, 0 feel to a Roome copped iron BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority, this day MP Collin Coo,Lona T iron Poe raw mar OM)s on interior et said remainderdof South O110,70144 as the me thealathee some was executed nfor ethe npurposes dand sconsideration therein expressed. PM I -J'L oL+ ) THENCE wlth the south line of sold 2.00 acre trod,the south Ilne of said premises,a.a north line of soid remainder of o 10.70,1 acre tract,North 0,3103,1,West,100.00 feet to a Roome capped Iran rod set morking the southwest corner of sold MO ocre trod,the southwest corner of soid premises, GIVEN UNDER My RAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this the y of2011. the st westerly northwest corner of said remainder of a 10.3014 acre trocl,a.being in the east oar v.s.can I of thec aforementioned L 1 line TENCE wlth the west line of soid 2.00 ocre t roc,the west line of soid premlses.ond the eost Ilne ,3',F.,'_ 6CH TL RDSS . I feel or 2.00 acres of lond gross.of which e s feets within9 of y The Sate of Texas n m I C.) I dedication pers patleaving 82.720 square feet of e899 acres net. AUGUST 25,2013 e OWNERS CERTIFICATE Recommended for Apprawr .y`;^ § $ 1 ! cauMv av woes § m_ p s r m NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. m Chairman.Plane•mgsond Zoning Commission Date t,Sondra a co...,L'mb TueTvs da Cty of Wyse T xa f _,,,,„l of Lot 1,Meek A of Tomes Atltl111me o Wyliehereby .Texos.an does ond other public . melts sM1own Ne in fee reonQT e stre to the ets and ublic use fare thestreets,right o-wa uW.2000 g /,moR I Allen,If any,e e dedlmted r sliest purposes, A d f r C n tr tit n easements a.public use areas,are dedicated,far the PP eve ° o s uc a I I ,9,3=e7 co'fi;777,7,1Z,„, ' this plot.No bu,ld,ngs,fences,trees,shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or W/.4r09.Pg.br,MRI placed in landscape easements.3 that landscape improvements may be utuol se or Tar ulilAies,said us y public utilities being b g y y of Nrylle,Texas Dote approvedpublic utililles desiring I subordinate la the public's and City o White's use thereof. I 5b3 es 'AcceP.6. t0 5C0 Ports of a Wylie n nres a shrubs Dr her Improvementsg Danes which removed 9 easements,The City eaf eWylie eandconstruction, v public°utilityaenletties shallor alf all limeshave the their npective systems in said fullright o and egress to or from Fce. ports of their respectivesystems y y of klle,Texas Dote CCY I without the necessity Y procuheir respective eosements for the purpose of constuclIng.reconstructing.inspecting. ring adding permission from y _ I WITNESS.my nd.Inn the y .2a11. darslgnedi the city Secretary of the City a Wyse Texas,hereby certifies that the foregoing Flnal z rn of of 1,aloe A of Tomes Amumn to the City of Wylle wos submItted to the City Council on the cloy of ,2011,ond the Council,by formol oction,then a.there accepted the I dedication of streets.alley,parks.easement,public places.and water and sewer lines as shown and Owner Lot 1,Sandra Torres Owner tot,.Carlos Torres set forth yo.upon sold plot signing some as and soil C uncle further uthonzed the y to note the accepto ce her subs I 1 I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Witness my hond this doy ofAD..201I. STATE OF TEAS § ^� COUNTY OF COWN $ _ oppeored Sondra Tones,known to me to ElYY of Wyliq Texas y ,,, rt I " be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument who_ _ ! t d consideration toexpressed. ckno 9 to me that the melee and bounds is ion f this add city ition by e same was executedTor e purposes an consi era ion therein on --- ordinance and state g utilities a ono building lo fines p de. d. I GIVEN UNDER My RAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this the y 2011, o I -1-t _.-'j6l pl I tSYolebol Texas or INDlES:(,)CM Is controlling inundated monument:(2J Pad e of 1n subject property , ACKNOWLEDGEMENT _ _a=i 20 lies within a Special Flood azard Areo by he year flood § Flood Insurance Rate Map Number 48085C0530J e I COUNTY OF COILN § Rote v(zee for CollIn County, AE3(s5 s tie -' 1 d Swim Tomes,known oddition to the Clty of dry le vv0�'E to me that the Collin Mop Records;(4)Tn os been zoos,Page s fii �� x I same was executed for the is poses subscribed to thelrlein�xp expressed. Final Plat of benefit ofa title nt. rty or easements .°(5)rsFaad Pa per FEMA pa eI cued&Chris"aleted,by P.E.for ;— ,, 0` GIVEN UNDER Y"ND AND SEAL DE OFFICE.this the a,- Lot I, Block A ro ease Clay 3- " H°rnaebo Torres Addition �® LOCATION'NILIP wl+w rv.e.me Tn rTexaa N n.Ts. 4,B._ Se9.4044•E 10000''' I being all of a gross 2.00 acre tract of/and in the O aye''' I.Clifton Survey,Abstract No.193 \ m,ha 5,,,, E° s rogad H.J.Hardin Survey,Abstract No.438 + City of Yiy1/e,Collin County,Texas Rey July 6,2011 ,,,,,f 4, yl ;mraTT� Own lot, 31,33.1 Blvd w Wanis Ln soomeLand 6urve�w Inc. w -- 0 Hensley Lone Pl c doze w — w w — w w _ w w w ,ti Ss2 ae2s m''mc('n+.,4,�a am„y,e 4zwma Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2011 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: William Patterson Survey Date Prepared: July 27, 2011 Zoning District: N/A Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Aaron Davis Addition, a property of 4.390 acres located on Parker Road 950' west of Country Club. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Aaron Davis Addition, a property of 4.390 acres located on Parker Road 950' west of Country Club. Discussion The applicant is developing this parcel as a landscaping business. The parcel is in the ETJ, but not within City limits so a site plan was not required to be submitted. As Parker Road is under a planned widening, the City Engineer has asked for a 20' R.O.W. easement to be placed on the north end of the property. Parker Road is a TXDOT project and a final R.O.W. dedication will be determined before a Final Plat is submitted for approval. The Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Recommended for approval. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 01/13/11 Page 1 of 1 , OWNER: sec-s ss,xco rcvxo -——— DESCRIPTION ed Ing n line of eared Dawn Diane Henry 1.74 acres(Vol.(Vo1�s6042.Pg.2872). COUNTS OF COLLIN Hole:All/g F.M. Highway No. 2514 (100' R.O.W.) BEING all that tract of land in Collin County, Texas,out of the William Patterson Survey,A-716. 8230 porker Rood plastic cop stomped"Boundary Solutions. (Parker Rood) of Ire arnc,ar Pabl,c Reaarda ar cair,n caanly.Texas.and Wylie, TX 75098 d gin°v .. y - - -1.-swr T2s'+r S 89'024i"E - - beingd further descelbed4 as iollowse]2 srer�PO -- BEGINNING of a 1/2 Inch sleet rod found on the South I of F.M.Highway No.2514(100' - - Wi. Doc,a BEGINNING g eso of the Dead Reoard::of eonm 00 f.Texas.said ae aerded,n Volume 924. SURVEYOR: I a, °°_ minutesIn°°p/Per ,the(ee also. I 01 land recorded Boundary VOL.92<.PG.630 d; 1d10415 Sec e Official res of I bit R and Margaret O.rner of Texo=01 the Solutions and Marbel10 417eagouthwest corner of f a recorded hat c,led 1.000 u0nders CC#20070529000714680 o e Off1c101 Public ARecords of P.O. Boo 250 Lowar County.r ingx and°o rene'Nom!,as r° tract° nonagedescribed a deed Records Dodda Mills. TX as recorded Volume une'f the s Sout 894 heast or area s0,d 972-782-8082 - ----- Henry tract bears Texos. from which o 00 degrees 00 mules 00 seconds East,209.45 ofeef for witness;f THENCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West.532.42 feet along Ihe North line of soid 5er of said Wh//comb i 8,and or/he East line of that called 1.102 acres of lard described In a by:m 'J, Records of Collin County. Texas. from which a nal/found al the Southwest corner of said Henry BND.SOL.Job#1105-013 _., DAWN DIANE HENRY VOL 26 O PG.932 1rec1 bears South s/go degrees 02 minutes 38 seconds West, 193.15 feet+°r witness, e Prepared: Julr 1 201 REMAINDER OF THENCE North CIO esl line of said CALLED VOL.60 2 PG 2872 3m/e s E et for witness; said Henry tract hears North 00 degrees 02 along the W corner or CALLED 1.610 ACRES ides N8 second degrees 00 min to 0 seconds 5/e h steel rod set m capped-Boundaryry'Bol uin 90 darydSolutions-for corner; .1. East,382f]feel b a inch MIST/ ro 4 LNLLI n r, Ti6 THENCE North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds Easf,664.91 feel to+oa 1 2 corner, nch ate l rod found rfl VOL 5655 PG 323 S / KARL T.DORNSEIFER � "� D O J AM PA ERSDN SURVEY.A - -- I- with yellow cop on,he South line o/said F.M.Highway o.2514 for corner, .3.080, A'A'a F.M.Highway o.z514 to the POINT OF BEGINNING,coma, g .39a acres the lend. line of sold m E THEN swum N D 2 m s 4, seconds Ea o NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: U DAVID 3BLEVINS I.--I VOL 5555.Pc.28n VOL 67as Final Plat of Aaron Davls Addllion,Lot 1,Block 1,an Addition to the Cityeo6 0Il0,e Co properly (0 "o L w County,Texas,and s hereby dedicate in fee simple,to the ublic use forever easements and ereon.The shown hereon for the I as tedd or placed s the a or other Improvements nedp 0807 o!-owgrowths r the mutual use ond shall hove hs ah sho 0.purputility easements being hereby oses e full right to (n — remove and----- or other improvements okeepw y d Interfere p l J� RALPH MES ,removed i on or ectivess ent shrubs, nd alll public utilities - Q1 S.4 20090804000980570 area N 90 00 00 E 382/7 s/e le ova ghl or m sold utility ESWBED IN foreosementconstruction,reconstruction, t t m t adding to CALLED 2.008 ACRES o e permission port of anyone. Is respective systems w hou the necessity aty time of procuring )' UURA MARTIN GRAY _ LOT 1, BLOCK 1CALLED 1.000 ACRES , WITNESS MY HAND AT WYLIE,TEXAS,Ins--- y ! 20l f. ¢O Q r M RBELLA 2007052900070680 4.390 ACRES CC$ T �N- 191,212 SO. FT. Diane Henry 0 U Owner -0 -G G Dawn '5/8 o F TEXAS C w ,s N90000o W 532.42 roe + JI COUNTY OF CGLLW 0 K ooi IBEFORE m undersigned authority,a Notary Public; and for f e Sfote o1 Texas,on this CO U OaY Pe,sooallY aPpeared Down Oiane Henry,known lo me to be the person whose name is .io2 ACRES 9 to me lna,she executed the same for OUN PIERCE to purpose and considerations therein p ssed. CALLED the purpo to the foregoing inslrumen,and ooknaw/ed ed JCATHY ERE a ur ex re VOL.4815.PG.1800 Ir< CALLED.WHI COR I CALLED 8.538 ACRES MICHAEL B.WHnCbMB AND '" M.UWAVNE FUMING BRAOLEv M.WEBB AND GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this OREo 4 FLAMING 89 dov of 20f i. CCgi 2011041150003,850 "I VOL. 4 VOL.5833.PG.2043 Z ELIZABETH P.WEBB II I No y Public In and for Collin Ca y, Texas 0 Notary P for Approval' +NM FOLIO My Comm/salon Expires U Recommended nRs L o^ p W cry of y rexae Zoning Commission Date NOTICE: Q W cnanmaw Planning e hill c . CALLED,366 HiT ACRES CALLED 1.365 ACRES M�cHAEL B. MICHAEL B.WHITCOMB Approved for construction MARGARET O.WHnmMe VOL.„53 Pc.437 suRveroR s eerenFlcA,E Z -,Cl) VOL.294,,Pc eo, selling a portion of this additlan by metes and bounds Is > fines of CITYithh Ordinance and Stale Low and p 1010.f fa KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: -0 W J Mayor,city a,wyue,Texas — Dale nnes and withholdings a+amines and building permits. HJc ..Accepted. aooD NOTE: linoccurole e ndn or p T F aeN+y,hat e10 nal the 00 01bm Y p or, the Plotting Pules and Regulations of the y 0 sine a 0,1,1 tract8044fOJ, within Zone 'x2009 scaled from FIR.M. era on In oeaordonee F nn aw ¢ 0 Z -� Mayor,cry of Wylie Texas — Panel 4BDBsco4,5J dated rune 2. OF CI- undersigned. Dade odp40 Areas etermined,o CO ou,s1de the 0 2%annual m 0 LWLJ for The osi al plc of Ihe Final Plot of Aaron Davis Addilion.Lot 1,Block 1.an Addition lo y f VICINITY MAP f Wylle.Texas,hereby certifies that the chance no mew Busby R.P.L.S.5z5/ < Q "W H O ___ Mott s ale) ra e streets.alley.parks.easement.publfc places.and water and sewer lines as I ,r"ea,.t,f Z 0 H W <U dedIcatIonote the acceptance thereo+ r g 9 his name as here,'above sabecrmed.shown and set forlh in and upon said plot and said Council f urther authorized me Mayor+a3,D2 COUNTY of COLLIN L.L STATE OF TEXAS - 0 0 Q X Z b a,ma . BEFORE me.the undersigned authority.o Notary Public in and for the Stole of Texos.on o the person whose nome is tines` r oTd rule y f-- A.O..zar 1. Oeuvre x subscribed p pose and afo eeerol ons,herein expressed. edged hto me thol he executed the same for < ¢ W 0 exas APPROVED AND ACCEPTED s& I re o GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL u OF^OFFICE acknowledged ow day of 2011. J Subdivision ReguloneThis plat is hereby naproved in accordance with(Ordinance Na.2003-03).s than 1.4(1 o+ills sly of mole "' o£LtlreJ� \11I SCALE: i"-g5' 0 y i Wy,e.Texas Date '''s I 0' 75' 150' 225' 300' Nyt ommbls onn Eonpd for rcorl,n County. 09 9}