09-06-2011 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission • I September 6 , 2011 Regular Business Meeting 7/. Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 6, 2011 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Gilbert Tamez Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Matthew Kirk Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the TT ylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wilietexas.jov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Ifylie website: 7 r7 r7 r.7 rvlietexas.Gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Tf'ylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6023 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from August 16, 2011 Regular Meeting. September 6,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Tabled Item 8-16-2011 Motion to remove from the table and: 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Regency Business Park, Phase 3, Block B, Lot 15 for a 4,800 square foot Automotive Repair Minor use Facility on 0.844 acres, located at 2771 Capital Street. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Light Industrial (LI), on 12.4 acres, generally located northeast of Centennial Drive and Eubanks Lane. ZC 2011-05 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certifj> that this Notice of fleeting was posted on this 2"d Day of September, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government('ode and that the appropriate news media was contacted As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of if ylie website: u,u,u,.w1lietexass.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday,August 16, 2011 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:32PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Commissioner Vice-Chairman Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner Matt Kirk, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko, and Commissioner Ruthie Wright. Commissioner Ron Smith was absent Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director; Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen Haskins, Assistant Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Wright gave the invocation and Commissioner Dahl led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 2, 2011, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to approve the minutes from August 2, 2011 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 6 -0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Minutes August 16, 2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 3 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Regency Business Park, Phase 3, Block B, Lot 15 for a 4,800 square foot Automotive Repair Minor use Facility on 0.844 acres,located at 2771 Capital Street. Mr. Haskins stated that the Applicant proposes a single story minor auto repair facility. The property is located east of New Heights Baptist Church off Hooper Road. The thoroughfare plan showed Capital Street as access from Hooper Road, but when the development of the church was complete, Capital Street was made into a Cul-de-Sac. The facility will be approximately 4,800 square foot on 0.0844 acres of land. The Site Plan proposes six (6) labeled parking spaces, which is incorrect, should be only five (5) parking spaces. The current use from the Ordinance requires three (3), but the applicant is proposing additional. The facility will be for specialty cars, therefore no outside storage or customer waiting. The cars will be delivered or picked up, it is more for hobby race cars and not vehicles used every day. The Applicant was not in attendance. The Commissioners expressed concerns on type of use of the property in the future, how the oil,tires and batteries will be contained and disposed,the location of dumpster or cart, the number of employees, the office space or lack of having an office area, and recommended having live screening on the east. Chairman Johnston opened the floor for public comment. Mr. Steve Wright, addressed the Commissioners and stated the desire to know exactly what the applicant will be doing. Chairman Johnston closed the public comments. The Commissioners discussed in length the definition of minor car repair from the Zoning Ordinance, and the type of work the applicant is proposing to perform. Mr. Haskins stated that the Certificate of Occupancy will regulate the type of work and enforced by Code Enforcement. The Commissioners may include certain stipulations on the Site Plan when a motion is made. Mr. Lee recommended that the Commission table the Site Plan until the next meeting and give direction to applicant to address. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to Table the Site Plan for Regency Business Park, Phase 3, Block B, Lot 15 for the September 6, 2011, meeting, with concerns by the Commission to be addressed by the applicant: trash disposal or dumpster with appropriate screening, the parking to be expanded, if outside storage is to be used let it be screened, if there is an office, let it be figured into the parking, and screening on the eastside property with live screen or appropriate allowed screening. Motion carried 6—0. Minutes August 16, 2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 3 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes August 16, 2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 3 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 6, 2011 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Regency Business Park Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Addition, Lot 15 Block B Date Prepared: August 26, 2011 Zoning District: Light Industrial (LI) Site Plan/Landscape Plan& Exhibits: Elevation Subject Tabled Item 08-16-11 Motion to remove from the table and: Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Regency Business Park, Phase 3, Block B, Lot 15 for a 4,800 square foot Automotive Repair Minor use Facility on 0.844 acres, located at 2771 Capital Street. Recommendation Motion to Approve a Site Plan for Regency Business Park, Phase 3, Block B, Lot 15 for a 4,800 square foot Automotive Repair Minor use Facility on 0.844 acres, located at 2771 Capital Street. Discussion MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE This item was tabled at the August 16th meeting to allow time for the applicant to attend the meeting and address concerns posed by the Commission. 1. Will there be any outside storage of vehicles/equipment? There will not be any outside storage of vehicles/equipment. 2. Please confirm if there will be any office space within the facility. There will not be any office space. 3. Confirm dumpster location. Trash collection will be by bin service as opposed to dumpster service. 4. Confirm number of employees. There will be no employees. No commercial business will be conducted at this facility. 5. If office space is provided ensure adequate parking spaces. There is no office space, but parking has been increased by one space and also includes appropriate landscaping. 6. If any outside storage is planned now or in the future, screening on the east side must be provided. No outside storage is planned now or in the future under current owner. If property is sold and new owner has outside storage screening must be met in accordance with Ordinance. 7. The parking space labeled#6 should be striped as 10x20 (2 spaces). 7 parking spaces are provided. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The property totals 0.0844 acres and will include a single storey 4,800 square foot structure to be used as a Minor Automotive repair facility. New Heights Baptist Church abuts the property to the east. Capital Street has undergone changes and no longer connects to Hooper, thus there is no access though the Church property. Parking spaces have been provided as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance, and include overflow parking on site. The site plan meets the required design standards set forth for non-residential/commercial developments. Recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date RO 08/31/11 Department Director REMAINDER OF CALLED C.R.C. AC.NEW HEIGHTS BAPTIST CI-IURCH 15'STR 20 51 EG013566 — (VOL.5124,PG. 2536)C R.C.C.T. CINSTR 20IDSII2 10013 56 65 0T D RC G T. 'TN S ; J 0 p O LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONING ,' S 00°44'40"E 684.23' N u ZONING O0 7< 0LIGHT R NOOUIK 10'BUILDING SETBACK 1,981 SF 60 - LET 2 SITE_ � `" -1 l6' LS AREA ncceas' A 54TtD56 AN FT ::- w.vu c�vr l 1.241 ACRES BLOCK B q L'. ,_ e LOT 15 EONED: LI Z 36,710 SD FT. � h 0544 ACRES ZONED:LI i r ' •11- VICINITY m NOT TO M 24 PiRE 1,ANE d 115 S�14 F' `! a wudaYgo" a N 0 O @ P' P. 0 0 - -"AN 3EW CONN I Z p ,VERIFY LOC /S[J 4 /_'yWlp 1�'TI ,800 SF m m07 m D SINGLE STORY F g1 n L 2IHd // " m. W4 cT°roc 3 DATA /� Ind /� Y 10'BUILDING SETBACK � s:=` e�::�:•'.'r::=': :""`;�`:`� O � T L/HTH DUI I�H� PP CI 16.04' L9 AREA; �.,'�@,� a SYNOPSIS: N�•gq�g0��wr y ;- T GROUND UP CONSTRUCTION OF A 4,800 SF SINGLE-STORY 255.55' FACILITY ON 4 36,170 SF/.844 ACT LOT LOCATED ON LOT 115,111' 6m'-II" 59' 0_ 15 BLOCK B OF THE REGENCY BUSINESS PARK PHASE 3, 10'BUILDING SETBACK 1N — N. 1_Ofi II LOCATED AT 2111 CAPITAL STREET,CITY OF WTLIE,GOLLIN COUNTY,STATE OF TEXAS 75095. De 1 L6fi 14 U 55,526 SO.FT. 3E7520 SO.FT. ? — 1.215 ACRES BUILDING/SITE DESIGN: Q T0 DT 0554 ACRES r BRYAN ROGERS,BETTER DESIGN RESOURCES LLC G. 4 ZONED: LI P.O.BOX 1454,WYLIE,TX 75090 00 ZONED:L Gil PH: 214-TT3-6460 FAX:972-429-0224 y 3 W m y CIVIL ENGINEERING, Z F" CARTER CLARK,PE_,CLARK ENGINEERING �^ P_O_BOX 967,CANTON,TX 75103 4 F. C1 PH:903-080-1937 @ " — $ CURVEY TECHNICIAN: U O0 �`k e e RANDY SMITH,LONESTAK FIELD COMPANY Z D f N e PH.214-80-5966 Cp H Z SCALE 1:20 ZONED:LI-LIGHT INDUSTRIAL y W D m 20 10 0 20 PROPOSED USE,AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR,MINOR R PARKING REQUIREMENT 3 S,4,800 SF-AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR,MINOR= 4 2 y W 1:300 SF OFC+I PER SERVICE BAY 44 P. ZERO SF OFFICE.3 BAYS=3 SPACES REQUIRED u-U PARING PROVIDED=T INCLUDING VAN ACCESSIBLE NC i-15'--, . 15'. SPACE F-g U.E. U.E. O,--- LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: 4 REQUIRED LANDSCAPING WITH SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION=10% TOTAL LOT=36,110 SF,REQUIRED LANDSCAPING=3,611 SF LANDSCAPING DESIGN FE QUIFEMENTS LANDSCAPING PROVIDED=4,243 S REQUIRED TREES: xauir72n.°voe wweioe..e°e.°®:n,=— 113 TOTAL LF FRONTAGE 1 TREE/40LF FRONTAGE-4 REQUIRED NOTES: I FLOWERING TREE/2OLF FRONTAGE-S REQUIRED PROVIDED TREES I. ZONING:LIGHT INDUSTRIAL CL IJ TREES® /40=4,FLOWERING TREES 6 1:20=5 " "°"` `"'""''' 2_ LANDSCAPING REWIRED=10%_ 02.74e2222n2.2e,7 LANDSCAPING PROVIDED= 13.1%.. LOT CCU/RE/AGE: 250. �.�,o,,,G Ew...eo 3. ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS TO HAVE AN AUTOMATED,SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION SYSTEM t/OR DRIP SYSTEM. 36,110 SF(100%.)PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL LOT e.ewrcn.a o:a:uwu..wcemr. 14. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER CITY OF WYLIE ORDINANCE,ARTICLE 1,SECTION 1.1. 4,863 SF/132".T PARKING,FIRE LANE,SW """"°"' n RM s� �,s w°,> REFER TO CITY OF WTLIE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORI'IAITON AND REQUIREMENTS•= 4,800 SF(13.0%7 BUILOING or�a s:�..em.EKe,�ra °`="16""`°"'°' 5_ LARGE TREES,FLOWERING TREES,AND EVERGREENS USED,SHALL BE SELECTED FROM CITY OF WTLIE 4,599 SF(13.3%.)LANDSCAPE .."merza . ."o ,. "' SUGGESTED SPECIE LIST PER ARTICLE 3,PAGE 34. DRAWING REV: o °i •rt �5� r�IIE I�®�• �.�1 6. PER ARTICLE 1,SECTION 7.1.F.3.A-SHADE TREES SHALL BE 14-16 FEET IN HEIGHT AS MEASURED FROM TOP 1,OR. SITE DESIGN FE OLI I� I I�NT� �OF ROOT BALL AND 3 INCHES IN CALIPER AS MEASURED 12 INCHES ABOVE GRADE. 2771 CAPITAL 5TFEET CONSTRUCTION P°`:"" HI Mf°`�""`°1° 072. " � 77:: :: .7/2. °F LOT 15,BLOCK B,REGENCY BUSINESS PARK PHASE 3 DRAWN BR DENOTES REQUIRED SHADE TREE OWNER/APPLICANT: Rryen a',gel, re� ra.o aoE.e�.a cr e.ocn e c "�rIo new MF - -- MANOR DATE: 2901 W DENOTES REQUIRED FLOWERING TREES 2901 WREN LANE Oft-311-I RICNARDSON,TX 15082 H. =7:.7�6 PH:912-015915-2519 SHEET oeo:G .ow..n°eua =+'--- E-'''"$`""`��` ----- DENOTES AREA SERVED BY SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION OR DRIP SYSTEM DESIGNER: Cl1 =,7:nwMTMtc-, ''"''' BRYAN ROGERS,BETTER DESIGN RESOURCES LLC OF P.D.BOX 1454,WTLIE,TX 150E8 P4: 214-113-6460 FAX:912-429-0224 InSFS H"SUITE NUMERALS ON A W p BACKGROUND, 3 TYP AT ALL SIDE S REAR DOORS EXTERIOR LIGHT PACK,TYP ,,-------------- CONTRASTING O F V- T. W S 0 va j , V_ WBw j nm mEU ><Owv E. 4°4m LOW-E 3°l" la•Iz•INSUL OVUD 14°12a INEUL DVHD 16.12•INEUL DYHD ETL DOOR BT BLDG MFS 3m Tm W 0 52"v II'-5�" - 14' I6' <2'+ „LEDGE W °�J FINISI-IED OPNG FIN154AED OPNG FIN154AED OPNG S- LEDGE LEDGE OUT OF STL 3'_2-" 'y 2 BRICK I„ I„ F, �, BRICK TO OPNG 2 5Z s 54'-52 �3 1. 5� STEEL DOOR 8m SORE 2 62 GE BRICK BY BLDG MFG OUT TO OUT OF STEEL UT HD'-II" OUT TO OUT OF STEEL OUT TO OUT OF FOUNDATION 60'-II" OUT TO OUT OF FOUNDATION SCALE:3/16"=1'-0 As— vA SCALE:3/16 I'-B" ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES AROUND 6"ADDDRESS NUMERALS REQUIRED 4'DEEP ARTICULATION ON A CONTRASTING BACKGROUND REQUIRED FIRE DEPT z I ACCESSvIAKNOXBOX SOLIDER ROWSABOVEALL OPENINGSKINGSISE COMMERCIAL BRICK _ a ROOK WA INSCOTT ! } 12 �� O F~ i W-4 yr ° > H `�a s - 6m4°LOW-E 6m4°LOW E 3m Tm TL DOOR BT BLDG MFG !- ESIII I3' Leec S1„ a o T T �61„BRICK BRICK OUT TO DUT OF STEEL Fs 2 2""' BRICK 5 II' II' 2 I5' 22'-III" O„ LEDGE �, 11„ LEDGE LEDGE FROM OUT OF 6TL FROM OUT OF 6TL 9'TALL INSET OUT TO OUT OF FOUNDATION N OUT To OUT OF FOUNDATION 6C' OUT TO OUT OF STEEL SC'-II" n NGS SF BLDG FACE 2SF IB2 SF OUT TO OUT OF FOUNDATION =O� �% =\ 4 O 332 5F ROCK u/A/ 6T6 SF BRICK n SCALE:3/16"=1'-O" SQL 7= =__\\Nd X A,— O SCALE:3/16"=1'-O" `Y NOTES: I. 2�STONE IS REQUIRED ON SLOG FACE. DRAWING REV: PROPOSED BLDG FACE=RIDS SF FOR: REQUIRED STONE=182 SF(2Pf„J ® i1I n� CONSTRUCTIOT STONE PROVIDED=232 SF(25.5%) � ON EO����� OES N I� OU E I N�� UR,WTI EY: 3- 25%OF BUILDING FACE IS REQUIRED TO BE OFFSET 4'DEEP- n.re s ,vim ,�"�� Rrynn D.ROSeu BUILDING FACE=6m'-II" REQUIRED= 15'X 4'DEER DATE: PROVIDED=15'X 4'DEEP 08-30-11 A. WALL TIES TO SE INSTALLED PER IBC 21GA 1.3 a 2109.6.3.I. THE MAXIMUM S2'E r.rlL QT'="d"""" wo.�.o�.�,, SHEET VERTICAL DISTANCE BETWEEN TIES SHALL NOT EXCEED IS AND THE MAXIMUM enw.ee mr+u.�o µ..nxwacnmx sw„e..u....Mreu...-eE.�wee AlRIZONTAL DISTANCES ALL NOT EXCEED 36"_ ADD OI I L TIES S ALL SE LyOF IN6TALLED AT ALL OPENINGS,SPACED NOT MORE T AN 36"APGRT AROUND T E cam<.e.m PERIMETER AND WITI-IIN 12 INCI-IES OF THE OPENING. rteio.,.+irnem wu.�.�.Nmwu..mm..n•.e. rar<u.e..r.a a DODS,520ac.50:,20 Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: September 6, 2011 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2011-05 Location Map, Zoning Exhibit/Conceptual Site Plan, Enlarged Site Plan, Filed Plat, List of LI Uses, Notification Date Prepared: August 4, 2011 Exhibits: List/Map and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Commercial Corridor(CC)to Light Industrial (LI), on 12.4 acres, generally located northeast of Centennial Drive and Eubanks Lane. ZC 2011-05 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council, amending the zoning from Commercial Corridor(CC)to Light Industrial (LI), on 12.4 acres, generally located northeast of Centennial Drive and Eubanks Lane. ZC 2011-05 Discussion Owner: Mr. C.T. Beckham Applicant: Alan Adkins, Cinnamon Teal The subject property is Lot 1, Block B of the Woodlake Village Addition and located at the northeast corner of Centennial Drive and Eubanks Lane and consists of 12.393 acres. The property is currently an undeveloped lot and is zoned CC. Access to the property will be via Centennial Drive, with the rear of the property facing Kansas City Southern Railroad. The Railroad property is zoned Heavy Industrial (HI) District. The property is bordered on the west by Eubanks Lane and by Spring Creek Parkway on the east. The City of Wylie Public Safety Building, Wal- Mart Supercenter and other Woodlake Village outparcels are immediately south, across Centennial Drive. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to Light Industrial (LI) District to allow for Office/Warehouse uses as outlined in Article 5 of the current zoning ordinance. A Zoning Exhibit/Conceptual Site Plan is attached hereto and made part of this request. A final site plan must be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission for recommendation and approval prior to the release of any permits. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 As reflected on the Conceptual Site Plan, the applicant is proposing nine (9) single story office/warehouse buildings averaging 15,000 s.f. each. The proposed development of the property if approved shall conform to current nonresidential design standards for Light Industrial Districts including tilt wall panel construction. The subject lot is a long rectangular shaped lot with approximately 277' of depth and is adjacent to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad and is located approximately 800' feet north of S.H. 78. Access to the property is from Eubanks Lane to the west and Spring Creek Parkway to the east, with no direct access from S.H. 78. Fourteen (14) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. At the time of posting, zero responses were received opposing the request, and zero responses received supporting the request. Zoning request signs were provided and properly placed in accordance with Article 8, Section 8.1.3 Posting property for zoning changes. Approved By Initial Date RO 08/31/11 Department Director ��ey in r wOl iti w��u ivnwumun,�nw�rt IIIIU¢v .. — �Q�I�I�It � ,ySW 1 ifir All. °' ' rcr: Subject ° ' Property tel: I I► 1�L�l{�1101 f rilr flr oitl:.9riliD�YNL7L111� ��. �mV¢,dll m .mow rn JJvJ m(fw3 wo�id ' Itotteal :-01111;:::- 'MN mr�Ur _.. g ,1, i , j State HighwayNo. 78 ICC !r ���1I■I�f till"III i � 1..� 11111110111111 111�lIi hi • . �������w. . .. . ��� •�� .,. iglu, Air Cy ui'~ 1111l.,: ■f1■il■1■1 ■.I■1 , , ■ .i•l 11 1 £IIffltllflTIflhlIiIflHIIIf1uLiiiiint, ,„„„ .. .1 i' 1li 11 r iiilliiiifilligi r Ai 1 ill — r I lir 10 ; . ; NE anhu. to o t . o-': o 0 0 o 0 , 0 0 li i! •-'HIM le. '11117 1241—filt-1 I illill11111 i 1 I rI m Buill ,,,, - „, , 1, .131LEmmulaigr o h v 1 1 1111 h Ai b , r 11 LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2011-05 LANE: : 4, II N 0k0.00 ,0•000„, „N„ , 00 0000,,0 ,100•0000 , N 00 00 0444V44' 4 4 4,4 444 444 4, 4,444,4.4 ,4,0,4,444,4v44,4.44 \4,, 0 °°444, 0;044 i4tv°v°°,°' 14, v44°444„, 4 444, 440,4401044,04 4,144444,4N44, 444;,4v 414411,044,4,4 4,,14,0,4, 44, °°444, \400°00°04,1404„ 414444. 14 "4441i°444 444 0 444, 4404,404,44440444044„ 4 4v40 4440\ 4 '4\ v444044 44 440440V4444„4-1444440 4444344 444 44,41\4,4444,4444444000444..4.-4-44,4r, 4v4„1\ \ ''4° °°1°-44444441144444444.4144V444444„ 44,\ i v444, 40°44844P44-4444444,c"" 440,44 444,\ 4,„ °44, v4V4,44k4V4444,444404,044.4,044,, Iv. 14040 00,4\4\ 4440 1 I:1411,4i441:11 I4: 4, '4" 4 14 4 II 14, 1,,I'f,,15:4!5,411.2,4,1" I 14 '11'11r5m44.1:10-4',10:!4:1,4111 4, 'I 4 14 I\11A,110- 4 14'1:j1°,, 44 4 Ili 5„,7:44, r 41444 4\ \ °44 41044 v444#4 14 °4c'°44\ qv" V 4 44\0 VI 43 414 r 4 14 1 4 40-4444 4,Iv 4 444 40444. 4,c'44,44 414 4, 44 , 1444,444 „4 4411441„4, 44 444Ni•.i„ \ 4,40v4044.414,4 „It 4, V II Ii1,11,101" 4,----"IIII"':11 4 V, , 4 4:z t 4--iikil;.,,A.1.41,1,1 1 „, „.„,,,„ ,,, 144 iiii'l 14 11 4 4 4 444:''1I, II 14104'11IN ,t 11,4 I 4\I '1., root,0 1,5,1‘,, li .\ 1 ,,, „1 '1;lf:111 illigliiJililj lii4 01111;g11 .,,, 44 44144,4 44-44;3444,440441044 440,404 4 440 • ,' 18jii; 414 IA, ,,§ ,,,,:d,s :: \ la '1',0 ?..1 ) 1011 Imi'll l!'6, :":.' e1 lii .,i; ▪ !!1iHP V,11:11i1i1:,D e;iI II?mile,,, Is 1„ : 741 11 '111; illiI1101 :•Ait 4 4 1 441;4,„ -14Fi',WI14:,4 1i 14 4, '11111.IF1•1--4\:"4i, )11 4 1/1' C14114:m I 4 I' g1.4t M 41'4 it'll iritiv-ii,11 414 iii: VI!g11419 III.g iiir:: 4 I'1i1"4ii4\44:•;44 14 44\ 4 : itl$411 Ili II: Ii AIP I 4 11dI14 "1", 14 I 4 I t 441:1AI: 161Y.,„ 4 20, 00 0110•;1°1100" 1(00,, 1.1' 0 0 0 10\'0.0., 0a00,1 0 00 01 ,0000::05°.0) .-7ii,,,11'11 _ ..„ „ ...., II I 111111 Al . Orlfp i 1 I l' 1 i . ' 111111 I, 1 "01)(1,,m 7( ' ..' ,,,, . , , :III' ,.;I 1 i,1 i „., ' '74'''' ,11 .1111 . 1 ill OFFICE WARE1101.J.5E 1 ,! 4 11 li: virm tna illrilfgag ill II!. !'' " ' ' ' lterpa T :. ,xy 4 gC`77%.* ac . a. i W e — — ram.. W s TABULATIONSetb« Lam, t „5 LI 41-11:5 ,.... -- N• , `, ... EUBANKS LANE ri, Z1, N rtzt ..”70 .. 33°1'3 it00 11 A 1°. °°°°00000 VAAVA r ,,A, ,33 3 It4P0ta°A.k•I'aaal .4.R,4 4'4 i_i 12 . 9.444 , 4 tT4,4114y44 14.1, liti 0 I ,,,,,.. 8 10 . 8.18 MI itil itili'l z 11.)'', . RARRai•kaAaA•a.A.a.t.a AAA!:/ r, rill 1 a x i 8 cal.4 axatt; Baal, r a.a.a.ziA.L•a(a.„1,a.t,k.aa...A.:A z 1011„ A0A-tttl° 1 '434 \NA•00 :1'1°0/ii\ ° . "-la: 1 il-7/ ' 'i., • AAN, kia01/ 30000 , 8- 4 1 , t' 1 I :•-. hi, I 41 i 11,4 4 t •t , LI i t 1 1 iI.,1 1 no-1zl1*I.-4s1(i1t• -_Vt—.'1.•/ ii',1•1 _ 7 7 m1,„3,1,—oo„- \ .,- . %.k, ,o\ t l t to\ %:...A Ulf E -4 I. n i• \ i• ' '''? A,tt aa,ia3All'Nii 0ll IIII;' 1 i 1 ",. t IA It Ii 2E.ii 0 III 00, 0 A A 41,1 ? 1 •A li 1 t 1, ,1 I i lz il I;i i II 64) i 01 "1A 3 74::: .„4\ 010 •,00c.t.,0000000 : \ r \ 1 , Ira 1 t 1 p - A 0 ti°00 A 00tt ° il At 000 00 ° I c 1111 fil 1 1 , I la 0- Lj 0 ADL ,s10 _ ,.,SPRING CREEK PARKWAY 41 a, i „, i- ft..... soo.oa ts ' . (1“ — . p 0. CM! Nre,147011- --- 474, 7RANCISCO DE LA PIRA SURVEY ASST.Ak0.ees gm...4.y ........ FINAL PLAT CITY OF WYLIE CO-UN-COUNTY.TEXAS PAWA•Winkeimann ,,X‘7.. Dram by T 1WINne WOODLAKE VILLAGE CUENY^CEMTTNNIAL ARMAND DEVELCIPMENT vEm-rume Vi &Associates,pc. to --.4 040•4 by 6.sm.*,11 Eta PY1. 63.295 ACRES STSO LS4 FRWY. SUrrIE GIO CIALLAS,TEXAS 75240 Prwo Fab .rrt.o.,,,oi , 12141 456-9903 — - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) Land Use Tables A. Agricultural & Animal Related 1. Animal Boarding/Kennel without Outside Pens P* B. Residential & Lodging 1. Hotel or Motel P C. Institutional & Community Service 1. Church/House of Worship P* 2. Civic Center P 3. College or University P 4. Cultural Arts Facility P 5. Day Care Facility P* 6. Group Home P* 7. Library P 8. School (Public or Private) Elementary P* 9. School (Public or Private) Secondary P* 10.School, Business P 11. School, Technical or Trade P D. Office 1. Financial Institution (with drive thru) P 2. Financial Institution (without drive thru) P 3. Financial Institution, Alternative S 4. General Office P 5. Medical Clinic P* E. Recreational, Entertainment & Amusement 1. Commercial Amusement or Recreation (Inside) S 2. Commercial Amusement or Recreation (Outside) S 3. Community Park, Rec Center, or Public Golf Course P 4. Country Club or Private Golf Course P 5. Golf Driving Range S 6. Health Club P 7. Neighborhood Park or Playground P 8. Theater S F. Retail, Personal Service & Commercial 1. Automobile Rental P* 2. Automobile Repair, Major S 3. Automobile Repair, Minor P 4. Body Art Studio P* P = Permitted P* = Permitted with additional requirements S = Special Use Permit Revised August 2011 Page 1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) Land Use Tables 5. Contractor's Maintenance Yard S 6. Dry Cleaning or Laundry, Drop-Off or Self Service P 7. Cleaners (Commercial) P* 8. Equipment Rental P 9. Food Processing P 10.General Merchandise or Food Store 5,000 s.f. or less P* 11. Home Improvement Center, Lumber, Brick, or Building Materials P 12. Household Equipment & Appliance Repair P 13.Motor Vehicle Fueling Station P 14. Pawn Shop P 15. Personal Service Use P 16. Restaurant with Drive-In or Drive Thru Service P* 17. Restaurant without Drive-In or Drive Thru Service P* 18.Truck, Machinery & Heavy Equipment Sales, Service or Repair S 19.Vehicle Display, Sales or Service P 20. Beer & Wine Package Sales P* G. Utility, Transportation & Public Service 1. Airport, Heliport or Landing Field P 2. Animal Shelter P 3. Commercial Bus Station, Terminal or Service Facility P 4. Commercial Radio or TV Transmitting Station P 5. Electric Substation or Gas Regulator Station S 6. Helipad P 7. Local Utilities P* 8. Mounted Antenna P* 9. Police or Fire Station P 10. Post Office P 11. Radio, Television or Microwave Tower S 12.Telecommunications Tower P* 13.Telephone Exchange without Shops or Offices P 14.Transit Passenger Shelter P 15. Utility or Government Installation other than listed P 16.Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir or Water Storage P H. Industrial & Manufacturing 1. Industrial (Inside) P* 2. Industrial (Outside) S 3. Light Assembly & Fabrication P 4. Printing & Publishing P P = Permitted P* = Permitted with additional requirements S = Special Use Permit Revised August 2011 Page 2 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) Land Use Tables I. Wholesale, Distribution & Storage 1. Contractor's Maintenance Yard P 2. Mini-warehouse (self-storage) P 3. Office Showroom/Warehouse P 4. Outside Storage P 5. Recycling Collection Center S 6. Warehouse/Distribution Center S J. Accessory Uses 1. Accessory Community Center (Private) P* 2. Accessory Game Court (Private) P* 3. Accessory Outside Display of Merchandise P* 4. Accessory Outside Storage P* 5. Amateur Communication Tower P* 6. Caretakers Quarters/Domestic or Security Unit P 7. Swimming Pool (Private) P* P = Permitted P* = Permitted with additional requirements S = Special Use Permit Revised August 2011 Page 3 IZI .- ..... . • = 04 .....' ... ..... : • i it, I / i .• ..'.E-''' ...., .......-....''.. ' E- --/- - • •--it -- ' ...'-''' ...--- ......'''• , I i - / , ...` ee ...•.. ...-, ......' i , - ,-_ ...., ....• -,., -% -- \,\,.`, a f _ • - m ••••••. 1 ..... • \ ''''' '' '% , -`-1_,'\ \ ' 0.' '.. • • • ••••••'........... ',..'',,-,-,J-e],5,,, _ ,,_ -=' .• .,>,...--'_.--"' .......... "'. ,-- ,-,,," 0-' ,, • . ,,, , \ \t_-" ,,N,t . .,: t ..t,ttt*,, .." Z. 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