08-22-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board rCITY OF WYLIE Meeting Minutes Monday,August 22,2011 -6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum, Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. Board Members present Gary Robas, Matt Rose, Jim Ward and Cristine Price. Absent was Dan Chesnut. Staff members present: Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. WORK SESSION 1. Work session to gather Board and public input on the Wylie Neighborhood Parks Master Plan for Pheasant Creek Park and Forrest Ross property. (Presentation made by Chris Seely, Tim May, Joe Madrid and Mark Holiday of Teague, Nall and Perkins.) Board Discussion __ Tim May gave a PowerPoint presentation that was previously given to the City Council containing their concept plans for the two parks. He reminded the Board that no input has been given from the public, Board or Council and once this input has been given, the concept may change. After the presentation input from the public was requested. No citizens addressed the Board. Mr. May presented a concept for the Forest Ross property, "Park A", that incorporated three pieces of property (City-owned parkland, the Army Corps of Engineers and North Texas Municipal Water District properties) but noted that each one can stand alone. The thread pulling them together is the trails. Chair Hiney wanted to focus on the Forest Ross property owned by the City. Chair Hiney asked for suggestions from the Board. Member Robas liked the way they designed it. Member Price suggested multipurpose playing field into this area. Mr. May indicated he does have a basketball court in the NTMWD piece but said it could be incorporated in such a way as to keep the natural feel of the land. Member Ward didn't feel it necessary to add anything to the design of the parks since it was just a concept plan and there were no funds to build the parks. Member Rose felt the park should be left as more natural with trails for hiking biking since there are few parks that are left with just natural feel that would encourage outdoor activities for Scouts and other similar uses; he felt the more amenities added the fewer of those activities it will encourage. Liaison Diaz asked for input from the Board on the Council's request to make that area a gateway to the lake. Member Ward suggested just adding a trail head at the north end of the park with a crossing across Skyview and an entry into East Fork park. Chair Hiney indicated the signage at the south end as well as features in the park would help to define it. She asked staff if we could get ahead of the plan before the Park Street extension is built by requesting a four way stop or signal at Park and Forrest Ross. Liaison Diaz indicated that there have been talks with City Engineer, Chris Hoisted, and it has yet to be determined whether or not Forrest Ross is going to remain a thoroughfare or not; which will depend on p.,, what happens with the NTMWD's triangle piece. Member Ward suggested that if we were able to acquire the triangle piece the road could become parking with speed bumps with and entryway at the south end. Pheasant Creek, "Park B", discussions began with Member Ward asking Mr. May if it was feasible to put a crossing for the creek or if it was too cost-prohibitive. Mr. May said it was possible but it might be expensive due to the layout and depth of the creek. It would probably cost around $100,000 to cross at the narrowest section. It might become feasible if there were more recreational opportunities on the other side. August 22,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Member Price expressed her concern over lack of off-street parking. Mr. May indicated that it would be possible to include a few spots near the existing lift station. Chair Hiney inquired how much more "" boardwalk with synthetic materials was than concrete. Mr. May indicated due to the terrain, it may be cheaper. Member Rose indicated he liked the way the four separate areas were designed to enjoy the boardwalks linking those areas together. Member Rose asked if the HOA piece in part of the property was conducive to basketball or other sport feature. Mr. May said there was some soil stabilization issues that prevented the HOA from doing anything; however, the City might be able to do it. BUSINESS ITEMS 2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the July 25,2011 meeting. Board Action Member Robes noted the header from the July 25, 2011 meeting was incorrect. Motion from Member Robes, seconded by member Rose to accept the minutes as amended. The motion passed 5-0 with Member Chesnut absent. 3. Consider and act upon approving the Vendor Application from the American Cancer Society Relay for Life as a fundraiser for cancer survivors. Board Action Item was pulled from the agenda, as it was cancelled. 4. Consider and act upon approving the Tree Preservation Ordinance for Tree City USA. Board Discussion Member Robas asked Shohn Rodgers, Parks Manager, regarding Section 78-255, 4th paragraph section D, to add a section that stated, "The Director should be notified if another (exempt) department is removing a tree." Chair Hiney asked if we would develop a standard form for those who want to plant a 4,'" tree on any City property. Mr. Rodgers indicated he would look into that. She also asked how penalties would be determined if someone violates the ordinance. Mr. Rodgers said that would be up to the courts and police department. Member Robas suggested increasing the maximum fine should someone destroy an older tree that would cost thousands to replace. Member Price suggested they set a minimum fine and no maximum amount. Mr. Rodgers said he would consult with the attorney on that issue. Member Ward suggested a replacement mandate. Mr. Rodgers indicated the time line is to be finished by October so the program falls with our fiscal year. The mandate for celebration for Arbor Day doesn't need to be on specific day but he indicated November was a good time. Board Action A motion to table the item by Member Rose and seconded by Member Ward. The motion passed 5-0 with Member Chesnut absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Discuss Planet Kidz Youth Program. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz reviewed his meeting with WISD with the Board. The meeting was very encouraging and they could see the value in the program. It will be a school district decision. He said that he hoped we would get some feed back in time to come back to the Board at the September meeting and then on to Council in October. ,11.11 6. Discuss large animal rules for parks. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz reviewed the concerns Police Chief Duscio had about the prospective ordinance. Member Ward suggested we ask the leagues to place a rule in their packet that the parents have to sign acknowledging if the bring an animal to the park the coach or referee has the authority to have it removed should it misbehave prior to spending money on signage and making a new ordinance. Lance Wallace, WBA President, addressed the board to say that there are people in the park that are not part of the ball games that it would be impossible to regulate. He also stated he would like it to say that you cannot have a dog or any animal on the playing surfaces/fields. August 22,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 Member Robas noted that the current ordinance prohibits animal owners to allow the pets to defecate without immediate removal. Member Rose suggested it read, "during organized play or events domestic animals are not allowed"or any way that gets the message across that it is only during events, as it's not a problem when the fields/concession stand aren't being used. Liaison Diaz suggested the ordinance specifically indicate when organized sporting events are occurring animals are not allowed in posted areas which include playground areas and the fencing or edge of any playing field...as designated by the Superintendent and have the signage reflect that. Member Ward suggested it would suffice to make the few changes in the ordinance as well as a notice to the leagues that verbiage should be included in their packets for parents and referees. Mr.Wallace suggested allowing them on the trails but prohibiting them from going near the playing fields, spectator areas and concession stand during games. Member Price said it should exclude service animals. Chair Hiney suggested that a sign on the entrance to the fenced fields saying"No animals allowed on the fields" and others on all playgrounds as well. Liaison Diaz indicated he would refine the verbiage and come back to the Board as well as going to the leagues when the ordinance is finalized. Liaison Diaz informed the Board that he received an official resignation from Brandi Lafleur and would get the reappointment scheduled on the next Council Meeting Agenda. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Ward and seconded by Board Member Robas. The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m. by unanimous consent. ATTEST: Nancy Willi s, Park Board Secretary Anne Hine ,Chair