07-15-2010 (Construction Code) Minutes Construction Code Board
Construction Code Board
Thursday, July 15, 2010—7:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Building Official, Mike McAnnally called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. with the following
Construction Code Board Members present: Allen Moms, Brian Paden, David Williams, Ronald
Hauck, Billy McClendon, and Zachary Herrera.
Staff present was: Building Official, Mike McAnnally; Code Enforcement Officer, Pat Mitchell;
Code Enforcement Officer, Wendy Young, and City Attorney Claire Swann.
Residents may address Construction Code Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must
provide their name and address. Construction Code Board requests that comments be limited to three(3) minutes.
In addition, Construction Code Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or takes action on any matter presented
during citizen participation.
There were no citizens present to address the Construction Code Board during Citizens'
• Consider, and act upon, appointment of the Chairman / Vice Chairman for a one
year term beginning July 2010 and ending July 2011.
Board Action
A nomination was made by Allen Morris to nominate Ronald Hauck as the Chairman. Board
Member Billy McClendon seconded the motion. A vote was taken and a motion passed 7-0.
A nomination was made by Allen Morris to nominate Bryan Rogers as Vice Chairman. Board
Member Billy McClendon seconded the motion. A vote was taken and a motion passed 7-0.
Minutes—July 15, 2010
Construction Code Board
1. Consider, and act upon, approving the Minutes from the March 18, 2010 Construction
Code Board meeting.
Board Action
A nomination was made by Allen Morris to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member
Billy McClendon seconded the motion. A vote was taken and a motion passed 7-0.
2.Hold a public hearing, and consider and act upon, seeking a determination that a
building(s) located at or near 705 S Jackson Ave, Southside, Lot 10, Wylie, Collin County,
Texas, is in violation of standards set out in Ordinance 2008-49 DANGEROUS
BUILDINGS of the City of Wylie, Texas; and, seeking an order that the building be
vacated,secured,removed,or demolished.
Staff Discussion
Building Official Mike McAnnally asked that Item #2 be addressed at a later Construction Code
Board Meeting.
Board Action
Allen Moms moved that it be tabled to the next meeting. Brian Paden seconded the motion. A
ex* vote was taken and passed 7-0.
3.Hold a public hearing, and consider and act upon, seeking a determination that a
building(s) located at or near 508 E Stone Rd, Eldridge, Lot 5 , Wylie, Collin County,
Texas, is in violation of standards set out in Ordinance 2008-49 DANGEROUS
BUILDINGS of the City of Wylie, Texas; and, seeking an order that the building be
vacated,secured,removed,or demolished.
Staff Discussion
Code Enforcement Officer Pat Mitchell stated that the owners have applied for a demolition
permit. She then stated that she believed there is a live well underneath the front porch at this
Board Action
A nomination was made by Allen Morris that this is a dangerous structure and continue to
demolish the house. Board Member Billy McClendon seconded the motion. A vote was taken
and a motion passed 7-0. The Owner and/or other Interested Party shall demolish the Structure
(including, but not limited to all accessory structures, garages, fences, and live well on the
property) pursuant to a city-issued demolition permit, clean up the Property after demolition, and
remove all debris to an approved waste site within 30 days of the issuance of this final order.
4.Hold a public hearing, and consider and act upon, seeking a determination that a
building(s) located at or near 200 S 2" St, Railroad Wylie, Blk 31, lot 1A 2A 3A, Acres
0.2580,Wylie, Collin County, Texas, is in violation of standards set out in Ordinance 2008-
Minutes—July 15, 2010
Construction Code Board
49 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS of the City of Wylie, Texas; and, seeking an order that the
building be vacated,secured,removed,or demolished.
Staff Discussion
Code Enforcement Officer stated that Ms. Reynolds had been given 90 days to apply for permits
and bring house up to code at the last Meeting, this has yet to be done. Ms. Mitchell stated that
the neighbors were allowing Ms. Reynolds to run extension cords to her house even though
they had been told not to and were notified by mail and in person. An entry warrant was issued
for June 24, 2010 to go inside the house which was done. No changes had been made to the
house. Board Member Brian Parten asked what violations still existed. Pat Mitchell stated that
wall, ceilings, floors, foundation, wiring, and numerous other problems. The condition of the
home itself was dangerous and the house was dilapidated.
Ms. Bernadette Reynolds stated that she was trying to get some things cleaned up and she has.
Board Action
The Owner and/or other Interested Party shall demolish the Structure pursuant to a city-issued
demolition permit, clean up the Property after demolition, and remove all debris to an approved
waste site within sixty (60) days after the issuance of this final order.
The Owner's failure to demolish the Structure in accordance with No. 1 above shall result in the
Building Official and/or his designee proceeding to demolish the Structure at the expense of the
Interested Parties. After demolition and clean-up, the City shall invoice the Interested Parties for
the costs associated with the demolition, clean up, and removal of debris. If Interested Parties
fail to pay the invoice, the City shall file a lien against the Property pursuant to Section 22.211 of
the Wylie Code of Ordinances.
Before the sixteenth day after the issuance of this final order, the Interested Parties shall be
allowed to access the interior of the Structure on Monday through Saturday from 6 am to 9pm
for the sole purpose of removing personal property from the Structure and emptying the
Structure in anticipation of demolition. Entry and access to the structure are conditioned on the
Billy McClendon made a motion to approve the final order stated above. Allen Morris seconded
the motion. A vote was taken and a motion passed 7-0.
5. Authorizing the Chairman of the Construction Code Board to sign the final orders
prepared by City staff so long as such final orders are consistent with the orders issued by
the Construction Code Board on July 15,2010.
Board Action
Ronald Hauck made a motion to approve the orders. Allen Morris seconded the motion. A vote
was taken and passed 7-0.
• Minutes—July 15, 2010
Construction Code Board
With no further business before the Construction Code Board, a motion was made by Allen
Morris, seconded by Kevin Thompson to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. A vote was taken and
the motion passed 7-0.
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Ronald Hauck,Construction Code Board Chairman
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Minutes—July 15, 2010
Construction Code Board