09-26-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 1 WI Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Minutes Monday,September 26,2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum, Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Board Members present: Gary Robas, Matt Rose, Dan Chesnut, Jeff Harris and Cristine Price. Absent was Jim Ward. Staff members present: Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams. Also present was Councilman Bennie Jones. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. Chair Hiney introduced new Board Member Jeff Harris and thanked him for his dedication to the community. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the August 22,2011 meeting. Board Action Motion from Member Robas, seconded by member Rose to accept the minutes as written. The motion passed 6-0 with Member Ward absent. 2. Consider and act upon approving the Vendor Application from the Wylie East High School to hold a crafts booth fundraiser for WEHS Scholarship Foundation at Olde City Park on October 24,2011. Board Action Shannon Ainsworth, 2028 Megan Ct., Wylie addressed the Board. Motion from Member Robas, seconded by Member Harris to approve the application. The motion passed 6-0 with Member Ward absent. 3. Consider and act upon approving the Vendor Application from Boy Scout Troop 2062 to hold a dinner and an auction as a fundraiser for their Eagle Scout project at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on November 5, 2011. Board Discussion Scout Alex Baker, 1310 Cedar Bridge Dr., Wylie addressed the Board. Member Robas commended Scout Baker for his initiative and Chair Hiney suggested they involve the Chamber of Commerce. Board Action Motion from Member Chesnut, seconded by Member Harris to approve the application. The motion passed 6-0 with Member Ward absent. 4. Consider and act upon approving the Vendor Application from the American Cancer Society Relay for Life to hold a Rally and Holiday Bazaar as a fundraiser for cancer survivors at the Bard Peddicord Community Center on November 19. 2011. September 26,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Board Discussion Member Robas asked if the proceeds from the vendor sales would go to the cause. Chair Hiney indicated that normally the organization makes their money from selling booth space but sometimes vendors also donate a portion of their proceeds to the cause, however, with no representative present it was an unknown. Board Action Motion from Member Price, seconded by Member Rose to approve the application. The motion passed 5- 1; Member Robas voting "No"with Member Ward absent. 5. Board Action Motion from Member Chesnut, seconded by Member Robas to remove the Tree Preservation Ordinance for Tree City USA from the Table. The motion passed 6-0 with Member Ward absent. Consider and act upon approving the Tree Preservation Ordinance for Tree City USA. (Shohn Rodgers, Parks Manager) Board Discussion Member Chesnut asked Mr. Rodgers if the fines leveled upon the company that cut down trees behind the Exxon would be comparable to the ones levied if a City tree was cut down. He indicated the ordinances were similar. Chair Hiney asked if he would look up the fines for destroying private trees as compared to the fees for destroying public trees. Member Robas asked if the fines were assessed per tree. Mr. Rodgers indicated in the affirmative as well as per day fees. Board Action A motion from Member Robas and seconded by Member Rose to approve the Tree Preservation Ordinance for Tree City USA. The motion passed 6-0 with Member Ward absent. 6. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Kreymer Estates Development. (Presentation by Jim and J.R. Douglas of Douglas Properties, Inc. and Richard Hovas of Tipton Engineering) Board Discussion Jim Douglas (2309 Avenue K, Plano) gave history of purchase of the Kreymer property from the Kreymer family which is why it is named Kreymer Estates and that the streets will be named for members of the family. He presented a map of the subdivision showing the area to be dedicated parkland and how it will be tied in with the current hike and bike trail plan. The association plans on maintaining the parkland and installing the irrigation and maintaining it as well. The area to be dedicated is 8.3 acres, mostly linear. They plan on spending over $200,000 on improvements including a tot lot, park benches and picnic tables. A budget was presented to the Board. There will be an open area for play by the tot lot and the amenities will be built at the beginning of the project. The hike and bike trail will be concrete. The Board expressed concern about water runoff from Brown Street. Mr. Douglas indicated it would have pipe and drain into the open space as it does now, but if more needs to be done, it will be. Member IRobas asked how long they remained in control of the project. Mr. Douglas said they would be there a minimum of 3 years and that they organize the HOA at least a year before they hand over the project and teach them how to run it and where the irrigation, etc. is. Mr. Robas asked if they had done any similar projects, and Mr. Douglas said Timber Brook Estates in Plano and Stony Creek Subdivision on Collins in Sunnyvale. Chair Hiney asked how many amenities would be included in the Parks. Douglas said 4 park benches, 2 picnic tables, 1 pavilion (20x30) and 1 tot lot with approximately 2 acres of clear space. Member Harris asked what the separation between the park and homeowners would be. Mr. Douglas answered wrought iron. Member Price asked where the public would park and the reply was there are only homes on one side so there will be plenty of street parking. He also stated that the HOA will pay for the water to irrigate and they will mow since it will primarily be used by the home owners in the subdivision but will be available to the public as it will be public parkland. Member Harris inquired into the process for selecting trees that are cut and those that are retained during the development phase of construction. Mr. Diaz said that the City works closely with the developer to help them understand the trees that should remain, like the City did when Creekside Estates was being September 26,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 developed the contractor constantly was in touch with the City and requested their observation when it came to tree placement or removal. He said he felt it would be the same with this contractor. Mr. Douglas also shared that when a tree is removed for any reason by the homeowner, they would be required to replace it. Chair Hiney expressed concern over drainage stating that dedicated parkland can have no open drainage. Mr. Douglas said there would be rock at the headwall and if more is needed they would improve as necessary. The City has currently designed the drainage from Brown Street and they are developing with that design in mind. Chair Hiney summarized that the amenities proposed would be great for the neighborhood and that the hike and bike trail will tie into our system which is something the Board is really working toward. It will relieve the burden of building and maintaining the park from City staff. The drainage issues are being addressed by the City Engineer. Member Harris requested the put some picnic tables under the pavilion. Member Chesnut asked the order of the presentation to the City. Mr. Diaz said it would go to Planning and Zoning next, then to City Council for final approval. Board Action A motion from Member Robas and seconded by Member Price per discussions and clarifications of this evening to approve the proposed parkland dedication in the Kreymer Estates Development. The motion passed 6-0 with Member Ward absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7. Discuss Municipal Complex Property. Board Discussion A PowerPoint presentation was given by citizen Bill Baumbach (505 Rustic Place, Wylie). He stated his focus was to bring the Municipal Complex property to good condition without spending any money or very little. Mr. Diaz stated that he met with Mr. Baumbach and City Manager Manson earlier regarding the concerns voiced in the presentation. Currently the property across from City Hall on FM 1378 is being graded and hydro-mulched. The property just east of the Municipal Complex is currently being farmed under contract with a local farmer, Ben Schultz, which saves the City maintenance dollars. Mr. Diaz contacted Mr. Schultz to see if he would be interested in farming some other areas of concern, but he was not interested. In the meeting it was discussed if some of the areas could be turned back into native grasses but he hasn't been able to contact anyone yet, but he is still working on it. As to the locked gate at the meadow next door, it is to keep unwanted vehicles off the pasture and for safety reasons. There has been one there for a long time but it broke and was just recently replaced. The Parks Manager is working on the feasibility of making a trail from the Complex property to the meadow with a low water crossing that would allow our Civic Center parking to be the area to park to enter at the trailhead. This might possibly be a winter project. Member Robas asked if the Parks staff could remove trash from the meadow area and possibly remove some of the barbed wire during the winter. Mr. Diaz said they could look at that. Member Harris suggested we contact the Eagle Scouts as they are always looking for projects. He also asked what the contractor's responsibilities were as far as the Complex completion as well as FM 1378 project. Mr. Diaz indicated they were completed with the building but were still working with the landscapers on some of the areas. They are still working with the City Engineer on the FM 1378 project and have done some grading and hydro-mulching. Member Harris asked as to the contractor's timeline to be completed, Mr. Diaz said he would check with Mr. Hoisted. Member Price asked who was doing the hydro-mulch. Mr. Diaz said it was the FM 1378 contractor and would find out their timeline. Member Robas thanked Mr. Baumbauch for his presentation. Member Price asked if we could mow a strip behind the City buildings to use as a trail. Mr. Diaz indicated he would work with the Park Manager to see if there was a trail they could mow and will get the Board an update of all topics at the next meeting. September 26,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 8. Discuss Planet Kidz Youth Program. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz met with WISD Communications Director Halperin and they have declined any involvement due to staff costs and wear and tear on their facilities. Chair Hiney felt that if the school district doesn't want to get involved that our department should step up. Member Harris asked what the child to adult ratio was. Mr. Diaz indicated 1/20 and that they select all their own staff and pay them. Harris asked what part of the facility was used. Mr. Diaz informed him the gym and classroom areas; they would not have access to the upstairs. Mr. Diaz proposed to the Board that the Center open 2 hours early on Saturdays (opening at 6am) or open one hour earlier on Saturday mornings opening at 7:00 am and on Sundays open at 11 am instead of noon. Chair Hiney suggested we split the difference by opening one hour earlier on Saturday and one hour earlier on Sunday. Member Rose wanted to make sure an hour adjusted were put in the time slots it's really needed. Perhaps have a questionnaire at the gym. Mr. Diaz said they could look at doing a survey along with part of another survey they are considering. He asked if the Board wanted the survey to take place before or after Council was approached. Member Robas indicated that we could figure that later and take to Council with a couple of hours of operation options. Either 2 hours earlier on Saturday or an hour earlier on both Saturday and Sunday. 9. Update on park projects budgeted for FY 2011/12. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz reviewed his Agenda Report with the projects approved for the next fiscal year. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Robas and seconded by Board Member Price. The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. by unanimous consent. ATTEST::-- Nancy Williarhs, Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chair