05-06-1991 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY , MAY 6 , 1991 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met n in regular session at 7 : 00 PM on Monday , May 1A 9 91iuon the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . was present and notice of the meeting had beene porstedtsted inwthe the time and manner required by Chairman Bart Peddicord ; Vice-Chairperson , Cecelia Wood and Commission Members , Richard Eckman , Cleo Adams , Robert Flint and Bobby Jennings who arrived late . George Fournier was absent . Staff members present were Rick Herzberger , Building Official and Code Enforcement Officer ; and Barbara ara LeCocq , Secretary. Meeting was called to order by Peddicord . ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM APRIL 15 , 1991 MEETING: Chairman Peddicord asked for corrections or additions to the minutes . Robert Flint asked that the references to Cecelia Wood in paragraph 2 , page 1 and paragraph 1 , page 2 , be prefaced by the title "Vice- _ Chairperson Wood" ; also that the motion and second for adjournment had been omitted . A typo was noted in paragraph 1 , page 1 that the date should read April 15 , 1991 rather than April 16 , 1991 . A motion was made by Cleo Adams and seconded by Robert Flint that the minutes be approved as corrected . All in favor ( 5 votes ) . ITEM NO. 2 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE: The Public Hearing was opened by Chairman Peddicord . Hearing no comments from the floor , Mr . Peddicord closed the Public Hearing . ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE : The question was raised by Chairman Peddicord as to whether or not the City has the manpower to enforce such an ordinance . Rick Herzberger stated that he could enforce it but the parameters needed to be defined . Motion was made by Vice-Chairperson Wood to table this item and place it on the agenda for the next meeting for revision. Motion seconded by Cleo Adams . Motion carried , all in favor ( 5 ) . ITEM NO. 4 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : None ITEM NO. 5 - RECESS REGULAR MEETING TO CONVENE INTO WORKSHOP : The Chair recessed regular meeting and convened the workshop . ITEM NO. 6 — DISCUSS AND REVIEW NEW AND/OR UNLISTED USES, SPECIFICALLY SEASONAL FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS: Rick Herzberger stated that he had been checking with some surrounding cities regarding seasonal uses and had found that for the most part they did not deal with a specific "seasonal use" permit but handled them under their zoning with limited specific use permits . Several instances of what might qualify as seasonal uses were firewood , food vendors , Christmas trees , and produce vendors . The point was made that Texas grown produce can be sold without a permit house to house . Members asked that Rick Herzberger verify this statement . Rick Herzberger was also asked to check on the "Good Humor Man" that works the neighborhoods . Are there hours specified for this type of sales . ITEM NO. 7 — RECONVENE INTO REGULAR MEETING: The Chair asked for items that members would like to have placed on the agenda . Bobby Jennings asked that they discuss the letter they had received from Paul Beaver regarding the omission of "General Discussion" on the agenda . Mr . Jennings stated that on March 4th he had asked that this item be placed on the agenda for discussion on March 18 and again at the meeting held on April 15 he asked that item be placed on the agenda for the May 6 , 1991 meeting. As of this date that had not been done . He is again asking that this item be placed on the agenda for discussion. Rick Herzberger stated that the members had received copies of the City Attorney's opinion of this matter regarding open meetings and that it would probably not appear on the agenda. Mr . Jennings stated that this is a matter of principle with him and that "our (P&Z Commission members ) rights are being denied" . Mr. Jennings has asked for full explanation. ITEM NO. 8 — ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made and seconded for adjournment . Meeting adjourned by Chairman Peddicor. . Bart Peddicord , Chairman Res ctfully submitted : Ba bara LeCocq , ecreta 4