02-08-1993 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1993 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 6:30 P.M. Monday, February 8, 1993 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman, Gilbert Welch; Vice Chairman, Bait Peddicord;Billy Mills, Richard Eckman and Bobby Jennings. Stall'members present were Building Official,Michael Schmidt; and Secretary Nita Morrow. Members Absent were: Cleo Adams, excused; Mike Hawkins, unexcused. ITEM 1- CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 4, 1993 MEETING: A motion was made by Bobby Jennings and seconded by Richard Eckman to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried, all in favor(4 Votes). ITEM 2 - HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A REQUEST OF CHANGE OF ZONING FROM A (AGRICULTURE) TO SF-3 (SINGLE FAMILY- 3). FOR A TRACT OF 90.462 ACRES LOCATED ALONG AND ADJACENT TO COUNTY ROAD 298 (MC MILLEN ROAD) RIGHT OF WAY WEST FROM FARM ROAD 1378 RIGHT OF WAY FOR A DISTANCE OF 2,333.19'; SOUTH A DISTANCE OF 1,640.41', AND WEST 2,328.02' TO THE RIGHT OF WAY ALONG AND ADJACENT TO FARM ROAD 1378 NORTH FOR A DISTANCE OF 1,621.35': Michael Schmidt, Building Official, went over the request for a zone change. Ned Hearn, representative of McMillen Farms pointed out that the zone change is Single Family - 1, not Single Family - 3. After the members reviewed and discussed the change a motion was made by Billy Mills and seconded by Bobby Jennings to approve the zone change to Single Family-1, tract 1-9, and that tract 10 would remain zoned Agriculture, motion recommended to go before the City Council. Motion carried, all in favor (4 Votes). ITEM 3- DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FROM SHOOTING STAR L. C. FOR APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION TO BE KNOWN AS MC MILLEN FARMS: Michael Schmidt, Building Official, went over the preliminary plat for McMillen Farms. After the members discussed the preliminary plat Bobby Jennings made a motion and Billy Mills seconded to approve the preliminary plat to go to the City Council. Motion Carried, all in favor (5 Votes). ITEM 4 - HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE TO AMEND HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN " SINGLE FAMILY 1, SINGLE FAMILY 2, AND SINGLE FAMILY -3) ZONING CATEGORIES: Michael Schmidt, Building Official, reviewed the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance with the members. The Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the Ordinance and a motion was made by Gilbert Welch and seconded by Richard Eckman to approve the height restriction Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Amendment to go to the City Council. Motion carried, all in favor(5 Votes). ITEM 5- CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None. ITEM 6 - ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made and seconded for adjournment. Vice Chairman Peddicord adjourned the the regular business meeting. Respectfully submitted: j)))07/4°-& Bart Peddicord, Vice Chairman Nita Morrow, Secretary �,'I b2v`-+- (,��1