11-01-1993 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes M = N U T E S THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MET IN A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING AT 6: 30 P.M. , MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1993 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM OF THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX, LOCATED AT 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH WYLIE, TEXAS. A QUORUM WAS PRESENT AND A NOTICE WAS POSTED IN THE TIME AND MANNER REQUIRED BY LAW. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN, BART PEDDICORD; VICE CHAIRMAN, MIKE HAWKINS; STUART ALLISON, RICHARD ECKMAN, CLEO ADAMS, AND BOBBY JENNINGS. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL, RUSSELL WYMAN; AND SECRETARY, NITA BOHLS. ABSENT: JOHN CROWE, EXCUSED. CALL TO ORDER: CHAIRMAN PEDDICORD CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 6: 35 P.M. . ACT=ON ITEMS ITEM NO. l: DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND THE AGRICULTURE DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE: The Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the Agriculture District in the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance. Motion was made by Bobby Jennings and Seconded by Mike Hawkins to recommend to the City Council as amended, adding to Home Occupation: "Home Occupation, incidental to the main use. " Motion carried, all in favor with 6 Votes. ITEM NO. 2: DISCUSS AND REVIEW PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Planning and Zoning Committee were unable to review due to lack of information. Motion was made by Mike Hawkins and Seconded by Richard Eckman tabling this agenda item and putting it on a future agenda for review when more information is available with a possible called worksession if needed. Motion carried, all in favor with 6 Votes. ITEM NO. 3: DISCUSS AND CONSIDER INITIATING A PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND SITE PLAN REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE: After the Planning ad Zoning Commission discussed the Site Plan Regulations of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance, a Motion was made by Mike Hawking and Seconded by Stuart Allison to call a Public Hearing to amend Section 29-A of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance. ADJOURN: Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting at 8: 25 P.M. . Motion carried, all in favor with 6 Votes. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: 4CI am' BART P DICORD, CHAIRMAN NITA BOHLS, SECRETARY