12-06-1993 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes M I N U. P E THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MET IN A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING AT 6:30 P.M. , MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1993 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX, LOCATED AT 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH WYLIE, TEXAS. A QUORUM WAS PRESENT AND A NOTICE WAS POSTED IN THE TIME AND MANNER REQUIRED BY LAW. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN, BART PEDDICORD; STUART ALLISON, RICHARD ECKMAN, CLEO ADAMS, JOHN CROWE, AND BOBBY JENNINGS. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL, RUSSELL WYMAN; AND SECRETARY, NITA BOHLS. ABSENT: VICE CHAIRMAN, MIKE HAWKINS, EXCUSED. CALL TO ORDER: CHAIRMAN PEDDICORD CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 6: 30 P.M. . PUBL=C I-E.AJR.MNG : ITEM NO. 1: HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FROM DOYLE SPURGIN OF PHOENIX GALLERIES FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO ISSUED, ALLOWING AN AUCTION HOUSE (ANTIOUES, COLLECTABLE AND ESTATE SALE AUCTIONS) TO BF LOCATED AT 130 NORTH BALLARD. ALSO DESCRIBED AS LOTS 17 AND 18 OF BLOCK 18 OF THE RAILROAD ADDITION: Chairman Peddicord opened the Public Hearing. Mrs. Patricia Spurgin of 302 North Ballard, co-owner of Phoenix Galleries gave a summary of how Phoenix Galleries were anticipating running the Auction House. Mrs. Spurgin went over days and hours of operation (starting at 6:15 p.m. and end no later than 10:15 p.m. on Tuesday and Saturday) , occupancy load they anticipated (100 occupancy load) , future concession stand, no outside storage would be used, renovation of the building and parking (one parking space for every two people, parking to accommodate 50 cars) . Commission Members had concern about required parking for the down town area. Mrs. Spurgin's response to this was that parking would not be a problem. The First Baptist Church's Pastor, located directly behind the building, had given permission for use of their parking lot to accommodate overflow parking. Mrs. Spurgin stated that her husband, Doyle, as well as herself were licensed auctioneers and that they would run their auction according to State Laws that pertain to Auction Houses. The Planning and Zoning Commission had concern regarding flammable liquid that might be stored at the Auction House. Mrs. Spurgin assured the commission that any item that would contain such liquids would be emptied (i.e. Lawn mowers, paint and oil lamps) and would be stored in their Plano storage to enable the gases to be aired before transporting to the Auction House located in Wylie. Paints and other such items be auction at the business site or discarded. Chairman Peddicord closed the Public Hearing. The Planning and Zoning Members discussed the Auction House and after consideration a motion was made by Bobby Jennings and seconded by Richard Eckman to approve to go before the City Council for consideration to grant a Special Use Permit for an Auction House (Antiques, collectable and Estate Sales) located at 130 North Ballard in the Down Town area. Motion carried with 5 votes in favor and 1 against. ACT=ON ITEM : ITEM NO. 1: DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN OF THE TRAILS PLACE ADDITION WHICH INDICATES THE LOCATION OF THE BUILDINGS WHICH ARE ACCESSORY TO THE MULTI-FAMILY STRUCTURES: Russell Wyman. Building Official, briefed the members of the problem on the plat for Trails Place Addition. The apartments had car-ports and were 60% built. The car-ports were not indicated on the site plan and did not meet the set back requirements. After discussion the members decided that the carports would not be a problem and that they could continue with construction. A motion was made by Bobby Jennings and seconded by Cleo Adams to continue and finish construction of apartment buildings with car- ports located in the Trails Place Addition. Motion Carried, all in favor with 6 votes. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : None. ADJOURN: Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting at 8:05 P.M. . Motion carried, all in favor with 6 Votes. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: BART PEDDICORD, CHAIRMAN NITA BOHLS, SECRETARY