10-07-1996 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES
The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on October 7, 1996, at
6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North,
Wylie, Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required
by law.
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bart Peddicord,Rich Eckman, Cecilia Wood,
and Steve Ahrens.
ABSENT: John Crowe - excused, Stuart Allison- excused and Tim Owen- unexcused.
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Director of Community Development-Mike Phillips,Planner -
Kelley Shaw and Secretary- Rebecca Rogers.
ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of the Minutes from September 9, 1996 Regular Business
Meeting. A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Rich Eckman to accept the minutes with
one correction as noted. Motion carried, all in favor (4).
ITEM NO. 2: Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council for approval of a
Preliminary Plat for the Novid Business Park Addition submitted by Novid Properties, Inc., located
north of the intersection of FM 1378 and FM 3412 (Brown Street) and being a part of a 14.497 acre
tract out of the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22. Chairman Peddicord asked for Staff
recommendation. Mike Phillips,Director of Community Development, stated that Staff recommends
approval of this preliminary plat. This is not an approval for construction, but will allow water and
sewer to be put in. The owner of the property is responsible for the cost of getting utilities to the site.
The current zoning on this property is "B-2", Business-2. Motion was made by Steve Ahrens to
make a recommendation to City Council for approval of a Preliminary Plat for the Novid Business
Park Addition submitted by Novid Properties,Inc., located north of the intersection of FM 1378 and
FM 3412(Brown Street)and being a part of a 14.497 acre tract out of the Charles Atterbury Survey,
Abstract No. 22., seconded by Cecilia Wood. Motion passed, all in favor(4).
ITEM NO. 1: Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council a request
from Farmers Electric Cooperative Inc. d/b/a FEC Electric for approval of a Specific Use Permit for
an electrical substation on property located on the east side of Kreymer Lane between Brown Street
and Stone Road,and further described as being 5.31 acres of a 22 acre tract land out of the Francisco
de la Pina Survey, Abstract 688. Chairman Peddicord asked for Staff comments. Kelley Shaw,
Planner, stated that FEC Electric had done studies and found this site to be the most economical and
have the least impact on the community. Only one notification was sent and has not been returned.
Chairman Peddicord opened the Public Hearing and Pete Montes of Farmers Electric Cooperative,
Greenville, Texas, spoke. Mr. Montes brought conceptual drawing to show what FEC expects the
substation to look like. There is an existing TU transmission line and FEC will be tying into that and
existing power lines on Kreymer Lane. FEC selected this sight to minimize the visual impact on
Kreymer Lane and the surrounding area. Most of the trees shown on the concept plan are existing
and some additional landscaping will also be done. Questions were raised regarding expansion,
underground or overhead lines, and who this substation would service. Mr. Montes stated that
expansion of the substation is not planned in the foreseeable future (10-15 years), that FEC would
tie into the existing TU overhead transmission lines and would run their lines underground, and the
substation would be servicing existing customers in Wylie and surrounding areas. Weight and type
of equipment for the substation was discussed and the FEC substation would be setup like the TU
substation on Highway 78.
Richard Parker, 630 Ballard Avenue, Wylie, Texas, was present to speak against the SUP request.
Mr. Parker owns property to the south of FEC's and also leases the property that FEC is buying and
did not receive notification of this request, it was verified that he is within 200' (they share a common
fence). Mr. Parker is against the SUP and feels that there will be no benefit to the City of Wylie and
it will slow development of the adjacent property and would like it located in Dallas County.
Discussion ensued among Commission members. Kelly Shaw reiterated that this is a request for a
SUP only, not for construction and site plan review must come before the Commission before any
construction can start. Benefits of the substation to the City were discussed (ensuring an adequate
supply to current customers and currently using TU's substation on Hwy. 78). Kelley Shaw stated
that Staff recommends approval of this Specific Use Permit. Chairman Peddicord closed the Public
Hearing. Mr. Ahrens would like the 200'range of notification expanded and Mr. Shaw stated that
state law governed the maximum of 200' and public notices were required to be published for two
weeks in the local newspaper. Several members of the Commission voiced their screening concerns.
Mr. Phillips interjected that a SUP could have stipulations added to it, ie. screening requirement
added to it. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Rich Eckman, seconded by Steve Ahrens,
to recommend to City Council a request from Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc. d/b/a FEC Electric
for approval of a Specific Use Permit for an electrical substation on property located on the east side
of Kreymer Lane between Brown Street and Stone Road, and further described as being 5.31 acres
of a 22 acre tract of land out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract 688 with the stipulation
added that a permanent greenery screening of a minimum of 6 - 8 ft. be placed around the cyclone
fencing. Motion passed,3 in favor(Steve Ahrens,Rich Eckman, Bart Peddicord) - 1 against (Cecilia
Richard Parker,630 Ballard Avenue, Wylie, Texas stated that the City should try to plan things that
benefits the citizens not the corporations.
ADJOURN: A motion was made to adjourn by Rich Eckman, seconded by Steve Ahrens. Motion
carried, all in favor (4 votes). Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
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Bart Peddicord, Chairman Rebecca Rogers, Kicretary