03-03-1997 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES
The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on March 3, 1997,at 6:30
p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North,
Wylie,Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required
by law.
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bart Peddicord,Rich Eckman, Steve Ahrens,
Cecilia Wood,Jim Smith and Stuart Allison.
ABSENT: Tim Owen-excused
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Planner - Kelley Shaw, Building Official - Mike Phillips and
Secretary-Rebecca Rogers.
ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of the Minutes from the February 17, 1997 Regular Business
Meeting. A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, seconded by Steve Ahrens to accept the minutes as
presented. Motion carried, all in favor(6).
ITEM NO. 2: Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council a request from Richard
Parker for approval of a zone change from"A",Agriculture to"MF",Multi-Family Residential District
for a 16.356 acre tract of land located at the southwest corner of Parker Road and Ballard Avenue and
further described as the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.696,Tracts 33 and 33-9. The Public Hearing
requirement for this item was met on 2/17/97. Chairman Peddicord introduced Kelley Shaw,Planner for
the City and Mike Phillips,Building Official for the City of Wylie. Mr. Shaw stated that Staff recommends
approval of this zone change request. The Comprehensive Plan's housing goals are summarized as"to
encourage development of a variety of housing in the City of Wylie,to increase the number and quality of
multi-family housing and also to improve and maintain the quality of existing neighborhoods in Wylie."
The Comprehensive Plan guidelines show to locate multi-family developments along major arterials or
collectors,near convenient activity centers,dispersed so that no more than 200 units are located in any one
area or within a minimum of 1000 ft.of any other development. Mr. Parker's request meets those general
guidelines as well as other specified guidelines (such as being near schools, etc.) There are proposed
multi-family development requirements that will be going before the Planning&Zoning Commission and
City Council for approval by the end of the month. These regulations will provide for stricter quality and
development standards which would apply to any future multi-family developments. Mr.Parker is aware
of these proposed development regulations.
A motion was made by Steve Ahrens,seconded by Rich Eckman,to remove the zone change request from
the table. Motion carried,all in favor(6). Discussion followed regarding how many times an item could
be brought before the board and this one had been previously discussed. A request can be resubmitted
to City Council for approval as many times a person wants unless the City Council denies the request with
prejudice which would require a 12 month waiting period before the request could be resubmitted.
Richard Parker's request had previously been brought before the Commission and was denied. Discussion
regarding the proposed Multi-Family regulations followed. The proposed regulations are in line with the
majority of surrounding cities. Staff has informally discussed the proposed Multi-Family regulations with
Richard Parker,but no formal Conceptual plan has been submitted. A traffic study was done by the City's
traffic engineer consultant, Stanton Foerster. The traffic study showed that 185 apartments
(Comprehensive plan would allow 200)would result in a service level "DIE"(currently a level"D", "E"
being at capacity "F"would be failure.) The level of service would drop to"E/F"(at capacity border
failure of service)with left hand turns being made into the apartments without designated turn lanes.
The survey did not include any variables for seasonal traffic. No traffic study was done for the
proposed Woodbridge project.A school impact study was done for the Woodbridge project. W.I.S.D.
already has a bond proposal set for September for a new elementary school. The schools are currently
at or near capacity at this time.
Stuart Allison asked why the City of Wylie should be middle of the road and be in line with Plano
(who accepts a lot of Multi-Family) and be more like a bedroom community like Coppell. Kelley
Shaw replied that he was directed by City Council to study surrounding areas and endeavor to be in
line with the surrounding areas. The ultimate decision would be made by City Council as to what type
of community that the City wants to be. Council will be meeting at the end of this month to discuss
the Multi-Family development standards.The proposals will also come before the Planning&Zoning
Commission. A motion was made to deny the requested zone change by Steve Ahrens, seconded by
Stuart Allison. Motion denied, 3 in favor (Steve Ahrens, Stuart Allison, Jim Smith) 3 opposed
(Cecilia Wood,Bart Peddicord,Tim Owen). A motion was made by Steve Ahrens to table this request
until all members are present, seconded by Rich Eckman. Motion carried, all in favor(6).
Richard Parker stated that he would prefer for his request to be denied and to move on to City Council.
Ronda Berryhill, 634 N. Ballard Avenue, Wylie, Texas 75098 stated that she felt the P&Z Commission
should send out a survey to all the residents of Wylie to see what direction the residents wanted Wylie to
move in(ie, bedroom community,more industry,etc.)
A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Cecilia Wood,to remove Item No. 2 above from the
table. Motion carried, all in favor(6). Mr. Parker was questioned whether it was his intent to withdraw
his request completely and Mr.Parker stated that he was not withdrawing his request,he just wanted to
move it on to City Council. A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Jim Smith,to recommend
denial of the zone change request from"A",Agriculture to"MF"Multi-Family Residential District to City
Council. Motion carried, all in favor(6).
A motion was made to adjourn by Stuart Allison, seconded by Steve Ahrens. Motion carried, all in favor
(6). Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Wde/Met OVOt&4-
Bart Peddicord, Chairman Rebecca Ro ers, e
g rY