04-07-1997 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES
The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on April 7, 1997, at 6:30 p.m.
in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, Wylie, Texas
75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law.
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman-Bart Peddicord, Rich Eckman, James Smith,
Cecilia Wood, Steve Ahrens, Stuart Allison and Tim Owen.
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Planner-Kelley Shaw,Building Official-Mike Phillips and Secretary
-Rebecca Rogers.
ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of the Minutes from the March 3, 1997 Regular Business Meeting.
A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by James Smith,to accept the minutes as presented with
a note to check the order of the motions on Action Item No. 2. Motion carried, all in favor(7).
ITEM NO. 2: Discuss and Consider approval of a Preliminary Plat submitted by Goff Homes for
Stoneridge Farms located at the junction of Stone Road and FM 544, just south of Quail Hollow
subdivision. Kelley Shaw,Planner,presented the Preliminary Plat. Goff Homes has worked with Staff
in making the recommended changes. Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat. Goff Homes
is asking for a variance to the Subdivision Regulations which require sidewalks to be built on both sides
of the dedicated street. Staff recommends denial of this variance request due to the close proximity of the
school,park and neighboring subdivisions. The subdivision has a looped water system so that if water lines
needing repair were shut off the entire subdivision would not be without water. The east side of the
property will have a 25 foot drainage easement so that there will be no drainage onto the neighboring
property. Goff Homes has agreed to provide live screening and the screening issues would be addressed
before the Final Plat is approved. Maintenance of the landscaping would not be the responsibility of the
City. Discussion followed regarding the variance request on sidewalks.
Neal Heckel, of Goff Homes,was present to answer any questions. Mr.Heckel stated that the variance
was for the sidewalks to be eliminated completely but Goff Homes would like to change the request to
sidewalks only on one side (the best side to be determined by an engineer). The intent is to create more
open space,not a safety hazard(there will be reduced vehicular traffic due to the nature of the subdivision).
Sidewalks could be adjacent to streets instead of having a parkway,but they would be required to be 5 feet
wide instead of 4 feet. Mailboxes would not be able to be placed in the normal fashion with a 5 ft. wide
sidewalk. A deed restriction would govern where the sidewalks are to be placed. Staff recommends
sidewalks on both sides of the street. The live screening would also be deed restricted and it would be the
responsibility of the homeowner to maintain it and prevent it from being cut down. Current subdivision
regulations call for screening, but does not specify what type (IE. Fence, live, etc.). An Architectural
Control Committee comprised of Goff Homes people will be in place to handle items such as circular
drives, etc. Goff Homes would continue to control the Committee until the subdivision was built and
homeowners would then supervise this Committee.
A motion was made by James Smith, seconded by Rich Eckman,to deny the variance request of sidewalks
to be permitted only on one side of the streets. Motion carried, all in favor (7 votes). Variance denied,
sidewalks required on both sides.
A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Rich Eckman, to recommend approval of the
Preliminary Plat submitted by Goff Homes for Stoneridge Farms. Motion carried, all in favor(7 votes).
Preliminary Plat approved.
ITEM NO. 1: Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council for approval
of an Ordinance establishing Multi-Family Residential District Regulations;replacing current Multi-Family
Residential District Regulations(Section 14, Wylie Zoning Ordinance); stating the purpose and providing
standards for development. Mr. Shaw was requested(by City Council)to analyze the current standards
and to research surrounding communities development standards for Multi-Family Districts. Staff
recommended that open space and recreational areas be increased. Density was lowered(15 dwelling units
per acre maximum density), lot size minimums increased to one acre, dwelling unit floor ratios were
spelled out (600 sq. ft. being an efficiency up to a 1,000 sq. ft., 3 bedroom unit), building separation
guidelines(more restrictive), 25%open space requirement instead of 5%and of that 25%, 250 sq.ft. per
dwelling unit as useable recreation space(swimming pools, etc.)and landscaping requirements being 15%
of the open space and 50% of that required to be located in the front of the property. A 60 ft. setback
buffer would also be required of any Multi-Family District abutting any residentially zoned property.
Screening was discussed,currently,a 6 ft. screening requirement is in place,but the new regulations would
leave that up to Staffs discretion(to be handled at Site Plan review). The proposed maximum height for
a multi-family dwelling would be 3 stories or 40 ft.maximum. The Fire Dept. has reviewed the proposed
regulations and does not foresee any problems with that height. The Fire Chiefs concerns were on having
a sprinkler system or two access doors. The Commission felt that 2 stories were more attractive than 3.
Also, the Commission felt that one acre was on the small side for a multi-family dwelling. Mr. Shaw
reiterated that Staff was directed by the Council to not go to either extreme.
Chairman Peddicord opened the Public Hearing and with no one present,closed the Public Hearing. A
motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Tim Owen,to recommend to City Council approval of
the proposed Multi-Family Residential District Regulations ordinance. Motion carried, 5 in favor(Steve
Ahrens, Tim Owen, Rich Eckman, Bart Peddicord and James Smith), 2 against (Stuart Allison, Cecilia
A motion was made to adjourn by Tim Owen,seconded by Rich Eckman. Motion carried, all in favor(7).
Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Bart Peddicord, Chairman Rebecca Rogers, Secret