06-16-1997 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION
The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on June 16, 1997, at 7:00
p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North,
Wylie,Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required
by law.
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman-Bart Peddicord, Rich Eckman, Cecilia Wood,
Tim Owen, Jim Smith, and Stuart Allison.
ABSENT: Steve Ahrens - excused
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Building Official-Mike Phillips and Secretary- Rebecca Rogers.
ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of the Minutes from the May 19, 1997 Regular Business Meeting.
A motion was made by Jim Smith, seconded by Rich Eckman, to accept the minutes as presented.
Motion carried, all in favor(6).
ITEM NO.2: Consider a request for interpretation as to the zoning classification into which"Bed
and Breakfast Inn"shall be placed. Mike Phillips, Building Official, stated that Staff had received a
request had been made to turn a current single family home (109 N. Jackson) into a "Bed &
Breakfast" and found that no definition fit this type of use. Several neighboring cities were
researched, McKinney has it strictly as a SUP in many districts and Plano does not require a SUP
but recognizes the Bed and Breakfast use by right in their Business-Government classification. Staff
recommends the use be defined as "an owner/operator occupied residence with up to five (5)
bedrooms available for overnight paying guests. The maximum length of stay is fourteen (14)
consecutive days in any one calendar month. Meals may or may not be provided, however, no
facilities for cooking will be permitted in any of the bedrooms. Minimum off-street parking will be
required at a rate of one (1) space per each bedroom." Discussion followed regarding allowing this
use in Agriculture,differences between Boarding/Rooming House(5-20 rooms) and Bed&Breakfast
(occupancy up to 5 rooms), Specific Use Permits and limitations on meals for guests. Health
inspections will be required.
A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, seconded by Rich Eckman to recommend to City Council to
allow"Bed&Breakfast Inn"classification in"R"Retail by right and as a Specific Use Permit (SUP)
in"A"Agriculture and"MF"Multi-Family Districts. Motion carried, all in favor (6).
ITEM No. 1: Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council for a
request from Goran Juric for approval a zone change from "MF" Multi-Family to "SF-3" Single
Family District for the property located at 105 South Third Street, and further described as Lot 13
and the south 17' of Lot 14, Block 22 of the Railroad Addition. Mike Phillips, Building Official,
stated that Mr. Juric's would like to build a single family dwelling and did not realize that the previous
existing house that was located on that lot was a non-conforming use. Most of the neighborhood
is currently single family dwelling with a few duplex units. No Multi-Family use could be built there
without acquiring a minimum of one acre of land. Mr. Juric will be doing a Minor Replat to join the
lot and the 17 ` portion as one. Chairman Peddicord opened the Public Hearing.
Karl Kottmeier, 1050 Wilson Road, Wylie,Texas,present owner of the lot, was present to speak for
the zone change. He currently owns the property in question and feels that a single family dwelling
would be appropriate for the neighborhood. If the zone change is denied, this would remain a vacant
lot. There is not enough property to build a Multi-Family unit and that is the only use allowed under
that zoning.
Questions arose where Multi-Family zoned areas could be if the Commission starts changing currently
zoned Multi-Family to something else. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan details the areas where
Multi-Family could be allowed. Single family use is the predominant use in this neighborhood. This
would not be considered "spot zoning" and the City may initiate a zone change for Single Family
District for this area at a later date. Discussion followed. No one else present to speak for or against
the requested zone change. Chairman Peddicord closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by
Rich Eckman, seconded by Tim Owen, to recommend to City Council approval of a zone change
request from"MF",Multi-Family District to "SF-3", Single Family District for the property located
at 105 South Third Street, and further described as Lot 13 and the south 17' of Lot 14, Block 22 of
the Railroad Addition. Motion carried, all in favor(6).
A motion was made to adjourn by Tim Owen, seconded by Rich Eckman. Motion carried, all in favor
(6). Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Bart Peddicord, Chairman Rebecca Rogers,Secretary