07-07-1997 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION
The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on July 7, 1997, at 7:00
p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North,
Wylie,Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required
by law.
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Bart Peddicord, Ray Capley, Cecilia Wood, Rich
Eckman, Tim Owen and Steve Ahrens.
ABSENT: Mark Clark- excused
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Phillips-Building Official and Rebecca Rogers - Secretary.
sworn in by City Secretary - Susan Shuler. Chairman Peddicord stated that he did not wish to be
nominated for any position. Rich Eckman was nominated for Chairman by Steve Ahrens, seconded
by Tim Owen. Motion carried, all in favor (6), Richard Eckman, Chairman. Tim Owen was
nominated for Vice Chairman by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Cecilia Wood. Motion carried, all in
favor(6), Tim Owen, Vice-Chairman.
ITEM NO 1: Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council for a
request from Wylie/1997,L.L.C. (John A.Baker,Mgr.) for approval of a zone change from"SF-A",
Single Family Attached and "R", Retail District to "SF-3", Single Family District for a 6.520 acre
tract of land, located at the southwest corner of West Brown Street and Westgate Way, and further
described as the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 266,part of Tract 34. Mike Phillips, Building
Official, gave an overview of the history of Westgate, Phases I & II. Westgate I zoned as Single
Family. Westgate II had some lots that were zoned "2F", Two-Family District and since the
developer wanted this to be single family homes in conjunction with Phase I, a "PD", Planned
Development District was permitted so that a smaller lot and smaller setbacks could be used instead
of having to redevelop the lots. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan states that this area is primarily
for single family use. The suggested retail areas would be covered by the intersections of West
Brown Street and FM 1378 and by existing retail at the corner of N. Winding Oaks Drive and West
Brown Street. Staff recommends the zone change.
Chairman Eckman opened the Public Hearing. Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering for Wylie/1997,
L.L.C., was present to speak for the zone change. He feels that a zone change to single family is
appropriate for this neighborhood, the surrounding area is currently single family residential. Retail
and Single Family Attached are not appropriate for the area. No one else present to speak for or
against the zone change request. Chairman Eckman closed the Public Hearing.
Discussion followed regarding previous zone change requests in the surrounding area and public
hearing notices. Several builders have been consulted regarding this project (Ryland Homes, Granite
Homes,etc.). Will try to avoid monotonous housing (same floor plans, etc.) as this is not good for
the neighborhood nor the builder.
Motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Cecilia Wood, to recommend approval to City
Council for a request from Wylie/1997, L.L.C. for approval of a zone change from"SF-A" Single-
Family Attached and "R", Retail District to "SF-3" Single-Family District for a 6.520 acre tract of
land, located at the southwest corner of West Brown Street and Westgate Way, and further described
as the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 266, part of Tract 34. Motion carried, all in favor (6).
Zone change approved.
ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of the Minutes from the June 16, 1997 Regular Business Meeting.
Motion made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Bart Peddicord, to approve the minutes as submitted.
Motion carried, all in favor(6).
ITEM NO. 2: Discuss and Consider a recommendation for approval of a Preliminary Plat for
Westgate Phase III submitted by Wylie/1997,L.L.C., located at the southwest corner of West Brown
Street (FM3412) and Westgate Way, and further described as the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract
No. 266,part of Tract 34. Mike Phillips stated this was actually Westgate Phase III and IV (not 3-1
and 3-2). The water easement for North Texas Municipal Water District will have to be approved
before Final Plat approval. Drainage concerns on Lots 16, 17 & 18, Block A in Phase IV will also
have to be addressed before the Final Plat is approved. The Hogan Corporation will be evaluating
this concern. Discussion followed. Mr. Pat Atkins of Tipton Engineering stated that he has a letter
of approval from the North Texas Municipal Water District which he would turn in to Staff. Water
and sewer line separation
was discussed. Motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Tim Owen, to approve the
Preliminary Plat for Westgate Phase III submitted by Wylie/1997, L.L.C. Motion carried, all in favor
1) Cecilia Wood would like to have the crime rates in various areas of the City checked, along with
the cost of single family housing and the associated taxes.
2)Delivery of packets was discussed. Commission members would like to receive the packets two
days earlier(Wednesday instead of Friday)but due to the deadlines and the lack of staff, it is almost
impossible to be able to send anything out that wouldn't have changed by Friday (deadline for
submittals) and would be a waste of time and paper.
A motion was made to adjourn by Cecilia Wood, seconded by Tim Owen. Motion carried, all in
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Eckman, Chairman Rebecca Rogers, Sjretary