05-04-1998 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MIN JI'ES
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
Regular Business Meeting
May 4, 1998
7:00 P.M.
A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law.
Members Present: Staff Present:
Richard Eckman, Chairman Tobin Maples, Planning Director
Steve Ahrens, Vice Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary
Mark Clark Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager
Sharon Dowdy
Eric Hogue
Cecilia Wood
Members Absent:
Ray Capley
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Eckman.
1. Approval of April 20, 1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes.
Motion: A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, Seconded by Cecilia Wood to approve the April 20,
1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes. Motion carried all in favor(6).
2. Recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Fire Station No.1,
proposed by the City of Wylie, generally located along the east side of South Ballard just north
of Alanis and being all of a 1.502 acre tract out of the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23,
City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
• Tobin Maples gave the Commission an update:
The applicant is platting this property to facilitate an expansion to the fire station
and to bring the property into compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and
Subdivision Regulations. A public hearing was held on April 20, 1998 regarding a
zoning change (ZC. No.98-04) for this property. The zoning change was
recommended to the City Council. Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found
it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulation. Staff is recommending
approval, subject to City Council Approval of ZC. No. 98-04.
• Cecilia Wood asked about sidewalks, drives, and screening. Tobin Maples said no
screening in required.
Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, Seconded by Mark Clark to recommend approval of
Preliminary Plat for Wylie Fire Station No. 1 to City Council. Motion carried all in favor
3. Recommendation to City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat of Wylie Fire Station No. 2,
proposed by the City of Wylie, generally located along the west side of FM 1378 just north of
Brown Street and being all of a 7.505 acre tract out of the G.W. Gunnel Survey, Abstract No.
351, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
• Tobin Maples gave the Commission an update:
The applicant is platting this property to facilitate the construction of Wylie Fire
Station No. 2. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for A
(Agricultural) uses. Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it to be in
compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the
City of Wylie. Staff is recommending approval.
• Cecilia Wood asked Fire Chief Shan English, the projected time for completion.
Chief English said they will go out to bid next week, accept a bid by the end of the
month, and have complete construction by October 1998. The department will start
as a volunteer station with 24 hour ambulance service and trucks. In two to four
years, Station No. 2 will be fully staffed.
• Cecilia Wood asked Tobin Maples about the zoning change.
Tobin Maples explained, the A (Agricultural) does allow for a Fire Station and it is
not necessary to do a zoning change on this property.
Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Sharon Dowdy to approve
recommendation of the Preliminary Plat for Wylie Fire Station No. 2 to City Council.
Motion carried all in favor(6).
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
May 4, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
Page 2
1. Review of the Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Plans
2. Review of Water and Sewer Impact Fees Collected
• Mindy Manson handed out a Capital Improvement Program Funding Summary and
a 10-Year Capital Improvement Program Cost Projection Water System Table 3.
Mindy Manson will provide the Commission with a survey of the different cities water
system and street impact fees.
1. Consider report to City Council.
Motion: A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, Seconded by Cecilia Wood, to table this report until
the surveys requested have been provided. Motion carried, all in favor (6).
No one responded.
Motion: A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, Seconded by Eric Hogue for adjounment. Motion
carried, all in favor (6).
Richard Eckman, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
May 4, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
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