07-20-1998 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUl'ES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting July 20, 1998 7:00 P.M. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Members Present: Staff Present: Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin Maples, Planning Director Mark Clark Carrie Smith, Secretary Sharon Dowdy Donna Edge Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman Julie Schmader Cecilia Wood CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Steve Ahrens. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of July 6, 1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes. • Corrections:Page 4,under public hearing first paragraph should read, "Jo Swaner", not "Joe Swanner", and last paragraph should read"He also asked", not"He also ask". Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, Seconded by Eric Hogue to approve the July 6, 1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes with noted corrections. Motion Carried - all in favor(7). ACTION ITEMS 1. Consider and Act Upon a Land Study for the Harvest Bend Addition, proposed by Douphrate and Associates, Inc., generally located at the southwest corner of FM 2514 and Dog Drop Road and being all of a certain 16.256 and all of a certain 20.042 acre tract out of the W.D. Penny Survey, Abstract No. 696, City of Wylie, Dallas County, Texas. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission July 20, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 1 • Tobin Maples Update: A Land Study is the first step associated with developing unplatted property within the City. In order to plat property, the developer must follow a three step process which includes submitting for approval a Land Study, a Preliminary Plat, and a Final Plat. Staff has reviewed the proposed land study and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. The Subdivision Regulations state that subdivisions platted so that the rear yards or residential lots are adjacent to a dedicated roadway,the owner shall provide screening at his or her sole expense. The applicant is proposing live screening along FM 2514, to comply. Staff recommends that the applicant clarify the nature of the proposed screening (type, size, maintenance responsibility, etc.). The applicant is aware that all applicable issues and permits concerning development/access on the T.P. & L. right-of-way must be resolved prior to scheduling a final plat for hearing by the City Council. The applicant is aware that final water and sewer connections must be approved by the Consulting Engineer. Staff is recommending approval, subject to engineering approval of the final water and sewer connections. • Discussion Dub Douphrate with Douphrate and Associates, Inc., 2231 Ridge Road, #200 Rockwall, TX 75087. Live Screening-Red Tip Photinia,are to be maintained by the property owners. The screening will be put up when the City Ordinance says it must be done. Harvest Bend Drive will not have screening, unless it is required by the City. Lots 14&21 have waterline easements and are made larger so a building pad will not interfere with the easements. The City does not have any liability on these lots. Building permits will not be issued by the City if the building is to interfere with the waterline easement. The estimated build out time is three (3) years at 50 lots a year. Don Bass of Homeplace Property, Ltd., 9330 LBJ Freeway, #1190, Dallas TX 75243. The median will be dedicated to the City and the City will maintain it. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission July 20, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 2 Motion: A motion was made be Julie Schmader, Seconded by Sharon Dowdy, to approve the Land Study for the Harvest Bend Addition, subject to engineering approval of the final water and sewer connections. Motion Carried - all in favor(7). PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Mill Creek Estates, Replat of Lots 1 & 15, Block A, proposed by Richard and June Nance, generally located at the southeast corner of Forest Edge Drive and Brentwood Drive and being all of Lots 1 and 15, Block A, of the Mill Creek Estates Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. • Tobin Maples Update: The applicant is shifting the center lot line of Lot 15 south in increase the size of Lot 15 and it will decrease the size of Lot 1. Staff has reviewed the plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. State law mandates that the City notify property owners within 200 feet and hold a public hearing prior to taking action on a replat within a residentially zoned subdivision. Public Comment Forms were mailed to thirteen (13) property owners. No Public Comment Forms have been returned. • Public Hearing.... Richard Nance, 224 Meadow Lark Lane - owner. The owner will be increasing Lot 15 by adding 60 feet from Lot 1. This is a request from the potential buyer. Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Mark Clark, to recommend approval to City Council. Motion Carried- all in favor (7). 2. ZC. No. 98-08:Public hearing and recommendation to the City Council for a request from Tipton Engineering for Birmingham Land, Ltd., for approval of a zone change from R(Retail), B-1 & B-2(Business),MF(Multifamily), 2F(Two Family), SF-A(Single Family Attached), SF-1, SF-2 & SF-3 (Single Family) to PD (Planned Development) for SF-3 (Single Family), SF ( Single Family), R(Retail), and MF (Multifamily) for the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 1378 and Brown Street, and being all of a certain 640.2 acre tract out of the D.W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 1021, the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 2, the J.C. McUlmurray Survey, Abstract No. 629, and the Mercer Phelan Survey, Abstract No. 695, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission July 20, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 3 • Chairman, Steve Ahrens abstained to ZC.No. 98-08 and Vice-Chairman, Eric Hogue lead the public hearing. • Tobin Maples Update: The Comprehensive Plan recommends Single Family Residential, Multifamily, Retail, and Park/Open Space uses for the property. Staff is of the opinion that the Concept Plan under consideration does not meet the intent of the comprehensive Plan as the minimum single family residential lot size permitted by zoning is 7,200 square feet. The minimum lot size being proposed on 770 of the single family lots (44%) is 6,000 square feet, which would be a variance to the zoning ordinance. Additional variances: Proposed Setbacks Required Setbacks for SF-3 Front Yard 20 ft. 25 ft. Rear Yard 15 ft. for principle structure and 20 25 ft. ft. for garage Side Yard 10 ft.between structures and 15 ft. Not less than 6 ft. on each side of for side yards adjacent to a side the lot and 20 ft. for side yards street. adjacent to a side street. Minimum Lot Width 50 ft. 60 ft. Height 30 ft. or 2 'A stories 2 stories The applicant has proposed an increase in home size by 300 square feet for the 6, 000 square foot lots with a minimum dwelling size of 1,400 square feet within the SF-3 district. The applicant has proposed a minimum dwelling size of 1,600 square feet for the 8,500 square foot lots. This is an increase to the minimum dwelling by 100 square feet within the SF-2 district. Staff needs a clarification on specific variances' to the multifamily residential development standards as follows: • The applicant is proposing 26.63 acres of multifamily use with a minimum dwelling size of 900 square feet. The Minimum size for a three bedroom unit in the MT' (Multifamily) zoning district is 1,000 square feet. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission July 20, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 4 Specific variances' to the Master Thoroughfare Plan are as follows: • The Master Thoroughfare Plan indicates that the northern extension of Westgate(Collector Street)traverses this property from Brown Street to Park Boulevard. The concept Plan under consideration does not provide for said extension of Westgate. The applicant is aware that the property must be platted prior to the issuance of any building permits. Public Comment Forms were mailed to fifty-eight (58) property owners within 200 feet of this request. Two (2)Public Comment Forms in opposition and One (1) Public Comment Form in support of the request have been returned. Staff is recommending denial. • Presentation: Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, representing the current owner of the property, Birmingham Land, Ltd., and prospective purchaser, John Baker. Office at 6330 Beltline Road, Garland, TX. Engineer studies on Muddy Creek are the applicants responsibility to be done prior to final plat. 1. Pat Atkins gave out a hand out on prior work John Baker has done in other cities. 2. Hand out on the Existing Zoning. • Zoned in 1986 and updated in 1991. • FM 1378 will be a six (6) lane Thoroughfare based on the Cities Thoroughfare Plan. • FM 3412 or Brown Street will be a four (4) lane divided Thoroughfare. 3. Hand out of the Summary of Proposed Zoning Districts • Tract A&B -7,200 sq. ft. lots with increased house size of 1,400 sq. ft. • Flood Plain Land dedication. • Tract 0 - School Site owned by W. I.S.D. • Tract D &E - Retail • Tract F, L, &N - SF-2. • Open land space (exclusive of the school site) increased is 125 acres compared to 78 acres in original proposal. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission July 20, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 5 • TractG - MF. • Collector street of 65 ft. in width which is a 45 ft. section to be built by the developer. • Colors were changed to keep the two handouts separate. • Proposed plan represents a substantial decrease in residential density based on the amount of acres. This plan eliminates some retail. • Screening will be placed along the major Thoroughfares. • Combination of landscaping and hard scape on FM 1378, Park, and FM 3412. Increase house size to consolidate into a better residential district. Eight (8) year build out is estimated. • Discussion: Flood Plain areas, Tract H and Tract M will be maintained by the Home Owners Association. Park areas (Tracts 0, P, &Q) will be dedicated to the City and maintained by the City. Drainage studies were taken from the current Fina maps. Twenty percent (20%) of the this development is open space. Park Blvd. is on the City limits and the builder is obligated to build all four(4) lanes. Tract P has electrical easements running through it. Some studies have been done by the applicant regarding the flood plains. Drainage is a concern. Pat Atkins will provide Commission with hard copies to study from the Collin County Soil and Water District. • Pat Atkins requested a chance for rebuttal if necessary. • Public Hearing In opposition of.... • Craig Swaner, 511 Jefferson St. • Billie Jo Swaner, 102 Tanglewood • Randy Reininger, 114 N. Westgate Way • Carter B. Porter, 413 N. Gaston Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission July 20, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 6 Topics of Concern... • Home and Lot Sizes. • Water Run Off. • Home Values - Would like to see Quality not Quantity. • School crowding. • Traffic problems. • Police coverage increased. • Water and Sewer Impact on the City as a whole. • Pat Atkins Rebuttal: This proposal is a substantial improvement over the current zoning, and has less impact on utilities. The developer must pay impact fees for each lot to help with utilities. • Commissions Discussion: Eight (8) years is the estimated build out time. The proposed plan is using 75 % of the land for residential and the current zoning is using only 59% of the land for residential. The proposed plan only has 2 % more open space than the current plan. Collector streets to be four(4) lane undivided are proposed to be 60 ft. wide and the City Thoroughfare Plan has 70 ft. width. Screening will be landscape and hard scape maintained by the Home Owners Association. There has not been a commitment of a community center in this development for the Home Owners Association, could be added later. On the MF (Multifamily), he will build 1,000 square foot and is not requesting a variance. Most of the parkland dedication and open space is in flood plain and under electrical easements. Proposed home units are 2135 and current is 2026 and that is an increase of 109 units. The retail is located at the corner of a major intersection. The right-of-way has been dedicated. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission July 20, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 7 This PD (Planned Development) will most likely be done in phases. Motion: Motion was made by Sharon Dowdy, Seconded by Julie Schmader, to recommend denial to the City Council. Motion Carried - all in favor(6). Steve Ahrens abstained. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No comments. PLANNING AND ZONING ISSUES Planning and Zoning Issues handout is information for orientation. The City Council did award a contract to Wallace, Roberts and Todd, as Needed to Prepare a Comprehensive Plan Update and Corridor Plans. Individual interviews will begin Wednesday.* * Julie Schmader and Mark Clark will be on vacation this week. Council is in full support to change the Planning and Zoning Meetings to first and third Tuesdays. Hurst Workshop - Carrie will turn in registration for all Commissioners and Tobin Maples. Tobin gave a review of some items he is working on for the Commission. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Julie Schmader, to adjourn. Motion Carried- all in favor (7). 14/1X.41/1 " ) 4. Steve Ahrens, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission July 20, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 8