08-03-1998 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
Regular Business Meeting
August 3, 1998
7:00 P.M.
A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law.
Members Present: Staff Present:
Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin Maples, Planning Director
Mark Clark - Tardy Carrie Smith, Secretary
Sharon Dowdy
Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman
Julie Schmader
Cecilia Wood
Members Absent:
Donna Edge
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Steve Ahrens.
1. Approval of July 20, 1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes.
• Corrections - None.
Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Sharon Dowdy to approve the July
20, 1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes.
Motion Carried- all in favor(5). Mark Clark was Tardy.
1. Consider and Act Upon approval of Rules of Procedure for the Planning and Zoning
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
August 3, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
Page 1
• Tobin Maples Update:
The City Council reviewed and approved the final copy of the Planning and Zoning
Commission Rules of Procedure. Note: Section 10.1 has been revised in order to establish
the 1'and 3'd Tuesday of each month as the official meeting date for the Commission. Due
to the fact that Staff has already advertised cases for the month of September, the new
meeting dates will not be implemented until October 1998. A revised schedule of public
meeting dates will be available at the next Planning and Zoning Commission.
• Discussion among Commissioners:
Section: 10.2 - The Commission will decide what is an acceptable excused absence.
Regarding citizen participation,presentations,etc.,the time limits will be left at the discretion
of the Chairman.
Tobin Maples did state the Commission can review these Rules of Procedures again in a few
months if necessary.
Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, Seconded by Mark Clark to approve the Rules
of Procedure for the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Motion Carried - all in favor(6).
1. Recommendation to the City Council regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A of the City of Wylie, Texas by amending Section 35 to provide
for regulations of posting property for zoning changes.
• Tobin Maples Update:
Planning and Zoning Commission instructed staff to develop guidelines for posting property
for zoning changes ten(10) days prior to the public hearing. This is an amendment to the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A, Section 35 of by the addition of Section
35.3b, which provides for regulation of posting property for zoning changes. This covers
how many signs should be posted based on the frontage of the property or corner lot. There
is language to make sure the sign is clearly visible and the applicant is responsible to notify
the City if the sign should be removed or vandalized. The planning department will be
responsible to place the signs and taking slides to verify the sing is visible. This is to help
make the citizens more aware of zoning changes in the City.
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
August 3, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
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• Discussion among Commissioners:
The signs will be placed by the Planning Director until cross training can be done. The signs
are 24 X 36 inches, metal, durable, and in 4 inch font. There will not be a fee. When Zone
Change Application fees are paid the sign will be placed. The sign reads:
For Information Contact
City of Wylie
Planning Department
The City has purchased twenty(20) signs.
• Public Hearing: No Comment.
Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, Seconded by Mark Clark to approve a
recommendation to City Council.
Motion Carried - all in favor(6).
2. ZC.No.98-07: Recommendation to the City Council for a request from Pat Atkins for approval
of a zone change from R(Retail), B-1 (Business), and MF (Multifamily) to PD (Planned
Development) for single family residential uses for the property generally located along the east
side of McCreary Road just south of Southfork Mobile Home Park and being all of a 45.3768
acre tract out of the Moses sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County,
• Tobin Maples Update:
This property was originally brought before Commission as Lakeside Estates Phase III and
is currently named Sage Creek Phase III. The applicant is requesting zoning change on
approximately 45 acres. The property to the north is zoned MH (Mobile Home). The
property to the south is vacant and zoned A(Agricultural). The property to the east is vacant
and zoned PD(Planned Development). The property to the southeast is vacant and zoned
A(Agricultural)with an approved PD (Planned Development) concept plan for single family
residential use. The property to the west is not within the City of Wylie proper. Sixty four
(64) public comment forms were mailed out to property owners within 200 feet of this
request. No Public Comment Forms have been returned.
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
August 3, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
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• The Comprehensive Plan does recommend single family residential uses for the area.
The proposed land use is consistent with the comprehensive Plan only in terms of the
single family residential aspect. Specifically, the development standards being
proposed do not comply with the Comprehensive Plan in regards to the single family
lot size, the smallest size we allowed by zoning is 7,200 sq. ft. This plan being
proposed has 79 lots (approximately 56 %) are below the 7,200 sq. ft. minimum.
• Additions reduction variances' on Tract A with 6,000 sq. ft. lots are:
Proposed Required for SF-3
Front Yard 20 ft. 25 ft.
Rear Yard 15 ft.for principle structure and 25 ft.
20 ft. for garage
Side Yard 10 ft.between structures and 15 ft. Not less than 6 ft. on each side of
for side yards adjacent to a side the lot and 20 ft. for side yards
street. adjacent to a side street.
Minimum Lot Depth 100 ft.and 90 ft.for cul-de-sac. 100 ft.
Minimum Lot Width 50 ft. 60 ft.
Height 30 ft. or 2 stories 2 stories
• Specific variation to Tract B with 7,200 square foot lots are:
Proposed Required for SF-3
Rear Yard 20 ft. for principle structure and 20 25 ft.
ft. for garage.
Side Yard 10 ft.between structures and 15 ft. Not less than 6 ft. on each side of
for side yards adjacent to a side the lot and 20 ft. for side yards
street. adjacent to a side street.
Minimum Lot Depth 100 ft. and 90 ft.For cul-de sac. 100 ft.
Height 30 ft. or 2 stories 2 stories
• The applicant did conduct a traffic study by The Cumming&Pewitt TIA detailing this 45
acre tract as well as the 240 plus acres. This traffic study was sent to the City's traffic
consultant (Transportation Strategies, Incorporated) for review. Mr. Stanton Forester
with TSI was present to answer questions.
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
August 3, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
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• The Parks Board has reviewed this proposal and decided to take payment in lieu of this
parkland dedication. They feel there is already enough parkland in this area so they will use
the funds for improvements. So, per the Parks Board's recommendation the applicant has
removed the Parkland Dedication.
• The SF-3 district allows a minimum of 1,100 sq. ft. homes and the applicant has proposed
1,600 sq. ft. homes throughout the development. This is an improvement of what the City
currently allows.
• The applicant will be required to plat the property prior to the issuance of any building
• Staff's recommendation is denial, due the fact that the proposed PD does not comply with
the Comprehensive Plan or meet the intent of the PD district and ordinance. However, should
the Commission recommend approval, staff recommends that the following stipulations be
1. The title block be corrected to reflect that the proposal under consideration is a
Conceptual Plan not a Development Plan/Preliminary Plat.
2. Subject to the applicant resolving all of the concerns identified in the Transportation
Strategies, Incorporated review.
• Discussion among Commissioners:
It was pointed out the word "not" was omitted in the first sentence under staff
• Public Hearing:
• In favor of...
• Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, 6330 Beltline, Garland, Texas, representing Paramount
Development and Ashtonw000d Homes.
. Atkins summed up the changes:
• The direction received from Commission was to have smaller lots on the north, larger
lots on the south and same commitment of house sizes. This is a tie in to the original
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
August 3, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
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• Discussion among Commissioners:
• The Subdivision Regulations has the minimum residential street size as 50 ft. right-of-
way, unless otherwise stated in a development plan. There is a concern regarding
street congestion. Research is being done regarding parking on Thoroughfares.
• The lower section is a minimum of 6,000 sq. ft. lots. 51 lots are 6,000 to 7,199 sq.
ft. lots.
• Pat Atkins is willing to eliminate the front yard, height, and lot depth variances in
Tract A. They would like to keep the rear yard, side yard, and lot width variance.
In Tract B they will eliminate lot depth and height variances. Will keep rear and side
yard variances.
• Ten(10 %)percent of the homes in the complete concept plan have alleyways.
• Stanton Forester 1201 Elm St. Ste. 5401 Dallas, from TSI.
• Build out is two (2) to three (3)years for FM 544. Federal and State money will be
received for this project.
• This traffic study was not done by TSI, Mr. Forester. He only did a review of the
traffic study by Cummings&Pewitt (TIA).
• Peak period for FM 544 is 2:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
• Left-hand turn bays should be created along FM 544 and this is a minor change to the
applicant's plans. The city would make this request on behalf of the applicant.
• In opposition of...
Billie Jo Swaner, 210 Towngate. Would like to see Commission deny this plan due to the
small lot sizes. Would like to see retail in this area.
• Commissioners Discussion
• Commissioner Cecilia Wood stated she feels it is her responsibility as a member of the
Planning and Zoning Commission to take into consideration the health and welfare of
every resident in the City as well as those to come. She does not like the small lots
close together,the one way in and out,or the cul-de-sacs. There was a fire last week,
no lives were lost,but there were problems containing the fire. Mrs. Wood feels the
reason for this was the closeness of the homes and they were located in a cul-de-sac.
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
August 3, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
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• Commissioner Julie Schmader stated her concerns:
1. Width
2. Front entry drives-creates safety issues with cars on the sidewalk. Children
cannot walk or ride their bicycles on the sidewalk. More cars will be parked on
the street.
Pat Atkins responded to the Commission by stating the changes to this land creates changes
for the development already approved to the east. He asked the Commission to make a
decision on what they want him to do with this PD (Planned Development).
Tobin Maples informed Pat Atkins that it is not appropriate to ask the Commission for a
commitment on a zoning proposal that in not under consideration.
Motion: A motion was made by Sharon Dowdy, Seconded by Cecilia Wood to table ZC. No.
98-07 to the August 17, 1998, P &Z Meeting.
Motion Carried - all in favor(6).
1. Discussion regarding new single family residential development standards.
• Tobin Maples Update:
This is a response to Commission's request of Staff to conduct a survey of other cities
regarding new residential zoning districts.
• Discussion among Commissioners:
It was requested that Wylie, Sachse, Murphy, and Rockwall be added to the survey.
Tobin is working with the City Attorney about property becoming nonconforming.
Mobile Home Moratorium is still in effect.
Reservation have been made for the Hurst Workshop on August 31, 1998. A confirmation letter will
be sent out prior.
The Commission has asked for new and updated copies of the Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision
The planning department will provide the Commission with a copy of the Square Foot Project that
has been submitted to the Wylie Newspaper.
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
August 3, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
Page 7
No Comments
Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Sharon Dowdy to adjourn.
Motion Carried - all in favor ( 6 ).
Steve Ahrens, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
August 3, 1998,Regular Business Meeting
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