10-13-1983 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet date posted 10-6-83 time posted 4 : 30 P.M. ��� O F j CY LAKE `ft LAVON WYLIE • LAKE RAYHUBBARD PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING OCTOBER 13, 1983 7:00 P. M. J1 . Call to order and introduction of new Planning and Zoning members 12. Approve Minutes / /. Public hearing on zoning request for Wyndham Estates ✓/4. Public hearing for consideration of annexation of 124 acres West of Highway 78 between FM 544 and FM 3412. ✓5. Appointment of Planning and Zoning member to plat review committee. W,6. Preliminary Plat for Butane Mobile Home Park Addition. //1. Preliminary Plat for Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park Addition. LA. Zoning Ordinance work shop with J. T. Dunkin. V/9. Consideration of developing a mutual territorial boundry with the City of Murphy. 00. Adjourn • 114 NORTH BALLARD P.O. BOX 207,WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 PHONE(214)442-2236 ♦ ri d Se '5 • Cr c' c t. tiv c� • • CITY OF' WYLIIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-0428 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Mayor & City Council DATE: September 28, 1983 SUBJECT: Dates and times of Planning and Zoning Meetings Due to the vast growing period Wylie is experiencing, the City Council has set two meetingsa month for the Planning and Zoning Commission. These meetings will be set for the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:00 P. M. If there are no agenda items, or a relatively few items, these meetings will be used as planning and reviewing sessions for the City's future. The City Council is not trying to impose on anyone but there is a need for these meetings. When each of you accepted the position to the Planning and Zoning Commission there was only one meeting a month. If two meetings become to much for your on schedule, the City Council will understand and does appreciate the effort and time you have spent on this Commission. The City Council feels due to the growth of Wylie a tremendous amount of time is needed to be spent by the Planning and Zoning Commission in the planning and development of the City of Wylie. The City Council would appreciate receiving a reply from each of you to the new schedule stated above. If you can not comply with this schedule, please let us know, as this schedule will become effective October 1 , 1983. / October 1, 1983 Mayor Squires & City Council Wylie, Texas Dear Mayor Squires, After careful consideration of the newly adopted meeting times for the Planing and Zoning Commission, I do not feel I would be able to serve in an informed and consistent manner. Therefore, it is in the best interests of Wylie that I offer my resignation from this council. I have enjoyed serving in this capacity during the past months and if I can be of any service in the future please call on me. incerely, 4. udy Brewster PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES August 25, 1983 6:30 P.M. The Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in a regular session at 6:30 P.M. on August 25, 1983. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by state law. Those in attendance were chairman Joe Fulgham, Bryant Barry, Ken Mauk, Art Harris, Judy Brewster, I . W. Santry, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Mayor Squires and many citizens. Sarah Connelly was not in present at this meeting. Chairman Fulgham, with the agreement of the board, moved t►he public hearing from Item No. 7 to Item No. 1 on the Agenda. Consider Approval of rezoning Abstract No. 23 Atterbury Survey - Block Track SD: I. W. Santry stated that Mr. Ron Close has requested this track Of- land be zoned Multiple family. This track of land is located in the triangle between Ballard, Birmingham and Stone. Chairman Fulgham opened public hearing and gave the floor to Ron Close, builder from Princeton. Mr. Close told the Planning and Zoning Commission that there would be twenty-three (23) duplexes around the property and one apartment tract with forty - eight (48) units. The corner of stone and Ballard will remain Retail (1. 34 acres ) . Mayor asked if there were any citizens :wishing to speak. One citizen told Mr. Close he was in the wrong place. He also asked Mr. Close why he chose this piece of property that is in front of a school . Mr, Close' s response was this was the best spot. Sherry Benson from 304 Memorial works for an engineering firm which has studies that show- the traffic flow around Duplexes and apartments will triple from what already exists:. This will present a safety factor for school children walking to and from school . Frank Jackson lives in the Townhomes on Rtverview Court. He is concerned about the safety of the children going to and from school . Douglas Haysk of 809 Easter is behind the existing apartments . Mr. Haysk said there was a problem with trash from these apartments why add to the already existing problem, If these other apartments are allowed to be built, there will be a greater problem of trash, Mr, J. D. Schreiber wanted to know' if Mr. Close thought these apartments would enhance citizens property value. Mr. Close said everything he has ever built was good homes that did enhance the property. Mr. Schreiber then presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission a petition with signatures of people living in this area who were against this zoning change. Mr. John Simmons of 903 Easter said he and his wife purchased their home before the already existing apartments were built. He has put up a wood fence for privacy but the two-story apartments overlook his backyard. He said his family has no privacy. Keith Huyck of 904 Easter. The noise from the pool area and parking lots is very loud. Sherry Benson said there was already a problem with sewer odors would building these apartments add to this problem. Frank Skaggs moved from Dallas hoping to live in a quite neighborhood - he would like to see it stay this way. Bob Squires - 302 Valentine - made a statement that letters are sent out to the property owners within 200 feet of said property. This list of property owners are taking from the tax roll as of January 1, of current year. Every attempt is made to notify everyone by letter and there is also a notice in the paper prior to the public hearing. As a privat cit- izen, and not speaking as the Mayor, the swimming pool from the already existing apartments in in back of my yard. There is always a lot of activity and noise around this area. In reference to the traffic, the bulk of traffic will be in the mornings when the people are getting their children off to school , and in the late afternoons when everyone is coming home from work. There is already a lot of traffic now in this area and Mr. Squires does not want to see more. Another citizen wanted to know- if the City would put up signs on the pro- perty sites having zoning request made. This would help advise the Citizens since ever.Q1e does not read the paper. Chairman Fulgham closed the public hearing after everyone had had a chance to speak. Chairman Fulgham called for a motion. Ken Mauk made the -motion that the zoning not be changed from Retail to MF due to the amount of opposition John Seely wanted to point out the zoning change was not in the best interest of the City. Motion was seconded by Art Harris. All in favor. Bryant Barry wanted the minutes to reflect he was representing the Planning and Zoning Commi- ssion and not the School Board. Public Hearing for annexation request of 10 Acres Kelly Concrete; Chairman Fulgham opened the Public hearing up There being no question and no opposition, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by John Seely to annex the 10 acres Kelly Concrete. Seconded by Bryant Barry. All in Favor. Preliminary Plat for Rustic Oaks ; Mr. Santry said the State would parti- cipate in straiighteni;ng out part of the curve to help the flow of traffic . Mr. Santry also stated the plat committee did meet and review the plat prior to this meeting. Motion was made by Bryant Barry to accept the preliminary plat for Rustic Oaks. Seconded by Ken Mauk. All in favor. Preliminary Plat for Switzers Planned Development: Mr. Santry made the statement the utility easements , street areas and water and sewer are OK. He also said that each section as developed would have to come back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. J. T. Dunkin said parking requirements should be applied to the current zoning ordinance. There will be two outlets on Kirby Street and two outlets on Highway 78. Bryant Barry moved that the preliminary plat for the Switzer Plan Development involving water, sewer, utility easements and main fire lanes be recommended to the City Council for approval with the requirement that each site plan be submitted to Planning and Zoning for recommendations as to meeting the Zoning ordi- nance. Seconded by Art Harris. All in favor. Preliminary Plat for Railroad Industrial Park: Mr. Santry reported the plat committe had reviewed this plat. John Seely made the motion to approve preliminary plat for Railroad Industrial Park. Seconded by Bryant Barry. All in favor. Final Plat for Creekside South Estates : Mr. Santry said this item should be tabled due to the addition not having concrete streets and curbs . The Planning and Zoning minutes of March 24, 1983 state "Recommend that the preliminary plat for Creekside South Estates be accepted and approved with the stipulation that, although the Commission feels the street should be paved with concrete, such a requirement would not be economically feasible; however, when and if the property is annexed to the City of Wylie, property owners will be assessed the cost of concrete pavement. " Chairman Fulgham moved that the approval of Creekside Estates be recommended to the City Council with the requirement that a statement be included, in each contract for sale, that at anytime in the future if the City of Wylie should annex the developement the property owners shall be assed for any required up- grading of streets, drainage, water and sewer to meet the then current sub- division standards. Seconded by Ken Mauk. All in favor. Mr. Santry reported to the Planning and Zoning Commission that the City Council approved the second hearing to annex 107 acres - Wyndham Estates , Rush Creek II zoned to SF-2, and the Mobil Home Ordinance was adopted. There is also plans for a new Fire Station to be built by the new water tower. Mr. J. T. Dunkin was requested to update the City' s Zoning Ordinance. Motion was made to adjourn by Bryant Barry. Seconded by Judy Brewster. All in Favor. Joe Fulgham, Chairman MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 11, 1983 6:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 in the City Hall by Chairman Joe Fulgham. PRESENT: Present at the meeting was Chairman Fulgham; Members Bryant Barry, Sarah Connelly, Art Harris, Ken Mauk, and John Seeley; others present were I .W. Santry, Don Kreymer, Bill Kreymer, Raymond Cooper, and consult- ant J.T. Dunkin. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING RUSH CREEK II The public hearing, relative to the Rush Creek Phase II zoning, was opened with the information that five letters had been sent out with only one being returned. After a review of the circumstances of the request by Mr. Harry Tibbals, Bryant Barry moved that the rezoning from SF-1 to SF-2 be recommended to the City Council . The motion was seconded by Ken Mauk and passed unaminously. RAILROAD INDUSTRIAL PRELIMINARY PLAT Sarah Connelly moved that action on the Railroad Industrial Plat be tabled until the Plat Committee could review it and that it be scheduled for the next meeting. Art Harris seconded the motion and it passed unani- mously. CREEKSIDE ESTATES FINAL PLAT (ETJ) After a short discussion, Sarah Connelly moved that the Creekside Estates Final Plat action be tabled until the next meeting or until the developer can revise the plan. Ken Mauk seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE The .:Commission discussed the latest draft of the Mobile Home Ordi- nance section by section. Bryant Barry made the motion to recommend the Mobile Home Ordinance, as revised, for adoption by the City Council . Art Harris seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ZONING ORDINANCE Chairman Fulgham invited Mr. J.T. Dunkin to express his thoughts about needed changes in the current Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Dunkin explained the development of the zoning ordinance and after the ensueing discussion of residential districts, side lot discrepancies , smoke detectors in all build- ings, and dumpsters at multi-family developments, a mot ion was made, second- ed and unanimously passed to recommend to the City Council that they consider contracting with J.T. Dunkin and Associates to redo the existing Zoning Ordinance. 1983-84 BUDGET PROJECTS Chairman Fulgham suggested that I'.W. Santry put dollar amounts on (1) the Planning and Zoning list of projects and provide the list for the City Council review which was agreed to by the commission. ADJOURNMENT. The Planning and Zoning Commission adjourned on motion by Bryant Barry and seconded by John Seeley. Sarah Connelly I. W. Santry, Jr. MINUTES APPROVED: Dr. Joe Fulgham (2)