02-06-1986 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet /--3/ AGENDA REGULAR MEETING PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 , 1986 7 : 00 P .M. COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1-2 Consider approval of minutes . 2 3 Consider approval of preliminary plat for road dedication from Southfork Mobile Home Park to the City of Wylie . 3 4-11 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on request for annexation of 320 . 907 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 located on E . SH78, surrounding the site for the proposed Municipal Complex . 4 12-15 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on request for annexation of 148 . 5696 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 - located on the south side of E. SH78 adjacent to Wylie Ranch East . 5 16-19 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on request for annexation of 7 . 228 acres out of the Duke Strickland Survey , Abstract 841 located west of S . SH78 - adjacent to Harvard property . 6 20-22 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on annexation of 38 . 13 acres (Tr .3) and 18 . 13 acres (Tr . 1 ) and 3 . 89 acres (Tr . 2 ) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Collin County Abstract 1100 and 20 acres (Tr.6) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas County Abstract 1384 , total 80 . 15 acres . 7 23-27 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on request for annexation of 21 acres (Tr.4-9) and 1 acre (Tr . 4) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey, Collin County Abstract 1100 ; and 113 . 89 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas , County Abstract 1384 , total 135 .89 acres . 8 28-34 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on request for annexation of 15 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas County Abstract 1384 and Collin County Abstract 1100 and 16 acres out of the Wm. Sutton Survey , Abstract 1275 , located on Pleasant Valley Road . 1 ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 9 35-37 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on annexation of 84 . 98 acres (Tr . 10) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas County Abstract 1384 , adjacent to the R . Groves property . 10 38-40 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on the request for B-2 zoning for 1 . 04 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 , commonly known as Discount Bait House , located on E . SH78. 11 41-44 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on the request for retail zoning on 4 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 , located on the southeast corner of Eubanks Lane and E . SH78 . 12 45-47 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on the request for agricultural zoning for 23 . 218 acres out of the R . D . Newman Survey , Abstract 660 , H. J. Hardin Survey , Abstract 438 and I . Clifton Survey , Abstract 193 , located adjacent to the Harvard property . 13 48-51 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on request for agricultural zoning on 51 . 531 acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 , located on the west side of Hooper Rd . 14 52-59 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on request for B2 , Bl , MF , SF3 , SF2 zoning for approximately 450 acrs out of the R . D . Newman Survey , Abstract 660 ; H . J . Hardin Survey , Abstract 438 located east of SH78 south of Century Business Park . 15 60-61 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on request for B2 zoning on 7 . 599 acres out of the M. Sparks Survey , Abstract 849 located on W. FM544 . 16 ADJOURN 2 AGENDA SUMMARY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1986 ITEM NO. 1 — APPROVAL OF MINUTES — No corrections or additions . ITEM NO. 2 — APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR ROAD FROM SOUTHFORK — This plat reflects the road dedication that the developer of Southfork Mobile Home Park is making to the City of Wylie . The road is actually an extension of McCreary Road . The staff has reviewed this plat and recommends approval . ITEM NO. 3 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 320 ACRES ON 78 This property is described as 320 . 907 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 and is located on E . SH78 . This property surrounds the site for the proposed Municipal Complex and is owned by Texana Ltd . , the donors of the City Hall property . ITEM NO. 4 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 148 ACRES ON 78 This property is described as 148 . 5696 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 and is located on E . SH78 east of and adjacent to Wylie Ranch East addition . ITEM NO. 5 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION 7 ACRES NEXT TO HARVARD TRACT — This property is described as 7 . 228 acres out of the Duke Strickland Survey , Abstract 841 and is located adjacent to the Harvard tract . It was , at one time , a part of the tract we now refer to as the Harvard tract . The owner has now petitioned for annexation . ITEM NO. 6 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 80 ACRES ON OLD SACHSE ROAD — This property lies in two counties . Tracts 1 , 2 & 3 lie in Collin County and Tr. 6 in Dallas County and is located at the "Y" intersection of S . Ballard St . and Old Sachse Road . The property owner was asked to annex voluntarily , but did not respond affirmatively , therefore , the staff determined that it was in the best interests of the City to exercise forced annexation in this instance in order to provide contiguity to other property owners who have petitioned for annexation . This property is currently owner by Fred Brunner . ITEM NO. 7 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 135 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY — This property is described as 21 acres , 1 acre and 113 .89 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey . Twenty—two (22 ) acres are located in Collin County and the Abstract No. is 1100 . The 113 .89 acres are located in Dallas County in Abstract 1384 . The owner , Roddy Groves , indicated his desire to be in the City of Wylie some time ago and recently signed the necessary petition for annexation. This property is directly adjacent to the property described in Item no . 6 . ITEM NO. 8 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 31 ACRES ON PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD — This property is described as 15 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Collin County Abstract No . 1100 and Dallas County Abstract No . 1384 and 16 acres out of the Wm. Sutton Survey , Abstract 1275 . It is located on Pleasant Valleny Road and is adjacent to the Roddy Groves property . The owner , Larry Morgan , petitioned for annexation to the City of Wylie . ITEM NO. 9 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 84 ACRES NEXT TO GROVES PROPERTY — This property is described as 84 . 98 acres out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas County Abstract 1384 . This property is adjacent to the Groves property . 1 ITEM NO. 10 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING FOR 1 ACRE ON SH78 This property is described as 1 .04 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 and is commonly known as Discount Bait House . It is adjacent to "Steaks Over Texas" . The petitioner is requesting B2 zoning . ITEM NO. 11 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING FOR 4 ACRES ON SH78 This property is described as 4 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract 688 and is located on the southeast corner of Eubanks Lane and SH78 . The petitioner is requesting retail zoning . This is compatable with projected land use in the area and is located on what will be a major intersection. The staff recommends approval . ITEM NO. 12 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING FOR 23 ACRES ADJACENT TO HARVARD TRACT — This property is described as 23 . 218 acres out of the R . D . Newman Survey , Abstract 660 , the H . J . Hardin Survey , Abstract 438 and the I . Clifton Survey , Abstract 193 and is located adjacent to the Harvard tract and the Dingban Wang tract . The petitioner is asking for agricultural zoning which is compatable with existing use . While the staff feels that sometime in the future , this property will be more valuable for another use , we have no objection to granting this zoning . ITEM 13 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 51 ACRES ON HOOPER ROAD — This property is described as 51 . 531 acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 and is located on Hooper Road directly adjacent to Regency Business Park . The petitioner is asking for agricultural zoning , which is compatable with existing use . The staff recommends approval . ITEM NO. 14 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING FOR 450 ACRES ON SH78 This property is what is known to us as the Louis Reese property and is located along S . SH78 . It includes the 295 acres known to us as the George Lewis property . The petitioner is asking for multiple zonings which include B2 , B1 , MF , SF3 and SF2 . You may expect their representatives will make a comprehensive presentation at your meeting on Thursday night . The staff will he prepared to answer your questions relative to the City ' s position regarding this tract and to assist you , at your request , in looking at this large zoning request . ITEM NO. 15 — PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 7 ACRES ON FM544 This property is described as 7 . 599 acres out of the A. Sparks Survey , Abstract 849 . It is located on W. FM544 at the Wylie/Murphy city limits sign . The petitioner is asking for B2 zoning . 2 • n • • • • • u �y; MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1986 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie, Texas met in regular session on January 16, 1986 in the Wylie Community Center. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were: Vice-chairman Brian Chaney, Ben Scholz , Joe Strigle, Ken Mauk and Bill Chapman. Representing the staff was Gus Pappas; City Manager , Roy Faires; Code Enforcement Officer , and Susan Marquardt ; Secretary. Those absent were Chairman Kent Crane, and Don Montgomery. The meeting was called to order at 7: 00P. M. by Vice-Chairman Chaney. ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Vice-Chairman Chaney asked for any additions or corrections from the minutes. Ben Scholz mad motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Ken MaUk: second the motion. Motion carried 5--0. ITEM NO. 2 - APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR WESTGATE ADDITION - Mr. Pappas addressed the commission in regards to the final plat of Westgate addition , which lies on Brown Street or FM 3412 just South of the Birmingham Farms. As a matter of fact , it is because of Westgate and its road realignment problems that we had to do some triming up of Westgate and have to do some rezoning of Birmingham Farms tonight; because we wanted the two roads to meet and meet properly. Westgate, in addition to that , has phased their development into two large blocks; and that final plat is before you tonight for your consideration. In the review of the plat there were only two things that gave some concern to the city staff . One was the problem of insuring • that when a phase is divided up into different lots that all the lots fit together. Also, that the responsiblity is taken for any changes. Secondly, you will recall , that in the Westgate addition there was a long crooked road that joined at FM 3412 and eventually with 544. What has happened is that different developers want to develop tracts of that property. The City Staff was not sure if the road would be • • • • • • dedicated so that it would go all the way through. We do have the documents in hand this evening to assure that the road has been dedicated. The second item that gave us some concern was some building line problems on Westgate Way, which is the main North-South road curving through the development, there was a number of lots facing the road of different categories some were single family, some duplex , some faced the road and some side on the road. After some discussion with the developer and with the City Staff , we have no problems with that and we recommend approval of the phase one final plat of the Westgate Addition. After some discussion with the commission , Bill Chapman made motion to accept the final plat of the Westgate Addition. Ben Scholz second the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 3 - APPROVAL OF RE-ZONING REQUEST_ FOR BIRMINGHAM FARMS - Mr. Pappas addressed the commission on the property that is commonly known to us as the "School Land. " This land was recommended for zoning by this commission only a few months ago. This change was brought about by the developers compliance with the City 's request for the realignment of the road. The developer is resubmitting this property for some revision of that zoning , at this time. This will probably not be the last time to see it; even after this. What appears to have happened is that the zoning category of SF2 shrank considerably, most of the shrinkage went into SF3, now we have more SF3 in the Birmingham Farm than we had before and most of the acreage use to be in something else came from SF2 a little from SFA and a little from multi-family. We gave up some acreage that was zoned multi-family and single- family attached which was townhomes. And the acreage which was zoned SF2 jumped considerably in acreage zoned for SF3. This caused very little change in the lot layout; however , there was some street shifting and that was the major change that occurred. Tract 17 on the old plan , which is tract 22 on the new plan , changed completely. It had been a SF2 tract which is no SF3. In the commercial units, retail increased entirely on the expense of Bl and B2. Both of them shrank. lei • f4• • •• • • ,zr L' ;•f Vice-chairman Chaney opened the public hearing , all those who are in favor of the re-zoning. Bob Stoffels with J. T Duncan & Associates representing the owners and developers of this tract , which are: Morgage Corp of Texas and Bill Gilligan of Zyland Development Company. They will also be developing the tract as soon as the zoning changes have been approved and engineering has been completed. After a lengthy discussion the public hearing was closed and brought back to the commission. After a lengthy discussion Bill Chapman made motion to accept the zoning changes except , tract 17 be recommend to the council that the zoning change of 20 acres by the park be changed to SF2 with Boundries of SF: . Joe Strigle second the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 4 - ADJOURN -- Motion was made by Joe Strigle for adjournment. Ben Scholz second the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission • .4000 te CITY OF WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. — P.O. BOX 428 • WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 / - 2- - 8� DATE Mr. Gus Pappas City Manager City Hall Wylie, Texas 75098 Attention: Barbara Le Cocq, Administrative Assistant RE: Dear Mr. Pappas: The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. Preliminary plat to Planning and Zoning pit,� 6- [' Preliminary plat to City Council [' Final plat to Planning and Zoning [' Final plat to City Council [' Construction plans to City Council for construction approval only ❑ Final plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement Sincerely, I . W. Santry, Jr. , P. E. City Engineer IWS/ka1 cc: Bill Windham, Public Works Director Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer File ' . � . � . ^ � ' . � � ' PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE° COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS: Now comes ����9�'� «��� of the County o{ WAS---- ______ _______ _____������ ________ and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie. Texas , that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the fzllowing described tract of land which is contiguous and abjl.cent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, desc-ibed as follows: ~�~ • • TRACT A Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract No . 688 , Collin County , Texas and being part of the land conveyed to the Howe Sound Company by deeds recorded in Volume 584 , Page 158 , Volume 584 Page 13 and Volume 584 , Page 173 of the Deed Records of Collin County , Texas and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at an iron rod set for corner in the center of a dirt road , said iron rod being the point of intersection of said centerline with the Southerly R .O.W. line of an 18 foot roadway , said iron rod also being the most Westerly Northwest corner of an 18. 61 acre tract onveyed in Volume 584 , Page 158 ; THENCE N 78 deg. 02 ' 52" E , along said Southerly R.O .W. line , a distance of 265 .44 feet to an iron rod set for corner , at the beginning of a curve to the left , having a centeral angle of 16 deg . 00' 50" , a radius of 2932 . 79 feet and a chord bearing of N 70 deg. 02 ' 27" E, 817 .03 feet ; THENCE along said curve to the left and said Southerly R .O .W . line , an arc distance of 819 . 70 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N . 62 deg. 02 ' 02" E, continuing along said Southerly R .O .W . line , a distance of 1291 . 20 feet to an iron rod set for corner , at the beginning of a curve to the left , having a central angle of 16 deg . 46 ' 00" , a radius of 2932 . 79 feet and a chord bearing of N 53 deg. 39 ' 02" F. , 855 . 17 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left , and continuing along said Southerly R .O.W. line an arc distance of 858 . 23 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; • THENCE N 45 deg 16 ' 02" E , along said Southerly R .O .W. line , a distance of 154 . 5E feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE S 88 deg 48 ' 00" E . along the Northerly line of an 18 .61 acre tract of land conveyed in VOLUP;E 5£4 , Page 158 , a distance of 59 .42 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE S 01 deg 54 ' 20" W, along the Easterly line of said 18 . 61 acre tract , a distance of 105 . 76 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE S 88 deg 1S ' 27" E , along the Northerly line of a 20 . 3o acre tract conveyed in Volu.r. e 4 , rage 12 , n distance of 1818 . 34 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; F • • • THENCE S 01 deg 37 ' 00" W along the Easterly line of said 2H . 53 acre tract , a distance of 112 . 42 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE S 88 deg 12 ' 43" E along a fence and the Northerly line of a 2 . 67 acre tract conveyed in Volume 564 , Page 173 , a distance of 1170. 71 feet to an iron rod set for corner in the Northerly R.O.W . line of the Atchison , Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co (ROW varies) ; THENCE S E1 deg 51 ' 05" W, along said Northerly R .O .W. line , said line being parallel and 50 feet perpendicular to the centerline of the main tract , a distance of 1946 . 11 feet to an iron rod set for corner , at the beginning of a curve to the left , having a central angel of 05 deg 27 ' 54" , a raduis of 8644 .37 feet and a chord bearing of S 79 degs 07 ' 08" W 824. 21 feet; THENCH along said Northerly R.O.W. line , an arc distance of 824 . 52 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE S 76 deg 23' 11" W, continuing along said Northerly R.U.W . line , a distance of 2169 .40 feet to an iron rod set for corner , at the beginning of a curve to the left , having a central angle of 12 degs 17 ' 40" , a radius of 5779 . 58 feet , and a chord bearing of S 70 deg 14 ' 21" W. 1237 .80 feet ; THENCE along said curve to the left and said Northerly K.O .W. line , an arc distance of 1240. 18 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N 01 deg. 06 ' 02" E. along the centerline of a dirt road and the west line of said 18.61 acre tract , a distance of 117 . 74 feet to the POINT OF BBEGINNING , and containing 41 .645 acres of land , more or less ( 1 , 814 , 061 5 .F) TRACT h Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract No . 688 , Collin County , Texas and being part of the land conveyed to Howe Sound Company by deeds recorded in Volume 584 , Page 158 , Volume 584 , Page 162 , Volume 584 , Page 113 and Volume 584 , Page 173 of the Deed Records of Collin County and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at an iron rod set for corner at the Southwest corner of a 74 . 54 acre tract conveyed in ''clur:e 584 , Page 158 said iorn rod being the point of intersection of the centerline of a dirt road with the Northerly right-of-way line of State Highway No . 78 (R .O.W. varies) ; � , 4 f., y4 THENCE N 01 deg 06 ' 02" E , along the center line of said dirt road and the westerly line of said 74 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 587 . 18 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right , having a central angle of 12 deg 48 ' 36" , a radius of 5679 . 58 feet and a chord bearing of N 69 deg 58 ' 53" E, 1267 . 17 feet ; THENCE along said non-tangent curve to the right of the Southerly R.O.W. line of the Atchison , Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co (ROW varies) , said line being parallel and 50 feet perpendicular to the centerline of the main track , an arc distance of 1269 . 81 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE No. 76 deg 23 ' 11" E, continuing along said Southerly R .O.W. line of a distance of 2169.40 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right , having a central angle of 05 degs 27 ' 54" , a radius of 8544 . 37 feet and a chord bearing of N 79deg 07 ' 08" E, 814 . 68 feet ; THENCE along said curve to the right and said Sourtherly ROW line , an arc distance 814.98 feet to an iron rod set for corner . THENCE N 81 deg 51 ' 05" E, along said Southerly ROW line , a distance of 741 . 22 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the Northwest corner of a 2 . 22 acre tract of land conveyed to the Atchison , Topeka And Santa Fe Railway Co . by deed recorded in Volume 1473 , Page 612 of the Deed Records of Collin County : THENCE S 01 deg 29 ' 00" W, along the Westerly line of said 2 . 22 acre tract , a distance of 50. 72 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N 81 deg 51 ' 06" E, along the Southerly line of said 2 . 22 acre tract , a distance of 2047 . 13 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE S 88 deg . 42 ' 25" E, along a fence and the Northerly line of a 74 . 71 acre tract , conveyed in Volume 584°, Page 13 and continuing along the Northerly line of a 67 . 54 acre tract conveyed in Volume 584, Page 162 , a distance of 1276 . 87 feet to an iron rod found for corner , THENCE S 03 degs 26 ' 30" E, along a fence and the Easterly line of said 67 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 1373 . 14 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; TEHNCE S 49 degs . 21 ' 30" W, along a fence and the Southeasterly line of said 67 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 64 . 37 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; 7 THENCE N 86 degs 45 ' 49" W, along the southerly line of said 67 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 141 . 96 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N 89 degs . 09 ' 49" W, continuing along said Southerly line , a distance of 206 .00 feet to an iron rod set for corner ; THENCE N . 88 degs 34 ' 49" W, continuing along said Southerly line , a distance of 577 .80 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE S 01 degs 10 ' 39" W, along an Easterly line of said 67 . 54 acre tract , a distance of 487 . 21 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a non—tangent curve to the right , having a central angle of 18 degs 17 ' 36" , a radius of 5729 . 58 feet and a chord bearing of S 82 degs 17 ' 35" W , 1821 . 57 feet ; THENCE along said non—tangent curve to the right and the Northerly R . O .W. line of State Hwy . 78 , an arc distance of 1829 . 33 feet to a concrete R.O.W. marker found for corner ; THENCE N 88 degs 33 ' 37" W, along the Northerly R.O.W. line of SH 78 , a distance of 645 . 25 feet to an iron rod found for corner , THENCE N . 88 degs 29 ' 55" W, along said Northerly R . O .W. line , a distance of 1831 .84 feet to an iron rod found for corner ; THENCE N 09 degs . 14 ' 10" E, along a jog in said Northerly R.O .W. line , a distance of 11 . 96 feet to a concrete R .O.W. marker found for corner ; THENCE N . 88 degs 31 ' 13" W, along said Northerly R . O .W. line , a distance of 1041 . 95 feet to a concrete R .O.W. marker found for corner ; THENCE S 07 degs 51 ' 52" W, along a jog in said Northerly R.O.W. line , a distance of 3. 60 feet to a concrete R . O .W. marker found for corner , THENCE N 88 degs 31 ' 00" W, along said Northerly R.O. W. line , a distance of 999 . 73 feet to a concrete R .O.W. marker found for corner , THENCE S 01 degs 30 ' 00" W, along a jog in said Northerly R.O.W. line , a distance of 8 .00 feet to an iron rod found for corner , THENCE N 88 degs 31 ' 00" W, along said Northerly R .O .W. line , a distance of 556 . 80 feet to an iron rod set for corner at a wood R .O .W . marker „end being the beginning of a • • • curve to the left , having a central angle of 07 degs 20 ' 10" , a radius of 2864 . 79 feet and a chord bearing of S 87 degs 48 ' 55" W, 366 . 55 feet ; THENCE along said curve to the left and said Northerly R .O. W . line , an arc distance of 366 . 80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING , and containing 286. 398 acres of land , more or less ( 12 , 475 , 498 S . F . ) SAVE AND EXCEPT 7 . 136 Acres BEING a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Surve Abstract No. 688, of Collin County, Texas, said tract beingy p 74.54 acre tract of land recorded in Volume 584, Page 158, of the Deed Records of Collin County, said tract also being 286.398 acres, as surveyed by HarryB. part of Tract "B", Surveyor No. 986, and being more partcularlyrdescr bediasefoll follows: is conveyed in COMMENCING at a point at the southwest corner of a 74.54 acre tract intersection Vofutheme 5center84, Page line58,of a said point being the point of dirt road with the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. No, 78 (R.O.W. varies), and bei a curve to the right having a central angle of 7 deg 20eming10nsec, of a radius of 2864.79 feet,and a chord bearing of N 87 deg 48 min 55 sec, 366.55 feet; THENCE along said curve and along the northerly R.O.W. line of Stat Hwy. 78, an arc distance of 366.80 feet to a point; e THENCE continuing along the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. 78 as follows: S 88 deg 31 min 00 sec E, 556.80 feet to a point; N 01 deg 30 min 00 sec E, 8.00 feet to a point; S 88 deg 31 min 00 sec E, 311.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE N 01 deg 29 min 00 sec E, leaving the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy.78, 776.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 76 deg 23 min 11 sec E, 389.44 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 01 deg 29 min 00 sec W, 877.43 feet to a point for corner in the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. 78; THENCE N 88 deg 31 min 00 sec W, along the northerly R.O.W. line of said State Hwy. 78, 376.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 7.136 acres of land. 9 ` . ^ `. �.. � ' . = ./` ` PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D. PAGE 2 �� L~ Sai d ___ __w*j _ ~^��_____ ___ represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and mad" part of Khe said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witne Me hand of this petitioner this the _ ���p�� :Jay o{ Siynatu.-e Please Print Name NOT' 4 " Address City Texas Zip Tc`l ephone ` , -� ` ` . . . ~ � � ` . ` THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the und ' i ned Public on Lhis day persona] ly appeared _ ___, known to we to be the pers whose name is subscrihed �o �th+ foregoing instrument , and acknowledged h� executed the same for the purposes and consideratio� iherei ' e��presses: u and seal of ffice this the da, l98_��_' �m,mu�mltlmwW .Cornm/::;mawms A Notary Public, Collin /County ��exas � , ` ^ , , . � '.' ^ PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS: Now comes Doucd% D,_ Lewis _______ of the Cour.ty of ____ Travis _____ and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: - i FIELD NOTES SITUATED in Collin County, Texas in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, and being a resurvey of a called 148. 16 Acre tract of land as described in a deed of trust from Sidney Marcus, et al, to O. Addington, et ux, as recorded in Volume 275, Page 173 of the Collin County Deed Records, dated December 18, 1969, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod found at the Southwest corner of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract in the centerline of Old State Highway No. 78; THENCE N 00°04'53" E, 2038. 25 feet along the West line of the said tract to an iron rod set at the Southwest corner of a 1.00 Acre tract of land described in a deed to H.W. Cisson as recorded in Volume 694, Page 615 of the Collin County Deed Recoi THENCE East, 417. 35 feet to an iron rod set at the Southeast corner of a 1. 00 Acre tract of land described in a deed to H.W. Cisson as recorded in Volume 644, Page 64 of the Collin County Deed Records; THENCE N 00°04'53" E, 208. 71 feet along the East line of the said 1.00 Acre tract to an iron rod found at the Northeast corner thereof, said point being in the South line of State Highway No. 78 ( 120' R.O.W.) ; THENCE East, 624. 02 feet along the South line of said State Highway No. 78 to a concrete highway monument found at the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 8°34'40", a radius of 5789. 65 feet, and a chord bearing N 85°42'40" 865. 96 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left in a Northeasterly direction a distance of 866. 7 feet to an iron rod set therein; THENCE East, 474. 86 feet along the South line of said State Highway No. 78 to an it rod set in the center of Old State Highway No. 78, said point being in a curve to the right having a central angle of 6°49' 48", a radius of 1195.96 feet, and a chord bearing N 37°19'48" E, 142.48 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right in a Northeasterly direction, a distance of 142. 56 feet to an iron rod set in the South line of said State Highway No. 78, said point being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 3°50'26", a radius of 5789.65 feet, and a chord bearing N 73°50' E, 388. 0 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left on the South line of said State Highway No. 78, a distance of 388.07 feet to an iron rod set at the Northeast corner of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract; THENCE S 00°03'50" W, 2557. 28 feet along an old tree line on the East line of the sai called 148. 16 Acre tract to an iron rod found at the Southeast corner thereof; THENCE N 89°30'40" W, 2839. 26 feet along the general center of an asphalt county r and the center of Old State Highway No. 78, same being the South line of the said called 148. 16 Acre tract to the place of beginning and containing 148. 5696 Acres of I �r • S,r e; • %k y PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said Douglas D. Lewis - -__ represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g> of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the 9th day of January , 198 6 __ /4 'cjO Si c,natLire Douglas D. Lewis Please Print Name P.O Box 276__........_..___.._._.___.._.__..__......_. Address Austin 78767 City Texas. Zip Area Code (512) 441-3988 Telephone / ~ ' . / � ' � ` � ` � / t � . � ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: - Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared D-Qm9yPM.R,_L-eWis _____ , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me hat he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the ���_ `da� of January � � � ~ � Notary Public' State of, TC-was � ~ . ^ Fj ,„ r J PETITION FOR ANNEXATION { THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes Jim E. McKnight of the Bounty of- Collin and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: Tract I of the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract 841, City of Wylie, Coiling County, Texas. See attached boundry survey by Harry Carroll Surveyors dated January 1985. - • • FIELD NOTES STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN } BEING two tracts or parcels of land situated in the Duke Strickland Survey , Abstract Number 841 , City of Wylie , Collin County , Texas , and being the same tract of land as conveyed to R. L . Vandaveer by deed recorded in Volume 448, Page 178 of the Deed Records of Collin County , Texas , and being more particularly described as follows : TRACT I BEGINNING at an iron pin found for corner , said iron pin being the Southwest corner of the above referenced tract and also being the Southwest corner of the Duke Strickland Survey , Abstract Number 841 and the Southeast corner of the I . Clifton Survey, Abstract Number 193; THENCE, North 03° 28 ' 33" Eastl with a fence, a distance of 4 feet - to an iron pin found for angle corner ; 62, 1.6` THENCE, North 03° 49 ' 46" East , continuing with said fence, a di 's of 472.57 feet to an Iron pin found for angle corner at a fence cornet ; THENCE, North 03° 51 ' 03" East , continuing with said fence, a distance of 108.06 feet to an iron pin set for corner in a fence; THENCE, South 86° 08 ' 57" East , departing said fence , a distance of 181 . 75 feet to an iron pin set for corner ; THENCE, South 03° 49' 46" West , a distance of 626. 60 feet to an pip set for corner ; iron THENCE. South 86° 31 ' 27" East , a distance of 253. 50 feet to an p ►rn set for corner ; iron THENCE, South 15° 04 ' 00" East , a distance of 406. 33 feet to an iron pin set for corner in the Southerly line of the above referenced tract of land; THENCE,. North 89° 32 ' 38" West , along said Southerly line , a distance of 565,00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 7 . 228 acres of land, more or less . (314,871 .087 sq. ft . ) . ; • • • • / d r• r 1 A M V - } Y jd.• L 4 X f. • r PerITION FOR ANNEXATION CONr'D. PAGE 2 Said Jim E. McKnight represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the 8 ' day of January , 19 86 . WIY411 Signature U/M £ °/ i c t+T Please Print Name P.O. Box 430 Address Wylie Texas 75098 City Texas Zip 442-2242 Telephone . ri r ws Our . " THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared Jim E. McKnight , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the 8 day of January , 19 86 . Notary Public, Collin County Texas ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE ; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie ; and WHEREAS , the City has prepared a service plan for the area , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; dnd WHEREAS , after notice was duly given , public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970—A , Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie , Texas : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be , and the same is hereby , annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , Texas , and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City , and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City , and shall be bound by the ordinances , acts , resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : 38 . 13 acres (Tr . 3) and 18. 13 acres (Tr . 1 ) and 3 .89 acres (Tr . 2) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Collin County Abstract No . 1100 and 20 acres (Tr . 6) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas County Abstract No . 1384 - total 80 . 15 acres - located at the corner of Old Sachse Rd . and Pleasant Valley Rd . SECTION 2 . It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas , such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas . Therefore , if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate , distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance. SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , this the day of 1985 . APPROVED : MAYOR ATTEST : CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney A-860 �- D. WILLIAMS SUR H. DOUGLAS SUR A-980 A-292 \____________ Ckc CAS- R• 4` FRED BRUNNER ,7 38.13 AC / \ R. NEWMAN SUR A-660 1 4' •�,�PS\ W. BUTTON SUR JP �. A-860 4-9 oP°a oi 7 FRED BRUNNER Roo , 'i 6.e.✓c5 6 18.13 AC ..;i 6.. LARRY MORGAN 10;10 AC 4 WYLIE ISD COLLIN COUNTY ` DALLAS COUNTY `\ // '"q *C- C....‘ .-3:z. . `. ;C.� itpivl%�.�l./ A , 1,..4i- . 4 .... /e. /�i ii, . ,/!� ' ` ' ^ .� / ` ^ ` ` PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS: Now Om � l����6���_______________ of the County of L������_____�_�____ and the State of Texas, and reprssents� to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, 7e�as, tha| he is the owner or is acting for all of ths owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the fo] lowing described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, descrioed as follows: X#oo�c �L� - ~ ° ` .�^ . . . ' �r .. �� .- .^ ' � �ETIliON FOR CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said represen 1d alI other /��ners desjre to be annexed to an.- WY-1 1 Collin County, Texas, subject �o �� � laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner , thereFore, respectfu that the 1an� above described be annexed to the said City of yjze, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g ) of the REVISED CIVIL S�ATUTE3 OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witn ss the hand of this pet tioner this �heAK day oF _ l98��__. Siynature r ' Please Print N�mr Address T�^ ..........._____ .......... __ lelephone �7/_ ` . ^ � ^ , ` ' ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COL.-IN: Before me, the urg Pub] ic on th/ = personally appeared �~ me to be the persc � wI'���r name is s�bscr� bed foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to oe that he executed the same for the purposes an� conszderatzo' , t^erei � expresses: GiveI unjer my hanb and seal of offjce this the d° , , 198 � .,e*"State mTexas u*r Notary Publ ic , Coll ic� Count Texas u� � ' ~/ \.OD Pr r •N. - . .,•111,1),'40 b•- ty....„'-1( „.,' -V - ' 4 2-fit). ,,,„t.• t• - • . ; . .' 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' . 1:-. ,„).04' i.• -,9k--,5 A---, • • • ..; ' -•-:?.---L:::,-..--I i - . • , • - . %••re. .• • .• %,-.- , tr., .f• • ri• 1 ....r. , •,./11) . ., oe. 7. 11(/ '. • A11617). • i . .:-• • ... , - 17.-1 _P . . . . • ....1 ‘, . s . .. . "• " • •, • ..- , • ' r' c 144, 4' i '' . 1)1 , ' - • ' • (• • .. r -all •:,•- 1 - • . , . •., • . . , - , . . , a• • I .) , .,:' t, .,1 • . . .• •. t) • 41'• ' . q • . • . . .. • • . • • vt d II'rylic .. /12-i IY'50.'16.. -• I.. i- -, ..., , - • . I - ... • ..-• • ' ,o. ...-s:u ,...0 4_c*°.110 :!:.•11 > • . . • ,c,, , .-4., , • '' •• ' • , . . . , . .. n /10';,._,c• 1....1 I < .. / ..,/ AI . . , ,, .... ' • .'" - '- ' • , . . • , • - V / 1 - -. , . , .. . . g 7. .• i 9-Z-1.. , i `` - el 0 , ' - --- • - t • \' . /• " t A-860 D. WILLIAMS SUR H. DOUGLAS SUR A-980 . 3 A-292 R• �`� 4 A' FRED BRUNNER U 38.13 AC R. NEWMAN SUR 1 A-660 S W. BUTTON SUR 4-9 e a A-860� 0 FRED BRUNNER Roo�i '.��i,rr✓cS 6 2 18.13 AC „i /;.; /AC TARRY MORGAN 10.10 AC WYLIE !SD COLLIN COUNTY DALLAS COUNTYc\ \� i// \ %/ / - i / / , Ado .1,4020 It1/Ike,. /-0//d4.7) ' i ' ` � ' lk 414 � PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS: Now�;�. _ ^~ of the County of ___ ^ v and rr�� State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the saidCity of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: �� y1 io "--- ~~ ~` _� �� • • • 15 ACRES - GUADALUPE. DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY ADST. .}# 134 COLL I N/DALLAS COUNTIES All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Dallas, State of Texas and the County of Collin, State of Texas, to-wit: Being a part of a 83. 7 acre tract out of the Guadalupe De Los Santos Survey, Abstract No. 1384 in Dallas County and Abstract No. 1100 in Collin County, Texas, conveyed to Beatrice Burch by R. C. Stone and wife, Dora Ann Stone, by deed recorded in Volume 878, Page 463, Collin County and Volume 2175, Page 160, Dallas County Deed Records, said tract more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at the most Northerly corner of the said 83. 7 acre • tract in the center of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE S 45 degs. 42' W along fence and the Southwest line of the 83. 7 acre tract a distance of 945. 50 feet to corner the same being the County line between Collin and Dallas Counties; THENCE S 71 degs. 44' E. a distance of 1048. 95 feet to corner; THENCE N 45. degs 42' E a distance of 458. 16 feet to corner in center of Pleasant Valley Road and NW line of the 83. 7 acre tract, the same being also line between Collin and Da'l'lasi.Counties, Texas, and the NW line of said Survey, center of Pleasant Valley Road and NW line of 83. 7 acre tract a distance of 931 . 00 feet to the PLACE OF THE BEGINNING and containing a total of 15.00 acres of land. There is a total of 0. 534 acres of land, more or less, within the ROW of Pleasant Valley Road, leaving a net of 14. 466 acres of usable land, more or less. There is 10. 104 acres, more or less, within Collin and 4. 896 acres, more or less, within Dallas County, Texas. 16 ACRES WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY COLLIN/DALLAS COUNTIES Situated in Collin County, Texas and being about 2 miles of town of Wylie and being out of the William Sutton Survey, Abstract no 1275 and a part of a 59 acre tract located in and:' Dallas;.'County, Texas. deeded. to Carl P. K. Nall and wife, By Elzie A. Smith as recorded in Vol . 5108, page 314, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas; and recorded in Vol . 557, Page 93, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly descirbed as follows: II • • • P • 7f • • y • BEGIN.INING at a point in the Southwi::st line of said Hi 1. 1 i. am Sutton Survey, and the center of Pleasant Valley road point North 44 degs. ii_; min. West a d:i stance of :3T. . `f;1 feet from the most westerly corner- of a 10 acre tract convoyed by Carl F. Nall et ux Thomas A. Collins and wife, by Deed dateC April 28, 1964; THENCE North 44 degs. 03 min. West with said Sout_hwest, line of William Sutton Survey a distance o+ 223. 80 feet to a point for corner in said Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE North 45 degs. 57 Min. East a distance of 842. 41 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 86 degs. 29 Min. 09 Sec. East a distance of 344. 86 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 45 degs. 57 min. West a distance of 1104. 12 feet to the place of beginning. A total of 5.035 Acres more or less. BEGINNING at a point in the southwest line of said William Sutton Survey and the center of Pleasant Valley Road, said point being 385. 81 feet S 44 deg. 03' E from the most southerly corner of a 19 acre tract conveyed by Carl P. Nall et ux to George W. Pendergrass et al by deed dated March 7, 1962: THENCE N 45 degs. 57' E, 451. 39 feet to a point for corner in the south line of said George W. Pendergrass tract; THENCE N 86 degs. 29' 09" E along the south line of George W. Pendergrass tract a distance of 514. 49 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 45 degs. 57' W, 842. 41 feet to a point for corner in the southwest line of said William Sutton Survey and the center of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE N 44 degs. 03' W along the southwest line of said survey and center of Pleasant Valley Raod a distance of 334. 39 feet to the place of beginning and containing 4. 965 acres of land, more or less. BEING all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in Collin County, Texas being out of the William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 1275, and being apart of a 9. 00 acre tract of land conveyed to William B. Johnson, et ux recorded in Volume 710, Page 648 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Jo ` ^ ' , .� COMMENCING at a point in the center of Pleasant Valley, Road, said point being the West corner of said Johnson 9. 00 acre tract , said point also being N 44 deg. 03 min. W 373. 51 feet from the most Westerly corner of the Thomas A. Collins 10 acre tract recorded by deed dated April 28, 1964, THENCE N 45 deg. 57 min. E 400. 00 feet to the Place of Beginning; THENCE N. 45 deg. 57 min. E 704. 12 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE N 86 deg. 29 min. 09 sec. E 35408 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE N 79 deg. 23 min. 36 sec. E 100. 45 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE S 22 deg. 12 min. E 55. 13 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE S 48 deg. 28 min. W 915. 38 feet along fence line to an iron stake for corner; THENCE N 66 deg. 25 min. 21 sec. W 320. 59 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing 6.0() acres of land. ' � �� � . V ;i . y4 ' / 'fii , { k P.. r PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D. PAGE Said _ _`_ 1 o10j)' represents that he and all other�ers dais e to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974(g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witn s the hand of this petitioner this the /9/� day of ___ , 198,&__. i - / /././fr._--_-------- Signatur__I ctiz t y____an-41.4r_iti Plea a Print Name Za.c2i_e_'._eigCa-Z/7--1/47/A)Z Address V/IIL -J4 2 9 City Texas Zip /e_,2 - -.9. 2',.5 Telephone .2z . i 4 1.;:: `♦ r G p. 1L, G. f',.r' .s 1 V' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the under2ned Notary Public on this day personally appeared _ �_ � i-2 , known to me to be the person w� name °is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given u der my hand and seal of office this the ./1 }1 day of --- , 1984_. t11;,;! motamMkftedbms 4.,... (,/,/: O//// TT Notary Public, Col l i County exas A-860 \/ ____ _ D. WILLIAMS SUR A-980 H. DOUGLAS SUR . 3 A-292 i I // 8RUNNER rb 8.13 AC \ 7----- -, R. NEWMAN SUR A-660 1 t P+.4'PS ` W. BUTTON SUR \./ ,kJ A-860 4-9 oP°M1 \ o`` FRED BRUNNER ADD. .'G,.ve.s 6 2 18.13 AC 3.6Y AC TARRY MOROAN \\ 10.10 AC WYLIE ISD COLLIN COUNTY • DALLAS COUNTY Q ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS , AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY , ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES , ACTS , RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie ; and WHEREAS , the City has prepared a service plan for the area , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS , after notice was duly given , public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A , Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie , Texas : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be , and the same is hereby , annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , Texas , and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City , and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of • the City , and shall be bound by the ordinances , acts , resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie , Texas . Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : 84 . 98 acres (Tr . 10) out of the Guadalupe de los Santos Survey , Dallas Co . Ab . 1384 SECTION 2 . It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas , such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie , Texas . Therefore , if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate , distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance . SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , this the day of 1985 . APPROVED : MAYOR ATTEST : CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY . , r J.' 1 , •-/� p�, ' M -�,e -- » 553,lo: j5 ,70' 35 j ^1, v • 1 ' 11 MNI l'-•1 4a0.5 � 9.70 �53.I s t' tk • JOhn ! cr••CI• �' • 1 �-1 ,j(� lLA N 'IV/ 0 eae Si e f o �'i• d:3.� s ti O �0 ♦ S3 �. ..f-9.-• °,< < • ' _ �y• N`r` 1,yo X. �3 . '% `\• • J' � _ {!s� 1.3 o ® ; �I`•• ).tiacfy� �.' s f 1 ��°' j ;� o � il!� �� 1 Grob �w to- $ �N 1,2 l3, �.0 $ L` I)j ,, � '..,, 1 . K 1 � jf' J, �. • '•'r"• • • • ` Qc.�• g 1jt�' 6 err,•. ,��, 1.5 r o ti t� to o 'k • :4 j I' ' i,�` ! 1 I Jcho� pP 1 `N y1 fP N Qj N ti�^ • 1, 1 . t; Co f c, • h;} 4)j ( i � ` Noe u• hh Al 22478' ,�. Dth' ���y'1fi3b �6 c7 .ti �n • /i luIf�a T••/( �1�. i,�i �� ; �,• �� , �•. `It"' Afl1 • kOn : ,a.n' 1�'•51b0 (dM a^0Gy. �y1A.''\Vi 0 fb _ _.I _ 1°fk' . ,1 • `i,•, '3• ' _ �• �t N I.• ,� r• (; �� 1 4 .1 f� N 7 Zp `� Y _ `v �Vs""' `D. � ` _ r I /D Jt.t ,'�' 1," ,,• 'j. ,•1 s1 I • 'r0o:�,���Z 4 1 1 M B� • ., ,1 - _; Re ,r.J' DO:'' Co.. w. • SI �It I lt, ,13 ) .i_ t ' � f 34.4.301 366.30' 3(06.30' 3�c,,sd 3lvk30' 3L,6.30' 06 11 5 i :if ' I�9k.�t /•f4/ \ . `�44.30'VJ 14sa • 1f .O• t 4b / 1�. r y .+. 11 r ' . / 1 1 U ,� /• 40 , ') ; t tT., t t • III 4�ti�.�,r,? /�� .. ,i .+ , 41 _i� L �'Ifl J' , r - /L/.oP [ t } 1 y .` 'mot ^, „•A �� ` /�" i r t -� - B. /n�1 q I f %9^ r 1 I .1 pOp�Oi. y . >•= 1. (O' • t 1 0. ; b� > !"fl ,, i r .�•Off' .I S`4so dir . yi.f- k 1 ntv a. � 1 1'� a 41. } h lea l �' ' ~ •' • I i r i:0:1'.J%`K. 9 • • ' `itI4 AR' Lyf" .,• ►:�,r y f ♦•i • '' 1.3 a .�ti,.'* �.' � 11.1., I.14• to`,I, �Iap (.` • „�<t' ,m��ro`I' '� ��� t� • ,' 4 G fl P' 'S/� `'� ± i r5 N rb �L q.�'a96 *'S`' • •I •`t i 1 ,.! 51� 1�'�L/. Y1. �j� (•.r"0"‘,10 ,4.7' •( nLl�f1/ o /� :,. T %: > ' Gp'� 1 �1 `�� iLL Jj1YN �f'� Iti.. 9j;. `. ' it 4 �• ni, 11)1::• ° ' ^p°1 i. ,.y , �i• .1 �`s:i� k. ' � �� # i . s. a! I I t w ,,. 1 k �•,� . '>_ $. also t.•• 1 ,••t .1 1. i , r c • I f y{ 11 . . ,., i . • • i J ' { 1 j t c `C . i -"•••\.,_• �: ' Ina 1,., _>. 11 • 'P�"1T •1 .a•.+«JN.-� ..'L _� .. .. .+..r1J�.- .r.. . �,slit , • P • . _ kI ��' z!/� f....: ... 1. ` _.•Jaw`, a ��.•vwi: •♦ . +. el f. ♦ • 1 1'�'y.L:t • t14G 1' • / . .4,_ '� �:-.,.. s. - 4.G•R2 ' n.s �4 .s'N �� d .D7 • ,, 1 I ' ,,' • J �-. �' t••y- �'•-. . Ar .. .. ~- r•-•• al i.•�-!t'• -fir,- J• t w r-Y ' 4 5 ETTe 1 i , S b•. `..RAVE 11j ` l5� .- •�yt�.i 0 77 1 1 i•("�. • . . f . - PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes ---j,QhM-E~_Ree'd of the County of ____Collin_ and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: <�_/� Z ��' �� PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE . Said John E. Reed represents that he and all othe owners desire the zoning to be changed from _._1d_ • to 8J02i in accordance with therrent Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the --._ 3 t C day of _ ? (GZ- , 198 �.._.._-.--------•-- Si gnature Please Print Name Street address or Sox No. ___WXI.... ._Tex. ._.. -.m98- City Texas Zip _--- - 442.-6980- -Tel ephonee ^ ^ THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the un t blic on this day personally appeared �r - the person whose --��-, known to me to be instrument, and acknn��edzs tsubscribedh to the foregoing for the purposes and~'`^ ^ ig~" " me cnar e executed the same consideration therein expresses: Giver� under my hand and ce this the of _ �/��/7 /\��____, 1q8 ' - _������_��_uay , /� Public , �- ------ ���*�q o�ary Public i Count T---- ' Co� 1Y/ ` ��Q • • • • PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now cores ; 61t-A, 7< , ' (r c/L of the County of -L1 and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, 'Texas, and described as fol lows: r 1 . T / PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE } Said ,.i wX,(.�J ..-t.-1 represents that he and all other owners desire th ring" to be changed from l��wtG u��y",k� to • `� in accordance with the current Zoning Ordinan e and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the and and of this petitioner this thr? day of .r� - _- 1 98 - . J4e4 % Si gnature ,Please Print Name �'f .t C- t J Street addr' esS or-1Box No. J�G r City Texas Zip C, / /__ • Telephone • THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersign d No ry, Public is on this day personally appeared ��_1. 4 ,- !/.�G,_. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the f or€.toy. nq instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given un r my hand and seal of office this the ___ day of ___ of , 1986. 446-/ . 1 ' 12 Notary Publ ' , Collin County, Texas r • • • • • PE l i l l UN FOF: ZUIJlN THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes Walter and Naomi Pair of the County of Collin and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, ;Texas, and described as follows: A 1 acre and a 3 acre tract at the Southeast Corner of Eubanks Lane and State Highway 78. TRACT A All that tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas, being a part of a 41.60 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688, conveyed to Nolan Eubanks and wife, Hermie Eubanks, by deed recorded in Volume 353, Page 315 of Collin County Deed Records, and more fully described as follows: Beginning 208.71 south of the northwest corner of the said 41.60 acre tract in center of County Road; Thence east a distance of 208.71' to corner, the same being the southwest corner of a 1.000 acre tract conveyed to Walter B. Pair and wife, Naomi Pair by deed recorded in Volume 696, Page 29 of C ,lin County Deed Records; Thence south a distance of 208.71' to corner; Thence wesL"a distance of 208.71' to corner in center of County Road in west line of 41.60 acre tract; Thence north along• center of County Road and pest line of 41.60 acre tract a distance of 208.71' to place of the beginning and containing 1.000 acre of land. TRACT B All that tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas, being a part of a 41.60 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey,. Abstract Number 688, conveyed to Nolan Eubanks and wife, Hermie Eubanks by deed recorded in Volume 353, Page 315 of Collin County Deed Records and more fully described as follows: Beginning 208.71' south and 208.71' east of the northwest corner of the said 41.60 acre tract, the same being the southwest corner of a 1.000 acre tract conveyed to Walter B. Pair and wife, Naomi Pair, by deed recorded in Volume 696, Page 29 of Collin County Deed Records; Thence east along the south line of the said 1.000 acre tract a distance of 208.71' to corner; Thence south a distance of 208.71' to corner; Thence west a distance of 208.71' to•corner; Thence north a distance of 208.71' to the place of beginning and containing 1.000 acre of land. '^ / . . � ` ^ ^ ' . � i " ~ ` , � / .� PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes John Robinson of the County of Collin --- and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: , • • • PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PA L Said John Robinson represents that hE:: and :Ali other owners desire the zoning to be chanced unzoned to agricultural� in accordance l,Vla::il the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning subject to the appropri ate laws, rules, and regulations of ,Laid City relating to that classification of zoning. Your, petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL_ STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the Sixteenth dayof December 19S 5 ____ Si. dnat.ure John B . Robinson____ Please Print Name 2305 Brighton Lane Street address or Hex No. Plano , Texas 75075 City Texas Zip • (214) 867-2457 `1.c? ] e p h i:;r,€-. ' ` t ' � � ' ) .. ` . ` THE $TATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared John Robinson , known to me to be the ' person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing ins ' ument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresse"-. Given under my hand and seal of office this the _ 16Q1 _day of December 1985 ~ ASK 10 Z-700 Notary Public, Collin County, �exas ! | ' ' / ^ ^ � PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes of the County of ^ and the 8tate of Tex s, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: /�' �»� w ���� ^�^-` �� ^� PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 Sai dt' represents that he and all other ` owners ' deXire zoning to be changed from _______ to @�- in accordance with the current Zoning Ordin ice and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning' Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS' Witnes his petitioner this the day of ' 6ignatu�� ----------------- Please Print Name ~��__________ 'Street address or Box No- � , � � / -�� 1�^ } -==�_���°�--_��'���_c_______-�:��_�� ' City ' Texas ^ Zip Telephone '�~��' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: At. 6') Before me, the undo si e/ NodL y 'Public on this day personally appeared /- r ' 1___, known to me to be the person whose name is sL .scribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: (3i e (nder,,,m-y 1 hand and seal ( ;/ office this the - day r�f`� ' 1931- _.._. diti, Notary Public, Col 1 i i Count , Texas ( ,.::rf pork,State of Tau ,'Ccn m:ion Expires _./_2 2 �t 1lO PACE SSE �J.� WARRANTY DEED THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : COUNTY OF COLLIN 1 THAT VINCELEE ALEXANDER, a feme sole, of the County of Dallas and the State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration to the undersigned paid by the Grantees herein named , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , have GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL and CONVEY unto B .C . WOOD and wife , NETTIE WOOD, of the County of Collin, and the State of Texas, all my undivided right, title and interest, the same being a one-half ( 1/2 ) interest, in and to the following described real property in Collin County , Texas, to-wit : SITUATED in Collin County , Texas, and part of the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No . 835 and being part of a 111 . 18 acre tract as described in a Deed from H.A. Barger to R. E. Alexander , Jr . and B .C . Wood , dated September 18 , 1945 , and recorded in Volume 354 page 505 of the Collin County Deed Records and being more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the east line of the said tract , in the center line of a public road . Said stake bears south a distance of 984 .74 feet from the northeast corner of the said tract . THENCE south 89 deg . 41 min . west a distance of 2639 .87 feet to an iron stake in the west line of the said tract . THENCE south 0 deg . 00 min . 43 sec . west with the west line of the said tract a distance of 658 .81 feet to a steel post. THENCE south 1 deg . 01 min . 29 sec. west with an established fence along the west line of the tract a distance of 389 . 36 feet to a wooden post at the southwest corner of the said 111 . 18 acre tract . THENCE south 89 deg . 04 min. 26 sec . east with an established fence a distance of 574 . 05 feet to a +Wooden corner post. THENCE north 0 deg . 13 min. 08 sec . east a distance of 271 . 40 feet to an iron stake . THENCE north 89 deg . 57 min. east a distance of 2072 .00 feet to an iron stake at the southeast corner of the said tract in the centerline of the said roars . THENCE north with the center line of the road and the east line of the tract a distance of 798 . 74 feet to the place of beginning and containing 51 . 531 acres of land . • .J. • • PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes Louis G. Reese, Inc. of the County of Dallas and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the following described tract of land which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: As per the attached survey, legal descriptions and zoning exhibit drawings. Ji ,f. .? �i, 1. • PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said Louis G. Reese, Inc. represents that he and all other owners desire the zoning to be changed from agriculture to B-2,B-1,R,MF,SF-3,SF-2 in accordance with the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the /o 4. day of January , 198_5 _ • OPP Si gnatL - i Louis G. Reese III Please F'r i nt Name 5949 Sherry Lane Suite 1900 Street address or Box No. Dallas, 75225 City Texas Zip 214 - 739 - 0202 Telephone } yA • THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared Louis G. Reese III , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Gi veh uraigr my hand and seal of office this the laY1' day of -_ SY , 198 5_. • 1/AS? No ary Public, Collin County, Texas TRACT A Being three tracts of land out of R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 660 and being a part of' 31 . 82 acre tract of land conveyed to Marguerite Bostic by A. 0. Byrd and filed in Volume 502 at Page 172, dated July 16, 1955, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas ; a part of a 33 . 3 acre tract of land and a 32 . 5 acre tract of land conveyed to Gene T. Ruhl and Gertrude Ruhl Raily by Charles L . Ruhl by deed as filed in Volume 602, Page 265 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being a part of a 0 . 164 acre tract conveyed to Gene T. Ruhl and Gertrude Ruhl Raily by Charles L. Ruhl by deed as filed in Volume 459, Page 476 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and a 5. 58 acre tract out of a 20 . 0 acre tract conveyed to Big-Tex Development Corporation by George J . Wallace and wife, Vivian Wallace, as filed in Volume 578 , Page 561 ,. Deed Records , Collin County, Texas, and being more particu- larly described as follows: BEGINNING at a ' stake located in the Southeast line of State Highway No. 78 , said point being North 51 deg. 46 min . 23 sec . East 1329 . 93 feet from the West line of the R. D . Newman Survey ; • THENCE North 51 deg. 46 min. 23 sec . East with the Southeast line of State Highway No. 78 ( 120 foot R.O.W. ) 441 . 07 feet to iron stake located for corner ; THENCE North 63 deg. 04 min. 23 sec. East with R.O.W. of State Highway No. 78 , • 204 . 00 feet to iron stake located for corner; THENCE North 51 deg. 46 min. 23 sec. East with R.O.W. of State Highway No. 78 , 101 . 79 feet to iron stake located for corner; • THENCE North 51 deg. 46 min. 23 sec. East with the R.O.W. of State Highway No. 78 and the North line of a 29 . 506 acre tract 874 . 87 feet to iron stake located for corner; THENCE North 51 deg. 49 min. 41 sec. East with R.O.W. of Highway No. 78 , 103 . 76 feet to post located for corner; THENCE South 62 deg. 03 min. 28 sec. East with fence line and with the Southwest line of a 4 . 95 acre tract as conveyed in deed as filed in Volume 630 at Page 643 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas , 155 . 84 feet to point for corner at, base of large tree used for corner post; THENCE South 88 deg. 04 min.. 41 sec. East with the South line of said 4 . 95 acre tract with fence line , with the North line of said 33 . 3 acre tract, 748 . 53 feet to a stake for corner, said point being the Northwest corner of a 55. 0 acre tract of land conveyed to J . D. Egnew, filed in Volume 312, Page 262 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and said point being set in the South line of a tract of land conveyed to H. E. Minyard and filed . in Volume 719 , Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collih .County, Texas ; THENCE South 02 deg. 13 min. 24 sec. West with the West line of said Egnew 55.0 acre tract and with tree line , and with East lines of said 33. 3 acre and 32 . 5 acre tracts , 2289 . 62 feet to a stake for corner, said point being the Northeast corner of a tract conveyed to • PAGE -1- NOV 8 �Jv_ • Morris H. Patterson, filed in Volume 670, Page 212 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 89 deg. 37 min. 44 sec. West line and with North line of said Pattersoin h tr racce 129 . 77 feet to a post for corner; act , THENCE South 02 deg. 40 min. 38 sec. West line of said Patterson tract, 373 . 66efeetstito th a1estake for corner, said point being the Southeast corner of said 32 . 5 acre tract, and said point being in the North line of a 117. 0 acre tract of land conveyed to C. J . Thomson and filed in Volume 724, Page 64 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and said point being set in the centerline of a dirt road; THENCE North 88 deg. 18 ' min. 36 sec. West with centerline of the dirt road and with the South linethe said 32. 5 acre tract, 1496. 28 feet to stake set in dirt road for corner; THENCE North 02 deg. 13 min. 30 sec. with line, and with West line of said 32. 5 acre tract, Land with East line of said Bill Hackett, 34 . 3 acre tract, 879 . 96 feet to a stake for corner, said point being the Southwest corner of a 31. 82 acre tract of land conveyed to Marguerite Bostic by A. D. Boyd in Volume 502, Page 172 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, dated. July 16 , 1955; THENCE North 02 deg. 19 min. 09 sec. East with the East line of said Hackett tract and with tree line and with 8 . 0 foot passageway along West side of said 31 . 82 acre tract as filed in Volume 73 at Page 84 , 738 . 89 feet to iron stake located in old fence line being the South- east corner of said 5 . 58 acre tract of land; THENCE South 51 deg. 46 min. 23 sec. West with said 5 . 58 acre tract 428 . 85 feet to iron stake located for corner; THENCE North 38 deg. 13 min. 37 sec. West with the Westerly line of said 5 . 58 acre tract 417 . 74 Place of Beginning feet to • • PAGE -2- a- TRACT B Being all that certain tract or parcel of land situated Southwest of the Town of Wylie, County of Collin and State of Texas, a part of the R. D. Newman Survey, Abstract No. 660 and including 32.3 acres and 5 acres conveyed to Glenn Day in Release recorded in Volume 1091, Page 874 of the Collin County Deed Records and being further described as follows: Commencing at a nail for corner in the West Line of said Newman Survey and the centerline of Bailey Road, the Northwest corner of a 2.00 acre tract of land conveyed to Jerry L. Smith and wife by deed recorded in Volume 724, Page 776, Collin County Deed Records; Thence North 0 Degrees 20 Minutes 45 Seconds West with the centerline of said Bailey Road the the West Line of Said Newman Survey a distance of 1102.58 feet to a nail at Point of Beginning, said Point of Beginning at the intersection of an East West County Road; Thence North 3 degrees 35 Minutes West a distance of 20.27 feet to an iron pin for corner, the Southwest corner of a 2.00 acre tract of land, sold out of said 32.3 acre tract; Thence South 89 Degrees 19 Minutes 30 Seconds East with the South Line of said 2 acres, a distance of 251.28 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence North 0 Degrees 11 Minutes West with the East Line of said 2 acres a distance of 451.92 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence North 50 Degrees 22 Minutes 15 Seconds East a distance of 473. 17 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence North 50 degrees 13 Minutes East a distance of 150.83 feet to a fence post for corner; Thence North 39 Degrees 41 Minutes West a distance of 417.28 feet to fence post for corner; Thence North 50 Degrees 25 Minutes East with the Southeast line of State Highway No. 78 a distance of 728.65 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence South 39 Degrees 43 Minutes 30 Seconds East a distance of 417.42 feet to an iron pin for corner, the Southeast corner of said 5 acres; Thence North 50 Degrees 24 Minutes East a distance of 425.27 feet to an iron pin for corner, the Northeast corner of said 32.3 acre tract; Thence Southerly with an established fence for the East Line of said 32.3 acres the following: South 1 Degree 23 Minutes West a distance of 55.6 feet to a fence post; South 0 Degrees 51 Minutes East a distance of 569.88 feet to a fence post; South 1 Degrees 40 Minutes East a distance of 115.15 feet to a fence post; South 0 Degrees 35 Minutes 40 Seconds West at 860.39 feet passing a fence post continuing in all a distance of 881.39 feet to a nail for corner in the center of a dirt road; Thence South 89 Degrees 57 Minutes 15 Seconds West with the center of said road a distance of 371.56 feet to a point for corner; Thence North 89 Degrees 31 Minutes 06 Seconds West with the center of said road a distance of 772.84 feet to a point for corner; Thence North 89 Degrees 30 Minutes 19 Seconds West with the center of said road a distance of 476.38 feet to the point of beginning and containing 37.415 acres of land. TRACT C oCi?Ju all that certain tract or parcel of land situated about 2.5 miles southdest 'of the City of Wylie, County of Collin and State of Texas, a part of the R. D. Newnan Survey, Abstract No. 660, and being the 5.983 acre tract of land conveyed to George Lander by deed recorded in Volume 1438, Page 426, Collin County Deed Records and being further described as follows; BEGINNING at an iron pin set for corner, the Northwest corner of said 5.983 acres and the Northeast corner of 7.67 acres conveyed to B. B. Nelson by deed recorded In Volume 547, Page 20, Collin County Deed Records, at the intersection of the West Line of said Newman Survey with the Southeast Line of State Ilighway 78; TIIEICE North 50 degrees 20 minutes East.with said .Southeast Line a distance of 452.11 feet to an iron pin for corner; 11IE112E South 39 degrees 36 minutes East a distance of 417.78 feet pir. for corner; . to a n iron nl`?10E South 50 degrees 22 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 797.65 feet to an iron pin for corner in the West Line of said R. D. Newman Survey; IlIE,10E North with said West Line a distance of 542.08 feet to the place of beginning and containing 5.990 acres of land. TRACT D Being all that certain tract or parcel of lard situated about 2.7 miles Southwest fran the City of Wylie, County of Collin and State of Texas, a pa-: of the N.J. Hardin Survey, Abstract No. 438 and being the 7.67 acre tract of land conveyed to B.B. Nelson by deed recorded in Volume 547, Page 201, Colll,r 2ounty. Deed•Records and being further described as follows; 3eginning at an iron pin for corner, the Northeast corner of said 7.67 acre :ract of land and the Northwest corner of a 5.983 acre tract of land conveyed :o George Lander by deed recorded in Volume 1438, Page 426, Collin County Deed records, at the intersection of the East line of said Hardin Survey with the southeast Line of State Highway No. 78; 'hence South with the East Line of said H.J. Hardin Survey and a chain link ence with the East Line a distance of 542.08 feet to an iron pin for corner; 'hence South O.degrees 01 minute East with said East Line a distance of 242.00 eet to an iron pin for corner; hence South 3 degrees 35 minutes East a distance of 20.27 feet to a nail for orner in the center of a County Road; • , hence Westerly with the center of said County Road the following; o.rth 85 Degrees 30 Minutes West a distance of 317.37 feet to a nail; orth 82 Degrees 26 Minutes West a distance of 116•.13 feet to a nail; orth 73 degrees 09 Minutes 30 Seconds West a distance of 375.14 feet to a ail at the intersection with the Southeast Line of State Highway No. 78; hence North 50 Degrees 17 Minutes East with the said Southeast Line at 22.0 'et passing an iron pin in all a distance of 1025.94 feet to the place of eginning and containing 7.680 acres of land of which 0.383 acres are included said County Road leaving a net acreage of 7.297 acres of land. EXHIBIT "A" BEING a tract of land situated in the R.D.Newman Survey , Abst . = � F and being all of the 55 acre tract of land conveyed to L.I1. Taylo: by A.D.Hatton, etux, by Deed dated December 17 , 1951 , and recor�c in Vol. 442, Page 247, of the Collin County Deed Records' and be _ nc all of the 196 .5 acre FIRST TRACT of land, all of the 0 . 6 acre SECOND TRACT of land, all of the 14 acre THIRD TRACT of 11and , al _ o` the 10 acre FOURTH TRACT of land, all of the 10 acre FIFTH TRACT of land and all of the 10 acre SIXTH TRACT of land conveyed to Er ' t M.Taylor (wife of L.M.Taylor) and Barbara Taylor by E .T . Standife^ by Deed dated August 23, 1951, and recorded in Vol . 436 , Page of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas , and being more ful . described by metes and bounds as • 6lo's , to-wit : BEGINNING at an existing iron pin set beside a corner tence at the Northeast corner of the said 196 . 5 acre tract , same the East line of the said R.D.Newman Survey , same also being the Southeast corner of the said 0 .61 acre tract; THENCE North 12 deg. 55 min. East with an old fence and hedge 35 .0 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 0 deg . 16 min. West 1285 .0 feet with the East 11 . _ the said 0 .61 acre tract and with an old fence and hedge row with the East line of said Newman Survey to a point in said :: row for a corner; THENCE South 89 deg. 57 min. West 21 feet across a ravine to a point in an old fence for a corner; THENCE South 0 deg . 16 min. East with an old fence for a dista-. : of 530 feet and continuing across an open field in all a distant. of 1285 feet to a point in said field for a corner; THENCE South 12 deg . 55 min. West 35.0 feet across an open to a point in the North line of said 19 . 5 acre tract for a corne : ; THENCE South 89 deg. 57 min. West 1618 . 54 feet with the North = _ .._ of said 196 .5 acre tract and with an old fence and hedge row tc existing iron pin set therein for a turn; THENCE South 89 deg. 56 min. West 1917 . 64 feet with the North of said 196 . 5 acre tract and with the North line of the said acre FOURTH TRACT and with an old fence and hedge row to an e:•: : . . : 7 -: iron pin set therein for a turn; THENCE North 89 deg. 28 min. West 1268 . 31 feet with the North of the said 10 acre FOURTH TRACT and with the North line of 55 acre tract and with an old fence and hedge row to an exist : : old truck axle driven at the Northwest corner of the said 55 ac : tract for a corner; THENCE South 0 deg . 46 min. West 1486 .94 feet with an old fence. hedge row and with the West line of said 55 acre tract to a po therein for a turn; THENCE South 0 deg. 21 min. East 800 .0 feet with the East line said 55 acre tract and with an old fence to a point therein for turn; THENCE South 0 deg. 45 min. West 381. 61 feet with the West 1i said 55 acre tract and with an old fence to an iron pin set ir. center of an old dirt road at the Southwest corner of said 55 tract for a corner; THENCE North 89 deg. 54 min. East 1157 .04 feet with the South of said 55 acre tract and the South line of said 196 . 5 acre tra - • with a new iron post fence built in the center of an old dirt to the end of said fence on the West side of a branch for a tur • : THENCE North 89 deg . 29 min. East 501 .0 feet with the South of said 196 . 5 acre tract and with the center of an old dirt ro::_: to a point therein for a turn; THENCE North 89 deg. 39 min. East 700 . 8 feet with the South 117 said 196 . 5 acre tract and with the center of an old dirt roar an existing R.R.Spike set on top of the East bank of Muddy C-•,. in the center of said road for a turn; THENCE Easterly with the center of said old dirt road as fo '_ ' South 89 deg . 55 min. East 659 . 12 feet; North 89 deg . 55 min . 400 .0 feet; South 89 deg . 50 min. East 800 . 02 feet; South 89 37 min. East 478 .04 feet; South 87 deg. 51 min . East 148 . 78 fee .. to an iron pin set on the Northeast side of a 24 inch diameter • D'Arc tree at the Southeast corner of the said 196 . 5 acre tract a corner; THENCE North 0 deg. 23 min. East 440 . 46 feet with the East line said 196 . 5 acre tract and with an old fence and the East line of said Newman Survey to an existing iron pin set therein for a THENCE North 0 deg. 17 min. West 1040 . 25 feet with the East 1 : of said 196 .5 acre tract and with a new fence built on the sa7.• of an old fence and on the East line of the said Newman Surve . • an existing iron pin set therein for a turn; THENCE North 0 deg. 03 min. East 540 . 28 feet with the East line of said 196.5 acre tract and with the East line of said Newman Survey and with an old fence to a point therein for a turn; THENCE North 0 deg. 15 min. 639.93 feet with the East line of said 196 .5 acre tract and with the East line of the said Newman Survey and with an old fence to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 295.284 acres of land. W R Rose Co., Inc. Real Estate Development&Brokerage 8855 Stemmons Suite 100 Dallas,Texas 75247 634-2255 January 17, 1986 MS. Carolyn Jones City of Wylie 114 N. Bullard Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Ms. Jones: Enclosed for consideration for B2 zoning on a tract of land located within the city limits (annexed December, 1985) of approximately 7.599 acres are two copies of a current survey of the property and a check for $225.00 to cover fees for that zoning. It is my understanding that we are to be considered by P&Z on Thursday, February 6, 1986, and that we are to be considered for approval by Council either on Tuesday, February 11, 1986, or Tuesday, February 25, 1986. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, J Bond Vice President W. R. Rose Company, Inc. .... . ---±—�-- -- SLJRyETYPL4T S! Louis anon Soulhwesle�n Ra„w•ay Co nAony RR S 84°04'50'E. 648./3' l 1 ,Tr ,eO O. ---Survey Line s•e.. sore r•o•.r Bo,. f.I 1 . 1 — _. ^,3 V C.01 l.-� r; ch -03 o,r s,.J' -r . Shed,1, .Se .otiF e ? - 'Z:I hn S0 -. l.n.. S.N 43 C L'�'T f h 0 ` , / _J --4-From* Nem Q a '1 L__t-6Oro/I 41i Scole / /00' 1 r ti `__J S'PO,'p0•.. MOW,* N -r I•I h.v L.A. (SW ve,673,I./.ss! 7. 599 Acres ,- Sbrr, free.r4.� PLACE OF -w rwwo E.+, v.,sil,I..sl-- BEG/NN/NG� - ____ i .� - /uri.IS 5 B9•54'/B"W. —' ,G_i:•,.Ir — J 1 ' 645.39. T sj F.M. HW Y. NO. 544 Situated in Collin County, Texas in the Moses Sparks Survey Ahstract No.84g a• A ',ring a resurvey n1 a 1 .11QL1 di ! !! t464,1. descr ihct !n d dtt,d,_frum r.F . ,lari; V'ory . ., ,.nn n, tylidm el ux t .•cut .ieo iu •,.iume lilt Pestle i4i .tl the cr,IIin cuuoly lire(' • i e1'(' being mire ' 11 ! Iy desc.l iher! a`, follows: RIGINNING at a i" iron pin set in the North line of F .M. Highway 544. Said stake also being in the West line of the Moses Spark. Survey and Dearing North 40.00 ft. and East I . 18 ft. from the Southwest corner of the Muses Sparks Survey. THENCE North 01 deg 40 min 51 sec East, with the West line of the said tract and the West line of the said survey a distance of 546.5R ft . to a ii" iron pin set for a corner in the South right of way of St. Loui', and the Southwestern Railway Company. THENCE South 84 deg 04 min 50 sec Fast , with North line of the said tract and South right of way line of the before mentioned railway company a distance of 648. I .t ft . to n wooden corner post . THENCE South 01 deg 50 min 10 sec West , with East line of said tract a distance „f 418.6R ft. to a iron pin found for a corner in the North right of way line of F .M. Highway 544. THENCE South H9 deg 54 min IR sec West, with South line of . said tract and North right of way of F.M. Highway 544 a distance of 645 . 39 ft. to the place of beginning containing J.599 acres of land. TO THE LIENHOLDERS AND/OR THE OWNERS OF THL PREMISES SURVEYED AND TO SAFECO LAND TITLE COMPANY: THe Undersigned does hereby certify that a survey was this day made on the ground on the property legally described hereon or in attached field notes prepared by the undersigned and is correct; that there are no visible discrepancies, conflicts, shortages in area, boundary line conflicts, encroachments, overlapping of improvements, easements or rights of way, except as shown on the plat hereon; that said property has access to and from a public roadway; and, that the plat hereon is a true, correct and accurate representation of the property described hereinabove. Further, the undersigned hereby certifies that he has calculated the quantity of land or acreaoe contained within the tract shown on this plat of survey and described hereon or in said attached field notes and certit .ies t4at: the quantity of land shown hereon is correct. f ,. November 7, 1 85 y:. s•`n ily ''70../ek/ /' JOHN V.CANTRELL John V. Cantrell 'O6.nti EµEoyQ Registered Public Surveyor ,,C/.'SURVr` Joh no: .i??4-CR4R-II -Ai) • V// .