10-24-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Minutes Monday,October 24,2011—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road,Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum, Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Board Members present: Gary Robas, Matt Rose, Dan Chesnut(departed at 8:09 pm), Cristine Price, Jim Ward and Jeff Harris(arrived at 6:39 pm). Staff members present: Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the September 26,2011 meeting. Board Action Motion from Member Rose, seconded by member Robas to accept the minutes as written. The motion passed 6-0. (Member Harris absent at the time of the vote.) DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Discuss the proposed Community Park Concession Stand design.(Presented by Chris Seely, Teague, Nall and Perkins) Board Discussion Liaison Diaz pointed out to the Board that the Planning Director, Renee 011ie had reviewed the Concession Stand plans and was fine with them. They do, however, have to be reviewed by a Building Inspector. JC Commercial provided the plans, the architect is Charles Lambert.The direction to JC Commercial from the City Council was to build it for no more than $300,000 and to meet the needs of the users. League representatives and staff provided a list of what was needed to JC Commercial as well as the original concession stand plans designed by Jim Wilson Architects. Chris Seely with Teague, Nall, and Perkins noted to the Board that they are not the finalized plans and that the final costs for the new designs have not been received but the contractor has assured him that the cost will be at or under the maximum budget amount of$300,000. Board Comments: • Can the building be turned 20-30 degrees as done in the prior plans? Mr. Seely said it depended on whether or not the water line was in place yet. • Could the sign be arched like the prior plans, if not too expensive? • Add another drinking fountain to the opposite side of the building. • Make sure the ceiling was high enough to accommodate the fans or exhaust fans to have adequate airflow. • Can a floor drain and water tap be added to between the concession windows in case things need to be added or changed later? • Can the standing seam roof be pushed out to accommodate more shelter for park users? • Can the rear door between the restrooms be eliminated and only install the one entrance to the area from the janitor closet and by take out the wall in between the two existing areas? October 24,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 • Could ceiling fans be put in the restrooms to circulate the air? • The Board directed staff to email project updates as they come in. 3. Discuss proposed ordinance limiting animals to certain park areas. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz reviewed his Board Report and asked for Board input. Member Rose requested the addition of"spectator area"with the organized events section after"dugouts". If there is an area not identified in the ordinance it gives leeway by stating or any area identified by signage per the Superintendent. Member Price requested the preposition "in"playground or playing fields was change to"on"to further clarify. This new verbiage will be in addition to the current ordinance under the prohibited acts. All signage will reference the specific ordinance(s). For proper wording it will go to the City Attorney, then to the City Secretary then back to the Board in November and for final approval to the City Council. 4. Discuss Park Branding. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz turned the discussion over to the Board for discussion.The Master Plan approved in 2010 looked at various amenities that should be in each park but provided no specific recommendations on look or brand.The Board did charge staff with getting a consistent look with benches and litter receptacles. Member Price suggested it be on the agenda. Member Price wanted to get ideas for something to tie all the parks together. She thought now would be a good time since we are currently working on the Neighborhood Parks and Trails Master Plans. Member Price showed pictures of different kinds of parking lot striping she saw on her vacation to Branson and asked the Board for their ideas. After discussion the consensus met was to stay with the City logo as the main brand adding Parks and Recreation and where appropriate use the blue and white colors.As the parks move forward the logo should be added to the new items purchased.And add novelty items to individual parks as allowable, i.e., concrete stamping as concrete is poured or painted on the finished concrete, etc. to add character to each park as it is being built or refurbished at little or no cost. Superintendent Diaz will send bench and receptacle examples to the Board prior to making purchases. Superintendent Diaz announced that the Tree Ordinance will come back to the Board in November. He also requested that those on the Trails Master Plan subcommittee get with him on potential meeting dates. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Ward and seconded by Board Member Robas. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. by unanimous consent(Member Chesnut left prior to the vote). ATTEST: NancyWil ' s ark Board SecretaryAnne Hiney,Chair Y