12-04-1986 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA SUMMARY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1986 ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - No additions or corrections. ITEM NOS. 2&3 - APPROVE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS FOR MOUSSA-SWITZER ADDITION - The City Engineer has forwarded for your review both the preliminary and final plats for this development. Mr . Santry states it is a simple subdivision and has been reviewed and checked by his staff and they recommend approval . The location is on SH78 between the Texaco Station and the First State Motor Bank. / L /.a-fat riyll API-91 //tea f} AGENDA REGULAR MEETING PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 , 1986 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1-8 Consider approval of minutes. 2 9 Consider approval of preliminary plat for Moussa-Switzer Addition. 3 10 Consider final plat/construction plans for Moussa-Switzer Addition. 4 ADJOURN • .1 -• .-.. .,. .MT�. .r,.f \'ati'Yl 'F�•� ... .. ..� --... ..x _ .... r ... �ic _ r.. ....._.. .. .w�..�.'��INi.Vk ti..=� +�-. ♦ ] •Nf fir. S'k 7 :: 'S .,. _ . t '�• MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1986 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie, Texas met in a Regular Meeting on November 20, 1986 in the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street. A quorum was not present, notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman Kent Crane, Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney and Bill Chapman. Those absent were Ken Mauk, Fred Ouellette and Ben Scholz. Representing the city staff was Gus H. Pappas, City Mahager; Roy Fairer, Code Enf orcement Officer; and Amanda Maples, Secretary. tjThizOttipg::was unable to be called.Aoio-VrdeP ue :to lack 044.. a quorum. Kent Crane, Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission Respectfully Submitted: ara/gaer=__ Amanda Maples, Secretary liliiik � q 7.' $4 4••' • i. ,.. :• ;;r„ ' . . MINUTES • PLANNING &• ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING • - • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1986 . The' 'Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie, - Texas met in a Regular Meeting on November 6, 1986 in the . . Community Room at. 800 Thomas Street. A quorum was present •; anal.,.foti ce of the meeting had been posted for the time and . in the :Manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman • Kent Crane, Ben Scholz , Fred Ouellette, and Bill Chapman. 2 .:Vi4o=Chairman Brian Chaney and Ken Mauk were absent. Representing the city staff was Gus H. Pappas, City Manager; RorMitres, Code Enforcement Officer; and Amanda Maples, ` •oeur ary. ,. ,.; �. .•, .;.,.g w4s► ;cal l e �-�.kod. , order sat :_ ;OO..A :Wi.3, fai rman,:,,,: ,: -z:4- ' ''en rane. ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 7. 1986 - Bi11 Chapman made the motion to accept the minutes as presented. BenScholz seconded the motion. - Motion 'carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 2 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 256.993 ACRES . ON WEST SIDE OF CITY - This annexation is made up of several • ' different tracts along W. FM544 and north of that area. it includes property adjacent to what has been known to us as the Ben Young property and several small individual tracts that front on W. FM544, across from the Steel Industrial Park. This annexation has been initiated by the City in an ' , - r' 44.4 a lto be able to control business that front along FM544 such as fireworks stands etc. Also, the City is considerinn an extension of a water line that runs aiong FMt.,44 and ti;.ib would enable these people to participate in the extension of that service. Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing for anyone wishing to speak for or against this annexation. Mr. Scholz came forward on behalf of Mr. Woods. He stated that if the only part of the Woods property that the City was intending to annex was the 1 .5 acres along FM544 and between the railroad tracks, he would have no argument. However , the remaining acreage was cultivated and he intended to keep it for that use and did not want it to be annexed. Mr. Pappas added that Mr. Woods has signed a petition for voluntary annexation on his 1.5 acre tract and has requested agricultural zoning. • :�".. .e.f+�f`f. ,' !An..1•gc r. Pappas went on to explain, that in his understanding, " the reason for annexing undeveloped land, into the City, that is contiguous with the City Limits is so that when the land is developed it will be developed under City of Wylie's standards. Being in our ETJ gives us some protection, the plans have to meet our standards if the land is subdivided. However, if the land is not subdivided and someone wants to put an abusive use on it such as a junk yard, there is nothing that we can do to stop him. Further, if the land is annexed after such a use is already established then that use would be allowed to continue under a "grandfather" use. He would not be allowed to expand that use but the use would be allowed to continue. There being no futher questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Fred Ouellette asked Mr. Pappas if . notice of the public hearing had to be posted in the newspaper. Mr. Pappas replied that the only public hearings that had to be posted in the newspaper, according to law, were those held at the City Council level . Ben Scholz wished to abstain from the discussion and vote due to a conflict of interest. Bill Chapman made a motion to accept the annexation. Fred Ouellette seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0 with one abstaining. ITEM NO. 3 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 140.58 ACRES OF FM1378 - This annexation is made up of two separate tracts that lie on the west side of FM1378 and on the north side of Lake Ranch Rd. This is another City initated annexation. Staff recommends approval . Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Bill Chapman made a motion to approve the annexation. Fred Ouellette seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 4 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 50 ACRES IN THE MUDDY CREEK AREA - This single tract lies in the Muddy Creek area just below the tract known to us as the George Lewis property, which became a part of the Louis Reece property. This is a City initated annexation. Mr. Pappas stated that although this annexation was initated by the City, he had received a phone call from the property owner requesting voluntary annexation. n • . h �i ! _ _._�.__._-_a_�ir. __'.-tom_.._ _. -- _ __ __ _. - , Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There being .:no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and - brought before the board for discussion. " Ben Scholz asked if this • was an area that Sachse has contested. Mr. Pappas said that this area had never come up in conversation with Sachse and he pointed out the areas that Sachse felt should be their borders on the map. :-, Ben Scholz made a motion to approve the annexation. Bill Chapman seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 5 - PUBLIC tEARIN@ ON ANNEXATION OF 65.23 ACRES ON v'r- . .- . F BAL.LARD .ST. ;:rhi viiipneXi►tion i**ad ;;three tracts; Y •.c -A which adjoin West Wind Meadows and front on S. Ballard St. This annexation is initated by the City. Mr. Pappas said that he had spoken with Mrs. Fry, property owner, she had requested that the annexation be postponed until after the first of the year. Mrs. Fry lives in Maryland and intends to. fly down for the public hearing, she apparently feels that this is a big event and a historical moment in the life of the land and wants to be present for the event. She apparently has no reluctance for annexation after the first of the year. Chairman Kent Crane asked if she was aware that this process takes several weeks. Mr. Pappas said that he explained the proceedure to her but ..A:`,''he did not think that he was understood. Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Fred Ouellette said that he felt we should honor Mrs. Fry's request to postpone the annexation. Bill Chapman said that he also felt that Mrs. Fry 's request should be honored. Fred Ouellette made a motion to postpone the annexation process until after the first of the year. Bill Chapman seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. • • • F _ 41 A.41L. • .... ...ai•-..✓4600w.!._ . .59. ITEM NO. 6 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 279.028 ACRES 4pN E. BROWN ST. - This annexation is made up of several tricts along the south side of E. Brown St. and one tract adjoining Rush Creek II. Mr. Pappas stated that most of these tracts are owned by members of the Kreymer family. Ale. Archie Kreymer and Mr. Jimmy Kreymer had already signed voluntary annexation papers but he had heard nothing from Mr. Bill Kreymer. Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. There being no questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and . brought before the board for discussion. _ Ben Scholz made a motion to approve the annexation. Bill ' Chapman seconded the motions- Motion carried 4-0. • ,jF •.:j it TEM 11O.'5 7 - PUBLIC;HEAR VW4ON ANNEXAT I ON,OF-620.028;:.ACRES'.' NORTH OF E. SH78 - This annexation is made up of several tracts that lie north of E. SH78 and east of the large tract of which the City Hall property was once a part. These tracts lie primarily north of the St. Louis and Southwestern railroad r.o.w. and adjoin the Federal property annexed into the City during the pastyear 'or"so. - Chairman Kent Crane opened the public hearing. Mr. Robert Alexander owner of approximately 324 acres came forward to oppose the annexation stating that his land is under cultivation and has been for years, he has no plans' to change his use at this time and would intend for the land to come into the City if other plans came along. He requested that only the land along Skyview Drive be annexed for the City to be able to control the road r.o.w. and give him a - ' tax break this year. Chairman Kent Crane asked how much of a tax burden the Agricultural zoning would be to Mr. Alexander. Mr. Alexander said that he and Mr. Pappas had figured an approximation and it was about $500.00. Their being no other questions or opposition the public hearing was closed and brought before the board for discussion. Ben Scholz asked Mr. Pappas if their was any way to honor Mr. Alexander 's request and break up the property. Mr. Pappas stated that in order to do that the property would have to be surveyed and the cost burden would be on the City. Chairman Kent Crane said that the cost of the survey would be more than the tax benefit for several years. • .kiti. + • .; *-7i.F r• 't, ----- .... -_�.... _._ _._------'------------------ -%fir; �''r Mr. Alexander asked if he could voluntarily annex that -parcel. Mr. Pappas said that any tract of land could be annexed that 'could be legally described. Mr. Alexander said that he had a survey of that parcel that he could furnish the City. Bill Chapman made a motion to recommend to the Council to annex the entire tract but that the Planning and Zoning ' Commission would have no problem in honoring Mr. Alexander 's request to only, annex the parcel along the road if he Supplied the City with a survey. Ben Scholz seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. lle�yy v� . :,::,. ITEM NO. 8 - fRECOMMENDATION ON ORDINANCE REBULATINS PRIVATE CLUBS IN THE CITY - Chairman Kent Crane asked Mr. Faires if it would be possible to get around the minimum separation requirements of this proposed ordinance by using the Planned Development Process, as provided in section 2. 1. Mr. Faires replied that by using the Planned Development provision it . would be possible to get around any part. or all of this ordinance but the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council had to approve it. That is the difference in a Planned Development you have the power to make -more or less strenuous demands on them. Chairman Kent Crane then asked if everyone felt that the exemptions in section 2.5 of the proposed ordinance should Nbe taken out of.- the ordinance. Mr. Faires commented that , most Fraternal Organizations have a private club but that is not the basis for their organization. These organizations usually have some redeeming quality that make the acceptable to the community and they have a reputation for taking care of their own. Fred Ouellette said that he felt that Golf and Country Clubs should be taken out of the exceptions. Everyone agreed on that. Fred Ouellette felt that 70% food sales, as set forth in section 3. 1 , was too restrictive because that amounts to about 1 drink per meal . Mr. Faires reported that our sister cities used from 50% to 70%. Chairman Kent Crane said that in order to represent the concerns of a conservative city we should be on the high end of the percentage scale. Fred Ouellette said that he had 65% in mind as a fair figure. Mr. Pappas said that he would get some hard facts from our sister cities to present to the commission at a later date. 4 • • • > _ • ,�`M - .wA v. ...a_ .,.... . ,_. . . ..,.a.�+.a��. ....,.- . . ..;.' - s. k.:. .. .... r ! ,v. z' .r ^ '�! ! —�'•1. _ �.— ---= — -`--^ --------- ..erg.i1Yr i i ( •1,..sue lkt4•r r l.: ..:c _ s---: Chairman Kent Crane asked Mr. Faires if section 3.6 meant only gambling machines or that all game machines would be prohibited. Mr. Faires stated that in' his mind it meant .gambling machines. Mr. Pappas said that he felt that it meant all game machines. Fred Ouellette felt that whether or not a resturant had game machines did not have any thing to do with alcohol and should be taken out of the ordinance. • Chairman Kent Crane felt that it was • a good precaution because when people drink sometimes they don't use good • Judgement and would be more likely to gamble. Gambling is very hard to enforce because an officer has to catch them _ actually placing the bet and it is better to take precautionary measures. Fred Ouellette said that allowing rresturants. that don't serve alcohol to have the machines and -not allowing resturants that serve alcohol to have the machines was discreminatory and may be challenged later. Mr. Pappas said that this restriction is almost standard in ...,t . ."4 - eRceelf014 t ci _the..conserltiws I vi on .alcohol s r Chairman Kent Crane said, while discussing section 6 (Remedies for Non-Compliance) , that he had an idea; if a resturant did not come into compliance with the percentage standards during an audit period, in the next period they should be required to have .their alcohol sales down by the same percentage that they were over in the pervious period in order to compensate and keep a 70X average over the entire year. Mr. Faires felt that this would be unfair treatment and may not hold up in court. Fred Ouellette felt it was too harsh but he would agree to a fine for noncompliance. Chairman Kent Crane said that he would like to be able to enforce this at the Staff level rather than at the Council level because of the political pressures. Mr. Faires suggested that" failure to comply could be considered a mitdemeanor and shall be punishable according to State Law" in this way you could let a iudoe decide what the punishment would be; However , this would mean that only one person would be making the decision instead of at • least four. Chairman Kent Crane said that he felt that this would be abused if the ordinance didn 't have some teeth to it. Mr. Faires said that the ordinance was about as strict as you could be, given the conditions. NO. 9 - PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR 20.08 ACRES OUT OF DALLAS COUNTY ABSTRACT NO. 381 - This property is located within the ETJ of the City of Wylie just Southeast of Wells Road. This submittal represents a re-submittal of the preliminary plat of the Dottie Bateman Development. Mr. Pappas stated that this property is not contiguous and is not eligable for annexation. • Chairman Kent Crane had a question on what size water line this development would be on. Mr. Pappas said that a subdivision of this size would be on a minimum 6" line. I , ,tom . - , --f 4 yf.e.-ue-Y.,r- r i►souat:::._il:. '. c.� '-. ` t?t ictfir,• K' „ t3 1 -.' 1. W `•,: '.yf-ii;g� •f. �# R +h .. 4 �-V . aw .L.i.t : ': •• _ a '- -• t-;'• -•y ..' - • . ♦ - -.. mow•: 'a.•. ,. :, f R fi+W t .2 Si t i?xp.. N lc. !t +. e, s �. r 3 c • - .1 ,'1� j 7;o" ,.i-.'�, -i .�rt. • ..,• .1 Z 2..'i .�Y� 10,'". ''Xdw `�`+�'h ;r • ,� "" '�` ,r_i- - l`+ 'i e4te had a question. as to how the` steets"were ' mead 'fronf to front or back to back? '` Chai A Tent. :Crane stated that the 1S' =,easement shduld . contirI,Ne around the cul-de-sac so that at `a hater date, if. a.7 sewer line needed to be layed, it would be: cheeper to lay*,i t arounde;the ' front of the lots than all • the sway around the property' Mr. Pappas said that there may need to , be an additional easement through the property in case a line needed to be looped*aC:a :later: > date. - • . ,. ' -70►3°Y 'ems. • -,1111 110ilat Made a motion to :accept the peel i mi nary pl at withz#: .e changes- to the 15' easement being carried a round the C E cul-de-sac and the measurements ,y�of the street being l i. r-' - '":_ 7.;1 '. �N- - - "1 Z__.se, odd lit. +Q lam.. �, t ! �t` c , ��.. ..C. 4=0. STEM NO. 10 - ADJOURN - Ben Scholz made a motion to adjourn. Fred Ouellette seconded the motion. Kent Crane, Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission • Respectfully Submitted: .A4- adietiegL_2Z4JAP • Amanda Maples, Secretary • f Nge CZ .-, OF WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 /N/Nci. /7-1 19 S'' DATE Mr. Gus Pappas City Manager City Hall Wylie, Texas 75098 Attention: Barbara Le Cocq, Administrative Assistant RE: __P sic,Mteva1aY_ 11.i4- r .-01 /YousgAi=saV.!rzsie 4b 0Wes* Dear Mr. Pappas: The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. �t Yam' Prel i mi nar-y plat to Planning and Zoning p,.ko1� {Ct- Preliminary plat to City Council dFinal plat to Planning and Zoning Final plat to City Council 0 Construction plans to City Council for construction approval only 0 Final plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement Sincerely, w -' • I. W. Santry, Jr. , P.E. City Engineer IWS/am cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer Subdivision File Chronological File ie CITY OP' WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 DATE Mr. Gus Pappas City Manager City Hall Wylie, Texas 75098 Attention: Barbara Le Cocci, Administrative Assistant RE: ,hi as ?' Ado aSS* — .Swfrux AAA. rie�►/ Dear Mr. Pappas: The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. ❑ Preliminary plat to Planning and Zoning ❑} Preliminary plat to City Council /� 1�. Final plat to Planning and Zoning „... a Final plat to City Council q,,..c`J Construction plans to City Counci ] for construction approval only 0 Final plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement Sincerely, I .W. Santry, Jr. , P.E. City Engineer IWS%am cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer Subdivision File Chronological File